
--- Day changed Fri Jul 18 2008
Splicerthey usually are00:35
proctofolks I have seen the future00:38
proctospent tonight at the fablab in boston00:38
proctolasering shit00:38
proctolaser cutters.... i want one in every room of my house00:39
-!- Netsplit niven.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Overand, Democritus, procto01:10
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kanzure_procto: fablab flunked in Austin.01:29
-!- h2i [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap03:09
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kanzure_What controls the irssi blinkenthinger blink rate? It looks abnormally high.03:36
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-!- [PLACEHOLDER] is now known as nsh05:00
procto_kanzure_: flunked?05:07
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:04
-!- Hrpuffnstuf [n=ard@c-68-49-79-239.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:01
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-!- Jacco [n=Im@adsl-074-166-085-040.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:19
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-!- Democritus [n=bee@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:45
kanzure_Hey Jacco.11:01
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:27
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kanzurefenn: did you see the javascript-based interface to graphviz and dia?12:46
kanzureit looked like an interactive graphing utility that could be used for suckering people into making up models for skdb12:46
kanzureespecially if we just tie it in to generating some .skdb files or some such12:46
kanzureI wonder if there's a dia <=> yaml conversion utility12:47
kanzureah, we can just have a dia variable in the metadata for relationships perhaps12:47
fenngenerating graphviz commands is fairly easy i think12:50
kanzureh2i: Would you want to play around with the moupsemap thing?12:50
kanzureI remember the dia syntax being simple enough12:50
kanzuresomething like, quite literally "thinger1 => thinger2" showing directionality12:50
fenni think you are thinking of something else, not dia?12:51
kanzureoh, maybe?12:51
fenngraphviz syntax is fairly simple (for simple diagrams)12:51
fenndia seems to use some binary format12:52
kanzurebad memory then12:53
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap13:00
-!- Jacco is now known as Andares13:01
AndaresHey kanzure.13:01
kanzureHi Andares.13:02
AndaresPassaged some hNPs today. ;)13:02
AndaresIt was only 1:1 but still fun.13:02
AndaresHope they didn't get infected though..13:02
kanzurehuh, the SVG + js options look pretty easy http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-svgint/#Scripting (I'm just guessing on the anchor name)13:05
Andaresjs = javascript?13:06
kanzureyes, sorry13:06
kanzureI usually just spell it out since it's retarded13:06
kanzurebut the extension name is .js so :)13:06
AndaresI dislike js13:06
Andareswith a passion.13:06
kanzureMe too. I don't know why I'm doing this.13:06
AndaresThe same kind of feeling when you wake up in the morning in a random bed with stuff written in permanent ink on your forehead :p13:11
AndaresAnd alcohol and strange pills strewn about.13:11
Democritushmm clothing optional party - think i will pass on this one13:13
Democritusgoto a naked party or stay home and code13:13
kanzure_What are you talking about?13:18
AndaresCode, of course.13:18
Andareskanzure_, I was describing the feeling of the morning-after of js programming :p13:18
kanzure_Ah, well this is the morning of :-)13:18
Democritusoh i got invited to goto that13:19
Democritusgotta love "clothing optional 2nd and 3rd floor"13:19
AndaresDemocritus, dammnn go to it. :D I would get over my anxiety probably though beforehand13:20
Democritusi dont have any13:20
Democritusbeen to boatloads of em13:20
fenn"No Genital Sex" <- what exactly is that supposed to mean?13:24
Democritusthat is standard13:24
Democritusi used to goto a every weekend BDSM club- same thing13:24
Democritusfull nudity- you are allowed everything but that13:24
Democritusthat keeps the clubs from getting shut down13:25
Democritusthey tend to seriously bend the local obscene laws- but full genital sex ALWAYS breaks whatever city code that is applicable13:26
fennso, um, lessee would a 'rimjob' be permitted?13:26
-!- Jacco [n=Im@adsl-074-166-085-040.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:28
Democritusthat was always a point of contention13:28
kanzure    var f6=function(x){return ( (1/(1.3*Math.sqrt(2*Math.pi))) * Math.pow( -((Math.log(x)-Math.log(0.05))/1.3)/2,2) ); };13:28
kanzureWhy would this not plot in javascript?13:28
kanzurethe main issue is the return variable, not the rimjob13:29
kanzureerm, I mean, not the variable basis13:29
Democritusha - sorry kanzure13:29
kanzuresorry for what?13:29
Democritus(diverting from real discussion)13:29
kanzuremost of what goes on in here is a diversion13:29
Democrituskk 13:29
kanzurea good excuse for me to not be doing work etc.13:29
kanzure'good' being relative13:30
Democritushey did you happen to read the log from after you left last night?13:30
Democritusi was writing descriptions of how i interpretted your idea- was just curious if it is getting closer to a match13:30
kanzurecan any of you read german code?13:37
kanzurehttp://svglbc.datenverdrahten.de/?code=funktion_integrieren&znr=on where are the vertical axis limits specified?13:37
kanzurewell, Dutch13:37
Democritusfor the comments?13:38
kanzurenot quite, just the variables in general13:38
kanzurensh: want to give it a try?13:38
-!- h2i is now known as ybit13:39
kanzure_the <title> tag on the page said Google Moupse13:41
fennwhere is the actual app so we can see wtf you're talking about?13:42
kanzureybit found it :)13:42
kanzureuh, that's probably a bad link13:42
ybitit is :)13:42
kanzureyou'll have to check the logs13:43
kanzureI'm missing those logs due to the porno'clock crazies13:43
ybitlinked from http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/Banff2007Demo13:44
-!- Andares [n=Im@unaffiliated/jacco] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]13:44
ybitwhat did you have have in mind by "play with it"? 13:45
kanzuremaybe something involving the Google Maps API plugins stuffs13:47
ybitYeah, I'll try to conjure something this afternoon when there's time13:53
-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9FD80.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:53
kanzuremotherboard arrives tonight13:59
kanzurewhere the hell are my video cards?13:59
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has joined #hplusroadmap14:11
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-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]14:15
kanzurelooks like the diybio group has sold out14:15
kanzuremac's advertizing 'professional' social networking websites (that ignore professional web standards like FOAF and OpenID .. geeze, how professional) and Carolina for 'diy kits'14:16
kanzurehow is buying stuff from Carolina supposed to be 'diy'14:16
kanzurealthough I admit that it is nice that they allow credit card transactions from noninstitutions, of course14:17
fennffs stumbled over anders sandberg again14:37
kanzureI just called Tom Knight out on bullshitting14:44
fennheh buybio14:49
kanzuresounds like a prostitution service14:51
fenni wonder if tom knight knows about this thing called linux14:52
fennseriously though, if you need to buy a kit to do DNA extraction, well, that's worse than buying an arduino because you can't solder a circuit board14:53
kanzurethat just blew up my mind14:54
kanzurethe analogy is starting to make sense14:54
fennits about the same level of difficulty14:54
fennput some cells in a mixture of phenol and .. ether? i forget exactly14:54
kanzuresorry for caps14:55
fennchloroform, not ether14:55
fennwp to the rescue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_extraction14:55
kanzurethese guys are jackasses14:55
kanzure"I agree. 14:56
kanzureIn that vein, Intel got under my skin for the last time last week, too. So I rolled my own fab, complete with pvd, cvd and lithography machines culled from old banana skinning machines and used a low power chip design Andy Grove whispered to me. 14:56
kanzureI'll have the specs up on the wiki soon.  No stopping humans now."14:56
nshthis should prove entertaining14:57
fennwtf are they trying to do?14:58
kanzuremy response - '14:58
kanzureComparing DNA extraction and running gels to running a microprocessor fabricator is retarded. But if you really want to be a jerk and argue the microprocessor side of things, let's go talk about how the industry started and how these guys were buying camera lenses down the street and shinning down on giant boards of wax to etch out giant circuits.'14:58
kanzuregel extractions14:58
kanzurenot microproc fabricators14:58
kanzurehell, this analogy *sucks*14:58
nshno, google, you *don't* need to know a little more about me before starting google groups14:58
nshheh, i log out, and suddenly it's not a twat anymore14:59
nshmoral: don't be logged into a google account unecessarily15:00
kanzure"Your body is producing DNA all the time, what do you think that shit flying out your whacker is made of? Damn it, folks, this isn't magic."15:00
nshdo you know what also annoys me15:01
kanzure hm?15:01
nshpeople who post that "you're setting up a false dichotomy between two extremes, when really most people compromise somewhere in the middle" bollock all the time15:02
nshyes, we are all aware of this.15:02
* nsh swears some people think they are the only person to have realised that there are shades of grey and are on an evangelical mission to spread their divine revelation15:03
fennnsh: btw did i mention my divine revelation?15:03
* nsh smiles15:03
fennthe TRUTH is that there are no shades of grey!15:04
fennit's turtles all the way down my dear15:04
kanzuremm, turtle soup15:04
nshthomas knight and talli just seem like dicks, tbh15:04
fenncranky usenet syndrome15:05
kanzuretom is an MIT professor/oldie15:05
* nsh nods15:05
kanzureI guess they get to be jerks after all these years15:05
kanzureI think they are actually groupies15:05
nshprobably light-hearted15:05
kanzureit looks like the diybio people are really just some lab group who are close friends15:05
kanzureI have nothing against close friends15:06
kanzurebut it looks like they are doing "sekrit" work that they don't share on the mailing list15:06
fennso does iGEM just mail biochem kits to anyone who asks? how does this work exactly?15:06
kanzureso naturally since they run things ... ;-)15:06
kanzuredon't know, I haven't investigated15:06
kanzureit looks like they mail to 'labs'15:06
kanzurebut there has been high school teams before15:06
kanzureok, they've stopped emailing15:08
* kanzure is a flood of mindforce :-)15:09
nshbut, srsly15:12
nshwhat do you need for gel electrophoresis anyway...15:12
nshit's just voltage, buffer, and agarose ffs15:12
nshand EtBr15:12
kanzureheh, EtBr :(15:12
nshis that hard to attain?15:12
fennthere are other stains15:12
kanzureyou know what would be awesome?15:12
kanzureif I could piss DNA staining dyes.15:13
kanzureok, that wouldn't be so awesome. nevermind.15:13
-!- procto_ is now known as procto15:13
fenn"SYBR Safe" for instance15:13
fennwhatever that is15:13
nshyou need ~.5 microlitres of EtBr per sample15:13
kanzurefenn: you remember the silicon 'gels' that were on newscientist a while back?15:13
nshthat's gotta be less than a penny15:13
kanzurensh: getting neurotoxins when you're not in a lab is not easy15:13
kanzureI haven't checked15:14
fennnsh: it's not the cost its the cost of disposal (etbr is a strong mutagen)15:14
kanzurenevermind, I'm lying15:14
nshoh, we just flush it (jk)15:14
kanzurewhat happened to that great medical benefit package?15:14
fennoh wait, you work in a lab, wtf am i teaching you for15:14
kanzureI wish one of you would whack these guys into line15:14
kanzureobviously I try and it doesn't work :-)15:15
* nsh is too vitriolic15:15
* fenn is too melancholic15:15
fennack what is this http cache cleaner thing15:15
* fenn grumbles about ubuntu being windows in disguise15:15
kanzure"I think you should tone down your e-mails and think about how your enthusiasm could come across as arrogance some times."15:15
kanzureI just got that as an email from John15:16
kanzureas arrogance.15:16
kanzurehow is what I said arrogant ?15:16
kanzureanybody? we're all smart guys, what did I say that's arrogant?15:16
nshyou have to be right gently, kanzure15:16
kanzureI see.15:16
nshbeing bluntly right is not well recieved15:16
kanzurethat's tricky15:16
fenni was just reading "how to have confidence and power" the other day..15:17
fennthere's a whole chapter about how not to win an argument15:18
fennbasically the idea is you have to simply state obvious facts and let the other guy draw the obvious conclusion15:18
fennbut if you ram the obvious conclusion down his throat, he'll only fight back harder in order to preserve his own ego (against all logic)15:18
nshit's about the interface15:20
kanzuremy approach to emails is "point by point" commenting instead of synthesis writing15:20
kanzure'synthesis' is where they might be willing to listen15:20
nshthe interface between epistemologies is different to the bare facts at matter15:20
kanzurepoint-by-point gets too hard to track all of the different emails together.15:20
kanzurensh: that's a hard barrier to get over15:20
nshit's a dance :-/15:20
kanzureI see it all the time in mostly everything I do15:21
* nsh too15:22
kanzuremethinks this might end up with me having to teach everyone about linux, showing them how open source projects usually run and why that might possibly be more useful than being secretive, about dependencies and how much not having a DLL or lib file sucks, etc.15:24
kanzureI can't believe these guys wouldn't have this background already though ...15:24
JaccoHi guys.15:26
nshmoin, Jacco15:27
kanzureHey Jacco.15:27
kanzureRick James?15:27
kanzure#gcc ##chemistry ##neuroscience #hplusroadmap #ai #defocus  <-- is good15:27
kanzureanything saying #gcc ;-)15:28
nshapart from that last chan. a greater hive of scum and villainy there n'er was15:28
kanzuresucks how the more I look into the less awesome these people are15:45
kanzureeli's officially off my list, even if he does truly want to solve these problems,15:45
kanzuretom knight, wtf15:45
-!- Splicer [n=p@h47n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:48
kanzureHas anyone sent an email to hplusroadmap since the 12th and has it gone through ?15:48
kanzuremaybe I am arrogant15:57
kanzureI haven't considered this before15:58
kanzuream I arrogant?15:58
-!- Andares [n=Im@adsl-074-166-085-040.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:02
fenni wouldnt say arrogant so much as naive and ignorant :)16:10
kanzureI think I'm ignorant of where the hell they're coming from16:10
fennhmm, what was 'john' referring to in particular? did he even say?16:10
kanzure'overall' I suspect16:11
fennyou often appear to have 'the answer' and are ramming it down the reader's throat16:13
* Splicer agrees16:13
fennwhen the reader notices an obvious technical flaw that would make the whole idea fail completely, it just leaves you looking like an ass16:13
kanzuretechnical flaw?16:14
kanzurethe idea is to fix the technical flaws, no?16:14
fennum, here's one example: growing algae for biodiesel to make rocket fuel on orbit16:15
nshwhat was wrong with that ide?16:15
kanzureyeah, it's not like I have the actual reactions for that 16:15
kanzureso how could it be a technical flaw?16:16
kanzureI know I'm being an ass here16:16
fenn'here' meaning diybio list?16:16
kanzurebut in general, proposing something like that, and then leaving them hanging, is probably bad practice16:16
kanzureI'd have to do immediate followup with ways of making the protocols and investigating how to go about doing it16:16
kanzurebut explaining to them how to search for information is like holding their hand :(16:17
kanzureI wouldn't mind it,but I'll look like even more of an ass16:17
Spliceryou bring in sci fi arguments/solutions into discussions without thinking twice about it.. you do it often16:18
Splicerand you do it into context where people are trying to get actual things done16:18
kanzureyou think I'm not trying to get things done?16:19
SplicerI'm not sure you know what that entails any more16:19
kanzureshould I just start appending a "how to actually do this" to all of my messages and make it simpler ?16:19
Splicerbut that's the thing... you never know that16:19
kanzureif I knew how, the _exact_ how for everything, I don't think I'd need to be talking16:19
kanzureyeah, but I have the rough outline16:20
kanzureand the general frameworks I've been using don't suck16:20
Spliceryou hava a millionm of them 16:20
kanzurethe 'epistemology' perhaps ;-)16:20
-!- Jacco [n=Im@adsl-074-166-085-040.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]16:20
kanzurenot so, it all lines up pretty well16:20
kanzurefor instance: me talking about neurotagging in here one day16:21
Splicerit all falls apart as soon as you actually would take time to try to atually make one of them16:21
kanzureand a week later ybit finding a link to an implementation :)16:21
kanzurethen how is it that these things are working and things are rolling?16:21
Splicerwhat is rolling?16:21
kanzurefor instance, the biotech toolkit16:21
kanzurewell, the community support isn't, but that's an education/support issue, not a technical issue16:22
Splicerdoes it work now... the last version I saw didn't16:22
* fenn hides16:22
* kanzure isn't interested in getting into this discussion16:22
kanzureI was more talking about the approach to presenting the ideas16:22
Splicerit's easy to braindump ideas.. everyone can do that.. but people dont16:23
kanzurefenn: what do you think about the 'step by step howto' appended to all of my outgoing messages? And then I can clearly highlight "this general fuzzy area is where I would hope you guys would like to spend some time thinking about"16:23
kanzureshow them my maps and such.16:23
fenni'm not convinced that's the problem, but it might help to clarify what precisely you're talking about16:24
fenni mean, you arent talking about mining salt and refining petroleum into lab reagents16:24
fennbut it was never explicitly stated what level of "diy" you envisioned16:25
kanzurethe definition I sent to the diybio group today was not so much diy from scratch (which is, yes, what I want) but rather dependency information -- some degree of not letting proprietary stuff be a single point of failure in your system16:26
kanzureerm, and overall I don't quite see the connection to how to write good email16:26
fennah i just read the xml/arduino post16:27
fenncan't seem to get google groups to display threads like i want16:27
kanzurere: displaying threads, I wish they did hierarchical threads for gmail. I'd actually use the web interface then.16:29
kanzureI think I should get advice from #electronics about arduino before I go around referencing it16:35
kanzureI haven't actually used it, but the local robot group and actlab and others have brought it up (live) so I suspect it might be as it says it is16:35
kanzurejust haven't used it yet :-)16:36
* kanzure is still impressed with Eric Hunting16:37
fennthe thing about arduino is it's a hardware platform and a software platform too, but you can mix and match with other hardware/software16:39
fennso when you say 'arduino' its ambiguous :(16:39
kanzureI see.16:39
fennlike if you could run mac OS on any computer16:39
fennthen what does 'mac' mean16:39
kanzurebut isn't that the point16:39
kanzureeven if it is ambiguous, either way works16:39
kanzurefor instance, both the software and hardware is available16:39
kanzuredepends on the context in which you employ it, no?16:39
fennyeah, on the whole i'm quite pleased with the arduino project16:40
fennit still smacks of prepackaged snacks though16:40
fenni just get annoyed when someone doesnt know which way to turn a bolt16:41
kanzuretrue enough16:42
kanzurewas arduino from Make or did they make it because they got on Make?16:43
fennuhh.. Make doesnt actually make anything :(16:46
kanzurethe brand thing16:46
kanzureby 'make it because' I mean 'make it big'16:47
kanzureheh, ambiguity16:47
fennhm there's just a pun waiting to happen with this "AVR reactor" (german nuclear reactor in the 60's)16:47
kanzureI don't see it16:47
kanzureis this an Atmel AVR reference?16:47
kanzuresince we're talking about arduino?16:47
fennarduino is based on an avr chip, which provides 99% of the functionality16:48
kanzurensh: Are you still around? And would you be willing to interpret some Dutch code for me? http://svglbc.datenverdrahten.de/?code=funktion_integrieren&znr=on16:55
* nsh wonders why an american guy wants a british guy in finland to interpret dutch code from germany16:56
fenngoogle translate works ok16:57
fennif you copy/paste16:57
* nsh has verdict: it probably draws stuff16:57
kanzurejust looking for the vertical axis specification16:58
kanzuresince I'm trying to plot a function that goes beyond the range and domain it instantiates16:58
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]16:58
kanzurethanks fenn16:58
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #hplusroadmap16:59
kanzureah, it's German.17:00
-!- nsh [n=nsh@87-94-146-186.tampere.customers.dnainternet.fi] has quit [Client Quit]17:01
kanzure"`Arbitrary does not mean random or meaningless. Arbitrary merely means without previous dependency.` http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_Philosophy " hm17:07
* fenn glazes over17:10
fennsomebody turn me before i burn!17:10
* kanzure turns fenn17:11
fennok i'm done17:15
-!- fenn_ [n=pz@adsl-76-251-84-68.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:49
-!- Topic for #hplusroadmap: heybryan server will be down as of 2008-07-12 | Semi-intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXKbzbeipmI http://diybio.org/ http://openwetware.org/ | diy bio tools: http://biohack.sf.net/ | Automated societal knowledge (put it to work): http://heybryan.org/exp.html | Channel wiki: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/ | F/OSS re: Kurzweil: http://heybryan.org/fernhout/18:49
-!- Topic set by nsh [] [Tue Jul 15 03:32:49 2008]18:49
[Users #hplusroadmap]18:49
[ fenn ] [ freer ] [ kanzure ] [ Overand ] [ procto ] [ ybit] 18:49
[ fenn_] [ jm|earth] [ kanzure_] [ Phreedom] [ Splicer] 18:49
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 11 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal]18:49
-!- Channel #hplusroadmap created Sat Mar 22 15:44:12 200818:49
-!- Irssi: Join to #hplusroadmap was synced in 44 secs18:50
-!- fenn [n=pz@adsl-99-133-184-7.dsl.bltnin.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]19:02
-!- Democritus [n=ard@c-68-49-79-239.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:54
kanzurethings did not go well20:32
kanzuresomebody posted and called it a flamewar :( it clearly was not a flamewar20:32
kanzureOkay. Let's just try working backwards. If you were a quadcore, where would you be?21:11
ybitdidn't read the full log, but the only part which seems like you are attacking someone is 22:05
ybitComparing DNA extraction and running gels to running a microprocessor22:05
ybitfabricator is retarded. But if you really want to be a jerk and argue22:05
ybitthe microprocessor side of things22:05
ybit""" ^22:06
ybitbut other than that, it seems like you were right on target 22:06
kanzureapparently that guy that I was replying to there was being sarcastic and so on22:07
kanzurehere's his message22:07
kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/diybio/tree/browse_frm/thread/86ad9a3f8ccb150e/ffd7fd5339985faa?rnum=11&_done=%2Fgroup%2Fdiybio%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fthread%2F86ad9a3f8ccb150e%3F#doc_2a3a2ea3a030a41b 22:08
kanzure http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/tree/browse_frm/thread/86ad9a3f8ccb150e/676fbbfe06da4a86?rnum=21&_done=%2Fgroup%2Fdiybio%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fthread%2F86ad9a3f8ccb150e%3F#doc_3b2d57d6d81dfd4e22:09
kanzureand #2722:09
kanzureanyway, ybit - did you check out any of the Google maps APIing stuffs ?22:10
kanzureto me or him?22:10
-!- Democritus [n=ard@c-68-49-79-239.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]22:11
kanzureheh :)22:11
ybitdoing it now, installing some dependencies22:11
kanzureI'm sure I could have handled it better22:11
kanzurebut I didn't :(22:11
ybitoh well, it's obvious you just want what's best for everyone22:11
kanzureis it22:11
ybiti'm being serious22:11
kanzureThis is so very weird. I have every single component of everything I've bought for the desktop: every single screw, every single piece of cardboard, all of the hardware, all of the documentation, manuals and CDs, but no microprocessor.22:16
kanzurewhile my thoroughness was admirable, it's completely failed me22:16
ybitsame here, except i need a power supply now :P22:18
kanzureis it possible that I shipped the microprocessor back to new egg with the dead motherboard?22:19
kanzureI clearly remember taking the microprocessor off of the board and putting it into a separate retainer case22:19
kanzureand also putting it into one of the boxes I've triple searched in the last few minutes22:19
ybitI dug a hole to plant a future peach tree, but I couldn't remember where the seed was placed :P22:21
ybitthat's my story of losing something today 22:21
ybityeah, it's lame, i know :P22:21
kanzurelosing a quadcore is the ultimate in lameness22:21
* ybit drools22:21
kanzurebut it's lost22:21
ybitif you live in a dorm, it may have been stolen?22:22
Splicerif you bought the pc as parts: is it on the pack slip?22:22
kanzuretwo potential times it could have been stolen22:22
kanzurepack slip?22:22
kanzure(1) it could have been stolen while it was in the box in the trailer. This is unlikely since it was in a box in the back of the trailer underneath everything else.22:23
kanzure(2) if it was loaded in one of the first few trips, the door was unlocked once or twice only22:23
kanzurehowever, again, it was underneath everything else and I wasn't gone for more than 2 or 3 minutes22:23
kanzureand stealing only a microprocessor at the very bottom? and leaving everything in order?22:24
kanzureSplicer: what is this 'pack slip' that you speak of?22:24
Spliceri reread the post.. you didn't buy it now.. so no packaging slip(if that's what it's called)22:24
kanzurewhat is a packaging slip though?22:25
kanzureyou mean a receipt?22:25
Splicerwhen you buy something, say online... yeah, but it's not really a receipt.. it's the slip that says what was sent.22:25
kanzureah, yeah, I had it earlier22:25
kanzureso I know I (should) have it22:25
Splicer( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packing_slip )22:27
ybit( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adhd )22:30
kanzureI do very thorough searches22:30
kanzureI know this thing must still exist on this planet22:30
kanzureso I've narrowed down 99.9999% of the galaxy22:30
ybityou came down my street and didn't tell me!? ;)22:42
* ybit is waiting on this program to finishing compiling22:42
ybitvirtuoso, that is22:42
-!- jm|earth [n=jm@p57B9FD80.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]23:20

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