
--- Day changed Fri Aug 15 2008
kanzureI met somebody today complaining about06:01
kanzureabout: 06:01
kanzure1) emc06:01
kanzure2) papakura06:01
kanzure3) CADs06:01
kanzure4) gcode06:01
kanzureI asked him if his name was ben but he said no06:01
* kanzure is terribly confused.06:02
* bkero 's name is ben06:04
bkeroWhat's EMC?06:04
bkeroI don't know what any of those are besides CADs and Google code?06:05
ybitgcode is for CAD06:06
kanzurebkero: fenn is ben too06:07
kanzureEMC is #emc06:07
bkeroC is for cookie and that's good enough for me.  Fuck, now I want warm gooey cookies.06:07
kanzureemc is linux cnc code06:08
kanzurepapakura is the art of folding paper, kind of like origami06:08
kanzuregcode is what CAD software spits out to your machines to actually make your crappy product06:08
bkeroI've always used solidworks->toolpathes06:09
bkeroThen fed that to cnc mills06:09
kanzureI think that's kind of like gcode06:09
bkeroIt's a path an x-axis cnc mill takes to cut your piece06:09
kanzuregcode is more like "move the arm in this direction"06:09
bkeroYes, gcode would be a toolpath then06:09
kanzureAt some point in my life I'm going to get smart enough to stop going to physical meetups to talk about Really Important Problems. Tonight I was talking with an ancient biologist about these Really Important Problems, and he has accumulated this terabyte array of random junk from over the decades.06:10
kanzureAnd he has no index.06:10
bkeroI'm on the solar challenge vehicle team here, and we used solidworks to design the body, then cut the shape out of styrofoam, then male that a mold, and lay fiberglass on top of that to make a compiste.06:10
kanzurebasically the same boat that we're all in06:10
* kanzure has an Austin Electric Vehicle group, if that counts06:11
* bkero has made several electric vehicles. :)06:11
bkeroAlthough I've seen some awesome shit on austinev06:11
kanzureyou're on the mailing list?06:11
* bkero drools over electric r06:11
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mailing_lists.html <-- pick out what you have in common please06:11
bkeroI have a lot of friends that work for cafeelectric designing zill acontrollers06:12
kanzureAnyway, he has no index, and he's thinking of making one, and the problem that you come across with natural language indices is that they're just as shitty as the original solution you had.06:12
kanzureSoon enough you'll be doing one of the damn Borges scenarios with indices of indices of indices and you'll never groundtruth your damn experiment or whatever.06:12
kanzureSo I think the adequate alternative is to always have the information cached in some real, live brains that are actively working in the same problem space.06:12
kanzureThis would be better than just hoping you can go back through 10 terabytes of stolen web pages and papers.06:13
bkeroGave some talks at barcamp, majoring in bioinformatics, I maintain some biosql packages in gentoo, I'm working for google in 2 months building GFS, I work on a fork of pidgin called bitlbee, and do freecycle :P06:14
kanzureAlso, the issue of formatted data storage from the sciences came up, and it struck me while I was talking with these guys that we don't actually need to really be storing much information that you go around collecting -- what you need to be storing is the information on how to reconstruct the context in which the measurements were being taken (a.k.a SKDB ;-).06:14
kanzurebkero: Maybe Google would like some of my projects. *cough* Semantic Search Facilitator *cough* AutoScholar http://heybryan.org/projects/autoscholar/06:15
bkeroI've actually been coming up with a keyword-based filesystem.  It's non-hierarchical and works off groups, keywords, and tags.06:15
kanzuretagging hurrah06:15
kanzureelias`: this is where you jump in with Enki-2's stuff06:15
kanzurebkero: So you clearly know about Xanadu, right?06:15
bkeroI've built xanadu green ;)06:15
kanzureI need a graph theoretic file system06:15
kanzurevirtual links aren't quite enough06:15
kanzureI need linkbacks06:15
bkeroHaven't had the patience to set up xanadu gold06:16
bkeroTwo-way links you mean?06:16
* bkero remembers reading nelsons rant against html06:16
kanzureOne of the other issues that came up tonight was that all of these CAMs/CADs and 3D modeling interfaces all tremendously suck06:17
kanzureSketchup is apparently an improvement in a few ways or something06:17
kanzurebut I'm not convinced.06:17
bkeroWe both have the same favorite restaurant06:17
bkeroHaha no06:18
kanzurewho is we?06:18
bkeroIt's a little restaurant called The Spinnaker06:18
ybitbkero: i used bitlbee for awhile, and was always complaining the lack of otr support :)06:18
bkeroTed Nelson and I.06:18
bkeroybit: otr?06:18
bkeroOh lol06:18
bkeroI don't use jabber enough for that to mater06:18
* kanzure goes to wake up jer06:18
kanzureAnyway, it occured to me tonight that you need to give the finger to 3D visualization/artistic interfaces06:19
kanzurethat's totally the wrong way to do it06:19
kanzureyou can't just magically hope that anything you draw can be directly correlated to the manufacturing processes06:19
kanzurethat's the /wrong/ way to go about doing this06:19
kanzureit's of course the one that intuitively makes sense though06:19
kanzuresince you draw what you want, right?06:20
bkeroBut it's not about doing it the right way, it's about disassociating 3d modeling with physical instantiation.06:20
kanzureand then it's the engineer's fault for not making it happen06:20
bkeroBecause 3d modeleres don't work CNC machines.06:20
kanzureright, they generate the instructions to compile it into the form that the machines can work with06:20
* bkero apologises for his typos, he had a glass of wine in celebration of his accomplishments.06:20
kanzurebut you see, it's not 3D modeling that we really want06:21
bkeroThe 3d modelers design valid objects that fit in 3d space with a slight hint of manufacturing optimization.06:21
kanzureit's not "3D space" it's "API space for the machines" or something06:21
kanzureaka you don't have a universal fabricator on the other end of your fabrication toolchain06:22
bkeroWe've built self-replicating machines :)06:22
kanzurenot reprap06:22
kanzuredon't give me the reprap bullshit06:22
bkeroIt's so fun to blame the TSA for destroying it though.06:22
bkeroAfter the makers faire the TSA destroyed it06:23
bkeroWhile shipping06:23
ybitwine, yum 06:25
bkeroIt's some of that Yellow Tail Merlot06:25
kanzurebkero: The goal of SKDB is mostly to make a self-replicating machine the right way.06:25
bkeroNot bad for a $10 bottle of wine.  Definitely better than the $2.50 bottle I bought last time(I wanted to know what SUPEr cheap shitty wine tasted like)06:25
kanzureWhat we're doing is sifting through metadata of manufacturing processes to look for "dependency loops" that represent self-replicating processes.06:25
bkeroWouldn't you just get a lot of recursion that way?06:26
ybitbebo vino tinto para mi cumpleaños... just a few days ago06:27
kanzurebebo vino tinto?06:27
ybiti drunk red wine06:27
ybit(for my bday)06:27
bkeroWouldn't that be roja?06:27
kanzureThat's what I would think.06:28
ybitnot sure if that is acceptable, but red is most always pronounced tinto when referring to wine06:29
ybitperhaps any liquid06:29
kanzureBoing Boing lies06:30
* ybit is n00b spanish speaker06:30
kanzureI was pissed off when they started passing that press release around06:30
ybit(laughing at image)06:30
bkeroWhat else does it need?  To supply it's own fuel?06:30
kanzurebkero: let's start with actually self-replicating06:30
ybitis reading #hplusroadmap log06:31
kanzurefor instance, the microcontroller06:31
kanzureall of those fabricational processes are linear06:31
kanzureand not "self-replicating" and therefore the overall design is not self-replicating06:31
bkeroYou're referring to the procedures in the microcontroller?06:32
kanzureNo, the manufacturing required to make the microcontroller.06:32
bkeroSo you're talking about outside sources of inputs.06:33
kanzureInputs to what?06:33
kanzureyou have to actually *build the thing first*06:34
kanzureand you haven't ...06:34
bkeroInputs for replication06:34
bkeroYou're going to have to build something before it can self-replicate.  It's going to require some outside influence to bootstrap itself.06:36
bkeroSo you're saying that the reprap folks haven't built something that can create another of itself?06:36
kanzureIn a self-replicating system, such as an organism, the inputs are the materials that literally build the components required to process the inputs. This is not occuring in RepRap -- the materials required to build a microcontroller are not being dealt with at all. They're just hand-waved.06:36
kanzureIt certainly does thermoplastic .. I can't argue with that.06:37
kanzurenor will I :)06:37
bkeroBut it still requires external influence(IE replenishing parts supply)06:37
bkeroSo you're saying the inputs for a self-replicating system are components TO build them, not to build them out of?06:40
bkeroYou're saying that the inputs for a self-replicating system are used by the progenitor as tools to build the new organism?06:42
bkerowould you count mitosis as self-replication?06:42
kanzureI think so, yes.06:43
kanzurethe problem with saying it that way is that it's harder to thnk about 06:43
kanzure*think about06:43
bkeroI think the reprap guys took another angle.06:43
kanzurerapid prototyper hacked into something it's not?06:44
bkeroThey viewed self-replicating as all of the inputs are assembled to create a copy of itself06:44
bkeroRapid prototyper saying "Look!  We can make it make itself!"06:44
kanzurebut they can't06:46
kanzureit's not "making"06:46
kanzurethe "making" is the manufacturing06:46
bkeroIt does make itself, but they have the replication part in the wrong spot.06:47
bkeroHave you done anything in regards to biological computing?06:48
bkeroOne prototype is constructed from leech neurons, and is capable of performing simple arithmetic operations. 06:49
* bkero wants some biological logic gates and transistors.06:49
kanzureWinfree's lab?06:51
* kanzure was working on that in the lab here at UT06:51
kanzureDNA logic gates called 'transcriptional switches'06:51
kanzurethey are terribly slow and do everything *but* computation06:53
kanzurewe were going to use them for molecular manufacturing and "online logic" for turning Turing patterns into crystalline structures during PCR06:54
kanzurebut anyway ..06:54
kanzure^ that's worth the time06:59
bkerobrb landlord is keeping me at the olympics07:00
kanzurehm ... http://www.theonion.com/content/video/study_most_children_strongly <-- you know, the kids are actually right07:18
kanzurejust not for the reasons these guys propose :)07:19
ybitkanzure, an update on your open-rtms project?07:53
kanzureNEED PARTS08:17
kanzureplease give08:17
kanzureuhm, but I actually need to continue to collect papers really08:18
kanzureand then do a massive paper review :)08:18
kanzurethere's a few that I neglected08:18
bkeroNice shopping list08:22
kanzurethe list was Superkuh's doing08:22
kanzureit was an extraction of his directory of papers08:22
kanzurehe already had them, but since he's limiting himself to 10 kbps I figured it'd be faster to just go get them myself08:23
kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HeUixe_Lpg water printer09:46
kanzurehttp://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/12655 the boy mechanic - 700 (dangerous?) things for boys to do09:48
kanzurehttp://villagetelco.org/ 'an easy-to-use, scalable, standards-based, wireless, local, do-it-yourself, telephone company toolkit'12:00
kanzureI wonder if I can skip out on some school for this14:15
kanzure$600 in fees14:20
kanzureHm. I need a faculty sponsor.14:23
kanzurefenn: suppose you're to give the finger to 3D modeling interfaces across all of the many applications and uses17:19
kanzurewhat's the alternative?17:19
kanzureI don't recall anything from history that served as a precursor to people saying "hey, let's make a gui for all of this!" really ... it was almost immediately that people went from "have the architect draw it out on paper" to "woah, what if he could do this on a computer"17:20
bkeroYou're referring to the parts of the application that aren't the 2d representation of a 3d scene?17:48
kanzureNo, I don't think so.17:48
kanzureit's not a '3d scene'17:48
kanzurestop thinking jaa17:48
bkeroI don't know java.17:48
kanzureJust as the map is not the territory, you really only need to be specifying constraints on the design space more than anything17:49
kanzurebut people don't think like this17:49
kanzurethey just draw a cup or something17:49
bkeroAren't vector graphics about specifying constraints on design space?17:50
kanzureNope. They're about actual lines that are transmitted to the CNC machines to "make it happen".17:50
bkeroIf you want to do that you can just do modeling in toolpath applications. :P17:50
bkeroSorry, CAM software17:51
kanzureHave you ever done non-3D modeling, like in a mathematical or computational sense?17:51
kanzureThere's a distinct difference that's worth noting. The 3D modeling stuff is kind of like telling yourself lies.17:51
bkeroI've done extradimensional modeling using POGL before.17:51
kanzureof what?17:52
kanzureoh, you mean 3D modeling17:52
kanzureI mean, you mean "using the GPU"17:52
bkeroFor display purposes17:53
bkeroModeling hypercubes :P17:53
kanzureSurely you've played with differential equations before?17:53
kanzureThat's a form of modeling.17:53
kanzureWhen you draw a random curve in your CAD app, it's not the same thing as drawing a curve in your diff-eq solver because in the mathematical context you have axioms and general rules of topology or mapping between various types of numbers, real or otherwise, and whatever else you require. In CAD, you ignore all of that stuff and just kinda say "hey, this didn't turn out like I wanted it, wahh". all seems like a hack ..17:56
bkeroSuch models don't have to follow physical laws, but have to obey most mathematical laws17:57
bkero(IE you can't have negative absolute space)17:57
-!- Splicer is now known as biopunk20:19

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