
--- Day changed Thu May 15 2008
fenni said that because he had a vi cheat sheet on his home page00:01
fennand you can do stuff with vi like.. not put any line wraps into your email00:02
kanzureI'm sure they have a key-press to fix that00:05
fenn:set wrap00:05
ybityikes, didn't see all the responses before posting a response00:13
kanzurehaha :)00:17
kanzureybit: where?00:18
ybiterr... i think i replied directly to him00:57
ybitkanzure, you have gmail00:57
ybit*doesn't participate much in email discussions*00:58
ybitbut um.. i guess i just need to put the mailist address in the to: field00:58
ybitgmail responded directly to him00:58
kanzureybit: you also need to sign up to the mailing list, probably00:59
ybitalright sent01:01
ybiti've already signed up which is how i knew russell responded.. i thought he was spam though until i got a response from him just now telling me that i sent the email directly to him instead of to the mailing list01:02
kanzureah, I see it.01:04
ybitit just seems odd that he would have those statements on OPEN|WETware.org. Though openwetware is mostly used by university students and professors, it's associated with Biobricks which advocates free biological parts. And then hist statement concerning businesses not interested in open and wet is bull. Codon Devices is betting on the biobrick parts01:05
ybit*being open 01:05
ybiti didn't want to hit him too hard, it's not my style01:06
ybitwe all make mistakes sometimes01:06
ybitfor me, it's often :)01:06
kanzureRussell replied onlist01:09
ybiti see you've already handled it :)01:12
ybit*shudders at his response*01:13
kanzureI wonder what Russell is thinking.01:13
ybitgn kanzure01:15
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fennmodular open-source personal gadget: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVC53pO08oo17:51
kanzureuhh, "if I have no app that tells it to launch rocket at head, well."17:55
kanzurerather interesting example..17:56
kanzurenow, it talks about "all of the community's apps that correspond with your components"17:56
kanzurewhat does this mean, debian repository setup, or what?17:56
fennmumble mumble java sdk18:00
kanzurefor their platform?18:00
kanzureI dunno if I like the idea of a java sdk/repo combo18:00
kanzureI dislike java in general, but Paul was suggesting jython to me, a way to use python within java18:01
kanzurebut again, it's questionable in my opinion18:01
kanzureit's proprietary, it's to be expected18:02
kanzureeven though it's open source18:02
kanzure"log in to BUGnet"18:02
kanzurejust sounds like it to me.18:02
fennwell.. i dunno18:02
fenni dont think its malicious, just unaware18:03
fennthey dont teach distributed open development in school, ya know18:03
kanzuredefinitely not malacious18:03
kanzurefenn: well they should18:03
kanzure"How to be a good person"18:03
fennuh, how exactly would that work?18:03
fenn'for your final project, you have to come up with something and/or join a project already in existence and possibly achieve something (in cooperation with other people who may or may not exist)18:04
fennschool fails completely in all the places where distributed open development shines18:05
fennit's too big18:07
fennthe bug platform thingy18:07
kanzurethe platform is too big ?18:07
kanzureor you mean the possibilities are too broad?18:08
fennyeah it's just over pocket sized18:08
fennyou can increase functionality within a form factor, but changing a form factor is hard (especially when you set out to create an industrial ecology)18:08
kanzureoh, I need to go read the latest oww emails if any18:09
fennnot much18:09
kanzureblah, none18:09
fenndid they have first robotics at your school?18:13
kanzureyes, and it sucked18:14
kanzurethe compiler sucked18:14
kanzurehurray for proprietary software18:14
kanzure"If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together"18:14
kanzureThey did it so that you wouldn't, you know, do any *real* programming.18:15
kanzureand have an unfair advantage18:15
fennthats what i expected but then someone i know was talking about doing C++ programming for first and i was like "what?"18:16
kanzurehttp://www.pythoncad.org/ <-- seen it? thoughts?18:16
kanzureyeah, you do some C/C++ variant for it18:16
kanzurebut you must use their library calls - which isn't a bad thing, but you can't add in your own components to the hardware 18:16
fennpythoncad shoots low, and didnt achieve its goals (the interface sucks) and the code is way too complicated for its own good18:16
kanzureIIRC. It was my freshman year, so it's a bit fuzzy at the moment.18:16
fennthancad is better18:16
fennthey should just let people do whatever they can with the $50018:18
fenni'd love to see people "cheat" by using something that costs less and works better18:19
fennif it costs half as much, you get to field two robots18:19
fennif they finagle a deal with a local business, so much the better18:19
kanzureI think that it's very much about the people that are assigned to help you out18:23
kanzureyou're supposed to get engineers from your local community18:23
kanzurebut around here that means somebody from Freescale, AMD, etc. Which is fine, but nobody necessarily knows anything about robotics, automation, etc. That's stuff the north-east of the country.18:23
kanzure*country knows about. 18:24
fennhmm no fabs nearby?18:24
fennthey have regional competitions right?18:24
kanzureI haven't entirely investigated it, but if you look at maps you'll see the north-east is *packed* with fabs18:24
kanzureRegion 13 is basically all of Texas though18:24
kanzurefenn: what's next?18:31
kanzureI've lost my way.18:31
kanzurejust work on agx-get ?18:31
kanzureand improve my own presentation of the whole system (because apparently I suck :-)) ?18:32
fennuh, example metadata file18:34
kanzureah, right18:57
kanzurebut we already did that18:57
kanzurewith the example python class18:57
kanzurebrb, cleaning cat stuff18:57
kanzurehttp://twitter.com/kanzure <-- it's like crack, except it's my braindroppings18:58
fennso, er.. these are just text.. /me wanna link!19:04
fenni'm interested in the discussion with anissimov19:05
fennwhere did the word 'metarepo' come from?19:06
fennhmm interesting fernhout arrived at the papercraft conclusion independently19:10
kanzurehe suggested origami19:24
kanzureI suggested origami to you19:24
kanzureyou modified with papercraft19:24
kanzureand it somehow got to him19:24
fenni guess i should sign up to openvirgle19:24
kanzurefenn, I've been thinking. The big problem with information management is seeing everything at once on a screen, and organizing all of it. 19:24
kanzureI never quite have enough deskspace19:25
kanzurefenn: also see the recent messages; I have a reply cooking up in another window at the moment19:25
fennya engelbart had the right idea19:25
kanzureSo, because of the deskspace problem,19:25
fennzooming interface19:25
kanzureyeah, but also19:25
kanzureI was thinking a few moments ago about a hanging interface19:25
kanzurethe floor is really a lot of good space19:25
fennnot just 'floating 3d square with 2d graphics on it' zooming, but semantic zooming19:25
kanzure(yes, I agree with semantic zooming; could be improved with information gradients within brain and mindbots to elaborate; but that's not what I'm talking about)19:26
kanzureI mean physically hanging,19:26
kanzurelike you're hanging from the ceiling19:26
kanzureand the information is below you19:26
fennhey why not just float in a tank of water19:26
kanzurethe floor's made up of either lots of CRTs or a giant screen, either way19:26
kanzurewhere's the data?19:26
fennall around you!19:26
kanzureyou don't like the hanging idea? :(19:27
kanzurebecause you could be moved from place to place with automated rollers, easily enough19:27
kanzurescreenspace wouldn't be an issue19:27
fennhow about a robocrane19:27
kanzurethat seems more complicated19:27
kanzurebut serves same function19:27
kanzureI need to upload my logs with TheWOLPRO, we were discussing some alternative computer interfaces19:28
fenni dont really get it, sorry.. it's always going to be easier to move pictures around a screen than to move the viewer from screen to screen19:28
kanzuresuch as the setup in The Matrix (not Neo's)19:28
kanzureso you could do a rotating chair I guess19:28
fennwait, which setup? the keyboards and crt's everywhere or shelves of stuff flying past you?19:28
kanzurekeyboards and crt's19:29
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Brainstate_augmentation_setup would be paired with it obviously (a biotech way of maintaining your programming session at all costs)19:29
fenni like those interactive touch tables, cross that with a drafting table and you'd have something usable19:29
fennbut as my friend with 2x24" lcd's points out, when the viewing angle gets too high your eyes and neck start to hurt from looking around too much19:30
fennso he prefers higher res smaller monitors after all19:30
kanzurehanging would work pretty well19:30
kanzurebody-support, it'd be pretty comfortable19:30
kanzureI wonder if Google would fund the [[brainstate augmentation setup]] project ... surely they have some 'super programmers' that they want to suck every penny out of19:31
fennever seen a logarithmic mapping? will try to find some pictures to explain..19:31
kanzurefisheye views?19:31
fennyou know those hyperbolic tiling? sorta like that19:33
kanzureyeah, okay19:33
kanzureI've wanted something like that for a while now19:33
fennthis img looks similar to what i remember http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.neverendingbooks.org/DATA/dedekind1877.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.neverendingbooks.org/index.php/tag/hyperbolic&start=32&h=321&w=550&sz=27&tbnid=tnlyJSUmpMpEsM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=133&hl=en&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhyperbolic%2Binterface%26start%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN&um=119:34
fennoh ffs url spam19:34
fenngrar ok nevermind, cant find it19:36
fennhmm i can think of some main things that kick you out of 'the mode'19:38
fennmostly, sharp unpredictable noises associated with anxiety or threats19:38
kanzureI have been discovering that 'faces' are high up there on the list19:39
kanzurealso, not knowing what to do next19:39
fennfaces? like faces of people you recognize or any faces?19:39
kanzurefor me it seems to be either, but I need to do more experimenting19:39
kanzurefor example, I can try flashing up a random face on my screen when I'm writing code19:39
kanzureand see what that does19:39
kanzureor the rate at which it starts to be a problem19:40
fennwell, it would be distracting19:40
kanzureI suppose.19:40
fennsimply because you have some random thing popping up19:40
kanzureI think I can handle images of faces19:40
kanzureimages are images19:40
kanzurereal people are annoying and don't have a clue :(19:40
fennya the cat is squeaking at me, doesnt have a clue19:40
kanzuresometimes :)19:40
kanzurehrm, I can sometimes deal with cats19:40
fennthis cat is annoying19:40
kanzurefor many years I had a rather smart cat in a drawer beside me19:41
kanzureand he'd just sit there and wait for me to press compile to scratch his ears19:41
kanzuredo not - under any circumstance - teach a kitten to talk19:41
kanzurehe'll be yapping all the time19:42
fenntake this transform, apply it to your virtual desktop, and do head-tracking to move the 'zoom' point around http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://picard.ups-tlse.fr/~cheritat/GalII/mof6js.png&imgrefurl=http://picard.ups-tlse.fr/~cheritat/GalII/galery.html&start=6&h=600&w=800&sz=311&tbnid=ucUjLQrLGWSIRM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&hl=en&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dconformal%2Bgrid%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG&um=119:51
fennit should work in 3d too19:52
fennoops sry this one: http://picard.ups-tlse.fr/~cheritat/GalII/mof6js.png19:53
fennyou wouldn't see the grid while using it of course19:59
fenn"nanochip plans to make MEMS cantilever arrays to store 100GB on a chip by 2010"20:04
fennusing polarization to store data20:05
kanzurefenn: I found something interesting.21:10
kanzureA relative of mine. I never knew her last name, but just got it via facebook.21:11
kanzure"A programming model for automated decomposition on heterogeneous clusters of microprocessors"21:13
fennby sean peisert and scott baden?21:14
fenni dont see the connection21:15
fennoh, she was his school teacher21:16
kanzureshe also gave me a collection of C books back when I was 1221:51
kanzureafter asking, of course21:51
kanzurefenn: looks like we might have a publication opportunity21:51
kanzureR.U. Sirius is running a new magazine and he's offered me 600 to 1k words, if it's dense + accessible. re: SKDB. 21:51
kanzure"The Revolution Party"21:52
kanzure"The Open Source Party"21:52
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/2008-05-15_bioscenarios.html <-- I guess I was babbling a bit.23:44
kanzurefenn, nsh, ybit - http://heybryan.org/2008-05-15_bioscenarios.html <-- I guess I was babbling a bit. It's my analysis of a paper on the future of biotechnology and the perceived threats of the tech on govt and people etc.23:46

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