
--- Day changed Wed Jul 09 2008
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-248-70-246.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:53
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: Semi-intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS perspectives on Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/17:53
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Sat Jul 5 23:09:51 2008]17:53
[Users #hplusroadmap]17:53
[ fenn ] [ jm|earth] [ nsh ] [ Phreedom_] [ willPow3r] 17:53
[ freer] [ kanzure ] [ Overand] [ procto ] [ ybit ] 17:53
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal]17:53
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200817:53
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 30 secs17:54
kanzureHi fenn.18:15
kanzureI realized that you should probably go meet Damien18:18
kanzure' 18:19
kanzureThursday night: Science Fiction Discussion Group. We meet for dinner on Thursdays, except once a month when we meet at Borders to discuss some book. I've been pretty regular here too, since... I forget when. It's fun; I get to make people laugh with the right comments, whether because our senses of humor align more or because they're louder than other people I hang with so I notice more. ... but in 2005, I've joined an a capella g18:19
fennmetacat - cool19:09
fennhow do you know damien?19:09
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-76-248-70-246.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:16
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: Semi-intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio toolkit: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS perspectives on Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/19:16
-!- Topic set by kanzure [] [Sat Jul 5 23:09:51 2008]19:16
[Users #hplusroadmap]19:16
[ fenn ] [ jm|earth] [ nsh ] [ Phreedom_] [ willPow3r] 19:16
[ freer] [ kanzure ] [ Overand] [ procto ] [ ybit ] 19:16
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal]19:16
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200819:16
kanzurefenn: he's also hanged out with the extropy guys before apparently19:17
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 32 secs19:17
kanzureand the fact that he's anywhere near associated with Hofstadter just goes to show that he might be somebody worth saying hi to19:17
kanzureybit: I don't mind the links.19:17
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/humancortex.html#stuck I don't want to have to do programming for each and every paper that I come across. All of this information is so inaccessible. :-(19:19
kanzureMaybe the majority of the experiments can be classified by type, and we can just deploy automation to go through those types?19:19
kanzuretake the mouse brain studies19:19
kanzureall sorts of interesting lesions to be done, this could be somewhat methodolicalized19:19
kanzurelots of work. would it be worth it? or just go train other people to properly quantify their science?19:20
fenni think the latter is more feasible19:21
kanzurewhy would they listen19:21
fennopen standards, yadda yadad19:21
kanzureguess we just need to deploy comp sci people into it19:21
kanzuremaybe india has some starving programmers that might understand?19:22
fenni'm sure they will work for money19:22
kanzurejust need to inject enough overflow19:22
kanzurethat's kind of cheating I guess :)19:22
fennmy impression of indian programmers are they are mostly trained in the business/groupthink java school of thought19:22
kanzuremy first comp sci teacher was an indian and he was trained in java groupthink19:23
kanzureit was quite ironic :)19:23
fennwhy is that ironic?19:23
kanzureI think I was the only one who appreciated the humor though19:23
fennit's just depressing19:23
kanzure"all those darned indians taking our jobs overseas, somebody should do something!"19:24
kanzure"YEAH! like become a cs teacher!"19:24
kanzure"well, no."19:24
kanzure"guess what."19:24
fenni'd do it if the students werent so fucking annoying19:24
fennand the usual evilness of school19:25
kanzureI certainly don't mind teaching either19:26
ybiti wonder if the diybio goup would be interested in http://howto.wired.com/wiki/Check_Yourself_for_Genetic_Abnormalities19:26
kanzureOption 3 would be of interest to them19:27
kanzureshowing them where the right primers are would be a good first step19:27
kanzureI mean where the sequences are19:27
kanzuresuch as in Entrez or something19:27
kanzurefenn: I don't like relying on "hoping that others will appreciate standards" for 'sysadmining the brain'19:28
fenn"The State of California is trying to shut down direct-to-consumer genetic testing services." i wonder what that's about19:29
kanzurefenn: I sent an email about that on diybio.org19:30
kanzureit looks like it might be re: malpractice woes19:30
kanzurehow ironic19:30
kanzure"many eyes" for fixing bugs19:30
kanzurebut not malpractice19:30
kanzurehow could that possibly be the same thing? you're insane.19:31
fennurgh what's malpractice have to do with it19:31
kanzureno 'official registry' of them maybe19:32
kanzureI don't know, I didn't investigate completely19:32
-!- Splicer [n=p@h88n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:42
kanzurethough I have little interest in EEG19:46
kanzureit's interesting that the wikipedia neurofeedback article is all about EEG19:46
kanzurehttp://openeeg.sourceforge.net/doc/sw/NeuroServer/ <-- hrm19:48
kanzure'Neuroserver is a project started by Rudi Cilibrasi to provide a standard EEG server that mediates between the raw EEG devices and all the various EEG applications that the user may wish to run to analyse the incoming EEG data. Data is transmitted using TCP/IP, which means that the EEG data can just as easily pass over a network (or even the internet) as stay on the same machine. Standard EDF is used for header information and for19:48
kanzuresounds like a streaming audio server19:49
kanzureok, code from the lit would be great, but since we're not going to get that, the alternative is to code up an 'experimentation management system' - since the biomedical equipment you're wired to can be made to do mostly automatic measurements, so if you're spending a few hours doing some common tasks and you want to monitor how the session is going and such; 20:02
kanzurethen, the information that you stole from the lit can be validated/invalidated or somesuch20:02
kanzuresince you were using that as a way to narrow down possibility space (or widen it / get some new instances for parallel approaches in different methodologies)20:03
kanzureI'd be ok programming that sort of thing20:04
kanzuresince the 'targets' (like 'psychometric tests', if that has any meaning at all here) are already computationally defined20:04
kanzuremany psychometric tests are actually software packages on CD for deployment on laptops to the people the psychologist-researchers are testing anyway20:04
kanzureI kind of rolled my eyes when I learned about that :-/20:04
kanzureconsidering some of the software is just "here's a word on the screen, can you press the button quickly enough"20:04
-!- nsh [n=nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit []20:07
kanzureso, what, that's just driver programming really20:08
-!- Netsplit simmons.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: willPow3r, ybit, Overand, Phreedom_, freer20:09
-!- Overand_ [i=overand@crappy.domain.name] has joined #hplusroadmap20:09
-!- Netsplit over, joins: freer20:09
-!- Netsplit over, joins: willPow3r, ybit20:09
kanzureI wonder if I can use anything from mathematics for automated signal analysis and classification of certain functions, and from there devise new spychometric tests automatically20:09
fennhmm i've been playing a psychometric test called 'sol-deace' lately20:15
kanzure'In the year 3300, human technology advances drastically when a super computer known as GCS-WT is created after an AI circuit is developed and utilized. GCS-WT's purpose was to ultimately unify every human society using the power of diplomacy, but GCS-WT has other plans: rather than unify mankind, GCS-WT turns societies into a dystopia after becoming an all-powerful dictator who controls all military action as it sees fit and oppr20:16
kanzureis that him?20:16
kanzureNo, Eli is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendly_artificial_intelligence20:19
SplicerThere is an old comic from the 60:ies called Magnus, The robot fighter20:21
-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9EA9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]20:21
Splicer"By the year 4000, humanity has become dependent on robots. This allowed one robot, H8, damaged in a radiation accident, the polrob chief of the civic sector of North Am, to promote this dependency, and gradually impose totalitarian rule in the area under its control.20:22
kanzuremaybe eli played one too many video games20:22
Splicer(sounds a bit like 40:ies sci fi)20:23
Splicerhas anyone seen the piece of software that's supposed to train short term memory?20:25
kanzureI've seen something somewhere20:25
kanzureperhaps for second-by-second memory you can try typespeed20:25
Splicer;)... maybe20:26
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]20:28
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap20:30
kanzurenow I just need to work on the neural tissueing system20:32
kanzureno way in hell I'll implement weird 'suggested' chem without sandboxing20:32
kanzureI wonder if the Allen Institute would be willing to get me samples of the DNA of those tissues they used in their database20:33
Splicerit's probably difficult to get brain tissue in vitro to behave like braintissue inside a skull. I wonder if someone has done the 'Liver on a chip' thing with brain tissue. 20:49
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Remote closed the connection]20:51
kanzureyou mean neurons on silicon?20:52
kanzurethere's been neurons on silicon scaffolds, yeah20:52
SplicerI don't know exactly how they mimic the environment... one thing is they pump blood through it I think.20:55
Splicersomething about that liver grows fine on a plate and seems happy but the genexpressions are all wrong20:56
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap21:05
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Client Quit]21:08
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@209-150-60-29.c3-0.smr-ubr2.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap21:19
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap21:21
ybitooh, the cherry pops on my birthday! w00t21:28
ybitit's what cherrypal.com says atleast21:29
ybitdeclare your independence? :P21:33
ybitthat's silly21:33
ybitanyone speak Русский in here?21:34
ybitno? okay, just wondering21:35
kanzure"My lab is divided into five sectors: artificial intelligence, synthetic technology, biotechnology, electromechanics, top secret stuff. Top secret stuff? Right this way. To your left, you have your basic robot army, alien communicator, atom smasher, teleporter, giant robot, time portal. Ah, yeah, I'm sure you have all of this stuff back at your lab. Ah, yes. This is a personal favorite. By a process of neural infusion, I am 21:55
-!- Overand_ is now known as Overand22:00
ybitI am....22:00
ybityou can't leave me hanging like this! :)22:00
ybit[2055] <kanzure> "By a process of neural infusion, I am"22:01
kanzureI am able to harness the collective unconcious, so for a short time I am able to become the smartest person on earth. Not diabolical, but it couldn't hurt."22:02
ybitis that from your book?22:03
kanzureit's from Dexter's Laboratory :-)22:03
ybitah :P22:03
kanzureI assure you my writing is different. :)22:10
kanzurethe majority of my notes and pages are physically on handwritten pages from my time in prison22:11
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@209-150-60-29.c3-0.smr-ubr2.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit []22:12
ybitand i'm assuming the smudges are from when you were attempting to write but were getting a good butt raping22:21
ybitsorry, but i couldn't help myself22:21
ybiti found this a few days ago: http://www.linux.com/articles/11391722:26
ybiti'm about to set it up as soon as skim start cooperating with me22:27
ybitit = few of the progrmas mentioned22:27
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@c-76-19-67-145.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:27
ybitanyone tried any diybio lately?22:28
ybitthe brain map, kanzure, is an excellent idea22:28
ybiti didn't take a good look at the xml files, but how can you tell what's what?22:29
ybitmind sharing how you got the files?22:29
kanzurethe .pl files are how I acquired the XML files22:29
kanzurethe XML files are representative samples of the collection22:29
kanzurefor instance, the ABAT.xml file or whatever is an example of their data set for each individual gene22:30
kanzurethe file starting with '7' I think is one of the 'specimen' xml files22:30
kanzureand then the other one is an 'imageseries' file22:30
kanzureor something like that :-)22:30
ybitare you going to be writing a script soon to map the information to the google map api, or are you concentrating on extracting even more information?22:33
kanzuremy answer depends on whether or not you know about web programming22:33
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/ 'This documentation is designed for people familiar with JavaScript programming and object-oriented programming concepts. You should also be familiar with Google Maps from a user's point of view. There are many JavaScript tutorials available on the Web.'22:34
kanzure'The Google Maps API now adds supports for Mapplets (Maps + Gadgets), which allow you to embed externally hosted applications within Google Maps. These mapplets are run within their own iFrames, allowing you to create "mashups of mashups" and mix code from one site with another for example. '22:34
ybiti hadn't taken a look at their api22:35
ybiti have exp with (x)html, css, and python; also very little experience with c++, javascript, and haskell22:36
ybitthough i've been trained to hate java, i'll end up using it eventually for processing22:37
kanzurethat's fine then22:38
kanzureyeah, so I'm just doing an overlay with Google Maps maybe22:38
kanzureI'd prefer to not use js/ajax/google-maps, but somebody else already has [but it's nonexistant now]22:38
kanzureso it seems like something maybe worth replicating22:38
kanzurealso, homebrewing my own graphical interface will take me back into graphics, drivers, and blitting and such, and I don't know if I want to spend time with that .... although it's less daunting than web browsers. hrm.22:39
ybitmy pick is mapping the brain, it's one of the most ambitious coding projects i've come across in awhile22:40
ybityeah, i thought you were trying to decide which to do first :)22:42
kanzurewhat was the second22:42
kanzureor the alternative22:42
ybitweb browsers... i thought you were still working on your tabbing problem :)22:42
ybitway off?22:44
kanzureno, different subjects22:44
kanzureI was talking about javascript and browsers22:44
kanzureand I just don't like opening/closing browsers or tabs or refreshing to get updates when testing code22:44
kanzurein fact, I'd prefer to never, ever design a web page ever again22:44
kanzurewhat a sickening practice :)22:44
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@c-76-19-67-145.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:45
kanzureso the other browser stuff is probably something I should be doing right now22:45
ybiti've been tasked with designing a website and a logo recently22:45
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bookmarking.html at the very, very bottom22:45
kanzureybit: I'm sorry.22:45
ybitit isn't fun in the least :P22:46
kanzureybit: the main problem with the google maps idea is that it's not doing 'much'22:48
kanzureI still need to find a 3D model22:48
kanzureof the brain, and then I might be able to get something slightly interesting ... it's still not functional.22:48
ybitwhat was the problme with google earth? that it's essentially still 2d?22:48
ybitoh, nm22:49
kanzureI suppose I could make a website with a backend database and various entries for each user mapping out their own brain, as long as they have the I/O peripherals (OpenEEG, or whatever), 22:49
kanzureand then they can map their own brain, while also seeing those of others. Though it's not really "seeing" as much as it is ... well. stuff.22:49
ybitnow, that's an interesting idea22:49
kanzurebut it doesn't *do* anything22:49
kanzureit's a terrible idea22:49
ybitit costs around $400 to get the openeeg equipment22:50
kanzureis that the soundcard version?22:50
ybitnot sure22:50
ybitwhat do you want it to do? a map is that, it only provides information to the user22:51
kanzureusually people use maps to go places22:52
kanzureyou can't so easily go somewhere in your head like that22:52
kanzurehm? :)22:52
ybitdo you think the way to a BMI is through cyboging or nanobots22:53
kanzurenanobots, like, cells?22:53
ybitwell, i don't know, that's what i was about to ask you :)22:54
ybitwhat would these nanbots be exactly that are mentioned on wikipedia's "mind uploading" page22:54
kanzurewe already have BMIs22:54
kanzurewell, nobody knows, otherwise we would have them methinks22:54
ybitneural-prosthetics from the usc professor...22:54
kanzurethere are many 22:54
kanzurebut as for mind uploading22:54
kanzureI have a different approach to mind uploading22:54
kanzurefirst, you have to understand that your current brain incarnation may be fundamentally fucked22:55
kanzuresimply because it's not designed for uploading and so on22:55
kanzurebut we can fix this to some extent22:55
kanzureperhaps not in your own brain, but certainly one that you build22:55
ybitfrom what i can gather there, you are essentially wanting to connect the current brain to network of copies22:56
ybitor maybe not even a copy22:56
kanzurelet's take whatever it is that makes our brains interesting and preserve this information22:57
kanzurewe know we can grow brains, all of our newbies are born with them22:57
kanzurebut what we don't do right now is preserve the specific genetic and environmental factories that end up producing interesting brains that we consider to be "ourselves" to some extent22:57
kanzurenow, this isn't uploading obviously22:57
ybitwe can grow hearts, i don't see why we can't grow brains, but which substrate is dangerous: the biological tissue of the brain or silicon?22:58
kanzureif we are able to isolate that information and then play around with it with a working model of the brain then supposedly we could simulate it, no?22:58
ybitmore dangerous*22:58
kanzureand if we are able to simulate it, or if we are able to 'capture it', then surely we can integrate that "somewhat-youness" into other systems, not just wet brains. and if you're *building* one, why would you want to make the brain just as bad as our current ones? Why not make it plug-and-play compatible, and why not learn the parameters that lead to the growth of the systems that match yours to some extent?22:58
ybitpossibly, but how do you connect this new brain to our current one?22:58
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:59
kanzurefor the "not screwed" brain, you kinda don't22:59
kanzureit's already "you", you just train it or whatever is involved in that22:59
kanzurenow, let's say that it does turn into a competent brain at some point down the road22:59
kanzureand so now you have either a simulation of a brain that works and you consider to be you to some extent,23:00
kanzureor it's wired together with neurotransceivers from one region to the next (yikes, lots of neural projections can mess this up)23:00
kanzureso in that case it's already wired to itself, yes?23:01
kanzurewhat would stop it from being wired to, say, your brain23:01
kanzureso spend half the day with your PFC transmitting data to the fake basal ganglia, for instance23:01
kanzurethis will probably not get what you want,23:01
kanzureyou're not going to "slide like runny eggs into the new installation"23:01
kanzurewhich is what most mind uploading advocates want23:01
kanzureyou there?23:02
ybitwas reading and typing a response :)23:02
ybitare you through?23:03
ybitthat's not a comforting 'sure' :D23:03
* ybit thinks you could go on :D23:03
kanzureyes, I can :)23:03
kanzurebut what were you going to say?23:04
kanzureoh shit23:04
kanzureshit shit shit23:04
kanzureall of that SNP data23:04
kanzurehuman cortex genes23:04
* kanzure goes and gets Jong Bahk's SNP data from 23andme23:04
ybiti was simply pointing out that if you never connect to this new brain, then there isn't the 'carryover' (for lack of b.t.) that most will want, but you had answered that 23:05
kanzurewhere did I put it?23:05
kanzureokay, good23:05
kanzurecarryover/runny-eggs, or, in my book I call that 'divergence'23:05
kanzureeven if you clone yourself, your clone will not be exact23:05
kanzurebiology is not precise like that :)23:05
kanzurelossy compression23:06
ybiti had a brief question and answer session with james clement on facebook and he had an interesting response "There will be lots of possible answers to the multiple-self question - including that we "network" with our identical selves, and if something happens to one of us, the "group mind" merely experiences the loss of a body, but not the loss of a mind (which is redundantly distributed)... Ultimately, uploading will replace cryonics as the best way to23:06
ybitbackup yourself in case of unavoidable loss of physical substance..."23:06
kanzuresure, I try to talk with James nightly over jabber23:07
ybithe was a really nice23:07
kanzureI don't know about a 'group mind' though23:09
kanzureI think more along the lines of a brain that can be automatically turned on if I don't sign in via ssh to a server back home within 72 hours23:09
ybitwhen you speak of BMI, are you referring to such instruments as this one: http://www.technologyreview.com/Biztech/18276/?a=f23:09
kanzureI dislike EEG 23:10
kanzurebut sort of23:10
ybitme too23:10
kanzureI prefer hard, physical connections23:10
kanzureor fMRI, if that could be made useful23:10
kanzurewith rTMS. etc.23:10
ybitdid you ever read rainbows end?23:11
kanzureeh, I don't think I did23:11
kanzureI remember seeing it for free on the nhttp://www.technologyreview.com/Biztech/18276/?a=f23:11
kanzure*on the net23:11
ybitit has a good description of the type of interface that would be fantastic to have, though it's not BMI, i don't see any reason why it couldn't be23:12
ybitperhaps, might be able to get a glimpse of what i mean by checking out: http://books.google.com/books?id=SrLwPdBJodMC&dq=Vernor+Vinge&pg=PP1&ots=5Xqm_Po7fS&sig=0ghZtM0LMT9ExtwKmI-4SuAdj9s&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPP1,M123:13
ybitbooks take up a lot of time though, so i can understand if no one has time to read it23:14
ybiti usually stick to wikipedia summaries23:14
kanzureybit: uh23:14
kanzurehave fun23:14
kanzureI tried reading it once23:15
kanzuretoo much talking23:15
kanzureI got bored.23:15
ybiti was getting bored, but i was curious what technology he was going to introduce next23:15
kanzurewhat was it?23:15
ybitthey were able to browse the web using their for of bmi, talk through IM while physically talking to someone else... create extravagant 3d art or whatnot that everyone in class was tuning into through their visors, and a lot of the students stayed home and were in class through in virtual form23:18
ybitthey had theme parks setup for those wearing visors23:19
kanzureah, not much23:20
ybitthe theme parks being actual land....... and two social hackers were able to download maps of the piping system for the area they were and overlay the map ontop of the surface they were covering... and i'll quit23:21
ybityeah, i know23:21
ybitbut i liked it when i read it :)23:21
kanzurewhy quit?23:21
kanzureyeah, it's not bad23:21
kanzureit's just also not much23:21
kanzurehave you read Neverness yet?23:21
ybiti've heard of it23:21
kanzuregiant moonbrains that have thoughts equivalent to an entire civilization at once? etc.23:21
kanzureyou want to read it.23:22
* kanzure does the Jedi hand-waving thing23:22
kanzureI just did a search for peragwinn, the person who did some formatting changes on that txt file23:23
kanzurethere's about five results23:23
kanzureone of them is fenn.23:23
kanzureah, that's why, the scifi torrent23:23
kanzureoh, also fenn.dyndns.org23:23
ybithmm.. torrent link maybe?23:24
kanzurego read Neverness please :)23:25
kanzureI linked to it above btw23:25
ybitdude, you didn't have to do the jedi hadnwaving. you had me at moonbrain :)23:26
ybitman, i just keep bombing one after the next tonight23:27
ybitmy jokes..23:27
kanzureoh, had me at the moon23:28
ybithttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bombing ,option 623:28
ybitanyone working on growing a brain?23:32
ybitwait, disregard that Q23:32
kanzurenot that I know of23:32
ybiti need to go run and grab some coffee23:33
kanzure'Recent development on computer aided tissue engineering—a review - Get this article - all 7 versions »'23:34
ybithow do you connect the simulations to the brain?23:43
ybithow do you propose to the transfer to the simulated self?23:44
* ybit needs sleep and more so than coffee23:45
ybitsorry about the questions, but i haven't studied up enough on the brain23:45
kanzurethe second question needs to be reworded23:45
kanzurefirst question, the same damn way you connect two brains together with BMI23:45
kanzure'the transfer to the simulated self' - what do you mean by this?23:45
ybithow do you transfer the mind to the new mind*23:46
kanzureit doesn't work like that, it's not "mind uploading" as people traditionally want it to be23:46
ybitsure, i've heard people complain of the term23:47
kanzureso it'll probably involve some implants (typical MEAs) or maybe rTMS/fMRI or something to get some neurofeedback and make sure that the new-brain is functioning correctly, or whatever else :)23:47
kanzureand it will involve some gene sequencing23:48
* kanzure still needs to go find Jong Bahk's SNP data.23:48
kanzureI think it's in the biotech toolkit git repo actually :)23:48
ybitwell, you've given me enough to read tonight, as always23:51
kanzureso you remember your spark of an idea23:51
kanzurewhen I mentioned google maps + users on a website23:51
kanzureand then being able to see each other's data23:51
kanzureok, now include the information from 23andme23:52
* ybit bows. こんにちわ23:52
-!- Phreedom_ [n=freedom@] has joined #hplusroadmap23:52
ybitwell, atleast scim is working even though i said the wrong word :P23:53
ybitwhat's up Phreedom_ :)23:53

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