
--- Day changed Wed May 14 2008
Vedestingoing now00:01
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kanzure$700 for a round trip to Washington D.C.,00:03
kanzuredoes that sound like a deal?00:03
ybitkanzure: (Mankind, WTF?) :P00:28
ybitsaw that this morning00:28
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h209n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap00:32
kanzureHey Biopunk.00:33
Biopunkhey kanzure00:33
Biopunknew day - new possibilities00:33
kanzureThis is pretty cramped. But I can make it work.00:39
kanzureThis is going to be fun.00:39
ybitkanzure: try kayak.com00:45
ybitoi Phreedom00:45
ybitis your roomie walking like a normal human being now? :P00:46
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]03:10
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:15
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]07:24
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]07:57
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-!- Splicer2 [n=p@h209n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:41
Vedestinso what's doin in h+08:41
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h209n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:01
* nsh is musing on the nature of orthogonality09:46
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h70n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:01
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-!- Biopunk [n=p@h70n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []10:23
-!- Vedestin [n=vircuser@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit ["User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby"]11:01
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap11:13
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:52
kanzureThe library computers were taken today, and I was wanting to do some reading on floaters, but instead just recursed through the physical indices and found Steven Bardin Johnson's "Mind Wide Open" (author of 'Emergence' and that other book on brains, ants, and the internet). 17:55
kanzureIt is a very low-level book in terms of density, so I flipped through it in 30 minutes and saw too many names that I like to be of a coincidence17:56
kanzureHoward Rheingold, Robert Wright, Engelbart ('neural darwinism' / neural selection and competition within the brain), Kurzweil, etc.17:56
fennwhat is the book about?17:57
kanzurein it, he talks about an alternative to 'sit and talk' therapy, 17:57
kanzureand goes into the idea of observing your own brain with fMRI to optimize your functionality17:57
kanzurewhich is essentially http://heybryan.org/recursion.html but filtered down ;-)17:58
kanzureEngelbart is a friend of Markram, I think17:59
fennthat's crazy enough it might be true17:59
kanzureE. O. Wilson too,18:00
kanzurealthough it seems that E.O. Wilson is just the token guy you have to reference18:00
kanzureI tried reading Wilson's book back in 2002 or something like that18:00
kanzureguess I didn't get it18:00
kanzure"Consilience - The Unity of Knowledge"18:00
nshi wouldn't bother18:07
nshhe just comes off as an arrogative dick with a hammer, calling everything he sees a nail not bothering to do much hammering on a the few actual nails18:08
nsh*and not18:08
kanzurensh: Wilson?18:27
* nsh nods18:28
kanzureinteresting things to see in your email inbox: "Jimmy Wales confirmed you as a friend on facebook"18:29
kanzuretodo: email oww-discuss and talk to them about modeling via skdb18:45
kanzurefenn: would you be willing to call into the OpenWetWare steering commitee phonecall and put in a few words about what SKDB provides and why OpenWetWare should convert?18:46
fennum, no18:55
fenn1) i hate telephones 2) i dont know what openwetware has or what they are trying to do 3) skdb is still vapor18:56
kanzurebtw, Paul got back to me and suggested not only paper models but also rube goldberg machines19:00
kanzureI said "eh" to him, it's ok I guess, but good luck trying to make a mechanical system out of folded paper19:01
-!- h2i [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap19:57
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kanzureHi h2i.20:11
kanzureAh, ybit.20:11
kanzurefenn: Drew Endy might be onboard SKDB.20:12
kanzureOn Wednesday 14 May 2008, Drew Endy <endy@mit.edu> wrote:20:12
kanzure> The subject of your email might seem to be disingenuous.  You are not20:12
kanzure>   proposing "doing slightly more."  You are proposing a transition20:12
kanzure> from a monolithic, linear code base to a network-based development20:12
kanzure> community, which would be very exciting.  Bill F. and I are going to20:12
kanzure> discuss your ideas in some detail over the next few days and report20:12
kanzure> back.20:12
* h2i didn't realize i had switched to wireless mode20:31
kanzureh2i: Did you see the Endy quote?20:32
h2ithat's very exciting20:34
kanzureWhy can't I find a "Good news everybody" futurama quote on youtube.20:34
-!- drazak [i=drazak@drazak.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:42
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fennboo hiss21:22
kanzurewhy's that?21:23
fenncode generation's a bad idea21:23
fennand it's java :\21:23
kanzureoh, java21:23
kanzurecode generation -> then what about compiler-compilers?21:24
fennlet's see someone try to do this with origami: http://fennetic.net/pub/camera/DCP_0805.JPG21:24
kanzurewoah, that's awesome21:24
* kanzure goes to work on his printer21:24
fenni had more trouble with the inkjet printer than anything21:24
kanzureEpson *has* to work at some point, right?21:24
kanzurexsane hasn't worked with the Epson scanner yet, but maybe I didn't spend enough time on it21:25
fennit was supposed to be r/g/b but i had to fall back to laserjet21:25
kanzureinc. the config files etc.21:25
fennthese paper models are sorta self-assembling21:26
fennit would be interesting to try different substrates21:27
kanzureGrace Murray Hopper invented the compiler? wtf? sounds false21:27
kanzureah, that was just the implementation21:29
kanzurelooks like an interpreter21:29
fenn"converted the specification into machine code that could be fed into the computer a second time to execute the program."  sounds like a compiler to me21:30
fenni wonder why they say the moth story is the origin of the term 'debugging' when it clearly says right below the moth "first actual case of a bug being found"21:32
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-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap22:00
ybitkanzure: i'm curious what d. endy's response is22:02
kanzureybit: Me too. I think he'll like it.22:02
-!- Radcore [n=Radcore@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap22:02
kanzureespecially since I've volunteered to single-handedly do the codebase.22:02
kanzureHi Radcore. 22:02
ybitwho is bill f.?22:02
-!- Radcore is now known as Vedestin22:03
kanzureybit: Apparently it's a partner.22:03
kanzureVedestin: :( I thought you were somebody new.22:03
Vedestinyeah, i know22:03
Vedestini didn't want to let you down22:03
ybitwhat exactly was your proposal to him?22:12
Vedestinbeing a new person22:12
* ybit was speaking to kanzure :P22:13
kanzureybit: My proposal. Hm. Let me go find the link.22:13
ybitbut i'll talk with you, Vedestin, if you want :)22:13
ybiti'm guessing: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Skdb22:14
ybitor not22:14
kanzurebut it is.22:15
fenndammit kanzure you wrote the same crappy email and made all the same mistakes22:33
kanzurefenn: shit22:34
ybitso did you email him specifically, because i'm not seeing his response on the mailing list22:34
kanzurefenn: you're going to have to beat me into it22:34
kanzureybit: he emailed me privately in response22:34
fennkanzure: first, you have to explain what your idea is, what the idea behind debian is (not just meaningless statistics saying how huge and unmanageable it is) and why this is a good strategy that a reasonable person would want to put effort towards22:35
kanzure"Hi, I think this is a good idea because we can collaborate and do stuff together. Debian does this. They're doing pretty damn well. And even a small guy can profit, example here"22:36
kanzurethat format?22:36
fennexample of what NOT to put in your email: "It's incredible that Debian Distribution and Development hasn't fallen  into a big steaming heap of broken pieces, with administrators, users  and ISPs all screaming at each other and wanting to scratch each  others' eyes out on the mailing lists and IRC channels, only to find  that those aren't there either. 22:37
Vedestinso...you were holding Debian up as an example of how to collaborate?22:38
* ybit was happy to see an improvement with Gentoo mentioned ;)22:39
-!- nsh_ [n=nsh@87-94-155-173.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap22:40
kanzurefenn: I didn't write that, but I won't include it.22:45
fennbut.. it's in the email. it's hard for someone skimming through to see what's a quote and what's your writing22:46
fennend result: confusion and annoyance22:46
kanzurefenn: should I go back to the '>' prefix to lines that aren't mine no matter what?22:47
fennum.. you should just use less quotes22:52
fennhow do i post a reply to a thread without having any headers?22:54
kanzurethat's a good question22:55
kanzureI've thought about that before, and sometimes I think that you should be able to fake the headers22:55
kanzurewith telnet, at worst22:57
kanzureerm, nevermind with that link22:57
kanzurefenn: I can't really forward you the message as received by mit.edu, since gmail doesn't let me get messages I send to mailing lists22:59
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-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-155-173.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Connection timed out]23:01
Vedestinforward it somewhere else and on from there23:03
kanzurehow would I forward it if I only have the copy I originally sent?23:04
kanzureit doesn't have the headers that gmail assigned it23:04
fenn"appropriately" high barrier - hmph!23:26
fenni hope he isnt serious23:26
fenncrap i forgot to link back to skdb23:26
fennoh well23:26
kanzureRussell Hanson?23:28
fennis he trolling?23:28
kanzure"It seems Bryan can't write an email in plain english, so I feel obligated 23:28
kanzureto explain for him:" heh23:28
kanzureRussell? I doubt it.23:28
fennheh looks much less old and crusty than i pictured23:29
kanzurewell, would somebody old type out that much in a single paragraph?23:30
kanzurehrm, I wouldn't know how to answer that question23:30
fenni bet he writes email in VI23:31
ybithe uses windows and mac osx i do believe23:49
ybitjust a guess23:50
-!- Vedestin [n=Radcore@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit ["User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby"]23:50
ybitso he's probably not a vi user nor an OS advocate23:50
kanzurewhat happens when the Mac OS X people realize what their kernel is23:52

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