
--- Day changed Sun Apr 20 2008
fenntrying to figure out why this is forbidden http://fennetic.net/git/gitweb.cgi00:27
kanzureit's hidden in /etc/gitweb.conf00:34
kanzureoh, well00:35
kanzurethat's just an apache error really00:35
kanzurebut once you get that solved, gitweb.cgi will have another problem00:35
fennoh, now its changed00:35
kanzureunless you're using /var/cache/git or something00:35
fennshould say  403 Forbidden - No projects found 00:36
kanzurebut I fixed that00:36
kanzurejust make sure the vars in gitweb.cgi and /etc/gitweb.conf match each other for the project paths etc.00:36
fennarrr stupid gitweb.cgi has all those variables in the script too, so i changed them thinking they actually got used00:37
kanzureI thought they do.00:37
fennapparently projectroot gets overwritten by /etc/gitweb.conf00:38
fenni think your gitweb css file isnt being found00:39
kanzureI don't know where anything related to gitweb is located except /etc/gitweb.conf and /usr/lib/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi00:39
fennis there /var/www/git-logo.png00:42
kanzureI think I have to go rip out my ikiwiki repos and then start from fresh on that end00:42
kanzurethat's not my www-root though :)00:42
fennlooks same00:43
fennits looking in http://heybryan.org/cgi-bin/git-logo.png00:44
kanzureyeah :(00:45
kanzureand why is wikiwc/.git/ more populated than /home/bbishop/.git/wiki.git/ ?00:46
fennbecause ikiwiki hasnt committed its stuff?00:49
kanzurehow do you do that?00:49
kanzureand why is ikiwiki.cgi not working ?00:49
fennthere's a function in ikiwiki.setup? that needs uncommented (commit hook i think)00:49
fenni havent gotten that far yet00:49
kanzurepost-update, methinks00:52
fenngcc-wrapped setuid perl files are the stupidest hack ever00:56
kanzurewhat are they?00:57
kanzuretoo bad editing from the web still doesn't work00:58
fennits a setuid executable that will let you do root stuff from perl without the 'inherent insecurity' of a perl text file00:58
fenni dont really get it, honestly00:58
fennyour rewrite rule is a little off.. heybryan.org/wiki fails but heybryan.org/wiki/ works01:00
fenn'Error: "do" parameter missing' is the problem?01:01
kanzureit's not a rewrite rule, it's actually that /wiki doesn't exist01:02
kanzure'access without authorization denied' is given for my cgi script, I had to check with lynx01:02
kanzurebut Opera doesn't tell me anything except give a blank page01:02
kanzurefenn: nah, it just goes blank when I hit 'edit' for a page.01:03
kanzureit used to give me a login form01:05
kanzureand I even registered01:05
kanzure(also tried from another browser with separate cookie session, no login form - still a blank page - guess I could have known this from my lynx usage)01:05
fennyeah i see that.01:08
fennhmm. updates to the main repo dont percolate down to ikiwiki01:14
fennhave to do run ikiwiki for it to update static html01:15
kanzureit looks like they are using a lock system01:16
kanzurewhere they lock the repo from being updated01:16
kanzurebut this repo isn't the main repo01:16
fennwhy do you say they lock the repo?01:17
kanzurebecause when I go to ikiwiki.cgi?do=edit&page=index.mdwm in the browser, two files are in generated in wikiwc/.ikiwiki/ -- sessiondb.lck, and lockfile01:17
kanzureit's not locking the repo really01:18
kanzureit's more of a lock on the wiki's editing capacities, I think01:18
kanzurebut whatever happening in my installation is probably due to some confusion as to where the wiki repo is01:18
kanzureso if the static html isn't updated when updating the main git repo, then how's that useful?01:19
kanzureoh, didn't you say it is possible to attach function calls to git?01:19
kanzureso that when a commit is made, it calls some handler function you assign?01:19
fennsigh.. ~/autogenix/.ikiwiki/userdb has plaintext password01:19
fenner. wikiwc not autogenix in your case01:19
kanzurethis seems like a giant hacky system01:20
kanzurealthough it has a good web presence - the documentation is great, but deceptive01:20
fennfunction calls are in wikiwc/.git/hooks01:21
kanzureI would much rather use a flat file wiki01:21
kanzurewell, then shouldn't that do it?01:21
fennyeah i dont really see what ikiwiki does with git, besides run a script after you edit the page01:21
fenn(if that)01:21
fenni'm getting confused with three different copies of the data and two unfamiliar programs01:22
kanzuretry  git://atonie.org/git-wiki.git01:23
fennum, do what, clone it?01:23
kanzureauthor: http://atonie.org/2008/02/git-wiki01:24
kanzureit's supposedly a 200-line wiki with git as the direct database01:24
kanzureand an active frontend or something01:24
kanzurewikipedia says http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikiwiki 'n the simplest case it can function as an off-line static web site generator, but it can use cgi to function as a normal web-interfaced wiki as well. ' 01:32
kanzurenormal web-interfaced wiki?01:32
fenni think that means 'generate dynamic content'01:34
kanzureif that was true then it would mean reading directly from the main repo, no?01:34
kanzureand I don't see any indication that this is possible01:34
fennmaybe you're supposed to add 'ikiwiki --refresh' to wikiwc/.git/hooks/post-commit?01:41
kanzuredidn't do much01:49
kanzuredon't know01:49
kanzureI sent Joey an email.01:49
fenn if the prefix_directives option is not enabled. For backward compatibility with existing wikis, this option currently defaults to off,0~01:53
fennthats why the recentchanges page is all screwed up01:53
kanzuregreat, but why is the edit-wiki page not working01:58
kanzuredoes it work for you?01:58
fennanything in the logs? /var/log/apache2/error.log01:59
kanzureokay, I'll just do a fresh install of ikiwiki02:01
kanzureso tell me, if you edit a page through http on ikiwiki02:01
kanzureand if you have the hook in the config file02:01
kanzurethen is the main repo updated?02:01
fennnot sure, i think i screwed something up by moving the main repo around02:01
kanzureand, conversely, if you clone the main repo, update a file, and then push the whole thing back to the main one, is the wiki immediately updated?02:02
fennits looking in /pub/git though i cant find that string anywhere02:02
kanzureI thought that's in the /etc/webgit.conf02:02
kanzuregitweb or whatever02:02
fennwell, it was, but i changed that, but i also did have a repo at /pub/git02:02
kanzurewhere the hell are the config options for these things02:03
fennso i should also probably start over02:03
kanzureit's very under the hood ..02:03
kanzurewhat we need is a program that can encapsulate another program that we choose02:03
kanzureand then show what files have been updated on the hard drive02:03
kanzureso that we can track everything.02:03
kanzuresurely this exists?02:03
kanzurea mini virtualization environment02:03
kanzurethe blog on my server is http://blosxom.com/ - it's a cgi script that reads the flat file blog posts from a directory, so on each call to the cgi script it assembles and parses and dispalys the text files, and it's managed by rsync at the moment (primitive versioning)02:06
kanzureit does seem to have a wiki-like plugin02:07
kanzureso that might be a worthwhile alternative. 02:08
kanzurei'll do a fresh install of ikiwiki tomorrow, once I clear out the git repos, and see what else I can do there, and wait for a Joey email, but other than that, this sucks - I could have made more progress coding my own wiki from scratch tonight, it seems.02:08
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]02:10
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:14
kanzurehttp://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WikiAsSourceControlRepository (I was using meatball wiki / usemod back in 2005)12:02
kanzurehttp://wrcs.sourceforge.net/ 'The WRCS project aims to provide a simple command-line oriented client for the Wiki sites that support WikiRPC 2 protocol. It's interface is built after popular versioning systems like RCS, CVS or Subversion.'12:03
kanzureone of my serch results for 'ikiwiki' took me to Daniel Burrows' instance of ikiwiki -- he happens to be the guy that programmed the apt frontend .. he's claiming it's 38,000 lines.12:45
kanzurebtw, following your notes for installing ikiwiki, I git to ikiwiki --setup at which point it fails with "fatal: Not a git repository"12:46
kanzurehurray! I got the lab spot12:48
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-75-60-174-180.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:42
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Self-replication | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help14:42
-!- Topic set by krebs [] [Mon Apr 7 03:08:21 2008]14:42
[Users #hplusroadmap]14:42
[ drazak] [ fenn] [ kanzure] [ krebs] 14:42
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 4 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]14:42
fenn> Does an update via the http wiki interface immediately 14:42
fennpropagate to the main repo? Does an update to the main repo immediately 14:42
fennpropogate to the wiki?14:42
fennyes, and yes14:42
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200814:42
fenn>partial recompilations of the wiki?14:42
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 44 secs14:42
fennmy only gripes are with the fact that files are named <name>.mdwn but in the wiki if you go to <name> it redirects to <name>/index.html which doesn't work for files that arent .mdwn (wiki syntax)14:44
kanzurewhy does it need files to be named .mdwn14:51
fenndunno, i think its stupid14:52
kanzureso I most definitely have the lab spot14:52
kanzurethe professor wants to know when I can start14:52
kanzureI graduate May 30, so I can possibly start on the 31st14:52
kanzurebut what's lab etiquette like ? 14:52
kanzureis the professor the pointy-haired boss?14:53
fennput stuff back where you got it14:53
fennin my experience the prof was always out of sight14:53
fennhad to make an appointment to talk to him :P14:53
fenneveryone runs their lab differently14:53
kanzurebasically he said "When do you plan to start showing up?" so it looks like he's not going to make the plans for me15:01
kanzurebut I don't know how much room he's giving me, really15:01
fenna bench, or half a bench15:04
fennis lion kimbro some kind of time-nut?15:11
kanzuredon't know15:11
kanzurehe stopped his notebooks after four months15:11
fennjust ran across this totally randomly "I'd like to be able to ask the server what time it thinks it is. -- LionKimbro"15:11
kanzurein his intro he says "THIS WILL COMPLETELY IMMOBILIZE YOU" and he's right.15:11
kanzure(it's happened to me)15:12
fennkeeping a notebook, or reading his?15:12
kanzureyou get to the point where you have all of these thousands of pages of notes and documents15:13
kanzureand to refactor them would be *hell*15:13
kanzureso you become very, very specific in your thoughts and so on, and try to make the best generalization and approaches that you can so that you don't fuck yourself over15:13
fenni only write down good ideas and things that i've already done15:13
kanzurebut it's just so much overhead ...15:13
kanzurewell, you're not in prison for 8 to 10 hours a day15:13
kanzurespeaking of which, I have a Rube Goldberg machine to go construct15:14
kanzurebtw, we might have to use your ikiwiki installation since my server is being a bitch with git15:14
kanzureI was following your shell script when it started to complain that git/skdb.git/ wasn't a repository15:15
fennwere you in git/skdb.git/ ?15:15
fennit seems the current dir matters sometimes15:15
fenn(also i'm not entirely 100% certain my script is correct)15:16
fennoh, ikiwiki --setup shouldnt care what dir you're in15:17
kanzureso before that you do the makerepo command15:17
kanzureikiwiki-makerepo ... fatal: remote origin already exists15:21
fennaha i see15:22
fennarent supposed to make the empty dir ~/git/skdb.git/15:23
kanzureright, I deleted it and then did the makerepo command15:23
fennit works for me, following my instructions (except the empty dir part)15:27
fennwonder if i'm not doing the makerepo part wrong though15:28
fenni mean, i'm still in cvs-think wondering where the central repository is15:29
kanzureI followed your instructions specifically.15:29
fennwhere are you at now?15:29
kanzuremake-repo and then ikiwiki --setup15:31
kanzurethe ikiwiki --setup call fails because git claims it's not a repository15:32
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/2008/04/ <--- a good way to kill your browser. My blog was reuploaded on the 11th, so all of the posts appear on one page. But it's good stuff.15:32
fenndoes make-repo say something like this at the end: Directory /var/www/ikiwiki.skdb.wc/ is now a clone of git repository /home/fenn/git/skdb.git  ?15:33
kanzurehm, there's a good Freitas interview in there with Merkle ... 15:35
kanzureImporting /var/www/ikiwiki.skdb.wc/ into git15:35
kanzureInitialized empty shared Git repo in ~/.git/skdb.git/15:35
kanzureReinitializing existing Git repo in .git/15:35
kanzure# On branch master15:35
kanzurenothing to commit (working directory clean)15:35
fennthe # On branch master is different15:36
kanzureFreitas is doing comp-chem simulations15:36
kanzure'So, we went ahead and analyzed it. And it’s 1630 tooltip/workpiece structures, 65 reaction sequences, 328 reaction steps, 354 unique pathological side reactions. '15:36
kanzureHere are the tools. There are nine tools. Starting from the upper left, we have the hydrogen abstraction tool with the ethynyl radical. This is the tool that has been studied so extensively in the literature, and we are pretty comfortable with it. The next one is the hydrogen donation tool. You’ll notice it has a yellow atom. That yellow atom is a germanium. The germanium-hydrogen bond is a fairly weak bond, so this tool can be 15:37
kanzureThen we have the germylene tool. That’s sort of the flipside. That’s got a carbon at the bridgehead position and a germanium atom, so now you can use this tool to bring up a germanium to a structure. You have to go through more antics in order to pull back and make sure that your germanium actually sticks with the surface and not with the tool, but you can make that happen.15:37
kanzurepermalink http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/2008/04/11#diamond_mechanosynthesis15:37
* fenn cringes15:37
fennthis is all to make diamond?15:37
kanzurebetter permalink http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/sci/nano#diamond_mechanosynthesis15:38
kanzurethis is their diamondoid mechanosynthesis approach to molecular nanotechnology15:39
fennyou can do scp -p if you want to keep the file modification time correct15:39
kanzuretheir recently accepted paper “A minimal toolset for diamond mechanosynthesis” to be published in JCTN (Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience). The talk included a description of nine molecular tools and all reaction pathways involved in their synthesis from raw materials. This took the co-authors three years to finish, and they view it as the critical next step in developing molecular nanotechnology for atomica15:39
kanzureunfortunately it's because I pulled them down from the server15:39
kanzureand have since overwrote them15:39
kanzurevideo of the talk - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=362294862840163667&hl=en15:40
kanzurebut the transcript is better15:40
* kanzure is away doing school work. so painful.15:41
fenni think if you add a file to your empty wiki and then do ikiwiki-makerepo it should commit something15:41
fennyou can clone my repo with git-clone http://fennetic.net/git/autogenix.git16:13
kanzurebut where do I add the file?16:15
kanzureikiwiki --setup still fails because it's "not a git repository"16:17
fennwhats the command line you're using?16:17
fenner, actually i guess i need to see the ikiwiki.setup file16:17
kanzureokay, so16:18
kanzuretheoretically, if I delete ~/.git/, if I delete /var/www/skdb/ and /var/www/ikiwiki.skdb.wc/ and start from scratch, it should work, yes?16:19
kanzure# git-clone http://fennetic.net/git/autogenix.git ---> http transport not supported, rebuild Git with curl support16:20
kanzurethis is ridiculous16:20
kanzurewhat's the point of etch?16:20
fennok, might as well upgrade to lenny16:21
fenni cant see it being more painful16:21
kanzurewget http://fennetic.net/git/autogenix.git --> index.html ... looks like an Index Of directory output16:22
fennyep its just a symlink to ~/git16:22
fennand i added gitweb.cgi 16:22
drazak(git is hopeless, use svn)16:23
fennall progress depends on the unreasonable man16:24
fennhot pink rice krispy treats.. i should be ashamed16:26
fenndo they ever explain how to generate/regenerate the ethynyl radical once you've plucked off a hydrogen?16:36
kanzurehttp://www.futurepundit.com/archives/005150.html posted a comment 16:40
fenni dont get the $0 figure.. nothing's ever $016:44
fennit might be $116:44
fennor you might offload the cost somewhere else to the point where accounting costs more than the thing you're giving away16:44
fennbut never $016:45
fennand anyway, like you said yourself 'its more a government petition than a research project'16:45
fennso, the cost hasnt "already dropped to zero"16:47
kanzurethe true cost is the bootstrapping16:48
kanzureonce you have an organism that can produce the chemicals for you, just scoop 'em up, separate them, etc. etc.16:49
fenn"Expect the resulting kids to be smarter, healthier, with different personalities (how exactly?) and far better looking." what a fucking idiot journalist16:49
fennthese are almost entirely environmental factors16:50
fennkanzure: the cost of growing that organism, scooping it up, separating it, etc etc is a real cost, it's not imaginary16:51
fennif you're busy doing that you cant do something else at the same time16:51
fennthis is why we pay farmers to grow food, even though it just puts itself together16:51
kanzuresorry, I refuse to assume that reality depends on money16:53
kanzurehttp://www.whereismyeyeball.com/2d/starwars.html <-- steampunk starwars16:53
fennyeah saw that16:53
kanzureMassive Solar-Orbiting Electro-Mechanical Analytic Engine, Mark 6 16:53
kanzureThis enormous Imperial space station, the size of a small moon or asteroid, is in fact an immense analytic engine, a device capable of making millions of calculations every day. Inside is kilometer after kilometer of tubes and wheels, cranks and gears, all spinning and clacking, spitting out an endless series of numbers for the Imperials scientists to decipher.16:53
kanzureAlthough the Empire has half a dozen such devices in operation throughout the galaxy, this version is unique. While the others spend their days crunching statistical algorithms or calculating flight models, the Mark 6 station (under the personal watch of Lord Vader) is dedicated to experiments with Arcane Mathematics, the mathematical study of the Force. They hope to discover a unified Force theory, allowing them to fuse the power16:54
kanzureI am very, very good at finding ways to not do homework16:59
fennso, this earthquake in illinois was supposed to blow us all into the ocean, what went wrong?17:02
kanzuregod didn't hate you enough?17:08
fenni will work harder17:11
kanzurewhat utter bullshit17:28
kanzure"RepRap replicates itself"17:28
fenni can knit a stocking17:31
fennhm. that didnt make sense17:32
fenni wonder if sex toys are illegal in new zealand17:34
kanzurewhy would sex toys be illegal?17:37
fennapparently they are illegal in texas, kansas, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia, and virginia?17:45
fennoh, wait texas is now legal as of feb 14 200817:46
fennits strange they call it an archaic law when it was passed in 200317:49
kanzureTexas - illegalizing pleasure since 200317:49
kanzurewe need a wiki for rss aggregation17:53
kanzureso that there is a persistent topic page tracking groups of stories17:53
kanzurethere is very obviously 'spikes' in the news where there's this trickle-down effect due to research17:53
kanzureand so if we aggregate the spikes together, it would probably be slightly more useful17:53
fenni think that was the idea behind pingback in blogger17:55
fennwho wants to read the same story 50 times though17:55
-!- Splicer [n=p@h79n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:53
krebshelp topics: 6 core modules: auth, basics, config, httputil, remote, userdata; 73 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, azgame, babel, bans, bash, cal, chanserv, chucknorris, debug, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, dict, digg, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, figlet, forecast, fortune, freshmeat, grouphug, hl2, host, imdb, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, lastfm, linkbot, markov, math, modes, nickserv, q, quiz, quote, reaction, realm, remind,18:54
krebsremotectl, ri, roshambo, rot, roulette, rss, salut, script, search, seen, shiritori, shortenurls, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, time, topic, translator, tube, twitter, unicode, urban, url, usermodes, weather, wheeloffortune, wserver (help <topic> for more info)18:54
Splicerkrebs seen kanzure18:55
krebskanzure was last seen 1 hour, 1 minute and 27 seconds ago, saying and so if we aggregate the spikes together, it would probably be slightly more useful18:55
Splicerkanzure: Can I use the same IM quote I asked about before on the biopunk board too?18:57
kanzureSplicer: yes.19:38
Spliceri just got a visit that was a referal from your site btw... from holland19:38
Splicerhehe.. you've been slashdotted19:41
kanzurehttp://slashdot.org/~the_kanzure <- I pwn at Slashdot.19:42
SplicerI'm a bit impressed19:49
Spliceryour article is the last one yesterday on my feedreader(rss)19:51
Splicer(my yesterday, 2am here now)19:57
kanzureOne of the foreigners in the comments got a clue - `Stupid question time (I'm not from USA).  How does it work that you go to a lab directly after high school? With shitloads of luck I may be studying postgrad in the US.`20:08
SplicerTo tell you he truth, that slipped past me too. You mean you have access to a lab where you can run your own projects?20:25
Splicerthat's very cool ... hmm.. i wonder if say students of medical biology have that here... probably not, I don´t know20:27
SplicerThere should be some sort of student body who have access to labtime probably... it's the way it works with university metal-shops and used to be with computers  20:31
Splicer"Keep an open mind as to how you'll be put to use. Lab work is not always glamorous."20:36
Splicerwhat's nanotech got to do with any of that?20:57
Spliceryou were ironic?20:58
Spliceri was watching the nanotech clip... nanotech is gonna help with everything from terrorists to longevity20:59
Splicerit was the buzzword of the day 10 years ago i think21:00
SplicerThe nutty japanese transhumanist guy is called Michio Kaku21:05
kanzureI am not sure how much he knows.21:06
Splicerwell, he talks a lot21:06
Spliceri looked at the lifeboat foundation site today....21:07
kanzurehttp://lifeboat.com/ talked with me before I released the biohacking kit21:08
kanzurebasically they are a joke21:08
kanzurethey are *not* organized21:08
kanzureThe head of Lifeboat told me "go ahead and release it, you're just a high schooler" and I consequently got lots of angry emails from people at Lifeboat telling me I shouldn't have released it so soon, and that they needed more time21:09
SplicerIt looks like a bunch of geeks having opinions21:09
SplicerI can´t see the science in their work... it just looks nutty to me21:10
kanzurescience in what work?21:10
kanzurethey are there to prevent bad things from happening21:10
kanzurethey don't do science21:11
kanzureI mean, some of them are researchers21:11
kanzurebut Lifeboat itself is not research21:11
Splicerspeaking of nano... is nanoshield science?21:11
kanzureI suppose so, but what they have is a team of investigators really21:12
kanzurethey are not directly doing it as far as I can tell21:12
kanzurethe idea of making a shield so that no molecular nanotech can get through it? sure, that's science21:12
Splicerthey have a team of cracpots21:12
kanzurewhat are you talking about?21:12
kanzurewe can already do some sorts of nanotech shields, like how we do UHVs and so on21:12
kanzuremany labs have those21:12
kanzurethe good ones can get down to 1E-13, which is freaking awesome21:13
kanzurebut then the difference is getting it *cheap*21:13
Splicernot sure what you mean with nanotech shield21:20
kanzurethey are worried about grey goo21:20
Spliceryeah, but not sure what you meant21:21
kanzureI dunno, maybe they want a barrier to protect from the goos21:21
Splicer[03:12] <kanzure> we can already do some sorts of nanotech shields, like how we do UHVs and so on21:22
kanzureoh, 21:23
kanzureit's how we keep things very cold21:23
kanzureotherwise energy and matter would contaminate the ultracold environments21:23
kanzureUHV = ultrahigh vacuum21:24
SplicerGood thing the lifeboaters are keeping watch21:25
SplicerI have a feeling they don´t have a sence of humor about it21:25
Splicerfunny thing is.. there is always something to be terrified of21:27
Splicertime to sleep... cu21:34
-!- Splicer [n=p@h79n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []21:34
kanzurefenn: apt is apparently unmaintained22:35
kanzureI think this is a good opportunity, 22:35
kanzureI offered to Daniel Burrows that I can set up a website and do some (informal) documentation and so on22:36
kanzuresince basically we're doing a similar project that encompasses it22:36
fenn4/20: a depressing reminder of the lack of american culture22:48
fennreading the slashdot article, this is totally false as far as academic labs at least: "You will be expected to put in extra effort, and perhaps extra time above what is supposedly expected, but will be looked down upon, and possibly resented, if you give too much."23:31
fennthat whole comment is crap actually23:32
kanzureyes, it's interesting to see the mixed signals23:34
fennoh yeah, lab notebook.. everything of importance must be written down by hand23:44
fennsomehow that guarantees that you didnt just make it up23:44
kanzurehard copies are always good23:48
kanzureas long as they are not the only ones23:48

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