--- Log opened Mon Mar 17 00:00:47 2025 00:46 -!- gptpaste [~x@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 00:47 -!- gptpaste [~x@] has joined #hplusroadmap 00:58 < nsh> .m https://x.com/prash_singh/status/1901005567956828405 00:58 < AugustaAva> ​twitter: Last year, it took me over a week to learn and visualize protein structures in Blender. Today, with Claude and Blender MCP, it took me less than 30 minutes. Thanks to @AnthropicAI , @Blender , and @buildmodels . Special thanks to @sidahuj for the MCP integration. https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1901005445697073153/vid/avc1/1920x1080/RCTI-rlw5MHA7FvO.mp4?tag=16 01:13 < fenn> not good that you have to learn it all over again every year tho :\ 01:36 < nsh> we might systematise something like debian-stable to a tiered system with e.g. 1/2/5/10 year stable solutions for various problems then academics/practitioners can have stacks on different tiers depending on the project lifetime etc. 01:37 < nsh> but the real work is cultural to keep ourselves committed to specification of things such that stability is easier to achieve 01:46 < nsh> i think i disagree with lopps analysis here: https://blog.lopp.net/against-quantum-recovery-of-bitcoin/ 01:47 < nsh> .m https://x.com/lopp/status/1901279419584397768 01:47 < AugustaAva> ​twitter: In my latest essay I weigh in on the controversial issue of how to deal with quantum vulnerable bitcoin in a post-quantum future. ␤ ␤ After great consideration, I think it's best if we burn quantum vulnerable coins. 01:47 < nsh> .m https://x.com/MysteryHacker1/status/1901555479790137447 01:47 < AugustaAva> ​twitter: @lopp you can burn them if you compute the keys. otherwise, don't tread on me. up to the holders to decide whether and when they transition to the QC-safe scripts. forcing everyone to 'wake up' for a deadline has serious privacy implications. 01:48 < nsh> (counter-argument is that you people can still choose to ignore the deadline but you've still made the devs the adversary, which is regrettable at least) 01:48 < nsh> buys your ticket you takes your ride 01:51 < nsh> there's a way to split to the difference where you allow submission of (ineffectual until the soft-fork) scripts which upon the soft-work will enable enact the PQC transfer, this gives people at least a little more freedom about when to submit 01:51 < nsh> uh, presumably 01:52 < nsh> dunno, might make some weird UTXO discontinuity by reparsing the blockchain rather than changing processing of future script 01:52 < nsh> which will upset assumptions 02:11 < fenn> there won't be a 4 year grace period, maybe not even a 1 year grace period 02:13 < fenn> if you could predict with certainty that quantum computing will be a viable thing in 4 years, you'd invest in it now, which would presumably speed up the development timelines, lather rinse repeat 02:14 < fenn> also, technological innovation tends to make sudden jumps which change the rate of improvement dramatically and unpredictably 02:15 < fenn> we might jump right past the bitcoin barrier and not need nation-states-only levels of investment to do so 02:16 < fenn> or whatever the xentrac-approved terminology is 02:19 < fenn> hopeflly whoever makes that jump first will realize that bitcoin isn't useful if nobody else has any, and be content with recovering only a small portion of lost coins, maybe not even satoshi's hoard because it would be too destabilizing 02:21 < fenn> the quantum-enabled attacker would have to have a sufficient lead ahead of other quantum programs for the warning to matter 02:30 < nsh> meant to post all that elsewhere but ty 02:31 < nsh> governments (maybe with exception of norks) aren't gonna burn the (secret firstgetness) of that capability on stealing/using some coins in a way that may well devalue them 02:32 < nsh> so i think the problem is when the academic progress is such that someone could just do it privately 02:32 < nsh> to the extent that it's a problem 02:32 < nsh> i prefer to think of it as an incentive :) 03:01 -!- darsie [~darsie@84-113-82-174.cable.dynamic.surfer.at] has joined #hplusroadmap 03:19 -!- TMM [hp@amanda.tmm.cx] has quit [Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. 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