
--- Day changed Sun Jul 20 2008
* kanzure points out that Roy found me, I didn't find him.01:05
ybiti'm guessing you were interviewed?01:46
kanzureJust that he found me.01:50
kanzureApparently he's in the Austin area.01:50
kanzurea lot of those people in that TOC are good names to know01:50
kanzurefor instance, I came across Howard a few years back because of his work re: well.com01:50
kanzure'The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, normally shortened to The WELL, is one of the oldest virtual communities in continuous operation. It currently has about 4,000 members. It is best known for its Internet forums, but also provides email, shell accounts, and web pages. The discussion and topics on the WELL range from the deeply serious to the generally silly, depending on the nature and interests of the participants.'01:50
kanzure'The WELL was started by Stewart Brand and Larry Brilliant in 1985, and the name is partially a reference to some of Brand's earlier projects, including the Whole Earth Catalog. T'01:51
kanzureStewart Brand == http://longnow.org/ and http://web.archive.org/01:51
kanzureWhole Earth Catalog == http://kk.org/ http://wired.com/ http://edge.org/01:51
* kanzure decided to cut down the music he listens to the portions that he repetitively listens at. http://heybryan.org/aspiemusic/01:52
kanzureWhole Earth also implicates Bucky Fuller01:58
kanzureand as you'll note, fenn takes a liking to some of Fuller's work01:59
kanzureespecially re: hextatic01:59
kanzurewhich is partly the reason he's here in the first place01:59
ybitso you listen to japanese music02:08
ybiti get in the mood often as well02:08
kanzuremostly because I don't understand it02:09
kanzureI'll have to throw up a streaming server one day.02:10
ybitheh, right, it's easy work through. it's similar to just an instrumental piece playing in the background02:10
kanzureThat's about it.02:11
ybitoh wow,02:12
ybiti have 4mb left on my hard drive o_O02:12
kanzureyeah ..02:12
kanzureall of those databases ;-)02:12
ybithehe, it may may be02:13
kanzuretoo much ASCII, not enough code02:13
ybitwaiting on du -a | sort -n to tell me exactly what though02:13
kanzureI've found I like the graphical disk visualization tools02:13
ybitmy virtual drive02:13
ybiti like this because it's quicker02:14
ybiti like this song btw02:14
kanzurewhich one?02:14
ybitit reminds me of my partying days02:14
ybitnot saying i wouldn't party still now, just don't have as much time02:15
kanzuretime is created, not destroyed02:15
ybitstaying awake destroys sleep :)02:15
kanzureybit: pm02:16
kanzureanother one just while I'm linkbombing music, http://heybryan.org/music2/GammaRay%20-%20CD2%20-%2001%20-%20Rebellion%20in%20dreamland.mp302:20
ybitactually the reason partying hard has stopped is because, for me, it's a matter of wasting brain cells or getting something accomplished02:20
kanzureat least you've "been there, done that"02:20
ybitoh have i :)02:23
ybitbtw, not quite sure this is the place to discuss me past02:27
ybitso i'll change subjects02:27
kanzureto .. what?02:29
ybitanything but that of course :)02:31
kanzureare you a wanted criminal? :)02:31
ybitheh, naah02:32
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fennre: du | sort: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filelight07:08
fenni recently re-discovered the whole earth catalog myself07:09
fennthey are gradually putting all the back issues back online07:09
fennapparently stewart brand was the first to publish gerard o'neill's work, because he was the only one interested :\07:10
fenn"So the Whole Earth Catalog is responsible for the colonization of space." http://www.nas.nasa.gov/Services/Education/SpaceSettlement/CoEvolutionBook/Interview.HTML07:11
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kanzurefenn: nice interview13:50
fenni am reading the letters sent in by readers, its rather painful13:50
fennclick on table of contents and then debate13:57
fennsurprisingly paul ehrlich (most cynical tech-hater environmentalist ever) actually seemed to like the idea13:58
ybitwell, f' that13:59
ybitthe second life transhumanist meeting13:59
ybitmy voice chat doesn't work in SL14:00
fennmost of the negative letters are based on errors in reasoning/scientific knowledge, so they're not really worth reading (unless you enjoy reading that sort of thing)14:00
kanzureybit: I said 'fuck that' to SL transhuman-groups too ... Anders promised me an IRC gateway to the SL chat, but no.14:01
kanzurefenn: prospects don't look good14:02
* kanzure goes downstairs to grab a bite14:02
ybit+ litesim would be the way to go as far as virtual worlds are concerned14:03
ybitopensim has too much bloat, bugs, and .net specific crap14:04
fennhere's a sample: "It is impossible, using available technology, or any likely to be available in the next generation, to refine metals and do other heavy industrial operations in space, or on the moon's surface, and any technology we ever develop to do it will be enormously expensive. The reason is that in a vacuum there is no medium to carry away excess heat. A rough figure often given is that it takes about 50 tons of water (and no one has estimated how many tons of air) to make one ton of steel."14:05
fennand then a torrent of "we should fix earth first!11"14:06
-!- nsh- is now known as nsh14:07
fenni'd love to be able to point to some nasa experiment proving them wrong of course, but that doesn't seem to be on their agenda14:07
fenn(nasa's agenda)14:07
fennyou can tell this guy's a real team player: "Space is not Heaven. It is not even Disneyland. It is an environment as hostile and deadly as the core of a nuclear reactor or the inside of a tank of nerve gas."14:20
fennoh well i thought it was funny14:21
kanzure' I would think that in the long run, the tendency toward community diversity, the diversity of governments, diversity of the ways people choose to live, the kinds of architecture that they choose to have, and so on, would be enormous.'15:12
kanzureIsrael comes to mind15:16
fennas the sort of culture you expect to come about in space colonies?15:19
fennin some ways i agree, as far as the high tech farmer aspect, but then there won't be millions of angry arabs surrounding your space colony either15:20
kanzureIsrael was artificial, no?15:21
kanzureI was thinking that you need a very motivated group of people that really want to get out 15:21
fennoh, that's a given15:21
fenni mean, there are so many people that would jump for the opportunity it's not even funny15:22
kanzure'After World War I, the League of Nations approved the British Mandate of Palestine with the intent of creating a "national home for the Jewish people."[7] '15:22
kanzureright, but this is about ~8 million people 15:22
kanzureunfortunately they already have their home now :(15:22
fennsure, until nuclear bombs get smuggled in15:22
nshi wish they'd found them a national home in alaska somewhere15:23
kanzurein Alaska?15:23
kanzurewhy not just put them in the ocean for that matter?15:23
nshyeah, that would have been much better for the future-history of the world15:23
fennput who in the ocean?15:23
nsh(alaska, not the ocean)15:23
nshi wonder...15:23
nshif we could convince overwhelmingly people of the multiple worlds interpretation of qm15:24
kanzurefenn: the jews15:24
nshwe could set up a random number generator with three equally weighted results15:24
kanzurensh: please, no MWI in here :(15:24
kanzureit hurts me too much15:24
fennkanzure: they didnt have that idea, much less the technology to implement it, in 194515:24
nshin one world, all the jews get killed, in another, all the arabs get killed, and in another, both15:25
kanzureI know.15:25
nsheach would be fine by virtue of quantum immortality15:25
kanzurensh: let's not kill15:25
* nsh smiles15:25
kanzurehow about we kill YOU? or anyone who proposes killing each other15:25
* kanzure ducks15:25
fennaccording to MWI that means everyone's dead somewhere or other15:25
nshyeah, it's a win-win15:26
fennthey should have sent the jews to finland15:26
* nsh wishes his teeth were less sensitive andor the milk less cold15:29
nshgah, this paper is terribly-written: http://ppp.unipv.it/Collana/Pages/Libri/Saggi/Volta%20and%20the%20History%20of%20Electricity/V&H%20Sect4/V&H%20365-376.pdf15:30
kanzurehm, symbolic metrology?15:33
nshrepresenting physical quantities by symbolic structures rather than bare numbers15:34
kanzurephysical quantities or physical materials?15:36
nshthe one i wrote15:37
fennnsh: units are your friend :)15:40
fennthen you get into GD&T which sucks15:40
fennthere's a whole science of metrology, with much 'tacit knowledge' meaning its not even possible to explain how to do it15:41
fenngeometric dimensioning and tolerancing15:41
kanzurenot possible to explain how?15:41
fennwell, i'm specifically thinknig of how these soviet scientists were measuring the damping coefficient of sapphire crystals by hanging from a spider silk thread lubricated 'just so' with pork grease15:42
fennthe americans couldnt get the same value until they visited the lab and got hands on instruction15:43
* nsh expresses confusement15:43
fennnot having been there, i can't explain it :)15:43
kanzureI'm having trouble remembering 15:43
kanzurejust what it is that I was planning on doing right now15:43
fennyou were remembering where the CPU was15:44
kanzurestill no CPU :(15:44
kanzurebut something project related15:44
kanzureI guess I was working on the brain visualization stuff15:44
fennsay, isnt all the google maps stuff rather... 2d?15:45
kanzurethere's also Google Earth15:45
kanzureand fMRI data sets on the net for 3D reconstruction15:45
kanzureplus the ontology and 20 micrometer study that the Allen Institute graciously gave in their data.zip file15:45
fennuh, i just dont really get why you need or want a 2d map of the brain15:46
kanzuremore the idea of users seeing it in their browser15:46
fennits like having a 1d street map15:46
kanzureand being able to tag their psychological-stuffs and correlate with other users15:46
kanzureit's not like this map is telling them where to go...15:46
kanzureso calling it a map is odd anyway :-)15:47
kanzureso the problem is that it's not all that functional15:47
kanzureit's just more data15:47
kanzureI was hoping I could use this as a 'computational scaffold'15:47
kanzureso that if I was to sit here with some biofeedback stuff15:47
kanzureI could at least look at some fancy computer recipes for targetting regions of the model15:47
kanzureor correlate it to BibTeX or other users and their data15:48
kanzurewhile it would be awesome if it works, the implementation details sound flaky15:48
kanzuredoes that make sense?15:48
kanzureI'm afraid it might not, and that's why I'm sitting here doing nothing15:48
kanzureone interesting result would be to see if it could be used to train neural tissue slices in specific ways15:50
kanzuresort of?15:50
kanzuretrading the different ways of training cultures as 'data sets' (or 'training sets') which is somewhat already done with the ANN peoples (the simple ANN bullshit stuff (handwritten rec, OCR, ..))15:51
kanzureoh, that's right15:53
kanzureI'm more interested in life support systems15:53
* kanzure realizes that these data sets aren't necessarily usable in that way15:54
fennnot unless you can measure the connection strengths15:58
kanzuredon't know if connection data is relevant here15:59
kanzureoriginally I was hoping to use this for the 'sustained attention' setup stuff16:00
kanzurewhich is still practical of course, but it's sort of a mini bootstrap problem16:00
kanzuregranted, not one as painful as skdb16:00
kanzurejust have to go get the hardware *first*16:00
kanzureand then throw together the data16:00
kanzurefenn: btw, democritus, the fellow in here the other day, has supposedly received $200k for 'viral banking'16:01
kanzurein VC funding16:01
nshphysics is so wrong :-/16:03
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fennwhat is 'viral banking' and why would someone invest in it?16:11
* nsh is also interested in the answers to those questions16:13
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kanzureyep, too much psychology17:46
kanzureI guess I shouldn't attend to attention17:46
kanzureI guess I assuming that I could use autism as a way to get to attention17:48
kanzure+was somewhere in there :)17:48
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kanzurefenn: somebody wants to write a grant proposal for your writozyme18:51
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kanzureI'm open to suggestions as to where to find a new relayhost for heybryan.org outgoing email :-/21:43
kanzurehttp://apogeenet.net/ is the isp but there's no information regarding relayhosts available on the site21:43
kanzurein fact there's basically nothing on the site21:43
ybitkanzure, the only reason you don't want to do 3d simulations is because of the immense resources needed?23:39
kanzuremore or less :-)23:40
kanzurebut I wouldn't mind it23:41
kanzureI just don't see short term payoff23:41
kanzurepayoff as in results that are functionally relevant, not money or anything23:41
kanzurefenn has previously tried to convince me of otherwise23:48
kanzuredon't know if we want to bring up those discussions again ? I mean, I'm probably wrong23:49
ybitdef. bring them up again :)23:50
kanzureas in, convince me 23:50
ybitme? not me, i could attempt to convince you if i wasn't tired, but it would just be laughable right now23:53
ybitbb soon23:53

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