--- Log opened Fri May 24 00:00:04 2024 01:26 -!- flooded [flooded@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/flood/x-43489060] has joined #hplusroadmap 01:28 -!- _flood [flooded@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/flood/x-43489060] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:05 -!- darsie [~darsie@84-112-12-36.cable.dynamic.surfer.at] has joined #hplusroadmap 04:28 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:42 < TMA> NewtonTrendy: if he were a mouse 04:43 < fenn> smh, i said i'd help with a harebrained startup and now the rationalists are trying to brainwash me 04:44 < fenn> david sinclair can be fast and loose with words sometimes 04:46 < fenn> do they really not have a transcript 04:47 < kanzure_> fenn: what are the latest advancements in brainwashing technology? 04:48 < fenn> the latest brainwashing tech is our first project i guess: https://chat.aisafety.info/ 04:48 < fenn> (the task is to fix it, someone else built it) 04:53 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has joined #hplusroadmap 05:02 < NewtonTrendy> is he fast and loose in terms of honest but quick or in terms of inaccurate? 05:03 < kanzure_> iirc inaccuracy is why david sinclair is not liked by other researchers 05:03 < fenn> well OSK yamanaka factors DO reset the epigenetic state to a more "youthful" value, but we don't know if that actually makes humans live longer 05:03 < NewtonTrendy> whats wrong with people all wanting gene editing treatment and technology? 05:03 < fenn> there's nothing wrong with it, and anyone telling you otherwise is basically trying to kill you 05:04 < NewtonTrendy> He suggests that its likely, and saying that isnt proof it wont. in fact this is a suggestion that its likely it would 05:04 < fenn> it's a promising approach, and aligns with my understanding (programmed theory of aging) 05:04 < kanzure_> except for all the cancer that chugging some yamanaka factors causes 05:04 < fenn> that's why you don't go back very far 05:05 < kanzure_> also, there are no near-term adult gene therapy techniques to edit all the stem cells in your body 05:05 < fenn> a rejuvenated thymus will help with cancer. is it enough? i dunno 05:05 < NewtonTrendy> so whats with the quick suggestions of irrationality at the mention of the technology? 05:06 < fenn> because normies are stupid? 05:06 < NewtonTrendy> can you explain why that matters given that there is no problem with people liking the idea of genome editing? 05:07 < kanzure_> what is the specific thing you are wondering about 05:07 < NewtonTrendy> at the moment, the last thing i asked 05:07 < fenn> the most vocal and politically active people are on the extreme left and right ends of the political spectrum. both extremes dislike gene editing for different reasons 05:07 < NewtonTrendy> why does it get suggestions of irrationality followed by its good if people want it 05:07 < NewtonTrendy> makes us think of fair ways of doing it 05:07 < kanzure_> what does fairness have anything to do with it? 05:08 < NewtonTrendy> im surprised why you think both extremes dislike gene editing? 05:08 < fenn> fairness because that's the left's objection 05:08 < fenn> the right, i dunno "god" or something 05:08 < kanzure_> is NewtonTrendy specifically asking about politics though? i'm very confused about this conversation. 05:09 < NewtonTrendy> kanzure_: because it means we saves lives and achive overall human goals, ie we dont kill off 98% of the work force 05:09 < fenn> or some kind of disgust reaction / aesthetic argument 05:09 < kanzure_> if you want to kill off 98% of the work force, then you are going to need to seek other methods 05:09 < NewtonTrendy> its just a conversation, each point stands on its own 05:10 < NewtonTrendy> the radio does mention a few times that nuclear war is likely within 20 years 05:10 < kanzure_> are you in the longevity field- like are you a postdoc on anti-aging or some other role? 05:10 < NewtonTrendy> absolutly not 05:10 < NewtonTrendy> I didnt even do biology at gcse 05:11 < NewtonTrendy> but im very interested, and i've been reading DK's consice anoatomy. I'm a digital inventor and facilitator 05:11 < NewtonTrendy> I'm thinking about things like mass phsychological treatment/therapy with llms 06:22 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> >fenn I think you misanalyze the extreme right by missing the growing eugenicist section which is very much for and actually centralizes its belief around topics like gene editing. In other words, the "secular right" 06:22 -!- gl00ten [~gl00ten@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:22 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> There are accounts on xitter in this vein with 100ks of followers 06:23 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> plus the new "amarnites" 06:26 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I think both left and right extremes have potential to start forming new ideologies inclusive of things like gene editing, and when that happens they'll seem to come from nowhere and blitz to power 06:31 < fenn> what's a "amarnite" 06:32 < fenn> i wouldn't call scientific eugenics "extreme right" 06:33 < fenn> most frothing nazis have no real understanding of genetics, almost by definition because nazi-ism is based on outdated concepts of race 06:34 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> amarnite is some very young (like below 18) group. I don't know much but they have a forum you can look at 06:34 < fenn> is there a reason i should care 06:34 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> what would you call extreme right then? I would say people who consider mass sterilizations are "extreme right" tbh 06:34 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> which I see a lot 06:35 < fenn> communists did it too 06:35 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> lol that is a nice horseshoe 06:35 < kanzure_> i think you two have different definitions of extreme right 06:35 < fenn> btw when i say eugenics i don't mean forced sterilization 06:36 < kanzure_> pinkbearer seems to be talking about recent online communities? 06:36 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> you should probably care because they're growing pretty fast and will be fairly prominent soon I believe 06:36 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I don't mean forced sterilization by eugenics either, I'm just discussing people who do. Or mass extermination 06:36 < fenn> i mean taking charge of our destiny, not letting random chance and runaway attractors shape the gene pool 06:37 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Right. I think similarly 06:38 < fenn> no way in hell this was written by an 18 year old https://amarna-forum.net/t-Eugenics 06:39 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> You'd be surprised. I'm basing that claim off a poll I saw which had below 18s as like >70% 06:43 < kanzure_> young people are often underestimated :| 06:50 < fenn> i'd believe all the replies are <18 06:50 < fenn> these guys are all still very much in a "race" mindset 06:50 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> >kanzure I'm 20 myself haha 06:51 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> What do you think is wrong with the "race" mindset, fenn? Would like to hear your take 06:53 < fenn> would you take an image and quantize it into 4 colors? 06:54 < hprmbridge> kanzure> it doesn't matter if you can genetically engineer progeny 06:55 -!- flooded is now known as _flood 06:55 < fenn> an RGB image only has 3 color channels, but a genome has 100,000 or 3 billion 06:55 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> That’s a fair point, I saw it as just a way to interpret groupings of ancestry (which do clump together). You’re talking about the older caucasoid, mongoloid, etc right? 06:56 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I think there are a lot more “races” than that but I agree it’s not reaaaallly useful scientifically since it’s so insubstantial 06:56 < fenn> so we're going from a space with (3 billion)^4 = 10^38 possibilities, to 4, or 7, or whatever 06:56 < hprmbridge> kanzure> fenn what argument do you think is being advanced there? 06:57 < fenn> in the amarna link? 06:57 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> If you include ethnicity as a subdomain I think “race” can be a useful term 06:57 < hprmbridge> kanzure> if you have lousy biology it makes sense to want to change it 06:57 < hprmbridge> kanzure> and most biology is broken 06:57 < fenn> yes, i'm not even considering additions or deletions 06:58 < fenn> but purely from a breeding program viewpoint, "race" as a criterion is surely nowhere near optimal 06:58 < fenn> beware of ideas that make you special simply by believing in them 06:59 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I think part of that might be because it was killed as a science in its infancy before we had an understanding of genetics 06:59 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> For the technology of the time it’s a fairly decent system 06:59 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> But yeah nowhere near optimal as you put it. 07:00 < fenn> yeah because they (the nazis) literally killed the people who were studying human genetics (the jews) before there was time to get very much data 07:00 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Racial classification existed before the nazis 07:00 < fenn> this is where the whole "jews are genetically inferior" idea came from. jews were studying genetics and their primary interest was the genetics of jews, for obvious reasons 07:00 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Also were german/continental jews really studying human genetics? 07:01 < fenn> so there were a lot of scientific publications about various mutations, usually mutations that specifically affected jews 07:01 < jrayhawk_> tay-sachs, torsion dystonia, riley-day, gaucher's, etc. 07:02 -!- jrayhawk_ is now known as jrayhawk 07:02 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I think the study of genetics stopped because of the taboo post-ww2, not because everyone who studied it died 07:03 < fenn> genetics didn't stop post-ww2 07:03 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> When I say genetics I mean the entire field that existed prior, not the deracinated fraction which persisted 07:03 < fenn> except for the soviet union 07:04 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Which is why I said study of “race” might be so incomplete and bad, because it was stopped in its tracks 07:04 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Very early on 07:05 < fenn> "race" is at best a clustering. not all clusters have the same variance. whether it's a useful model depends on how well separated the clusters are on features of interest 07:05 < L29Ah> pinkbearer: how about the study of phlogiston? 07:06 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Only now that we have genetic testing have we found that yeah, population groupings and differing distribution of traits always existed 07:06 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Phlogiston is pretty bad and more similar to classical greek logical “theories” than anything grounded 07:06 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> Today 07:07 < fenn> it's really a paradigm shift. we take for granted the sophisticated shared understanding of statistics in modern science 07:07 < fenn> at late as the 1950s they were getting multivariate regression wrong (e.g. the "mediterranean diet" study) 07:08 < fenn> (ancel keys seven countries study) 07:09 < fenn> i think some personality types are just drawn to a worldview without nuance or uncertainty 07:10 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I think there’s definitely something to the concept of race. Is there such a thing as a pure or aryan race, or any of the silly old constructs? No. Is it completely fabricated? No https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1064664282450628710/1243566721412104202/IMG_3571.jpg?ex=6651f142&is=66509fc2&hm=9eed21a152a5932fdbe10c279d1a4def248c95f54a9e1e870d273b7782dc9d1e& 07:10 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> But yeah without nuance you can draw some extremely stupid conclusions about race 07:28 < fenn> there are at least 6 clusters in that scatter plot 07:29 < fenn> i'm not saying "all humans are the same" i'm saying it's MORE complicated 07:30 < fenn> there's no "race" of northern italians 07:30 < fenn> at least not in the common understanding of the word 07:33 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I agree, i just want to make sure we’re on the same page regarding tabula rasa 07:47 < fenn> last estimate i heard was that life outcomes are ~90% "nature" once you give everyone adequate nutrition, which makes it MORE important to get it right on genetics 07:48 < fenn> a soft headed dumbed down digestible simple theory is very viral and useful for politics, but it's still WRONG 07:49 < fenn> we might say up and down but we all know the earth is round, right? 07:50 < fenn> it's not clear to me that people talking about race have any clue about genetic diversity or high dimensional statistics 07:51 < fenn> it's a completely different thing altogether to see the curve of the sphere on the horizon and feel yourself sucked toward its center by all that mass 07:52 < fenn> too easy to forget about it and revert to a simple flat earth model 07:55 < fenn> too easy to forget that the heavens are literally all around us, and we are a part of heaven 07:55 < NewtonTrendy> are the clusters being modelled related to either verbalised speech compatible thought or the actual learned consciousness? 07:56 < NewtonTrendy> how does a new word effect it? 07:56 < fenn> geneticists have their own jargon for groups but it's not commonly used 07:57 < NewtonTrendy> thanks for not just saying im mad for speaking, but im very tired i didnt read the whole thing 07:58 < fenn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Y-chromosome_DNA_haplogroup#Phylogenetic_structure 07:59 < fenn> (and this is only one clustering method) 08:01 < NewtonTrendy> this is incredible, but it suggests that only a small group should breed to keep up with the mutations and not not dilute the genepool 08:01 < NewtonTrendy> (I'm not talking about just unmutated people) 08:04 < NewtonTrendy> fenn I CC0'd the radio transcripts already https://textradio.site 08:04 < NewtonTrendy> To finsish it i just need to publish the code 08:05 < NewtonTrendy> I need a framework like petals for each station 08:05 < fenn> oh right, mine's probably done by now. 08:06 < NewtonTrendy> was just checking it didnt crash for a few days 08:07 < fenn> transcript of the david sinclair interview on startalk linked earlier https://pastebin.com/raw/uv3pjseJ 08:07 < NewtonTrendy> :) 08:08 < fenn> i need to figure out speaker diarization in a way that doesn't involve installing a zillion python packages 08:08 < fenn> at least it's searchable 08:09 < NewtonTrendy> but we know it exists because we can very easily, 08:09 < NewtonTrendy> within just a matter of a week or two, 08:09 < NewtonTrendy> get tissues of animals to go back by 50, 75% of their age. 08:09 < NewtonTrendy> tissues 08:09 < NewtonTrendy> ? 08:09 < NewtonTrendy> i found that too 08:10 < fenn> presumably he means tissue culture, not a whole animal 08:10 < NewtonTrendy> i was sorting by timestamps from FasterWhisper at one point, not smart 08:11 < NewtonTrendy> My students don't think anything of reversing aging 08:11 < NewtonTrendy> by 70% in an animal or in a cell. 08:12 < NewtonTrendy> probably for us, but certainly for our children. 08:14 < NewtonTrendy> oh, my students in the lab are quite comfortable 08:14 < NewtonTrendy> dialing up and dialing down the age of mice. 08:16 < NewtonTrendy> And the lucky thing that we discovered 08:16 < NewtonTrendy> is that you only need three genes 08:16 < NewtonTrendy> to reset the entire age of the animal. 08:17 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> This is in vitro right, just small swatches of tissue? Or entire animals? 08:18 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> I 08:18 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> 'm not familiar with aging technology, it'd be amazing if we have managed to deage mice 08:23 < NewtonTrendy> Well, given that it's working in dogs and in mice, 08:23 < NewtonTrendy> it's probably going to work in people, I would imagine. 08:25 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> incredible 08:25 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> do you have any studies/articles I can read? 08:26 < NewtonTrendy> I have this one open https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674%2822%2901570-7 08:26 < fenn> halfassed summary of the above transcript via kagi: https://rentry.co/david_sinclair_startalk_summary_via_kagi 09:36 -!- balrog [znc@user/balrog] has quit [Quit: Bye] 09:40 -!- balrog [znc@user/balrog] has joined #hplusroadmap 09:41 < hprmbridge> Eli> NewtonTrendy, using yamanaka factors to reverse aging in animals is not something I’ve seen. I know Sinclair recently released a paper that was largely panned by the scientific community. If there are any papers that suggest a real world fountain of youth I haven’t seen them personally. If you want evidence based information that is accessible to the lay person I would recommend 09:41 < hprmbridge> Eli> https://peterattiamd.com/outlive/ 09:45 -!- TMM [hp@amanda.tmm.cx] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 09:45 -!- TMM [hp@amanda.tmm.cx] has joined #hplusroadmap 09:47 < L29Ah> .t https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-48153-z 09:47 < saxo> Integrating human endogenous retroviruses into transcriptome-wide association studies highlights novel risk factors for major psychiatric conditions | Nature Communications 09:48 < NewtonTrendy> https://InterestingOldPatents.com (click categories) 09:57 < hprmbridge> Eli> This is a small synopsis of what other scientists thought about the Sinclair paper. It’s by no means the only criticism https://www.nad.com/news/david-sinclairs-claims-over-new-age-reversal-study-prompts-concern-and-criticism-by-fellow-biologists 09:58 < NewtonTrendy> 9193780, 9644022, 9803001, 9834595, 10550174, 10906961, and, 11028151 Are all related to coronavirus research and cures, latest is dated 8th june 2021 09:58 < NewtonTrendy> Adding these to it soon 09:58 < NewtonTrendy> when i understand them 10:09 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:38 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has joined #hplusroadmap 10:52 < geneh2> thermodynamic gradient descent https://arxiv.org/abs/2405.13817 10:59 < fenn> from sinclair's paper: small molecules of basal cocktails used to generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) valproic acid, CHIR-99021, E-616452, tranylcypromine and forskolin, also in humans CHIR-99021, E-616452, TTNPB, Y-27632, Smoothened Agonist, and ABT-869, VC6TF, C6NYSA 11:02 < NewtonTrendy> geneh2: is that your paper? 11:07 < geneh2> no 11:08 < NewtonTrendy> Well its awesome 11:08 < NewtonTrendy> thanks 11:08 < NewtonTrendy> also thanks for those chemical names fenn I forgot that I thought I should try and remember what CHIR-99021 was 11:10 < fenn> i've only heard of forskolin and valproic acid 11:11 < fenn> "A mixture of CHIR99021 and valproic acid (FX-322) is claimed to increase the proliferation of inner ear stem cells, potentially allowing regrowth of the hair cells which are important for hearing" 11:13 < fenn> "inhibits Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) which is an enzyme that adds phosphate molecules onto serine and threonine amino acid residues. GSK-3 has been the subject of much research since it has been implicated in a number of diseases, including type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, inflammation, cancer, addiction and bipolar disorder. " 11:14 < NewtonTrendy> I've been thinking, is it possible I actualy fabricated my sexuality deliberately in order to provide what people should be allowed to do more than honestly what I wanted because what I wanted most was for people to feel comfortable around one another. Sorry i think i had a breakthrough with my doctor, i couldnt understand why saying i felt selfish for taking those drugs wasnt working given 11:14 < NewtonTrendy> the context and I believe the answer to be much more related to care for me and wanting me to be able to have an easy life than i realised. I'm probably going to work on expressing that what i want to do might not be so rewarded in this life as a life of complete relaxation, but its serious satisfaction knowing what I might be able to change and it might mean more after ive died in context 11:14 < NewtonTrendy> I gave up a lot to say it, so I'm trying to express that I would like to be able to think with language in the exciting ways, making the connections that they think are mental symptoms but are more truely science at this point and they were truth all along. Do you know much about antipsychotics? Have I been changed alreadt? 11:14 < NewtonTrendy> where did i read about CHIR99021 11:15 < NewtonTrendy> nad.com Brenner goes on to say that the small molecules used in Sinclair’s study were previously discovered by other researchers as long as 15 years ago. Furthermore, Brenner told Dailymail.com that at least three of the molecules (CHIR99021, tranylcypromine, and valproic acid) may be harmful to humans. 11:15 < fenn> NewtonTrendy: please keep your psychodrama stuff out of this channel, it's not the right place for it 11:15 < NewtonTrendy> CHIR99021 blocks glycogen formation, which is activated during sleep to store energy - this is why we do not need to eat for hours at night. 11:16 < NewtonTrendy> my bad fenn 11:16 < NewtonTrendy> It was just in front of me 11:16 < fenn> the words practically type themselves 11:16 * fenn skims over a wall of text 11:17 < NewtonTrendy> if you see anything notable please feel free to comment, i'll still try to avoid doing it if it makes you uncomfortable 11:17 < fenn> thanks 11:18 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:19 < NewtonTrendy> CHIR99021 blocks glycogen formation, which is activated during sleep to store energy - this is why we do not need to eat for hours at night. is from the https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12295585/Harvard-claims-elixir-youth-biologists-expressed-concerns-claims.html 11:19 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has joined #hplusroadmap 11:20 < fenn> "Data showed no statistically meaningful difference at day 90 between those administered [CHIR99021 and valproic acid] versus those receiving placebo in the proportion of individuals that demonstrated an improvement in speech perception." 11:22 < NewtonTrendy> Brenner also highlighted tranylcypromine, which is an antidepressant, and valproic acid that is used to treat bipolar disorder and can harm the liver. also from daily mail sorry 11:24 < fenn> tranylcypromine inhibits CYP2A6, which may reduce the breakdown rate of valproic acid 11:39 < NewtonTrendy> fenn world salad just makes sense to me. and I want to start ##gibberish 11:39 < NewtonTrendy> night 11:44 < fenn> geneh2: Bob Coecke - category theory. ehh? small world 11:45 < fenn> was just looking at this yesterday, which uses a formalism similar to coecke's string diagrams to represent computations, called interaction nets https://higherorderco.com/ 11:51 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:53 < hprmbridge> pinkbearer> http://cogweb.ucla.edu/Debate/Ehrenreich.html 11:57 < fenn> "We are the dumbest species possible that still manages to coordinate and accumulate technology." 12:00 < fenn> "the biologizing of human beings" is a new one for me 12:01 < fenn> do they think humans are no biological? 12:01 < fenn> even sugar and spice and everything nice is biological 12:05 < fenn> darwin's ideas originated in malthusianism, what is now called social darwinism 12:05 < fenn> he wasn't even the only person to come up with evolution, it happened independently within a year, due to the stew of ideas floating around victorian england 12:06 < fenn> remember darwin was off in the middle of nowhere on a boat 12:34 < fenn> well this is a pretty gnarly bit of history, and the reason why the FDA regulates medical devices https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalkon_Shield 12:56 -!- Gooberpatrol66 [~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 13:10 < fenn> a different kind of e-paper https://daylightcomputer.com/product 14:42 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has joined #hplusroadmap 14:47 < TMA> sounds like scam/vaporware 14:48 < fenn> could be 14:49 < fenn> i've been appalled at the lack of progress in e-ink over the decades 14:49 < fenn> we should have walls covered in the stuff by now 16:32 -!- L29Ah [~L29Ah@wikipedia/L29Ah] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:41 < hprmbridge> Lev> I'd love the display, without pretty much the entire rest of their product tbh 17:41 < hprmbridge> Lev> the rest i'd be happier without 17:45 < hprmbridge> Eli> In my free time I've been creating educational videos for a new YouTube channel I call DarkModeBiohacking. I will be attempting to create evidence based videos on biohacking, on YouTube, that are accessible to the lay person. A lot of it will be a focus on sleep, diet, exercise, and general lifestyle modification. I have my pre-release first 5 min video on a cloud server which is set up so that 17:45 < hprmbridge> Eli> people can make comments. I can post a link if it's allowed in the channel? If not, I can send to people in DM if they want to check it out. 18:52 -!- Gooberpatrol66 [~Gooberpat@user/gooberpatrol66] has joined #hplusroadmap 18:53 -!- darsie [~darsie@84-112-12-36.cable.dynamic.surfer.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:16 -!- mxz__ [~mxz@user/mxz] has joined #hplusroadmap 20:17 -!- mxz [~mxz@user/mxz] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 20:17 -!- mxz__ is now known as mxz 20:17 -!- mxz_ [~mxz@user/mxz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:23 -!- mxz_ [~mxz@user/mxz] has joined #hplusroadmap 23:29 -!- stipa [~stipa@user/stipa] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.2.1] --- Log closed Sat May 25 00:00:05 2024