--- Log opened Wed Jun 26 00:00:36 2024 01:11 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 01:11 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero pushed 1 commit to custom-chans-feature-bit: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/e20bf668809f...208a1da8f1e2 01:11 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 208a1da Oliver Gugger: funding: add SIMPLE_TAPROOT_OVERLAY to fundmax test 01:11 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 04:38 -!- ctrlbreak_MAD [~ctrlbreak@] has joined #lnd 04:42 -!- cltrbreak_MAD2 [~ctrlbreak@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:48 -!- jon_atack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has joined #lnd 05:49 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:35 -!- bitdex [~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:36 -!- bitdex [~bitdex@gateway/tor-sasl/bitdex] has joined #lnd 06:53 -!- jespada [~jespada@cpc121308-nmal25-2-0-cust15.19-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 06:55 -!- jespada [~jespada@] has joined #lnd 07:05 -!- jespada [~jespada@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:08 -!- jespada [~jespada@cpc121308-nmal25-2-0-cust15.19-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #lnd 07:25 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 07:25 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero opened pull request #8871: multi: don't ignore node announcement of channel peer (0-19-staging...announcement-unknown) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8871 07:25 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 07:49 -!- jespada_ [~jespada@cpc121308-nmal25-2-0-cust15.19-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #lnd 07:51 -!- jespada [~jespada@cpc121308-nmal25-2-0-cust15.19-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:02 -!- jespada [~jespada@cpc121308-nmal25-2-0-cust15.19-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #lnd 09:03 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 09:03 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic pushed 1 commit to startup-time-monitoring: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/commit/66eba874c3c8 09:03 < lnd-bot> lndmon/startup-time-monitoring 66eba87 djkazic: collectors: add StateCollector 09:03 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 09:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 09:04 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic opened pull request #108: [HOLD] collectors: add StateCollector (master...startup-time-monitoring) https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/pull/108 09:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 09:05 -!- jespada_ [~jespada@cpc121308-nmal25-2-0-cust15.19-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 09:21 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 09:21 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic force pushed 1 commit to startup-time-monitoring: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/compare/66eba874c3c8...aba3709b3098 09:21 < lnd-bot> lndmon/startup-time-monitoring aba3709 djkazic: collectors: add StateCollector 09:21 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 09:47 -!- ctrlbreak_MAD [~ctrlbreak@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:48 -!- ctrlbreak_MAD [~ctrlbreak@] has joined #lnd 10:03 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has joined #lnd 11:28 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 11:28 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic force pushed 1 commit to startup-time-monitoring: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/compare/aba3709b3098...409e1a750d98 11:28 < lnd-bot> lndmon/startup-time-monitoring 409e1a7 djkazic: collectors: add StateCollector 11:28 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 11:59 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 11:59 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic pushed 1 commit to startup-time-monitoring: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/compare/409e1a750d98...227b84767bea 11:59 < lnd-bot> lndmon/startup-time-monitoring 227b847 djkazic: collectors: wait for SERVER_ACTIVE 11:59 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 12:12 -!- Talkless [~Talkless@mail.dargis.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:30 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 12:30 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic force pushed 0 commit to startup-time-monitoring: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/compare/227b84767bea...409e1a750d98 12:30 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 13:01 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 13:01 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero pushed 12 commits to 0-19-staging: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/4e968d9b520c...a460d683f3ea 13:01 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging 1b6f42a Olaoluwa Osuntokun: build: bump version to v0.18.0-beta.rc4 13:01 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging fce2ef1 Keagan McClelland: scripts: add gpg key for proofofkeags [skip ci] 13:01 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging c95505d Oliver Gugger: fn: add Result type 13:01 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 13:11 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 13:11 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero closed pull request #8871: multi: don't ignore node announcement of channel peer (0-19-staging...announcement-unknown) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8871 13:11 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 14:02 -!- HumanG33k [~HumanG33k@] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 3.8] 14:04 -!- HumanG33k [~HumanG33k@] has joined #lnd 14:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 14:04 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero pushed 1 commit to remove-tlv-feature-bit-check: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/commit/034df60aaa3d 14:04 < lnd-bot> lnd/remove-tlv-feature-bit-check 034df60 Oliver Gugger: routing: assume TLV payloads everywhere 14:04 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 14:05 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 14:05 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero opened pull request #8873: routing: remove TLV feature bit check (0-19-staging...remove-tlv-feature-bit-check) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8873 14:05 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 14:33 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 14:33 < lnd-bot> [lnd] ellemouton opened pull request #8874: routing: remove left over TLV feature bit checks (master...assumeTLV2) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8874 14:33 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 14:43 -!- Torr [~Torr@user/torr] has joined #lnd 14:47 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 14:47 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero merged pull request #8873: routing: remove TLV feature bit check (0-19-staging...remove-tlv-feature-bit-check) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8873 14:47 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 14:47 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 14:47 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero pushed 2 commits to 0-19-staging: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/a460d683f3ea...a3a50c3a6975 14:47 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging 034df60 Oliver Gugger: routing: assume TLV payloads everywhere 14:47 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging a3a50c3 Oliver Gugger: Merge pull request #8873 from lightningnetwork/remove-tlv-feature-bit-chec... 14:47 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 14:47 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 14:47 < lnd-bot> [lnd] guggero deleted remove-tlv-feature-bit-check: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/034df60aaa3d...000000000000 14:47 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 16:18 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 16:18 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Roasbeef force pushed 7 commits to custom-chans-feature-bit: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/208a1da8f1e2...72043a88b3ac 16:18 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 4e2014f Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwire: add new taproot chans overlay feature bit 16:18 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 1886ac9 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: feature: add awareness of new taproot chans overlay feature bit 16:18 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 1ebc587 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: funding: add chan type awareness for new taproot chans overlay 16:18 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 17:31 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 17:31 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Roasbeef force pushed 8 commits to custom-chans-feature-bit: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/72043a88b3ac...881a3aceb0bb 17:31 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit a947bea Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwire: add new taproot chans overlay feature bit 17:31 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit ca1450c Olaoluwa Osuntokun: feature: add awareness of new taproot chans overlay feature bit 17:31 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 2bbc893 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: funding: add chan type awareness for new taproot chans overlay 17:31 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 17:40 -!- chovy_ [~chovy@] has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:40 -!- chovy_ [~chovy@] has joined #lnd 17:44 -!- chovy_ [~chovy@] has quit [Client Quit] 17:56 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 17:56 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Roasbeef force pushed 8 commits to custom-chans-feature-bit: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/881a3aceb0bb...2b51b2f0bfcb 17:56 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 1e33cfd Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwire: add new taproot chans overlay feature bit 17:56 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 9810e9d Olaoluwa Osuntokun: feature: add awareness of new taproot chans overlay feature bit 17:56 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit ec01bdd Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwallet: add awareness of taproot overlay chan type to reservations 17:56 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 17:59 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 17:59 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Roasbeef force pushed 8 commits to custom-chans-feature-bit: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/2b51b2f0bfcb...61d8b98aea82 17:59 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit bd26cbd Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwire: add new taproot chans overlay feature bit 17:59 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 04a798b Olaoluwa Osuntokun: feature: add awareness of new taproot chans overlay feature bit 17:59 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 64dfc74 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwallet: add awareness of taproot overlay chan type to reservations 17:59 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 18:13 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 18:13 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Roasbeef force pushed 8 commits to custom-chans-feature-bit: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/61d8b98aea82...c7487095ce88 18:13 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit a9761f7 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwire: add new taproot chans overlay feature bit 18:13 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit 5c4dc2e Olaoluwa Osuntokun: feature: add awareness of new taproot chans overlay feature bit 18:13 < lnd-bot> lnd/custom-chans-feature-bit a222878 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwallet: add awareness of taproot overlay chan type to reservations 18:13 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 18:53 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 18:53 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic force pushed 1 commit to startup-time-monitoring: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/compare/409e1a750d98...7d39d0d4d87a 18:53 < lnd-bot> lndmon/startup-time-monitoring 7d39d0d djkazic: collectors: add StateCollector 18:53 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 19:13 -!- Torr [~Torr@user/torr] has quit [Quit: Torr] 19:16 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 19:16 < lnd-bot> [lndmon] djkazic force pushed 1 commit to startup-time-monitoring: https://github.com/lightninglabs/lndmon/compare/7d39d0d4d87a...bac6bdab5def 19:16 < lnd-bot> lndmon/startup-time-monitoring bac6bda djkazic: collectors: add StateCollector 19:16 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 19:41 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 19:41 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Roasbeef merged pull request #8867: multi: add taproot chans overlay feature bit (0-19-staging...custom-chans-feature-bit) https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/8867 19:41 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 19:41 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has joined #lnd 19:41 < lnd-bot> [lnd] Roasbeef pushed 9 commits to 0-19-staging: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/compare/a3a50c3a6975...9eec9b504509 19:41 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging a9761f7 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwire: add new taproot chans overlay feature bit 19:41 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging 5c4dc2e Olaoluwa Osuntokun: feature: add awareness of new taproot chans overlay feature bit 19:41 < lnd-bot> lnd/0-19-staging a222878 Olaoluwa Osuntokun: lnwallet: add awareness of taproot overlay chan type to reservations 19:41 -!- lnd-bot [~lnd-bot@] has left #lnd [] 19:47 -!- jon_atack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 19:50 -!- jonatack [~jonatack@user/jonatack] has joined #lnd 22:10 -!- Asara [~Asara@user/asara] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:15 -!- Asara [~Asara@user/asara] has joined #lnd --- Log closed Thu Jun 27 00:00:36 2024