
--- Day changed Tue Apr 08 2008
-!- greeezy [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:39
-!- mefistofeles [n=Tathar@unaffiliated/mefistofeles] has joined #hplusroadmap00:39
kanzureat the moment we're all sleeping, so feel free to idle arond00:40
kanzureand the /topic should have some good links to read through00:40
greeezyExactly what i was doing right now :)00:40
kanzureupdate to self-replication page with link to http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=514462&cid=22996516 for review - I wrote this maybe 30 minutes ago and might be a better intro00:41
kanzureon a completely irrelevant note01:06
kanzureoh, nevermind01:07
kanzureAulere: I just saw an argument for genetic testing for embryos, but then I realized I don't care.01:09
kanzurehere's how it went: suppose you are one of N embryos, all of which have an equal chance of getting randomly picked01:09
kanzurebut then suppose you do genetics tests and then you are given a greater chance01:09
kanzurethe argument then goes on to show that it does not change the odds of implantation occuring01:09
kanzurebut rather the odds of greater well-being "for you" (being one of the embryos)01:09
kanzurenow, I think the author means to say that01:10
kanzure"for you" is in the sense of ... once the embryo is already selected01:10
kanzuresuggesting that the parents get to play a role in saying who's who01:10
kanzurebut on the other hand, I don't really care01:10
kanzurejust implant01:10
kanzureor, I mean to say that I don't care if you use genetic testing or evaluation, do whatever you want01:10
Auleredid the article specify which dispositions were being genetically tested for?01:13
AulereI would care, depending on what was being screened out. 01:14
kanzureit was an email01:16
Aulereoh cool01:16
Aulerelooks interesting - I'll read it tomorrow.01:18
Aulerethis is just a study break ;-)  01:19
kanzuredon't bother reading much into it01:21
kanzureethics is #politics01:22
kanzurethis is #kickass01:22
kanzurehttp://www.openwetware.org/forum/ <-- on my radar01:26
-!- mefistofeles [n=Tathar@unaffiliated/mefistofeles] has left #hplusroadmap []01:27
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]01:30
-!- greeezy [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]01:43
-!- greez [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #hplusroadmap01:43
-!- Aulere [n=nevermor@] has quit []01:46
-!- greez [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]02:07
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:25
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]08:02
-!- Enki-2 [n=weechat@c-71-234-190-248.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]08:49
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-!- greeezy [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:52
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fennnano is trendy now? http://blog.craftzine.com/archive/2007/06/nanotechnology_and_fashion_ant.html13:33
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:44
[Users #hplusroadmap]17:54
[ drazak] [ Enki-2] [ epitron] [ fenn] [ kanzure] [ krebs] 17:54
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 6 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal]17:54
kanzureI can't remember my Sourceforge password. Hm.18:14
kanzure"intentional child crippling is wrong" (in the sense of, say, giving the child autism)19:20
kanzureany thoughts?19:20
Enki-2kanzure: it's not crippling to give them autism19:43
kanzureEnki-2: that's my opinion as well19:43
kanzureEnki-2: but on the other hand, what's "crippling"?19:43
Enki-2kanzure: it carries the same risk of negatives as giving them a stronger heart or immunity to aids19:43
kanzurethe problem is that this person tied this into a child abuse argument19:44
kanzuregiving them autism, he argues, is child abuse19:44
Enki-2kanzure: that's kind of ridiculous19:44
kanzurebut who cares if it is child 'abuse'? 19:44
Enki-2at least, to someone who has autism19:44
Enki-2i'm sure NTs consider teaching evolution in schools to be child abuse, from time to time19:44
Enki-2depending on current trends19:45
kanzureI do not like to be beaten, I don't like child abuse, but we must admit that it does occur no matter how many times you make a law against it19:45
kanzureso what does it matter if you call it 'wrong' ?19:45
kanzureare you going to go around genetically testing people?19:45
kanzureand taking away the children that have indicators of autism in their genes?19:45
kanzuresounds rather extreme19:45
kanzureDo you see the difficulty? 19:50
kanzureis it still child abuse if you have modified their brains? Is it child abuse if you do anything they don't want? There are too many boundaries here. Although I'm not sure how much it can possibly matter.19:51
epitroni think it depends on society20:02
epitronif you give a kid autism, then throw him into a culture of normal people, he'll be alienated20:02
epitronthat's pretty shitty20:02
epitronyou'd then have to modify his "desire for social acceptance"20:03
epitronwhich is programmed into us20:03
epitronand make him into a little robot20:03
epitronat which point, you just have a mutilated human that's a pseudo-robot20:03
kanzure>   And again, I think a lot of these disagreements have to do with20:07
kanzure> boundary perception. Personally, I am terrified by the idea that20:07
kanzure> someone might decide at some point that I am "suboptimal", and20:07
kanzure> determine that this gives them the right to invade my brain or body20:07
kanzure> for my own perceived good.20:07
kanzure(Anne Corwin)20:07
kanzureHm. This is interesting: 20:09
kanzure>   But I do NOT see the fact that in reality choices sometimes need to20:09
kanzure> be made for others as some kind of "permission slip" to say, "Well,20:09
kanzure> we invade people's boundaries in Case X and everything works out20:09
kanzure> better in the end, so therefore, invading boundaries isn't a big20:09
kanzure> deal".20:09
-!- greeezy [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #hplusroadmap20:14
kanzureHello greeezy.20:15
-!- greez [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #hplusroadmap20:39
kanzureHello greez.20:42
-!- greeezy [n=gcohoon@24-205-170-43.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]20:50
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kanzure"His imaginative reaction accounting method is to conventional statistical approaches based on species concentrations, as second quantization is to first quantization in quantum theory. I cannot vouch for his algebra at this time, but his basic method is worthy of positive acknowledgment and encouragement." (JPC, Vol 81, No. 25, 2340, 1977)21:06
kanzureHm. A bloke is trying to get me interested in molecular quantum chemistry [for quantum computers]. 23:18

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