
--- Day changed Fri Apr 11 2008
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kanzureHi epitron.07:42
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facefacejust lurking09:04
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:40
drazakmmmmmmm b517:50
kanzureWhy didn't the newspaper guys at the school talk to me before publishing this today?17:56
fennbecause that would conflict with their journalistic integrity of giving only conflicting viewpoints18:36
fenndid you go to the cyclify austin thing?18:39
kanzureno, my dad wasn't feeling well and he still wants to me to drive with him places, don't know why19:03
kanzurethey didn't represent or clearly delineate conflicting viewpoints19:03
kanzurein fact, I don't think they had a solid idea in that article19:03
fenndoes your school have a website yet? newspaper seems a little old-fashioned19:06
fennbut, so does prussian-style schooling19:06
fenn10 reasons the internet is no subsitute for a library:19:10
fenn1) internet isnt allowed in school19:10
fenn2) if it were, you wouldnt be allowed to use it19:10
fenn3) if you managed to finagle access anyway, you wouldnt be allowed to do anything fun or useful19:10
fenn4) because i said so19:11
fenn5) are you still here?19:11
kanzureyes, that was retarded19:11
kanzurethe library has 35 computers that we use during the lunch hours19:11
fennThe following are prohibited: ... Downloads of any kind.19:11
kanzureI want to stab them for that19:11
fennclearly, you have violated library policy19:11
kanzureI wouldn't think it was possible, but it gets worse19:12
fenndo they actually sell floppy disks?19:12
fenndo computers still come with floppy drives?19:12
kanzurethose do19:13
kanzureit's technically cheaper to claim that you lost a flash drive to them19:13
kanzurebecause they always have a few that people are dropping19:13
fennand then you get the indecent thrill of looking through someone else's homework19:13
kanzureit's kind of sad though19:13
kanzurea few months ago I was doing some work in the library and the librarians came up to Andrew (brother) a few computers over,19:14
kanzureand they were trying to convince him that what he wanted to find on the internet could be found in books19:14
kanzureI believe he was looking up the embryological evolutionary development of anthropods19:14
fenndid they know about the google project?19:14
kanzurefrom experience of browsing the indices of the library (just for the hell of it) - I know they do not have this information.19:15
kanzurethey were completely sure that Andrew was just a stupid kid who didn't want to open his eyes to the books19:15
kanzurebut it's just the opposite: they are stupid librarians not opening their eyes to the information accessibility19:15
fennwell, sometimes i get annoyed by people who use myspace instead of email19:16
fenni'm actually not sure which is technically inferior19:16
kanzuresure, there's lots of students that try to sneak in and check their myspace.com accounts19:16
kanzurethe AP literature blog - http://hhsaplit.wordpress.com/19:16
fennare you allowed to have a cellphone in your posession?19:17
fennit would be an interesting political experiment to provide covert wifi coverage to your school19:17
kanzurewell, 19:18
kanzurehere's how this goes down19:18
kanzurethey crack down on mp3 players, ipods, cell phones, anything that is handheld and electronic basically19:18
kanzurehowever students can sneak in some text messages and so on19:18
kanzurethe wifi internet is only for (1) the blind (1 student in the entire school) and (2) the mobile 'laptop cart' (30 Dell notebooks); not even the teachers can wire up their laptops to the internet19:19
kanzure(so I carry around ethernet with me so that in the rare occurence that I am relocated to a room with a free, activated ethernet port, I can get some serious work done)19:19
kanzureI've managed to sneak into the networking room twice, both times by playing the "oops, I dropped something underneath the door" trick on the janitors19:20
kanzurehoping to plug in the wall outlets from the classes I visit, but not having enough time before arousing suspicion19:20
kanzure(the wall outlets are numbered in each of the rooms, I know that I'd really like B-099 to be activated)19:21
fennso, you could sneak in a wifi router theoretically19:21
kanzurebut I'd need a teacher's cooperation19:21
kanzureI could just plug it in to a teacher's ethernet port19:21
kanzureI don't think they would be able to figure out where to look19:22
fennyeah you'd need some clever maneuvering with a laptop and signal strength meter19:22
kanzurebut luckily many of my classes are localized during the day19:22
kanzurethey have me going in circles19:22
kanzurepersonally, I find this to be inexcusable behavior on the part of the administrators19:23
kanzurethere's no way they can think that they have hired the best of the best in teachers19:23
kanzureand of course that's not their goal19:23
kanzurebut for some of us we want to get work done19:23
kanzurespeaking of which ... the valedictorian is somewhat of a polygamist druggie, so a few of us are opting to write his speech for him. I'll throw it up on a wiki soon and get down to business. I want to throw in some clever punches to the school system. "I am glad that I have had the pleasure of being so wonderfully confined for the past 12 years of my life, this has really worked out well" etc.19:24
fennheh polygamy is the default in high school isnt it?19:25
kanzuredunno, I never was able to get signed up for that19:25
fennpeople change when they get out of prison19:26
kanzureTexas has great homeschooling laws, the only reason I am still in high school is because (1) my dad has given me financial incentive (college money) to stay in hgih school, and (2) I've been too much of a pussy to run away.19:28
kanzurewhat we've all known about voting (party identification trends, people not knowing what the party member really represents) - http://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=518564;cid=2303120219:29
fennwell, free rent and college money sounds like an ok deal i guess19:29
kanzurein exchange for immense psychological suffering?19:29
kanzureI'm at the top of my game during the school day, only to come home to try to kick myself up the hill, it sucks19:29
fennwhy are you going to UT?19:30
kanzureonly two schools accepted me: wisc.edu and utexas.edu19:30
kanzureutexas because it's cheap and I was supposedly going to get a lab spot over the summer with Andy's lab19:30
fenni mean, why are you doing undergrad19:30
fennits more of the same, BTDT19:30
kanzureskip undergrad completely?19:30
fennbeen there done that19:30
kanzurewhat are my options? 19:31
fennuh, well, i dunno really19:31
kanzureI need some hard lab experience19:31
fenn why?19:31
kanzurefor people to take me slightly more seriously, I think19:31
kanzureand from what I can tell, you sort of have to be attending the university in order to count19:31
kanzure* in order to get in19:31
kanzureto a lab19:31
kanzureI hope I am wrong.19:31
fennhm. well, ask ellington and see if its possible to skip undergrad in all or in part19:32
kanzuredoesn't that sound kinda foolish19:32
fennhow much is 3 years worth to you?19:32
kanzureevery second19:32
fenndid you do AP yet?19:33
fennthere are lots of departmental tests you can take to get credit or have requirements waived19:34
kanzureyeah, of course19:34
fennmany of them are not advertised19:34
kanzureI've been doing AP for yars19:34
fennyou have to go pester some departmental chair19:34
kanzureyou can see my reviews on my sites, I collected 10k links per class and then did a recurse through a good number of them19:34
kanzureyeah, I'll definitely look into that19:34
kanzureI was planning on going to their summer orientation session19:34
fennhonestly, you know more than most college grads, but dont let it go to your head19:35
kanzurewhere I'd finalize some course work schedules or whatever, ask if I can "design my own course" (UT doesn't allow this, but I'll ask anyway)19:35
kanzureand then I was planning on doing a recursion through the syllabus guides19:35
kanzureI just need to impress the right people, I think19:36
fennthe right people could care less19:36
fennthe people you can impress are not going to be able to do anything19:36
fennso you will have to work with the people you can impress to convince the crusty old administrators to do stuff19:37
fennthat takes effort on everyone's part so they will not want to do it19:37
fennso you have to convince them that it's worth helping you19:37
fenn(a slightly harder problem)19:38
fenngah taxes are so stupid19:38
kanzureI see.19:40
kanzure"I'm still amused by those who insist content more valuable than the means of accessing it."19:42
fennum, what? those are like, orthogonal19:42
kanzureas in -> 19:43
kanzurecopy/paste error19:43
fennaccessible content is worth more in value, less in money19:43
kanzureas in, access method to some extent determines the content that will be accessed19:43
kanzureanyway, I have some time open this summer if I don't get that lab spot19:50
kanzureso this will be an optimal time to get some things lined up and in order19:50
kanzurefenn: http://www.kurtz-fernhout.com/pointrel/ relationship specification system?19:56
fenni dont really get it - why three? why not use class inheritance to describe relationships?20:03
fenn"thats nice but whats it good for"20:04
kanzuredon't know20:05
fenncycorp had something like 'first 50 million triplets free' on their website, which it nagging at me20:05
fennoh look, text i cant read, great20:06
fennhey i can read "BFI Challenge"20:06
fennthat's funny20:06
fennthose fuckers never even wrote me back20:08
fenndesign science revolution is cool though20:16
kanzureI was reading the BFI challenge site recently too20:25
kanzurebut it looks like they want something more concrete than what I can provide at the moment20:25
kanzurefenn: what's your current situation? out of college?20:35
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fennkanzure: yep, pretty much, realized college was BS halfway through and decided to finish anyway, now i'm sort of coasting on money i was supposed to spend on college but didnt because i'm cheap22:59
fenndid a bit of sysadmin perlmongering and hated it22:59
kanzureso if I get a startup going and have some funding, you'd be interested in seeing if it could work out for you?22:59
fenndepends what it is22:59
kanzureok, but it's not out of the question23:00
fennyes i'd be interested23:00
kanzurehow much does it take to coast, anyway?23:01
kanzurebecause I have a five digit number coming up for college funds23:01
fenndo you really want to know? :)23:01
fennwell, food is free from dumpsters, and you really only need a sleeping bag and a plastic sheet23:02
kanzurewhat about your metal shop?23:02
fenni happen to live in a house, and rent+bills is about $220, but its a rather "choice" situation, takes a while to find that sort of thing23:03
fennmetal shop is crap from harbor freight.. dunno, i probably have spent about $2000 there23:03
fennand $800 on the atlas lathe23:03
kanzurethat's not bad23:03
kanzuremy mom runs a woodworking shop23:03
kanzureshe's spent significantly more than $2800 on it23:03
kanzureand she's a deal hunter ;)23:03
fennmy estimate may be off by a lot23:04
fenni will figure it out when i get my computerized inventory database set up23:04
kanzure$220 is pretty good23:05
fennum, it's more than just a cost database, it's searchable and tells you where to find stuff23:05
fennyep, at one point i was paying $50 for rent, but we had like 10 people living here23:06
fennbig old farm house with fields around it23:06
kanzurebig old farm house ... with internet access? hehe23:07
fennactually.. there is a fiber optic cable right across the street23:07
kanzurea steal.23:07
fennyou can open up this little door in the ground and see a room full of server racks and telephone equipment23:07
fennwe thought the phone company vans were spying on us because they were always parked over there doing apparently nothing23:08
fennso, now the brouhaha is filing for 501c(3) status so people can give us money for being cool23:09
kanzurehow would that work?23:10
kanzuredo you actually do anything ?23:10
kanzureI mean, that people would give money for?23:10
fennwell, people have all this excess money that they can give away, and basically it's redirecting money away form the gov't23:10
kanzureah, for donations23:10
fennwe would be doing 'educational outreach'23:11
fenntoday discussed about how people have land-lines that they never use, and how to utilize those as a distributed skype-ish last mile POTS network bridge23:12
fennphone lines23:12
fennsay you're in europe and you want to call indiana23:12
fennyou skype over the net to my server, which picks up the modem and dials a local indiana number23:13
fennsince i'm not using the phone line, it's no sweat off my back. but need lots of them23:13
kanzureI believe that's, ah, autoasterisk23:13
kanzureasterisk project or something23:13
fennasterisk does a lot of crap23:13
fennanyway, it would be cool to figure out how to promote this and possibly take advantage of it23:14
kanzurewait, wouldn't they be on your bill?23:15
kanzurephone bill?23:15
kanzureunless local calls are free23:15
kanzurethen you only need bandwidth to scale up23:15
kanzureso that's paying for new wires to be put in, yes?23:15
fennno, we dont buy any hardware, expansion works by distributing the software to other people who want to take part23:17
kanzureyes, that'd work23:17
fennsee, you have to sign up for telephone service if you want DSL23:18
fennso you get this useless phone line23:18
fennweird isnt it23:18
fennphone company unwittingly causing its own demise23:19
kanzureit's too bad we can't get people to pull their own fiber optic cabling23:20
kanzureif it drops packages, that's ok, the internet routes around that sort of damage23:20
fennnah, wireless mesh network is a zillion times cheaper and more resilient23:21
fennonly downside is latency23:21
kanzurewell, I was thinking the same23:21
kanzurebut I want self-replicating mesh nodes23:21
kanzureon the other hand, taking over the HAM frequencies might be worth it23:21
fennthere's also optical and IR and more23:22
kanzureronja needs to include DIY laser instructions ;)23:22
fennTEA laser router? :P23:23
fenndo not stare into router with remaining eye23:23
fennfluorescent light might be fast enough23:24
fennor some kind of corona discharge23:24
fennthen you get to worry about diy light detectors23:24
kanzuresome sort of cheap photoamplifier23:25
fennyeah, those two words dont go together23:25
kanzureor digital camera from walgreens23:25
kanzurehooked up to some software?23:25
fennif you buy something might as well just buy some led's and photodiodes and be done with it23:25
kanzureI'm going to get some sleep, I'm being useless at the moment23:26
kanzureI need you to go over the todo notes I threw up yesterday and tell me if you can think of something else I should be doing tomorrow23:26
kanzurehttp;//heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/2008-04-10 has the list near the bottom somewhere23:26
fennok, will look, g'nite23:27
kanzureas expected, Wikipedia pulled my edits23:32

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