
--- Day changed Sat May 17 2008
kanzurefenn: where's mesh->unfold ? specifically 'mesh'00:00
kanzureI'm in 2.4.4 or something,00:01
kanzureso mesh isn't a menu at the top00:01
kanzurehm, I was there a few minutes ago00:02
kanzureah, so it's in Edit Mode00:02
kanzurefenn: maybe it needs a texture ?00:28
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fennin the upper right there's a box/menu thingy that you can pull down and select 'scripts'00:43
fennbut i figured you'd already done that since you have an svg file00:43
fennactually its the lower left of most view windows00:45
fennbad explanation. i'm out of phase00:46
fennjust logged on because i was laying in bed thinking 'matter compiler' isnt quite right, what we're really doing is a 'design compiler'00:46
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kanzurefenn: 'matter compiler' was in the context of figuring out how to use the instruments in the fablab to make a defined object00:56
kanzure'design compiler' sounds more like something that would compile designs00:56
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kanzurehuh, blender's doing a blender repository13:29
kanzurehttp://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?p=1118231#post1118231 <-- so I posted. I suck at writing, by the way.13:29
kanzureew, a repo via mysql13:31
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap14:22
fenna program compiler turns abstract source code into concrete machine code, design compiler turns abstract designs into concrete physical artifacts14:57
fennbut a compiler doesn't have to go all the way to machine code, can go to some bytecode (and design compiler doesnt have to physically realize the artifact either)14:57
kanzurethat works, I agree now14:57
kanzureright, the design compiler could ideally go all the way up to the point where all of the machines can have the programs downloaded (or managed by a scheduler for the network; whatever)14:58
* kanzure has been watching blender vids, but hasn't been going far15:00
kanzure*getting far15:00
fenni think html tutorials are better15:00
fennthey actually tell you what the keystrokes are, etc15:01
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap15:03
fennblender file format is the worst thing ever15:04
Phreedomfenn: legacy stuff can be scary15:55
kanzurefenn: I seem to be able to absorb personalities from others.16:02
Phreedomkanzure: absorb?16:11
* Phreedom runs away and hides16:11
kanzureMaybe I mean understand. Hm. Anyway, /me gets back to blender.16:13
kanzureIt shouldn't be this hard to make a hexapod.16:13
fenni watched two engineers from ndsu spend a couple hours in pro/e trying to make a hexapod model and not get anywhere16:55
kanzurethis is retarded16:55
fennyou might have better luck in a more "mathematical" 3d modeler like k3d or one of the many POV modelers16:57
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/2008-05-17.png <-- following the instructions to move a vertex16:59
kanzure170 MB. hahah16:59
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h53n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:01
kanzureHey Biopunk.17:01
Biopunkhi kanzure17:02
Biopunkseen this: http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=1906978371 ?17:03
Biopunkand this: http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=190697843317:03
kanzureNope, but it's neat17:03
fennso.. what's that blobby thing?17:03
kanzurefenn: my pathetic attempts at vertex modifying a sphere17:04
fennoo oo is it a brain?17:04
kanzurejust playing around17:04
fennwell, for one thing, nurbs seems like a more appropriate way to do it17:04
kanzurebut that's a good idea17:04
fennadd->surface->nurbs sphere17:05
fennand if you are a die-hard mesh addict, check out the catmull-* subdivision17:06
kanzurehurray, I got a loop17:11
fennon purpose?17:13
kanzurethis is like hour 917:13
kanzureso at this rate I'll be a master in a few decades17:13
fennif you're trying to recreate the torus knot thingy, should know that i drew it out as a nurbs curve first, then extruded a triangle along it and then converted to a mesh17:13
kanzurehow do you convert to mesh?17:15
fenni was following this tutorial (sorta) http://chronosphere.home.comcast.net/~chronosphere/tut-blend-knot.htm17:16
fenndunno wtf he is talking about empties and hooks though17:16
fennoh ya 'c' makes the curve cyclic17:17
kanzureI ended up with a flat surface :)17:17
fennhm? the curve? or the unfolded mesh17:17
kanzurelemme just follow the tutorail17:18
fennok. i would just move the nurbs control points around in edit mode instead of making hooks17:19
fennits much easier to understand17:19
kanzurebtw, the Google 3D model repository isn't useful17:20
kanzurethere's no good Google Sketchup 5 or 6 -> blender conversion script17:20
fenngoogle doesn't exactly cooperate17:20
kanzureit wouldn't take much effort17:21
fennthe sketchup interface has some neat ideas17:22
fenni'd definitely want to steal some of them17:22
--- Log closed Sat May 17 17:30:12 2008
--- Log opened Sun May 18 00:18:20 2008
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-75-60-173-245.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:18
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help00:18
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]00:18
[Users #hplusroadmap]00:18
[ Biopunk] [ fenn] [ kanzure] [ krebs] [ ybit] 00:18
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200800:19
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kanzureWe are going to need to start off with some good storage space, some machinery of our own and so on. This isn't going to go well if all we can do is just use printers.01:09
kanzureAt the very least some good server space.01:15
fenni'm sure we can scrounge up a git host somewhere (savannah or berlios?)01:23
fennor both01:24
kanzureright, but we need to be doing standardized manufacturing, so we'll actually need to be working with some equipment01:26
kanzureunless we expect other people to pick up our slack for us01:26
kanzurewhich is not the way projects are typically done :)01:26
fennsure, well, i'd love to have a datron dynamics raptor, but we gotta keep it realistic01:26
fennand 99% of hobbyists dont have machinery of any sort (maybe a drill press)01:27
kanzureoh, right, we could use one of the common diy drill press projects01:27
fennwhat common diy drill press projects?01:27
kanzureone of those open source microcontroller kits + drill + some high powered servo from digikey01:28
kanzureoh, stuff01:28
kanzurehold on01:28
fennto do.. what?01:28
kanzureto make more tools01:28
kanzurehm, Opera was dead in the background01:28
kanzureso not just a sec  :(01:28
kanzureI have a good number of links to diy cnc, lathes, etc.01:28
fennok, no need to spam me then01:28
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap01:29
fennif plain threaded rod works out for a beginner hexapod, then you only need a cnc hotwire to make the hexapod, and from there the world's your rowboat01:30
fenn(and a manual drill press of course)01:31
kanzureit's a byproduct of fenn's brain01:31
fennit's not my idea, just my passion01:31
kanzureit's secreted in the dorsal lateral subsection of the hypothalamic cortical circuits01:31
fennoops one sec01:31
kanzurehaha, I thought the server was dead ?01:31
fennoh, heh. http://fennetic.net/machines/hexapod01:32
fenni set it back up01:32
Vedestinwhy do you need this01:34
kanzurewhy do you need to breath?01:35
fennbecause it's better than a milling machine, more appropriate for people who dont own a house + pickup-truck01:35
kanzurefenn: I think he's asking more broadly than that01:35
kanzurenot sure though01:35
fenna lot of people dont understand the underlying premise of building things yourself01:35
kanzureisn't that peculiar.01:36
fennmy parents for example01:36
kanzureI mean, really. they understand sex01:36
fennsex isnt about self replication, it's about error correction01:36
kanzureno, I mean building01:37
fennum.. what?01:37
kanzureyou said that people don't seem to understand the idea of building things themselves01:37
kanzurethe premise of building things on your own, or i.e. the basis of plowing women01:38
fenni dont really see the connection01:38
kanzure'basis' is probably a little strong01:38
kanzurethe connection is that they want to do it01:38
kanzureand that they are the ones that have to get it happening01:38
kanzurebad example01:39
Vedestinso you're going to build one of these platforms and mount it under a radial drill01:39
Vedestinto use as a milling machine01:39
fennno, more likely i'll put a milling spindle on the platform01:39
fennsee hextatic01:39
fenner, http://fennetic.net/machines/hextatic01:39
fennthis way all the forces are contained within the machine structure01:40
fennno need to bolt to a concrete slab or whatever01:41
fennkanzure: i really think the cultural lack of wanting to build things is going to be a big obstacle01:42
kanzurewhat about the maker culture?01:42
kanzureit seems to be growing01:42
fennthey're dilettantes01:42
kanzureor at least exhibiting itself01:42
fennnothing practical ever comes out of make01:42
kanzuresynthetic biology01:43
Vedestinbolting things to a concrete slab is pretty cheap01:43
fennVedestin: only if you have a concrete slab01:43
Vedestinlaying a concrete slab is a bit more expensive...01:44
kanzureoh shit01:44
kanzurethat's me.01:44
kanzurethere's a channel somewhere near hplusroadmap in terms of number of users that does openstreetmapping or something01:46
kanzuremight be good for resource mapping01:46
fennwhat sort of resources?01:48
Vedestinthats pretty interesting fenn01:49
Vedestinthe hextatic01:49
kanzurefenn: stuff in the area, metals, stuff under the ground, geotagging, whatever gets us our stuffs01:50
kanzurewas it you who mentioned homeless people in a soc-net ?01:50
kanzureanyway, we could use homeless mobs to do geotagging01:50
kanzureplus tell them where to get free food at the same time01:50
fennhey this arduino nano looks halfway decent: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/05/arduino_nano.html01:51
kanzurearduino the microcontroller kit01:51
fennarduino the meme01:51
fennoh, fifty bucks, nevermind :P01:53
fennanyway it'd make a good prototyping tool at the cost of components01:54
kanzurebtw, I think an alternative computing architecture (not silicon) is a priority -- eventually01:55
kanzurecertainly not now, and certainly not when things start to roll01:55
kanzurebut the idea of maybe using graphene to sketch out circuits on a flake is much easier to implement than silicon manufacturing01:55
fenni'm sure the journal of unconventional computing has an idea or two01:58
fenneh maybe not02:00
fennhmmm.. http://www.paper-wars.com/?q=news/n02:03
kanzureoh, I know!02:03
kanzuresmoke signals!02:03
fennyes, all we need is a couple acres of forest and some homeless people (indians)02:04
fenni mean.. wait, how's that supposed to solve anything?02:04
kanzuremapping out resources02:06
kanzureso that we can use them02:06
kanzurebut smoke signals was meant as a solution to computing without silicon02:06
Vedestinsmoke signals?02:26
kanzuresure, it's just flipping bits02:27
Vedestinim not sure it's really computing02:27
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-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap06:00
Phreedomfenn: are there any news re: your hexapod? are you going to/building it already?06:00
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-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has left #hplusroadmap ["Kopete 0.12.4 : http://kopete.kde.org"]12:50
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Societal_engineering_knowledge_database#2008-05-14:_pepakura New additions made (scroll down)14:45
kanzureAlthough for some reason my brain isn't making the leap that it has to. Very werid.14:45
nshtry making a 15:00
nsh(*racks brain for name...*)15:00
nshit's the midpoint of a particular family of sphere eversions15:01
nshalthough, that might be difficult because of the self-intersection15:01
nshah, Morin surface15:04
kanzureblender has so thoroughly wooped my ass15:18
kanzureI spent way too many hours yesterday on it15:18
kanzureso now I'm left wondering what it is that I am going to do next15:18
kanzureputting blender in between you and your goals is a *bad* idea15:18
kanzurehexayurts = very cheap houses16:51
kanzure(according to Noah)16:51
fennyeah but... something16:51
fennbetter than many designs16:52
fennhuh. the radio antenna on hexayurt.com looks exactly like the solar concentrators i was looking at yesterday16:53
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/pipermail/hplusroadmap/2008-May/thread.html <-- new stuffing16:53
fennhexayurt.com is conspicuously missing the actual design files16:56
fenni.e. "dont make it out of isocyanurate" but wtf do they make it frmo?16:56
fennthis is as close as it gets to a plan: "Look at the picture and go through the steps in your mind again. You get the boards and you get the tape. Then you cut some of the boards into triangles, and tape them together to make the roof, and then you tape the roof to the walls and you are done. You just built a Hexayurt."16:58
kanzurethat sucks16:59
kanzurebut otherwise it looks interesting16:59
kanzurehm, "Appropedia - the sustainability wiki"17:00
kanzurethey must hate me :)17:00
fennyes i'm looking at that page - there's no plans on it17:00
fennits all just "this is a hexayurt. this is easy. if you mess up you must be a fucking retard"17:01
kanzurethe second image is "How to build it"17:01
fennnot so17:02
fennlook at the triangles on the roof, they're actually made of two triangles17:02
fennbut in the drawing it's just one triangle - how does that nest from a 4x8 sheet17:02
kanzurewait, what?17:03
fennroof panels approximate an equilateral triangle (with beveled edges maybe)17:03
fenni'm just saying there's lots of opportunity to mess up because there isnt enough information17:04
fennoh crap i was looking at http://www.appropedia.org/Hexayurt_Playa17:05
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]17:11
fennthe world’s first commercially available automatic electric solar powered hybrid robotic lawn mower. The mower will cut for around 40 minutes, and then charge for 40 minutes in its charging station. http://www.pocket-lint.co.uk/news/news.phtml/13290/14314/hysqvarna-auto-mower-solar-power.phtml18:07
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Connection timed out]18:09
fennok, so, not as cool as i thought18:10
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:16
kanzureHeh heh, focus :)18:48
kanzuretrying to write the essay for Sirius' H+ magazine.18:48
nshcan't stop the signal, mal19:08
* nsh goes to sleep dreaming of hang drums and infrasound helmholtz resonance in quartz crystals at the great pyramid of giza19:08
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kanzureSo, I got my graduation present, or at least knowledge of it.19:53
kanzureAs it turns out, my grandmother wishes to purchase all of my first year college textbooks.19:53
kanzureThis is rather problematic, considering I was planning on stealing all of them.19:53
fennnormally, i'd say "what a lame graduation present" but it's understandable, given your book mania20:07
kanzureI suppose so20:07
kanzurebut I was going to steal them anyway20:08
kanzureso maybe I can get into first year classes that I actually want the books to20:08
kanzureinstead of some stupid curriculum20:08
fennyou need to explain why ubuntu/debian is relevant to skdb20:11
kanzureI could do a "look at how well it works" tie-in20:12
fennin the big blank space between debian quotage and 'concerns of the ai symbol grounding problem'20:12
kanzurethere? or before the debian quotage?20:12
fenndunno, there is just this big non-sequitur20:13
fennthis sentence doesn't really work (not enough semantic content, maybe an example?) "The community needs to start with some tools, some resources. Then we can make some more tools with those resources, and give them to other people."20:16
kanzurehrm, that is kind of bad20:17
kanzureI was trying to get across the idea that we can bootstrap the community via tooling ourselves up20:17
kanzureand then by installing more labs by either shipping tools or giving out instructions and where to get the parts, we could make it into a loop20:17
kanzureerm, loop20:17
fennright, but the reader doesnt know that, they might misinterpret it as saying 'free lunch for everyone'20:17
kanzureas in the way that we download the debian distro20:17
kanzurethat's a good point20:17
kanzurereally it's a matter of who we want to give it to *until* we get SR going20:18
kanzurebut at the same time20:18
kanzureif somebody wants to copy the information and do it themselves20:18
kanzurethat's very easy for them to do.20:18
fennhuman-assisted self replication is close enough20:18
* fenn dons his honeybee outfit20:18
kanzuregood analogy20:20
fennheh 'financial obesity'20:21
kanzureI did not need to learn how much money the HS peers earned20:35
kanzurea friend just got back from the 'awards ceremony'20:35
kanzurewhere they announce scholarships, awards, money, grants, etc., that students at the high school have received20:35
kanzurejust fyi, I've seen not a single cent or sign of recognition from anybody whatsoever, and I'm definitely "up there" when in it comes to the numbers20:36
kanzureso I've learned that a certain person got $500k + recommendation from Bush,20:36
kanzureanother guy got $50k,20:36
kanzuredidn't need to learn this.20:36
kanzureI wish them well, but :-/ 20:36
kanzurehttp://youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo (the end of the life of brian)20:36
fenni dont really get scare-mongering like this http://www.marshallbrain.com/robotic-nation.htm20:49
fennas if "joblessness" is the worst thing that could possibly happen to someone20:49
fenn$500k out of high school? really?20:51
fennhow does that work?20:51
kanzureno fucking clue20:52
kanzureis it his ability to process information?20:52
kanzureno, not really20:52
kanzureis it his ability to do good projects?20:52
kanzurehe did nothing like that20:52
kanzureso what are they funding there?20:52
kanzurethe military, I guess.20:52
fennwhat was the money for/from?20:52
kanzurefor west point.20:53
fennis that how much tuition costs?20:53
kanzurefrom something - whatever it was, he was endorsed by the president20:53
kanzureno, but let me double check20:53
kanzurefenn: http://admissions.usma.edu/MoreInfo/obligations.cfm20:56
kanzuretuition is free20:56
kanzuredo you know how much we could get done with $500k ?20:59
fennhmm i doubt that "initial deposit" is $500k either20:59
fennyou should ask him what the money is for20:59
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap20:59
kanzureyes, I suppose I should21:00
kanzurethe valedictorian also got $50k or $100k, I don't know which21:01
kanzurehe flies around the world in jets to go to skiing competitions.21:01
kanzureso is typically not in school21:01
kanzurebut somehow still maintains two women21:02
fennwell, that should be obvious enough21:02
kanzuresmart enough to maintain his women, I guess21:03
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/docs/cheat_sheet_writing.pdf <--- fallacious arguments21:12
ybitheh, i <3 the life of brian :)21:43
ybit..the movie21:43
Vedestinnot bryan21:51
kanzuresilly new email dumped on the mailing list re: intentional programming22:30
fennlooks like you've been busy today22:35
kanzurehttp://cns.utexas.edu/current_students/degrees/ 23:12
kanzureNatural Sciences students initially enroll in an entry-level major. After completing some of the courses required for the degree, each student selects the major and the option he or she plans to pursue."23:12
kanzure"For example, all applicants interested in a career in physics apply to the entry-level Physics major. 23:12
kanzureAfter completing entry-level courses, the student chooses to pursue either the Bachelor of Arts in Physics or the Bachelor of Science in Physics with an option in physics, computation, radiation physics, space sciences, or teaching.23:12
kanzureso basically they are forcing you down a specific path23:12
kanzure with only a limited number of options23:12
kanzureas opposed to me paying for the classes that I want to take23:12
kanzurewhy can't I just take the classes I want to take?23:12
kanzuremy dad took a writing class at UT last year, 23:13
kanzureso why can't I just pile on classes like that ?23:13
Vedestinthey're not forcing you23:13
Vedestinthey're just saying that's what you have to do in order for them to give you that degree23:14
kanzurewhy do I want a degree ?23:14
kanzureheh, they actually have 'interdiscplinary science' as a narrow, degree.23:15
kanzureoh, it's only for teachers23:16
Vedestinyou don't want a degree23:20
Vedestinyou should be able to study any course you want as a non award student23:20
kanzurethis is at least four years of "dad pays for your education, take as much as you want"23:21
Vedestinjust do science man23:21
fennkanzure: you want a degree because otherwise you never graduate23:22
fennand that is worse than not going to college mmkay?23:22
kanzureoh, you have to have a degree to graduate?23:22
Vedestinyes, yes you do23:22
Vedestinbut, if you don't want a degree you don't have to study in any structured way23:23
Vedestinactually, you can get an arts degree by not studying in any structured way23:23
Vedestinyou just look at it at the end, identify the common trend and say that's your major23:23
kanzureyes, but they want you to follow the exact curriculum23:24
fennusually with 'individualized major programs' you have to explain what you're doing first, not figure out what you did23:24
kanzurebut UT doesn't have these23:26
Vedestincome study over here, it's much more free23:27
kanzureoh man23:29
kanzurewe're so racist23:29
kanzureBlack Engineers student group wins award23:29
kanzureChapter of National Society of Black Engineers named "National Large Chapter of the Year."23:29
kanzure"Well. We couldn't think of anything else to award them. And they're big. And black. So."23:29
fennit's not "racist" it's "affirmative" ;)23:29
kanzureah, right23:29
fennmaybe the large part is like little leage softball23:30
fennto make competition fair, so large chapters arent competing with small chapters23:31
fenni mean, that's the point of societies, to win awards, right?23:31
fennmaybe we could include awards in skdb23:32
fennsocietal engineering society award23:32
kanzureoh boy23:33
kanzure"online degree audit"23:33
kanzurein other words, it's a logic state system23:33
kanzure"You fail, you don't pass go - stick to the rules"23:33
kanzurefenn: sure, but it has to mean something to other peopl23:33
Vedestinwe don't do that23:34
kanzureI mean, internally, we know who does good work23:34
kanzure'IDA is the interactive degree audit system for students pursuing degrees at UT Austin. Using IDA you may view and request degree audits online, project how future courses might apply toward your degree, and locate advising resources.'23:34
kanzure'Prospective students may use the IDA planner to estimate how courses from other institutions might apply to UT Austin degrees. IDA provides a computer-generated report of your progress toward completion of the requirements for a specific program at UT Austin. If changes to your record have occurred since your last audit was run, you must create a new audit for those changes to be included.23:34
kanzurethis is retarded23:34
Vedestina lot of universities do similar things kanzure23:34
fennkanzure: lol at IU when you go to your "academic advisor" they just sit down and play the computer game and talk to you23:34
kanzurecomputer game?23:34
kanzure"Ah, I see this fits ... not."23:34
kanzurethat thing?23:35
fenni mean they just open up your entry in the db and run the logic engine with you23:35
fennbut you can do the same thing without having to make an appointment etc23:35
fennyeah and that was the "honors" advisor, apparently the normal ones are even worse23:36
fenni mean, there's nothing wrong with a computerized requirements checker, but come on, at least gimme something in return for those $k's 23:37
kanzurehttp://cns.utexas.edu/students/advising/frequently_asked_questions.asp "there will be no questions"23:37
Vedestinsounds like great fun23:37
Vedestinwhy are you going to Texas, kanzure23:38
kanzureVedestin: I was accepted only by two schools, Wisconsin and Texas.23:38
Vedestinwhat's wrong with your grades?23:38
kanzuremy grades are fine23:38
kanzurethey are fantastic23:38
Vedestinthen why didn't they accept you?23:38
kanzureI applied all over the place23:38
Vedestinthe better schools23:39
kanzuredunno :)23:39
kanzuremaybe it's because I'm white23:39
Vedestinwell, you don't seem like an incapable sort of student, i don't know why they wouldn't want to have you23:39
fennwouldnt it be nice if they said why23:39
Vedestincould be23:39
kanzureand didn't do a bagjillion community service activities23:39
kanzurefenn: same with women23:39
kanzureyou will never, ever be told 'why'23:39
Vedestinwe don't do that here...23:39
fennmost women dont know why23:39
Vedestinwe have an admission index23:39
fennotherwise they probably wouldnt stick with assholes so often23:39
Vedestinyour academic results are calculated in to that index and you're accepted based on that23:40
fenn'he reminds me of my abusive father'23:40
Vedestinsome things have interview processes23:40
Vedestinlike medicine23:40
kanzurebasically I didn't do any community activity in the local area23:40
kanzureand they don't count internet stuff23:40
fennwell duh, the internet is a threat23:41
kanzureeven though I've been what I suspect has been a very helpful person23:41
Vedestini don't see why community activity matters?23:41
kanzure"what if everybody got free educational support! blasphemy!"23:41
kanzurewell, I am active in communities, but it's a larger community23:41
kanzurenot just the local carwash or whatever23:41
Vedestinyou should go to sydney or melbourne23:41
kanzureor dog fair or whatever it is this month23:41
fennalso it's hard to explain the difference between chatting on a topical mailing list and chatting on some forum about bmw's23:41
kanzureyeah, I have a few friends in Melbourne that I should meet23:41
kanzureyes, that's true23:41
kanzureand 'chatting' isn't the right word either23:42
Vedestingo there and talk to the universities in melbourne23:42
kanzureI don't think they understand how useful an open source genetic engineering kit is23:42
kanzureor what it *means*23:42
kanzureimplies, at least23:42
Vedestingo to monash23:43
Vedestinor atleast look at monash23:43
kanzureI should have picked Wisconsin23:43
kanzureit's an intense engineering/sci school :)23:43
kanzuregood weather23:43
fennheh hope you like snow23:43
kanzurekind of expensive, especially since I got no money from them23:43
kanzuresnow is much better than 100 deg F23:43
kanzureI can't think in heat23:43
kanzureI suspect if I ever move north my IQ will effectively double23:44
Vedestini bet austin has air conditioners23:44
kanzureit has on the occassions that I have vacationed up there23:44
kanzureVedestin: yes, I live in Austin23:44
kanzureor just south of it, really23:44
kanzureand you do *not* live here without A/C23:44
kanzure'not having AC' is an unheard of concept23:44
Vedestini live in australia kanzure23:44
Vedestini know what heat is23:44
fennwhat's your electric bill like? do you know?23:44
kanzureI was very surprised to learn that people in Boston don't have AC installed by default23:44
kanzurefenn: it's $200~23:44
Vedestinper week? month? quarter?23:45
kanzureshit-processing is $60/mo, it's more expensive than the water bill itself23:45
fennsurprised there isnt more work on solar air conditioning23:45
fennwhy? water shortage?23:45
kanzurethere is no reason *why*23:46
kanzurethis place just sucks :)23:46
fennit's probably just an austin thing23:46
Vedestinlol, they keep building desal plants here23:46
Vedestinit's piss funny23:46
kanzureno competition with internet cabling either, it's all Time Warner, so we get kicked in the ass a lot23:46
fennthat's something that seems so easy to change23:46
kanzuresame with electricity23:46
kanzurehow's that ?23:47
kanzurelay new copper?23:47
kanzureor fiber, really23:47
fenngive people a wireless mesh node, jumpstart the system by spreading them in key locations..23:47
kanzurebut who will foot the bill for the pipe that it has to be connected to?23:47
fenncharge them for access, silly23:47
kanzureyou can't have a 100-person mesh23:47
kanzurebut they will say that's illegal23:47
Vedestinyou can with freenet23:47
kanzureof course, not if they don't know about it23:47
fennwtf, start your own ISP23:47
kanzurefenn: yeah, but who will I plug into?23:47
fennthe fucking backbone!23:48
kanzuredon't you need to be FCC compatible etc.?23:48
fennum.. no?23:48
Vedestinfor wireless?23:48
kanzureno, for the backbone plugging, Vedestin.23:48
kanzurewhere's the backbone then?23:48
kanzureI mean, the major node that I need to connect to?23:48
fennFCC doesnt apply to the internet does it?23:48
kanzureI thought so?23:48
Vedestinfcc is airways23:48
kanzuremaybe not23:48
kanzureyes, but23:48
fennif it did, then you wouldnt be allowed to cuss on irc :)23:49
kanzureit was my understanding there was a good reason why we had no local competition23:49
kanzurei.e., because the backbone here is all *owned* by the same company giving out access23:49
fennah, so they probably laid the fiber from dallas or wherever23:49
Vedestinyou could lay your own cable to japan23:50
fennone could feasibly piggyback microwave transmitters on cellphone towers23:50
Vedestinhmmm, what sort of latency would you have23:50
fenni mean, how much latency is tolerable?23:50
fenn25ms to google23:51
fenn86ms to freenode23:51
fenni know nothing about microwave router latency23:51
Vedestinneither do i23:52
kanzureI guess the latency would be in decoding/encoding ?23:53
kanzuresince it's all photons23:53
kanzurehow long before a data packet would be transmitted?23:53
kanzureah, a good test is to go find somebody with a phone23:53
kanzuredo some triangulation and so on23:53
Vedestinor ask someone who knows23:55
fennin switched packet networks you have to receive the whole packet before forwarding it?23:57
fennor at least have to receive the destination part of the packet23:57
kanzurethat's a good question23:57
kanzure'packet streaming' ?23:57
kanzureinternet-streaming is just streaming-of-discrete-packets, not continuous packets23:57
kanzurebut that's not what you asked.23:57
fennjust speculating on where latency comes from23:58
kanzuremy router.23:58
kanzurealthough I can't figure out where my current latency is coming from23:58

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