
--- Day changed Fri Jun 13 2008
-!- percent_ [n=percent@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:58
percent_Howdy. 00:58
percent_Where can I read about gene notation?01:00
percent_If I wanted to express to you a certain gene and didn't want to do it nucleotide by nucleotide (i.e. AUG UUG CGA)01:01
percent_say a file format01:07
fenngoogle fasta, clustal01:28
fenn#bioinformatics is a better channel for that01:28
percent_What's this channel for, again?01:32
fennbitching and moaning01:33
fennfasta is the format, if you didnt catch that01:35
percent_I didn't. What's gff?01:40
fenndunno, but it's described here: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/formats/GFF/GFF_Spec.shtml01:41
percent_In FASTA, I see a lot of things that aren't A,C,G, or T/U.01:42
percent_What do those mean?01:42
fennyes, the other letters are where the sequence was ambiguous01:42
percent_ah, it describes it...01:42
fennXYW something like that01:42
percent_GA is purine? Aren't two nucleotides purine-based?01:42
fennyou can also describe genes spread around different organisms with varying sequences, but which are mostly conserved (i.e. no huge deletions or insertions)01:44
fennre: purine, i dont know what you're asking01:45
percent_Some organisms have similar sections of conserved DNA?01:46
fennyeah, of course01:46
fennhavent you heard that chimps and humans are 95% similar?01:46
percent_Yes. And we keep this sort of information in FASTA files?01:47
fennum, probably not01:47
fenni dont know what the genome projects use01:47
percent_what do we use?01:47
fennwho is we?01:47
percent_Biohackers in general.01:47
fennwhatever is available?01:48
percent_I see why kanzure is so obsessed with organization; there appears to be very little of it here. None of us speak the same type of genetic notation, apparently.01:48
fennhonestly the only reason you need to be concerned what format something is, is when you're feeding it into some program that expects that format01:49
fennwow "from 1982 to the present, the number of bases in GenBank has doubled approximately every 18 months."01:51
percent_moore's law01:52
fenn100 billion bp and climbing01:52
fennnothing to do with moore01:52
percent_Purpose thereof?01:52
percent_No, it's moore's law01:52
percent_with genes instead of transistors01:52
fenncomputer speed has nothing to do with sequencing DNA!01:53
fennwell, ok, it does01:53
fennbut it's not the limiting factor01:53
percent_I was just making a comparison.01:53
fennyou might say the same thing about the US population01:53
fenndoubles every 25 years01:53
percent_He said "roughly every two years"01:53
percent_i.e. about 18 months01:54
fennsilicon fabs have been able to do much finer details than are included in the current generation of chips, they just hold back the development because people expect "moores law" to continue - its a self fulfilling prophecy01:55
fennthis way they get to sell you a new computer every 2 years01:55
fennlook at the data points, not the lines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore's_law01:58
fennheh 500GHz helium cooled processor02:03
fennoh, transistor, nevermind02:04
percent_ebeam litho is amazing.02:05
fennas useful as they are, i dont think general purpose processors (turing machines) are the future of information processing02:11
fenni think we'll see more and more reconfigurable FPGA's and ASIC's02:12
percent_FPGAs are also amazing.02:12
percent_I really want to work with them.02:12
percent_Unfortunately, they're not easy to scrounge02:12
fennthey aren't being used properly because Xilinx and Altera are a bunch of fuckheads02:12
fennyou can't change the configuration while running, for example02:13
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fennand the lack of specifications is the dumbest thing ever02:13
percent_How would that even be possible?02:13
fennsimple, send a 'change gate' signal02:13
percent_I don't know how theirs work02:13
fennits ok, nobody knows02:14
percent_that may not be possible.02:14
fennno, xilinx had a set of chips they made for a university study on reconfigurable computing02:14
fennand then promptly discontinued the line :\02:15
percent_i discontinued your mom =\02:15
percent_...sorry, I couldn't tolerate such propriety in this channel. 02:15
fennyou should see a psychologist02:16
percent_no thank you02:16
fennwow 2 am, where did the day go02:20
percent_I think it's about time for a your mom joke.02:22
fenn"reported speed-up factors of up to almost four orders of magnitude, as well as a reduction in electricity consumption by more than one order of magnitude" now why dont we see any commercial spinoffs from this eh?02:22
fenndunno exactly, its locked up in dead trees :(02:23
percent_Where are the dead trees?02:24
fennin a library somewhere02:24
fennanyway, some sort of reconfigurable computer02:24
ybitSplicer: mind posting a link to your comments?02:25
-!- Vedestin [n=anonymou@d58-111-95-212.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap02:26
ybiti'm guessing here: http://www.metanexus.net/magazine/tabid/166/Default.aspx?id=10543 but it seems to be down atm02:26
fennbleh. is that the "transhumanist rhetoric" article?02:26
ybitfenn: yep02:28
ybiti've yet to read the log where you guys probably discussed it02:29
fennsounds like a player-hatin bitch02:30
ybitthe article or me not reading the logs? :P02:31
fennstart with the assumption that X is no good, and proceed to use logical fallacies and shoddy research to back up your claims02:31
fenn"polymorphic processor" has a nice ring to it02:32
fennThe TRIPS architecture is composed of many copies of a small number of replicated tiles,02:32
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fennnot exactly: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/cart/trips/chip_floorplan.html02:39
fenni guess i can live with 6 tile types02:39
percent_What's a dR group?03:00
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-!- faceface [n=chatzill@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap05:39
-!- ltlalo [n=chatzill@fm47pc241.uta.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap05:40
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]08:01
-!- anonymous_ [n=anonymou@d58-111-95-212.sbr3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #hplusroadmap08:25
-!- anonymous_ is now known as Vedestin08:25
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@dhcp-146-6-213-183.icmb.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:34
proctowrldpc: howdy, yeah, I'm Mike10:10
proctokanzure: "ethical" is intended to mean "we will try reeeal hard not to make The White Plague"10:14
kanzurefunny, considering this is people's chance to *fight* grey goo stuffs :)10:15
nshthe white plague brings back swarths of medieval people from the dead across europe10:15
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facefacekanzure: did you happen to meet wan?10:40
kanzureNot yet. :)10:40
facefaceOH... you will be back in the lab?10:42
kanzureI'm there now :)10:43
facefacecool :D10:44
facefacewan works late aparently10:44
kanzureThis is a pretty neat building.10:44
kanzureWan's lab has the attic directly above me.10:44
kanzureThey have a full yeast knock-out library and giant mechanical arms to fetch entries.10:45
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap10:46
kanzurensh: "bring out your dead"10:46
percent_Are you at u of austin?10:48
percent_hay kanzure what's a dR group and what does it think it's doing10:49
percent_on thymine10:49
kanzuredR ? :)10:49
kanzurepercent_: Yep.10:49
-!- cis-action [n=cis-acti@c-66-31-201-16.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:51
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-!- nsh- [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap13:06
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:14
kanzureso, can anybody make some guesses on how factories are made?15:25
kanzurebecause I've been looking through the literature, through many books an tons of hselves15:26
kanzureand nobody seems to actually *know*15:26
kanzureThe closest I have gotten is a list of 'professional societies' that might have people that know what they are doing, /maybe/15:26
fenntoyota production system was a good attempt at theory of factory-making15:33
fennmost factories these days have a hodgepodge blend of tradition, ad-hoc cruft layering, and imitating toyota/iso9001 crap15:34
fennits kinda like reading a bunch of books on computer science and then confronting the 30MB of source code with no documentation15:35
-!- Splicer [n=p@h127n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:41
-!- cis-action is now known as cis-action_15:52
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kanzurefenn: It seems to me that what would be most helpful would be to just order all of the product catalogs that the factory-builders would use.16:07
kanzureor something16:07
kanzureI'm not even sure who you would hire to build a factory16:07
kanzuremaybe figuring that out is a good first step16:07
kanzureand then finding out why they know what they know.16:07
* kanzure has access to the lab servers :)16:08
* kanzure is downloading the lab servers ;-)16:08
kanzureHrm. I should also have pywikipediabot crawl the wiki.16:10
--- Log opened Fri Jun 13 16:51:23 2008

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