
--- Day changed Mon Jun 09 2008
percentYou screwed up Ramen01:19
kanzureNah. :)01:19
Vedestinwe don't have ramen here01:38
Vedestinthe brand i mean01:39
* Vedestin heads off ot make some maggi noodles01:42
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving."]02:04
ybitthere's an entire magazine dedicated to various types of ramen in japan :)02:31
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kanzureHey cis-action.12:05
cis-actionhey kanzure12:06
kanzureI threw up the youtube video.12:06
cis-actionI'll check it out12:11
cis-actionback in a sec...12:11
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kanzurefenn: so it turns out that Andy wants some 'compartmentalization', he mentions emulsions13:09
kanzurebut I'm skeptical since you'd need to do communication between the emulsions and so on13:09
kanzurenot fun stuff, and I don't see the point of it13:09
kanzureI mentioned the ability to do physical address space stuff with the switches, even in gene regulatory networks, and while he gets that, he also wants, for some reason, some way to physically compartmentalize these circuits13:10
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fennduhh. use a cell, fucktard13:30
fennemulsion.. gah13:30
fennhow big is a typical TRN reaction vessel? i'd think the speed would be proportional to the size13:31
fennnsh-: i read permutation city. rather depressing.13:35
fennwho'd want to live in a clockwork universe?13:36
fennthe flaw in his logic is that determining whether you really are in a deterministic simulation is computationally intractable13:36
fenn(one of the flaws.. i dunno about the whole subjectivity = reality aspect)13:37
kanzurecells suck for this sort of thing, :-/13:38
kanzurepossible vessels: vesicles, emulsions, nanobeads stuffs, not much else?13:38
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/2008-06-09 see my notes on cell-free translation systems13:38
fennwhy are cells bad?13:40
kanzurecan't grow many of them apparently13:40
kanzurealso, the protein functionality that you want to evolve doesn't necessarily agree with the cell13:40
kanzurenow, I'm not sure if the goal is proteins13:40
kanzureso that's rather odd13:40
fennTRN's dont use proteins though13:40
kanzureit seems that they want to "link genotype and phenotype" information13:40
kanzureTRNs = ?13:40
fenntranscriptional regulatory network == transcriptional switch13:40
fennbut more analog13:41
fenncant make an oscillator out of switches13:41
kanzurewhat is the substrate? 13:41
fennDNA/RNA i guess.. you're the expert13:41
kanzurethe vessel is usually a giant test tube13:41
fennnsh-: permutation city reminds me of philip dick's "VALIS"13:42
fennso, ellington likes the direct write idea?13:44
kanzurehaven't told him13:44
fennwhy does he want compartmentalization?13:44
kanzureno clue13:44
kanzurebecause it would only make sense with direct write or something13:44
kanzurethere's nothing 'evolvable' about transcriptional switches floating around in a tube13:44
kanzureeven if you compartmentalize it ...13:44
fennsure there is, you can do selections like for aptamers13:45
fennRNA-life stuff13:45
fennnowhere near as convenient as with cells of course13:45
kanzurewhat would you select for?13:45
kanzureyou already know the transcriptional switches that you inserted into the system13:45
fennyou could select for specificity and low crosstalk?13:46
fenni dont have a scheme for how to do it off the top of my head13:47
kanzurewhy ? you could just run calculations to get that specificty and low crosstalk anyway13:47
kanzuresearch for cross-talk or something on there and you'll find some notes on that13:47
fennwe've talked about this before and didnt come up with a way to make it work in-vitro13:48
kanzuremake what work in vitro?13:48
fennselecting for a large set of 'addresses' in-vitro with minimal cross-talk13:49
kanzureyou don't select it in vitro13:49
kanzureyou generate a list of sequences that match the specifications13:50
kanzureand then you do some GAs and so on to help on that point13:50
fenni know, the idea was to reduce computation by doing it in vitro13:50
fennin parallel13:50
fennzillions of molecules13:50
kanzureyeah, but you needed something like 4^n or something which sucked immensely13:50
kanzureso what was wrong with the simulation idea?13:50
kanzureI think it was simply that it's hard to scale, that's all13:50
fennit only works for small numbers of combinations13:51
fennthat's probably why he wants compartmentalization, because there's a limit to how big the system can be before you get into intractable 'emergenticity'13:51
fenni dont see why you cant do it in a cell, besides the difficulty of getting dna into a cell13:52
kanzureI think that's the problem13:53
kanzurealso, communication between compartments13:53
kanzureI don't like the compartments idea because it involves messy membranes13:53
fenncommunication between compartments is the problem with the solution to the other problem13:54
fennit's just a side effect13:54
kanzurewhy not just do localization13:54
kanzurebind the switches to a surface13:54
kanzureand have them grouped together ?13:55
fennbecause brownian motion is random13:55
fenni think you get a gaussian probability distribution?13:55
fenngoogle flop :(13:56
kanzureso do we *have* to compartmentalize genotype+phenotype13:57
fennah yes, it is: http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/152.mf1i.spring02/RandomWalk.htm13:58
fennkanzure: it might work, you just have to set the 'noise' below the threshold of turning on the switch14:00
fennbinding to a surface is a good idea. i thought you meant just sticking them on the same place in the genome/plasmid14:01
fennin mesh wifi networks, you can hear the other wifi routers on your channel, but if they're far enough away you can just treat them as noise14:02
fenntranscriptional switches have a threshold, right?14:04
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fennsignal to noise ratio is more or less proportional to the amount of time you spend computing the address sequences14:08
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fennit would be fun to turn a blender model into DNA pepakura14:44
nsh-interesting comparison, fenn (VALIS and Permutation City)14:50
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fennpermutation city is also quite similar to http://www.orionsarm.com/eg/r/Re-Rg.html#Reality_Intratextualization_Project16:15
fenni dont know what the upstream source of that is called though16:16
fennit might be this, but its kinda dense http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/~hpm/project.archive/general.articles/1987/wave.ltx16:19
fennhe Fourier transform is16:21
fennbut one of an infinite class of ``orthogonal transforms'' that have16:21
fennthe same basic properties.  Each of these is capable of taking a16:21
fenndescription of a volume, and operating over it to produce a different16:21
fenndescription with the same information, but with each original point16:21
fennspread to every location in the result. This leads to the possibility16:21
fennof an infinity of universes, each a different combination of the same16:21
fennunderlying stuff16:21
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fennfun with sed: cat hplusroadmap.log | sed 's/^.*>//g' | sed 's/\W/ /g' | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr17:02
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap20:08
kanzurefenn: I've become very skeptical of the entire scenario that these guys are proposing20:11
kanzureFirst, they want to do amorphosu computing20:11
kanzurebut that, for some reason, involves physically binding the switches20:11
kanzurewhich seems like a violation of the idea of amorphous computing in the first place20:11
kanzuresecondly, they supposedly want to get it to manufacture something eventually, not just sit there passing bits and so on20:11
kanzurebut they also don't have a way to measure anything based off of the switches, right now they want to measure inhibitors but that doesn't tell you anything since inhibitors don't degrade quickly enough and it degrades20:12
kanzure*and it builds up.20:12
kanzureSo basically one of the lab members wants to outdo Drexler and actually do what Drexler's been saying he wants to do for the past 40 years or whatever20:12
Vedestini guess fenn is afk?20:13
kanzurefenn is always afk :)20:13
kanzurethere might be a way to make it all work with the writozyme idea, plus compartmentalized translation (to make up proteins), but I don't really like the idea of using proteins20:14
kanzureso while the bioreactor idea still might be plausible, the idea of amorphous computation, even amorphous fabrication, doesn't seem to be going anywhere, but I'm not quite sure *why*20:14
kanzureit's probably because all of the input/output stuff is totally whack20:28
kanzurethe only reason you'd want it is if you are going to evolve programs to do something interesting within either an artificial cell or something that you are later going to characterize and 'decode' into a program20:28
-!- pupnik [n=pupnik@unaffiliated/pupnik] has joined #hplusroadmap21:54
pupnikhi, my dad founded the institute of human genetics at the university of minnesota21:54
pupnikhope we can have some discussions21:54
proctohi pupnik 21:54
Vedestinwith your dad?21:54
kanzureHello pupnik.21:54
proctothat's a snappy introduction :>21:54
kanzureIndeed it is.21:54
kanzurepupnik: Do you know about the projects from this channel?21:55
proctohe doesn't :>21:55
kanzureprocto: You know him?21:55
pupniki'm not active in anything, very alcoholic21:55
pupnikbut enjoy chatting21:55
kanzurebut do you understand what this channel is about, to some extent? :)21:56
kanzureyou've found the right place for this sort of discussion, of course21:56
pupnikprocto invited me21:56
kanzuresome of the subprojects in here include personal genomics21:56
kanzureah, okay21:56
kanzureso procto gave you a bit of an explanation I bet21:56
fennkanzure: re: failure of amorphous computing: the lure of bio-nano is that it's a fantastically easy shortcut21:56
kanzurefenn: it is a good shortcut, *if* you maintain the manufacturing aspects or something, or at least the evolvability21:56
fennits like stumbling upon an abandoned factory in mint condition21:57
kanzureotherwise it's just starting from scratch21:57
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kanzurethe computation itself doesn't seem all that exciting since there are a limited number of possible hooks21:57
pupnikanybody active in genetics/cell biology?21:57
kanzurepupnik: Yes.21:57
kanzureI'm in a lab.21:57
Vedestinreally? whose lab?21:58
pupnikshit load of stuff to learn man21:58
kanzureVedestin: http://ellingtonlab.org/21:58
fennkanzure: the computation is just too slow (if you can even call it computation)21:58
Vedestinoh, i didn't know you'd talked to ellington21:58
kanzureVedestin: evolutionary engineering, acceleration of evolutionary processes, synthetic biology, DNA synthesis, all sorts of good stuff21:58
kanzurefenn: well, it's not going to compete with silicon; the point is the manufacturing I thought. And if you can't use protein engineering, then what the hell are you doing? 21:58
Vedestinlast i heard of this, i asked why you wanted to be at austin21:58
Vedestinand you said you were interested in that guys work21:59
kanzureI'm starting to think the idea of the writozyme is the only thing that makes any of this legitimate21:59
kanzureI am interested in that guys work :)21:59
proctoI could have given pupnik a bit more of an intro than he got :> I was very minimal21:59
Vedestinbut it's your work too now?21:59
kanzureVedestin: Damn right. :)21:59
fennpupnik: its mostly poor terminology giving a facade of understanding.. we really dont know much of anything (as a scientific community)21:59
pupniki'm published in 3 papers21:59
pupnikbut i don't know shit21:59
kanzurenobody knows much shit anyway21:59
kanzureso that's good21:59
kanzureso, pupnik, are you familiar with open source software21:59
pupnikwell that's my hobby22:00
pupniknokia just invited me to linuxtag full-fare paid :)22:00
kanzurefenn: the writozyme is the only thing that makes any of this legitimate, since that's synthesis and could possibly used to, ah, okay22:00
kanzurefenn: so here's my idea to make any of this legitimate22:00
kanzurefenn: the idea is to embed logic within the selection experiments itself22:00
fennkanzure: well, even with sucky biotech techniques you can do some neat things (DNA origami)22:00
kanzurefenn: so that you have aptamers feedbacking into the switches or something like that22:00
kanzureso that you "unfold" programs or whatever as the selection is going a certain way22:00
kanzurepupnik: ok, so we want to do open source for 'everything else'22:00
pupniki have a nice trick if any of you are doing electrophoresis22:00
fennkanzure: like, the switch is on when the aptamer's got something?22:01
kanzurepupnik: http://heybryan.org/exp.html is a proposal of ours22:01
kanzurefenn: yes, maybe something about inhibition or something22:01
fennpupnik: dont slip in the bs :)22:01
kanzureyeah no kidding22:01
pupnikno it's a nice trick22:01
kanzurethere's lots of bs in terminologies22:01
kanzurein exp.html22:01
kanzurefenn: and that works especially well if you can rewrite the aptamers in real time or something22:01
kanzureto make it a realtime "during selection" feedback thingy :-/22:02
pupniki don't know if it's standard now22:02
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fennkanzure: the aptamer selection process would have to be rewritten from the ground up most likely22:02
kanzurefenn: the ruthemund work is basically the same thing with 'self-assembling DNA' except that's just a DNA implementation and it just makes maps or something, instead of trying to explore a nucleic acid possibility space22:02
kanzurefenn: it's just an example; I'm sure it could work with RNA sequencing and having portions of RNA molecules detect something22:02
kanzureI mean, what the hell else is this going to be useful for22:03
kanzurewritozymes to make biological things for humans, at best22:03
proctoI think pupnik is just establishing cred :>22:03
fennlike, it has to grab onto your molecule AND change conformation22:03
kanzureor making new hacks to lifeforms22:03
fenn(if anyone cares about terraforming anymore)22:03
pupnikprocto: it was new back when we did it.  maybe it's standard now?  i don't know22:03
proctoi understand22:03
fennkanzure: i think with easy enough access to DNA synthesis, the protein folding problem will become obvious22:03
* procto has only just started really getting into bio stuff22:04
proctoi've been doing neuro for quite a while22:04
kanzurefenn: has DNA synthesis been our barrier to protein folding characterization ?22:04
fennnot the 'how does this sequence fold' problem - but 'how to make this structure' starting from scratch22:04
proctobut totally fresh to molecular bio22:04
kanzureprocto: neuro is awesome :)22:04
proctoI had an amazing neuro class in highschool22:04
proctothe teacher was amazing22:04
pupnikhey if you are interested in consciousness, rodney cotterill's 'enchanted looms' is heavy!  better than minskian crap imo22:04
fennkanzure: also atom-level imaging.. that's why i'm interested in high-res NMR22:05
fennor MRI if you prefer22:05
pupnikfuck.  high-density channel22:05
kanzurepupnik: I don't know what the hell consciousness is.22:05
kanzurepupnik: hell yeah :)22:05
proctoit was better than what some friends got in my univesrity over 2 years, and we have a very good neuro program (at BRandeis University)22:05
proctobasically, spent a year cutting up brains22:05
kanzurefenn: ok, so with DNA synthesis then we can try to do protein folding I guess22:05
kanzurefenn: but that's not quite solid state and I'm not sure if that's worth our time22:05
proctoand getting 100/200 on tests (which was just aove the average)22:06
kanzureat best the writozyme is useful for the bioreactor/kit/thing that can help us interface with our own biologies22:06
kanzureanything else -- like ecological terraforming and so on -- seems 'meh' in comparison22:06
kanzurenot sure22:06
fennkanzure: there's gotta be a middle ground between drexler and biology22:06
kanzuremaybe I'm just depressed tonight :)22:06
kanzurefenn: ah22:06
kanzuregood point, I need to reconsider22:06
fenni think that's what gershenfeld is trying to do22:06
kanzureokay, and to some extent what we're trying too22:06
fennwith GIK22:06
fennpress fit construction system22:06
fenn"great invention kit"22:07
fennits those puzzle shape pieces22:07
proctopupnik: very high. I remarked on it just a couple of days ago22:07
proctopupnik: it's quite delightful that way22:07
kanzureso, Zack, one of the guys that hangs around the lab, has a proposal for a synthetic amorphous computing setup. your DNA molecule is connected via tethers to molecules at the end that diffuse messengers between each other. So you just write the sequence to make new programs in a certain order. Not sure if I care that much about this.22:07
kanzurefenn: uh? so just "build a house from a box of (large?) puzzle pieces' ?22:07
pupniki will have to mostly lurk22:07
proctopupnik: it's sorta like how I am on phreadom, but it's not just me:>22:07
fennkanzure: GIK comes in many length scales22:08
kanzurefenn: is it lego for construction?22:08
fennfrom 1m to 100micron? something like that22:08
* kanzure is missing the analogy22:08
fennits like lego but 2d22:08
pupniki'll shoot down any bullshit i detect for fun and ?profit? though22:08
fennit evolved out of their playing with laser cutters22:08
proctokanzure: another channel, probably not your scene22:08
fennvote for ron paul? bleagh22:09
fennhe's a politician, right?22:09
pupniklets leave politics out of it22:09
fennits in the topic22:09
kanzurewhy is Ron Paul in the topic22:10
fenner, in #phreadom22:10
* kanzure sighs22:10
proctohence, my caveat :>22:10
pupnikit's easy.  you're in favor of force and fraud or not22:10
kanzurewhat the fuck?22:10
fenni wish irssi didnt color pupnik and procto the same22:11
proctofenn: sorry22:11
fennbrb. new kernel. play nice :)22:11
pupnikjust consider that voluntary associations are preferable to forcible ones22:11
pupnikand let that color your politics22:11
kanzurepolitics is totally bunk around here22:11
pupnikand we can be friends22:11
kanzurewe're technologists22:11
kanzurewe solve practical problems22:12
pupnikwell consider my words as a favor to the newbie22:12
pupniki have to fly to vienna in 3 hours and i'm pretty trashed22:13
pupnikhope to talk later22:13
kanzureoh, don't watch that one22:13
proctotoo late!22:14
kanzurehere we go22:14
kanzureThat's the relevant one.22:14
proctohehe good one22:16
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kanzurefenn: back?22:30
pupniki was just going to sleep22:31
pupnikbut wanted to say one more thing22:31
pupnikhaving 'invented' transhumanism22:32
fennnobody invented transhumanism22:32
pupnikthe point of the universe is to increase the depth of the self reflection22:32
pupnikmake the flower prettier, the fractal deeper22:32
pupnikbefore the heat death22:32
pupnikok now really sleeping22:33
kanzurebefore the heat death?22:40
kanzure*cough* Masque of the Heat Death *cough*22:40
kanzurefenn: cis-factor just sent a nasty email out22:40
kanzurevery territorial people22:40
* kanzure gets a link22:41
kanzure' 22:42
kanzure* p.s. bryan bishop: we want to produce a high-quality, highly-granular 22:42
kanzurecollection of links, not a gigantic disorganized grab-bag'22:42
kanzureby that they mean22:42
kanzure"go add links to del.ico.us'22:42
kanzurewhich is a terrible, terrible strategy22:42
kanzurehave programmers lost their mind?22:42
proctothat part totally perplexed me22:43
proctoI don't get it22:43
kanzureprocto: They're complaining about the biohacking toolkit project.22:44
kanzurewithout actually making a good suggestion22:44
proctooh, I got *that* :>22:44
kanzureGood news.22:45
kanzureThe mailing list has surpassed 150 subscribers.22:45
proctoI'm still a bit unsure about the way that works, but I'm not sure their delicious links plan is any better, or even as good22:45
proctokanzure: which list? hplusroadmap?22:45
proctoI should join that22:46
kanzureprocto: yep22:46
kanzureprobably :)22:46
proctowhich page has the signup i'm looking for?22:46
* kanzure wrote a script last night to automatically 'friend' people on twitter; has been getting a lot of new contacts through that method, oddly enough22:46
kanzureI took a list of 70 people on a biohack tweet list thing, and then automatically recursed through that22:47
kanzuretook a few hacks with wget, but nothing too terrible22:47
kanzuremaybe I'll organize the scripts and throw them up on my site later 22:47
kanzureokay, so the delicious method isn't that good either because the database is totally cutoff from us22:48
kanzureso it's just like adding links in a very useless spot22:48
kanzurethe links need to be added to files or a local database solution22:48
kanzureit's not too hard to then dump those links into delicious if the delicious developers are interested or something22:49
kanzurebut this information is something that you need to have locally, not on the web22:49
kanzureI wonder if I should start holding nightly lectures or something22:51
kanzureor maybe just announce to the mailing list that we are still in here22:51
proctokanzure: actually, since my main background is in linguistics22:51
fennare there no open source (or at least friendly to data exchange) social bookmarking tools?22:51
proctoi can devise some fun semantic ontology22:51
proctofor organization22:51
proctofor things like biohack22:52
proctoI'll give it several thinks22:52
fennprocto: we dont need terms that aren't self explanatory22:52
kanzurefenn: Noah, who I met through David (as in, David-who-was-mentioned-in-IEEE-Spectrum, aka Gershenfeld's David), was mentioning to me last night a silly php+mysql+apache setup that is trying to do the social bookmarking stuff on the clientside via lightweight httpdaemons.22:52
kanzuresemantic ontologies suck22:52
proctofenn: hich terms?22:52
kanzurethe point isn't so much the semantic ontology22:53
kanzurebut rather the idea of the people behind it22:53
kanzureand those people that are doing some daily things to keep everything moving22:53
fennthe point is clarity of communication22:53
kanzureany static ontology is going to suck immensely :)22:53
kanzureand anything that requires constant rehashing is going to suck immensely too22:53
kanzureI'd like to route around this problem somehow22:53
proctothe idea is to merely construct the seed in the right way22:53
kanzurein many ways the seeds are already there22:54
kanzurei.e., git+ikiwiki+wiki in general+skdb+databases+filesystems+files+folders etc. etc.22:54
kanzureoh, I guess if epitron was in here (or maybe nsh) one of them would complain about the metaphors for computing22:54
fennkanzure: actually the la?mp bookmark tool doesnt sound so bad22:54
kanzureoh, Enki-2 would too22:54
kanzurefenn: it doesn't do anything yet, so it's basically just a lamp installation22:54
proctojust to clarify, I was replying to your post on diybio22:54
kanzurewith some crappy php libraries that supposedly do some xml parsing maybe22:54
kanzurelet me go look it up22:55
kanzureprocto: yeah :)22:55
kanzureprocto: oh, I see what you mean22:55
kanzurebut still22:55
fenndoesnt do anything? how hard could it be to keep track of URL's?22:55
fennand some words. sheesh22:55
kanzurefenn: it's more focused on the social networking aspects at the moment22:55
kanzurehowever, adding a module for links and whatever 22:55
kanzureis sounding like a five minute job 22:55
kanzurephp is kinda like that22:55
kanzureeasy in, easy out22:55
fenni just want tagged bookmarks ferchrissakes22:56
kanzureI want tagged bookmarks in anything BUT a browser22:56
fennand tagged tags?22:56
kanzurei.e., tagged file system22:56
kanzureI wonder if that's marketable22:56
kanzureI'm sure somebody would be willing to pay somebody to do a tagged file system 22:56
kanzureon the grounds of stuff like 'efficiency'22:56
kanzureand 'web2.0 voodoo magic'22:56
kanzureprocto: So, I'm thinking about your offer.22:57
kanzureprocto: I'm wondering how to make it functionally useful.22:57
kanzureNot just a static ontology.22:57
proctowell, I don't have anything good yet22:57
kanzureMaybe we can run some server daemons to currlate (aggregate?) things like protocols from different website.s22:57
proctoi'll think about it and let you know if I've got something good22:57
proctoto use a metaphor22:58
kanzureAnd then these could be processed in an inbox by some people that want to help out, and they would then go "push" it to other people that might be interested in packaging it up22:58
proctoyou need a seed for a crystal22:58
kanzureinto packets to be included into the project and so on22:58
kanzureno crystals22:58
proctoit doesn't need to be static, since it is itsel a graph22:58
kanzurefenn: alternative to noserub is http://gmpg.org/xfn22:58
proctorather, it will set "guidelines" as to how to grow the system22:58
kanzurefenn: seems more like soc-net stuff22:58
kanzureprocto: I see.22:58
kanzuredebian doesn't have any of that really22:59
fenn"How are you guys making money off Noserub? A: We don't. Open source, dude." its too bad that open source == starving programmers22:59
kanzurejust general ways to manage the packages22:59
kanzurefenn: in vitro meat tanks => we can probably set up an operation where we feed programmers and then let them do their things22:59
fennits not just about food22:59
kanzurehousing = tents22:59
kanzuresocial contact = those guys may become best friends rather quickly23:00
kanzureeach serious/hardcore programmer I've ever met, in person, has become a good friend or contact or something like that :)23:00
kanzurebut social stuff doesn't really matter23:00
kanzurethat'll be taken careof in whatever ways23:00
fennkanzure: "debian doesn't have any of that really" wtf? the debian guidelines are the most important part23:01
kanzureerm, lemme go back to chekc23:01
kanzurebut I seem to remember there being a single directory where they list all of the packages23:02
kanzureand the dependencies are determined more on a per-project basis23:02
fennhttp://www.debian.org/social_contract is what i've been trying to get you to look at many times23:02
fennjust because all the files are dumped in one directory doesn't mean there's no structure or policy23:02
kanzurethat seems to be about licensing23:03
kanzurethere's policy in terms of what they each do, but not so much in terms of "this file must go under file 3332A-51J97. Otherwise you suck." 23:03
fennthere is, it's somewhere else.. *googles*23:03
kanzurealso interesting - http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution23:04
kanzurewe really need to make a functional, computational system behind all of this23:04
kanzureit would be so easy to either (1) use debian or (2) mimic/steal :)23:05
kanzurebut we don't have the functional fablab quite yet (even if it is just for the bioreactor setup)23:05
proctoyeah, i use debian because it has a rather good system23:05
fennthere are even tools (lintian etc) to check conformity with the policy23:05
proctoit decouples its various parst very nicely23:05
kanzureprocto: do you know about apt-get ?23:05
fennprocto: how many wheels on a car?23:06
proctothough in practice it is mostly about debian gnu/linux23:06
proctokanzure: what about it?23:06
proctoI mean... I use it23:06
kanzureprocto: ok, that's what we're doing in here23:06
kanzureexcept it's not just for software23:06
proctoyes, I understood that23:07
proctoand that's what my idea of logarchy is, essentially23:07
kanzureoh, that's right, you had your logarchy website23:07
proctoit's just a pretty name23:07
proctothe log stand for logos, just so it's clear23:07
proctoand as a first step towards acheiving "open source reality"23:08
kanzurereality is already 'open'23:08
proctoI thought was merging reality and virtuality23:08
proctohence the djiyo project23:08
kanzurebut reality could be much more 'open' :)23:08
fennkanzure: yes it could23:08
proctowell, it's open in theory23:08
kanzureentropy maximization, etc. etc.23:08
proctobut we don't have all the tools23:08
kanzure(entropy is not disorder)23:08
proctoand some of them are restricted on pain of coercive means23:09
fennyou're confusing lack of limits with clarity and ease of use23:09
kanzurealso, lots of people confused with scarcity-centricism23:09
proctoI am?23:09
fenn(that last was to kanzure)23:09
kanzureI don't understand.23:10
fennreality isn't open because it requires vast amounts of effort to understand the tiniest detail23:10
proctoI think it's very easy to hack "local" reality, but I don't like taking psychoactive drugs23:10
fennyou're basically reverse-engineering (reverse-hacking in the case of bio)23:10
proctoso I have to work on the "consensus" reality23:11
fennbah. subjective viewpoint will never be reality23:11
fennwhether it's agreed upon or not23:11
proctothat depends on your epistemological viewpoint23:11
fennstop diluting the word23:11
proctoi'm still working on mine :>23:11
proctowhich word? reality? or epistemology?23:11
proctowell, it's a very contentious word. like "mind" or "conciousness".23:12
fennprocto: could you please use words like 'information' and 'matter' instead of 'virtuality' and 'reality' since we can't agree on the meaning of these basic words23:16
proctooh, ok23:16
proctoI can accomodate that23:16
proctoin that case23:16
proctoI would like to overlay information on top of our current sensory input-23:16
fenngreat :)23:16
kanzure"the subjective viewpoint will never be reality" <-- I think we need to understand whether we consider a brain to actually, physically be there, and whether or not the brain is thinking about things (the subjective viewpoint) (not whether or not it is 'right' or 'wrong' -- the conversion of what the hell's going on in there, mapped to the outside world, is *WEIRD*)23:17
proctounfortunately there aren't any cyberneticians at my university23:18
proctoI'd like to find some around and audit their class.23:18
proctohaven't had the time yet.23:18
* kanzure likes the Howto re: cyborgs; http://web.archive.org/web/20020409125125/www.tzekit.com/aw/cyborg101/main.html23:19
kanzure'In my quest for the perfect perspective with which to regard school, I created what I call the paradigm of the cyborg. It is the key manner in which learners will realise success. By viewing themselves as war-machines, of sorts, and the classroom as a battlefield, the students can destroy the notion that school is boring and mundane. This frame of reference also facilitates analysis of the situation in strategic and tactical term23:20
fenntoo bad he didnt release it under a proper copyleft license23:20
proctoI've seen some good cybernetic work into how a system (the brain, a computer) can map an external environment to an internal representation. alas, I can only adequately understand only a fraction so far23:21
kanzurefenn: since when do you care about licenses?23:21
kanzureare you serious?23:21
kanzureprocto: I'd like to see some references.23:21
proctoI will look for some tomorrow. i've made a note of it.23:22
proctosince I'm going to sleep now :>23:22
fennkanzure: yes i'm quite serious about licenses, since they define what's legal to do or not, which affects what is perceived as 'safe' or 'responsible'23:25
fennit's stupid to contribute to something that may or may not get shut down in a year because you violated some stupid copyright that nobody cares about (but the publisher)23:26
kanzureI would hate to just randomly tack up a GPL license on the whole skdb thing23:26
kanzuremuch more so because of the randomness23:27
fennGPL is a very strong copyleft.. it's "viral" which means you have to carefully consider the effects before using it23:27
kanzurenot because of any objections to GPL23:27
* kanzure wishes he could ignore this23:27
fennme too23:27
fenni also wish i could ignore crypto, radiation safety, bioterrorism, etc etc23:27
fennbut other people won't, and i can't make decisions for them23:28
kanzuregood side effect of openvirgle or diy spacehabitats is that you're actively constructing something against bioterrorism23:28
kanzurehow the hell are they going to contaminate you if they can't reach you?23:28
fenndelayed onset23:29
fenntranslate your code to run on optical processors23:29
kanzurefun times23:29
kanzureI mean, why GPL over MIT over BSD over public domain over etc. ?23:30
fenndebian is hosted by many high bandwidth mirrors and can claim the moral high ground (and have people believe it) because everything is perfectly 100% legal23:30
fennyou understand the difference between GPL and MIT license right?23:31
kanzuredo we need moral high ground?23:31
kanzurenot quite :)23:31
kanzureremember, I avoid much of this stuff23:31
kanzureI just want me bits23:31
fennok, public domain is like, the least amount of protection23:32
fennanyone can take it and say they wrote it23:32
fennput their own license terms on it, whatever23:32
fennMIT license retains copyright, but you can do whatever you want with it, sell it, refuse to give away the code to any modifications you make, etc23:32
fennyou can't claim you wrote a program under MIT license23:32
fennBSD is similar to MIT, i dunno the difference really23:33
kanzureyou can't claim you wrote it, hm23:33
kanzurereally if we were going to do a 'license' I'd just want something like this:23:33
kanzure(1) viral23:33
fennGPL was created because of the fear that people would take your program, make some awesome mod, and then refuse to share the results23:33
kanzure(2) viral23:33
kanzurehm, whole open/free thing would be good too23:34
fennin practice, it's hard to make that watertight, which is why there's GPL2 GPL3 LGPL etc23:34
fennthere's been companies "hacking" the license by doing stuff like hardware checksums to prevent running modified code (tivoisation)23:35
kanzureI wonder if RepRap can claim it's GPLed if they are using commodity parts (i.e., nonFree)23:35
kanzurewait wait wait23:35
kanzurejust print a chip with the circuit layout23:36
fennreprap only claims the software is GPL23:36
kanzurescrew new code23:36
kanzureif you're going to do a checksum anyway.23:36
fennjust print a chip? what planet are you on?23:36
fennthe problem with open hardware right now is that nobody's figured out how to make a viral license for forcing you to share the designs when you produce a physical object from modified copyleft designs23:38
fennstallman would say it more rhetorically compatible but that's his job23:39
fennbasically, industrial design copyright only applies to unmodified designs, which is totally worthless to us23:39
fennthen you get into the whole trademark/marketing thing where big companies can just screw you out of your own creation by throwing money at it23:41
fennlike, "you cant use the name SKDB because we trademarked it and used it more often"23:41
fennor by finagling stupid patent laws23:42
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-75-60-172-87.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:50
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS perspectives on Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/23:50
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Sun Jun 8 13:00:15 2008]23:50
[Users #hplusroadmap]23:50
[ fenn ] [ nsh ] [ procto] [ Splicer] [ ybit] 23:50
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-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 9 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 9 normal]23:50
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200823:50
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kanzureI think the biggest thing with open hardware is nobody's figured out how to make a setup to make the hardware really23:56
kanzurefor example, open source experienced that problem23:56
kanzurebusinesses and investors wondered what these kids were on23:56
kanzurebecause it wouldn't possibly be compatible23:56
kanzureso, they popped up with their own kernels and operating systems etc.23:57
kanzurebuh? http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~pesti/roadmap/23:58
fennjust aggregations of other futurists' predictions23:59

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