
--- Day changed Sat May 31 2008
kanzureOkay, done with high school. Need to update my site now, or something.00:15
Vedestinhow'd you go?00:26
kanzureNothing to report.00:32
Vedestingood then00:32
fennanother fine product of hays county school corporation00:35
Vedestinoh, it's that good is it/00:43
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-75-60-175-117.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:52
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: http://heybryan.org/ http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ http://heybryan.org/exp.html | krebs is now servicing the channel. try !help00:52
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Tue Apr 29 18:54:31 2008]00:52
[Users #hplusroadmap]00:52
[ fenn] [ kanzure] [ nsh] [ Splicer] [ Vedestin] [ ybit] 00:52
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 6 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal]00:52
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-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200800:52
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 30 secs00:52
fennpower surge confused the DSLAM i guess00:53
kanzurefenn: Vedestin just linked over to a ted talk about 'open source economics'00:53
fennlink link00:53
kanzure"So when you open up the paper and you see a new fight about intellectual property, it's not because of the technical issue, it's about human sharing." <-- Stallman tried to make this point. It didn't work out.01:14
kanzureI wonder if you can make people understand that point.01:19
kanzureThey hold on pretty tightly to money.01:19
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]01:19
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fenni like the 'difficult sentences' wiki page contributed by readers of his book01:29
kanzureinteresting person01:31
kanzuresurprised I haven't seen him before01:31
fenn"the leading intellectual" heh01:33
fennyo, leading intellectual, tell us what to do so we can scoff at it01:33
kanzureI'd like to be a leading intellectual, sounds fun01:33
kanzurewhere do I apply?01:33
kanzureMaybe I should just assert it.01:33
kanzureFrom now on, I am the leading intellectual in everything.01:33
kanzureso, in ##neuroscience, bohemian was telling me that I should be sending 'letters of interest' to profs that are doing work vaguely related to mine, even if I don't want to physically work at their labs01:35
kanzureI don't know how these letters of interest work, is this common? from your perspective01:35
fenni think "intellectual" is something like "whipping boy" or "scapegoat", its someone you're supposed to ignore01:36
fenni dont know anything about getting around in academia01:36
kanzureheh, that's right01:36
kanzurethe spam filters01:37
* fenn grumbles01:37
Vedestinacademics drink beer01:45
Vedestinand shit01:45
Vedestinand breathe01:45
kanzurehttp://www.bentham.org/open/toimej/index.htm Open access manufacturing engineering journal?01:45
kanzure'at attractive open access fees!' wtf01:46
fennhmm tornado sirens at 2 am01:49
kanzuresirens, outside?01:49
Vedestinwhat triggers tornado sirens?01:50
Vedestinare they manual?01:50
kanzureoh, network01:50
Vedestincould vandals do it?01:50
kanzureanybody smart enough would probably value silence ;-)01:51
fennno, looks like the storm will hit the north side of town but not me01:51
Vedestinoh well01:54
fennbetter luck next time, vedestin01:54
fenndestroying my underground laboratory using your soviet weather modification technology02:04
Vedestini'll get you next time02:06
* Vedestin redirects his ionic heater02:07
Vedestin*ionospheric rather02:07
fennsharper image sells weather modification tech now?02:07
Vedestinpretty expensive02:10
fenn"Sharper Image™ presents The Inflatable Lair" http://www.villainsource.com/lairs.html02:10
kanzure"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show."02:14
fennmarshallbrain.com turns out to be very pro-h+ and robotics, despite what i originally thought was 'scare tactics'02:36
kanzureoh shit, where's my stack of stuff02:38
fennmy hoard! where's my hoard!02:39
kanzureI was at a restaurant and left it02:40
kanzureshould we try contacting Brain?02:40
fennhe seems very interested in open source development, but it looks like he has no real first-hand reports of what it's like02:41
fenni think fernhout linked to his site, that's how i found it02:42
kanzure'A manual for rebooting a crashed civilization back to 21st century technology'02:42
kanzure'Forbidden - you have no access'02:43
fennjust bad webmastering02:43
kanzure'security through self-sufficiency', yeah some self-sufficiency *that* webmaster has :)02:44
kanzurehttp://web.archive.org/web/20070416232103/http://keepthelightson.net/tiki/tiki-index.php <-- the problem02:44
kanzurewhy would you possibly insert a new user on page load02:44
kanzureoh, sessions02:44
kanzure‘It is necessary to any originality to have the courage to be an amateur.’ 02:45
kanzure                     — Wallace Stevens  02:45
* kanzure is more interested in the contact info02:48
kanzureArticles: Civilization-in-a-box... available now!02:49
kanzuresecond result on Google: the Singularity Institute.02:49
fennAlex Future Bokov02:49
kanzurespecifically Yudkowsky02:50
kanzureyeah, I've met Bokov02:50
kanzurein person02:50
fennsan antonio, texas; +1.2109490128 nwfarxr02@sneakemail.com02:50
kanzureoh, is that his wiki? Keep the Lights On?02:50
kanzurehe just got his PhD02:50
fennthats who the domain is registered to02:50
kanzurehe also did a group called 'Transhumanism NOW'02:50
fennis his middle name really future?02:51
kanzurehe's currently: "alexbokov42" <f1r3br4nd@hotmail.com>02:51
kanzureokay, email sent02:53
kanzurestupid convergence - I was hoping it was somebody new02:54
kanzureI met Bokov at an Alcor meetup at Shannon Vyff's house.02:54
kanzureit's also where I met Sean, the UT sociology student doing web 2.0 development02:54
kanzureI think he's the only guy I've met in person, ever, who could top me in spitting out popular website names02:54
fennah but you've got more bookmarks!02:55
kanzureI actually don't have many bookmarks on social-networking websites02:56
* kanzure is doing a recursion through WikiIndex02:56
kanzurelet me post what I have02:56
kanzureespecially anything in bold02:57
fenngah now that we have the internet and basically unlimited bandwith and page space, why do people insist on using initials in their references?02:57
kanzuretradition nonsense02:58
kanzureI'd totally go with a one-word name/identifier if it was socially acceptable02:58
fennthere must be a thousand engineering professors named 'C. Zhang'02:58
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit ["Konversation terminated!"]02:59
-!- ybit [n=u1@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap03:02
Vedestinit is socially acceptable03:04
Vedestinmadonna is a very well known academic03:04
fennthe popular sex image theorist?03:05
ybit"[Fri May 30 2008] [00:31:20] <kanzure>I'm planning on some automated cloning machines + automated education machines.03:06
ybit[Fri May 30 2008] [00:31:23] <kanzure>think stormtrooper"03:06
fennher models have been conclusively disproven by lil'kim et al03:06
ybiti misread that as starship trooper03:06
fennum, i mean, l. kim03:06
ybitand spent nearly 45 mins watching that movie before being disguisted and reading the wikipedia entry looking for the technology introduced in the film, etc... just realized that it was stormtrooper o.O03:07
kanzureybit: Hahah. :)03:09
fennybit: the thing to understand about that film: it has no relation to the book, and it's actually a satirical comedy03:09
kanzureybit: You never saw Starship Troopers?03:09
ybitnever until now and still didn't watch all of it03:09
ybitfenn: is that so? because i truly was laughing03:09
fennwell i dont know if it was ever advertised that way, but it must be03:10
ybitthat would make sense03:10
ybitit's how i perceived it03:10
fennin starship troopers the little wet lump of flesh is the biggest liability of their combat machine03:11
ybitkonversation and kopete need built-in spell-checkers03:11
fenngod i cant believe that fucking film is more popular than the book03:14
ybitkanzure: what did you write which appeared in Make?03:17
* kanzure doesn't like Heinlein much, even though he did read some of his work.03:17
kanzureybit: the open biohacking kit introduction and link03:17
kanzurewhen I released the link.03:17
ybitah, that did spread03:18
kanzureWe need joshcryer to get in here.03:20
kanzure(2008-05-31 02:26:13) joshcryer: kanzure, Gingery machine, made my own homemade forge and all.03:21
fennhere we go.. getting better at this:03:23
fennI just want to remind you apes that each and every one of you has cost the gov'ment, counting weapons, armor, ammo, instrumentation, and training, everything, including the way you overeat -- has cost, on the hoof, better'n half a million. Add in the thirty cents you are actually worth and that runs to quite a sum." He glared at us. #So bring it back! We can spare you, but we can't spare that fancy suit you're wearing.03:23
fennso, cloning is pretty useless in the starship troopers universe03:24
kanzureheh, 03:26
kanzurein Star Wars, cloning was automated, with automated education03:27
kanzureand super-cheap manufacturing of the resources to arm the troopers, throw on some armor, etc.03:27
fennhow educated do you need to be to get cannon-foddered for some teddy bears?03:29
kanzurewhich one is the name: balter, baldo, balder, bolder, a middle name.03:30
fenndepends on the first and last name03:30
kanzurelast name is of Polish descent03:30
fenni'd say balter with no further information though03:30
fennjust because the others have silly meanings in english03:31
fennand baldor is trademarked :P03:31
kanzure(2008-05-31 02:35:15) joshcryer: kanzure, the paper is entitled, "Exponential Growth of Large Self-Reproducing Machine Systems"03:32
kanzureI think that's Lathner.03:32
kanzureLackner, rather.03:33
kanzurejoshcryer thinks the skdb project is 'uncomputable'03:39
kanzure(2008-05-31 02:49:38) joshcryer: He can't do the whole of the project alone because the element seperation cycle, the IC manufacturing, all of those are going to require outside specialized involvement.03:45
kanzure(2008-05-31 02:49:38) kanzure: I mean, just saying "And then magic happens here!" is not a good design strategy.03:45
kanzure(2008-05-31 02:49:54) joshcryer: It is a perfect design strategy thank you very much!03:45
kanzuretalking about the reprap nozzle03:46
kanzurefenn: #space please03:46
ybitsuppose i should go to bed03:49
* kanzure is going through his photos trying to find an image04:05
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/camera/IMG_4400_3.JPG sister04:05
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/camera/IMG_7709_2.JPG <--- Summary of my high school experience.04:08
kanzureThat's what I was looking for.04:08
fennso, senior year would be piles of papers covered in tiny black letters all in capitals04:12
fennand computer monitors everywhere04:12
kanzurewell, that was junior year too04:13
kanzuresenior year would be piles too, although I don't know where the piles have gone, they're kind of "lost" and "absorbed" into the rest of the piles in the room04:13
kanzureI lost track of organization of school work in my senior year when I stopped caring04:14
kanzurejoshcryer's main objection seems to be that "it all looks incoherent"04:16
kanzureso we need a way to convey to people that yes, it's actually coherent04:16
kanzurefenn: http://lists.extropy.org/pipermail/extropy-chat/2008-May/043812.html this is a good intro to extropy04:19
kanzurein #space, did my BS detector just click?04:22
fennclick clik clkckkkkckkkkkkchhhhhhh04:27
kanzurebeep, I mean.04:27
fennget outta thar she goanna blow!04:27
kanzurebut he did mention he does RepRap and gingery machines04:28
kanzureand he mentioned the extropians04:28
kanzureso I was figuring I found a good convergent source04:28
kanzurehowever, he doesn't seem to think that actually getting stuff done is a good idea04:28
fennhe's enthusiastic at least04:28
Spliceron starship troopers: there was a reason they sent people instead of just bombed the panets which the they easily could have done and later did. I think one needs to know why it had to be people to understand the movie.06:27
Vedestinwhy did it have to be people?06:31
Vedestini forget the movie06:31
SplicerTo me it's associated with ideas from the 30:ies... they are probably older, I don't know... it has to with that a country/society is forged throug war..06:33
Vedestini thought you meant there was a plot device06:33
Splicerno... just that the movie is actually very well written, but people don't have the referencepoints06:34
Vedestinit's a novel06:34
Vedestinand that would come out better in the novel06:34
Splicersome of the stuff is from 'mein kampf'06:35
Splicerlike the idea that citizenship comes with military service not before06:35
VedestinThrough Rico's eyes, Heinlein examines moral and philosophical aspects of suffrage, civic virtue, the necessities of war and capital punishment, and the nature of juvenile delinquency.[3]06:35
Vedestinthat comes from spartan society Splicer06:35
Spliceryeah.. i believe you06:35
Vedestinoh sorry, that's from the wikipedia page on the novel06:36
Splicerthe idea was that every generation has to have a war... if you had an enemy that was womderful.. otherwise you had to create one to have the war.06:37
Vedestininteresting idea06:38
Splicerstarship troopers is full of these references06:38
Splicerfor people who don't know about them it just becomes a stupud move about bugs in space.06:39
Vedestinyeah ok06:41
fennthe movie was about ww2 in czechoslovakia, read the director's interviews06:41
Vedestinpretty sure it's about bugs, fenn06:41
fennwhy were they wearing plastic helmets and shooting machine guns then?06:42
Vedestinhttp://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/19  Kevin Kelly: How does technology evolve? Like we did06:42
fennrunning around on foot06:42
fennon another planet ferchrissakes06:42
Vedestinczechoslovakia isn't on another planet06:42
Vedestinas much as you might have wanted it to be06:43
fennyou're being intentionally dense06:43
Vedestinfacetious is the term06:43
Vedestinyes, i am06:43
fennheinlein barely even mentions bugs in the book06:43
Vedestinyou're talking about a movie06:44
Vedestinthe book is not the movie06:44
fennyeah, and the movie is about ww2 in czechoslovakia06:44
fennthe book is mostly about life in the military, but also about infantry combat in the space age, which is where the movie totally falls flat on its face for no particular reason except the director/producers wanted to be a bunch of dicks06:46
fenni think he brought up the bugs just because he had this great idea about bombing cities with meteors and wanted to use it somehow06:47
SplicerDizzy: My mother always told me that violence doesn't solve anything. 06:48
SplicerJean Rasczak: Really? I wonder what the city founders of Hiroshima would have to say about that. 06:48
Splicer[to Carmen] 06:48
SplicerJean Rasczak: You. 06:48
SplicerCarmen: They wouldn't say anything. Hiroshima was destroyed. 06:48
SplicerJean Rasczak: Correct. Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. 06:48
fennwell, all i gotta say is that's not in the book06:50
fennwell, not the hiroshima reference at least06:50
fenni say well too much06:51
SplicerMaybe, Paul Verhooven has his own visions... I like his movies.. they are usually very good social commentaries weaved into satire06:52
Splicermaybe not usually.. but some of them06:53
fennAccording to Heinlein, his desire to write Starship Troopers was sparked by the publication of a newspaper advertisement placed by the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy on April 5, 1958 calling for a unilateral suspension of nuclear weapon testing by the United States.07:01
fennso he would really have to be an asshole to put in the hiroshima reference07:01
Vedestindidn't he start a group in direct opposition to that group?07:04
Vedestinlike they wanted to ban nuclear testing and he wanted to continue it or something07:04
fennapparently it was a "Non-notable minor organization totally forgotten except by fans of Heinlein"07:07
Vedestini read it on his wiki page07:11
Vedestinnot his07:11
Vedestinthe books07:11
fennah i knew it! "Verhoeven admits that he never finished reading the actual book."07:16
kanzureVedestin: Kevin Kelly is a good guy to keep track of. http://kk.org/ it's how I learned about how Gingery and ultimately fenn.09:36
kanzureI'm not impressed with Heinlein, for the record.09:38
kanzureBarely impressed with Asimov (except his work ethic -- 9 hours a day of pure typing).09:38
kanzurehttp://www.wikiindex.org/Let.sysops.be instead of NPOV it's ntPOV -- new troll point of view.09:56
-!- nsh- [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap10:03
fennaka skepticism10:04
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fenna lot of old things are no longer as impressive because we've been inundated with imitations and spinoffs of the original10:07
fennlord of the rings for example10:07
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kanzurehttp://howstuffismade.org/ it's like howstuffismade.com except includes 'human labor conditions'11:09
kanzureeven though it's about, uh, manufacturing11:09
kanzurehttps://wikis.nyu.edu/xdesign/mediawiki/index.php/American_Flag haha, human flags made by human hand11:13
kanzure(specifically, the Chinese)11:13
kanzureeat it11:13
-!- Splicer [n=p@h98n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]11:26
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kanzurehttp://www.communitywiki.org/odd/MadScientist/HomePage mad scientist wiki11:35
kanzurehey, look, it's David Cary :)11:35
kanzurehe has a list of other mad scientists11:37
kanzurefriend of David Cary per the recentchanges - http://www.communitywiki.org/cw/MattisManzel - which cites lionkimbro ... hm.11:39
-!- Vedestin [n=Vedestin@d122-109-35-58.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit ["User pushed the X - because it's Xtra, baby"]11:53
kanzurehttp://carybros.com/ <-- impressive family?12:06
Splicercool creature: http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/10/natures-great-survivors-water-bears.html12:16
Splicer(tardigrades) 12:17
Splicerit says they can be frozen to "at -272 degrees Celsius for a couple of minutes, or at -200 degrees Celsius for days on end"... what would be the thing that hat happened in it after being frozen for a year as opposed to 2min in -272 deg celsius?12:23
kanzureextremophiles :)12:44
-!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: ybit, nsh12:47
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-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap16:05
Phreedombad news guys: the other person involved in my project how is out of the game for 2-8 weeks due to injury :(16:32
Phreedombut we're going to finish it anyways16:32
kanzurePhreedom: /me still does not know what this project of yours is.16:56
PhreedomI'm 100% sure I tried explaining it at least once16:57
* kanzure goes back to the logs16:57
Phreedomit's a cheap high-precision positioning system capable of driving anything from a cnc milling machine to STM/dna assembler and other nanotech stuff16:58
Phreedomby cheap I mean no more than $100-$150 per axis16:58
Phreedomeventually can get as low as $5016:58
Phreedomwhich means ATM/AFM can be as cheap as $300(depends on how cheaply you can make a vacuum pump, chamber etc)16:59
Phreedomit will be based on piezo motors and interfeometers17:00
Phreedompiezos can provide unlimited resolution. in practice resolution depends on the resolution of your position feedback system and control electronics17:00
Phreedominterferometers can automatically compensate for most of manufacturing and assembly defects but need very fine polishing on optics surfaces17:01
Phreedomthis can be tackled as well with magnetorheological polishing17:02
Phreedomthere will be two varietes of the system. one optimized for macro stuff and other optimized for nanotech17:02
Phreedomboth quite similar in fact17:03
Phreedomit's just the choice of parameters/dimensions and electronic components17:03
Phreedomperhaps I wrote too much too early :P17:57

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