
--- Day changed Sat Apr 05 2008
mechiei had a lot of pain working with the ROHS solder00:00
kanzurenot resin?00:00
mechieit requires such high heat and i kept cracking the resistors00:00
kanzureyou know, we have automation machinery for a good reason00:00
mechiebut i had to mod it00:00
mechiecuz our batch got messed up00:01
mechieso i was the cheap labor alternative :\00:01
mechiei mostly went in for fixing things00:01
kanzureyou're not too bright, are you00:01
kanzurejoking :)00:01
mechiei needed monies :>00:01
kanzurefor what?00:01
mechiefor school books00:02
kanzureDownload 'em.00:02
mechiei just get them on half.com or w/e00:02
kanzure(and leech)00:02
mechiedo you make anything00:04
kanzureDNA synthesizers, DNA sequencers, self-replicating machines, scanning probe microscopes, brains, bacteria, electronics, etc.00:05
kanzureArtificial meat machines,00:05
kanzureartificial wombs00:05
kanzurecryonic suspension chambers00:05
kanzuremany of these projects are tentative of course00:06
kanzurebut it's good to have more ideas than time to implement them00:06
kanzureThis way I can select which ones to do. ;)00:06
mechiei give up from the start :>00:06
mechieEPI KNOWS00:06
* mechie kicks epitron in the nads00:07
kanzureYou give up on what?00:07
mechiemaybe i did.00:08
kanzureYou are cryptic.00:08
mechiei was thinking of being a surgeon00:08
mechiei didn't really want to work hard through med school though00:08
kanzureMed school is tanking. http://forums.studentdoctor.net/ <-- lots of morons getting into med school00:09
mechieyeah i know00:09
mechiemy friends got in00:09
* mechie scared00:09
kanzureI am, however, interested in the medical scientist training program00:09
kanzureAn 8 year program to get a PhD and an MD00:10
kanzurewith a stipend paid by the govt00:10
epitronkanzure: you could probably do that program a lot faster by yourself :)00:46
epitronworking with researchers00:46
epitronwith a stipend paid by the research labs00:46
epitron8 years is too much school00:46
kanzureperhaps =)00:47
kanzureit's not constant schooling00:47
epitrontoooo mucchhh schoooolll00:47
epitrondid you know that the guy who sequenced the human genome didn't even go to school?00:47
epitronwhat's his name... craig ventnor?00:47
epitron(ok he didn't sequence the human genome by himself.. :) but he was instrumental in its expediency)00:49
kanzurehe had millions of dollars00:50
kanzurebillions, even00:50
epitrondidn't the other genome project?00:51
kanzureCraig Venter, by the way00:51
kanzureJ. Craig Venter00:51
epitronthanks 00:51
epitronthere were two parallel projects00:51
kanzurehttp://venterinstitute.org/ or something00:51
epitronhis at celera00:51
kanzuresure, there were many projects00:52
kanzurecheck out http://bioperl.org/ for the story00:52
epitronand the intergovernmental one or whatever00:52
epitronwhat's bioperl go tto do with it00:53
kanzurethey have a good story on how automation saved the Human Genome Project.00:53
kanzurelook around on the site, the article has a lengthy title00:53
kanzureand was written 199500:53
epitronso this bioperl project is old?00:53
kanzureactually, no00:53
kanzurebut they have an old article or something00:53
kanzureAnyway, I'm going to go hit bed00:53
epitroni know about the basics, how venter used the shotgun approach00:54
kanzureI have ~30 papers open at the moment that I still need to run00:54
kanzureshotgun technique is old news00:54
epitroni know00:54
kanzureread that and digest all of the links00:54
epitroni don't need to00:54
epitronsemantic drift in progress00:54
epitronyou ever read this quote?00:55
epitron"I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skilful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his bra00:55
epitron"He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it - there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful on00:55
epitron-- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle00:56
epitroni have no trouble reading a high level summary of something00:57
epitronso that i know of its existence, and can learn about it if the need arises00:57
epitronbut i don't bother absorbing large random research papers for no reason :)00:57
fenndoyle obviously didnt know anything about data compression01:04
epitronshut up noob!01:32
mechiego to sleep01:33
kanzureDNA looping? DNA-knots?10:07
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fenndna underwater basket weaving10:57
kanzurethat's what it sounds like11:00
kanzuresee ED381411:21
kanzurethe idea is that there are biochem-networks in the databases out there on the internet11:23
kanzureideally, we can mimic the computation that those networks are doing11:24
kanzureand automatically generate our own 'logic' and then have the DNA compiler implement this with transcriptional logic or whatever11:24
kanzurebut the problem is that the 'experimentally confirmed' biological reaction networks are messy and are defined in various ways, I think11:24
kanzureI need to go look at the raw data11:24
kanzureI suspect that translating that into 'abstract logic' is going to be hard11:25
kanzureunless we can model complex systems in a certain way, saying "there's an information conduit between these two places'11:25
kanzurea systems-diagramming method or something11:25
kanzureor I guess we can just ask to model the functionality of all of the components in the network, and then we can implement this in logical terms11:26
kanzureis this an impossibility?11:26
fennwell, looks like you've been doing your homework11:56
fenngenetic regulatory network is not logic exactly, more like fuzzy logic or analog electronic circuits12:03
fennnot sure what's hard about diagramming complex systems.. isnt that the whole point of making diagrams?12:06
kanzureI suppose, but can they be autodiagrammed ?15:27
kanzureI mean, what is the experimental data collection format ? if it's a complex network from automated testing or something, then we're in business15:28
kanzurebecause then we just do normal comp sci (parallel -> linear programs)15:28
kanzurewhich, although hard, is at least studied in theoretical comp sci15:28
kanzurefenn: http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/pathway/hsa/hsa04330.html15:49
kanzurethey have a diagram, but not necessarily a format for reading this complex reaction network15:50
kanzurehttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B75GS-4BP87S9-D&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=529aca035baa81bbfc382f3a52d8901a 15:55
kanzureBioSig: an informatics framework for representing the physiological responses of living cells15:55
kanzureSubcellular experimental datasets and detailed cell models are required before modeling of whole organs. Cell modeling requires repeated interaction between simulation and experimental data. This review describes a coupled system of informatics and instrument control suitable for extracting information at the subcellular level. The BioSig informatics framework annotates time-series images with experimental variables and computed r15:56
kanzureGEM might be it.15:58
kanzurehttp://www.cellerator.org/ ... to facilitate biological modeling via automated equation generation16:07
fennwhat's the point16:22
fennit's non-linear so your extrapolation beyond known data is probably going to be crap16:22
kanzureI guess I can think of this in another way. 16:25
kanzureSuppose we have some differential equations that model a supercomputer, a network of Beowulf clusters or something. In our program, we can set the number of nodes on the network to N=2, and then try to map programming-instructions to those 16:25
kanzuretwo nodes to model the behavior of the ODE. If this is not the case, then we iterate over to N=3, etc., up to N=X where X is some sufficiently large number that can have enough instructions to model the ODE.16:25
kanzureit doesn't matter if it's non-linear16:25
kanzuresupposedly our supercomptuers are nonlinear ;)16:25
kanzurethe fun thing is that your experimental data set is mostly 'complete' in bioinformatics16:27
kanzuresince you know the genes and you can trace interactions and whatever else16:27
kanzurehttp://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1893010 " In this paper we develop tools that enable the detection of steady states that are modeled by fixed points in discrete finite dynamical systems. We discuss two algebraic models, a univariate model and a multivariate model. We show that these two models are equivalent and that one can be converted to the other by means of a discrete Fourier transform."16:28
kanzurethat seems to be my answer16:29
fenni have no idea what the significance of that may be16:30
kanzurefixed points of finite dynamical systems -> finite field model -> Boolean model -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean-valued_model16:38
kanzureif you look at the article, you'll see that this is comp sci language stuff16:38
kanzuremeaning we have the abstract logic statements, the set of instructions basically16:38
kanzureand then we can plug this into my DNA compiler.16:38
fennthe 'fixed points' and 'finite dynamical systems' is just gibberish to me16:40
fenni see they have a tree of states, i guess that's the finite dynamical system16:40
fennwhat are the fixed points?16:40
kanzureI am guessing the genes or the proteins that they express16:40
kanzurebut I don't know about it in a mathematical sense16:40
kanzureI'm first checking it out in #math on a meta-level16:41
kanzureto see if Boolean models can be symbol tables and given manipulations or whatever16:41
kanzurethis sounds weird though16:43
fennwhy not just start with the 'boolean valued model'16:43
kanzure"We can show that for any n-dimensional dynamical system ... there is an equivalent one-dimensional system."16:43
kanzurebecause you don't have that boolean valued model, you have some differential equations from cellerator ;)16:44
kanzurealthough tracing through the software perhaps we can find a way to simplify the process16:44
fennso the point of all this is to re-create a genetic regulatory network, based on observed interactions?16:45
kanzureto extract the 'abstract logic' that evolution has come up with, in whatever fuzzy way that was16:46
fennoh.. boolean valued model is only linear interactions, right?16:46
kanzurethat's what it looks like16:46
kanzurebut 16:46
kanzurethat's why the "We can show ..." line looks so weird16:46
kanzureit looks like the P=NP problem16:46
fennnot p^q or p+q16:46
kanzureor maybe I'm just seeing things16:46
fennp=np is something else16:49
kanzureyes, they are hitting me over the head16:50
kanzurerather rudely16:50
kanzureI hate #math ... TWRBW is knowledgable, but a hardcore eugenicist/"if they can't do it, kill them"16:50
fennfuck math16:50
fennif you dont understand what something is, all the math in the world won't help16:51
kanzuremath and chemistry have a lot in common, in my opinion16:51
kanzurewhile math you could supposedly do on your own, both of them require intense study of the previous literature and s oon16:51
kanzureactually, that's true of much of science16:52
kanzurejust there it seems more stricking.16:52
kanzurehm, they also give state space diagrams16:52
fennit's just hard to communicate if you dont share the language16:52
fennand language is only got through study or proximity16:52
kanzureI think I've said this before [to you], but I would really appreciate a ref book on math syntax16:53
fennheh no that was me complaining to you16:53
kanzurewas it you who was complaining about identity disassociation in chatting?16:53
kanzuresomebody who did it to you?16:53
kanzureor was this epitron16:53
fennyou suggested some old book and i downloaded it and never read it16:53
fennthat was me16:53
fenni didnt say someone did it to me, it's just that i find myself thinking other peoples' thoughts sometimes16:54
fennnot necessarily a bad thing.. i think it's how communication works16:54
kanzurethen it was somebody else who mentioned a bad experience with somebody who started to mistake him/her for a long-gone ex-girlfriend or something16:55
kanzuresince this is *not* some lunatic thinking P=NP16:56
kanzureand my warning lights are not going off16:56
fennoh, yea that is me too16:56
fenni dont get the p=np problem, why is it a question?16:56
kanzureit looks like I might have a vague picture from automated bioinformatics all the way down to -> automated modeling and then -> automated compiling into DNA for in vitro synthetic biology, to create systems from scratch.16:56
kanzureby wrestling the insights from biology (and thus evolution)16:57
kanzureso if we could just cycle through an entire database of the experimental bioinformation, we can supposedly generate all of the code to the cell, even if it is sorta fuzzy16:57
kanzurealthough this sort of assumes we have ODEs or enough experimental data for all of the genome, so that we can do differential equations for all of the interacting genes16:58
kanzureit sounds unlikely to currently exist in an easily accessible format, but it should be possible16:58
fennno, because you neglect actual interaction with the non-nucleic acid world16:58
kanzurewell, no16:58
kanzureremember the Winfree paper on robustness16:58
fennyou dont have the heuristics for protein folding16:58
kanzurewhile there's a certain point where the cell breaks down and can't do the cascading chemical reactions16:59
kanzurein general, for a normal state, they are going to work16:59
kanzureyou don't need protein folding16:59
kanzurenot by a long shot16:59
kanzurethe point is that we can model whatever 'normal' is16:59
kanzurebiology has adapted for those variety of circumstances when the environment (internal/external) gets rough16:59
kanzurebut that's more like filling in the gaps later16:59
kanzureand tweaking the system to be able to survive in more situations17:00
kanzurerather than being perfect upon the first go17:00
kanzure(being perfect would involve simply replicating the DNA and doing protein biosynthesis like normal ;))17:00
fennthe point of the regulatory networks is to allow normal function even in harsh environments17:01
fennif everything is perfect, you dont need regulatory networks, you just hard-code everything17:01
kanzurethat's all at the edges though17:01
kanzurejust before the 'automated bioinformatics experimentation' stuff17:01
kanzurethat's where people would come up and set up a new automated experiment for a new class of genes or whatever17:01
kanzureand so they would change the variables that are being tweaked and seeing how the genes react17:01
kanzureI see what you mean, but I think you are assuming something that I am not17:02
kanzurewe'd be using this system for another purpose than modeling the cell per-se17:02
kanzuresuppose we run a selection experiment on bacteria17:02
kanzureand they come up with a novel solution to some challenge, which would necessarily involve genetics17:02
kanzureso we could characterize these new genes and they way they interact with each other -- perhaps they are a modification in the signaling network, or a new chemical synthesis, something17:03
kanzurewe would know where to look since we can sequence their genomes and look for the modifications, and other various DNA tech17:03
kanzurewe would know what conditions they were in since we were the ones who set up the selection experiment17:03
kanzureit is these solutions to information-processing in whatever 'harsh' (or not) conditions we set up that we are interested in17:04
fennyou mean adaptation?17:04
kanzuregranted, sometimes they may not be GRNs (gene regulatory networks), but we can do some interesting things to make sure their adaptations/mutations do this17:04
kanzurethis is a way to codify knowledge gathered by the evolutionary process of adaptation, into a form that humans can begin to understand17:04
kanzureand then we can use this in, say, skdb, but that's another set of mental connections to make17:05
kanzurethe designs are abstract and do not need to be plugged into the DNA compiler17:05
kanzurethey could be plugged into anything, frankly17:05
kanzureeven gcc17:05
kanzure(as long as we have a way to convert to C, of course)17:05
fennmore like vhdl i think17:05
kanzurebut that conversion is easy, from a set of Boolean statements to C? yeah, we can do VHDL to C I think17:06
kanzurethere's got to be a VHDL->C translator out there, heh17:06
kanzurethat's just the geeky thing to do17:06
fennjust so you can use gcc? sounds silly17:06
kanzurewell, 17:06
kanzurebiology is software, on the hardware of reality17:06
kanzureand evolution is a way of writing up new programs17:06
fennvhdl is digital logic anyway, it wouldnt work for your wacky analog interactions17:06
kanzureso these new programs can be converted into software for our silicon computers17:06
kanzurethat's my point17:06
kanzureno, this is discrete/finite points in field models, remember? (from the GRN dataset analysis, the pubmed paper)17:07
fennno i have nfc what that was about17:07
fenn(i did read it)17:07
kanzureit was a way of taking experimental data from bioinformatics, the automated gene analysis systems and so on, and then coming up with finite models that do the same things17:07
kanzureso anyway, my point again: nature evolves software; we translate that software into abstractions, we then can take those abstractions and test them, either in silicon or in vitro with transcriptional logic to 17:08
kanzurebuild up synthetic 'biological' systems (not necessarily cells ... but I hear Andy Ellington has an interest in nucleic acid 'origins of life' stuff)17:08
fennso this is like checking your answer by doing the problem a different way?17:09
kanzureplease contextualize17:09
fennin math17:09
fenntwo trains leave chicago and new york17:09
kanzureI don't think so, I probably just don't know your question17:09
kanzurelet me reiterate and you can point out your questions17:10
fennthe problem is 'how does this cell work'17:10
kanzurebiology and natural evolution comes up with new solutions to problem 17:10
kanzurethe problem is 'how to make it better' or 'how to get something interesting out of it'17:10
kanzurecells are really good at two things in natural evolution17:10
kanzure(1) genetic recombination (sex)17:10
kanzure(2) mutation17:10
kanzurein selection experiments, cells use both of those to come up with solutions17:10
kanzureand then write them on DNA17:10
kanzurethese 'solutions' are quite fuzzy17:11
kanzureand rely on molecular physics among other things17:11
fennyour solution is modifying the DNA17:11
kanzurebut ultimately they are, in fact, computing17:11
kanzurehold on17:11
fennand by sheer chance the modifications end up with a solution17:11
kanzuresort of, yes17:11
kanzurethey are in fact computing, so if we can then find out what they are doing that lets them survive the selection experiment17:11
fennit doesnt happen the other way around (as much as i would like to believe)17:11
kanzureyeah :(17:11
kanzure"as much as I would like to believe"17:12
kanzurethat's the understatement of the century17:12
fenni'm a rupert-sheldrake sympathizer17:12
kanzurehow so?17:12
kanzuresheldrake the morphogenetic field theorist?17:12
fenni think spirits affect random chance and that's where life came from17:12
kanzureI have trouble believing in randomness17:12
kanzurebut I do understand that you don't have all of the information17:13
kanzurehow can randomness ever exist, anyway?17:13
kanzurefor something to be truly random,17:13
kanzurein my program it would have to return 'COW' or 'thing that looks like a cow, but is really an alien from 23 dimensions over'17:13
kanzurebut instead it just predictably spits out a number17:13
fenni didnt mean to go off on this tangent17:13
kanzureanyway, 17:13
kanzurethe idea is to convert their programs over into a form that we can understand17:14
fenn'how does this cell work'17:14
kanzureby leveraging the past 60 years of bio research to convert their 'physical language' into our abstract languages, and then we get to play around with the new components we get and see what we can do with them17:14
kanzureyeah, I guess that's a good way to put it17:14
kanzurebut you don't have to know everything about the cell17:14
kanzurethere are ways to constrain selection experiments I think17:14
kanzureand Andy succeeded in coming up with automatic ways of evolving nucleic acids without cells via aptamers17:15
kanzureand other various biomolecules, I think17:15
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aptamers (be careful, this is also somewhat of a tangent)17:15
kanzurethere's a limit to evolvable software, but on the other hand, it should be possible to come up with lots of interesting programs on the size of genomes ... some bacteria have genomes that are 5 to 500 times larger than the human genome, so imagine how many programs can be written and how many mutations can occur17:17
fennyou dont even need a physical biological substrate to do this.. say you have a genetic algorithm, then you model it with formal models in order to abstract/extract the 'how' 17:20
kanzuretrue, 17:21
kanzurethis is why selection experiments (whether simulated or physical) are hard to design17:21
kanzurea few days ago I made the comparison of that to making ... 'shrines' for gods 17:21
fenngenerally it just finds flaws in your selection function though17:21
kanzurebecause that's basically the same thing17:21
kanzurepeople were making shrines and when they did this they got new, novel mutated ideas17:21
kanzureand so they thought something good must be going on17:22
kanzureso they continued to make them17:22
kanzurethese 'shrines' are the selection experiments, but obviously in today's world we have gotten much more complex with our selections that we are making17:22
kanzurehaha, yes, flaws17:22
kanzuresuggesting your problem might suck17:22
fennwhy did making shrines give them novel ideas? because they're big and hard to build?17:22
kanzuregenerally, I'd refer to the process of everything about it - what it takes to make it happen, what it's like to be in the shrine or around the shrine or whatever17:23
kanzureit's like 'preparing to receive an insight' -- just like Feynman prepared by reading as much as he could for QED17:23
kanzureas much as we'd like to do insight engineering, of course ...17:23
fenni think you might be working your brain too hard :)17:23
kanzurethe problem with that is that it still involves 'engineering'17:24
kanzurenah, I'm pretty sure I am solid17:24
kanzurethat's why I have autoscholar, to prepare for insights or whatever17:24
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/thinking.html re: thinking/insights/incubation-theory17:24
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/projects/autoscholar/ - to facilitate the consumption of raw information in preparation for insights or whatever17:24
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/increasing_repetitive_behaviors.html for more autoscholar-like stuff, except more mental and oriented towards mental modification17:25
kanzurethere's a theme for a reason ;)17:25
fennwhy does building a shrine cause novel ideas?17:26
kanzureit's permutation through possibility space, it's not the fact that the shrine 'receives godly communications' - nothing like that - but rather the opportunistic-assimilation hypothesis of incubation theory17:28
kanzureGoogle has good results for 'opportunistic-assimilation hypothesis'17:29
kanzurehttp://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/home/Zoltan_Dienes/Seabrook%20&%20Dienes%2003.pdf Incubation in Problem Solving as a Context Effect17:29
kanzure(but find the occurence of the phrase within that article, you can jump to it without losing much context)17:30
fenni think you'd have a hard time convincing a molecular biologist that this is how mutations work17:30
kanzureI am not saying this is the physics of mutations17:30
kanzureshrine-making (selection-experiment making) does not make the mutations directly, but the cells are the ones that come up with the mutations17:31
kanzurebecause however they do it, the ones that mutate or get the right recombined DNA, are the ones that survive the selection17:31
fennwhere is the selection in shrine-making?17:31
kanzureyour brain; there's another theory in incubation theory (or perhaps it's the same one) where you keep on working on the problem and literally forget how you were approaching it, so that when you come across the problem again, you get the insight to the solution, so when you make a shrine you're exhausting the contexts17:33
kanzure(end of line is "so when you make a shrine you're exhausting the contexts")17:33
kanzureyour brain is a massive billion-something network, 'mutation' in firing patterns can easily occur (it's not solid state, after all)17:34
kanzuremutation in DNA is another topic, but I think you have studied that one sufficiently (if you were going to have me complete my analogy I made above to the shrine-making and selection-experiment thing)17:34
kanzureneurons are reinforced when they do something 'good' (when they contribute to a solution, i.e. various feedback mechanisms), same with bacteria (when they survive the selection)17:35
kanzureanyway, I'm not trying to be pseudoscientific17:35
kanzurebut maybe I sound that way since I was approaching this as a bit of a tangent to the 'software from biology' idea17:36
fenni'm fine with pseudoscience as long as it's productive17:36
fennbut this doesn't sound productive (maybe i'm wrong)17:36
fenntesla, fuller17:37
fennit's true17:37
kanzureI think you are wrong, actually. This is the same exact problem space as skdb.17:37
kanzurethe problem of 'engineering knowledge'17:37
kanzureyou can't just derive it from first principles17:37
kanzureit has to be 'evolved'17:37
kanzurewhether by society and trial-and-error by humans (the lab minions) (yikes) or by bacteria17:38
kanzureand then we collect it and aggregate it into skdb17:38
fenni think with a good enough simulator you could build up skdb from scratch17:38
fennmight take a while17:38
fennbrute force vs analytical thinking17:38
kanzureit's neither17:39
kanzurefirst, I want to address your simulation hypothesis17:39
kanzureyou'd have to be able to simulate the world, basically17:39
kanzurewhich means a lot of physics and a lot of computational power17:39
kanzurealright, so17:39
kanzuredo you know Godel?17:39
fennuh huh17:39
kanzureuhh, I just got interrupted, one moment17:40
kanzureyou can't simulate the physics of the overall system without something bigger17:40
kanzureor you might as well just run the planet17:40
kanzurei.e., like we are now17:40
kanzureand the abstract programs that we do collect anyway, they are generalized in the first place (hurray)17:40
kanzureso do we really need a simulation?17:40
fennthere is a middle ground - heuristics17:41
kanzurefrom where? ;)17:41
fennand automated heuristic creation, like from bayesian analysis17:41
fennit's not abstract, but it's not totally blind either17:41
kanzureplease explain17:41
fennsay you run 100 simulations17:41
fennin all 12 of the simulations with carrots, you ended up with more rabbits at the end17:42
fennheuristic: carrot -> rabbits increase17:42
fennuh, ok i suck at explaining bayesian reasoning17:43
kanzureJef tells me I need to learn more Bayes17:43
kanzureand I agree with him17:43
kanzureI don't see the possibilities17:43
fennyou can do experiments in the simulation too17:44
fennto test hypotheses17:44
fennlike, add more carrots and see if you get more rabbits17:44
fennif you get more rabbits it will strengthen your faith in that hypothesis17:44
fennconfidence i guess is a technical term in statistics17:44
fennif the simulated world is totally chaotic and acausal, you'll end up with a spread of hypotheses with near zero confidence17:45
kanzureheh, my dad came in to read me a passage from 1901 - "It is in my complete and utter professional opinion, that because the power requirements scale cubically, and the wingspan requirements doubly, that aerial flight will thus remain impossible for the remainder of time. Stop bugging me." Later that year ...17:46
kanzurewell, I don't really see what bayesian analysis can do to help17:47
fenni wonder why they dismissed flight so easily when there were already kites17:47
kanzuremy method involves automated hypothesis generation, does yours?17:47
kanzureif I was going to come up with an integrative framework where I have my automated machinery setting up new selection experiments, sequencing the DNA and translating it into abstract logic17:49
kanzurethen you'd plug in bayesian analysis systems straight into the big pot o' algebra?17:49
kanzurenot algebra, sorry17:49
kanzurebig pot o' acquired programs17:49
fennyou have to be able to modify something in order to test the hypothesis17:50
kanzurehow much computing hardware would be required17:50
fennugh i dont know17:51
fennor i suppose if there's too much data to sift through you could use the search keys for your test17:52
kanzurehow so?17:53
fennpredict levels of foo increase when bar is present; search for experiments with bar, see if foo increases vs control experiments without bar17:53
fennthis is the topic of many a research paper17:54
fennbut done by grad students, not a program17:54
fennthis is all a lot easier when you say it in english of course17:56
kanzure"In vitro modeling of in vivo systems" <-- this seems to be a good heading for what I have been talking to you about 17:56
fennin vitro just means in a test tube, not in a cell17:57
fennknowledge representation seems to have been a big theme17:59
kanzureit is in a test tube though18:00
kanzurethat's the idea18:00
kanzurewe take in vivo circuits from cells, and then figure out new ways to run the same circuits, codify them into transcriptional logic, and run them in vitro18:00
fenni dont think that would work, since 99% of the GRN's out there are relating to keeping the cell functioning18:02
kanzurethink about it, how are they doing it?18:03
kanzurethey are computing with biomolecules too18:03
kanzurethey are making decisions, but not only that18:03
kanzurebut the structure of the 'general network' that represents what they are doing to stay alive18:03
fennnot decisions, feedback18:03
kanzureis of a certain class, a certian computation18:03
kanzureyes, feedback is computational18:03
fenndecisions implies modeling18:03
kanzuremy point is that there's information routes in the cell, they are information processing entities18:04
kanzureand sometimes feedback is used, yes, and these various networks for feedback or whatever, can be translated into code for our reading18:04
kanzurenot DNA code, but logic code stuff18:04
kanzurefuzzy as it may be18:04
fenni think circuits or control system diagrams are more appropriate than code18:05
kanzureoh, right, VHDL -> circuits18:05
fennno, vhdl is not really circuits18:05
kanzureVHDL can be converted into circuits18:05
kanzurethis is 'network decomposition' (circuits -> VHDL or some other language)18:06
fennyes, but the idea of vhdl is to make modular functional units18:06
fennwhereas a circuit could be a big mess of interconnections18:06
kanzureand is exactly related to Hamiltonian path finding, i.e. breaking down graphs into their cycles18:06
kanzureI don't see how that's a problem.18:06
kanzurebut I understand what you mean18:06
fennvhdl coding for a messy circuit would be harder to understand than just a messy circuit diagram18:07
kanzurethere are some simple circuits in biology though18:07
kanzurefor example, the ring oscillator18:07
kanzurewhich is basically A -> B -> C -> A18:07
fennbiology tends to be messy (there are examples of modular systems too)18:07
kanzureremember the paper I linked you to? there are ways to find the 'finite points'18:08
kanzureor what did the paper call them?18:08
kanzurefixed points18:08
fennwhat's a fixed point?18:08
kanzurein a dynamical system, a fixed point is supposedly something that you can use to 'unravel' the dynamical system 18:09
* fenn pictures a force-directed graph layout algorithm18:10
fennits like the VSEPR model18:10
fennbut with graph nodes rather than electron orbitals18:10
kanzureoh, a way to minimize energy density or something18:10
fennminimum energy diagram layout18:11
fennremember this? http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Circuit_Idea/Why_Circuit_Ideas_are_Hidden18:14
kanzuresocial knowledge, gathered from mutation/insight18:15
fennspecifically, you're trying to un-hide the ideas hidden in bacterial mutations18:15
fenna knowledge synthesizer!18:17
kanzureaccelerated, automated evolutionary engineering18:17
fennwell just be glad you arent some poor sod computer programmer being given this non-specifcation18:18
kanzurewell, not quite a knowledge-synthesizer actually - it could gather knowledge and make up proofs and theorems involving new 'programs' that it unhides, but it's like skdb, you have to randomly try 18:19
kanzureout new variations in some cases, while restricting your domain (the same stuff we're doing with the computational chem programs for the replicator)18:19
kanzurenah, the specification is going to be pretty easy18:19
kanzuresince the mathematics mentioned in that paper has a good, strong history of understanding18:19
kanzureand should have some computer programs out there on the net already18:19
kanzureprobably open source18:19
kanzureand then the bioinformatics machinery, well, that's fairly easy I think, what could they be doing in the labs to gather genetic information? And Andy has the automated aptamer stuff :)18:19
kanzureautomated selection experiments, I mean.18:20
kanzureto answer Ellington's challenge I can just go into the databases and find some ODEs that model a particular GRN, something other than an oscillator, and just do it by hand myself18:22
kanzureand then if he approves of that, I'll suggest we just automate the whole thing while we're at it18:22
fenn'do it by hand' meaning what exactly?18:23
fennput together some bio-bricks?18:23
kanzurenah, he doesn't work with biobricks, thinks they're bullshit18:23
kanzureI mean the transcriptional switches/logic18:23
fennwell, whatever you want to call it18:23
kanzurehe wants an in vitro synthetic circuit18:23
* fenn thinks they're the same thing18:23
kanzurenah, they're different, but the concept of modularizing things is same across the domain18:23
fennok, splice some genes together that behave similarly to the target circuit18:24
kanzureheh, and you mentioned protein folding earlier18:24
kanzureso this is where you'd need protein folding18:24
kanzureunless you want to just copy the genes18:24
kanzureotherwise you have to do a massive computational search for similar proteins18:25
kanzurethe idea was to model the basis of the circuit, the 'computational' aspects18:25
kanzureanything else can be considered waste for now18:25
fennyou could do a massive in-vitro search for similar proteins (artificial proteins)18:25
kanzureyou'd have to synthesize tons of oligonucleotides and then do transcription to 18:25
kanzureyeah, sure18:25
kanzurethat would work18:25
kanzurebut you'd have to separate them I think, right?18:26
fennyou know about monoclonal antibodies?18:26
kanzuresimilarities could be found via DNA hybridization and conformational stuff18:26
fenneach b-cell produces a unique random-shuffled protein18:26
kanzurebut you'd have to make sure the proteins do not interact with each other, i.e. the set of proteins that you are testing to be similiar to the target protein18:26
kanzureI think I had this same problem in another situation that I was thinking about a few months ago18:27
kanzureI remember it.18:27
kanzureit was the 2^(4^(N)) experimentation18:27
fennyou can find the cell that makes, say, lactose-binding protein, and figure out the amino acid sequence18:27
kanzurewith searching for transcriptional switches and the toeholds and matches18:27
fennbut you can find 50 or a zillion other different lactose binding antibody proteins18:28
fennand isolate the cells for each of those18:28
kanzurebut think of it this way18:28
kanzuresay you have 50 million different proteins that you are matching to aptamers18:28
kanzureto check if they will be anything like the one that you are targetting18:28
kanzurethe subset of 50 million that do not interact with each other18:28
kanzureis not necessarily the subset with the best match that you want ;)18:28
kanzurebecause everything else doesn't bind to the aptamers18:29
kanzureI mean, anything that binds to each other doesn't bind to the aptamers (too large, energies, ...)18:29
kanzureand you wash away the solution above the aptamers18:29
kanzureand then unbind the aptamer-protein complex, and then figure out what proteins you have left, which would be your solutions that are similar to the targets18:29
kanzure(I believe this has some relation to 'library testing', but I haven't explored that much, is this what the libraries are for? oligo sequences?)18:29
fennyou could use 50million^2 test tubes, for every combination18:30
fenninkjet printers!18:30
kanzureto make test tubes? heh'18:30
fennyeah just drops of water on a hydrophobic surface18:30
fennwith a spot of hydrophilic substrate to keep the dot still18:30
kanzurenot bad18:30
kanzurebut, what about the synthesis of the protein?18:31
fenni forget what we're trying to do18:31
kanzurefinding proteins that match a target circuit18:32
kanzurebecause I need to make an in vitro synthetic circuit that matches a target circuit found in the literature (of natural organisms)18:32
fennfinding proteins that bind to the same sites as other proteins18:32
kanzuresame sites of what?18:32
kanzureI thought you were talking about a protein cascading chemical reaction network18:32
kanzureisntead of a GRN18:32
fennwell, it could bind to some arbitrary chemical18:33
kanzuremeh, I like my DNA compiler better18:33
fennthere's also enzymatic action18:33
kanzureyes, but I think he wants me to work with transcriptional circuits18:34
kanzurewhich are much easier to work with in vitro18:34
fenni dont think you're going to brute-force an enzyme18:34
kanzuresince you can ignore transcription18:34
kanzurehe's done it18:34
kanzurebut I don't think it's necessary here18:34
kanzurewe could if we wanted, but meh18:34
kanzureanyway, pizza is here18:34
fennstill seems unlikely18:34
kanzureso I'm going to go eat18:34
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ribozyme I think18:34
fenni know all about them18:35
kanzureIn molecular biology, a riboswitch is a part of an mRNA molecule that can directly bind a small target molecule, and whose binding of the target affects the gene's activity [1][2][3]. Thus, an mRNA that contains a riboswitch is directly involved in regulating its own activity, depending on the presence or absence of its target molecule.18:35
fennok so forget protein18:36
fennthis is cool http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiegelman_Monster18:43
fennoh i misunderstood it. i thought the RNA sequence was also a polymerase ribozyme18:44
fenncan you recommend some light reading on P/NP hard complete etc18:59
fennwikipedia provides zero examples for me to grab onto19:00
kanzureno, I can't19:04
kanzureI suffer from the same problem19:04
kanzurehowever, David might be able to come in here and explain19:04
kanzureor maybe Ryan Patterson19:04
fennbasically it sounds like a bunch of bullshit and i'm wondering why people spend time worrying about it19:05
kanzureit's for figuring out which problems can and cannot be solved19:05
fennwhat is "non-polynomial time"?19:06
fenni can understand polynomial time19:06
fennis it just.. everything else?19:07
fennseems like a totally useless way of describing something19:07
kanzureokay, David should be appearing19:08
fennuh oh19:08
kanzurewhy's that bad?19:08
fenni'm so not even awaky still19:08
kanzure"access to channel #hplusroadmap is blocked"?19:09
kanzurewhy is he on a web client19:10
fennwell i think i'm going to bed soon (now)19:11
kanzureplease don't19:11
kanzurehe's going to appear :(19:11
fennok ok19:11
kanzurekind of like a guest lecturer :)19:11
fenni will be the guy asleep in the first row19:11
fenndont worry i'll crib the notes from someone after class19:12
-!- davidad_ [n=me@DAVIDAD.MIT.EDU] has joined #hplusroadmap19:14
davidad_kanzure: victory19:14
kanzureVictory! Ha-ha!19:14
davidad_the solution is to ssh to my linux box19:14
* fenn waves the anarcho-penguin flag19:14
kanzurewhere'd you get davidad.mit.edu ?19:14
davidad_um, from MIT?19:15
kanzureyou just asked?19:15
davidad_they give out three free hostnames to every student19:15
kanzureso, let me explain what's been up today in #hplusroadmap19:15
fennwe talked past each other four about 3 hours19:16
kanzureI've been working on some Andy Ellington stuff for biology, figuring out what software would be interesting to implement with biomolecules as the substrate19:16
kanzureand somehow we got to talking about N=NP and computational complexity classes19:16
davidad_that's P=NP >_>19:16
kanzurein the context of biological computation (not computation about biology, but on biology)19:16
kanzurebut in general as well19:16
kanzurefenn, I think, claims that P=NP isn't much of a question/problem19:17
davidad_yeah, some people think DNA computing, like quantum, does NP19:17
davidad_some people think neither can19:17
fenni dont know what NP is19:17
davidad_and some people think P=NP19:17
davidad_P is all the problems you can solve in polynomial time,19:17
davidad_and NP is all the problems you can verify in polynomial time19:17
kanzurewhere polynomial is the degree of the equations?19:17
kanzuredegree meaning exponents19:17
davidad_polynomial is the big-O bound on time with respect to problem size19:18
davidad_so, time = O(n^k)19:18
davidad_exponential is where time = O(k^n)19:18
davidad_assuming that n is the problem size19:18
davidad_and k is a constant19:18
fennexponential is a subset of NP?19:18
davidad_not always19:18
fennok, just another thing to worry about19:19
davidad_NP is a subset of exponential, though19:19
fennuh, no?19:20
kanzureI've always referred to these computational complexity classes to the 'computational feasability' of whatever problem I am focusing on at the moment19:20
davidad_any problem that you can verify in polynomial time, you can solve in exponential time19:20
davidad_by just trying everything and seeing if it works19:20
kanzuresee, we were doing one of those methods today19:20
kanzurewe were suggesting a case where we deploy about 50 million different proteins19:20
kanzureto test for similarities to a target protein from nature19:20
kanzurewhich is the exponential time19:21
kanzureverification would be setting up an experiment the same way as we observed the properties of the target protein the first place, I presume19:21
kanzureinsert some anomalous relation to finding the longest path and Hamiltonian cycles19:22
kanzure*cycles here19:22
davidad_so in this case, your verification is constant-time19:22
davidad_no matter how long the protein might be,19:22
davidad_you can do an experiment to verify the properties in the same period of time19:22
kanzureWoh, oh-oh-oh19:24
kanzureFind the Longest Path19:24
kanzureWoh oh-oh19:24
kanzureFind the Longest Path19:24
kanzureIf you said P is NP tonight19:24
kanzureThere would still be papers left to write19:24
kanzureI have a weakness19:24
kanzureI'm addicted to completeness19:24
kanzureAnd I keep searching for the longest Path19:24
kanzureThe algorithm I would like to see19:24
kanzureIs of Polynoimal Degree19:24
kanzureButs its elusive,19:24
kanzureNobody has found conclusive19:24
kanzureEvidence that we can find the Longest Path19:24
kanzureI have been hard19:24
kanzureWorking for so long19:24
kanzureI swear its right,19:24
kanzureBut he marks it wrong19:24
kanzureSomehow I'll feel sorry when its done19:24
kanzureGPA 2.1,19:24
kanzureIs more than I hoped for19:24
kanzureGarey, Johnson, Karp and other Men (and Women)19:24
kanzureTry to make it Order n log n.19:24
kanzureAm I a math fool19:24
kanzureIf I spend my life in Grad School19:24
kanzureForever following the Longest Path.19:24
kanzureWoh oh-oh-oh19:24
kanzureFind the longest path19:24
kanzureWoh oh-oh-oh19:24
kanzureFind the longest path19:24
kanzure(Dan Barrett)19:24
fennwords! yeah19:25
kanzurethere was something else 19:26
fennare you sure NP is a subset of exponential? what if there is an infinite number of combinations?19:26
davidad_well, complexity classes are defined for decision problems19:27
davidad_where the output is only YES or NO19:27
fennwell, say you want to pick two real numbers19:27
davidad_you can't19:27
davidad_you can never finish outputting a real number19:27
davidad_the best you can do is output an algorithm that represents a real number,19:28
davidad_and algorithms are countable19:28
fennyou can verify 2.1000... + 3.900... = 6 19:28
fennbut what are the real numbers adding up to 6 that fenn likes?19:29
fennyou cant try all of them19:29
davidad_you can't verify them in polynomial time, either19:29
fenndo i at least have a grasp of what it's all about?19:29
davidad_I think so19:29
davidad_the formal definition of an NP problem19:29
davidad_is a decision problem that is solvable in polynomial time on a non-deterministic turing machine19:30
davidad_which means it can "split" and do computations in parallel19:30
davidad_but it can't split infinitely many times, because that would take longer than polynomial time19:30
davidad_if, however, there's a reasonable number of possibilities, it can split and check all of them and be done in polynomial time19:31
kanzuresplitting is interesting19:31
fennoh fuck N is non-deterministic? now i really want to kill some comp-scientists19:31
kanzureconsidering we do self-replication here19:31
davidad_yeah, the N is non-deterministic19:32
davidad_lucky you can't kill people over IRC19:32
davidad_(for me)19:32
davidad_another way of thinking about splitting19:32
davidad_is that the machine is the luckiest possible guesser19:32
davidad_at any time, it can guess a number and be guaranteed to guess the right one if there is a right one19:33
fennlike a quantum computer19:33
kanzurequantum, why?19:35
fennbecause it exists in all possible states19:35
fennit runs through all possible program paths, if you will19:35
kanzureoh, right, I remember some hype a few months ago about quantum programs and their 'fantastic possibilities'19:36
kanzurebut I also remember Slashdotters fairly correctly refuting those ideas for quantum Traveling Salesman.19:36
fennhmm why's that?19:40
fennbecause the weights are real numbers and not quantized?19:40
kanzurehttp://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=265375&cid=20172049 in particular19:42
kanzureah, that's Engel19:42
kanzureI think he's on freenode somewhere19:42
kanzurehaha - feasability calculations - http://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=265375&cid=2017274719:43
kanzurethis one is good - http://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=265375&cid=2017213719:45
fennsometimes in these computer science discussions the concept of 'good enough' gets lost entirely19:49
fenni.e. would take the salesman less time traveling than it would take to optimize his route19:51
kanzurethe idea is that there may be a solution algorithm19:51
kanzurethat will tell you the shortest path instantly19:51
kanzure'instantly', i.e. within one step19:51
kanzureand then that's it -- you just use that as long as you want :)19:51
fennits just huge for high levels of complexity19:51
fennbut with the optical experiment, you'd get some halfway decent answers early on19:52
fennstatistically speaking, 'probably'19:52
kanzurethe optical solution is something like 1E167 years to come up with enough photons or something19:52
kanzureper that last slashdot link I gave up there ^19:52
fennthat's to go through all possible permutations19:53
fennits not like you're going to put 1e200 photons in a box19:53
fennand then the answer pops out19:54
fennanyway it's not a quantum computer19:54
kanzureI'd like to see somebody try to do 1E200 photons in a box19:56
fennthe box would explode :)19:58
fenni wouldnt like to see it, my local parsec would be converted to plasma19:59
kanzurein ##neuroscience I just linked a person over to http://www.dbc.uci.edu/neurobio/Faculty/Lynch/lynch.htm after her expression of interest in the (bullshit) "holographic brain theory" (Pietsch stuff)20:01
kanzureI also picked up some books today20:01
kanzureMicrobiology, 5th ed., Prescott, Harley, Kim20:02
kanzureThe Cartoon Guide to Genetics, Larry Gonick & Mark Wheelis20:02
kanzureMaking PCR: A Story of Biotech, Paul Rabinow20:02
kanzureThe Most Beautiful Molecule: The Discovery of the Buckyball, Hugh Aldersey-Williams20:02
fenni think you could do the 100 city hamiltonian cycle with a reasonably small number of q-bits (not that i know what i'm talking about)20:03
kanzuredo you remember D-Wave?20:03
kanzurethey are the quantum computing guys20:03
kanzurethey were making their rounds a few months ago20:03
kanzuregetting about $40 million in funding overall20:03
kanzurethey do supercold quantum computing and things seem to be looking strong for them20:03
kanzurethey claim they'll be doing 256 qbits sometime this year20:04
kanzureand maybe 1024 qbits by the end of the year20:04
fennthat's impressive20:04
kanzureI was talking with the CEO a few months ago20:04
fennall entangled?20:04
kanzureonly to learn the next day that my dad has some money invested in them O.o20:04
kanzureI would've invited him to the chat if I had known that20:04
kanzureanyway, in terms of practicality20:05
kanzureI think that carbon might offer some interesting solutions20:05
kanzurefor quantum computing20:05
kanzuresince we can get quantum tunneling and the field effect on graphene20:05
kanzureplus semiconductor effects in buckyballs/CNTs20:05
fenner... no20:05
fennquantum tunneling is just one electron hopping over an energy barrier20:05
fennquantum entanglement is that one electron spread in 50 places at once20:06
fennor two, if you're a physicist20:06
kanzuresure, but I'm just saying that graphene allows us to investigate quantum effects20:07
kanzureand it allows us easy access and manipulation20:07
fennok, but so do copper wires20:07
kanzureso it seems like an interesting platform to paly with20:07
kanzure*play with20:07
kanzureso can it do entanglement?20:08
fennthere's too much noise in room temperature systems20:09
fennscroll down to 'So how big is an electron?' http://laputan.blogspot.com/2003_09_21_laputan_archive.html20:12
kanzureheh, I am glad that he does not agree with Copenhagen20:13
kanzureI like the Feynman/von Neumann interpretations20:13
fenni can never keep all those dead guys straight20:13
kanzureFeynman isn't dead. Not yet, anyway.20:14
fenncopenhagen = the electron could be anywhere but it is definitely somewhere, we just dont know?20:15
kanzureCopenhagen is stuff like "view it and you kill babies in another universe"20:16
kanzureMWI shit20:16
kanzurehaha, Mead studied under Feynman20:16
fennheh "Shut up and calculate!"20:17
kanzure"the electron is its own medium"20:23
fennmany worlds is its own interpretation.. copenhagen is observer-centric20:41
kanzureah, that's right20:44
kanzurestatistics and so on20:44
epitronomg observing particles kills babies?!20:44
kanzureI still need to finish reading that link, but it's good stuff20:44
epitronhow do i stop!20:44
kanzureepitron: haha :)20:44
fennepitron: cats, not babies20:44
epitronfenn: IT SAYS BABIES20:44
kanzurehow do you know it was a cat?20:44
kanzureit's only a cat if you observe it to be a cat20:44
kanzureuntil then it has a 50/50 chance of being a baby20:45
fennkanzure: schrodinger said it was a cat20:45
epitronschrodinger has cat-hater bias20:45
kanzureschrodinger didn't know what life was ;)20:45
epitronyou cannot trust anything schrodinger did 20:45
kanzureand there's a broadcast premiere of Star Wars on at the moment20:45
kanzureso please excuse me, I have an addiction to work on20:45
fennme too (sleep)20:46
epitronhey kanzure 20:46
epitrondid you ever see the fanedit of Espiode IV?20:46
epitronyou ever seen fan edits?20:46
epitronlemme find ya some20:46
kanzurewhole movies?20:46
epitronStar Trek - Kirkless Generations20:47
epitronSTAR WARS: EP IV 2004 Special edition REVISITED20:47
epitronArmy of Darkness - Primitive Screwhead Edition20:47
epitron(and of course, the classic jar-jar-less Episode I)20:47
epitroni'm downloading the first 3.. i've seen the 4th20:48
kanzureJar-jar-less? Awesome.21:56
-!- Aulere [n=dragon_d@] has joined #hplusroadmap23:01
kanzureWelcome, dragon.23:02

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