
--- Day changed Wed Sep 03 2008
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]00:13
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ybitkanzure, whenever you are through grabbing the vids from superkuh, want to torrent them?00:34
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kanzureybit: Yes.07:13
proctoI can't wait to start ripping out body parts and replacing them with improved versions08:38
proctoI don't use computer from the 80's08:38
proctowhy does my biology have to be from the 80's?08:38
-!- Phreedom__ [n=freedom@ip-194-50-167-184.mir.dn.ua] has joined #hplusroadmap08:52
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kanzureideas on representing reaction kinetics ?12:12
kanzure'stochastic kinetics modeling of biochemical components'12:12
kanzureis SBML or CellML something I should be looking into?12:12
kanzureone of those is a 'stochastic framework'12:13
kanzureBioNetGen http://bionetgen.org/12:13
kanzureBioPathwise http://bioanalyticsgroup.com/12:13
kanzureBioNetGen being the free one12:14
kanzurehuh: http://www.yeastpheromonemodel.org/wiki/Main_Page12:14
kanzureokay, yeah12:14
kanzurereaction rules are in this document12:14
kanzurebut this looks like a small project ...12:14
kanzurethose parameters are very useful12:15
kanzureif I could map a database of biobricks to BNGL files.12:15
kanzurehttp:// ' Software package for the analysis of paratemer landscapes in biological networks'12:22
kanzurenote: /mnt/maxtor/all/Biology/ has http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels/release_21August2008_sbmls.tar.gz now12:25
-!- Nofaris [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-77-105.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:46
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kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/projects/cerebellum/ <-- this is a git repo (despite the lack of a .git ending to the name)13:13
kanzurehas mostly visual basic .. I apologize13:13
kanzuream forking slowly.13:13
kanzureHaha, 'kinetic simulation and model fitting' is being presented at the old lab as of 15 minutes ago13:14
kanzurewhich is exactly what Dan and I were talking about13:14
kanzurewhere is faceface anyway?13:14
-!- Nofaris_ [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-77-105.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:35
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-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:58
kanzuredegradation rates, gene expression rates, polymerase per second (PoPS), what else might you want to 'optimize' in a GRN of biobricks?16:25
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kanzureis anybody going to kill me if I just do basic stoichiometry?17:38
kanzurelook at "begin reaction rules"17:38
kanzureI'm pretty sure that's just stoich17:38
* bkero has to do stoiciometry on his car daily. :/18:07
bkeroBurning too hot will make gaskets brittle and lose compression18:14
kanzureI should just make it variable for variables to optimize for18:15
kanzureNow I just have to worry about how to make the hidden variable model itself18:15
kanzureSay that I have 10,000 different designs18:15
kanzureand I can simulate all of them and tweak all of them18:15
kanzurenow which way do you tweak and such? This is what an ANN would be for, supposedly18:16
kanzurebut do you just set the exact outputs of the ANN to the parameters for each of the designs ??18:16
kanzureANN or hidden markov model or something else18:16
kanzuredifferent ways are possible there18:16
bkeroStandardize some of the components of a design and inherit your variable as a class?18:18
bkeroYou're trying to find a uniform way to tweak different designs?18:22
kanzureyes, that sounds right.18:22
bkeroIn an object model, that's what object extension or inheritence is for.18:23
kanzureYou mean I've been using object oriented programming incorrectly for the past, uh, decade?18:24
bkeroWhat have you been doing 'wrong'?18:24
kanzureI usually just use hierarchical classes, so I have parents and siblings and so on.18:24
kanzure(class inheritance)18:25
kanzureand then object instantiation is treated just like constructing a new instance of a data struct.18:25
bkeroBut you can extend classes18:28
kanzurevirtual class members, you mean?18:28
bkeroVirtuals in java are like generics, right?18:29
kanzureI forget.18:30
bkerochizu: Does python have class extension ala java?18:31
chizuYes, Python is a typical class based OO language. It works more or less how Java does.18:39
-!- Nofaris_ [n=Nofaris@adsl-75-42-77-105.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:39
kanzure' Fujaba uses Story driven modelling, a graph rewrite language based on PROGRES'18:56
kanzureStill not sure how to do this. Let's say you have 10,000 "CAD" files each doing various permutations and such. Where does the ANN come into play? You could spend a few thousand iterations tweaking parameters on a single file if you had to ..18:57
kanzure'An alternative idea would be to let the ANN do the prediction of the success of a design running through the simulator. An application of a rewrite rule to the ANN would then cause it to make a possibly better or worse prediction of the results of the simulation. '19:26
kanzure(well, that's really my text)19:26
kanzurewould that be a useful approach?19:26
ybit" [17:16] <bkero> ANN? " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_neural_network20:21
kanzureybit: Did I miss that message of bkero's?20:21
kanzureand what was it in response to ?20:22
kanzureOh, you're replying to it.20:22
ybityou didn't have a response :P20:22
ybitoh, for your question, not sure if you want my response20:22
ybit" [18:26] <kanzure> would that be a useful approach? "20:22
kanzureDo you know?20:23
ybiti do not20:23
kanzureI think I'll just let the ANN predict the results of the simulation of the given model. The input to the ANN has to be "the given model" but you're not just going to dump YAML or CAD into it. You want to dump whatever makes a particular design unique out of the tens of thousands of other generated designs, as the input to the ANN. Now, each time that you generate a new 10k set of designs for some problem, you have to start working with fresh ANNs.20:25
ybitbtw, did you ever happen to finish downloading http://www.med.wayne.edu neuropsychopharmacology vids from superkuh?20:27
kanzureNo, the download for both fedt and I broke at the same time.20:28
kanzureWhat makes one design unique? Usually the connectivity between the components, possibly also the parameters for instantiating each part (i.e., if a parameter to a 'nail' is the length of the nail ..). But how do you express connectivity information to inputs of ANN? That doesn't sound right to me.20:29
kanzureHuh, what if it's the permutation ID of the particular design?20:33
kanzureSince it's generating them iteratively ..20:33
kanzureperhaps that's not a good idea.20:33
kanzureMaybe I'll let this be variable -- the input will be the ID of the generated graph; sometimes it will be the seed of the "random number generator" to generate the graph, etc. etc. Then it would be easy to test which ones will tend to have ANNs that accurately predict the simulation results.20:34
kanzureSimultaneously tuning both the type of input to the ANNs as well as the generation of ANNs for problem sets (via picking good 'rule sets' and 'graph grammars' to apply (rewrite rules)) is computationally ridiculous. But only I'd have to tune and test the inputs to the ANNs, and then everyone else would be testing the ANNs for (their new) problem domains.20:37
kanzureunless nsh might have a few ideas20:37
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kanzureWhen in doubt, make it a variable. Hurrah.21:13
-!- willPow3r [n=will@cpe-66-75-6-181.san.res.rr.com] has quit ["Leaving"]22:08
bkero$i = 422:23
kanzurethe calculus professor blurted out during his lecture on series (yawn - been here, done that) that he had once attended a lecture of the great Conway, apparently he was demonstrating his tubes.22:28

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