
--- Day changed Fri Jul 25 2008
ybithm, i take back what i said, there a few00:19
ybitwho know where this will go, so i´m sushing00:19
ybitbullshit you say, explain if you have time00:19
ybiti´m going to bed00:19
ybitg´night everyone00:19
kanzureyou ask me to explain and leave a few seconds later?00:20
ybiti´ll check in the morning, promise00:21
kanzurebecause I can't prove its existence00:22
ybitwell, that was quick :P00:22
-!- Splicer [n=p@h208n2c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit []01:34
-!- jm [n=jm@p57B9E44D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:29
* fenn notes that the american economy runs on bullshit10:28
ybitregarding bullshit: my friend gave a presentation at a well-known research university in cambridge, ma, and he told before the presentation that he had spent most all of his money on the latest clothes and the importance of presentation and bullshit, especially in the academic world11:04
ybiti can see how that would apply in business, but in the scientific community?!11:04
ybiti guess it happens though11:08
jmwho told him to do so?12:18
jmthe scientific community? we don't let you in because you don't look like us? ;)12:18
fenni've seen many distinguished professors in jeans and flannel (or whatever atrocious getup they can think of)12:39
fennits more like good manners than an absolute requirement12:39
fennbut i dont think most scientists really care12:40
ybiti never think about13:13
ybitnor do i care13:13
ybitfor vacation, i want to visit CERN and lab AAB of the SG building at EPFL (blue brain!), just need to find a few beaches and spas along the way to satisfy everyone else :)13:17
kanzureybit: Good luck.13:48
kanzureTake many photos.13:49
kanzurebtw, does it make me a geek if I spotted a freckle on Princess Leia's back and nobody else on the internet has mentioned it?13:49
ybithaha, i´ve noticed it as well :)13:49
ybitdoes it make me a geek to play back the star wars films to spot every easter egg? :)13:50
ybitwouldn´t do it now of course since there´s so much for me to catching up to do in so many fields of science13:51
ybitgrr, grammar, [- first instance of ´to´]13:53
ybiti think what makes you a geek is that http://heybryan.org/shots/inspiration/Superkuh_Jan22_06_desk_112956055_53fe3cf020.jpg is filed under inspiration :)13:58
kanzureyes, I do repetitively watch Star Wars14:22
* kanzure still needs a new relayhost14:22
jmthat's german. anyone german here or what is it?14:54
ybitjm: superkuh is someone´s irc username 16:24
ybitand he does weird things on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Superkuh216:25
ybitweird in a good way of course16:26
ybit...i think :P16:26
kanzureHm. It's down.16:29
kanzureHe's stealing wireless from his neighbor, so.16:30
fenntranslates as 'super cow'17:29
kanzurethere's some german show that he claims it's not related to17:41
kanzureI should have listened to Jef18:12
kanzureearlier this month, on the 5th, he mentioned that the problem I was going to hit was "Correlating data to the extent that you can extract semantics."18:12
kanzuresure enough he was right18:12
kanzureffs, why haven't I written the wiki interface to git repos yet18:50
kanzureok, I'm successfully completely confused19:14
kanzuresomebody remind me why I had two concurrent strategies and where the first, the local augmentation bullshit, came from ? 19:17
kanzureit was something about needing to break past some of the information input/output constraints19:17
ybitwho´s jeff?19:29
ybitand can´t you just ask him for a log :P19:29
ybitwow, i really need to take it easy with the emoticons19:32
kanzureJef is a good friend of mine from lists.extropy.org19:34
kanzureI did have a log, that's why I said earlier this month19:34
fennjef is a logic nazi19:57
fennnot that that's necessarily a bad thing..19:57
kanzurehe's fun to read20:03
kanzurenot to mention somewhat useful anyway20:03
kanzure"The Google provides all. I am merely its proxy."20:23
fennproxying google eh? dont you know that's against their TOS? sinner!20:24
kanzurehow does one get over one's self? heh'20:57
kanzurebefore I forget21:58
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]22:05
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