
--- Day changed Sun May 25 2008
fennhmm augmented locomotion? http://gadgets.boingboing.net/gimages/ishoesprod.jpg00:00
fennA man has been arrested in New York for attempting to extort funds from ignorant and superstitious people by exhibiting a device which he says will convey the human voice any distance over metallic wires so that it will be heard by the listener at the other end. He calls this instrument a telephone. Well-informed people know that it is impossible to transmit the human voice over wires.00:02
kanzureokay, how about this00:08
kanzureautomatic mirroring of each page you go to 00:08
kanzurekonqueror only loading on the local filesystem, then00:08
kanzuredelete whatever you want to get rid of and consider useless00:09
kanzureit'll otherwise keep a largescale copy of the web and the links between them, more or less00:09
kanzurelike my ~/cache/00:09
kanzurethen, just modify konqueror to work in this system more readily ... like links causing it to fetch the page and adding it to the filesystem, and then letting you abstract this information into lists of links that you are interested in, etc.00:09
kanzureand easy ability to move / natural-link files together00:10
fenn1868 new york times00:10
fennyou could do a squid proxy00:12
kanzureguess so00:14
kanzurethen I can use listview in konq and tab issues are solved :)00:14
kanzureand maybe a custom "copy link" script for the right-click menus so that it copies the internal information00:15
kanzureokay, makes sense00:15
* kanzure wishes he could find his old Opera-ADR-to-XBEL-to-flatfile scripts :(00:15
fennwhats wrong with xbel?00:15
kanzureit's flatfile, and nobody wants to support it anymore00:18
kanzurewell, it's not flatfile 00:18
kanzureit's single-flatfile00:18
kanzuremostly the lack of support :)00:18
fennwhat would you use instead of a single fil?00:18
kanzureindividual files, folders, etc.00:18
fennok i assumed it was some sort of de-facto standard00:18
kanzureit would be nice if that was so00:18
* fenn is wondering whether keeping your tree in git would be good or bad00:19
fennmostly inconsequential00:19
kanzuresynch with other users00:20
kanzurebut the tree is the path, really00:20
kanzureso that only confuses things :P00:20
fenngit grep might be faster than regular grep00:20
fennand so on, for other functions00:21
kanzurewhy might that be?00:21
kanzure(like for grep)00:21
fennbecause git is generally fast at stuff? it seems like they pack the data in a more sensible format than a filesystem can00:22
fenni might be out of my depth here00:22
kanzurearen't they implemented on a filesystem?00:22
kanzureon the same one, I mean.00:22
fennno, git is a database, with a 'presentation layer' i.e. directory of files to show what it contains00:23
fennwhats the diff between filesystem and db? who knows00:23
kanzureoh, right, that's how you git push/commit.00:23
kanzurethe difference is 00:23
kanzureyou suck, sir00:23
* kanzure goes to flame a MySQL developer00:23
fenni've seen git explained as a filesystem itself00:23
kanzurebut it requires no kernel module00:24
fennya, why would you want a kernel module for anything, really00:24
kanzuremaybe it's just a lightweight 'reserved space'00:24
kanzurelike a swapfile00:24
kanzureexcept not for RAM.00:24
fennanother thing to keep in mind is reiserfs, supposedly good for lots of tiny files (but i've had it corrupt on me, something i've never seen in ext2 or ext3)00:25
kanzurebbl, catching my Bleach and Death Note fixes 00:26
fennoh, the diff between filesystem and db is that filesystem only has one way to sort/categorize information00:27
fennfortunately for us, filenames arent some base-32 hash string00:28
fennthis is soo sweet.. about time: http://johan.kiviniemi.name/blag/2005/12/31/wannabe-hacker-emblem/00:31
fenni think for the revolutionary burning-a-path-through-the-desert interface you'd want to be able to "scroll" backwards both chronologically and down the chain of direct link hops01:14
fennlots of links are not direct but rather 'see this, google that' sort of links01:14
fennsometimes its hard to remember how you got on a subject01:15
kanzurekeeping lists of links isn't necessarily going to help01:28
* kanzure should know.01:28
fennwell if you see that page <x> has been accessed, and then a search for <y> is opened in a new window, there's a good chance the reason you searched for y is on x01:30
kanzurethe reason is within01:32
kanzureno, I mean, the uer01:32
fenni sense the reason is strong in this one01:32
kanzuremidicholrieorjoines, right?01:32
* fenn squints01:33
fennheh open dc and type:01:37
fennthe command line rpn calculator program01:40
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:57
wrldpcI'm a frigging n00b.01:57
fennget a c10001:59
wrldpcdoes it run linux?01:59
fennuh, no, a c100-by-four01:59
fennrhymes with n00b02:00
kanzurefenn: 02:00
kanzureI'm feeding wrldpc 02:00
kanzurethese are some Fernhout-Kurzweil exchanges.02:00
fennO rly02:01
kanzuremildly interesting, nothing you don't already get02:01
wrldpcexplain to me the c100 reference02:01
wrldpcI am Benjamin Fritz Peterson, 49 Thomas St. Belmont MA 0247802:01
wrldpcssn: 01870272502:01
wrldpcphone: 617335645702:02
fennwrldpc: l33t-speak is based on typing things using only numbers such as you'd find on a handheld calculator02:02
wrldpci get it02:02
wrldpcand it's 133702:02
Vedestinhave a look at this02:03
wrldpclol alright so wtf can i do?02:03
Vedestini get a reasonably high score on this02:03
wrldpci understand02:03
wrldpcoh diff02:03
wrldpcadd is just a way of apprehending the world.02:03
fennkanzure: what are you feeding him?02:03
wrldpcthe fernhout files02:04
fennbest viewed from a "film noir" perspective02:04
fenn"it was a stormy night when i pulled up to santa monica boulevard, expecting to see the so-called singularity kingpin, raymond kurzweil.."02:05
wrldpcyou should meet bcarruth02:05
wrldpcdoes anyone play Go in here?02:05
fennbcarruth sounds familiar02:06
kanzureokay, added some links02:06
kanzureI mean, two more emails02:06
wrldpcI saw him at Broad Inst and caught the vid at the end of this post: http://www.theflowingofthedao.com/wordpress/2008/05/15/kurzweil-the-broad-institute-mit/02:06
fennmight just be my brain overreacting as usual02:07
fennwow he looks old02:07
wrldpci disagreed with age of spiritual machines ... i mean ... the uncanny valley has since then been crossed .. he may as well have been writing science fiction.02:08
fennwhy you say it's been crossed? example please02:09
wrldpcthe health of all humans are inevitably intertwined.02:09
wrldpcit is unlawful for there to be even one 'dead' human.02:09
fenndo you even know what 'uncanny valley' means?02:09
wrldpcbioinformatically many are still alive ...02:10
wrldpcthe uncanny valley is the point where the 4th wall drops.02:10
kanzureI read the Age of Spiritual Machines when I was ~13, and had to put it down because my bullshit detector was trying to kill me02:10
wrldpcor the area in the midst there02:10
fennwhat is the 4th wall?02:10
wrldpcthe 4th wall is the shield which separates the audience from the spectacle02:10
wrldpcthe observer from the observed.02:11
wrldpcit is imaginary02:11
wrldpcin that in doesn't quite exist in the way that we think it does?02:11
fennthe uncanny valley is (actually) the unnerving sensation you get when a robot appears almost but not quite human, usually because of jerky movements and highly realistic sculptured flesh02:11
wrldpcbeing able to delineate man from machine.02:11
fennno, aibo is obviously a machine but it doesn't trigger that response02:11
wrldpcthe notion that if an AI existed with greater than human intelligence it could do so now without us ever knowing.02:12
wrldpcPropogate itself across the universe at the speed of light.02:12
wrldpcthrough teh universe.02:12
wrldpcaibo haha02:12
wrldpcdid you see asimo fall?02:12
wrldpcthat shit was hilarious.02:12
fennaibo is a good piece of engineering, and qrio even better, what a fucking shame they killed it02:12
wrldpcqrio rocks02:12
kanzureyes, ai could replicate itself, sure, but only if you have skdb02:12
wrldpcthat fuckin sucks they killed it02:12
wrldpcmass produce that shit02:12
wrldpcwhat is skdb?02:13
wrldpconly if they have heybryan.org arched02:13
wrldpci dunno man what do you guys think about cognition?02:14
wrldpcthe mind like then right now what it is?02:14
fennit's a lie02:14
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kanzureMuch energy in you, I do sense.02:14
fennthe adult ADD is strong in this one02:15
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]02:26
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap02:28
wrldpcdid bryan's connection drop for you guys??02:30
fennhe quit, probably sleeping02:30
wrldpche's all of a sudden not online for me.  2:30 AM EST02:30
wrldpche dc's after bed?02:31
wrldpcBryan should do a vlog.02:31
wrldpcthat shit would be huge02:31
fennwhat's a vlog?02:31
wrldpcvideo log02:31
fennsounds boring02:32
fennnice drawing, are you rhythmverse.com?02:32
wrldpcdo you know how rich the video medium is?02:32
wrldpcThis is video right here.02:32
wrldpcNo I'm not rhythmverse my friend Brian is.02:32
wrldpche programs in flash02:32
fennoh, i guess i should fire up firepig to see it then02:32
wrldpcwe want to build this synaesthetic device that delivers unto the people the ruler by which they can measure the universe.02:33
wrldpcit's the ultrasubjective02:33
wrldpcmechanism or device or service or whateve.r02:33
fennhm. no flash, just a drawing02:33
wrldpci dunno02:33
wrldpcno flash on there02:33
wrldpcit's just a site right now, blank.02:34
wrldpcI don't have much data ... I'll try and holler at my friend.02:34
wrldpcwho's shogunx?02:36
fennreminds me of: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Annie_Besant_Thought_Forms_Mendelssohn_-_Project_Gutenberg_etext_16269.jpg02:36
wrldpcI'm in a group called the Shogun Assassins.02:36
fennshogunx: is gnuveau.org:81 also see sleekfreak.net:81/books/02:36
fenn<- allergic to myspace02:37
fennheh i got the galaxy as a present and was like 'wtf do i do with this' so i gave it to someone else as a present02:37
wrldpci don't get it02:37
wrldpcI bought the calabi-yau for self but gifted it to mom.02:38
wrldpci want the star map02:38
fenni like the julia set02:38
fennbetter in color though02:38
wrldpcmaybe just the keychain02:38
wrldpcyou guys should start bringing flashlights with you when you drive.02:38
wrldpcjulia set?.02:38
wrldpcjust looks like splooge02:39
wrldpcperfect symmetry02:39
fennit's the mandelbrot set extended in another couple dimensions02:40
fennbetter explanation: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/fractals/juliaset/02:43
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kanzureokay, so what I need to do is have the interface layer of konqueror go to a 'proxy' (just a script) first for filtering/pre-processing; also, any website browsed to should have the HTTP request stored and logged. Then, the backend script will manage my queues and so on.11:42
kanzuresquidproxy looks good.11:42
wrldpcGood morning, immortals.11:54
wrldpcthat's awesome11:54
kanzureGood morning.11:55
wrldpcThis reminds me ... is there an opsource CAD prog?11:55
* nsh would suspect so11:57
nshBRL-CAD, avoCADo11:57
nsh, CADEMIA11:57
nshhttp://swik.net/CAD+opensource mentions a few more11:59
nshyour (program's) maturity may vary11:59
kanzurefenn says they all suck :)11:59
* nsh wouldn't be surprised12:00
kanzurewrldpc: As for the nanoengineer link, see http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Computational_chem_linkdump12:00
kanzureor maybe that's http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Comp_chem_linkdump (try either)12:00
wrldpcDid you see the gershenfeld ted talk?12:00
kanzureNo, I'll put it on my todo list.12:00
* nsh didn't; what's it about?12:00
kanzureGershenfeld is a good guy :) I have a few friends that meet with him weekly. Daily, even.12:00
kanzureGershenfeld is http://cba.mit.edu/12:00
wrldpcare you all on Linux?12:01
kanzureCenter for Bits and Atoms "it from bit; bit from it"12:01
kanzureI'm on linux, yes.12:01
wrldpcwhat distro?12:01
wrldpcnd, no doubt12:01
wrldpcsugarshot is interesting12:01
kanzureyeah, I've bee ntrying tro contact Richard Nekkia about it for a while12:02
kanzurebut I think he might be dead12:02
kanzuremaybe one of his experimental rockets blew up12:02
wrldpcwe're going to need a massive interstellar object id and tracking system12:02
wrldpcoh yeah?  eh ... what about subsistence farming?12:02
wrldpcPhoenix lands today!12:02
kanzurere: interstellar object id system, NASA has one.12:03
nshit would be nice to have gps-linked overlays of visual-space so that people can browse virtual graffiti in meatspace12:04
nshdid anyone read Rainbows End?12:04
wrldpcdoes it track every object?  If somebody's flying at subluminal speeds through the galaxy what are the chances that an object will damage their spacecraft?  Is it a moot point?12:04
wrldpcwhat's the name of that system?  space tracking ... NEOs and so forth ... what about into the gristle of space?12:05
wrldpcHaven't read much Vinge.12:05
nshfrom what i recall, small space junk can really fuck you up in orbit, due to the relative velocities12:05
wrldpcyeah but what if your spacecraft is traveling faster than the junk?12:05
wrldpcI dunno12:06
wrldpcneed some kind of advanced nanotube plating12:06
nshgravitational repulsion technology would be the ultimate win for collision problems12:06
nshbut who knows when that's gonna happen12:06
wrldpcdiamond shielded ... yeah grav repulse would be dope12:06
wrldpcartificial grav12:07
wrldpcthe outside of a spacecraft hurtling through space has got to be freezing cold ..12:07
kanzurensh: That's a good find. re: the link. Thanks.12:07
kanzureI'll have to show that to my sister or something, might get her interested in photons.12:07
kanzurensh: I almost read Rainbows End, if that counts. 12:08
* nsh smiles12:08
nshit'd be good to saturate subliminal information channels12:08
nshhave every wall in your house projected with information and ambient chatter wherever you go12:09
kanzureperhaps, what about interface?12:09
wrldpcthe thing is it's already data-rich ... there's just no standard nomenclature12:09
kanzureI think it could also be better to just project it onto your eye12:09
wrldpccomputer glasses12:09
kanzuresome researchers have lasers that will write screens of information to you eyes12:09
kanzurenah, computer glasses suck12:09
kanzurejust go with lasers12:09
nshif it would coordinate with what's outside that'd make it much more effective12:10
nshas the brain learns associatively through pattern recognition12:10
wrldpcyou're going to need to put something over your eye12:10
kanzurewrldpc: not in that case12:10
nshthere's probably a lot you could overload onto basic cognitive tasks12:10
kanzurethough nsh has a good point, it'd be nice to project 12:10
wrldpcif you want it to be transportable12:10
kanzurensh: do you remember the recent, uh, cell phones + projectors?12:10
kanzurewe could just do a wearable + projector12:10
nshsensorimotor overloading. will have to think about that some more12:10
kanzurethere's also the projectable keyboards these days12:10
wrldpcaugmented reality12:10
nshkanzure, right12:10
* kanzure goes back to 'hearpdf' to listen to some scientific papers12:11
nshwrldpc, that was why i referred to vinge's book12:11
nshkanzure, you logging what you're listening to through that?12:11
kanzurensh: Did you see our chats yesterday about alternative browsers?12:11
nshmissed, sorry. probably in logs12:11
kanzurensh: Hm? Logging what?12:11
wrldpca tech transfer between ALPS Electric Co. and the University of Cambridge was going to start bringing to market holographic projection.12:11
kanzurensh: I don't log the sound because I have the plaintext.12:11
nshkanzure, log of what pdfs you're throwing through the program12:11
kanzurealthough exporting to an ipod/mp3-player might be smart12:12
kanzurensh: Shit.12:12
* kanzure goes to write a few lines.12:12
nshso there's a trail for interested people to follow12:12
nsh++ :-)12:12
nshif you could include information for how long you listen to each (to tag the ones that don't hold attention) that'd also be cool12:12
nshcool, wrldpc12:13
kanzurensh: it's not like that; the text is dumped into the speech synthesizer and then it's left in its own proc12:13
kanzureI'm not sure if I can figure out how to retrieve the word-index of where it's at when it's closed.12:13
wrldpcthis mentions nothing about the holo projection12:13
kanzureespecially since I usually close it through killall -9 (since it's a totally separate proc)12:13
* nsh nods12:14
wrldpchow's the voice on that, b?12:14
kanzureI'm using 'festival'12:14
kanzureapt-get install festival etc.12:14
nshkanzure, you could just split the pipe (tee(1)) and cat to a new file for each pdf12:14
nshin a pdfs-listened-to type folder12:15
kanzurehow does that preserve 'where it is at' in the speech synth process?12:15
nshbecause when you kill the process it'll stop adding text12:15
nshunless you're referring to the lag between input-text and synth'd audio12:16
kanzurensh: right now I'm doing something like echo 'hello blah blah blah all text here' | festival12:16
kanzureI guess I could separate it into chunks 12:16
kanzureand feed it to festival in that way12:17
kanzureand then I'll know at which chunk it was roughly stopped12:17
nshshouldn't matter, if you do: echo 'pdftext' | tee outfile | festival  it should do it by stream12:17
nshthen again, i'm not so sure. worth a check12:18
nshdepends how festival reads the input12:18
nshwhich you can probably set in command line to be line or word or something12:18
wrldpcthis reminds me of the lightwriting: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Annie_Besant_Thought_Forms_Mendelssohn_-_Project_Gutenberg_etext_16269.jpg12:19
wrldpcsomeone posted it yesterday12:19
nshmmm, that fires the imagination, wrldpc12:19
kanzureI'm getting an error - can't open /dev/dsp12:20
nshin my experience, that's usually because another program has a lock on the sound device12:20
kanzurewell, I killed xmms12:20
kanzurehow do I check modprobe or the list again?12:20
nshit's usually firefox12:21
kanzurenot running firefox12:21
nshsorry, opera12:21
nshthere's a program you can open festival with that puts the sound to a software mixer12:21
kanzureyes, it was opera12:21
nshbut i forget its name12:21
nshtry: esddsp festival <....>12:22
kanzureof course, I don't actually pay attention to voice much, so this is weird12:23
nshapparantly installing asla-oss and oss-compat fixes the sound multiplexing issue12:23
* nsh nods12:23
kanzurelemme upload the script12:23
* nsh can't believe notepad still can't recognise unix newlines12:25
nshi need to get a new external and back up my data so i can upgrade myself to a real os12:25
fenngragrggg how the fuck do i sign up for google groups using my email address12:26
* nsh not sure, fenn12:27
kanzureit seemed pretty simple to me12:27
kanzurealthough I had a gmail address12:27
kanzurehaha, reading chem pdfs via hearpdf is not a good idea12:28
kanzure'                Finally, the nearly completed trityl group was treated with acetyl chloride12:28
kanzureresulting in a polystyrene methoxytritylchloride species that could be easily attached to12:28
kanzurethe 5’ carbon of the pentose sugar (figure 2).;12:28
nshi wonder how easy it is to teach festival12:28
fennavocado/cademia are new to me..12:29
kanzureuh oh12:29
nshideally, you'd be able to give it a different key for different kinds of text and a way to guess what "language" (chemistry, programming, etc) it's reading12:29
nshusing maybe magicfiles or something12:30
fenncademia is 2d? their site is impossible12:31
fennavocado look like a good start12:31
kanzureit's weird trying to pay attention to voice12:32
fennhmm its java, nevermind12:32
* fenn sighs12:32
fenni dont get it - what do people see in java that is worth using?12:33
nshand http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)12:33
fennit's not even platform independent though12:33
wrldpcjava runs on everything.12:34
fennso does qbasic12:34
kanzure\o/ let's write our OS in qbasic12:34
* nsh smiles12:34
nshjava is the cancer that's killing CS education12:34
fennscheme is at least simple and consistent12:34
kanzurejava certainly screwed up my comp sci class in high school12:34
wrldpcpython, lisp12:35
kanzurealthough I was just spending time writing out schematics for microprocs since I could get the assignments done in a few minutes anyway :)12:35
fennanyway.. back to googlefutz12:35
wrldpcwasn't the sw for the space shuttle written in scheme?12:35
* fenn grumbles12:35
nshfutzing around with google groups12:35
nshi assume12:35
fennno, it was APL or something12:35
nshfutz is a nice word; i should use it more often12:35
kanzureuhm, so the interface to konqueror, I'm still working on that12:35
kanzuresquidproxy solves most of the problems12:35
kanzurebut the tabbing issue still hasn't been solved12:36
nshwhat you trying to do, kanzure?12:36
wrldpcmy middle name is fritz :)12:36
wrldpci'll bbiab, fellas.12:36
kanzurensh: I have this extreme dislike for all modern browsers basically; they all suck and fail.12:36
kanzureI get up to 400~ tabs and they start whinning.12:36
kanzureor I get up to 2.2+ MB of bookmarks and they start crashing/freezing.12:36
* nsh nods12:36
kanzurethis is simply stupid software architecture12:36
kanzureit's too monolithic12:36
nshso you want to interface a browser with a better data handling backend?12:37
kanzureyes, 12:37
kanzureI want to write some scripts to automate my use of a browser12:37
kanzureI'm guessing tis browser is going to be konqueror for me12:37
kanzurebut I really, really like the sidebar for tabs in Opera12:37
kanzurewhich is superior to the KDE taskbar12:37
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/2008-05-24.png for an example12:37
nshit's a crying shame you can't breed programs yet12:37
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/2008-05-24_2.png too12:37
nshmodularity just never happened12:37
fennkanzure i think you just need a good window manager and file browser12:37
kanzureI don't like the fluxbox idea, I need text, not icons12:38
fennok, a text-based window manager, whatever12:38
kanzurewell, I'm pretty sure I've gone through a sizable chunk of all existing window managers12:39
kanzurensh: realtime stats of word usage would be interesting12:40
kanzurewell, not 'realtime', but I mean 'per-each-spoken', and then recorded in realtime12:40
nshfull markov analysis too12:41
kanzurewhat would that mean in this context?12:41
fennit means you could have a bryan-bot12:41
fenn!say indeed12:41
fenn!chat about silly things12:42
nshfrequencies (from which you can make probabilities) of connection between arbitrary length blocks of text you've listened to/read12:42
kanzureso, the other day my mom was digging through my trash12:42
kanzureand then laughed at how small my dad's hole is12:42
kanzurethe hole into the dryer12:42
kanzurethey're divorced, I might add12:42
kanzurewas weird :) and silly.12:42
* nsh smiles12:42
fennum.. yeah.12:42
kanzureDoesn't look like it's going to work out.12:42
* kanzure wonders if he can get multiple audio streams going here12:43
kanzureI've done it with mpg123 before, but not speech synth12:44
kanzure#linux suggests fvwm12:45
fennfvwm is crusty12:45
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/May26th02005_2.png fluxbox, I think12:46
kanzureSept20th2005.png was fvwm9512:46
fennfvwm scrolling around is like 'flying' in a vr environment - too slow12:46
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/March25th02006.PNG 12:47
kanzurehm, old memories12:47
kanzureand screenshotting nearly exactly one year later is awesome12:47
nshgod damn12:50
nshi wish i was having the kind of coversations you were at 1612:50
kanzureoh, fenn, http://heybryan.org/shots/June29th02007_2.PNG -- here's the bookmarks-as-tab system12:50
nshnice WP category: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Anti-patterns12:51
kanzureDLL Hell :)12:52
nshinteresting to think about in the context of the tech. singularity12:53
kanzurensh: did you see http://heybryan.org/fernhout/ ? 12:54
kanzureit's a guy's commentary on Kurzweil's singularity concepts12:54
kanzurein the context of F/OSS12:54
nshoh cool12:54
fennhmm tag soup is an anti-pattern? i thought it was a desired end-state12:55
kanzureother browsers that I've tried (all at once, sort of - not firefox, not dillo, w3m, lynx, links, elinks, links2, maxthon, safari, galeon, epiphany, etc.), http://heybryan.org/shots/June8th02007_browsers_SonyVAIO_PCVRS510.PNG12:55
nshfenn, perhaps it's under the umbrella of anti-patterns because tag soups facility uniqueness12:56
fennnevermind it's not what i thought12:56
fennsomething about non-standard html12:56
nshwith a diverse enough soup of tags any particular thing would have some unique combination12:56
kanzureGoogle hates me: http://heybryan.org/shots/July10th02007_Google_talkingback.PNG12:57
kanzureif anybody is interested in my bookmarking interface, it's to the left here: http://heybryan.org/shots/July1st02007.PNG12:58
nshthat "feature" of google that you highlighted in the square red rectangle really annoys me sometimes12:59
fennyeah no shit12:59
nshi tend nowadays to always preface terms with a + to avoid it12:59
fennno way to turn it off12:59
nsh+term stops it from doing the stemming12:59
kanzurehas anybody seen my 'tarpits' on my home page?13:00
nshand second-guessing of typing13:00
kanzurethere's a collection of very, very large zip files there13:00
kanzureI was using a script I wrote to auto query Yahoo13:00
kanzurethey let you do it too :) if you go get an api key13:00
kanzureGoogle no longer gives out api keys for their soap stuff13:00
kanzureanyway, it's an interesting alternative since you can process it immediately, as long as you're ok with 70 MB of text for only 1000 results.13:00
nshoh, on that point, yahoo is/has lauch(ed/ing) something called searchmonkey13:00
nshwhich allows you to code searchs to be run on their backend13:01
kanzureoops, I meant 100 searches each with 1000 results.13:01
nshlooks promising13:01
kanzuresounds like a good step13:01
kanzuretoo bad Jimmy didn't believe me13:01
nshi don't think he likes me since i got pissed off and made some joke about him being so jesus he should expect a crucification13:02
nshthink it was over some selfcensorship issue13:03
kanzureI don't think he likes me because I pointed out to him that making an 'objective' search engine was stupid13:03
* nsh forgets the details13:03
nshhow do you mean>?13:04
nsh(damn this us laptop keyboard layout is a chore)13:04
kanzureuh, well simply that it's a *selection* that the user is making13:04
nsh(shame this searchmonkey dealie uses PHP...)13:04
kanzureand so you should let the user design the selection13:04
kanzurewhich might possibly include something more than just words13:05
nshideally, it should be transjective13:05
kanzurefor example, I'd like to search based off of connectivity, general regions of the web, as much information as I wanted to pour into it13:05
kanzureI'd like to search from 'contexts'13:05
* nsh nods13:05
kanzurefor example, let's say the APA comes out with their own module/plugin for the search engine13:05
kanzurethen I'd like to act like an APA psychologist and search from their perspective :)13:05
kanzure(for some reason?)13:05
nshit's about having access to as many "reality-tunnels" as possible13:06
nshand the ability to contrast them and find patterns between13:06
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/2008-03-23_autoscholar.png <--- so this was a few months ago ... obviously I really, really need this better windowing environment13:08
fennarrgh motherfucking google is the next microsoft13:13
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fennok it seems to work after creating a new "google groups" identity in a separate browser process13:33
kanzurefenn: I replied http://heybryan.org/pipermail/hplusroadmap/2008-May/000553.html13:37
kanzureand we're going with hplusroadmap since it has the larger memberbase13:37
fenneh? openvirgle is more lively13:41
kanzureonly because of three guys, myself included13:42
kanzureI've been forwarding messages between lists, really13:42
kanzurebut I guess I've been forgetting13:42
fennthe forwarding is too hard, i can't deal with it13:42
fennplease stick to openvirgle13:43
kanzureI guess. /me is wondering what he's going to do with all of the @mit.edu's and @stanford.edu's and other interesting people from hplusroadmap that he struggled to get onboard13:47
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap13:47
fennok, forward the interesting bits only then :) and keep active discussion on openvirgle?13:50
fennhow can i be stressed out, i'm not even getting paid for this :P13:50
fennmy culture hasnt prepared me 13:51
fennwtf is "chaordic" anyway13:51
fenni hate words that dont mean anything13:52
kanzurehttp://chaordic.org/ apparently13:53
kanzure"creative destruction" or something13:53
kanzurebasically: blow up an object and you get gradients13:54
fennand another mysql daemon bites the dust, apparently13:54
fennoh, chaordic is misconfigured13:54
fennagh there's a fork of the skdb wiki page on oscomak.net too14:00
kanzuredo we need to unfork it?14:02
fenndunno, it looks small enough for now..14:03
fenni dont get it - what's "semantic" about mediawiki?14:06
fennsure it has categories and namespaces, big deal14:06
ybitwhy not just kdb?14:07
fennwhy not sekdb?14:07
ybithehe, what's the e for?14:07
fennengineering, silly14:07
fenni for one, am not going to try to make a 'do everything' program14:08
fennall of engineering is more than enough14:08
fennactually it's a subset of engineering, but hush hush14:08
kanzurethis is not a do everything program, correct14:15
kanzureoh, you refer to 'kdb'14:15
fennyeah, it _could_ be a general purpose knowledge base, but i'll leave that up to the "experts"14:16
fennpeople who use words like stigmergy and ontology14:17
kanzurehttp://risdpedia.net/index.php/Main_Page ' RISDpedia is a collaborative website who serves to document all the products and materials used by artists and designers. Imagine if you looked up epoxy on wikipedia and, instead of finding information about the chemicals that are used to make it, there was a list of all the different epoxies available, with full information on each of them: how to use them, what they work with, what they14:17
kanzurethis is just going to be flat information though14:17
kanzureartists should be able to apt-get install <painting supplies>14:17
kanzureand have it either made on the spot or ordered from friends / companies /etc.14:17
fenndo artists know how to type? :P14:18
kanzure'artist' is a very broad spectrum, isn't it?14:18
fennyeah, aren't we all14:18
kanzureit's a material database14:19
kanzurekind of like geiga's howto wiki14:19
nshwant, moar, firefly14:20
kanzureStar Wars did it first14:21
kanzureHm. So the KDE taskbar is looking better. Still need to find a way to add some scrollbars.14:22
kanzureAnd then I'll just do linkdumps of all open browser windows through dproc as you suggested yesterday.14:25
kanzureugh, not useful14:27
fennthanks for posting it :)14:27
kanzure' YaKuake - This application provides a Quake-like terminal emulator, which is toggled visible using the F12 key. It also has support for multiple tabs. YaKuake can be installed via Pacman:' 14:30
kanzure' pacman -S yakuake'14:30
kanzure Alt+Up - Create a new tab.  Alt+Down - Close current tab.  Alt+Left - Go to the left tab.  Alt+Right - Go to the right tab.14:30
kanzureit's using a tile windowing manager via konsole14:30
kanzurethat's an interesting way to go about it, I don't want to keep on typing CTRL+F5 or whatever to go to the run prompt to type in xterm14:31
* fenn is picturing something where you shoot processes to kill them14:32
kanzuresometimes you just need to let off a little steam14:33
fenninterview with saul griffith14:42
fennFSB: What are you going to do with the $500,000? 14:42
fenn SG: Right now I'm toying with a whole lot of ideas that otherwise wouldn't become realiy but are pretty cool and should exist. For instance, I'd love to see a CAD program that allows you to enter folding patterns for origami and paper airplanes. Imagine an online application where every kid in the world could upload their favorite design for a papper plane or origami crane...that would build this wonderful rich library of paper folding objects.14:42
fennnovember 200714:42
kanzureI wonder if he's used any of the money14:42
kanzurealso, how can we best get in contact with him14:42
fenninstructables i guess14:43
kanzurethe alt keys with yakuake don't work14:43
fennsending a nasty email to makani windpower didnt get any response :)14:43
kanzuremaybe through one of his friends14:44
kanzurequick, what's his social network on facebook like?14:44
fennhe has a lot of friends..14:44
fennjust look at the squid labs blog14:44
fennSRL, MAKE, etc14:44
fennsaul griffith: your PhD thesis sucked!14:45
kanzurehm, he's not on facebook14:45
fennoh, this isnt google-indexed heh14:46
fennits like shouting at the tv :(14:46
kanzureMaker Faire will be in Austin in October.14:48
wrldpcI shout at the TV occasionally :(14:55
fennrofl: So, in other words, the answer to, "Can you give me a specific example of a  Classname or line of code as it relates to SKDB metadata?", is currently  "No"? :-(  14:56
fennHow much typing work can it be to include one specific name for a class and  include on line of code? But the actual *thinking* involved in presenting  those two may be enormous, as well as the level of commitment and bravery in  risking laying out something in detail that would almost certainly be buggy  and incomplete (as almost all real programs are14:57
kanzurewell, I did do it14:59
kanzureback in March or something.14:59
kanzure http://makerfaireaustin.pbwiki.com/15:06
kanzureJune 1 meetup :)15:06
fenncrikey that's less than a week15:08
kanzurewhy do we cut these things so damned short?15:08
fennits that gosh-danged internet, spawn of the devil i tell ya15:09
kanzurehttp://www.salsa.net local chapter of the internet soc15:54
kanzure' For the next two years or so the Media Lab of SalsaNet,  (San Antonio’s oldest internet organization and the South Central Chapter of the Internet Society)  will incubate a laboratory in community radio, television and world wide broadband production.  A facility we are calling Public Stud'15:54
kanzure'  Public Studio will provide space, mentoring and equipment to young people and encourage and enable the exploration of community media and interactive world wide collaboration'15:54
kanzureneat, Jon Lebkowsky is onboard15:55
kanzureapparently there's something called the "Austin Brain Party "16:01
kanzuretuns out the kde taskbar is python16:23
-!- Biopunk [n=p@h74n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:50
kanzureperlpanel would be nice if it had a vertical mode16:51
kanzureoh, and if the dev team wasn't dead, that too.16:51
kanzurenot much of a wet dream17:12
kanzurehttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v377/cobalt60/dtop.jpg this guy is my hero17:19
Biopunki guess thats one of 6 virtual desktops and all look the same17:30
kanzurehttp://img.hgtv.com/HGTV/2006/01/13/mso904_1c_messyhobbyroom3_w609.jpg somebody with a 6 monitor setup?17:32
kanzurehttp://www.charm.net/~jriley/bedw.html In-bed computer deks17:33
kanzurehttp://www.stereo3d.com/hmd.htm <--- very lengthy comparison of headsets17:35
* kanzure wants to find http://www.cs.uml.edu/~echo/dscn0500largeod0_s.jpg17:40
Biopunk(The requested URL /~echo/dscn0500largeod0_s.jpg was not found on this server.)17:50
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Biopunkkanzure: I copied a comment you made on DIYbio to my board today... 17:51
kanzureBiopunk: yeah?17:52
Biopunkit was an answer you wrote to an article jason bob posted about the future of synthetic biology17:52
Biopunk...a long fucking answer17:53
Biopunkand you said some stuff i'm thinking too so I copied you verbatim17:54
wrldpcPhoenix touchdown in an hour plus: http://www.theflowingofthedao.com/wordpress/2008/05/17/phoenix-mars-lander-touchdown-set-for-may-25-753-pm/18:10
kanzureBiopunk: Ah, yeah, that one.18:11
kanzureIt wasn't a response to Jason really, just a general essay.18:11
kanzurehttp://nickgravgaard.com/windowlab/ I don't get it.18:28
BiopunkI was following one of the rovers for a couple of weeks last year... it was driving just next to a huge crater... i think it spent the winter next to it too.18:35
Biopunki love this pic: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/Enceladus_PIA06254_full.jpg18:39
BiopunkIt's Enceladus, one of saturns moons.. it's tiny.. made of ice18:39
Biopunk500km in diameter18:40
nsheta 'til landing?18:45
* nsh getting the sleepy18:45
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kanzureHey Splicer2.20:02
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d58-111-90-12.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap20:34
kanzureHi Vedestin.20:39
Vedestinhey kanzure20:42
Vedestini've been reading about ADD20:44
Vedestinspecifically in adults20:44
Vedestinthat's autism, are they the same thing?20:47
Vedestini didn't think so20:47
kanzureyes, it is20:47
kanzureADHD/ADD is on the ADS (autist disorder spectrum)20:47
kanzureas well as Aspergers20:47
Vedestinso it's less severe aspergers?20:47
kanzurein fact, AS (aspergers) frequently gets misdiagnosed as ADHD20:47
kanzureVedestin: that's one way to put it20:48
kanzurealthough I wouldn't hold me to that analogy20:48
kanzure*hold myself20:48
Vedestinright i see20:48
Vedestinso when they do imaging of brain activity in people with adhd20:48
Vedestindoes that match up to what they'd see in someone with aspergers or other forms of autism20:48
kanzureI haven't checked that out yet. That's a good question.20:49
Vedestinit's all well and good to connect things symptomatically20:50
Vedestinbut if the causes aren't related then you can't really put them on the same spectrum20:50
kanzureno, the causes most certainly are related20:52
kanzurefor example, in intense_world_syndrome.html you see that there is hyperprocessing in both AS and ADHD20:52
kanzurenow, in the case of AS, the tendency is to hyperfocus more often than not20:52
kanzurein ADHD, or even really ADD, you tend to split up your attention as much as possible20:52
kanzureit's a stupid solution to a serious problem, but that just happens to be what solution your brain natively implements20:52
* kanzure should know :(20:53
kanzureI need to edit TaskBar::wheelEvent() in http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kicker/taskbar/taskbar.cpp?revision=604546&view=markup#1078 to access Panner::scrollRightDown/scrollLeftUp in http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kicker/libkicker/panner.cpp?revision=474084&view=markup ... how could I do this?20:58
Vedestindo you ever get that thing where you're reading a book or a webpage or something21:01
Vedestinand you've read a few paragraphs before you realise you didn't take any of it in21:02
Vedestinand you were thinking about something totally different and unrelated21:02
kanzurebut I'm pretty sure that's normal :)21:05
Vedestini think it is21:06
kanzurecrap crap crap crap crap21:10
kanzureno space left on disk21:10
Vedestinget a bigger one21:15
Vedestinyou can get 1tb drives now21:15
kanzureI'm on a 40 GB drivce. I'll be getting a handful of terabytes when I get the new setup up and running21:15
Vedestina handful21:15
kanzureI'm trying to come up with a name for the setup (the +5 monitor beast)21:15
kanzureFortress of Solitude21:15
Vedestincall it asp21:15
Vedestinman, 5 monitors21:16
Vedestinthat'd be interesting21:16
kanzureI want more than 5. I'm going with as many as I can dig out of a dumpster.21:16
VedestinLCDs are pretty cheap21:17
Splicer2a stupid question... people with aspergers can have a heightened sense for focusing right?21:17
Vedestinyep Splicer221:17
kanzureLCDs are *not* cheap.21:17
Vedestinreally kanzure?21:18
kanzureyeah, not if you want decent resolution21:18
kanzure21+ inches21:18
Vedestinwhat's that cost over there?21:18
kanzureI mean, decent size21:18
kanzureoh, $100 USD +21:18
kanzure21 inch CRTs go for something like $10 ;-)21:18
Vedestinthat's cheap21:18
kanzurenobody wants them21:18
kanzurethey are huge21:18
Vedestinyeah, but then you've got to find somehwere to put them21:18
Vedestini'd hate to have to move this rig21:19
Vedestinif you move on campus21:19
Splicer2i don't like crt:s... when I realized there were e-readers i found myself not liking paperbooks either21:21
Splicer2...same with cd:s and DVD:s21:22
Splicer2waste of space21:22
Vedestinoptical media sucks!21:22
Splicer2if the content is compressed it's ok for me21:24
Splicer2it's just the space aspect21:24
Splicer2that bothers me21:24
Vedestinjesus fucking christ21:25
Splicer2you called?21:25
Splicer2(i seldom use my middle name)21:25
Vedestini see21:26
kanzureVedestin: if you find that to be bad, check out21:27
kanzurethat might not be good21:28
kanzurethat's better.21:28
Splicer2natural selection built hoarding in I think21:31
Splicer2in a small group maybe it's even good to have one guy focusing on it21:31
Vedestinyeah, it's resource gathering gone wrong21:31
kanzuregone wrong? These guys were probably fairly intelligent. I mean, they were building engines, power generators, medical equipment, elaborate traps against burglers, and cached over 20,000 medical books.21:32
Splicer2I wouldn't want to do that21:35
-!- Splicer2 is now known as Splicer21:35
kanzureWhy not?21:35
SplicerI think my kink demands a balance between hoarding and utilization of what I hoarded21:36
kanzurejust utilize all of it21:38
Spliceri only plan to be 150 years old21:39
Splicerhitler hoarded i think btw.. he found some kind of balance21:39
Splicerhoarded books... read a chaper here and there21:40
Splicerand found time to do other things to21:41
kanzureI recursively hoard.21:41
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/shots/img_8032.jpg but this isn't recent, doesn't show all of the stacks21:41
kanzureI figure it's quite impressive :)21:41
Splicerhow do you know when you´re done?21:43
Splicerready to take the next step21:43
kanzureUsually when I get to the end of the section in the bookstore. 21:43
kanzureThe end of the case.21:44
kanzurealthough more or less I fall off the map when I become inattentive or I run out of money21:44
kanzureAlso, think about it in terms of downloading.21:45
kanzureYou need a strategy when you download something, since you can't just hoard everything because you will run out of disk space; therefore, you need to hoard specifically information on making more disk space.21:46
SplicerI'm not sure one can learn everything about everyting21:46
kanzureThat might be true, but the set of novel problems within the set 'everything' isn't going to be that large, since the barrier to entry on some topics isn't going to be that hard, otherwise people wouldn't be able to do it anyway. :)21:46
Splicerthe problem is that the goals change... they won't be to learn everything abbout everything when one is say 3021:48
kanzureWhy not?21:49
Splicerthey just don´t.. sometimes I think the brain changes.. it's not just that the context you find yourself in does.21:50
kanzureis that scientifically provable21:51
kanzurethat the brain changes in some significant way from age 29 to age 30 ?21:51
Splicerthat the brain changes?21:51
Splicerfrom say 20 to 3021:51
Splicerlike there are few 70 year old psycopaths for instance21:52
kanzurebecause they die when they are young ...21:53
Splicerno.. they write poetry and shit21:53
Vedestingandhi was a psychopath and he lived to a ripe old age21:54
Splicerlike miyagi21:54
kanzurewell. I've recompiled kicker.21:54
kanzurethings are not working well. middle scrollwheel no longer does anything, but it's supposed to scroll of course :)21:55
Vedestinyou have an interesting definiton of "working well"21:56
Spliceruse the side scrollwheels21:57
Splicerold former politicians are a good example of the brainchange thing... when a man is 70 he is less likely to give a fuck... so they turn up in documentaries and talk uncandedly about what they actually did. 21:59
Splicer....and they have this philosophical twist to it, that they can have lacked before22:00
kanzurebasically you're bullshitting22:13
kanzurestop :)22:13
wrldpcSplicer what's up?22:14
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Splicernot bullshitting22:15
kanzureI'd say so. 22:17
kanzurewhile I agree that the brain ages, I don't think you understand that we can ultimately prevent / fix things like Alzheimers etc.22:17
Splicerit's probably more than that.. hormones etc. 22:18
kanzureokay ? so what ?22:19
kanzureinsert the hormones into the system22:19
Spliceri didn't say it needed to be fixed22:19
Spliceri said it's a fact22:20
kanzurewell, whether or not it's a fact is under dispute here, and at the same time why wouldn't you want to be able to fix it? what if you decided you wanted to fix it at that point?22:20
kanzurekind of late by that point, eh?22:20
Splicernever thought about that.. it has it's upsides22:21
kanzurehow would you know? your brain becomes dysfunctional to the point where you don't understand the upsides22:21
Splicerstuff like viagra actually fucks it up22:21
kanzureLet's try this.22:22
Splicerwho said dysfunctional?22:22
kanzureWhat's your point? What's your argument?22:22
Splicerok.. again.. i say that the phenomenon exists... not that I whish to fix it22:23
wrldpcthis is a question of more or less I think.22:23
wrldpcwhy don't you wish to fix it?22:23
Splicercause it's not a bug 22:23
wrldpcor prevent it altogether?  Would you like to prevent it or fix it if you had the ability?  22:23
wrldpcWhat do you mean it's not a bug?22:23
wrldpcIt's a horribly debilitating disease.22:23
wrldpcAlzheimer's right?22:24
kanzurehorribly debilitating indeed22:24
Splicerno... kanzure brough that up22:24
wrldpcOh, sorry.22:24
wrldpcPeople seek simple solutions to complex problems.  Is that naïve?22:25
Spliceri think it would fuck up societies if everyone was running around like they were 2022:25
wrldpcComplex solutions to simple problems.22:25
wrldpcI think we need a new take on society.22:25
wrldpcuh yeah so anyway phoenix touched down and http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull&cid=118606636775722:28
wrldpcNo visual data back from the Martian icecap.22:28
wrldpcjupiter has a new storm22:29
Splicer(Feynman said he didn't think time travel could be done)22:36
Splicerimages from Phoenix, slow link: http://phoenix.lpl.arizona.edu/images.php?gID=0&cID=722:53
Splicerwikipedia has images too and better bandwidth22:55
kanzureIT WORKS.22:56
* kanzure wears sheepish green22:56
Spliceri wonder how people will react when this or the next mission finds life there23:00
kanzureoh, yeah, sure, because burning chemical propellant at 200 gallons/sec isn't amazing enough :)23:01
kanzurehehe, I'm joking.23:01
Spliceri thought that was considered barbecue in texas23:02
kanzureThere's not much considering done in Texas.23:03
SplicerI guess when they find it... gods work description will have to be adjusted again. 23:06
Splicertime to sleep... cu23:07
-!- Splicer [n=p@h93n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []23:08
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Excess Flood]23:38
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:38
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]23:44

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