
--- Day changed Sat Aug 16 2008
fennkanzure: that's pretty much the direction i was going in for cad; see some lame crap here: (goal oriented flow) http://fennetic.net/cadwiki/02:54
fennre villagetelco.org why stop at telephony, they're basically providing internet access02:55
fennthe ubiquiti nanostation looks pretty sweet though02:55
fennfwiw some high end tools like pro-E might work that way, but its hard finding people who actually know how to use it02:57
kanzureso the guy that my father hired to work at Freescale was doing a total supply chain bug tracker / change management software environment04:23
kanzureboth of them quit the business when they realized how fucked it was04:24
kanzureybit: need more parts04:24
kanzureand to fetch the papers04:24
* kanzure met Scalzi04:30
ybiti bet that was fun :)04:31
ybitdid you talk about anything interesting?04:31
kanzureno, not really04:34
kanzureto talk about anything interest you really have to corner people04:34
kanzureyou can't get from "bacon+cat" to "rules for navigating scientific complexity through coherent technorhetoric and other strategies of the trade to pass via sf unto reads".04:35
kanzurewithout hurting a few brain cells :)04:35
kanzuregetting close13:37
ybitgetting close to..?17:48
-!- elias`_ is now known as elias`21:05
ybithmm.. 4-6 weeks before my biotechniques subscription activates :|21:18
ybitanyone want to send me the contents of http://www.biotechniques.com/default.asp?page=current&subsection=article_display&id=112830 linked from http://heybryan.org/2008-08-15.html21:19

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