
--- Day changed Mon May 12 2008
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200813:06
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:54
kanzurehttp://www.physicsforums.com/library.php 17:59
kanzurehm, UT Austin just emailed me saying that they are cancelling my housing contract18:06
kanzurebut I never had a housing contract with them18:06
kanzureSo I'm rather confused.18:06
kanzurefenn: People are telling me that I should send graduation invitations to everybody I know. But I don't think they realize how many people I actually know ...18:36
kanzuregmail tells me it's 780~, but I know that's not true since it doesn't include the people I personally email through my mail client (only those through gmail)18:40
kanzure(through the gmail http interface)18:40
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/cgi-bin/blosxom.cgi/2008/05/index.html updates19:17
fennlist = [1, 2, 3]20:36
fennerm, list.append(4)20:37
fennlist[0:2] == [1,2]20:38
kanzurewell I feel like a dick20:40
kanzurethat's easy20:40
kanzurebtw, to what extent do we want to do dependency stuff20:40
kanzureI think our previous answer was "not really" - since the only dependency you should need is the one specified at the top20:40
kanzureso when you download any new file, you just check that one dependency20:40
kanzuresince nothing here requires more than one file (the class) to read up the object20:41
kanzureI guess there are some metadata files that would *suggest* downloading other metadata files at a minimum20:41
fennyou can look at all the !!python/object tags to find dependencies? or do you mean inter-artifact dependencies20:41
kanzureI mean !!python/object tags for dependencies, and inter-artifact dependencies as well20:42
kanzurethe !! is obviously a single dependency that's going to be there no matter what20:42
kanzurehm, dependency specs are kinda like a tagging cloud of dependencies. just thought of that20:42
kanzureit would be interesting to search for packages that depend on other packages in debian20:42
kanzure"search for depends on: kde-desktop, kbounce"20:42
kanzure*search for "depends on": prog1, prog2, ..20:43
kanzure*dependent on20:43
kanzurethere we go20:43
fennapt-depends i think20:43
kanzureI'll have to try that out20:44
fennall the tree visualization stuf is horrible20:44
kanzurehm, so I guess inter-artifact dependencies can be specified by a further data structure (an updated metadata file)20:44
kanzureand therefore we don't have to mess with it right now20:44
fennalso you can use debfoster, which i find easier to understand20:45
fennbut only works on installed packages20:45
fenninter-artifact dependencies also depends (ha) on how much you're building from scratch vs buying20:46
kanzurebtw, you get the scratch-vs-buying issue right ?20:46
kanzurestupid question20:46
kanzuresure you do20:46
kanzureGingery v. buy it at a store20:46
fenni figure it as part of your 'personality vector'20:46
fennare you a: banker, lawyer, doctor, carpenter, farmer, blacksmith20:47
fenni forget the choices now20:47
kanzureno, I mean,20:47
kanzureIdeally skdb will be grounded in complete, total 'diy from scratch' 20:47
kanzurebut the fact is that a lot of the information is hidden behind financial walls20:47
fennnot gonna happen20:47
kanzureyes, we could do it from scratch if we wanted to20:47
kanzurebut that would take way too long20:47
kanzurewe don't have that sort of time20:47
fenneven gingery had certain assumptions about what was available (scrap aluminum, threaded rod, bolts, taps, dril bits, files)20:48
kanzureyeah :(20:48
fennknowing how to make a surface plate is interesting but not terribly useful20:49
fennor is it?20:49
kanzureI'm just saying20:49
kanzurethis is the idea of the clay clanking replicator20:49
kanzureof using the materials *right there*20:49
fenngrounded in dirt20:50
fennninety million miles out20:51
fenntoday all i did was watch other people work20:51
kanzurewell, obviously we'd change the grounding to something else for asteroidal situations20:51
fenndo you consider openfarmtech sufficiently grounded?20:52
fennassuming they actually get everything to work20:52
kanzurefrom what I have seen, not really - it looks like they're just using proprietary systems20:53
fenni'm highly skeptical of "Aluminum Extraction From Clays"20:53
kanzurewe have gone over this before20:53
kanzurefenn: yeah, but it would be nice20:53
fennwhat proprietary systems?20:53
fenni guess what it comes down to is r&d cost vs purchase price20:54
fennwe can distribute the r&d cost across everyone who uses skdb20:55
kanzurepurchase price could be used at the same time20:55
kanzurefor example, we could buy a robotic arm to make our own diy robotic arms20:55
kanzureto 'bootstrap' the community20:55
fennwhat sort of thing would you buy to start bootstrapping? (a robotic arm isnt terribly useful in reality)20:57
kanzurepiezos, maybe - I dunno - I think it's good to have a set of projects to build up to the parts that might be used in self-replication20:58
fenni mean, with much less effort you can build 20 robotic arms, than it would take to get money to buy one20:58
kanzureso origami is an interesting start, but not particularly useful20:58
kanzurefenn: well, perhaps we can get funding - but that's just a big if20:58
fennactually, some origami is quite useful, for example the kane bellows20:59
fenn(another MIT "product")20:59
kanzureI just had an ... interesting chat21:01
kanzurelemme upload21:01
fennpatent is here: http://www.pat2pdf.org/patents/pat6397653.pdf21:01
fennclassic example of shock-level mismatch21:05
kanzurewith a good ol' FUCK YOU thrown in there :)21:06
fennof course, from his perspective it looks like you're belittling his grave concerns21:07
kanzureright, I was a bit harsh in that manner, I could have drawn it out and discussed it with him21:07
kanzuretodo - revamp my python class to include a list of files to always fetch when installing, do a variable for uh dependency (like in debian syntax), then include the class hooks/methods that py-yaml demands in order to serialize the classes, after this I think I'm going to convert a few online examples of origami into the origami fold language, and then throw them into a git repository21:09
Vedestinsounds like he just wanted to quit college21:11
Vedestinand that was how he was rationalising it21:11
kanzurea good rationalization is *wanting* to quit college.21:11
Vedestini guess he needed a moral objection21:11
Vedestinrather than a self serving one21:11
Vedestinat any rate, the development of new technologies or drugs in an open source environment would be hindered by lack of research facilities21:13
kanzureHave you ever heard of a methlab?21:14
kanzureor an amateur chemistry set?21:14
Vedestinmethlabs aren't about research21:14
kanzureWho do you think these researchers are? Some sort of supermen? They, just like you or me, face the same exact problems.21:14
Vedestinthey're at universities21:14
Vedestinor in private industry21:15
Vedestintheir discoveries are owned by their patrons21:15
Vedestineven people who start up on their own get people to invest or sponsor them21:15
Vedestinso it would take a well funded open technology institute to support any real innovative gains in any field21:16
kanzureHave you heard of Gingery?21:16
kanzureHe bootstrapped the industrial revolution in his backyard. 21:17
Vedestinactually i haven't sorry21:17
kanzureWithout much funding. Maybe some (which is how he had the time).21:17
kanzure(i.e., a wife to cook or something ?)21:17
Vedestinwhat did he make?21:17
kanzuremetal manufacturing equipment21:19
Vedestini see21:19
Vedestinsure, the philosophy is there21:21
Vedestinbut it's extremely rare21:21
Vedestinand what gingery did wasn't research either21:22
Vedestinhe took an already proven concept and made it work in his backyard21:22
Vedestini'm sure it helped him a lot that he already knew what a lathe was21:22
kanzurewhat are you trying to argue and why21:23
Vedestini'm trying to argue that ground breaking research in your garage is not as common as astounding feats of engineering in your garage21:25
fenngingery wrote the first book (charcoal foundry) without any funding, but the publisher sponsored the rest of the books (not much mind you)21:25
Vedestinwhy would you need funding to write a book21:25
Vedestinall you need is pen and paper21:25
kanzureyou don't have free food yet21:25
Vedestinhomeless people do21:25
fennVedestin: you dont need funding to do anything, actually, but without it things get difficult21:26
Vedestinyes, and the more complex those things are, the more difficult they become without funding fenn21:26
fennalso there's a social factor, when people ask you 'what do you do' its hard to explain what you do unless you have a source of funding21:26
kanzure"Money is a sign of a lack of imagination."21:26
Vedestinthat's not true fenn21:27
fennVedestin: it's easy to explain that you're a mad scientist bum? wtf are you talking about21:27
Vedestinwho said that kanzure21:27
Vedestinyou can just say 'ohh i'm working on a great project right now about "..."'21:28
Vedestinand then go on to explain what your work is21:28
fennwell, its hard, believe me21:28
Vedestinif you're interested enough in what you're doing i don't see how it'd be difficult to discuss with other people21:28
Vedestinso what do you say when that comes up?21:28
Vedestin'oh i just play with electronics and stuff....'21:28
kanzureVedestin: Ian M. Banks21:29
fennhah Banks stole 90% of his ideas from other SF authors21:29
kanzureI was questioning the source of the quote earlier today21:29
kanzurebecause Banks is too late in the game to have come up with such an obvious quote21:29
kanzureI am reluctant to add it to my quotes.html file - it's not expressive enough, methinks21:30
kanzurealthough I'm not saying everything else in there is :)21:30
Vedestinit's a strange concept21:30
fenni'm kinda annoyed at this cultural obsession with imagination, like "imagination is more important than knowledge" -einstein <- wtf is this supposed to mean?21:30
Vedestini've met some poor people who are extremely unimaginative21:30
kanzure"Everything is destined to experience the terror of absolutism of money." - Edis, Slashdot age prophet21:30
Vedestinall of einsteins experiments were thought experiments fenn21:30
fennand you must tack the name 'einstein' on the end21:30
Vedestinso that was true for him21:30
fennVedestin: no, it's not true21:31
kanzurefenn: cultural diffusion + dillution :(21:31
Vedestinfor him it was21:31
fennhe did a lot of experiments on the photoelectric effect21:31
kanzure`Economists are trained to believe that "money" is to the economy what "energy" is to the physical world.  This leads them to believe that whatever is "economically" possible is "physically" possible too.  What economists fail to realize is that the economy is a subsystem of the physical system, and thus constrained [and empowered] by universal physical laws that they have not studied.`21:31
fennthen he couldnt face up to how weird reality was and retreated into fantasy land21:31
Vedestinwhere would einstein be if he couldn't imagine what happened to the speed of light as you approached the speed of light?21:31
Vedestini like that one kanzure21:32
kanzureVedestin: Einstein's work was not a castle in the sky. He was a very intense person. He rewrote proofs from other researchers, philosophers, scientists, many many times over. 21:33
kanzureHe wasn't just "imagining" - he was synthesizing massive amounts of information [or he stole it, either way - haha].21:34
kanzurewhat was his quote? something about knowing how to hide sources, methinks.21:34
fenn<troll> and he was wrong </troll>21:34
fennall the great 'geniuses' managed to do that; tesla, fuller (um, any others?)21:35
kanzureIf I had to choose ultimately, I think I'd be much more interested in experimental physics rather than merely theoretical physics. 21:35
kanzurefenn: Feynman21:35
kanzurealthough he said what his sources were -- the encyclopedia ;)21:35
Vedestinnot that he was a great genius21:35
fenni woudlnt call edison a genius21:35
kanzureEdison was a workaholic. Permutation and combination.21:35
Vedestinhe was a business man really21:35
Vedestina suit21:35
Vedestinedison is richard branson21:35
fennbranson is much more idealistic21:36
fennbut branson inherited his wealth so its no surprise21:36
Vedestinyou wait till his tesla comes along21:36
Vedestinthen he'll quickly become pragmatic21:36
fennhm.. re: kevin kelly i always have that daydream, where you're walking along and suddenly fall through a time portal to ancient rome or something21:37
kanzurethat's interesting21:37
Vedestinthat doesnt happen to me21:37
kanzurehow is that re: kevin kelly21:38
Vedestinwith the whole reinventing technology kanzure21:38
Vedestinhave you seen back to the future fenn?21:38
fennthen the daydream becomes 'how would i actually do it'21:39
fennVedestin: yes a long time ago21:39
Vedestinthe third one, in the old west21:39
fennall i really remember is some fancy train and chinese guys getting scammed21:39
Vedestindoc brown the nuclear physicist running a blacksmithing shop in 188421:39
Vedestinchinese guys getting scammed?21:40
kanzureVedestin: you don't read much, do you21:40
fennyeah, slave ships, 'go to america the land of golden opportunity'21:40
Vedestinno i don't kanzure21:40
kanzureI don't mean to be insulting, but there are tons of other examples than Doc Brown and his blacksmithing shop :(21:40
kanzurealthough that's a good, entertaining one I must admit21:40
Vedestinthere probably are21:41
kanzureI am now a fan of Tony Stark in a cave21:41
Vedestiniron man?21:41
Vedestini havent seen that21:41
kanzurefenn: it's your exoskeleton story, basically21:41
fenn"you’d have to start with finding your own ore, mining and refining it with primitive tools, firing up bricks, rolling out sheet metal, developing screws and bolts by hand"21:42
Vedestincutting screws and bolts by hand21:42
kanzurefists of steel21:42
Vedestini have no idea where to start with that21:42
fenni dont think he's really thought this through21:42
fennyou can make so many things out of ceramic it's not even funny21:42
Vedestinso you'd cast a die tap?21:42
ybitkanzure, i think earlier today i finally read through most of your stuff :)21:42
kanzureright, burning and firing clay21:42
fennespecially if you can grind them precisely after firing21:42
kanzureybit: That's impressive. :)21:43
ybitI'll be keeping an eye on things, I really dig the roadmap21:43
kanzureybit: Anything in particular jump out at you?21:43
ybitand getting up to speed is good21:44
fennkanzure: ever read starship troopers?21:45
kanzurefenn: yes, and I have also seen the movie21:45
ybitsome clarity is lacking though on the wiki, a brief paragraph at the top describing exactly what the wiki is for would be helpful21:45
kanzureybit: I agree. From what you have seen, what is the wiki for? This way, I can go in and add some text to correct anything that *you* might be getting wrong [because I already *know* what it's about].21:46
kanzurehrm, emphasis on I not know.21:46
fennkanzure: uh, 'also seen the movie' lol21:46
kanzureyeah, big differences between the two21:47
fennkanzure: they made a japanese animation 'uchuu no senshi' which actually has something to do with the book21:47
kanzurealthough in the movie I think the teacher coming back was a nice touch21:47
ybitor perhaps i should read the first page of the wiki better :P21:47
kanzureybit: the first page might not help much, but go see21:47
fennkanzure: also check out "maschinen krieger" http://www.roboterkampf.com/roboterhtml/htmlmakvis/camel.htm21:49
kanzurefenn: I'm not a big fan of Heinlein's emphasis on citizenship, governments, etc.21:49
fennthis reminds me of starship troopers: http://www.roboterkampf.com/roboterhtml/htmlmakvis/bananaboat.htm21:50
fenni never really understood what people see in marvel comics21:53
kanzureit's probably just a "whatever is on top of the stacks" thing - that's what people see, so that's what they talk about21:53
ybitwithout having read the introduction, i thought the wiki was a large collection of helpful materials for the transhumanists roadmap..  the 'getting up to speed'  page.. might be clarify what you are getting up to speed on 21:54
ybitthere needs to be a site name that you can click on and get more info on what the site's goals are21:54
ybitsimilar to what wikipedia has on their welcome page: en.wikipedia.org21:56
Vedestinsome sort of mission statement?21:57
ybitnot necessarily, perhaps just an entire wiki page dedicated to clarifying what the site is21:58
kanzurebesides my own personal braindump21:58
kanzurethat's a tough one :)21:59
ybitand an easily seen "Welcome to ___" similar to wikipedia would be helpful21:59
ybitare there other contributors to the wiki?21:59
fenni wrote a page :P21:59
kanzureyes, there are21:59
fennits hard to get people to contribute to a wiki21:59
kanzureesp. ones with ridiculously long URLs 22:00
ybiti know there was a page mentioning people who are considered to be contributors22:00
fennkanzure: why dont you mod_rewrite it?22:00
fennor does mediawiki not do that?22:00
kanzurewell, I tried it a few times22:00
kanzuresome crappy config problems that I've been having22:00
kanzureI guess I'll give it another shot soon22:00
fennmediawiki sux22:01
kanzureybit: technically the contributor list is wrong,22:01
kanzuresuperkuh doesn't show up around these parts even though I steal lots of content from him22:01
kanzureEnki-2 has dropped out of here too, never updated a page either22:01
kanzureepitron left in a huff and a puff22:01
fenneh something like that22:02
* fenn hums innocently22:02
ybiti think that maybe the appropriate title is 'hplusroadmap wiki'22:02
fennhey bryan you need a road map22:02
fennlike grister.org22:02
kanzuremy roadmap isn't good enough?22:02
fennbut maybe a little more .. directed22:02
kanzurefenn: have you seen http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Roadmap22:03
kanzureybit: hplusroadmap wiki would be a good title, yes22:03
ybit" h+ roadmap " for the graphic would be nice too :D22:03
kanzurethe reason it's 'biohack' is because it's really a db copy from the biohack.sf.net db when it was getting killed by lag due to the extreme load on their sql servers22:03
fenni can critique the roadmap page if you like?22:04
kanzurefenn: yes, but also realize that it was written 7 mo again22:05
kanzureI wasn't exactly organized at that time22:05
fennmainly it's just more of a set of possibilities, rather than 'this is what we need to work on'22:06
fennfor example, why do we need a solar power satellite22:06
fennor space* anything22:06
Vedestinarent there already solar powered satellites?22:07
fennyes thousands22:07
kanzurefenn: hm?22:07
Vedestinall of them are, aren't they?22:07
fenna "solar power satellite" however is solely for the purpose of beaming electricity back to earth22:07
kanzurefenn: "mainly it's" is what I was hmming22:07
fennVedestin: no, not all of them22:07
Vedestinbeaming electricity22:08
Vedestinsim city much?22:08
fenni suppose you also believe atomic testing causes fish to mutate into giant fire-breathing lizards that will stomp on your cities22:08
Vedestindude, i've met godzilla22:08
Vedestinand he's not a fish he's a sea iguana22:08
fennah, that makes more sense then22:08
Vedestinit really does22:09
Vedestinbut yeah, how does that work? some sort of focused ion stream?22:09
fenndo you know what a phased array antenna is?22:09
kanzurefenn: but really, what do you mean "a set of possibilities" - did you mean that it should be a set of possibilities, or that it *is* a set of possibilities and needs to be more practically oriented ?22:09
Vedestini don't know physics22:09
fennkanzure: the webpage is simply a list of possibilities for interesting technologies/projects, whereas it *should* be a well defined set of steps that we as a community should take in order to reach some destination22:10
fennyou could have multiple paths, sure22:11
fennbut you dont really explain the inter-relatedness of any technologies22:11
kanzureyep, I agree22:11
Vedestinthat totally sounded like communism for no reason at all22:12
Vedestini think it's because you said community22:12
fenni wonder if anyone's ever prank-called lifeboat.org22:12
fennthey'd probably shit their pants22:12
ybitsimple logo with transparent background: http://bayimg.com/HAjCgaAbK  simple logo with white background: http://bayimg.com/HAjChaaBK22:12
ybiti would send the svg through bayimg.. but it seems it won't support it22:12
ybitif you wanted to make it even more flashy, not a problem22:13
fennVedestin: i don't trust a market to develop technologies in the globally optimal order22:14
ybithttp://bayimg.com/HaJcKaabk - there you go22:14
ybitthe one with background wasn't centered properly22:14
fennVedestin: we still dont have a production-level electric car22:16
ybitcan visitors create an account and start editing the main page?22:16
ybiti can get on it22:16
Vedestinwe already had production level electric cars22:16
kanzureybit: yes22:16
ybitwell.. i can do a few simple things22:16
Vedestinthey just fell out of favour22:16
kanzureybit: go ahead22:16
Vedestinand development stopped22:16
ybiti don't need to tie myself up just yet, but alright, i'll make a few simple changes22:17
fennVedestin: not really, the model-t was the first production car, were there any electric cars being made after that?22:17
Vedestinoh, no i guess not22:18
Vedestinyou meant mass production22:18
Vedestini thought you meant production as opposed to prototype22:18
fennsure, any joe can slap a motor in a car in his garage22:18
fennor cobble together some old lab equipment22:19
fennit just takes a lot of work22:19
fennpointless reinventing the wheel22:20
Vedestinhmm yeah22:20
kanzurebootstrapping a lab sucks22:21
kanzureI only want to do it once22:21
fennheh it's easier the second time22:21
Vedestinwhat sort of lab22:21
fennany sort22:21
fennkanzure wants to do gen-engineering and tissue culture22:22
Vedestinoh ok22:22
kanzureand other stuff22:22
Vedestingen engineering in what?22:22
Vedestinyeah, what species i meant22:22
kanzurehuman, mouse, whatever I can get my hands on22:22
kanzurealso some other projects of course22:22
fennhah i'm sure you'll have no shortage of human subjects22:22
Vedestinhumans are plentiful22:23
Vedestinbut there are often legal implications22:23
kanzurethe simulation of brains, large-scale pharmaceutical searches (i.e., a million tissue samples to test a single drug on)22:23
Vedestinthey don't do that do they22:23
kanzureno :(22:23
Vedestinthey just give it to a few dozen people and see what they say22:23
kanzurewhich worries me sometimes.22:23
fenni'd like to see more research on nootropics22:23
Vedestinyeah, nootropics would be interesting22:23
fennjust characterization of what's already out there22:24
fenn'it makes you smarter' doesnt mean a damn thing22:24
kanzureybit: did you see http://heybryan.org/recursion.html ? :)22:24
kanzureybit: that's the page I wrote before I wrote exp.html22:24
Vedestinsome of them are nothing more than targetting vitamins22:24
Vedestinwhich may or may not improve brain activity but it probably doesnt hurt22:25
fennthe supplement industry is full of bullshit22:25
fenni'm sure there's a lot of good stuff there, but it's hard to even do subjective trials when you aren't guaranteed the pill you are taking actually contains what you think it does22:25
Vedestini pop ginseng and guarana22:25
fennso, one person's ginseng may not be the same as another's22:26
Vedestinone persons reaction to ginseng you mean22:26
kanzureyou need to create your own drugs22:26
fennno, i mean the pills are not necessarily the same22:26
kanzureor at least know what your brain is before popping pills22:26
Vedestinyeah i don't know how to do that yet22:26
kanzurefenn: ah, that too22:27
kanzurebut quantitative chemical analysis equipment can solve that22:27
Vedestinoh, i guess there's that fenn22:27
Vedestinhmm, i might talk to the lab guys and see if we can work it out22:27
kanzurework what out?22:28
Vedestinif the pills are what they say they are22:28
kanzurefenn: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/projects/amorphous/Progmat/thesis/origami-global.html apparently they have a compiler but no nesting. Would it be practical for me to go write my own BNF, or what?22:29
fennVedestin: often they dont even say what's in the pills, is one problem22:29
Vedestinthey're not pharmaceuticals22:30
Vedestinthey're herbal supplements22:30
fennthat's not any excuse for poor labeling22:30
fennkanzure: i dont understand, no nesting? isnt it just some lisp functions?22:30
fenn(define tmp-line (fold-onto e12 e34)) <- nesting22:31
fennthere isnt much on that page really22:32
fennah here we go (love the graphics :) http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/projects/amorphous/Progmat/thesis/simexamples.html22:33
kanzurehah, that's hardcore22:35
kanzureso please explain22:36
kanzureis it just lisp?22:36
kanzurefrom the index - "or a manufacturing line that replaces precise mechanical engineering with programming. " huh.22:37
fennwell, it looks like lisp but i dont see where to download the source/software22:38
kanzureheh, her committee 22:40
kanzureTom Knight.22:40
kanzureI've talked with Tom. :-)22:40
kanzureand Sussman is another interesting character.22:40
Vedestinhaha, sussman22:40
kanzureIn the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6. "What are you doing?", asked Minsky. "I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-tac-toe", Sussman replied. "Why is the net wired randomly?", asked Minsky. "I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play", Sussman said. Minsky then shut his eyes. "Why do you close your eyes?" Sussman asked his teacher. "So that the22:41
kanzureof how to play", Sussman said. Minsky then shut his eyes. "Why do you close your eyes?" Sussman asked his teacher. "So that the room will be empty." At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.22:41
fenni never understood that quote22:41
kanzureneurons for modeling/rules/programs/processes, not for sending it in blind to any possible problem22:42
fennbut tic-tac-toe has a 'good move' for every possible state22:44
kanzurehttp://www.origami.as/Info/Oil/oil.php another language - eh22:44
kanzurefenn: yes, so why would he wire it randomly22:44
fennto see if it can figure out what the good moves are22:44
fennbecause you want to send it in blind to figure out any possible problem, eventually22:45
fennotherwise just write a program22:46
kanzurehttp:// another language worth using - but I don't see a download clicky22:46
Vedestinsorry, what's the relevance with origami?22:46
Vedestinyou want to use the same language to...what?22:46
Vedestinfold graphene?22:46
kanzureThat'd be cool, but no. It's a demonstration of SKDB.22:46
Vedestinwhat's that22:47
fennVedestin: a program that takes some arbitrary engineering design and turns it into reality (if possible)22:48
Vedestini see22:48
Vedestinahh, wiki22:48
fennyou have to specify the design in such a way that the program can understand it of course22:48
fennso we're trying to find a 'module' for specifying origami22:48
kanzureand so far this sucks22:49
kanzurenot a lot of research out there22:49
kanzureno compilers, we'd have to write our own22:49
kanzureunless we email Radhika, I guess22:50
fennwell, a robot that can fold origami is a thesis project in its own right22:50
kanzurethis is just for human folding at the moment22:50
kanzureyou just blackbox the human away from the problem space22:50
kanzureand then slowly work on it or something22:51
fennoh, um.. can't we just show a series of pictures?22:51
kanzureok, I guess I'll email her22:51
kanzurebut in the mean time, we need a backup plan22:51
Vedestina robot that can fold origami is a thesis project?22:52
kanzureironically OpenCores.org might be an interesting plan, but it has no physical, hands-on demonstration :(22:52
fennVedestin: yep22:52
Vedestini would not feed the kid who came to me with that for a thesis idea22:52
fennVedestin: if you dont think it's hard, please demonstrate a robot that can fold origami22:52
Vedestinok yeah, little quick to judge22:53
kanzureeh, for a backup plan we could just do arts and craft - one of those "fold a piece of paper, cut here and here" and you get a foldout thing22:53
kanzuresucks in comparison to an origami machine :(22:54
fenni'd love to have a robot that could make those22:54
kanzuretrying to find some related F/OSS projects for pepakura22:55
kanzurethere we go?22:56
kanzure"A hexaflexagon is a toy that anyone can make using six pictures, a printer and this software! In fact there's some pictures bundled with the app, so you don't even need  the pictures! 22:56
kanzureAfter cutting out a shape and following instructions you'll produce a folding puzzle/toy. 22:56
kanzureIt's got some odd mathematical properties, and can be a dangerously involving distraction. See the bottom of this page for links to more information."22:56
fennno, hexaflexagon is only one particular shape22:57
fennits like, a torus22:57
kanzureholy shit, I just realized something22:57
* kanzure goes to check archives22:57
kanzurethe Belsky Puzzle22:58
kanzurethat's my great grandfather :)22:58
fennahhh i hate google's interfaces22:59
fennjust show me the damn picture22:59
kanzurehttp://www.google.com/patents?printsec=drawing&zoom=4&dq=%22Charles+Belsky%22+puzzle&id=SL5tAAAAEBAJ&output=html HTML mode23:00
kanzuredoesn't make sense to me, but apparently he did foldable puzzles23:00
kanzureoh, how about just a puzzle generator23:00
kanzure3D shape-making would be preferable23:00
kanzureis the blender option suitable?23:00
fennits only half of the tool23:03
fennyou'd have to move the faces around manually and add tabs and cut it out23:03
fennand fold and glue etc :)23:03
fennbut sure, as a generic process i think it's worth using23:03
fenneasier to understand than origami modeling language at least23:03
fenni dont think i'll ever understand patents23:04
* ybit was having a tough time with a subtitle :)23:07
ybiti figured someone could modify as needed, but that seems to be more helpful to those new to the wiki23:10
ybitokay, edited twice since posting the link23:12
ybitdid one more edit to change spacing23:13
kanzurefenn: Hm. Macross Plus is on tv. Hurray. :)23:13
ybitand i'm through for tonight23:13
kanzureGood anime, IMHO.23:13
kanzureybit: ok, cya :)23:13
kanzurelet me see the edits23:13
kanzurefenn: you have to manually move around the faces? wtf?23:14
* ybit isn't leaving, just through editing the wiki :)23:14
kanzureybit: yes, I like the edits23:14
fennkanzure: dunno actually, never tried it, but i dont imagine 'unfold' can handle highly complex shapes23:15
kanzurewhy not? it's all surfaces, right?23:15
kanzureI don't know how it would explain how to put it together23:15
fennthe faces might overlap, and then which faces do you move? there has to be some algorithm for determining which 'branch' to move23:15
fennits easy enough to explain how to put it back together, just label the edges with a number23:16
fenna human could figure out the rest of the folding23:16
fennotherwise you get into origamiland again23:16
kanzureI think it's worth investigating23:17
kanzureheh, Fernhout wants to acquire http://www.lindsaybks.com/ because of their ownership of the Gingery books23:19
fennwow http://www.yamaha-motor.co.jp/global/entertainment/papercraft/index.html23:19
fennwant to 'acquire' them?23:19
kanzureit's a company23:20
fenni know23:20
fennum.. usually you cant just buy a company23:20
fennfor one thing, its expensive23:20
fennand the owner probably wouldnt go for it23:20
kanzurethen we'll just have to torrent the Gingery books23:20
kanzureseed them, I mean23:20
fennanyway, the gingery books seriously need to be updated: http://fennetic.net/machines/21st_century23:21
fenndamn i thought that page had more on it23:21
ybitkanzure: do you need help with the logo?23:22
kanzureybit: I dunno. I'll look into it soon. I remember there being a variable in LocalSettings.php or something about that.23:23
fennkanzure: you might be interested in this page http://fennetic.net/machines/index.php?Foo23:23
fennits some of the thinking that led me to skdb*23:24
kanzure"gawd I'm starting to sound like a republican" :(23:24
kanzureyes, I can tell23:24
fenn"you can make it much better from scratch than what you could afford to buy in the first place" is no longer true23:25
fennbut if china trade disparity comes back to normal then it might become true again23:26
fennstill true for the other 95% of the world23:27
Vedestinwell, i'd better go to university23:27
Vedestinassessments to do etc23:27
Vedestinim going now, goodbye?23:29
Vedestinohh, it seems i havent talked for quite a while anyway23:29
fennVedestin: "i'd better go to university" means something entirely different in american english23:29
kanzureYou can choose any, but it's obvious that paper model has some limitations. It is hard to make thin pieces, but it is possible (spillikins or spaghetti can help). You shouldn't choose too complex model (but we are going to simplify it nevertheless). And mechanical, sharp models will (of course) look more natural than the organic.'23:30
kanzurewhat type of glue would work23:33
kanzureI guess if you have tab flaps it'd be easier with a glue stick23:33
fennrubber cement23:33
kanzureI haven't used that in years, it's a liquid right?23:33
fennyes, with a brush to apply it, dries quickly and bonds instantly23:35
fennalso, it doesnt warp paper the way water-based glue will23:35
kanzureI have to admit, the images from the blog are pretty awesome23:35
fenn"It contains a simple unfolder and an SVG exporter.": http://www.czestmyr.wz.cz/progs/B-Paperizer_04.py23:36
fennthe tank is ok, i'm lusting after the yamaha motorcycles23:36
kanzurehey, uhh, from another POV, people might get the wrong idea if we show this as a demo23:37
kanzureblender isn't true CAD.23:37
fennyeah, that sucks23:37
kanzurethis is ridiculously easy to get the wrong idea off of23:37
kanzureso we'll just have to be careful.23:37
fennit's really strange that there is no cad for linux23:37
fenngosh reading over old essays is re-enlightening23:39
kanzurehow so - reloading old ideas, or just going back over crappy stuff?23:41
fennjust rediscovering the basis for my current motivations, ideas i have now that i had before and forgot23:42
kanzureit's funny, it's mostly kid's stuff23:47
fennwell, this part looks automatizable at least: http://www.bertsimons.nl/zenphoto/paperworks/rozemarijn/23:51
fennif we dont show 'cad-ish' models then people might not get the wrong idea23:54
fennobviously some dude's head isnt a cad model23:55
kanzuremakes them think :)23:56
kanzurewhat software is that ?23:57
kanzureprobably a plugin23:57
fennapparently he wrote tabs/assembly instruction software: http://www.bertsimons.nl/files/bouwplaat.pdf23:58
fenni see blender.. probably explained somewhere on the site23:58

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