
--- Day changed Sat Jul 26 2008
fennp2pfoundation.net is basically an illustrated proof of how fractionated (balkanized) this movement is00:20
fennit's almost like one of those ideonomy lists00:20
fennall permutations of {open, free, collective, collaborative, co-} x {action, behavior, identity, intelligence, design}00:22
* fenn thinks some redirects are in order00:23
kanzureredirects to the actual sites?00:52
fennno, just glomming concepts back together since they really mean the same thing00:53
fennseems that the theoretical foundation of wuffie (doctorow's reputation economy) is stronger/more useful than advogato01:03
fenner, whuffie01:03
fennadvogato tries to make one big happy community, with no room for dissent01:04
kanzureself-fulfilling prophecy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andries_van_Dam 'It's a tradition in the Brown Computer Science Department to add good natured vandalism to Andy's Wikipedia page.[citation needed]'01:17
fenn"its a tradition in wikipedia to leave harmful material up and delete good articles"01:21
kanzureI can't (or won't) understand this: http://www.integralworld.net/wollersheim3.html01:33
kanzureif anybody can hack through whatever it is that the page is trying to say, please interpret for me01:34
fenni think this has been baked as unitarian universalism01:39
kanzureTony mentions that http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/07/07/166253 is Nicole Yankelovich of the Brown University Intermedia team that was mentioned in the Randy Pausch "last lecture" fiasco01:40
fennit would be interesting to take an intersection set of the beliefs of all or most religions01:42
fennbut i think it'd be hard to get a coherent message if you just did the union set01:43
fenni suppose you could do some kind of "hamming map" showing the distance from one set of beliefs to another01:44
fennoh yeah, wonderland looks pretty goofy at first but they have a lot of nice code under the hood01:45
fenn(even though its java)01:46
kanzuresounds kinda like http://canonizer.com/01:48
kanzurebut canonizer obviously sucks for other reasons01:48
fenncanonizer is too crowd-sourced to provide an unbiased representation01:49
fennits like, "what people who bother with canonizer believe" or would be if anyone bothered with it01:50
fennblah not like i care anyway01:50
fenn90% of people are crap01:50
kanzureit's worse than that01:52
fennwell, whatever your threshold is in general01:52
fenni'm just deriving a statement from sturgeon's law01:53
fennAn important corollary to SturgeonsLaw:  ... but ninety percent of everybody thinks they are part of the ten percent that's not crap. 01:54
fennc2 is great.. i wonder how they maintain the high SNR01:55
fennhmm.. they point out that you can take advantage of people's bias/inability-to-evaluate-their-own-abilities by making them feel good and thus they will trust you and enjoy your presence01:59
fenner, by saying how capable and leet they are01:59
kanzure1337 for sure02:05
fennshades of optimus keyboard.. http://krotty.livejournal.com/33074.html02:06
fenni think i'd rather just wear a 2d barcode thingymabob02:07
kanzureoh wait03:02
kanzurefenn: this is the damn hexayurt guy03:02
kanzureVinay Gupta <hexayurt@gmail.com>03:02
kanzurehe's the friend of the Technocalyps fellow03:02
fennshould i watch technocalypse?03:07
kanzureseriously, it's a waste of time03:10
fennoh well03:11
kanzureyou and I could pull something better off03:11
kanzureby playing a video of one of our browsing sessions or something03:11
fennhmm.. video production's harder than it looks03:12
kanzureno doubt03:12
kanzureI've certainly had my fair share of video production assignments in high school03:13
kanzurethe software tends to suck03:13
fennit's kinda like writing, in that it's hard to know what the viewer understands because you've seen it fifty times in a row03:18
kanzureoh, well, that too03:18
kanzurein this edition of weird searches leading to Bryan's site:03:19
kanzure"salts used to make nickel nanotube by cyclic voltameter"03:19
kanzuresecond result is me on Google.03:19
fennall the non-obvious flaws stick out because you're worried about them, but the big overall issues don't stand out at all03:19
kanzuresometimes I wonder if that's just because of having the wrong big idea03:19
kanzureerm, nevermind03:19
fennthat's a very valid statement03:20
kanzurebut it could be interpreted to mean "if people don't understand it, it sucks" which is not the point03:20
fennyou can bang your head against a wall with 99% perspiration and not make a damn bit of difference03:20
fennheh i'm watching the andy pausch video.. the cake is just awesom03:21
fenn+r +e03:22
kanzureron pausch methinks03:22
kanzuremaybe not03:22
kanzure okay03:23
kanzureit does seem like an unnecessarily large percentage of those in academia are jerks03:26
kanzurehe mentions that others corectly identified him as a jerk03:27
kanzureI do not understand. http://hca.gilead.org.il/tinderbx.html03:36
kanzurethe Byte Scouts03:50
fenni think the moral of this story is 'dont pay people too much'03:50
kanzurei think this guy was on acid03:51
fennand possibly 'might makes right'03:51
fennor something like that03:51
kanzure'A knol is an authoritative article about a specific topic.'03:58
kanzurequick, let's go jump on open source03:58
kanzurethis was as of Wednesday, hm03:58
kanzureI wonder if Google > Wikipedia or if knol will be > Wikipedia04:03
kanzureif so we might have an opportunity to set the collaborative snowball right04:03
kanzureHeh. http://www.8bitpeoples.com/mp3/get/492/8bp078-01-mr_spastic-net.mp304:13
kanzurefenn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inside_contracting what?04:27
kanzure"There was probably no greater industrial challenge, no line of manufacturing in the world demanding such a high grade of business and mechanical ability, and such unremitting care and oversight, combined with technical skill and individual dexterity and judgment as is indispensable in systematic watch making. "04:28
fennknol seems like danny hillis' revenge05:18
fennexpert-pedia or whatever05:18
fennre the quote, watches are harder to make than the primitive guns of the time05:19
kanzureguess "of the time" is the key phrase there05:19
fennthey werent even cartridge bullets were they?05:19
fennmaybe paper cartridge05:19
fenni think knol is gross05:20
kanzure"yet another" sort of gross?05:20
kanzureor the implementation? the pages weren't really all that fancy .. just stupid AJAX bullshit again05:20
kanzureand having it in this closed database format05:21
kanzurehow original :)05:21
fennjust google taking over the world kind of gross05:21
kanzuregoogle should be smarter than this though05:22
fennthese fucking doctors think their advice is so important, at least a million times more important than anything else on wikipedia, so they have to set up their own little kingdom where they can be big dog05:22
kanzureisn't google made up of the people that know that making the formats to share this data would be more long term sustaintable?05:22
kanzure*that should know05:22
fenngoogle is like bell labs in the 70's05:22
kanzurewasn't bell labs mostly the 50s and 60s ?05:22
fenneh, not really05:23
kanzuregoogle is a powerhouse of postdocs last I heard, but if these guys are so bright, ...05:23
fennThe 1950s saw fewer developments and less activity on the scientific side. ... The 1970s and 1980s saw more and more computer-related inventions at the Bell Laboratories as part of the personal computing revolution05:24
fennspecifically i was thinking of Unix, C, and "worse is better"05:25
kanzureI hardly see Google doing the equivalent of unix05:26
fennthey Are building an operating system.. :\05:27
kanzurenot you too :p05:27
fennanyway, how is knol collaborative?05:28
kanzurefirst time I swear I've heard of building an operating system by publicity05:28
kanzureoh wait05:28
fennms-dos wasn't half bad05:28
fenni think they stole it from some other company though05:28
kanzureI think I remember some DOS machines and could grok the overal scheme it was working from05:29
kanzureit worked I guess, but I do admit preferance to the nixes05:29
fennearly unix was rather warty05:29
kanzureearly unix was proprietary I recall :)05:30
fennbut it had principles at least05:30
kanzureI have no experience with the originals05:30
fenni've only used irix05:30
fennsupposedly it was one of the better ones05:31
fennffs knol isnt even organized at all05:37
fenn"Bag o'knols"05:37
fenn1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next05:37
kanzurehow many per page?05:38
kanzure350 knols and I know about it?05:39
kanzureso this must be early?05:39
kanzureor possibly stupid05:39
fennits 95% medical subjects05:39
fenner.. medical advice05:39
fenni'd love to see a 'lonk' as uncyclopedia is to wikipedia05:41
kanzureI need a better way to write exp.html05:42
kanzuremaybe I should just put up a todo list05:42
kanzure"make git + wiki"05:42
kanzure"make py-yaml validator using gnu units as backend"05:43
kanzure"make tons of shitty python classes to represent manufacturable thinglets"05:43
kanzureactually, git + wiki, I was thinking that it might be more productive to just let each user have their own 'ghosted' git clone on the server side05:44
kanzureI don't know how else to run it really05:44
kanzuremaybe git keeps track of user changes when it's on a single host?05:44
kanzurei.e., the differences that chown modifies?05:44
fenntodo list == roadmap no?05:44
fennwhatever floats your boat :)05:44
kanzureyeah, yeah, whatever05:45
fennwhy would each user have their own clone? just make branche05:45
kanzurehow does this work?05:45
fennuh, you know what a branch is right?05:45
kanzurethought I did05:45
fennwell, one way to think of it is like you undo a bunch of changes and then start working from there05:46
* kanzure did this in some code bases today05:46
kanzureCTRL+Z for the win, and such05:46
fennanother way to think of it is like making a little sandbox to play in that won't mess up everyone else's stuff05:46
kanzureso it's not a full clone?05:46
fennbut it's more of a svn kind of thing because if you have your own repo you can just work on whatever you're doing with out worrying if it messes up other people's code (since they arent pulling from you until its done)05:47
kanzurehttp://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~blynn/gitmagic/ch04.html branch wizardry05:47
kanzurebut if it's on a wiki server thing05:47
fennthen the user doesnt have to download anything05:47
kanzureuh, well05:48
kanzurehttp is still downloading of course05:48
kanzuremy "oh" was the idea of faking a wiki for users05:48
kanzuresince they don't git it05:48
kanzurejavascript + ajax bullshit => magical 'wiki'05:48
kanzurewhere they do, in fact, host a mini repo on their end05:48
kanzureeither in cookies or on their local system somewhere else05:48
kanzurebut that would require some other crappy development05:49
fennwhat is a 'mini repo'?05:49
kanzurenot full thing05:49
kanzurei.e., biotech.git is 500 MB05:49
fennhow do you track content changes if you dont have the full repo?05:49
fenn(this is the only thing about git that sucks)05:49
fennor maybe i just havent looked hard enough yet05:50
kanzurethat's synchronization, right?05:50
kanzurewhich kind of sucks with asynchronous distributed development, one would expect05:50
fenni _thought_ you could check out partial repos and then merge them05:50
fennbut i cant figure out how to do it (havent tried very hard either)05:50
fenni dont think forcing people to download 500mb is a good idea05:51
kanzure'In contrary to SVN  neither Git nor Mercurial can handle partial repositories, so you always have to download all of it and cannot restrict the download to a ...'05:51
fennthis conflicts with what linus said05:51
fennsupposedly you can track a subset of content05:51
kanzurehttp://lists.openfabrics.org/pipermail/general/2006-November/028473.html "git cloning partial tree"05:51
kanzure'The first format is what "git-apply --index-info" reports, and used to reconstruct a partial tree that is used for phony merge base tree when falling back ...'05:52
fennbut what do you do with this partial checkout once you've modified it?05:52
kanzuresupposedly you send it back?05:52
kanzureat least advertise it or something05:53
kanzureI don't know.05:53
kanzureyou tell me?05:53
fennit just doesnt make sense to do that if you can't merge it back in somehow05:53
kanzurewhich is svn05:53
fennotherwise you might as well just submit a patch05:53
fennoh hmm05:54
fenngit-checkout doesnt need a repo to work05:54
fennso maybe you can't commit once you download the files05:54
fenns/repo/local repo/05:55
kanzurebut what about people wanting to do development work? 500 MB again.05:55
fennwhat kind of development work?05:56
fennthere's always ssh05:56
kanzurewell, let's say there's only 2 MB of relevant source05:56
kanzureuh, for all of the users?05:56
fennthough if someone messed up your repo i suppose you could just undo it05:56
kanzurewait, let's just look at the linux kernel 05:57
kanzurehow do they do it?05:57
kanzurehow is it that there's an "official version" ?05:57
fennlinus is the benevolent dictator05:57
fennhe says what goes in the kernel05:57
kanzureand then he puts up his checked out repo?05:57
fennactually its more structured than that but that's the general idea05:57
kanzurebut that's just svn overall05:57
kanzurein the end, basically.05:58
fennnot really05:58
fennbecause the code is all out there05:58
kanzuresure, 05:58
kanzurebut not to people not in the development circles05:58
fennits not that hard to patch a kernel05:58
fennbefore this there were mailing lists dedicated just to kernel patches05:58
fennits a step up i believe05:58
kanzurewait, where are the links distributed then if not on mailing lists?05:59
kanzuremy point is that the fact that Linus has access to the kernel.org site and can put up an 'official' download is somewhat like subversion in that it's the main release and that's what the majority of people see and so on05:59
kanzuresure the code is still out there05:59
fennno you dont understand, the patches used to be sent to the mailing list directly05:59
kanzurenot automatically integrated or somesort06:00
fennok, so i skipped a bit of important detail it seems06:00
fennlinus doesn't pull from all of the 99 million kernel developers06:00
fennhe only pulls from like 3-4 people06:00
kanzurehe probably pulls from a few, no?06:00
kanzureand these few from others06:01
fennyes, all the way down06:01
kanzurelong tail dynamics06:01
fennbut the version history is preserved06:01
fennas if they were working on one big svn06:01
fennbut without all the svn headaches06:01
kanzurethe headaches were the conflicts?06:02
fennconflicting development, limited branch namespace, commit access, slowness06:02
fenni guess they had a lot of trouble with three way merge06:02
kanzureit's still generally slow if you're transferring 500 MB between developers :-)06:02
fennwell, dont do that!06:02
fennthe 500mb repo is a bad idea06:03
fennit will never get smaller, only bigger06:03
fennbut that's not what you're trying to do, 99% of that data is irrelevant or redundant06:03
kanzurestill though06:04
kanzureif the system isn't scalable ..06:04
fennif you have 500mb of code, something is wrong06:04
fennlook at opencascade, what a fucking mess06:04
fennsure, it's "open source" and "industrial grade cad" but its impossible to use and change06:05
kanzurea wiki doesn't make sense in this context though06:08
fennanyway, nobody's going to be doing any sorting and winnowing unless you make it clear what needs to be done by providing a framework06:08
kanzureand people are going to cry without their beloved wiki06:08
fenna wiki is just html + version control06:09
fennpeople are going to cry without their GUI06:09
fennprinciple of least surprise06:10
fennhas anyone offered to help sort the biohack stuff?06:12
fennor is it just territorial bitching 'my way is better' stuff06:12
fennwell, working with partial checkouts is a pain06:30
fennit seems to work, you just have to be careful with git-add and git-commit to only commit the files you have (otherwise it will delete the ones you havent checked out)06:37
fennwhat i did was: git-clone -n ~/git/autogenix.git06:38
fenngit-checkout master test.mdwn06:39
fennnano test.mdwn06:39
fenngit-add test.mdwn06:39
fennit should say something like 'one file changed'06:40
fennyou should be able to repeat my results with git-clone -n http://fennetic.net/git/autogenix.git06:46
fenndonuts before bed == bad idea06:49
kanzureor teh fats?07:13
kanzurehm, I wonder if breakfast is open yet07:13
kanzurebtw, are you still playing around with ikiwiki mdwn?07:15
kanzureand who's the one doing the territorial bitching, me?07:15
kanzurebecause no one has even offered to comment on it ;-)07:16
kanzureand by no one I mean absolutely no one07:16
kanzureThose bastards. The flatscreens in the cafeteria had a documentary on insomnia playing.08:33
kanzureanyway, if the git-checkout and git-add method is to work it'll probably need the usage of 'adduser' on the server end of things08:37
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kanzureI've never implemented something like that, is that wise?08:37
kanzureI mean, adding user accounts on the server?08:37
kanzureSlashdot makes it look like that's what they are doing, but it's probably just fancy mod rewrites (and I'm too lazy to go check the slashcode)08:37
kanzureSourceforge definitely does it.08:37
kanzurebah, it has to be less computationally intensive than doing the mysql db lookups that mediawiki does08:38
kanzureTony: "Re your conversations with Gupta, Bauwens et al, my entrepreneurial colleagues have acquired some rights to an electrolysis-based system developed in (from memory) San Antonio which is supposed to do everything from purify water to provide better energy storage than batteries.09:21
kanzureI had a vague thought some weeks ago about having you take a look at it, but I think you were in the middle of your move out of home at the time and it slipped down my priorities."09:21
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kanzurefenn:  'I've got a friend who did exactly this:  made a python wiki engine that uses10:25
kanzuremercurial as revision control: http://dandelion.sheep.art.pl/  also makes it10:25
kanzurepossible to sync up wikis, fork them, clone them, many other possibilities.10:25
kanzureI am using this as a personal wiki on my desktop, and also experimenting10:25
kanzurewith developing many different front-ends for it.10:25
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fenn"Revision objects are simple: r1, r2 etc. In git they are SHA1s"14:52
fennthis is because there's no central repository, so two different r2's can exist at a time14:52
fennbut yeah it's annoying14:57
fennnow i'm wondering if they did it that way because it acts as a checksum15:04
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-!- kanzure [n=bryan@adsl-76-229-131-47.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:55

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