
--- Day changed Thu Jul 03 2008
kanzureHaha. This thing is a monster.03:33
willpow3rwhat is it?03:34
kanzureThe Beast is a quadcore nine foot tall tower sitting exactly center on the kitchen table, surrounded by four monitors03:35
kanzuresince otherwise the table tips and it all fails03:35
kanzureit ... glows03:35
* kanzure mumbles something about forgetting about the early-morning robot group meeting tomorrow03:36
kanzureheh, 730 in the evening03:39
kanzuregood thing03:39
kanzure25 MHz, dual channel, one probe03:45
kanzure3.2 MB, so be warned.03:55
kanzureit's up half a megabyte from last month :-/03:55
kanzureso 6 MB/yr ?03:55
kanzureso basically it will become completely dysfunctional by ...03:56
kanzurenext Monday.03:56
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kanzureHey nsh.03:59
* nsh smiles, waves03:59
nshhow's the signal?03:59
kanzureup 0.5 MB from 2.7 MB last month around this time04:02
kanzurealso, I just generated http://heybryan.org/webalizer/04:02
kanzureand http://heybryan.org/shots/2008-07-02.png sometime yesterday04:02
nshany interesting referrers?04:03
kanzureI should filter search engines from that list04:04
kanzureNobody likes linking to my site on their own web pages :-(04:04
kanzurealthough I'm not sure if I care04:04
kanzureI guess it would be nice to see a different referrer in the list04:04
* nsh nods04:05
nshLector Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice04:20
* nsh decides to retry opera04:22
kanzurensh: tell me what you think04:29
kanzurealso, I would recommend changing the settings so that tabs are vertical04:29
kanzureand stuff04:29
* nsh expected to be able to drag the tab bar04:30
nsh, was disappointed04:30
kanzureyou have to go through the preferences menu somehow04:31
kanzureactually, to the far left there should be a little tabby thing04:31
nshyou still using bookmarks-as-tabs type system?04:31
kanzuresort of :-/04:31
kanzureI'm starting to again now that I have more than one monitor04:32
kanzureit's too click-intensive with only one screen04:32
* nsh nods04:32
* kanzure is starting to hate computational complexity04:32
kanzureand it's seeming that computational complexity =~ attentional effort04:32
nshso it seems to me also04:35
kanzurewhich means that we get to import comp sci04:36
* kanzure can cope with comp sci ;-)04:36
* nsh smiles04:38
nshi'd be tempted to write a script to periodically check your bookmarks for changes/updates/deadlinks04:43
nshand perhaps just back them up to some online space04:43
nshinformation immortality through redundancy is the motto of our epoch04:44
kanzurewhat isi that you want to do?04:46
kanzurethrow my bookmarks into a repo and do diff's and update synchs04:46
kanzurebut then also periodically check for deadness?04:46
kanzureI'll soon be caching everything, so anything new I'll always have a copy of04:46
kanzureand I'm getting rid of ADR format (screw it)04:46
kanzureI'm going completely flat file /ideally/04:46
kanzuremaybe with a few scripts to convert to/fro Opera04:47
* nsh is thinking about generating a conceptual landscape04:50
nsh, lunch04:51
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kanzureoh my god I just 'got' Scrubs15:12
kanzurein one episode, they explain the hierarchy of sucking-up15:12
kanzureand they show up your interns laugh at every joke you make, and then how their lowers laugh at their jokes, and so on15:13
kanzureand at the end of the chain there's this hobo that makes a joke to a dog15:13
kanzureand the dog barks15:13
kanzurethe main character wonders "did that dog just laugh at a pun?"15:13
kanzureand then the audience supposedly laughs15:13
kanzuretherefore implying that the audience is the lowest peg on the chain15:14
* nsh smiles15:52
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ybithttp://spectrum.ieee.org/jul08/6392 :|20:42
ybithow do you contact the owners and tell them to move their junk20:42
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fennybit: with a decent space manufacturing infrastructure the trash can be kept under control with a variety of methods (laser broom, ionic deflection)22:03
ybiti was thinking of the latter earlier22:45
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