
--- Day changed Thu Aug 28 2008
kanzurenot when you're around00:00
percentNever, ever doubt the power of smart people doing dumb things.00:00
kanzuremaybe we could use an extra uberhacker on board or something00:00
kanzurea russian guy00:00
kanzureanybody know a russian?00:00
willPow3r_i speak it00:01
willPow3r_when requested00:01
* kanzure sleeps00:02
willPow3r_considering the average russian citizen ingests 10 gallons of vodka per year, that goes without saying00:02
percentI speak jive. 00:05
percentAnd hick. 00:05
percentthought it were finna to be another storm but it done come up a frog strangler00:06
willPow3r_impressive. can you juggle too?00:09
-!- JanK [n=jk@p57B746CE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]00:35
percentnot as well as your mom can juggle dicks00:57
willPow3r_she learned from the best, who happens to be your mom01:04
percentwho learned from the best, who happens to be YOUR mom01:19
willPow3r_so dick juggling then appears to be a recursive learning process01:38
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kanzureHey faceface.04:09
facefacehello kanzure 04:20
facefacemy xchat died yesterday, so I don't know if you replied to my 'people are obstacles' comment04:20
kanzureI don't think I even saw it.04:20
kanzureWhat were we talking about?04:21
facefaceI was just saying that people (the people that seem to do nothing but get in the way) need to be negotiated just like any other physical obstacle04:21
facefacekanzure, I just picked up on a comment you made04:21
kanzure"Dear Rock, blocking my path, would you be so kind as to move, and in exchange I have this beautiful daughter."04:22
facefaceto create a vacuum you need to go to lengths to get the machinery right... although it is a pain, you need to go to lenghs to achieve your goals in the face of people... silly lazy dumb people04:23
facefacethe point is, don't get bitter, mad, angry, etc. just get on with it ;-)04:24
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bkeroSomehow I think offering your daughter up has fallen out of vogue.04:37
willPow3r_only in first-world countries04:45
bkeroand second world04:55
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percentfaceface: People in your way should be thoroughly annihilated.13:38
* kanzure just visited the Texas Petawatt Laser.13:40
jk4930oh hi, back from the UT?13:41
jk4930(that's me, JanK. I changed the nick)13:41
kanzurealso, the CAD class is some good fun ... three hour computer lab "come and go as you please but please stay I'd like to think you like me", two hour lecture on stuffs, and then a one hour period in the evening to do personal reverse engineering projects13:42
kanzureplus we get free access to the rapid prototyper13:42
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Event_format#The_real_code_sucks <-- something is wrong ..13:47
kanzurehm, got it somewhat fixed13:50
kanzurejust not outputting the correct output13:50
kanzurewhich I guess isn't much of a fix13:50
kanzurethe problem was with the method of checking array size, apparently perl prefers @array to get the size of the array when doing a numerical comparison13:50
nshcast as scalar?14:06
nshwhat goes wrong if you use the regular way? (is it #@array ? god, it's been too long)14:07
kanzureweird, I'm doing redundant checks though14:07
nshperl used to often surprise me, but there was always some logic to what it did14:07
kanzure$#array is supposed to do it, and it does when I print "number: ", $#array, 14:07
nshthat one14:07
kanzurebut it didn't do its job when I was doing an if statement on it14:07
nshbecause you used the list form of print14:07
kanzureso just saying if (@remainingevents > 1) works14:07
nshso it tried to make a list out of $#array14:08
kanzurenot sure14:08
nshif you did print "number:" . $#array14:08
kanzurethe print statement *did* work14:08
nshit would work, (i'd bet)14:08
kanzurethat's not the issue14:08
nshoh ok14:08
kanzureI'll do a dump in a sec if anybody wants to play around with it14:09
kanzuredon't forget to mkdir calendars14:10
* nsh might look later if he remembers14:13
elias`someone's probably written some fancy way to do something like this to get relevancy to self (but gives better results): given a pool of information sources, get first part of relevancy score based on some method that looks for the content, author, etc. and secondly, items (like papers) that are more referenced by other items get a higher score, based on the existing relevancy metric for the referencing items, authors or such.14:13
elias`hope that makes more sense than I usually seem to make :(14:13
kanzurethe word you are looking for is "impact factor"14:14
kanzureand it's an evil, evil thing14:14
elias`why is that?14:14
kanzurepeople lose jobs because they publish somewhere with an impact factor of such-and-such14:15
kanzurethey use it to sort people and ideas ... 14:15
nshthe measure and how it's used are different things14:16
nshthey're allowed different evil-values14:16
elias`I think it would be useful for personal information handling. I find it would just automate part of what I already do14:17
nshsure, an well-practices MBA can inject evil quotient into anything14:17
kanzureI disagree14:17
kanzureand don't want to talk about why right now, elias`14:17
kanzurestatistics is teh evils, just read everything14:17
kanzurenow, there's some work on decyphering the underlying structure of the web of science unbeknownst to us and perhaps even the practicioners14:19
kanzurei.e., somewhat through semantic filtering and so on14:19
kanzureand then finding the subgraphs and so on14:19
kanzurebut this doesn't necessarily correlate with semantic terrain14:19
kanzurewhat a mess we're in.14:19
* kanzure gets a mop14:19
kanzure(and it's not a kosher mess, either)14:20
elias`I think I should weigh the incoming information according to the quality of the results. All else being equal, bump the probability of showing queueing/showing info with a high impact factor somewhat.14:20
kanzureoh, yes, I know what you're saying :p14:21
kanzureand have even considered my own such systems before14:21
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kanzurewhy am I using a foreach looper15:28
kanzurejust check the next element in the array15:28
kanzureand fork linearly when there's no conflict, and by 2 when either the current or the next one could be picked15:29
kanzureit's overall kind of linear, but it might work better than this piece of junk I presently have up15:29
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kanzuresame old same old17:03
kanzureclosure in self-replicating systems17:12
kanzure"Consider, for example, the problem of parts closure. Imagine that the entire factory and all of its machines are broken down into their component parts. If the original factory cannot fabricate every one of these items, then parts closure does not exist and the system is not fully self-replicating ."17:12
* kanzure virtually hugs Freitas17:12
fennfreitas had it figured out17:16
fenni'd like to see more in detail how they actually calculated closure etc17:16
kanzure'An approach to the problem of closure in real engineering-systems is to begin with the issue of parts closure by asking the question: can a set of machines produce all of its elements? If the manufacture of each part requires, on average, the addition of >1 new parts to product it, then an infinite number of parts are required in the initial system and complete closure cannot be achieved. On the other hand, if the mean number of new parts per origina17:17
* kanzure still finds Freitas to be a mysterious fellow ..17:18
kanzure'The minimum size of a self-sufficient "machine economy" remains unknown.'17:18
* kanzure thinks this is sounding like computer science => 'computational engineering' or some such.17:18
kanzure'Closure engineering In actual practice, the achievement of full closure will be a highly complicated, iterative engineering design process. Every factory system, subsystem, component structure, and input requirement (Miller and Smith, 1979) must be carefully matched against known factory output capabilities. Any gaps in the manufacturing flow must be filled by the introduction of additional machines, whose own construction and operation may create ne17:19
kanzure'Closure engineering'17:19
kanzureI remember seeing this paper back in the day, but not this particular section17:19
kanzureis it a good sign that others come to the same results as you?17:20
kanzureI guess I can't say I'm not contaminated though ..17:20
fenni had this idea before i ever started reading about anything17:23
fennit comes from actually having to work with limited resources, instead of just an academic "proof of concept" like reprap17:24
kanzurebeing broke?17:24
kanzureor in the concept space of "on the moon you don't actually have anything yet"17:25
fennsorta.. i dont expect anyone to spend $20k on a lathe17:25
fennbut also a general lack of manufacturing knowledge in my community and out-groups17:25
kanzurethe lack of manufacturing knowledge where I grew up is staggering17:26
kanzuredad = ran a silicon fab as a manager of a few teams, but he doesn't count17:26
kanzurecommon daily objects taken for granted, no hints as to the troubles some poor guy had to go through drafting the thing up17:26
kanzurebtw, I have to admit the 'drafting' / CAD class is actually the funnest so far17:26
fenni'm not sure silicon fab is even in the same semantic territory17:26
kanzurethe si fab funding came from the 60's - 80's, whereas everything else is as old as fart17:27
fennlike i'm dropping balls off the tower of piza over here and they're doing high energy particle physics17:27
fennwhat programs are you using in cad class?17:28
kanzureI knew the answer to this question until you asked me17:28
fennah, the working-man's cad :)17:29
fennthat's computer aid drafting, fwiw17:29
kanzureoh, the first sentence being wrong17:30
kanzureon the wikipedia page17:30
* kanzure realizes he didn't link to it17:31
kanzureso what's the context?17:31
fenni just mean there's a difference between drafting and design17:31
kanzureto what extent17:31
kanzuredrafting, I know, is making out the schematics and such17:31
fennwell, when drafting you come up with the design in your head and put it down on paper17:32
fennwith design, you have an idea, then throw a bunch of random thoughts on the paper and let it grow into a design17:32
kanzurefun stuff17:32
kanzurethat's kind of how I work obviously17:32
kanzurethrow a bunch of crap at people and see what sticks/grows17:32
fennhuman-aided design :)17:32
kanzure"ok, move just three inches to the left, don't move -- just stay right there"17:33
fennnow, solidworks is a lot more design-ey than cad programs of the past17:33
fennbut i'm an unreasonable man17:34
fenn"" wtf!!17:34
fennThe educational edition is always 1 year behind the industry edition"17:34
kanzureis that .. smart ?17:35
-!- Nofaris [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-94-197.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:38
kanzurehm, automated design lab18:29
kanzurehttp://www.me.utexas.edu/~campbell/index.htm 'Most recently, we have focused on graph grammars as a universal way to capture the design decisions in engineering.'18:31
kanzurehttp://www.me.utexas.edu/~campbell/ME392C.htm design optimization and automation18:31
kanzure'With GraphSynth, one can design, implement, test, and automatically invoke grammar rules that transform a graph from an initial seed into 18:33
kanzurea creative design.'18:33
kanzure'. Electric circuits, truss structures, and chemical processes are just a few of the artifacts of engineering design that are easily represented by graphs. When viewing the artifact as a graph constructed from an initial simpler graph that describes the problem, one needs to develop a set of rules to capture the valid transformations that can occur. The grammar rules, organized into rule sets are then subject to a generation process. '18:33
-!- ybit [n=h@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap18:52
* kanzure emailed the prof18:56
kanzurehe apparently does some electronic music in a band 18:56
kanzureso I dropped a reference to it for extra points18:57
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kanzurefenn: David claims that if I can get (1) room/space and (2) a professor onboard that he can get a fab lab down here for me.19:17
kanzureDavid as in our Gershenfeld/Minsky fellow.19:17
fennthey should have done that already, meh :P19:17
kanzureI'm wondering if I can strategically make this my "be lazy and have a fab lab" dream thingy19:18
fennthe 'automated design lab' stuff looks very limited in scope, more low-level processes (not that that's bad)19:18
fennnot having to move from your present situation definitely qualifies as 'be lazy'19:19
fennaustin + fab lab = attractive19:20
fenni mean, at least it's not boston19:20
kanzurefab lab - payment charges = sexy19:20
fennwhat payment charges?19:20
kanzureFabLab is an actual company19:20
kanzurespun off from Make Magazine19:21
fennwhy didnt i know that?19:21
fennplease find a link so i'm not simply relying on your memory19:22
kanzurewikipedia tells me FabLab is from MIT Media Lab19:23
kanzurewait a moment19:23
kanzureuhm, there must be another one out there then.19:23
kanzurethe one with the $100/mo membership fees19:23
fennfablab is gershenfeld's research project "what would people do with a star-trek replicator" experiment19:23
kanzureI could have sworn this other one was called fablab too19:23
fennyou might be thinking of tech shop, or .. the people in #make19:23
fennapparently you have to buy your own tool bits to use the stuff at techshop because it's so badly abused19:24
fennit is a neat idea though19:25
kanzureI think I can go talk to the actlab guys, they'll like this ... and they have the space for it19:27
fenni'm making an inventory system in yaml and i cant figure out how to do nested structures and still be able to manipulate stuff19:29
fennso i regressed to flat table-like structure with ID's for everything19:29
fennit might just be my brain stuck in OO mode19:30
kanzurehave you ever seen a non-OOP inventory system19:33
kanzureand if so, please explain19:33
kanzuremeanwhile, I'm running out to conquer some robots.19:33
fennflat table-like is not very OO imho19:38
fennthere are zillions of them19:38
fennanything SQL or "database"19:38
bkeroYou can have inventory systems that aren't OOP19:39
bkeroYou can't have individual incidents though19:39
fennindividual incidents?19:39
bkeroLike separate cases for each entry19:39
fenni dont know what that means19:39
bkeroYou have tables that relate to each other19:40
fennlike multiple orders of the same product?19:40
bkeroBut no tables binding them together19:40
bkeroso a list of phone numbers19:40
bkeroand a list of names19:40
bkeroBut no foreign key between them19:40
fennthats a bad example.. phone numbers and names usually have a 1:1 correspondence19:41
bkeroNumber of the times I skullfuck you in one table, and amount of times you cry in another.19:41
bkeroYou can use that format for anything you don't need relational mapping for.19:42
bkeroMostly statistical analysis.19:42
fennok, sounds stupid19:42
fennthe point is to keep track of everything in minute detail19:43
bkeroYou do19:43
bkeroYou just don't have the relatio19:43
bkeroWhich has benefits and drawbacks.19:44
fennwhat are the benefits?19:44
bkeroMore straight forward inner joins and smaller sizes19:45
bkeroIt's O(n) instead of O(n log n) for inner joins based off foreign keys.19:46
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ybit[22:42] <ybit> YAGO?23:49
ybit[22:42] <ybit> http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Datasets23:49
ybit[22:42] <ybit> "and 75,000 YAGO categories."23:49
ybit[22:42] *** JamesonTai is now known as JamesonTai|zZz.23:49
ybit[22:43] <ybit> surely not "Yet Another Gigabit Operation"23:49
ybitsurprisingly #wikipedia is silent on this23:49
ybitno, not concerning jamesontai going to bed 23:50
ybitperhaps http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~suchanek/downloads/yago/ ?23:51
ybitthat would make sense, yes23:51
ybitokay, thanks ybit23:51

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