
--- Day changed Fri Apr 18 2008
kanzurein all honesty, how long did you spend on that tree? ;)00:17
fenni didnt draw the tree00:17
fennit came with dia00:17
fennmm.. i guess00:18
fenni should probably use inkscape, but dia is special-purpose enough that it's nice for quick sketches where you delete things and move them around a lot. it preserves geometrical relationships00:18
fennit is nice to have a bunch of icons to pick from, instead of having to search the web for clipart00:20
kanzure'design model' worries me00:20
kanzureonce you design your model, *go dump it into git*00:20
kanzurehere I'm assuming git =~ skdb =~ ikiwki+git etc.00:20
fennyes, that git00:20
fennstuff in git should be generic enough to be read by any 'electricity' plugin we come up with00:21
kanzurethus, you should be able to retrieve models from git too00:21
kanzurewhat about the idea of the chair package?00:21
kanzureour friendly chair package example, at least00:21
fenni cant think about chair units this late :P00:21
fennits too abstract00:21
fenn'comfiness' hmph00:22
kanzureokay, so 'built-up units' are allowed00:22
kanzuresuch that we can make more permutations and combinations and so on00:22
kanzureand we get into fancy grounding problems, of course, but that's not too bad00:22
kanzuresince we can still get stuff done without a Theory of Everything for all units00:22
kanzurewhich is pretty sweet :)00:22
fennseat comfiness measurement device : http://www.kuka.com/taiwan/en/products/systems/occubot/00:24
kanzurecomfiness would be more social data00:24
fennsymbol grounding basically dumps the problem of measurement onto the user00:24
kanzureand society00:24
fennlike, the user can measure a volt, so that's a volt00:24
kanzurestandards, etc.00:24
kanzurehaha -- giant mechanical arm to test the chair ... classic :)00:25
fennbut see the prosthetic butt attachment00:25
kanzureprosthetic ass?00:25
fennmovie of the seat tester http://www.kuka.com/taiwan/en/products/systems/occubot/\00:27
fennso, i wonder if that tells you something00:28
kanzureI wonder how that company got over the subjectivity stuff00:29
kanzureI wonder what properties they are actually testing00:29
fennpressure, probably00:30
kanzure"I think human asses are still cheaper." - Blake00:30
fennin^-2  (pressure per pound)00:31
fennand maybe some thermal properties factor into it too00:32
fennwater transport00:32
kanzurepressure per pound per cm00:32
kanzureor per mm, really, or whatever our tactile resolution is through clothing00:32
fennnot high00:32
fennyou can sit on a bed of nails and not know it00:32
fennit's like 1 dpi00:32
kanzurehuh, okay00:33
kanzurere: autospec for 'unit simplification' methodology: find all units and then find all possible other ways of expressing the same units, then eliminate the ones that are not used for all of the original units, then the remaining ones are the options - then use the smallest possible number of units to connect all of the packages together00:34
kanzure*then* the design phase where you paste together shell pipelining and so on to make sure that they can understand each other's formats and whatever other simulation modules have to be pasted together for interfaces etc.00:35
kanzurethat's the 'design-phase' thing you labelled00:35
fenn'smallest possible number' is all of the base units00:35
kanzurehopefully the interfacing will be somewhat automated/streamlined00:35
kanzureperhaps not all of the base units will be used however00:35
fennoh, right00:35
fennbase units is things like kg, m, s, whereas derived units are J, newton00:36
fenni'd like to preserve the original units for displaying to the user00:36
kanzureI've had 'go through all of the CRC Handbook of Chem/Physics variables' on my todo list for years00:37
fennobviously kW makes more sense in a generator context than kg*m^s2/s^200:37
fennsee i got it wrong00:38
fennanyway, GNU 'units' should handle this.. i cant think of any situation where you'd make up a unit that it couldnt handle00:39
kanzureso autospec can do a simple scoring matrix00:40
kanzuregnu units would simplify anything it is given00:40
kanzureinto more fundamental units00:40
fennbut why bother simplifying00:40
kanzureand then we get a list of those units and add them to their respective scores00:40
kanzureat the end we choose the ones that have the highest scores00:40
kanzurewhat's the alternative?00:40
fenncalling gnu units when you want to do a comparison00:40
kanzurebut what if you want to try to 'optimize' all of the packages at once?00:41
kanzureinstead of your binary compare method?00:41
fennscoring is separate from units, it's more like you have a vector in units-space, and multiply it by your personality-matrix00:41
fennall people arent going to optimize things the same way all the time00:42
fennso you have to assign weights to each type of 'cost'00:42
fenntime, safety, reliability, autonomy00:43
fennautonomy is more or less the opposite of money?00:43
kanzurewhat is safety in terms of00:44
kanzurewhat units?00:44
fennhell i dont know00:44
fenn(mean time before accident)/severity00:45
fennwhat's the dollar value of a human life?00:46
fennthere will be a series of questions we ask the end-user to figure these things out00:47
fennhence 'personality matrix'00:47
fennno, i havent figured it all out00:48
kanzurelook, doing a comparison between 500 different packages would require 500! comparisons, you see?00:49
kanzureand you can't just do chaining00:49
kanzureA-B, B-C, C-D, D-A00:49
kanzurebecause that does not guarantee the shortest path00:49
fenner, you just sort a list of 50000:49
kanzurethat is the shortest computational path, not the shortest unit-path00:49
fenntake package A, find its cost appropriate to Fred (our end-user), tag package with that cost00:50
kanzurethat's stupid00:51
kanzurewe're talking about evaluating unit feasability00:51
kanzurewhether or not the entire design can meet specifications00:51
kanzurethus the specs must be programmed00:51
kanzurei.e., "must provide within this range of whatever units"00:51
fennif i have a nuclear reactor (safety factor 1000yr/gigadollar-explosion) and a gasoline engine (100yr/kilodollar-explosion) we can find the safety value, no?00:51
fennand sort them in a list00:52
fennor are you talking about something completely different now?00:52
kanzureI thought we were talking about autospec00:52
fennyou said 'design model worries me'00:53
fennthen started talking about autospec00:53
kanzurehow can you verify the design when you don't have the design? autospec verifies the feasability of the design (not whether or not it will work as you naturally-linguistically describe it)00:54
kanzureanyway, I need to get going for the night00:54
fennok, hopefully the diagrams will make more sense next time you look00:55
kanzurenobody said they didn't make sense00:57
kanzurethat last one was pretty good00:57
kanzurebut 'design models' should be in skdb anyway, no? - and then users get to create new ones by plug-and-chug (lego building style)00:57
kanzurehttp://fennetic.net/pub/irc/autogenix-software.png in particular00:57
kanzureyeah, I'm crashing00:57
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:23
kanzurefenn: you have sufficiently disrupted my depiction of the system that I need your further clarification -- all of your talks on units seems to have ignored how the packages demand they be setup, such as the lathe-package, which has its own g-code and its own specifications for material requirements07:37
kanzure and so on, these material requirements for making the object are different from typical unit requirements, especially since you need to use some 'form' of material in many cases ("I need xyz type of material, I don't care if you can't magically extract it") 07:37
kanzure-- which is where the Common Object Library (implemented by python plugins in skdb for user download) comes into play. I think these plugins would have to tie 07:37
kanzurein their functions to some main 'processes', i.e. if you load in an extra module then the main functions running through the script should treat it like an API and just call $module.buildFunc() or something; *but* from the sounds of it this is not the case that you were suggesting07:37
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:16
kanzureHey fenn.18:18
kanzurehere's the summary:18:18
kanzurethe solution to my worries about the units stuff v. all-out packages is that the code to make something is simply code to query/ping an API for dealing with whatever equipment the user has in his fab-lab18:19
kanzureso all of that code doesn't have to be evaluated until the end18:19
kanzureI'm thinking of a completely automated fab lab (except with human interaction when necessary, to some requisite degree of precision)18:20
fennhi. i'm redoin the diagram because i was wrong18:24
fenndead dependency tree is preferable because it means a comparison is very simple. the alternative means calling possibly large amounts of code for every comparison18:26
fennbut, there are varying degrees of dead-ness vs alive-ness18:26
fennfully dead is like 'blackboxing', you specify exactly the package you intend to be used18:27
fennpartially dead is to cite a specification, such as a standardized connector, which makes use of units and named geometry to ensure that things will fit together18:28
fennfully alive does simulations on the geometry of the parts involved, collision detection, thermal analysis, etc18:28
fennobviously we cant do full simulations on (n!) connections in the db18:29
fenn(or can we?)18:29
fennanyway, i think 'partially dead' is what we're going for18:31
kanzurePaul knows Freeman Dyson personally. 18:47
kanzurefull simulations / n! is obviously infeasible at this point, yes18:47
kanzurewe need a 'printing server' for fabrication18:48
kanzureI think we are wrong about the local user skdb cache of metadata files etc18:48
kanzuretechnically it's not just a file cache18:48
kanzureit should be a physical tool cache too18:48
kanzureplus the configuration information specifying on what ports the instruments are connected to the server18:48
kanzureplus a common API so that drivers can be written for the API, and then all packages in skdb can query that interface to make the tools do something (no matter what weird device-driver implementation the physical instruments happen to involve, see)18:49
kanzurewtf, Dyson doesn't have a PhD.18:49
fennugh.. thinking is too hard18:55
fennthere's got to be a better way18:56
kanzureit's been making good sense to me so far18:57
kanzureI mean, I had a bit of a blip last night and this morning18:57
kanzurebut I was explaining it to a kid at school (rubber ducky method), and had a few generated insights while talking18:57
fennthis is halfway done: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/autogenix-software2.png18:58
fennyep, explaining things will do that18:59
kanzurea few things that I kept floating back to: (1) grounding problem, (2) analogies to the compiler bootstrapping problem, (3) linux printing server ;)18:59
kanzureis the top left pictogram supposedly a servo?19:00
fennits an electrical plug19:00
fennlike you plug into a wall19:00
kanzureplease excuse me, my eyes.19:01
kanzureon the right I see the outlet, at least19:01
fenni'll make it bigger19:01
kanzurenah, was just wondering19:02
fennwell too bad19:03
fennso, are the class instances the nodes of the graph?19:06
kanzurethere are many graphs to consider19:14
kanzureso we can do instances which make up a project in skdb?19:14
kanzurebut that would still be a package in skdb, IMO19:16
kanzureeven if it is a package that doesn't offer new python plugins (new classes)19:16
fennyes, a project would be a collection of instances of its parts19:23
fennlike, a vacuum cleaner wouldn't redefine the NEMA-5-15P connector, it would just include nema-5-15p.skdb, instantiate it, and connect the relevant signals/wires19:25
fennor... is nema-5-15p.skdb simply data that gets parsed and stuffed into a generic electrical connector object?19:27
fenn3-prong connector19:27
kanzureit would be an instance of a generic part, yes19:36
kanzurean obviously much more specific instance than could otherwise be provided19:36
kanzurehowever, it is *not necessarily* stuffed into generic electrical connectors.skdb .... that skdb file in particular might go point to nema-5-15p.skdb (which could be downloaded at the same time for all we care)19:37
kanzureI think that nema-5-15p.skdb must exist if we are to allow python plugins (for instances) to have their own classes too, yes?19:37
kanzureor, hm..19:37
kanzuresure, why not, there's no general requirements for what gets to be a package and not19:41
kanzureas long as they can ultimately be parsed and considered pertainent to the overall goals of skdb, yes?19:42
fennwhat are the goals of skdb?19:46
fenncomp got hijacked by munchkins who promptly locked it up solid with tuxracer19:47
kanzureI thought the goals are to just dump as many projects as possible into the mix, then fix up some of the connections and then do searches for self-replicating machines19:49
kanzurere: fully alive simulations; this is where it becomes more optimal to experiment and build it first, then report on the results or whatever (ideally, only report on the positives, but showing an error log would be excellent)19:55
kanzurefenn: please kick me in the ass19:57
kanzurewhat do we have left to do?19:58
fennempirical testing can be represented as a sort of simulation (it doesnt necessarily apply to all instances of the project everywhere)19:58
fennor is that totally backwards and inside out thinking?20:00
kanzureyeah, who cares how the simulation is done20:00
kanzureit could be physical or virtual, either way.20:00
kanzureit could be done if you shuffle neurotransmitters around for all I care20:00
kanzureas long as you do it right20:00
kanzureeven physical experiments can be faultily setten-up (woah, wording issues here)20:01
kanzure*even physical experimental implementations can be faulty setups20:01
fennnow that i think about it, a standard electrical plug is an interference fit20:02
fennyou have to know the spring constants and do FEA and all sort of nastiness to get the insertion force20:02
fennnot just geometry20:02
kanzurealso, a short rant on the package manager on the user end -- it will have to be able to manage the fab-lab; this means precise positioning of input materials, output materials, the machinery, cords and wires (wireless would be ridiculously useful)20:03
kanzureinsertion force for a plug?20:03
kanzuretrue that20:03
fennwireless isnt going to happen20:03
kanzureyeah :(20:03
kanzureso it has to have a managed cord environment20:03
kanzurevery meticulous configurations20:03
kanzure(but that's okay)20:03
fennnot a big deal once you figure out the algorithm20:04
kanzureworst case scenario: you make it a genetic algorithm so that it can find the best way to position all of the equipment in whatever dimensionality-room you have available20:04
kanzureand then wire management can be computer-automated too20:04
fenni'm more concerned about the things that are not black-boxy, like electrical interference, temperature, vibration (and modal analysis)20:04
kanzurehow so?20:04
fennif package A works in one situation, it might not work in another situation because we failed to simulate everything happening at once (which is impossible without recreating the universe)20:05
kanzureI thought you said autospec would take care of this20:06
kanzurein partial-alive/dead simulation stuff.20:06
fennwell, it depends on the specs being well written20:06
kanzureand why can't we come up with algorithms for managing that stuff anyway?20:06
kanzurefenn: that might be more from the social knowledge side20:19
kanzureremember, automated design is not our goal20:19
kanzurejust widespread diffusion and easy modifications + experimentation, not a guarantee that anything will work20:19
kanzure(with linux 'it just happens to work', really - there's no monarch sitting at the top making sure all lines conform)20:19
fennat the individual interface level everything is very standardized and specified. that's why all the lib.so.0 stuff20:23
fennwhen the .0 changes to .1, the libraries are no longer compatible20:24
kanzurebut it's all blackboxed, this is necessarily different20:24
kanzureuser experimentation/learning is necessary20:24
kanzurethat's all there is to it.20:24
kanzurehell if I know20:24
kanzurebut there are obviously emergent effects that have to be dealt with20:24
kanzureelectrical interference could be an algorithm that we apply over a person's design before making it20:24
kanzurefor final checks and so on20:24
kanzuresure, but that's bloody hard to write20:24
kanzurethe point is that those interactions do not happen all the time, therefore there is a likelihood that users can learn how to optimize manufacturing routines or whatever to either avoid those problems or find ways around them20:25
kanzurethe system is not totally useless if it can't predict all possible emergent interference (or other) effects20:25
fennblah.. i dont know what's next: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/autogenix-software2.png20:28
kanzurebtw, you realize the example MD file is suspect right?20:28
kanzurebut that's obviously something we can deal with later20:29
fennsuspect how?20:29
kanzurejust doesn't feel right20:29
kanzurebut back to the 'stuck' part20:29
fennit's the heart of the system :)20:29
fennthe source of all truth and beauty20:29
fennit defines the possible logical connections in the graph20:30
kanzuredo you assert the general validity of the design of the entire software architecture as shown in the image?20:30
fennif the MD is wrong, we're screwed20:30
fennso that's why i want it as simple and hand-crafted as possible20:30
kanzureis that even valid yaml?20:30
fennclose, i need to add some :'s20:30
kanzurealso, where's the g-code? etc.20:31
kanzurethat's why I say it can wait until later20:31
kanzurethe details can be hashed out later, the point is that the rest of the system has to be able to cope with such details20:31
fenng-code is auto-generated from cad files, or included in the package20:31
fenng-code sucks20:31
kanzurewhatever, I'm using it as a blackbox at the moment20:31
fennit's very machine specific because the standard is so poor to begin with20:31
kanzureanyway, you may want to add in something about autospec getting the python plugins from skdb (as skdb packages themselves)20:31
fennyou might as well consider it written english20:31
kanzurealso, the PV=IR stuff -- you might want to mention 'GNU units'20:32
kanzureis that how bad it is? yikes20:32
fennwell, its bad20:32
kanzureyou may want to connect the factory back to the 'optional simulation' (which also adds it back to adding the designs back into skdb, with use-case reports, bugzilla additions, whatever)20:32
kanzureprocess state config might be the 'print server and fab-lab management / resources / automated tool infrastructure management' stuff, dunno20:34
kanzureI'm assuming yes20:34
kanzurethis brings me back to my talk on the "fablab tool API" or whatever -- obviously all tools will have drivers, yes? These drivers will have weird interfaces, sure, so we need to abstract it away from all of the skdb pack20:35
kanzureages with code in 'em so that the code just queries the server and formulates a yaml production request or whatever, controlling the defined standards for the machinery. 20:35
kanzuredoes that make sense?20:35
fennno, not all tools will have drivers, obviously hand tools won't20:35
fennmany operations will have to be explained with english20:36
kanzurehand tools can be controlled by hand-manipulators20:36
kanzurethat is true20:36
kanzureideally, all packages will have loads of natural language stuff dumped into them (kind of like man pages)20:36
kanzureyou know how my biohack zip file has tons of information?20:36
kanzurethe biohack kit would be a good example of an extra resource to cite in a dot-skdb file20:36
fennyeah, i figured you wanted to boil biohack.zip down into a series of skdb files20:37
kanzurebut 20:37
kanzurebut the written text is also important for the by-hand and so on20:37
kanzuresooo the skdb files should also be able to cite alternatives to programmed functions for making things20:37
fennof course20:37
kanzure"here's what a human could do in this situation" or something20:38
kanzureok good20:38
kanzureideally, we could have the program figure out how much can be optimized, and then generate a routine to print out and give to the humans20:38
kanzureand they can walk around and do their checklist20:38
kanzureor query the database for more info (etc.)20:38
fennthis is why all the skill-set theorizing20:38
kanzure"wtf, how do I turn on a microwave"20:38
fennif you are a total moron you can still pay other people to do operations for you20:39
kanzurehurray for capitalism20:39
kanzureobvious sarcasm20:39
kanzurebut anyway20:39
fenni'd rather people be forced to learn how to survive :)20:39
kanzureyou said 'no, [that does not make sense] -- so I think you would now answer 'yes'?20:40
kanzureoops, forgot to closequotes20:40
fennwhat didnt make sense?20:40
kanzureI was talking about the fablab tool API20:40
kanzuresee, when you program on linux for example20:40
kanzureyou just talk about /dev/stuff20:40
kanzureinstead of a specific driver for something20:40
kanzureso we need this same sort of system in the sense that there is an abstraction layer that is well-defined20:41
fenn/dev/ is an abstraction layer20:41
kanzurenow, some tools might have extra features over other 'equivalents in the same class' of course, but in general, 20:41
kanzurebut I am also pairing this with the ideas of inventory management, layout management (of the equipment and so on), etc.20:41
kanzureso we can still use /dev/ as it is20:41
kanzurealso, instead of a vague-amorphous 'internet', we can say "internet = skdb = ikiwiki + git + http interfaces + pgp signing + ... " or something as a temp placeholder20:43
kanzureblah, you have not updated the diagram20:43
fennwell, v=ir is social knowledge that's not yet in skdb20:43
fennwhen it gets coded into the plugin, then it puts the DB into skdb20:43
fennso that layer with the two cylinders is the skdb20:44
fennbelow that is code that runs on end-user computer20:44
fennbelow that is physical movements etc20:44
kanzureI'd genuinely like the graph to be further updated though -- the more specific ideas I've mentioned can do wonders methinks :)20:45
kanzureif not that, then what's next?20:48
fennwell, graph looks pretty complicated, hard to add much more without it looking busy20:53
kanzureI would suggest splitting the graph then, but then we lose the "at a glance" functionality of the graphiness20:54
fenncan make new diagrams of sub-systems, i guess20:55
fennwhat's next mister roadmap? :P20:57
kanzureokay, how about this20:58
kanzureinstead of diagrams of subsystems, I'll go write up a brief list of descriptions of all of the subsystems20:58
fenni know you love big blocks of text, but i'm gonna put the diagram on yer wiki20:58
kanzureand then once we validate this list and say 'go ahead'20:58
kanzureyeah, go ahead20:58
kanzureif it's graphviz then you can use <graphviz> random shit here </graphviz>20:58
kanzureso once we confirm the general taggy descriptions for everything, then I say let's go20:59
kanzurein the mean time I'm experimenting with python, yaml, the yaml type repository, pickles, ikiwiki, git, investigating apt a bit more, and really itching to write a giant block of text21:00
kanzureI feel one coming ;)21:00
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/music/Grayson/Land%20of%20the%20Free%202/07-empress-qtxmp3.mp3 is on a loop in the background (+ Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine)21:01
kanzureit's odd how similar these two songs are21:01
kanzureit must be a niche21:01
kanzureplease link me once you dump it on the wiki21:06
kanzurebtw, image uploads are now allowed21:06
fennnothing fancy :)21:07
fenni think i would die if i had to get graphviz to show that21:07
kanzureso, for the implementation of skdb and all of this underlying software21:09
kanzureobviously we are to some extent rewriting portage and apt and so on21:09
kanzureor using parts of them at least21:09
kanzureso my plan is to release this as a meta package called metarepo21:10
kanzurebut that essentially we 'strongly encourage' all instances of the software to be networked together21:10
kanzureideally you and I can setup an aggregation server or even a main server21:10
kanzurebut I would like to see people taking the code and using it for their own local implementations of the entire architecture21:10
kanzurewe obviously don't want some guys a few years down the road to come across the software and say "WTF" the same way we did to the lack of an APT website ;)21:10
fennthe idea behind autogenix is that it's a distribution like debian, instead of a bunch of rpm files scattered around the net like redhat seems to have encouraged (or failed to encourage)21:11
kanzureplus the ability to set up clones of the software is an obvious advantage21:11
kanzurewith debian, anybody can set up and provide a mirror21:11
kanzurethe .skdb files allow us to point to other resources and splice networks together21:11
kanzurebut the goal will be consolidation, yes21:11
fennbittorrent provides some nice facilities, md5 verification, tracker info etc21:12
kanzuremy thoughts exactly21:12
kanzuretorrents come into play at multiple points in this system21:12
fennno need to set up a bunch of 'centralized' servers if we're just going to decentralize them21:12
kanzurebut it seems like the implementation details can be held off until long after a first release21:12
kanzurebut I thought we want centralization? a total database that keeps all of the files cached?21:12
kanzurebecause we don't really want to rely on third party servers to keep up21:12
kanzureor for people to pay their bills etc.21:12
kanzurebad, bad idea.21:12
fennyes, we'll keep a sort of 'archive' that keeps the torrents seeded?21:13
fenncan torrent software handle downloading 1000's of files at once?21:13
kanzurecan http software ?21:13
fenni think http turns to crap after about 4 connections21:13
kanzurethat is not encouraging ...21:14
kanzureworst case scenario: we dump all data on to a handful of DVDs or a large hard drive and mail it to interested third parties21:14
fennso, lots of little files makes for a more up-to-date system, but glomming into tarballs makes for better compression21:14
fennhah if we ever get that much data i'm going to declare success and move to mars21:14
kanzureI like the idea of an underlying distribution grassroots thing21:15
kanzurewith us seeding21:15
kanzurethat makes good sense IMHO21:15
kanzuretell me if this makes sense21:16
kanzurea site with 60 million members has periodic problems with their web services21:16
kanzurewho the hell is running that place21:17
kanzure*development servers*21:17
fennsourceforge? what a crock21:17
kanzureI go there occassionally to check for priv-msgs from a certain somebody21:17
fennnever heard of it21:17
kanzureI'd describe it as neopets for anime fans21:18
fenndid i ever tell you about smirf?21:19
fennthe idea was to make an MMO that was based on engineering/physics principles21:19
fennthe project would harness the vast numbers of players to make a better in-game cad system/physics simulator21:20
kanzureyou took a much more technical approach to what I was doing21:20
kanzurein my "I wanna write an MMO days", I mean.21:20
fenneventually all the 'magical' devices would fail and you'd rely on deterministic clockwork stuff like we have to use in the real world21:20
fenni didnt want to write an mmo, i wanted a cad system with corresponding physics simulator :)21:21
fennalpha and beta would correspond to new buggy software of course21:21
kanzureNoah just linked me over to http://cba.mit.edu/events/08.04.ASC/ - looks like David did a presentation yesterday21:22
kanzureThe Internet as a Computing Surface21:23
kanzurefab in a boxd21:23
kanzureReverse engineering the brain21:23
kanzureHow to build a brain (but it's Minsky)21:23
fenncool stuff, hurray for academia21:24
fennbussard said the main reason he never gave lectures and conferences was so he could get some work done21:25
fenn(i'm probably misquoting him)21:25
kanzureif I am ever forced to give a lecture, I'm going to immediately turn it into an informal unconference21:27
kanzurenah, nevermind21:28
kanzureI'd enjoy the attention21:28
kanzuremy attention is shot - I can either do a block of text or go do something else21:30
kanzureneed faster music21:31
fennwhy dont you write out descriptions of subsystems21:31
kanzureten thousand thoughts a second is rather debilitating21:32
fennhah. some very smart brazilians turned my penguin sketch into a 3d model http://videolog.uol.com.br/video.php?id=321558&grupo=16121:59
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/docs/dbz/goku.html hurray for pathetic attempts at writing out vague concepts22:26
kanzureother interpretations of the same character are much too violent22:28
kanzure(don't get me wrong, I can go for violence :))22:29
fenngoku always seemed a little slow to me, good at heart but no prince vegeta22:41
kanzurein fact, none of them were all that bright23:15

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