
--- Day changed Sun Jul 27 2008
ybitis kanzure_ a bot?00:04
kanzureit's my server00:37
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kanzurefenn: ruby on rails or django looks like it autogenerates codebases from classes and models of the saem sort that we want to use YAML for serialization01:32
kanzureignoring the fact that it's used for web tech, eh01:32
kanzurejust imagine it not being web and for something else related to skdb01:32
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kanzureheh, I like these people14:13
kanzureI had something of a 20-depth argument tree going with Steve for a while, and he actively addressed it as the argument tree14:14
fennpaul stamets mushroom antiviral extract is interesting14:32
kanzurehm, django has no flat file object relational mapper, no flat file database support whatsoever14:38
kanzureotherwise that might have been a plug-and-play solution right there14:38
kanzurehttp://showmedo.com/videos/video?name=1100000& "create a wiki in 20 minutes with django"14:38
kanzuredjango is only using things like mysql, postgresql, sqlite etc.14:38
kanzurejust need to write it in flat files instead14:39
kanzurethere's a python-git module that could be used, I think, but I haven't investigated the architecture yet14:39
kanzureokay, guess django isn't right for it14:51
kanzureit was close, or I'm just terribly confused14:51
fenni'm still trying to figure out what it is exactly14:52
kanzureruby on rails for python14:53
kanzureI think what it does is use your models to generate a mysql db and then the input/output pages automatically for whatever you're working on14:53
kanzureback when I used to do web app development nonsense I was always writing pages to interface back with the database14:54
fennyeah well i cant figure out what the big deal about ruby is either :\14:54
kanzurei.e., view.php, admin.php, edit.php, all sorts of stuff14:54
kanzureso this just takes your model that you write up, and spits out those pages automatically14:54
kanzurethat's about it.14:54
-!- wrldpc [n=wrldpc@pool-71-174-89-247.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:38
wrldpcterry grossman is being interviewed here tonight: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sunday-evening-update15:40
fennkanzure: i just watched 'django wiki in 20 minutes' and i think i like it15:43
fennyou can really get your hands into the guts, but it's still clean and simple15:43
fennreminds me of Mason without the suck factor15:55
-!- Splicer [n=p@h93n1c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:15
kanzureokay, good16:32
Phreedomfenn: should also take a look at RoR ;)16:42
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kanzurestem cells into gametes?16:55
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/docs/uncertain_future.doc <-- is what we're doing heh'17:02
fennyay doc files17:12
fennhere's a summary for those of you that hate java and OOO17:12
fennThe Uncertain Future is an innovative probabilistic modeling system where you insert your guesses about variables related to the future of Artificial Intelligence and humanity, and are presented with colorful graphs and statistics regarding how the future might turn out if your beliefs are roughly correct.  You can then email these results to your friends, post them on your blog or Myspace.17:12
fennaxe grinding through bayesian probability calculations17:14
Phreedomah this is for prophets17:24
SplicerIt reminds me a bit of a course I took called "Financial evaluation of entrepreneural companies"17:41
SplicerIt was about 15 parameters that had to be subjectively evaluated17:42
wrldpc_grossman canceled :\17:51
kanzurefenn: yep18:58
kanzure"They also hope to create an early version of an eventual, publicly viewable wiki, mapping out the total space of scenarios involving AGI and existential risk."19:08
kanzurepublicly viewable wiki19:08
kanzureso the group isn't SIAI, but rather "we're researchers and would like to do something interesting related to what you work on please give us a grant" "okay"19:12
kanzureSteve is published19:28
kanzureFierer, N, M Breitbart, J Nulton, P Salamon, C Lozupone, R Jones, M Robeson, R Edwards, B Felts, S Rayhawk, R Knight, F Rohwer, RB Jackson (2007; in press) Metagenomic and small-subunit rRNA analyses of the genetic diversity of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses in soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.19:28
kanzureAngly F, B Felts, M Breitbart, P Salamon, RA Edwards, C Carlson, AM Chan, M Haynes, S Kelley, H Liu, J Mahaffy, JE Mueller, J Nulton, R Olson, R Parsons, S Rayhawk, CA Suttle, F Rohwer (2006) The marine viromes of four oceanic regions. PLoS Biology. 4 (11). 2121-2131.19:28
kanzure(Steve Rayhawk)19:28
kanzurethat last one: 19:28
fennthis reminds me of 'limits to growth' - perhaps you could contact the club of rome :)19:33
kanzureI don't remember 'limits to growth' 19:36
fennit was before your time (and mine) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limits_to_growth19:41
fennapparently it got eric drexler annoyed enough to prove it wrong19:41
fennso that's why he started thinking about nanotech19:41
fennsomething like that anyway19:42
kanzureoh, it's Meadows19:42
kanzure"Dancing with systems" and "12 leverage points"19:42
kanzureshe's with the Whole Earth magazine crowd19:42
kanzureor she was, at least19:42
fennright, that's how i learned about it19:43
kanzure*at least until she died19:46
fenndeath == limit to growth19:48
* kanzure reminds everyone to stop dying19:52
fennfools! death is for the weak!19:52
kanzureand the old!19:53
fennsomething seems wrong about them lumping the largest number of deaths into "85 and over" http://www.disastercenter.com/cdc/Leading Cause of Death 1999-2005.html19:55
fennwow alzheimers killed a lot19:59
kanzurebah, they want to do the calculations in the browser20:01
kanzurein javascript20:01
kanzuremethinks this is not a good idea20:01
fennum, no they don't?20:02
fennoh you're talking about the siai survey20:03
fennif it's all browser-side then how do you get any survey results?20:03
kanzurexmlhttprequest them back to the server20:03
fenndo they want javascript for zoomable graphs and sorting n stuff?20:04
* fenn would rather just get a nice optional svg20:04
kanzureno, not just that20:04
kanzureI'm not entirely certain how this is supposed to work, but20:04
kanzurehere's what I know so far: the user configures up to 40 different variables via the graphs, these are then sent back to the server into some black box that then runs through 100,000 permutations 20:04
kanzureof a logic tree for statistical reasoning, and then this data is saved as a session perhaps, and when it's done the user gets to play around with different graphs for the scenario.20:04
fennit seems a lot easier to write the code for server-side calcs at least20:05
kanzurebasically it's "we don't trust people to do probabilistic reasoning"20:05
kanzureexactly, but nobody is telling me what these calculations are20:05
kanzureso. :)20:05
fenni imagine it looking something like a lisp expression20:05
fenni think writing those calcs will be the hard part20:06
fennor at least getting it right20:06
fennanyone can throw some bullshit together and call it statistics20:06
kanzurethere's a few whiteboards surrounding me with lots of fancy calculus for differential equations that I don't exactly know how to solve20:06
fennhave you brought up open source considerations?20:06
kanzurelicensing of the source code?20:07
fennthere's not really much point to just putting some black box up on the web that you just have to believe20:07
fennit's scientifically irresponsible20:07
fennyou can't have a meaningful discussion20:08
fennthis was one of the major problems with limits to growth20:08
fennthey didnt publish their calculations until like 4 years later20:08
fenn(the other problem was they got the calcs wrong :P)20:08
fennjust try to make sure they dont use some awful proprietary simulator software ok :)20:10
kanzurefenn: so in general, what Anna, the one who flew me up here and the one who is leading this whole thing, she simply wants ways to reduce existential risk of human extinction, and thinks this is a good step forward20:10
kanzureverbalizing the alternative epistemology is not easy20:10
fennany kind of world game is a good idea20:10
fennbetter if it's meaningful (accurately represents reality)20:11
fennmaybe you could start out with sliders at default values that siai picks20:11
kanzureright, right20:11
fennor have various futurists' opinions20:11
kanzurefor some reason there's going to be a hardcoded limit to the input factors that the users have to variablize or slide or whatever20:12
fenna sort of meyers-briggs test for futurists :)20:12
kanzurefor instance, one of the 40 factors might be "hardware costs into the future"20:12
kanzureso a 40% probability of $5/flop in 2010 or something20:12
kanzurebut I don't know why it's hard coded20:12
fenndescribing that as a probability doesn't seem right20:12
kanzureprobably because the backend model is not automatically extendable20:12
fenndo they actually have code already?20:13
wrldpc_to nublabs!20:13
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kanzureand it's kind of weird trying to write this web app without actually knowing what that model is doing20:15
kanzureor the input/output for that matter20:15
fennif they dont have code then talking about hard coded parameters seems silly dont you think?20:15
kanzurejust inputting a median and bound via point-and-click, and then -- there is no "and then", there's no where to send this data to. No testing server, no blackbox, ...20:15
kanzureyeah :(20:16
fennwell, let me put in a good word for functional programming20:16
kanzureas opposed to OOP?20:17
fennthis is a functional sort of problem20:17
fennnumbers in, numbers out, and all sorts of hell in between that may or may not get calculated20:17
fennare you familiar with the "model, view, controller" school of software design?20:28
fennbasically it's a way to ensure that you can use multiple different interfaces without lots of hacking20:30
kanzurehaven't heard of it phrased like that, but I'm sure most of my work is like that20:30
fenndoing the model calcs in the viewer app would totally ignore all the goodness you get from MVC20:32
fennanyway it's a buzzword you can point to, so its not just 'wah, i'm the new guy and i dont like it'20:32
kanzureyeah .. I recommended a cgi gateway or something, but it looks like they really want to do it in the viewer app because they don't want to have any server hardware requirements20:37
kanzureahem. :(20:37
fennwhy not.. its not like anyone is going to look at it :)20:37
fennjust write it so you have something to play with20:39
fennthen they can use it or not20:39
kanzurefor now they want a 'slide show of questions for svg" for parts 1-1 through 1-4 in that doc file20:40
kanzureand then this would be some sort of input to some magical calculation from the mathgnome that I haven't heard of yet, and then an output graph will be generated20:41
kanzureso I need some way to separate the interface, the graphing, the svg, user input, and so on, without screwing everything up20:41
kanzurethe fact that there's no SVG graphing toolkit kinda sucks20:41
kanzureguess I'll have to start one20:41
fennthere must be one20:41
fennin javascript?20:42
kanzurehttp://www.germane-software.com/software/SVG/SVG::Graph/screenshots.html chart::line20:42
kanzurebecause I want the user interface aspects at the same time20:42
fenngoogle sez: http://www.liquidx.net/plotkit/20:42
kanzurelike moving the curve via optimization20:42
kanzureyeah, I was looking around google20:42
kanzurea few days ago, don't know if you saw my linkdump20:43
fenngraphing is part of the UI20:43
fenncomputers don't read graphs :P20:43
kanzureuhm, crap20:44
* kanzure still needs to remember to do a googling support tool20:45
kanzureeven a simple frame with a list of the queries you've done or something20:46
kanzure'session tracker' was what I called it in 2006 (yeah, I'm lazy)20:46
kanzurehm, I can't seem to figure out whether or not the point of on a graph can be retrieved in terms of points on the screen, from plotkit20:56
kanzureotherwise converting the drag-and-drop dot thing is going to be a pain20:56
kanzureuser interactivity too20:56
kanzureheh, macromedia flash mx for svg would be nice, except one that doesn't cost you a leg20:56
fennwhat drag-n-drop dot thing?20:56
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/graph.svg notice the giant dot20:57
fennthe blue/white dot?20:57
kanzurethe bigger of them, yes20:57
fennhey i can move it20:57
kanzureyeah, sorta :)20:57
kanzureit's not supposed to go below y=020:57
fennthat's neat but it's not exactly robust20:58
kanzuredon't read the code, I'm embarrased because of the existing bug that I haven't written20:58
kanzureoh, by no means is it robust20:58
kanzurehaven't *fixed20:59
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