--- Day changed Thu Jan 03 2019 00:01 -!- libertyp1ime [~libertypr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:01 -!- libertyprime [~libertypr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:31 -!- sh_smith [~sh_smith@cpe-76-174-26-91.socal.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 00:33 -!- sh_smith [~sh_smith@cpe-76-174-26-91.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #lnd 00:41 -!- EagleTM [~EagleTM@unaffiliated/eagletm] has joined #lnd 00:51 -!- jungly [~quassel@] has joined #lnd 00:51 -!- e4xit_ [~e4xit@cpc123762-trow7-2-0-cust7.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #lnd 00:53 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc123762-trow7-2-0-cust7.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:15 -!- dermoth [~dermoth@gateway/tor-sasl/dermoth] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:16 -!- dermoth [~dermoth@gateway/tor-sasl/dermoth] has joined #lnd 01:18 -!- dermoth [~dermoth@gateway/tor-sasl/dermoth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:25 < RusAlex> how much do big nodes earn from routing payments ? 01:39 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 01:39 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 01:48 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-xaonnpbconsyxkxo] has joined #lnd 01:48 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] halseth opened pull request #2405: [autopilot] Weighted heuristics (master...autopilot-weighted-heuristics-follow-up) https://git.io/fhmap 01:48 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-xaonnpbconsyxkxo] has left #lnd [] 01:55 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 01:58 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 01:58 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 02:09 -!- e4xit_ [~e4xit@cpc123762-trow7-2-0-cust7.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has left #lnd [] 02:10 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc123762-trow7-2-0-cust7.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #lnd 02:19 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 02:19 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 02:23 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 02:23 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 02:39 -!- libertyprime [~libertypr@] has joined #lnd 02:39 -!- libertyp1ime [~libertypr@] has joined #lnd 02:43 -!- melvster [~melvin@ip-86-49-18-190.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #lnd 02:43 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc123762-trow7-2-0-cust7.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: quit] 02:46 -!- e4xit [~e4xit@cpc123762-trow7-2-0-cust7.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #lnd 02:52 -!- Styil [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:57 -!- jungly [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:01 -!- jungly [~quassel@host97-200-static.8-79-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #lnd 03:24 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 03:24 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 03:28 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 03:28 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 03:32 -!- libertyp1ime [~libertypr@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 03:34 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 03:34 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 03:38 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 03:38 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 03:44 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 03:44 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 04:03 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 04:04 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 04:09 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 04:09 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 04:13 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 04:13 -!- EagleTM [~EagleTM@unaffiliated/eagletm] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 04:13 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 04:19 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 04:19 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 04:23 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 04:23 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 04:59 -!- libertyprime [~libertypr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:08 -!- reachme [5fd0fa5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #lnd 05:09 < reachme> Hello everyone! 05:11 < reachme> I have alnd node running and its showing up in the common ln explorers/maps. Yet it seems that they say it is unreachable. I opened/forwareded port 8333 and 9735 in my router and enabled nat in the lnd.conf. Is there some way I can test for myself if my lnd node is reachable and reacting to queries? 05:15 < molz> reachme, it can't be seen until you have a channel opened 05:17 < reachme> I have several channels opened 05:17 < reachme> (confirmed) 05:17 < reachme> 4 open and 3 more pending at the moment 05:17 < reachme> Im just wondering if I can actually verify that payments could be routed through my node 05:20 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:20 -!- rafalcpp [~racalcppp@84-10-11-234.static.chello.pl] has joined #lnd 05:25 < Veggen> what's your node id? 05:26 < reachme> The URI? 05:27 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Quit: ekiro] 05:27 < Veggen> yes, that's fine. 05:33 < reachme> Veggen you got it? not sure if /msg works inw eb chat 05:35 < Veggen> I got it, and answered. 05:35 < Veggen> :) 05:35 < Veggen> port isn't open, there is a test tool you can use at https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ 05:36 < reachme> wtf okay, need to doublecheck then 05:41 < reachme> How can that be. My rotuer is correctly set up to forward 9735 TCP and UDP to my node, and my nodes ufw also allows anywhere on that port 05:42 -!- dermoth [~dermoth@gateway/tor-sasl/dermoth] has joined #lnd 05:42 < reachme> I don't need a completely exposed host for this device to work with lightning, do I`? 05:44 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 05:58 < reachme> I think I might have a native IPV6 router/connection. Could that be a problem? 06:03 < Veggen> no, ipv6 is different. 06:03 < Veggen> do your node have a local firewall? 06:03 < Veggen> scratcvh that, I can't read. 06:04 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 06:04 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 06:04 < reachme> Its so strange. router config forwards them, and local fw also allows it 06:04 < Veggen> tested from elsewhere on the local network? 06:05 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Quit: ekiro] 06:05 < reachme> My Router says its using a "DSLitetunnel" for IPv4 06:06 < reachme> I even tried configuring my RPi3 now as exposed host, still no chance :-/ 06:06 < Veggen> uh. dslitetunnel seems to be something about ipv4 over ipv. 06:06 < Veggen> eh, over ipv6. 06:07 < reachme> Yes 06:07 < reachme> I have a native IPv6 connection 06:08 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:09 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 06:10 < Veggen> I know nothing about dslite, reading up a bit... 06:12 < Veggen> seems dslite messes up portforwarding seriously. 06:12 < Veggen> so, seems you want ipv6 :) 06:14 < reachme> Is there a tutorial on how to set up lightning etc with IPV6? I have no clue sorry :P 06:15 < Veggen> I think you'd add listen=[::]:9735 06:16 < reachme> In the lnd.conf? 06:17 < Veggen> and externalip=[xx:xx:xx:...:xx]:9735 06:17 < Veggen> yes, in lnd.conf 06:17 < Veggen> or on commnand line if that's how you start it. 06:18 < reachme> Oh I see. I use an updater script to continously update my externalö IP, might have to modify it then, using Stadicus guide 06:18 < Veggen> do your ipv6 address change? 06:19 < reachme> I don't know. Isnt it the same as with IPv4, that you usually dont get a static one from your ISP except you pay a lot of money? 06:19 < Veggen> well, there's no reason not to have it static. 06:19 < Veggen> but I guess some people might try to monetize it still. 06:20 < Veggen> With my provider it's semistatic, changes probably when someone restart a box or such at the isp. 06:29 < reachme> Okay now that dslite stuff and port forwarding issues, definitely help me in understanding the problem, now I know where to look for stuff. Thanks, I'm off trying :P 06:31 < Veggen> honestly speaking, go ipv6 :) I will peer with you. 06:31 < Veggen> should add my ipv6 url too, to my node. 06:39 < reachme> Shouldnt just a ipv6 listening port suffice when I have nat=true? UPnP is enabled in my router for the device 06:44 < Veggen> don't nat and ipv6. 06:44 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-zmzhxhbzhdamvtyn] has joined #lnd 06:44 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] joostjager opened pull request #2407: cnct: use sweeper in commit resolver (master...commit-resolver-sweeper) https://git.io/fhmhM 06:44 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-zmzhxhbzhdamvtyn] has left #lnd [] 06:45 < Veggen> you do have a network internally, no? 06:47 < Veggen> I have a /56 to myself, which amounts to 256 local networks with ipv6 autoconfig. there's no reason not everyone can have that. 06:48 < Veggen> semi-static, as I said. 06:49 < reachme> Yes I do have a networkinternally i jsut disabled nat, in the lnd conf since it kept crashing so apparently it doesnt work anymore :P 06:50 < reachme> I cant even make sense of what actual external IPV6 address I have, common websites for that show me onie adress and my router shows me another one... jesus that shit is difficult if you have a barely basic undestanding at all -.- 06:51 < Veggen> external ip address is probably the box ip address. 06:52 < Veggen> there's probably no nat. 06:52 < Veggen> i.e. each machine has its own ip address. 06:52 < reachme> Can you tell me how I can find out the actual IPv6 address of my RPi3 which is here in my home network which has a native IPv6 conenction to the outside? 06:53 < reachme> The actual address that another human on earth can connect to my rpi considering the firewall allow it 06:53 < reachme> using IPv6 06:53 < Veggen> ip address list 06:54 < reachme> yay 06:54 < Veggen> find the one with scope global mngtmpaddr noprefixroute dynamic 06:55 < reachme> Sorry I know this may be out of scope for #lnd but I appreciate it 06:55 < Veggen> ..if you have. 06:55 < reachme> yes I have such a one 06:55 < reachme> nice 06:56 < Veggen> that one probably won't change much. I hope your provider at least give you a semi-static prefix :) 06:56 < Veggen> might try reboot router and check if you get same ip addresses after that. 07:08 < reachme> Lightning is oeprating completely independand from bitcoin now is it? Meaning I have my bitcoind and lnd running on the same machine and syncing; so my bitcoind doesnt need to be publicly reachable for lnd to function, right? 07:08 < reachme> obviously it makes sense that my bitcoind is publicly reachable, but just for arguments sake is it neccassary for lnd?) 07:10 < Veggen> no, it doens't matter for lnd. 07:10 < Veggen> it of course needs to be able to connect to others to get blocks and transactions. 07:11 < Veggen> lnd also has its own wallet, so bitcoind is only used for blockchain and transaction data and interactions with the blockchain. 07:12 < reachme> thats what I thought okay. So I can make lnd run fine first, then care about doing the same for bitcoind after. 07:13 < Veggen> well, of course bitcoind neds to run fine and be in sync etc before your lnd will. 07:14 < Veggen> it need to connect and fetch blocks continuously, and it needs to have zmq setup as per instructions for LND. 07:14 < reachme> yeah sure, bitcoind works fine, syncs etc its all good. and lnd is synced to chain too and my node shows up with its IPv6 address now on ln explorers 07:14 < reachme> and my uri when I lncli getinfo also shows ipv6 fine now 07:15 < Veggen> oh, you have switched to ipv6? good! let me try to connect... 07:17 < Veggen> not open? 07:18 < Veggen> needd to check firewall and forwarding in router etc, I guess. 07:19 < reachme> thats what im doing right now 07:21 < reachme> My router just takes the link local address instead of the global one of my RPi though. I guess I have to manually input the forwarding IPv6 adress then, but it only lets me put in the last four 4-digit sets, is that right? 07:21 < reachme> just the interface identifier 07:23 < Veggen> that can be ok. 07:24 < Veggen> the rest is probably taken from what your isp gives it. 07:25 < Veggen> so it's actually better in that case, it means it'll work if your isp gives you a new prefix. might need to change what you announce in uri too, but you can worry about that later. 07:27 < reachme> so my ports are set up for that adress. is there an online like nmap thingy with ipv6 options? 07:27 < Veggen> dunno., 07:27 < reachme> Sry, gonna look it up 07:28 < Veggen> worked for me. 07:28 < reachme> yaay 07:28 < reachme> yap for me too 07:29 < reachme> okay so far so good :P 07:29 < reachme> I guess all that I need to do in my externalip configuration is replace the first four tuplets with :: right? 07:29 < Veggen> uhm, no. 07:29 < Veggen> it needs to be specific. 07:30 < reachme> Oh okay 07:30 < Veggen> so if your prefix changes, you need to do more or less like stadicus guide does for dynamic ipv4. 07:30 < reachme> Okay I see 07:30 < reachme> I am gonna wait now and let it run a bit 07:31 < Veggen> opening a channel to you. see lncli pendingchannels 07:32 < reachme> Yeah seeing it 07:33 < reachme> The fact that you can open a channel to me means that it is working 100%, right? 07:33 < Veggen> yup. 07:34 < reachme> Nice, thank you so much for walking me through this and helping me, I know this was out of scope for this channel and I appreciate it ever more :) 07:34 < reachme> And for putting up with my blatant non-knowledge :P Still learning 07:34 < Veggen> no prpoblem. maybe someone else learnt some ipv6 too :) 07:34 < reachme> ;) 07:35 < reachme> I find it actually really good that my ISP defaults to IPv6. I mean jesus how long does IPv6 exist and still so few are actually using it 07:35 < Veggen> actually, more people use it than realize it. 07:36 < reachme> Yeah basically only ISPs have to actually use it right? Then the customers automatically do 07:36 < Veggen> more or les, as long as they have modern oses where that is enabled by default. 07:36 < reachme> yeah also true. 07:37 < Veggen> ..and of course services have to be set up for it, can't talk ipv6 to an ipv4 site. 07:37 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:37 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 07:39 -!- epopt [~epopt@] has joined #lnd 07:40 < reachme> Anyways thank you very much, gonna go now :) Appreciate it! 07:40 -!- reachme [5fd0fa5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:42 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:47 < Veggen> well, gotta go too. 08:19 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 08:19 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 08:23 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 08:23 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 08:24 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 08:29 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 08:29 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 08:29 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 08:29 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@hst-227-49.splius.lt] has joined #lnd 08:32 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:33 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 08:33 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 08:33 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Quit: ekiro] 08:35 -!- aielima [~aielima@gateway/tor-sasl/aielima] has joined #lnd 08:39 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 08:43 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:49 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 08:54 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 08:58 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:58 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:59 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 09:00 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:11 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 09:34 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 09:34 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 09:38 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:39 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 09:40 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:09 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 10:09 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 10:09 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 10:13 < ctrlbreak> Fuck it. Putting another 0.4BTC on my LND node. 10:13 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 10:14 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 10:20 -!- jungly [~quassel@host97-200-static.8-79-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:54 < molz> 👍👍 10:57 < Talkless> ctrlbreak: can I tip you, idk, like, whole 1 satoshi? :)) 10:58 < ctrlbreak> hahaha... sure! Can open a channel to me if you want too :-) 10:58 < Talkless> reddit has lntipbot, it would be cool to have something like tht in irc? :)) 10:58 < Talkless> !lntib ctrlbreak 10 :)) 10:58 < Talkless> tip* 10:58 < Talkless> ctrlbreak: routed is more fun 10:59 < ctrlbreak> hehehe. I should actually go check my tipbot balance on reddit. 10:59 < Talkless> ctrlbreak: but I need invoice from you 10:59 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Quit: farmerwampum] 10:59 < ctrlbreak> I agree! 10:59 < Talkless> molz: is it possible to send 3.14 satoshis? or these sub-satoshis are for routing fees only? 10:59 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 10:59 < ctrlbreak> I think depends on minimum htlc val. 11:00 < molz> lnd can pay sub satoshis but can't create invoices with sub satoshis 11:00 < Talkless> minimum htl.. never heard of that one 11:00 < ctrlbreak> I think LND is default 0... CL I think is 1000... (I've been werkin on learnerin' myself) 11:01 < ctrlbreak> e.g. I think minimum relay by default for CL nodes is 1000msat 11:03 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has quit [Client Quit] 11:07 < Veggen> tipbot isn't that fun compared to LN, but I agree it's good PR :) 11:08 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:08 < ctrlbreak> So... what's everyones opinion in here on 'due diligence' wrt LN peer selection and funding? (I've watched ALex Bs presentation on it)... but i'd like something a bit more specific. 11:09 < ctrlbreak> How can I go about identifying an 'under-served' LN node that would benefit from incoming liquidity? Look for those requesting it on Twitter? lol? 11:15 < Veggen> ctrlbreak: I'm mostly thinking "ok, there's gotta be a lot of demand on bitrefill and i.e. moneni, and then connect there. 11:15 < Veggen> then I'll do a couple of large nodes. rompert.com i.e. 11:16 < Veggen> after that, I'm all set to be useful to those who connect to me. I'll connect some newbies, to a couple of smaller stores I like. 11:16 < Veggen> don't think my strategy is all *that 11:17 < ctrlbreak> Veggen; well, when this is done... I'll have 2 LN nodes, each with 4 channels to 4 LNBIG nodes of nearly max size (I'm using this to balance the 4 LNBIG opened to me ;-) 11:17 < Veggen> *that* good, but it works a bit. 11:17 < ctrlbreak> I've pretty much already done that with my old CL node... 11:17 < ctrlbreak> I guess I could just do the same, but pick some *different* large merchants for my LND node. 11:17 < Veggen> yup. 11:18 < ctrlbreak> I'm kind of excited to have ~8 total channels to 4 LNBIGs with a healthy balance on each :-P 11:18 < ctrlbreak> PHAT ROOTS! Mwahahaha 11:23 < Veggen> there. Added a second ipv6 URI. 11:24 < Veggen> as a networking guy, it's poor laziness that my LND haven't had ipv6 support yet. 11:27 < Talkless> Veggen: is there a point to create connection to the node, but not create any channels? 11:27 < Veggen> not really. 11:28 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 11:28 < Veggen> unless you just want information from the net and don't have any other connections. 11:32 < Talkless> i see. 11:37 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 11:42 -!- libertyprime [~libertypr@] has joined #lnd 11:51 -!- libertyprime [~libertypr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:03 -!- libertyprime [~libertypr@] has joined #lnd 12:10 -!- gethh [uid264798@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gvxdjuafjetvoqcw] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 12:19 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@hst-227-49.splius.lt] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 12:31 -!- gethh [uid264798@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jsukhpumilhenwdg] has joined #lnd 12:52 < ctrlbreak> Talkless: lnbc31400p1pwzua0rpp5tnv4ejcckkjynaklhanfuq7wzyhpwadyfwrz2w4cr9kxr39s3fnsdq623skc6mvv4ehxh6sd904getnwsxqy6tcqcqp2rzjqvww9ygka2m7m4npfr63d8clkev0443tm3gfzgs6hz2luhfkmvqtyzrx9uqqy4gqqqqqqqlgqqqqqvsqjq8eqg8v5ntn5kgmh69arucwxy8sa6yk5kav3n097mwk3swtrkwa64kq2e9r5ft2antzcux69gddf7tjq8mls5xdyxng84fjezp2zxpucqml5ej9 13:08 < Veggen> 3140 pico-bitcoin or something? 13:09 < Veggen> ...or 31400 13:09 < ctrlbreak> 3.14 sats 13:09 < Veggen> yup. 13:09 < ctrlbreak> is what it *should be decoded. 13:09 < ctrlbreak> He asked about it above... Confirmed I could make a sub sat (msat) invoice on my other node. 13:10 < Veggen> it's correct, it's 31400 picobitcoin. 13:10 < Veggen> 3 sat is 30 nano-bitcoin. 13:11 < Veggen> ...was just decoding visually :) 13:11 < ctrlbreak> picoBTC... interesting unit. Is that used in BOLT11? 13:11 < ctrlbreak> my invoices are all listed in msat. 13:13 < Veggen> ....I paid it. 13:13 < Veggen> It paid 3.14 satoshi. 13:13 < ctrlbreak> heh. Thanks! 13:14 < Veggen> "fee": "0", 13:14 < Veggen> "payment_preimage": "e868e1cf38b9eeed3b4a450eb2ace5132ddf78179f10548c7aece734abbea6ba", 13:14 < Veggen> "value_sat": "3", 13:14 < Veggen> "value_msat": "3140" 13:15 < Veggen> but I have bitcoin.minhtlc=1 13:15 < Veggen> ...which is not default, I guess. 14:07 -!- manantial [~tecnecio@unaffiliated/manantial] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:13 -!- melvster [~melvin@ip-86-49-18-190.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 14:15 -!- melvster [~melvin@ip-86-49-18-190.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #lnd 14:25 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:25 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 14:30 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 14:41 -!- Styil [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has joined #lnd 15:12 -!- Styil [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:13 -!- Styil [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has joined #lnd 15:18 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 15:23 <@roasbeef> f 15:35 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:40 -!- EagleTM [~EagleTM@unaffiliated/eagletm] has joined #lnd 15:53 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-hbjzgudbntxpbhxy] has joined #lnd 15:53 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] wpaulino closed pull request #2012: rpc+cmd/lncli: add LookupPaymentStatus RPC (master...lookup-payment-status) https://git.io/fx3ge 15:53 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-hbjzgudbntxpbhxy] has left #lnd [] 15:59 -!- EagleTM [~EagleTM@unaffiliated/eagletm] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:04 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 16:07 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:09 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:14 -!- rv [~rv@unaffiliated/rv] has joined #lnd 16:14 < rv> hi 16:16 < rv> Question: paying your own invoice should be possible in 0.5.1-beta? Im tryin to use queryroutes for this matter but im getting unable to find a path to destination all the time 16:18 < wpaulino> rv: queryroutes does not support routes to yourself atm 16:18 -!- aielima [~aielima@gateway/tor-sasl/aielima] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:19 < rv> wpaulino: oh.. ok.. so basicaly i cannot pay my own invoice atm? 16:21 -!- lndbot [~lndbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:21 -!- lndbot [~lndbot@] has joined #lnd 16:21 < lndbot> test 16:22 < lndbot> You can pay your own invoice but queryroutes doesn’t help too much in creating arbitrary routes 16:22 < lndbot> It’s something you may have to code up or talk to someone working on a tool, like https://github.com/grunch/ln-rebalance 16:28 < rv> ok.. thanks.. i thought i can make it just by simply using lncli payinvoice first, but it end up with unable to find path error all the time. 16:28 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 16:28 < lndbot> no, queryroutes is not designed for circular routes 16:29 < lndbot> sendtoroute will accept and execute a circular route but it has to be formed separately 16:29 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:30 < rv> thanks a lot for explanation. good day. 16:30 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 16:35 -!- rv [~rv@unaffiliated/rv] has quit [Quit: leaving] 16:44 -!- libertyprime [~libertypr@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:55 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:05 -!- deusexbeer [~deusexbee@093-092-178-220-dynamic-pool-adsl.wbt.ru] has joined #lnd 17:09 -!- deusexbeer [~deusexbee@093-092-178-220-dynamic-pool-adsl.wbt.ru] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:10 -!- deusexbeer [~deusexbee@093-092-178-220-dynamic-pool-adsl.wbt.ru] has joined #lnd 17:33 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 17:48 -!- melvster [~melvin@ip-86-49-18-190.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:53 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Quit: ekiro] 17:56 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 18:05 -!- Styil [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:07 -!- Styil [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has joined #lnd 18:08 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 18:16 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Quit: ekiro] 18:20 -!- Styils [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has joined #lnd 18:21 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 18:24 -!- Styil [Styil@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/styil] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 18:27 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-pgeygqemztfnnwrd] has joined #lnd 18:27 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] Roasbeef closed pull request #2369: lnwire: export ReadElements and WriteElements (master...static-chan-backups-lnwire) https://git.io/fhUPp 18:27 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-pgeygqemztfnnwrd] has left #lnd [] 18:33 -!- farmerwampum [~farmerwam@] has joined #lnd 18:57 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 19:01 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:33 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-jiofelkgznjafhyx] has joined #lnd 19:33 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] Roasbeef pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/fhYFa 19:33 -github-lnd:#lnd- lnd/master 237f2b6 Joost Jager: lnrpc: remove ConfirmationUpdate message from close status updates 19:33 -github-lnd:#lnd- lnd/master 6c027e2 Joost Jager: htlcswitch: remove lnrpc dependency... 19:33 -github-lnd:#lnd- lnd/master 552a9b7 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: Merge pull request #2357 from joostjager/remove-lnrpc-dep... 19:33 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-jiofelkgznjafhyx] has left #lnd [] 19:33 -!- bitdex [~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex] has joined #lnd 19:36 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-zczdztwtzqkjplgl] has joined #lnd 19:36 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] cfromknecht opened pull request #2411: netann: channel status manager (master...chan-status-manager) https://git.io/fhYFi 19:36 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-zczdztwtzqkjplgl] has left #lnd [] 19:52 -!- cluelessperson [~cluelessp@unaffiliated/cluelessperson] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:57 -!- cluelessperson [~cluelessp@unaffiliated/cluelessperson] has joined #lnd 20:11 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 21:14 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-wfgxizukmdhuabzh] has joined #lnd 21:14 -github-lnd:#lnd- [lnd] Roasbeef opened pull request #2412: lnwire+peer: fully validate node aliases on the wire, don't d/c due to invalid aliases (master...node-alias-validation) https://git.io/fhYAK 21:14 -!- github-lnd [github-lnd@gateway/service/github.com/x-wfgxizukmdhuabzh] has left #lnd [] 21:14 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 21:26 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 21:31 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Quit: ekiro] 21:32 < lndbot> ff 21:35 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has joined #lnd 21:38 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:50 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 22:01 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 22:07 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 22:26 -!- CubicEarth [~CubicEart@c-73-181-185-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:26 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:27 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd 22:29 -!- CubicEarth [~CubicEart@c-73-181-185-197.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #lnd 22:32 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 22:45 -!- ekiro [~ekiro@unaffiliated/ekiro] has quit [Quit: ekiro] 23:29 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:30 -!- manantial [~tecnecio@] has joined #lnd 23:30 -!- manantial [~tecnecio@] has quit [Changing host] 23:30 -!- manantial [~tecnecio@unaffiliated/manantial] has joined #lnd 23:32 -!- ddustin [~ddustin@unaffiliated/ddustin] has joined #lnd 23:59 -!- thomasanderson [~thomasand@] has joined #lnd