
--- Day changed Sat Jun 21 2008
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap00:11
kanzureHey all.00:16
* kanzure is wondering about systematic energy consolidation routines.00:22
kanzureBasically you need a lot of mass and a lot of energy, and then you just throw the energy at the mass and form it, or throw the mass at the energy and do something else, etc. The typical problem is of overhead, methinks.00:23
kanzureThat's a list of every single link I've come across from the university's orientation session.00:32
kanzureI just randomly clicked on one of the links on that page - http://utseek.org/ - and note a striking resemblance of the 'contact' logo to http://konqueror.org/ ;-)00:34
joshcryerWhat is that?01:05
joshcryerI mean, the wiki link.01:05
joshcryerSome sort of scraper?01:05
kanzureThat's hand-written.01:06
joshcryerA days worth of websearches?01:06
kanzureNah. Not even. 01:09
kanzureHeh. :)01:17
-!- joshcryer [n=g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has quit [Client Quit]02:00
-!- Splicer [n=p@h51n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []04:43
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]05:10
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@www.online.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap05:21
fennfractal antenna anyone? http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/GRAPHIC1/TILINGS/Ammann1b.gif06:26
-!- nsh [n=nsh@host86-145-242-104.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]08:09
kanzureyes please13:33
kanzureI was just about to go brush up on my electrical power systems anyway.13:33
* procto finally got the biotech and genetic engineering textbook he ordered14:49
proctothe professor for molecular biotech still hasn't replied to my email14:49
proctoI was going to audit the quantum computation course at MIT in the fall14:49
proctobut it conflicts with one of my other courses14:49
kanzureI'm still looking for a few good classes to add to my schedule. Something to make me not go crazy with boredom. :)15:10
kanzureWhere's shogunx?15:10
kanzureSo, since I've discovered that everyone is clueless and anything related to manufacturing is just (1) lots of energy or (2) lots of mass, or (3) both, all thrown at the problem in massive amounts, I'm starting to think of deploying an energy harvesting network in the mean time and hoarding energy and mass.15:33
kanzureWith enough high efficiency, maybe I can just deploy a small electricity generation network by streaming electric generators around my local area, either with low-efficiency wireless transmission, or via crummy wires and portable stationary nodes where nobody will find it.15:34
kanzureThen with monthly harvesting schedules, we can accumulate energy, but that doesn't exactly get us the necessary mass and materials. 15:34
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/2008-06-21.html to see what I am talking about. But I'm just repeating myself.17:59
kanzureHow could an electrical generator possibly draw forth more energy than the motor is using to make the system work in the first place? Like in the case of a Faraday generator, where the motor spins the generator so that the electromagnetic inductance effect can be utilized.23:12
* kanzure wants to throw a laser and piezo together in a feedback loop and measure the speed of magnetism23:18
-!- kanzure [n=bryan@cpe-70-113-54-112.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]23:37

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