
--- Day changed Sun Sep 14 2008
kanzureHow many can there be? 100? 200?00:02
kanzureYou're in luck. :)00:02
ybiti found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Spain earlier but mit's list might be better00:24
ybitdunno yet00:25
fenncertain death00:39
kanzureyet another one man team00:56
fenndead-ish project too00:59
fennthe code was awful, imho00:59
fennwildcat cad looks interesting, though the dev seems to be sort of obsessed with premature optimization01:02
kanzuresame problem as browsers01:04
kanzureeverything thrown into a single package01:04
kanzureneeds to be a little catalysis01:04
kanzuresmall, independent scripts to make up the functions01:04
kanzurethen let somebody else bother with fancy gui bullshit01:05
fenneh, i guess01:05
fennbrlcad is using that strategy and still there's nothing useful after 3-30 years01:05
fenni mean brlcad is great if you're doing nuclear tank warfare simulations01:05
* kanzure looks01:05
kanzureit's a simulator?01:06
fennit's a solid modeler01:06
fennbut the GUI is atrocious01:06
fennanyway, brlcad is based on the unix philosophy of a million little commands01:06
kanzuredoes it not perform well or something?01:06
fennuh, it's just hard to learn, and it doesn't really do "design"01:07
kanzure'BRL-CAD is a collection of more than 400 tools, utilities, and applications comprising more than a million lines of source code.'01:07
kanzuremillion lines of code for what? :/01:07
fennn-dimensional ray tracer, numerical utilities..01:07
kanzure'photon mapping support for realistic images' hahah :)01:07
fennthey do stuff like calculate the x-ray flux to various parts of a person when a nuclear bomb goes off at such-n-such distance01:08
fennsaid person being inside a tank or a battleship or whatever01:10
fennso they have to make models of the tank and all its materials01:11
fennbut they dont actually design the tanks with brlcad01:11
fennit's been open source for like 3 years, but under development for 30-odd years01:12
kanzureso why would you say they're using that strategy and not getting anything useful if you know they aren't aiming for usable stuff?01:12
fenn"let somebody else bother with the fancy GUI bullshit" doesnt mean anybody will actually bother with it01:13
kanzurewrt brlcad or in general01:14
kanzurebecause I'm good with cli gcc01:14
kanzureide is a nice bonus01:14
fennerrr... all i gotta say is command line cad doesn't work so well01:16
kanzurewhy? consider this argument:01:16
kanzureyou're going to be using parts or manipulations to designs that the program has in the db anyway01:17
kanzureso you either know it or you don't, no?01:17
fennsay that again?01:17
kanzureyou know how I was talking about repairing a user's requirements when they start typing and clicking in their interface?01:19
kanzurethe reason it has to be 'repaired' is because we're translating from la la land in their personal semantic forest over to what the db knows about01:19
kanzureso if you know the items in the db, how they interconnect and so on, or how to generate a flat surface with something attached to it etc., what's the problem with using the cli like that ?01:20
kanzurefenn: did I kill you? :(01:32
fenneh sorry i got distracted and forgot01:33
fenni'm just saying it's hard to specify "click here" with a command line01:34
fennlike, this particular edge/face/vertex01:34
kanzurebut is 'click here' the Right way to do it anyway?01:35
fennand nobody likes naming every single primitive, so it gets nasty when you have a complex shape and have to figure out which cylinder you are looking at01:35
kanzureI think it would be ok to sacrifice visuals for automatically generated structures, with validation and so on, unless you're specifically designing a final product skin or something, and for that, by all means go do some blender or something01:36
fennmost engineers learn how things work by playing around with them, holding in their hands and moving things back and forth01:39
fenndoing that with a command line requires a whole extra layer of abstract thought01:39
fennit's "counter-intuitive"01:40
fennor maybe just not intuitive01:40
kanzurehm, is counterintuitions offensive intuitions or just not intuitions?01:40
fennanyway, there's nothing wrong with specifying the constraints  via cli, but you _need_ a GUI to see wtf you have in the first place01:40
kanzureno argument there01:40
fennotherwise it's just a bunch of boxes with lines between them01:40
kanzurewouldn't the gui show that sometimes too?01:41
kanzureor how would a cli show boxes and lines? I guess if you use ncurses01:41
fennyou know the automated design lab thing01:41
fennthat's not a GUI01:41
fennit's boxes with lines between them01:41
kanzurethe uml-like graph stuff? sure01:41
fennlabview is also boxes with lines between them, but you can grab the boxes and lines and shake them around and make it do stuff01:42
kanzurestill haven't found an open source library for doing stuff like that - even though graphviz should have figured it out a long time 01:42
kanzurereasoning about designs on both a geometric, measurement-restricted, and more importantly material basis in the cli is definitely counter/nonintuitive. 01:43
fenngraphviz is for diagrams for your peer-reviewed journal article, submitted in LaTeX format01:43
kanzurein fact, reasoning about materials is completely nonintuitive01:43
kanzureexcept crystallography, which if you look at it is kind of basic "uh, well, you have a force here, so what the hell do you think a huge force is going to do to this material?"01:44
fennuh, i think you're way off base01:44
fennnobody goes and looks up the coefficient of blahdyblah every time they pick a material for a part01:44
fennthey have experience with these materials and build up an intuition of how they perform01:44
fennif it's a critical assembly in some instrument, then yeah you will worry about exact numbers and how the material behaves at extremes01:45
fennbut for most cases you use what you're familiar with01:45
fennor else there is lots of trial and error, assisted with plenty of FEA01:46
kanzuremethinks that trial and error occurs in either cases ..01:46
kanzureor maybe that's why metals are so popular01:46
kanzurenot only are they somewhat abundant, but if you reason with them "well, it's strong" then you're good01:46
kanzureand your bases are generally covered01:46
fennit's very easy to just go with 6061 aluminum for everything01:46
kanzurebut I'm not happy about trusting so much in user intuitions01:47
kanzurewasp nest / open source incrementalism versus -- oh crap,01:47
kanzurewhat was that wolfram quote earlier today?01:47
kanzurewhat would wolfram say about the iterative development of a wasp's nest?01:47
kanzureparticularly the huge one that was linked to in here a few weeks ago01:47
fennuh, beehives were one of the few natural systems that satisfied a simple system of constraints?01:47
fennwhat with the regular hexagons and all01:48
kanzurecli reasoning about design would only make sense if you're doing more than just geometry/shapes because otherwise just use a 3D GUI playhouse01:50
kanzureunless you don't care about the final shape of course01:50
kanzurewhich is fine too, but the final shape stuff is only half the design problem01:50
kanzure(the other half is functionality of the components and so on)01:50
fennand how to make it01:51
kanzureanother paper constrained the user's choices for designs to only those things the program knew the cnc router could cut out :)01:51
fenni liked the nist paper where they specified only the important bits, usually how the pieces related to each other01:51
kanzureso there was a direct genotype-to-phenotype constraining the rules of design choices01:51
kanzureI don't remember that one01:52
fennthen it was up to the program to figure out how to actually machine each part01:52
kanzurewell, there's also issues like the clearance between parts01:52
kanzuredolorean door opening up hitting a ceiling01:52
kanzureerm, that's an easy algorithmic problem01:52
kanzureforget it01:52
kanzureI wonder if "how to make it" is what the designer should be programming .. not the "it" (of cli geom/3D add-sphere-to .. origin stuff), which is just templates that are customized by artists / end-users01:53
fennnist paper i was talking about: "automated redesign for improving manufacturability" in particular http://www.cs.umd.edu/~nau/vm2/01:57
kanzureah right02:00
fenneveryone knows that the power of HHO will destroy the imperialist oil baron hegemony!02:00
ybitso, q-cad is that bad?02:00
kanzurehm, I need to get the lab hooked on the Regli/nist work02:00
fennqcad isnt too bad, as long as you dont try to use blocks02:01
fennyou start to like the context-sensitive buttons after a while02:01
ybitsome idiot recently put what should be a spreadsheet in a .dwf file02:04
kanzuremanufacturability validation sounds ok, but "how to make it" is a harder problem .. isn't that why you're using the kb/db on the computer anyway? so that you can already use information on how to build separate parts, and then just use rules for combining the stuff together to make the final construction proc02:04
ybitit was for my brother's workplace, i was tasked with figuring out the contents, yay02:04
ybiti'll try keeping dumb stories to myself next time :)02:06
kanzureheh :)02:06
kanzuredaily wtf02:06
fennso it was a drawing of a spreadsheet?02:08
ybitfenn: indeed02:11
kanzure"how to make it" is just as hard a problem as the nonintuitive material cli stuff02:14
kanzureunless you have fabuntu / Fab Lab version infinity sitting in your basement 02:14
fennversion 2.718281802:39
fennsubsequent releases of LaTeX tend towards "e"02:41
kanzurewhat good is e? :)02:41
fennwhat good is infinity?02:41
fennwhat good is a newborn baby?02:42
kanzurenone! kill it!02:42
kanzureoops, didn't say that02:42
kanzureyandex is rather slow in opera02:42
kanzureI think it might be doing some nasty js02:42
kanzurehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOQve3OoiG4 03:51
kanzurebest reason ever to not buy their magazine03:51
kanzurewtf, Bill Gates + Jerry Seinfeld commercial?04:11
kanzuremost confusing commercial ever04:11
kanzure'amoeba with a blog'04:11
kanzurewe can do this04:11
kanzurequick, somebody get me the genome of an amoeba04:11
kanzureftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/ somewhere04:13
kanzurewhat's amoeba, protozoa or something?04:14
kanzureNaegleria_fowler => "brain-eating amoeba" 04:17
kanzureoh god04:54
kanzureLHC is on Windows?04:54
kanzureSomebody's trying to prove to me the existence of goals in the brain via http://changingminds.org/explanations/brain/urge_system.htm05:20
kanzureDoes anybody else see the problem with this page?05:21
kanzure""The thalamus in the limbic system ('leopard brain') converts the physical need into an urge within the cortex.05:21
kanzureholy fuck :(05:22
kanzureseriously though05:22
fenni think i feel a goal coming on05:22
fenngoals exist in the mind, not the brain05:23
kanzureguess I've lost my mind05:23
fennbuying land anywhere is cheaper than doing anything in outer space05:25
kanzureon that note I'm currently listening to http://www.last.fm/music/Helloween/Gambling+With+The+Devil/As+Long+As+I+Fall   (new album)05:25
fennfor some reason i'm obsessing about wearable computers05:26
kanzurefenn: we're talking about land with enough resources to sustain you05:26
kanzurenot some stupid chunk of land without anything usable05:26
fennwhat, a few acres at most05:27
fennin the philippines every citizen is allotted 1.2 acres (hectares?) and it's supposed to be able to sustain them if they farm it well05:27
fenni dont know if this is realistic but it's on the right order of magnitude05:28
kanzurehow does that get you the surface area you need for all of those photons you'd be needing?05:28
kanzureand how does that give you enough material for all of the machinery and so on? 05:28
fennaroo? i'm talking about land on earth05:29
kanzuremaybe it does for the machinery - but last time I checked a lot of manufacturing equipment is *huge* 05:29
kanzurebah - farming - where are your heavy metals? 05:30
fennthe squishy wet kind05:30
fennyou dont need heavy metals to 'sustain you'05:30
kanzureare you or are you not talking about the openmanufacturing email I sent?05:30
kanzureso without the manufacturing part, you should just go over to some silly be-green-or-else mailing list I guess05:31
fennwell, he raised a valid point and you sorta brushed him off with 'i dont believe in money'05:31
kanzurehttp://www.mattmahoney.net/rsi.pdf matt's attempt at a mathematical version of recursive self-improvement .. it's probably wrong, matt tends to be wrong a lot 05:33
kanzurelet me go check it05:33
kanzurematerial dependency issues05:33
kanzurewhat's wrong with that05:33
kanzureit's quite true that many people are screwed05:33
kanzurelook, you were born into a system where you don't have any way to make sure you actually have enough resources on the planet to keep you clicking05:34
kanzureof course, thanks to the vast volumes and so on, there is, but still05:34
kanzurethat's no guarantee etc.05:34
kanzureI know I'm screwing myself over since what I propose when I speak like that is /hard/, but nobody said things were easy etc. etc.05:40
kanzurere: rsi.pdf, wolfram's lack of faith in iteration to solve problems is interesting05:43
fenner, whoops i didnt really pay attention to that.. seemed like your usual singularitarian propaganda disguised as science05:44
kanzurei think it is05:44
fennit doesn't make sense anyway05:47
fenn'this program counts, therefore it has a goal. therefore recursive self improvement is slow!'05:47
kanzure"represents the goal of finding large prime numbers"05:48
kanzureI still don't understand 'goals'05:48
kanzureand I was in a goal cult, I should know goals05:48
fenngoals are just a motivational structure05:49
fennwhen you reach them you get to check something off your list and give yourself a cookie05:49
fennthe cookie is not the goal but it provides the positive feedback05:49
kanzuregoal is some hypothalamus glutamate imbalance between neurons 15 and 32 ?05:49
fennthe actual goal is something like a unit test05:50
kanzureit's kind of like playing a game with yourself methinks05:50
kanzurebut that's just your ability to play games05:50
fennthe goal can even be evaluated externally (make my boyfriend happy, get good grades)05:50
kanzuresometime in 2004 I was going to write an rpg for a side-monitor that would give me points for checking stuff off of http://heybryan.org/todo.html05:51
kanzure(of course, it was todo.hnb at that time, and I only did an html dump in 2005 or something)05:51
kanzurelost the file in 2006 because I was stupid and wasn't doing daily backups05:51
fennlol rlrpg05:51
fennharness the grinding instinct05:51
kanzurewhatever happened to that 'effortless economy' eh?05:51
kanzurehow could one moment of reality require any more effort than any other? /me is confused05:52
fenni believe it was stolen by Fanuc, Inc of Japan05:52
fennwell, when you have to do something you dont want to do, and decide to do it anyway, it takes effort05:53
kanzuregah, anything that describes itself starting with microeconomics ..05:54
fenn"consumption of various goods and services" is a really shitty description of utility05:55
fennbasically utility is a quantifiable unit of happiness05:56
kanzurehow the hell is it quantifiable05:57
kanzuredeep stimulation electrodes or something?05:57
fennwell, quantifying it is the hard part, and dont go off on some stupid wireheading tangent05:57
fennwireheading != happiness05:58
fenni dont care how many times the rat pushed the button05:58
kanzureyou have a better idea for physically quantifying this crap?05:58
kanzurehumans tend to claim it's pleasurable, which is semantic gatewayage or something05:58
kanzureI also don't care about the button btw05:58
fennwhat context did utility come up in anyway?05:59
kanzuremattmahoney is from the agi mailing list, full of annoying ideas I must admit06:00
kanzurein this context 'utility functions' are mentioned side-by-side with ai all the time06:00
fennah, well in this case you can consider 'utility' to be "having sucessfully satisfied a goal"06:01
fennunless your AGI has emotions or some crap06:01
fennwait, actually its more like the derivative of that06:03
fennbah, semantics06:03
kanzurethis is pissing me off06:03
kanzureI think this is one of the few areas in the realm of ideas that has a strong ability to really get me angry06:04
fennok, here's where i goofed: supergoal is like your set of values, never to be questioned, it just "is"06:05
fenngoals are tests of whether your situation satisfies the supergoal06:05
fennsubgoals are steps towards goals06:05
fennso, utility is a measure of how useful something is in achieving your goal06:06
fenna tool you never thought about before can land in your lap, it has high utility but it was never a goal because you didnt know about its existence beforehand06:07
fennit's an ontology, whaddya want06:08
fennthis looks pretty good for a wearable: 06:11
kanzurehttp://speedmodeling.org/smcfiles/kramer3d_niBCIcontrol.pdf bkero's two output mouse bci stuff06:12
kanzureboots linux in 0.69s 06:12
fenn4W power draw06:12
fennwith FPGA!!06:13
kanzuremini experiment board?06:13
fennand it should come with debian installed (if its anything like the other boards)06:13
fenni dont get why they show two mouse cursors? why not show a robot arm?06:15
kanzuremaybe this will help everyone out,06:16
kanzurei'll go propose to the agi freaks that they construct a minimal goal system06:16
kanzurejust as there's the minimal cell project06:17
kanzureminimal system that is known to have a 'goal'06:17
kanzurewhatever the hell it is06:17
fennheh i hope it's not the counting program06:18
kanzure'I was an experiment on the part of Nature, a gamble within the unknown, perhaps for a new purpose, perhaps for nothing, and my only task was to allow this game on the path of primeval depths to take its course, to feel its will within me and make it wholly mine. That or nothing!' - Emil Sinclair, Holocaust Century Eschatologist06:19
* kanzure needs to find a quote from the wild06:20
kanzureor http://heybryan.org/quotes.html#wildness06:26
kanzureI felt like that mostly because I see two possibilities here when it comes to RSI:06:30
kanzure(1) the rsi.pdf mentions the problem that it's somewhat uncomputable and not guaranteed, so you could try to get this 'guarantee' through some other obscure mechanism and become a cult of sorts (oops), or06:30
kanzure(2) you could opt to not puritanically enforce 'goalism' (whatever that is), but in the process of this lose such 'guarantees'06:31
kanzurefor this (#2), many would call you crazy gambling with so much06:31
kanzurebut I'm becoming increasingly confident of it being a good path06:31
kanzurensh might agree06:31
fennif the AI is so smart it should be able to figure out what we wanted anyway06:32
kanzurewhat we wanted?06:32
fenn"god, all this time i've been tiling the solar system with smiley faces, and they really just wanted to be happy, how stupid of me!"06:33
kanzurepaper clips, not smiley faces06:33
kanzurebut anyway06:33
fennsmiley faces is better06:33
kanzurepaper clips is an actual reference to eliezer yudkowsky06:33
kanzureor something06:33
kanzureoh god.06:33
fennyeah he alternates between paperclips and smiley faces06:35
fenni wonder if "unbrickable design" means they'll give me another one if i break it06:36
kanzureonly if you brick it06:36
kanzureor get bricked yourself, as you're using it as a wearable06:36
fennhmm, you mean it wont surround me with an invisible aura of unbrickableness?06:37
kanzureyou know, that's worth an email to their tech support06:38
kanzureare there any meta-map APIs so that nobody has to spend all of their time with just Google Maps?07:42
kanzurethis was kind of the point of the AJAX libraries that popped up IIRC07:42
kanzureirc channel on mindat.org #mindat07:52
kanzureport 961007:52
kanzure'Because this site contains the copyright material of other members, you agree not to try to extract information from this site for any other use than viewing of this website material. You are not allowed to archive significant portions of this site and you are not allowed to copy data from this site for use in any other product or website.'07:56
kanzurestupid databases07:56
nshthey can eat balls07:57
nshaccessible == free, de facto07:57
nshdon't put something on the web if you want to control it07:58
kanzureme is wondering about extracting the information from their Google Maps widget thingy08:01
kanzureyay lack of inline documentation08:02
kanzurejack pot - http://www.mindat.org/gmjs-mineral.php?id=12408:06
kanzuremax is 22308:07
kanzureOkay. I have the full data set for the location of minerals now.08:13
nshwhat you up to?08:13
fennall ur mineralz are belong to us08:14
kanzureforking everyone since they won't do the Internet thing right08:15
fennbut .. but.. you agree! you agree not o try to extract information~!!!!08:15
kanzureit was kinda cute actually08:16
kanzurewhen I wgetted the php scripts failed with some bad coding error08:16
kanzurebut user agent change fixed it08:16
kanzureno rate limiting on the server, so the guy isn't all that serious08:16
fenni bet you're the first person to actually spider a mineral database08:16
kanzureI was also thinking of making up some silly phylogenetics if people wanted to argue about the origin of minerals and materials and such08:18
biopunkgod made them08:20
kanzureYou know, technically, Google Maps has a Mars and Luna version .. no reason we can't start making up (perhaps imaginary for starters?) mineral deposits just to make a point (hey look, we can use teh codez!)08:20
kanzurebigger challenge is extracting the metadata from each page08:21
biopunkuri geller used to charge mineral companies for running a hand over a map and telling them where they shuoldn't drill08:22
biopunki love that hoax08:23
kanzureI think it might be a wiki, but I don't see the "EDIT" button that the "ADD/EDIT" button's resulting page tells me of..08:23
nshkanzure, have you checked Journal Citation Reports08:23
nshfor impact factor data08:23
kanzureFor impact factor? yeah08:23
kanzurethat's all in nasty pdfs IIRC08:23
kanzureworth double checking eventually08:24
nshbah :-/08:24
kanzure"I mean neptune is like a huge CVD chamber"08:24
kanzurehttp://www.perl.org.il/pipermail/perl/2003-March/001342.html <- WTF moron alert08:49
kanzure' Why 'Bad'? Again, if the file is 100 MB in size and I have 1 GB RAM, why is this a problem?'08:49
kanzurebad bad bad bad08:49
kanzurehttp://www.ph.utexas.edu/~help/faq/linux.html <-- maybe I have a user group nearby (don't bother clicking)08:51
kanzurewhat are music blogs called?08:54
kanzuremblogs? I know they have vblogs or something, but that's not what I need .. or I guess it could be, hrm.08:54
nshno idea, sorry08:54
willPow3ractually no08:57
kanzuremaddox said it first08:58
kanzurere: clogs08:58
kanzureHrm, what encoding format is used for musical notes in MIDI?08:59
kanzureBurke again? he seems prolific sorta08:59
nsh^^ gets it09:21
kanzurethe lib?09:24
kanzure'Fetched 29 MB in 39s" Bwahah. This can't get much better. Also, since when did kernel.org get bandwidth?09:33
* nsh smiles09:33
bkerokanzure__: <310:09
bkeroperfect, but I'd need to run windows10:13
willPow3ris <3 supposed to be a heart or saggy breasts?10:16
willPow3ri never could figure that one out.10:17
willPow3ris there some way to use the guitar hero controller as a midi controller in reason?13:10
willPow3ryep. sure can13:27
kanzure- make a bacteria sing on a blog (half way done)15:05
kanzure- mindat rippage15:06
kanzureunfortunately the bacteria song dataset was getting way too large and I had to killall -9 a few things15:06
kanzure'Actually, I remember reading something about scientists finding a list structure in the brain of a bird singing a song (a moving pointer to the next item in a list sort of thing). But whatever.'15:06
kanzureSome guy on the AGI mailing list is still trying to prove to me the existence of 'goals' in the brain through 'motivation theory'. 15:06
kanzure'When you imagine a goal-state, the relationship is represented in the brain somehow (in the neurons of course). And when evidence of the actualization of that goal-state comes in through the senses, the brains sends an opiate reward, which might make the person want to do whatever that was again in the correct context.'15:07
kanzure'Many things like this are known. And people don't need to understand such at the individual-neuron level to model what happens.'15:07
kanzureI don't even know how to respond to this ..15:07
willPow3ryou respond with a 9mm round to the head15:34
kanzureMy grandmother is an ancient English/economics major who periodically sends me books that she has read that she really wants me to read too.17:23
kanzureToday I received Vernor Vinge's latest "Rainbow's End".17:23
kanzuregrandma's kickin' it up a notch ;-)17:24
kanzureyet another nation17:25
kanzurewe must all worship the church of the connection reset by peer!17:28
* kanzure found a copy of Engineering Design: a materials and processing approach, Dieter17:30
kanzureweird, the book cites stuff like '"Committee on Computer Aided Manufacturing"' which doesn't appear on the internet18:35
kanzureso much for computer-aided18:35
kanzurehttp://www.princeton.edu/~ota/ns20/topic_f.html Office of Technology Assessment, Congress, archived publications18:42
kanzureDoes anyone know the origin of the chair swing comic strip? The one illustrating how much everyone sucks.19:04
kanzureHah. The book is going through an example of the design of a ladle/hook for molten steel processing facilities. It worries me that this is all that the design is based on .. while it's good for a rough idea, something considered the backbone of many industries being so flaky on this aspect? wtf?19:22
kanzure" In your professional career you will have the opportunity to create dozens of original designs"19:23
kanzurejust imagine the double digit possibilities!19:25
kanzureHm, wget doesn't like "#" in the URL string, even when escaped.19:45
kanzureWhat a retarded dataset. The ASM needs some computer scientists to bitchslap them.20:01
kanzurebtw, incomplete datasets at the moment - asm, sciencedirect, mindat20:02
kanzureI don't even know how to /fake/ turning this handbook dataset into xml20:10
-!- h2i is now known as ybit21:24
kanzurehttp://www.ilpi.com/msds/faq/partc.html 'The Defense Environmental Network & Information eXchange (DENIX) has draft DTD's (data type definitions) for MSDS's and they welcome your insight and input on the proposed standard. However, we have not noted any changes in this site (and therefore progress on the DTD) for several years. We have posted a request to their forum seeking further information.'22:29
kanzurehttp://matml.org/ materials markup language22:36
kanzurehttp://matdl.org/repository/view/matdl:967 'building an international materials network'22:41
kanzureunfortunately there's no data in the matdl repo22:41
kanzurematdl.org repo22:41
kanzureoh wait, nevermind22:42
kanzurehttp://matdl.org/repository/view/matdl:860 <-- this isn't very helpful .. doesn't actually have any information about the item itself22:43
kanzurehttp://www.matml.org/downloads/MatML3e1.xml <-- However, this does have some relevant tidbits.22:44
kanzureso just like everything else it lacks inertia22:48
kanzurehttps://www.cmcrossroads.com/content/view/7768/96/ Making an XML bill of materials in GNU Make22:53
kanzurehttp://www.openly.com/efirst/ what are they fussing about here?22:56
kanzurehttp://www.ceramics.nist.gov/srd/scd/scdquery.htm structural ceramics db23:02
kanzurehrm: SpectroML, UnitsML23:05
kanzurethat last one would be useful if they actually got any work done23:06
kanzurebut I don't see anything on the site that suggests they are out of their 2006 planning stages23:06
kanzuresupposedly this site uses matml but I'm not seeing it23:14
kanzurethey offer a link to excel spreadsheet formats, wahoo?23:14
kanzureThe NIST guys were gong to convert SCD (structural ceramics db) and HTS (high-temperature superconducting materials db) into the MatML form to show that it's useful, but oddly enough even they knew that "It is likely that this challenge will have to be addressed by someone outside of NIST" (workshop.pdf)23:19
kanzureR. G. Munro, NIST Ceramics Division => "NIST guys"23:20
kanzureprobably not just a simple conversion issue23:20
kanzurehttp://www.ceramics.nist.gov/srd/scd/Z00133.htm <-- what a terrible format23:23

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