
--- Day changed Thu Jul 10 2008
kanzureyou know what, I bet 23andme would be willing to fund that00:04
kanzureit's in /home/bryan/cache/genomes/deCODEme_scan.scsv00:05
kanzure31 MB. hm.00:09
kanzure'Where "Name" is the official symbol of the SNP taken from dbSNP (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, and the Cambridge reference sequence, Public SNP source, dbSNP 128)'00:11
kanzurethat's from Jong Bahk00:16
ybithmm, anyone want the neverness pdf?02:42
ybiti just converted it after changing it to a readable font02:42
ybitperhaps i should now02:42
ybitguess anyone can do this themselves 02:43
ybiti forget i'm not dealing with the people i typically have to work with02:43
ybitbut if you are lazy, then msg me :)02:44
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kanzureybit: uhm, on another note03:20
kanzurethe font that it displays in03:20
kanzureis your default font03:20
kanzureyou can change this03:20
kanzuredepending on your browser it's probably very simply in the preferences03:21
kanzureI like to read in Tmes New Roman03:21
ybitCentury Schoolbook L is what it was changed to03:24
* ybit goes to bed03:24
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kanzurehttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1828931383490669655&q=blender+conference+2006 'At the Blender conference, Alberto Cardona discussed his methods for using Blender to reconstruct serial sections of Drosophila brains and annelid ganglia/connectives. I don't begin to understand the algorithms, but it seemed promising (I am also a neuroscientist). Google for videos of "Blender Conference 2006" to view his presentation.' 06:32
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kanzurea brain in a blender doesn't sound good06:56
kanzurebut I should go email Alberto06:56
* nsh smiles06:58
kanzurehm, he mentions git06:59
kanzuresadly he's carving out the microtubules by hand07:06
kanzureso he goes through each layer and selects it by hand07:06
kanzureand then builds this up into vertices/vectors, and then generates a 3D wireframe/mesh from that07:06
kanzuresucks, but it sounds like he's been looking for something slightly more uh07:06
kanzuremaybe some extra genetic markers07:10
kanzureremember the genetic recombination in the mouse brain paper?07:10
kanzureit was lit up like a christmas tree in there07:10
* nsh fails to recall, would appreciate reference07:11
nshgot it07:11
kanzurepossibly more trustworthy source: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1588689507:12
kanzureyarr, only available on windows07:14
kanzureI'll consider sleeping now.07:14
* nsh watches the blender video07:22
nshhe used hamming distance for vectors07:22
nshor something similar07:23
* nsh looks for paper07:24
kanzureif you find anything please share07:38
nshlinks from http://www.mcdb.ucla.edu/Research/Hartenstein/acardona/science.html07:40
nsh^ the blender paper07:41
kanzure600 GB dataset07:42
kanzurewell, shit07:42
kanzurethat's for a flybrain07:42
kanzurehttp://www.mcdb.ucla.edu/Research/Hartenstein/acardona/reading_notes.html <-- hahah07:43
kanzurethis is much like my own notes on, well, everything07:43
kanzurehe cites Markram07:43
kanzureand Kurzweil07:44
kanzureand Peter Norvig. Very interesting. Peter is the guy behind http://goertzel.org/ - Goertzel's funding07:44
kanzureor he's the guy doing some SIAI stuff. I forget.07:45
nshrings a bell07:45
nshoh, he's director of research at google07:45
kanzurehe's moving to Zurich07:46
kanzureoh, sorry07:46
kanzuremost awesome job in the galaxy07:46
nshvery likely07:46
* nsh has to go vortex some flies07:46
kanzurebut really07:46
kanzurensh, are you near Zurich?07:46
nshnot particularly09:28
nsh2,340km by road09:29
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kanzurestupid geography11:34
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ybitstill looks the same as the last ;)14:31
kanzurepidgin died and fell out of the air14:32
ybitkopete shoot it down?14:32
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kanzurea 'fail camp'16:20
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kanzureWhat's going on?17:42
Splicerjust bought a name cause i liked the sound of it17:43
Splicera .com name... it's not rippled through yet17:45
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fennnasa tv is kinda interesting right now19:24
willPow3r words of a true nerd.19:25
willPow3rjoke. juust a joke.19:28
fennlol there is an SCA member/video game developer from austin on this flight19:42
fennas they are hacking away at the spacecraft with a knife19:44
Splicerhow come the american is in charge of sewing up the russian module?19:46
fennthey're both russians, the american is a translator on the ground19:48
fennit's kinda confusing because she's speaking for both of them19:48
SplicerI was thinking she was very cool19:49
Splicershe really sounds like she takes part19:50
willPow3rare you watching on tv or streaming?19:56
SplicerI'm listening to audio only on nasa tv19:57
fennyou're probably missing avisynth.dll right?20:01
fenngo to mplayerhq.hu and get the codec pack20:01
willPow3roh man, i really don't want to install realplayer on linux20:03
fennyou dont have to, mplayer works fine20:03
SplicerI'm actually running an xp... if there is a video I think the reason I'm not getting it is because my p2p downloads use the bandwidth.20:05
SplicerI really like this pic, it's taken after the landing of a russian capsule:20:06
willPow3rhah  yep20:06
SplicerRussians can often have a cool pragmatic outlook on things20:08
willPow3ris there a non-translated version?20:09
fenni like this one http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg/398px-Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg20:11
Splicergood pic 20:13
SplicerI really like that thrusterdesign for some reason20:14
willPow3rrussian tv news is amazing20:22
willPow3rthey actually show somewhat unbiased reporting on iran20:24
willPow3rand they have way-hot female news anchors20:26
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wrldpcGreetings from DIYBio.21:56
wrldpcwe're running the electrophoresis experiment ... i cant locate the doc ... 21:59
wrldpcit's an o'reilly piece ... if anyone has that link i'd appreciate it ... I'm going to cross-post this request to diybio21:59
wrldpcbishop you're an AI.22:01
wrldpcbryan r u there?22:01
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ybitthe font in my tty screens is WAY too large, how can i adjust it? also, when booting up, it doesn't show anything, just a blank screen and it takes forever to load as opposed to when i select recovery mode in the grub menu23:26
ybitin the grub.lst file, i removed quiet23:26
ybitso, i don't know what's going on when it boots showing nothing23:27
ybitholy crap23:31
ybitwrong channel :P23:31
ybitsorry everyone23:31
ybitbut hey, if anyone knows an answer that'd be nice23:31

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