
--- Day changed Sun Apr 27 2008
kanzuredebian distribution project00:43
kanzureAs part of the Tech Fusion Outline Series, this article describes some additions to the Debian Distribution model which, if implemented, would have the benefits of making Debian, the Debian Development and deployment entirely independent of Server-based Infrastructure.00:43
kanzure'At the last major upgrade of Debian/Stable, all the routers at the major International fibreoptic backbone sites across the world redlined for a week.'00:44
kanzure'This isn't all: there are mailing lists (the statistics show almost 30,000 people on each of the announce and security lists, alone),'00:45
kanzurethese are impressive numbers00:45
kanzure'The point is: even with Debtorrent installed on every single debian system in existence, there's still a large dependency on the single-point-of-failure mirrors, through which the verification and amalgamation of the information that you see (Contents and Packages) must be "funnelled". Along with the Packages themselves, the source code and the ".dsc" file - the GPG-signed guarantee that the source code and packages have not been00:47
fenngittorrent is such an obvious and easy idea i wonder why i hadnt thought of it00:56
fennit's also a funny mental picture.. a never-ending torrent of gits00:58
-!- NahtanoJ88 [i=user@102.sub-75-211-179.myvzw.com] has joined #hplusroadmap01:48
-!- NahtanoJ88 is now known as nahtanoj01:48
-!- nahtanoj is now known as nahtanoj8801:49
kanzureHey nahtanoj88. :-)01:49
nahtanoj88Heya kanzure01:49
* kanzure was just reading about the Texas raid01:49
-!- nahtanoj88 is now known as NahtanoJ8801:49
fennlooks like a tank to me01:53
NahtanoJ88Oh I guess I didn't realize that raid was in texas.01:53
kanzureI can't make up my mind on 'sexual abuse' - what happens when they can genetically engineer 'sacks of flesh' to replace their children ? 01:55
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-155-121.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Remote closed the connection]01:55
NahtanoJ88I think that would not count as 'sexual abuse' or even animal abuse sense their would presumably be a lack of a thought process and just count as a sexual aid.01:57
fennThe armored car was precautionary and designed to remove someone from the property, not to force entry onto the ranch,  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24141460/01:58
fennnow, who you gonna believe?01:58
fennhavent you guys read any heinlein?01:58
* NahtanoJ88 is a ran of "Orphans of the Sky" and "Starship Troopers"02:01
kanzureNahtanoJ88: Apparently 'sexual aid' was outlawed in Texas until only two years ago.02:02
kanzureSo I'm just saying. I don't know what's going on.02:02
fennNahtanoJ88: moon is a harsh mistress? stranger in a strange land?02:03
NahtanoJ88Meh is just one of those weird things that happen that will be used to feel a timeline in the future.02:03
kanzureHaha, "leaving Alabama the only one with such laws."02:03
NahtanoJ88I'm not sure if i read the moon is a harsh mistress but I know I haven't read stranger in a strange land.02:04
kanzureAnyway, would people go wild because you're using 'sacks of flesh'? I mean, look at how much goes into the stem cell debates. It's a weird question to ask, yes, but it's just exploiting lots of misconceptions and so on.02:04
NahtanoJ88Their would be a market for it regardless.02:05
fennthe question is whether someone is being harmed or not02:05
kanzurethat isn't the question02:05
fennit'd be hard to argue that a sack of flesh can feel pain02:05
kanzureI've been harmed in school, but who the fuck has cared?02:05
fennwell, i care02:05
kanzureheh, thanks02:06
NahtanoJ88I'll care to what happened?02:06
fenna majority of people dont think you've been harmed though02:06
kanzureso that means I didn't get harmed ?02:06
kanzuremajority rules, hurray02:06
fennit just means they dont care02:06
kanzureso if intervention requires caring, then I doubt the system is stable02:06
fennand if say, me, tries to intervene, they'll show up with a fucking tank, claiming its for your own protection02:06
NahtanoJ88no system is perfect some are just better then others.02:07
fennand btw, legally, the US is not a democracy, it's a representative republic02:07
kanzureAnyway, I'm trying to figure out if I would opt to help out those kids on the ranch if they are, in fact, being abused; I think I would, at this point, simply because those kids don't have many options otherwise (scarcity-centric) -- if we had self-replicating machines that we could sneak in to them, we'd let them do whatever they want.02:07
fennso "majority rules" is just a convenient lie02:07
fennhow do you explain the state separating kids from their own mothers?02:08
NahtanoJ88Its more like the 'majority of power rules'02:08
fennthey pulled a switcheroo with buses and sent them to different cities02:09
fennhow the fuck is that helping the children in any way02:09
NahtanoJ88Probably isn't at all.02:09
NahtanoJ88The kids are probably freaked out not knowing wtf is going on.02:09
kanzurefenn: Are they there to help the children, or to cover their ass?02:09
NahtanoJ88probably cover their asses I'm sure they found out some high ranking officials were apart of that little community.02:10
kanzureChild Protective Services02:10
kanzureI wonder what Dawkins is thinking: "Yes, tank into the churches, yes yes yes" ?02:11
kanzureBah, this system sucks. /me goes to write some python02:11
NahtanoJ88Oh you said you were hopeing to get some codeing done this weekend were you writing in python?02:12
kanzurefor some reason I was writing in pseudocode instead of python02:13
kanzureI have a strong urge to just hack out some perl, but I'm trying to force myself to do python02:13
NahtanoJ88Oh kanzure what ever happened to grak and 7k?02:14
kanzurebut I'm getting "stuck" - not stuck on anything in particular, so it's a weird kind of stuck.02:14
NahtanoJ88Why python though?02:14
kanzureNahtanoJ88: Python because fenn said so, and some other good reasons that I am forgetting02:14
* NahtanoJ88 really doesn't like programming in python.02:14
fennbecause it's easy to learn, extremely powerful, and has a wide array of well supported libraries and bindings02:14
NahtanoJ88Its to much like java which I also dispise.02:14
kanzurethose are good reasons02:14
fennwhy do you say it's like java?02:15
kanzureNahtanoJ88: So, grak turned into this massive MMORPG based too much on OOPism; 7k had a few working demos, but I have lost most if not all of the source code over the years, yeah.02:15
NahtanoJ88Because in my last programming class we had to choose if we wanted to program in Java or Python and as a resault I ended up seeing the source code for both languages side by side and grew to dislike both.02:16
fennhmm.. well no wonder02:16
kanzureTaking classes is the wrong way to go about it.02:16
fennthey probably just translated all the java code into python02:16
NahtanoJ88I'm going towards a computer science degree and the class is required.02:16
* kanzure would take python over java any day :-)02:16
fennsee, python can represent just about any language, but some things are more 'pythonic' than others02:16
fennlanguage isnt the right word.. language feature?02:17
NahtanoJ88I still have the graphics for 7k and some for grak to by the way.02:17
NahtanoJ88What is your favorite programming language?02:18
kanzurewhatever gets the job done02:18
fennum, python of course.. i assume kanzure prefers perl02:19
kanzurenot sure about that02:19
fenni can see the value of C and Lisp though02:19
NahtanoJ88I just mean from a personal stand point.02:19
kanzureyes, even from that POV02:19
NahtanoJ88This will make you cringe but I have to say Visual Basic.net02:20
fenni've never used visual basic..02:21
kanzureI did. What are you smoking?02:21
NahtanoJ88I don't know I just like it though.02:21
kanzureHave you ever been introduced to the open source community?02:21
NahtanoJ88I have.02:21
fennhello, i'm from the open source community, nice to meet ya02:21
kanzureSo ...02:22
kanzurefenn: well, seriously, some people need to be told where linux is located on the net02:22
kanzureinstead of being some amorphous entity that people keep on mentioning02:22
NahtanoJ88I didn't say it was the best I just said I like it.02:22
fennit's at kernel.org!02:22
kanzurefenn: yep02:22
* fenn always wondered why not linux.org, but oh well02:22
kanzurebecause they are there to work on the kernel, not the 'name' 02:22
fennum... but it's linux, not "all free kernels in existence"02:23
fenni mean, herd development isnt on kernel.org02:23
kanzurebeats me.02:23
NahtanoJ88The only linux I've played with is fedora core.02:23
fennomfg they even manage to get it wrong on linux.org, front page first sentence: Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world.02:23
kanzureoriginally created completely by Linus, for one02:24
kanzureUnix-type smells wrong02:24
kanzurefree smells wrong too, but it might be okay02:24
fennlinux is a kernel, not an operating system!02:24
* fenn sighs02:25
kanzureI don't think linux.org is the main 'gateway portal'02:25
kanzurethere's no official indoctrination infrastructure02:25
kanzureexcept maybe through kde, interestingly enough02:25
kanzurethey have a very massive team last I checked02:25
fennhttp://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html   <- explanation of the difference02:26
fenni never bothered to figure out exactly how kde works02:26
fennif konqueror werent the only medium-weight browser out there, i probably wouldnt use it at all02:27
fenn(where dillo is light, and firefox is heavy) but believe it or not firefox claims to be a "light-weight web browser"02:27
NahtanoJ88It was during the first versions.02:28
fennno, it never was02:28
fennnetscape was always a heavy browser02:28
NahtanoJ88I wasn't refering to netscape.02:29
kanzurewtf, firefox is "light-weight" ? heh02:29
fennthen it got too heavy and they split 'netscape communicator' off into different products02:29
kanzurebtw, I think my video in /shots/ on my server most definitely shows firefox's problems02:29
kanzureI don't care about their memory problem, simply loading pages is a problem,02:29
kanzurehere's what it does02:29
fennNahtanoJ88: netscape release their code as mozilla, which got rebranded as firefox02:29
kanzureI had a program that automatically scrolss through pages02:29
NahtanoJ88I didn't know that fenn.02:30
kanzureI then typed in a number and it would pop up on screen (so that I could show the viewers what I was doing)02:30
kanzureand then it would pop up that search result from Google on to a background tab02:30
kanzureand continue scrolling02:30
kanzurethe scrolling would *halt* while the tab loaded02:30
kanzureand it became very jittery and buggy etc.02:30
kanzureif that's not a good visualization of Firefox's problems, then I don't know what is.02:30
fennwell, new tabs are running in the same process right?02:30
fennso if that tab consumes cpu the other tabs will suffer02:31
fenn(wild-ass guess)02:31
NahtanoJ88Sounds good though.02:31
fennWe made a list of the programs needed to make a complete free system, and we systematically found, wrote, or found people to write everything on the list.02:32
fennhow do we keep some cheeky bugger from coming along at the last minute and stealing the show?02:32
NahtanoJ88I just read that as you posted it.02:32
fenn"look, i invented replicators! i just used some code these dimwits provided at autogenix.org... and the rest is history"02:32
kanzurestealing the show?02:33
fennyeah, indeed02:33
kanzurewho cares?02:33
NahtanoJ88It could happen but I think that they would have to be quite involved to just steal it.02:33
kanzureas long as we can use them02:33
fenni care, because it distorts history when people think that linux wrote an operating system02:33
fennits like people think xerox invented the GUI and the mouse02:33
kanzurewhat's the real story?02:34
NahtanoJ88Well who invented the GUI then?02:34
kanzurethat Xerox story is cited everywhere02:34
fennengelbart invented the mouse, i'm not sure if you can call his system a gui or not02:34
fennit's point and click02:34
NahtanoJ88I don't think that counts as a gui.02:34
kanzurepoint and click is technically gui02:34
fennNahtanoJ88: you know what i'm talking about?02:34
fennon-line system?02:35
NahtanoJ88I think we are on the same page but I could be thinking about a different person.02:35
fennor that the hindenberg blew up because it had hydrogen in it02:36
kanzuretherefore I should blow up too, for breathing02:37
fennNot surprisingly though, the origins of the multi-windowed GUI can really be traced back to Douglas Engelbart.  Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center, Inc. got some employees from Stanford Research Institute's Augmentation Research Center which was setup by Douglas Engelbart when Engelbart's funding from DARPA, NASA, and the US Air Force began to disappear.02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:34:04) schiv: hi what's the difference between "from foo import *" and "import foo"?02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:34:35) verte: life and death.02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:35:15) verte: from foo import * brings dishonour to your family.02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:38:07) kosh: from foo import * also causes the next person to maintain the code to hunt you down and educate you in the ways of a woodchipper02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:40:15) kanzure: verte: Perhaps we can go around as ninjas and samurai and slay pymonks who import from *?02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:40:28) kosh: kanzure: I prefer chainsaws02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:40:37) kosh: kanzure: it is more educational when others hear about it02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:40:38) kanzure: That's not elegant.02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:41:28) kosh: verte: I have lots of things at my disposal02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:41:39) kosh: fire is too quick for these kinds of things02:38
kanzure(2008-04-27 01:41:46) kosh: and not educational enough02:38
fenni think that he already had the idea, but trying to do graphics on a computer made of relays would have been silly02:38
fennthe difference is from foo import * dumps everything in foo into the global namespace02:39
fennNahtanoJ88: if you have an hour or so, watch this video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-873478762201776309702:42
NahtanoJ88Not tonight but I'll look at it later.02:42
kanzurefenn: we need to come up with a minimum metadata file; I am thinking of something like: the !! line, a line to specify a script (config stuff - for when running it as a plugin to agx-get when something else requires this object), anything else? Should there be any other requirements? Should we require it to have a DOI object id or something ?02:44
fennwhy cant agx-get just run the script automatically?02:45
fenni dont know what a DOI object id is02:45
kanzurefor some reason apt-get has this weird debconf thing going on, it's for the interface difficulties or whatever that I mentioned02:45
kanzuredigital object identifier system02:45
kanzuredon't know about it though02:46
fennis this the com.sun.java stuff?02:46
kanzureI don't think so ?02:46
kanzurenot sure, this might not be contextually appropriate02:46
fennno, i dont want to use anything with a (R) and Members Only02:46
kanzureyeah okay02:46
fennyes standards should be consistent and unambiguous, but i dont want it to be carved in stone either02:47
kanzurethat's why we allow these objects to be updatable or whatever02:48
kanzureso we just need a basic metadata file02:48
kanzurewith minimal requirements, but that still get the point across02:48
kanzureI think that we could theoretically do almost just two variables - a version number or identifier number, and then a pointer to the config script02:48
kanzurewe could get creative here and do something sort of smart ;-)02:48
kanzurefor some people, this might be an introduction into the entire system02:48
kanzureso if we can structure this with that in mind, we can make it a smooth experience02:48
kanzureI don't mean "easy to use" but I don't mean "conflate it to make it purposefully complex"02:49
kanzureI mean to make it so that we make sure the people making these files, if they do it by hand, have at least a partial clue as to wtf is going on02:49
kanzuredon't know if that's possible, or meaningful for that matter02:49
fennmy brain just stopped working, sorry02:50
kanzurecan we demand 'units'? even if it's software?02:50
fenni dont think version numbers for each code module referenced is out of line02:51
fennafter the !! tag02:51
fennthen in the "real" metadata you'd use the !! tag with a ! tag02:51
fennso "import electricity2.0" will unambiguously work (i dont mean actually naming python modules with version numbers, just adding the version to the list of modules being used02:52
fennand 2.0.1 will be back-compatible with 2.0.0 but 2.1.0 is not necessarily compatible02:53
fenn3.0 is semantically incompatible02:53
fennlike, you'd have to re-read the manual02:53
kanzureso specify version compatability history02:54
kanzurethat would be an extra metadata object type to include in it though02:54
kanzurethat could be something different, easily, and it should be02:54
kanzurewe're talking about the most minimal unit here02:54
fennit would be included with the code module you're referencing02:54
kanzure'unit' in the sense of something that you use to build bigger and better things02:54
kanzureoh, the code is just for agx-get, the electricity stuff is something else methinks :-)02:55
kanzurethe code for the 'pointer' that I mentioned, I mean02:55
fenngenerally a simple rule like x.x.y are compatible is better than a lot of explicit data with arbitrary numbers02:55
kanzureSomebody compared me to Erdos earlier tonight. 02:55
kanzureErdős, I mean.02:56
fenni only know about him because of that stupid erdos number thing02:56
fennyou're a small world network node? :)02:56
fenni'll believe that02:57
kanzureI'd have to admit, though, that I am not "The Man Who Loved Only Numbers" - a good book that does his bio.02:58
fenni think the version number would be a metadata format number02:58
fennnot which version of agx-get02:58
kanzureactually, why can't that be in !!02:58
fennyeah, ok02:58
fenn<- still hasnt read yaml spec :)02:58
kanzureokay, so name of the package, primary source of the package? something like that02:59
kanzurenot like that02:59
kanzure!! would work the same way, like !!this-object-thingy02:59
kanzureand so you would go grab that object, which has some functionality ini t02:59
kanzureand that one might specify something02:59
kanzureelse back to this original one that we are making up here and now.02:59
kanzureI would opt against any decimals in naming, of course02:59
kanzureunless it's an ok thing to do02:59
fennwhy? decimals are more recognizable as version numbers03:00
kanzureyeah, but I've never seen them in a class name before03:00
fennoh, 2.0 is a data field?03:00
fennnot part of the object name03:00
kanzureit's part of the object name according to yaml specs03:00
kanzureanything after the !!, in general03:00
kanzurethat was my understanding03:00
fennok, well, whatever03:00
fenni dont care about the syntax unless it's the bulk of the file03:01
kanzuresome other random ideas, please feel free to shoot them down as I go03:01
kanzurename of the package, simple description, pointer to larger description, pointer to a 'social metadata file' within the skdb package re: who to contact or mailing lists / forums / whatever web presence they have,03:01
kanzurecan you think of cases where any of those would not be needed03:02
fennhmm.. social metadata file can get outdated?03:03
kanzurenot the file name of it03:03
kanzureit's just a pointer to it03:03
kanzureso in there it'd have another !! and whatever03:03
fennok, but the package wont be constantly updated will it?03:03
kanzureideally you would keep that fresh03:03
kanzurewell, at worst, you go to the Internet Archive03:03
fennit's not that reliable, and no pictures or other data formats03:03
kanzurewouldn't the old data be possibly more useful than no data at all?03:04
kanzurewait, no, this can all be added03:04
fennideally there would be a .. wait for it .. version history!03:04
kanzurescrew it - just a 'agx-get useful script thing' or whatever. That's all. Simple. Done. 03:04
fennit gets even more complicated with branching and merging and so on03:05
fennthis is often done informally and inadequately03:05
fennlike "i got this idea from a thread on stupidbb.com"03:06
fennwhich is then gone, of course03:06
fennnow it may appear that i'm obsessed with attribution, but really i'm not03:06
fennit's just that i have the theory that a person who originates an idea has thought it out much more thoroughly and freely than people who pick up their idea later on03:07
fennthey tend to have much better solutions overall, but are technically constrained for financial or technological reasons03:07
fennso they actually implement a sort of weak ghost-image of their real vision03:08
kanzureyes, this happens often03:08
fennexample: RMS didnt have the internet03:09
kanzurewell, he had something03:09
kanzurehe had email, right?03:09
fennits no accident linux appeared just as the internet started getting in full swing03:09
fennyeah but nobody else had email03:09
kanzureRMS had usenet, he made his announcement in 8603:10
kanzureGoogle's History of Usenet page has been broken for a while03:10
kanzureah, 8303:10
fennhttp://www.gnu.org/gnu/initial-announcement.html  i seem to be interested in computer history lately03:13
fennit's really not that long ago though03:13
fenni can almost remember a blurry image from 198303:14
kanzureheh, checked Google for the python class syntax and came across http://xahlee.org/perl-python/xlali_skami_cukta.html03:15
kanzurewhich, interestingly enough, I am listening to "Information High", which appears on Xah Lee's site.03:15
fennwho is this xah lee character anyway? seems to show up in a lot of searches, and has a nasty unix-haters webpage03:17
kanzurewait, unix-haters ? that's weird03:19
kanzurehe seems to be an internet anomaly much like ourselves, but I am not too sure03:19
fenn"completed all math courses they offered, but never obtained any degree"03:21
fenn"In 2004-2005, i have worked nonstop on my personal website (again as a escapism), and learned tremendously of subjects that i do not know much about previously"03:24
kanzurenot too big on the whole vocab thing, but it might be a second language thing03:24
fenn"I also program in Python, Java, and lisp. Among the computing languages, Mathematica is my favorite by far. I deem unix, C, and Perl obstacles to progress. I'm a adherent of purely functional languages, such as Haskell."03:25
kanzuremaybe he means unix, not *nix03:25
fenni think he means *nix03:25
kanzurethat's an odd thing to say03:25
kanzurehe's a macosx user03:26
fennthat doesnt necessarily mean he thinks it's god's gift to man03:26
kanzurewhich ... uses *nix.03:26
fennunix is an "attractor" in the mathematical sense03:27
fennbut in reality, it was a project started at bell labs in the early 70's03:28
fennso it's hard to visualize the whole of possible operating systems03:28
fennjust as most languages are descended from .. fortran?03:29
kanzurecontext: Tony worked on Algol ...03:32
fennwho is tony?03:32
kanzureI keep him mentioning, but you haven't asked03:32
fenni keep distracted being03:32
kanzuretechnical-oldie, sleep I need03:32
kanzurefound him via recursing through wikipedia, I think it was on 'process physics'03:32
kanzurethe best way to explain would be for me to dump the logs on you, but calling him an 'internet anomaly' may be a good comparison03:33
kanzurehis website might not suit him really http://meme.com.au/03:34
fennstrange loops arent we all03:34
fenn"Might it help the comprehension of the uninformed if we used more affirmative language?"03:35
kanzure"selection of the sexiest"03:35
kanzure'prosperity of the sexiest' as the title on that page says03:36
fennthe link text is clever though03:36
kanzure"Never underestimate the ability of a small group of thoughtful, dedicated individuals to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - the Margaret Mead quote on that page.03:37
kanzure(front page, I mean)03:37
kanzureugh, I need sleep03:37
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]03:40
-!- NahtanoJ88 [i=user@102.sub-75-211-179.myvzw.com] has quit []04:13
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap12:09
kanzureFound xahlee ... he's in #xahlee .12:21
kanzurehttp://optics.org/cws/article/research/19184 Concrete with embedded fiber optics? Something about displaying what's on the other side, sort of.12:33
--- Log opened Sun Apr 27 19:42:21 2008
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-251-83-100.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:42
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fennoctopart is very cool20:04
fennmany colleges require the latest version of a textbook as some sort of planned obsolescence maneuvering by the textbook manufacturers20:06
fennyou cant even re-sell the book unless they are using it the next year20:06
kanzurefenn: also, I threw up a photo on /20:09
fennhttp://fennetic.net/pub/camera/DCP_0737-rot.JPG  <- me20:31
kanzureyep, looks like it'd be you20:31
kanzurebut what's with the green?20:32
fennmy room is green.. i didnt paint it (well, i did, a little)20:33
fennnew room: http://fennetic.net/pub/camera/DCP_0797.JPG20:34
kanzureHm, your thumbnail index is pretty nifty20:38
kanzureI might have to get me one of those ... for the 3 GB of photos on /camera/20:38
fennqdig "just works" unlike 90% of the thumbnail galleries out there20:38
fennyou just put the cgi in your photo dir and it semi-dynamically generates everything20:38
fenni should probably chop it up by year so there arent so many thumbnails but meh20:39
fennman they just dont make screensavers like they used to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiFs1Vd0KeY20:46
kanzurefenn: Where do we want to store skdb files, locally?21:22
kanzureon the user's machine21:22
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-155-121.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap22:12
kanzureHey marainein.22:16
maraineinhey kanzure22:18
maraineinhow have you been?22:18
maraineinactually I think I asked you that a few hours ago :P22:18
kanzureyeah ...22:18
kanzurenothing has changed.22:18
maraineinwent to class. did class. came back. cooking lunch22:19

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