--- Log opened Fri Jul 30 00:00:23 2021 00:51 -!- TechMiX [~techtux@] has joined #lnd 00:54 < TechMiX> Hi, I've created a node with lnd. I have opened channel to some big nodes like walletofsatoshi and others. I used these channels to send payment out, and I have gained some amounts of inbound capacity through these channels. But the thing is, no body can pay my invoices. It seems that they can't find a route to my node even though I have enough inbound capacity to receive those payments. Should I do something special to teach those nodes ab 00:54 < TechMiX> out my node and the capacity I have? Don't they learn it by themselves? I've already waited some days but I still can't receive payments. 01:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 01:04 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero merged pull request #5573: routing: fix race in TestSendMPPaymentFailed (master...5530-payment-test-race) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/5573 01:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 01:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 01:04 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero pushed 3 commits to master: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/ebabda671786...6906c838edb3 01:04 < lnd-bot> lnd/master 4674705 yyforyongyu: routing: fix race in TestSendMPPaymentFailed 01:04 < lnd-bot> lnd/master 3005207 yyforyongyu: docs: update release notes for #5573 01:04 < lnd-bot> lnd/master 6906c83 Oliver Gugger: Merge pull request #5573 from yyforyongyu/5530-payment-test-race 01:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 01:14 -!- TechMiX [~techtux@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 01:16 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 01:16 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero opened pull request #5588: make: disable itest error whitelist check (master...disable-itest-err-whitelist) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/5588 01:16 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 01:24 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 01:24 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero merged pull request #5588: make: disable itest error whitelist check (master...disable-itest-err-whitelist) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/5588 01:24 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 01:24 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 01:24 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero pushed 2 commits to master: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/6906c838edb3...9331a259d8c1 01:24 < lnd-bot> lnd/master 3d9d985 Oliver Gugger: make: disable itest error whitelist check 01:24 < lnd-bot> lnd/master 9331a25 Oliver Gugger: Merge pull request #5588 from guggero/disable-itest-err-whitelist 01:24 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 02:02 -!- sharperguy_ [~sharpergu@2001:1438:4010:3101:10a::3133] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:23 -!- EagleTM [~EagleTM@user/eagletm] has joined #lnd 03:20 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 03:20 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero opened pull request #5590: mod+mobile: fix tool imports for gomobile (master...fix-mobile) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/5590 03:20 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 03:43 -!- sharperguy_ [~sharpergu@] has joined #lnd 03:44 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:44 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has joined #lnd 03:48 -!- sharperguy_ [~sharpergu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 04:50 -!- bitdex [~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex] has quit [Quit: = ""] 06:23 -!- Guest76 [~Guest76@] has joined #lnd 06:25 -!- Guest76 [~Guest76@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:25 -!- snuck [~sneak@datavi.be] has joined #lnd 06:27 -!- waxwing_ [~waxwing@] has joined #lnd 06:34 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: waxwing, sneak 07:12 -!- berndj [~berndj@ns2.linksynergy.co.za] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:51 -!- berndj [~berndj@ns1.linksynergy.co.za] has joined #lnd 07:57 -!- sharperguy [~sharpergu@2001:1438:4010:3101:10a::3133] has joined #lnd 08:01 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:02 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has joined #lnd 08:22 -!- Jackielove4u [uid43977@user/jackielove4u] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 08:28 -!- sharperguy [~sharpergu@2001:1438:4010:3101:10a::3133] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:40 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has joined #lnd 08:43 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 08:43 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Crypt-iQ opened pull request #5591: rpcserver: validate FinalCltvDelta and CltvLimit for REST (master...rest_sendpayment_fix_07302021) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/5591 08:43 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 09:29 -!- Guest3 [~Guest3@] has joined #lnd 09:29 -!- Guest3 [~Guest3@] has quit [Client Quit] 09:59 -!- jarthur [~jarthur@2603-8080-1540-002d-04f3-22d4-21b0-5129.res6.spectrum.com] has joined #lnd 10:34 < shiza> /buffer 1 11:06 -!- jarthur [~jarthur@2603-8080-1540-002d-04f3-22d4-21b0-5129.res6.spectrum.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:11 -!- jarthur [~jarthur@2603-8080-1540-002d-5820-3b18-1b1d-34b9.res6.spectrum.com] has joined #lnd 11:52 -!- hex17or [~hex17or@gateway/tor-sasl/hex17or] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:57 -!- hex17or [~hex17or@gateway/tor-sasl/hex17or] has joined #lnd 12:15 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:16 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has joined #lnd 16:17 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:50 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 17:11 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has joined #lnd 17:13 -!- belcher_ [~belcher@user/belcher] has joined #lnd 17:17 -!- belcher [~belcher@user/belcher] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:26 -!- MalkbabY [MalkbabY@user/malkbaby] has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 17:31 -!- jarthur [~jarthur@2603-8080-1540-002d-5820-3b18-1b1d-34b9.res6.spectrum.com] has quit [Quit: jarthur] 17:38 -!- jetpack [~jetpack@2605:2700:1:100e:ddb4:196e:c17a:3b92] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:38 -!- jetpack [~jetpack@2605:2700:1:100e:ddb4:196e:c17a:3b92] has joined #lnd 18:10 -!- Eagle[TM] [~EagleTM@user/eagletm/x-8570447] has joined #lnd 18:12 -!- EagleTM [~EagleTM@user/eagletm] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:02 -!- freesprung [~freesprun@136-25-131-81.cab.webpass.net] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 19:02 -!- freesprung [~freesprun@136-25-131-81.cab.webpass.net] has joined #lnd --- Log closed Sat Jul 31 00:00:25 2021