--- Day changed Wed Aug 13 2008 | ||
bkero | lol | 01:09 |
kanzure | :) | 01:09 |
kanzure | Aha. Here's an idea. | 01:41 |
kanzure | How about I go find out who else is hosted by the Nature hosting company? | 01:41 |
kanzure | http://www.biotechniques.com/default.asp?page=current&subsection=article_display&id=112830 An automated home-built low-cost fermenter suitable for large-scale | 01:52 |
kanzure | bacterial expression of proteins in Escherichia coli | 01:52 |
kanzure | ping? | 01:54 |
bkero | pong | 01:54 |
kanzure | " | 01:58 |
kanzure | *In lieu of a signature, we require a unique identifier used only for subscription verification purposes. | 01:58 |
kanzure | 01:58 | |
kanzure | PLEASE SELECT YOUR EYE COLOR:" | 01:58 |
kanzure | Hrm. | 01:58 |
kanzure | Something seems fishy about that. | 01:58 |
kanzure | unique identifier ? | 01:59 |
kanzure | eye color? | 01:59 |
kanzure | and they give four options? | 01:59 |
kanzure | Anyway, I was able to get access another way, so if anybody wants the paper just ask and I can throw it up on the server. | 02:03 |
kanzure | It's geared towards "nonbiotechnologists" i.e. supposedly simple. | 02:03 |
kanzure | Combine this with http://bioinformatics.org/pogo/ and you might have something interesting. | 02:03 |
kanzure | Ok, you'd still need to figure out some vectors. | 02:03 |
kanzure | Though I do remember some newscientist articles about DNA synthesizers on a chip. | 02:03 |
kanzure | http://biohack.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/DNA_synthesizer | 02:04 |
kanzure | would be nice if the writozyme http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Retarded_polymerase would be complete by tomorrow :-) | 02:04 |
kanzure | oops, ignore the biohack.sf.net link | 02:04 |
kanzure | http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/DNA_synthesizer | 02:04 |
kanzure | 'A flexible light-directed DNA chip synthesis gated by deprotection ...' | 02:05 |
kanzure | I wonder how they plan to do purification. | 02:05 |
kanzure | (biotechniques.com's DB is dead at the moment (Postgre? methinks)) | 02:08 |
kanzure | Hm, xpdf doesn't tell you when you've hit the last page. | 03:01 |
kanzure | hurray for cpan. | 03:07 |
kanzure | Hm. Odd problem. | 05:46 |
kanzure | xpdf takes an argument -exec and can run openFileAt() or something | 05:46 |
kanzure | it apparently does not allow openFileAt("/my/file/hey.pdf",3) | 05:46 |
kanzure | but it does allow openFileAt(/my/file/at/hey.pdf,3) | 05:46 |
kanzure | which is cool and all, except that my file names have commas in them | 05:46 |
kanzure | thus I get openFileAt(/my/file/at/hey 3,2,blah.pdf,3) | 05:47 |
kanzure | I'm trying s/\,/\/\,/; | 05:47 |
kanzure | but this doesn't look right | 05:47 |
kanzure | Error: Invalid command syntax: 'openFileAtPage('/mnt/maxtor/all/nature/papers/0957 + 561 A, B: twin quasistellar objects or gravitational lens?.pdf',2)' | 05:49 |
kanzure | Error: Invalid command syntax: 'openFileAtPage("/mnt/maxtor/all/nature/papers/0957 + 561 A\, B: twin quasistellar objects or gravitational lens?.pdf",0)' | 05:53 |
kanzure | w.t.f | 05:53 |
kanzure | hahah | 05:55 |
kanzure | | 05:55 |
kanzure | see void XPDFViewer::execCmd(GString *cmd, XEvent *event) | 05:56 |
kanzure | this makes me cry | 05:56 |
kanzure | pathetic parser | 05:56 |
kanzure | isn't it conceivable for a file name to have a comma in it ? | 05:56 |
kanzure | What character encoding is the "double dash" (-- as one character) in? | 06:04 |
kanzure | Hurray | 06:21 |
kanzure | it works | 06:21 |
kanzure | http://heybryan.org/shots/2008-08-13_AutoScholar.png | 06:21 |
kanzure | Hm. | 06:28 |
kanzure | I should interface this with hearpdf.pl. | 06:29 |
kanzure | oh, right. it's not all text .. | 06:29 |
* kanzure just made a nasty crontab hack ... 1 * * * * ps -C "xmms" >& /dev/null; [[ $? -eq 1 ]] && ctrlxmms info >> /home/bryan/xmms_playlist_2008-08-13.txt | 07:12 | |
kanzure | Aha. One downside of my script is that it breeds zombies. | 08:08 |
nsh | kanzure, how's your literature corpus doing? | 09:39 |
* nsh needs a (few) article(s) | 09:54 | |
kanzure | heh | 10:21 |
kanzure | What do you need? | 10:21 |
nsh | one sec | 10:53 |
nsh | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T9H-491V0SX-BB&_user=10&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F1993&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=browse&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=530b65ef49cf12c73055c54f01fef927 | 10:55 |
nsh | ( The daughterless gene product in Drosophila is a nuclear protein that is broadly expressed throughout the organism during development ) | 10:55 |
nsh | and: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=65428F67AD754A5B02D8AA7D37E51556.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=71797# | 10:55 |
nsh | ( The 62E early-late puff of Drosophila contains D-spinophilin, an ecdysone-inducible PDZ-domain protein dynamically expressed during metamorphosis ) | 10:55 |
kanzure | nsh: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ has them now. | 17:13 |
kanzure | Sorry for the lag. | 17:13 |
kanzure | Heh. Managing editor of PLoS ONE thinks I am a "scary person". "Fortunately I don't have to read anything I publish (I have people to do that for me!)" | 17:18 |
kanzure | I wonder if nature wants to play fairly today. | 17:23 |
kanzure | Nope. | 17:24 |
nsh | cheers kanz | 17:42 |
kanzure | from some discussion in #singularity on oftc, | 17:44 |
kanzure | it occurs to me that, in here, we're all just pointing the finger as to who's a bot | 17:44 |
kanzure | I claim nsh is a bot | 17:45 |
kanzure | fenn thinks I might be a markov bot too | 17:45 |
kanzure | so are we all just a steaming mess of Turing test or something ? | 17:45 |
kanzure | a steaming hunk of Turing test dropouts | 17:45 |
kanzure | Turns out Opera has some command line options to throw commands at it. I'm thinking I'll get back to my heybryan.org/projects/browsehack/tabtabtab.html today or something. | 18:03 |
* nsh knows everyone is a bot | 18:06 | |
nsh | not sure about hisself | 18:06 |
kanzure | paranoia? | 18:06 |
nsh | nah, i just have a nuanced understanding of the workings of the collective unconscious | 18:06 |
kanzure | egocentricism? | 18:07 |
kanzure | aka mecentricism? | 18:07 |
* nsh smiles | 18:12 | |
kanzure | Max More recommended http://www.amazon.com/True-Names-Opening-Cyberspace-Frontier/dp/0312862075/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1218472198&sr=1-1 to me yesterday re: programmers-as-magicians | 19:15 |
kanzure | fenn: do you have it in your collection? | 19:15 |
* nsh gets from undernet | 19:21 | |
kanzure | or maybe anything by Scalzi, Haldeman, any of that would be good too | 19:27 |
* kanzure glances at his (imaginary) calendar showing Armadillocon on the 15th, 16th and 17th | 19:27 | |
* bkero just finished reading some douglas rushkoff. :) Highly recmomended. | 19:56 | |
bkero | *recommended | 19:56 |
kanzure | I've heard of him, somewhere. | 20:22 |
* kanzure just got off the phone with Alan. | 20:22 | |
kanzure | Evidently Alan doesn't want to hear about nature, 'puts me in an awkward position' and such. Oh well. | 20:23 |
kanzure | he's working on extracting figures/captions from papers and then tagging them. Don't know why he wants to tag them .. he says it's mostly so that he can then use some context and some natural language processing algorithms later. | 20:24 |
kanzure | Sounds like a dark path to me ... natural language processing of papers => yikes. | 20:24 |
bkero | lolcontext | 20:27 |
bkero | PDFs are notoriously closed and gimped | 20:27 |
bkero | The last dude to crack it got extradited from fucking Russia. | 20:27 |
kanzure | http://www.kanungo.com/software/pset-1.01.tar.gz | 20:29 |
kanzure | What? | 20:29 |
bkero | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Sklyarov+ | 20:30 |
bkero | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Sklyarov | 20:31 |
kanzure | That was just copyright protection fluff. | 20:32 |
bkero | Still involved cracking PDFs. | 20:33 |
kanzure | Where's gmake? | 20:34 |
bkero | In portage as dev-util/gmake | 20:35 |
kanzure | "bash: ./Voronoi: cannot execute binary file" | 20:35 |
bkero | It's just under make | 20:36 |
kanzure | Hrm. | 20:36 |
bkero | If you've got scripts that use it, just symlink it. | 20:36 |
kanzure | oh, it's the same thing? | 20:36 |
kanzure | hrm, looks like they're expecting a Sun workstation :-) ha ha, puny mortals | 20:37 |
bkero | Yup | 20:38 |
bkero | You found solaris software? | 20:38 |
bkero | Damn you must be looking in those dark corners of the internet. | 20:38 |
kanzure | http://www.kanungo.com/software/pset-1.01.tar.gz <--- | 20:38 |
bkero | Wassat | 20:39 |
kanzure | page segmentation :) | 20:39 |
bkero | yea | 20:40 |
bkero | works perfectly | 20:40 |
bkero | ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake | 20:40 |
kanzure | compat.h:216: error: conflicting types for ‘malloc’ | 20:41 |
kanzure | compat.h:217: error: conflicting types for ‘realloc’ | 20:41 |
kanzure | lines in question: externchar *malloc(); | 20:41 |
kanzure | externchar *realloc(); | 20:41 |
kanzure | hrm | 20:41 |
kanzure | ah, stdlib.h:486 - previous definition of 'realloc' | 20:42 |
kanzure | but then what about 'malloc' ? Surely that's defined somewhere. Why is that in compat.h ? | 20:42 |
kanzure | grumble grumble, hunting other people's bugs ... | 20:43 |
elias` | would be rather useful to have unified handling for similar types of data.. e.g. any piece of text (in terminal, web browser, PDF viewer) would have similar kinds of context menus available, followed URLs are recorded somewhere with the context (from IRC from someone, some web page, ..) etc. | 20:47 |
kanzure | right | 20:47 |
kanzure | http://heybryan.org/bookmarking.html last paragraph on the page | 20:47 |
kanzure | ((XYCUT_PARAM *)(*xycut_param_p)) = (XYCUT_PARAM *) malloc (sizeof(XYCUT_PARAM)); <---- invalid lvalue in assignment. | 20:48 |
kanzure | grr | 20:48 |
kanzure | How is the left hand side of that statement messed up? | 20:49 |
* kanzure has forgotten much of his C by now. | 20:49 | |
kanzure | I think the issue is *)(* which is something I've never had to do before | 20:49 |
elias` | cast operator in the left hand side looks pretty bad | 20:50 |
kanzure | yes | 20:51 |
kanzure | http://rafb.net/p/8meVAf65.html | 21:06 |
kanzure | grumble grumble | 21:06 |
kanzure | http://heybryan.org/resume/resume.txt meh, needs some work | 21:35 |
kanzure | oh wait | 22:31 |
kanzure | Todd is the one responsible for bilconference.com | 22:31 |
kanzure | it's the preTED thing. | 22:32 |
kanzure | http://bilconference.com/wp-content/themes/bil/images/shirt.jpg <-- Todd | 22:32 |
kanzure | http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/08/13/1827215 | 22:49 |
kanzure | 'What exactly would robots with rat brains want to do, since they can't do any of their natural biological functions?' | 22:49 |
kanzure | 'The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world.' | 22:49 |
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