
--- Day changed Sun Sep 21 2008
kanzurepointing at a monitor00:03
kanzurefenn: if you check wtf_2.html you'll see at line 471 that they have <input name="ct100$ContentMain$txtMatGroupID" where txtMatGroupID is a variable in the javascript; do you think that they are silly enough to actually be replacing the variables in the element's name property? Or that it's the actual name of the variable? So far I'm having trouble figuring this one out without laboriously checking this by hand.00:34
fenni think that's just the form element name00:37
kanzurewhy would it have a $ in it?00:39
kanzurein front of the names of variables00:39
kanzurewhich can't be a coincidence00:39
kanzureon top of that, there's two variables side by side to each other00:39
fennuh, it's the economy!00:39
kanzureno self-respecting programmer would do that00:39
fennmaybe they have no self respect00:39
kanzurebut it's harder to parse00:39
kanzurewhat if I did $blah$blah2$blah4, how is the receiving end supposed to know I used different variables than $ContentMain$btnReset ?00:40
fennit's just a string00:40
fennthe client doesnt expand the variable names like in a shell00:41
kanzureso maybe they're checking for the presence of ct10011000 or something00:41
kanzureso the client is sending the variable name with the '$' in it?00:41
fenni think they are just lazy and used code generating tools00:41
kanzureare we sure they aren't using some AJAX black magic?00:41
fennno, i dont know any ajax black magic00:41
kanzurewell, for example: 00:42
kanzuredocument.getElementByID('this element id thingy').name00:42
kanzurethen using this 'name' variable, split by '$'00:42
kanzureand then like in perl and php, $$name. $name is "bryan", so $$name means "think of this as $bryan"00:42
kanzurethat'd be some black magic.00:42
fennthe name is unique because it's made from the tree hierarchy00:43
fennlike domain names00:43
kanzureanother piece of evidence is that nowhere in the wireshark log file is there 'ContentMain =' suggesting that they really are passing the string with the $'s00:44
kanzure<input type="image" name="ctl00$ContentMain$btnSubmit" id="ctl00_ContentMain_btnSubmit" src="../images/buttons/btnFind.gif" alt="Find" border="0" />00:50
kanzureoh, nevermind00:50
kanzure'Anthony Atala.' re: the molded organs/tissues01:07
kanzureAnyway, my wget fails.01:19
kanzureAny ideas why?01:20
kanzureFails as in, they send me to an error page.01:20
fennwhat's the error?01:21
kanzureThe __VIEWSTATE variable does not change from one request to the other01:21
kanzurethe error is just "something's wrong, we've told ourselves about it so please move along"01:21
kanzureand I have all of the variables on the page01:22
kanzureso either they aren't sending the $'s in their POST request, or some of the variables are set somewhere in the js01:22
kanzurere: mac.html02:56
kanzure(2008-09-20 22:03:37) Charlie: They meet in the welch building in the basement on fridays03:00
kanzure(2008-09-20 22:03:49) Charlie: they have one cyberpunk anime showing03:00
kanzure(2008-09-20 22:03:56) kanzure: Will they show Lain?03:00
kanzure(2008-09-20 22:04:02) Charlie: what is lain?03:00
kanzurebrain explodes03:00
kanzurebkero: Where's your lain dir?03:00
kanzurehttp:// <-- why isn't it here?03:03
kanzureRuroni Kenshin over Lain? To shame.03:05
fennhmm i watched one episode of 'serial experiments lain' and got disgustedly bored03:08
ybitfenn, glad you survived 03:08
ybitnothing of yours was swept away?03:09
fenni was about to say 'died of boredom' but i guess i'm still alive, sorta03:09
* fenn flops about on the floor03:09
kanzureguess that would've lasted something like03:09
kanzure5 minutes03:09
fenni do believe there is a java hijack on my konqueror session03:10
kanzure"what is lain" is a reference to lain03:10
kanzureErm. As confusing as that sounds.03:11
fenndid lain say that or her alter ego?03:11
kanzureI've only stolen up to the fourth episode, so I'm not entirely sure.03:11
fennits not really cyberpunk though, more like emo-punk with computers03:12
kanzuretry to ignore the emo03:13
kanzuremust have had something sitting on the keyboard03:14
kanzureoops, the thing was me03:14
fennYuki is in fact a "humanoid interface," or an artificial human, created by the extraterrestrial Integrated Data Entity03:14
kanzure'This entity grows with the expansion of the universe and the addition of more data.'03:15
fennwhich came first, the universe or the data?03:16
kanzure'Three years prior to the storyline, an extraordinary explosion of data came from one of the islands of Japan. At the source of this odd, spontaneous generation of data, they found Haruhi Suzumiya.'03:16
kanzurefenn: the third option.03:16
* fenn claps one hand03:16
kanzureI've thought about showing up at the local Austin Zen Center, but then I realize that I might as well not03:17
kanzuresince it's equivalent.03:17
fennlet us walk the way less traveled, and eat a hot dog on fridays03:17
fennbrian is <blink> NOT </blink> going to the zen center today03:17
fennenglish spoken language is severely lacking in words to describe quantum phenomena03:19
kanzurealso, the <blink> tag is the most terrible abomination in the history of the web03:19
fennwhat about MySpace?03:19
kanzuremyspace utilizes the <blink>03:20
kanzureso, by inheritance.03:20
fennthey would have found a way to blink even without the tag03:20
kanzurewhy couldn't *I* have written the 500 million dollar cesspool?03:21
kanzureit's not like the scripts are particularly hard03:21
kanzureselect from db, post to db03:21
kanzurenothing hard.03:21
fennits a network effect03:21
fennmore people using <social website> makes <social website> more useful03:21
fennespecially when it's set up so as not to be friendly with other social websites03:22
kanzurehow does that make sense anyway?03:22
fenndata un-portability03:22
kanzurewouldn't you have to be friendly03:22
fennvendor lock-in03:22
kanzureto get the snowballing going?03:22
kanzureapparently not03:22
kanzurebut still03:22
kanzurephysical possibilities and all?03:22
fennbecause there aren't any other sites in the beginning anyway (nothing of consequence at least)03:22
kanzureit's not like these websites are changing03:23
fennyeah yeah meta aggregate ghost layer yarr03:24
kanzurewhy don't they just write bots/people to serve as the interfaces03:24
kanzureso it's been thought of03:24
kanzurenext subject.03:24
fennthey do, as a result there's a massive spam problem in *-social website03:24
kanzurewe've been over this03:24
kanzurenot whuffles though03:25
* kanzure generally doesn't care about reputation economies03:25
fennyou know, ustream's automatic censorship policy is 99 times better than #space's policy of forced self-censorship03:25
kanzure#space has a forced policy of self-censorship?03:25
fennif you say a cuss word they will "remind" you that it's a "family oriented channel"03:25
kanzurewhat the fuck?03:25
fennof course, calmly discussing mass genocide is apparently OK03:26
fennetc and so forth03:26
kanzurefamily oriented03:26
fennthe funny thing about trying to rid the language of cuss words is that new ones will always show ub03:26
kanzureI assume means christian03:26
fennno, i think it just means "no cuss words"03:26
fennalso, ostensibly religion and politics are banned topics, but the enforcement is not up to par with cuss words03:27
kanzure#space bans politics of space?03:28
fenni'm not sure03:28
fennthere doesnt seem to be much conversation there except what i initiate03:28
kanzureThere's conversation there on a periodic basis when there's NASA streaming some videos03:28
fennright, there's that, and there's periodic weather-nerds and mars rover nerds03:29
fennbut no discussion of technology or "wtf do we do now"03:30
fennwhich one would think is sort of crucial to space exploration/development03:30
kanzurenobody remembers that NASA was a bunch of guys with rockets in their backyards at first03:30
fennactually they were airplane guys03:30
kanzurewhat about the original three?03:31
fennhence why we have a fucking airplane as a space shuttle03:31
kanzureerm, well03:31
fennwhere's my atomic rocket!03:31
kanzureright where you left it03:32
kanzureunder the Jupiter brain03:32
fenntake a left at Dry Wells, NM03:32
fenn</obscure reference="destination moon">03:32
kanzureme fails03:33
fenni just watched it yesterday03:33
fennit was pretty good, given the budget constraints and no cold war and no space flight etc etc03:34
fennat no time was i like "pff thats ridiculous"03:34
fennunlike most hollywood movies today03:34
fennthey forgot to show the scene at the end where everyone died of radiation poisoning though :P03:35
kanzureI don't mean to be obvious, but have you noticed how terrible the storylines of the hollywood movies are now? we're not talking "Arnold can't possibly take 20,000 bullets in abs!"03:36
kanzure but if you look at the superhero movies and the Omega Man movies etc., there's usually one phrase near the beginning that they always repeat at the end to give it some sort of story line.. like "you suck", then at the end "you no longer suck"03:36
kanzurewhich is significantly worse than Arnold wrestling down an F18.03:36
kanzure'erm. sorry. rant ending.03:37
fennwhat was the scifi book where there was an infectious fungus whose spores grow in human lung tissue, rendering the planet inhabitable and driving humanity into sealed habitats?03:40
fennthat whole flammable/inflammable thing03:41
fenni think i learn fast because i have a fast "forgetting curve" i.e. if i learn something and don't hear about it ever again, i wont be able to summon up that memory as easily at a given later time03:43
fennas someone with a slower forgetting curve03:44
proctofenn: probably means somethng is wrong with your hippocampus :)03:46
fenni wouldnt be surprised03:46
fennin high school i think i had several distinct personalities inhabiting me03:46
fenni never went to a psychiatrist or anything, in fact i think i mostly expressed it through online role playing games03:47
fennit wasnt like a total blackout thing you see in movies03:48
proctooh no, I'm quite familiar with DPD03:48
fennthe theory i came up with was that my soul had gotten bored and abandoned my body, leaving it vacant, and then other opportunistic souls took up residence03:48
procto"dissociatve personality disorder". what you see in the movies is the nonexistant "multiple personality disorder"03:49
fennbut i functioned just fine and could summon (?) each personality at will03:49
* fenn hates psychological phenomena labeled "disorder"03:50
proctothe DSM IV catalogues many so-called disorders. But the requirement for a diagnosis is that03:50
fennis that what?03:50
proctoit has to affect well-being significantly03:50
proctoeveryone is a little bit of everything03:50
fennhrm. according to who?03:50
proctoa little bit schizophrenic, a little bit schizoid03:50
proctowell, usually according to the person experiencing the issues, combined with opinions of close humands as well as psychiatric personnel, which is totally not a perfect system03:51
proctobut the public's perception of the way psychiatric diagnosis is made is very skewed03:51
fenni was very surprised when (many years later) reading the falun gong book, which i suppose is derived from buddhist mythology, of snakes and foxes possessing people03:51
fennbecause two of my inhabitants were foxes and one was a snake? lizard thing03:51
proctothey thing somehow if you match a list of symptoms, bam you're suddenly a "schizophrenic" or maybe "schizoid" or whatever03:52
proctothere is no such thing as an objective evaluation of such things03:53
proctoat the same time, there is a sort of fluid consensus reality03:53
fenn"if it affects you" seems like it would have more to do with your environment and expectations than you personally03:53
proctowhich moves back and forth03:53
proctoright, excatly03:53
fennbut if my hippocampus is damaged, wtf does that have to do with public perceptions or not?03:53
proctothe issue is to observe the friction that your reality may experience with that so-called consensus reality03:53
fenneither it's damaged or it isn't03:53
proctothat friction may at times grow very great03:54
proctosometimes this may be merey as far as things such as social more03:54
kanzure"your reality" is what now?03:54
fennthis is why psychologists are a bunch of bullshit artists, because they make everything up on the spot03:54
fennthen they parrot each other and call it science03:54
proctoalthough I rather distrust the general practice of psychology03:54
proctobut I would very strongly dispute that assertion03:55
proctomuch of psychology borders on the pseduo-sciece03:55
fennpeople still believe freud had something worthwhile03:55
proctobut there are many earnest, and more importantly, rigorous practioners03:55
proctovery few psychologists do these days03:55
fennreligious practicioners03:55
proctoand those never graduate from accredited institutions (not that accreditation is something I rely on. I am merely making a point that it is a fringe idea within psychology as well)03:56
proctoin the general public freud gets much greater credence than among psychs03:56
proctowhich is why there are psychoanalysts still. if there's demand, there will be supply.03:56
kanzurethe best psych would be an autist .. because he could be a fish, a turtle, or perhaps a kangaroo03:57
kanzurepeople screaming in hallway03:57
fennaroo? they should make a black market for psychoanalysts03:57
proctoI am no great defender of the field of psychology. I have been known to disparage it often.03:57
proctoNevertheless, your assertions in regards to it are largely unfounded03:57
proctoto pop the conversational stack a few times03:58
proctoas is often the case, it boils down to an espitemological issue03:58
fennthere is no definition of 'proper functioning' so there can be no diagnosis of 'improper functioning' hence the whole naming scheme of improper functioning they have created, which happens to be the entire foundation of their "science" is crap03:58
fennDSM = the codified naming scheme03:59
fenni challenge a psychologist to go five minutes without citing something from DSM03:59
proctoright. every DSM version that gets further ammended.03:59
proctoas I said, the DSM lists a lot of "disorders"03:59
proctobut just because you fit the symptoms for a "disorder" doesn't mean you've got a diagnosis04:00
fennit's a patchwork theory, a good sign that the whole field is rotten04:00
kanzurepsychology is more about (not) coping04:00
proctothe DSM is more for psychiatrists, btw04:00
proctook, all I'm getting here is blanket statements about a field... some of which I've shared in the past04:00
kanzuredrunk kids not cleaning up their bodily excess fluids it seems04:00
proctopsychology is at the taxonomy stage04:01
fennsorry i get them mixed up usually04:01
fennthey're both bullshit fields04:01
proctosciences go through the taxonomy stage, then the terminology stage04:01
kanzureplease stop.04:01
proctobefore they can get to the theoretical stage.04:01
kanzurethere is no good that can come from this04:01
proctofirst the domain must be mapped, hence taxonomy.04:02
fenni'm trying to figure out how to fix my life and also deal with the fact that psychologists are bullshit artists, so what am i supposed to do?04:02
kanzurefenn: what happened to your computational universalism here, eh?04:02
kanzure"the map is the territory" my ass.04:02
proctojust as with physics, many people kept making theories even while the main taxonomy stage was going on04:02
kanzurefenn: fix what?04:02
fennwell i sleep 12 hours a day, have zero motivation, eat way too much chocolate, and generally do nothing but surf the net04:03
kanzuregeeze, sounds like04:03
kanzureeveryone I know04:03
proctoso psychology is right now cataloging phenomena, and in the meantime people are trying to do both theoretical and practical things with what exists, to varying degrees of success04:03
fenntelling me to 'get some exercise' is futile because i dont have the motivation to do that04:03
kanzuresteve is like that, mark is like that, I'm sort of like that - can't afford to be sleeping all the time of course (I'll give up Real Soon Now though), 04:03
procto don't have time to sleep04:03
proctoI work work work04:04
proctoI can't wait to graduate04:04
proctoso I can work some more04:04
kanzurefenn: my point is that it's not something that needs to be fixe04:04
proctoI have a day job, and also a startup (working on it right now. I live at my CEO's over the weekends)04:04
kanzuremaybe you should just not be around people telling you to fix the unfixable04:04
fennkanzure: but the thing is i _want_ to do stuff, i dont want to just surf the net all day04:04
proctowell, if you think it should be fixed, it may be that you feel that you could increase your utlity?04:04
kanzurefenn: you want to do, what?04:05
proctofenn: I've experienced a very similar state during my 2nd year of college.04:05
fenni have a list of projects 5 pages long, career-ish aspirations, transhuman aspirations04:05
proctoI took a year off and started working.04:05
kanzurefenn: and why aren't they being done?04:05
proctothat's where I gained my motivation04:05
kanzuretechnical problems, yes?04:05
fennbecause i sit there and stare at things for two hours and then realize i havent done anything and go lay down for a while04:06
proctoI met people who didn't evaluate me based on arbitrary critera, but rather on the quality of my output04:06
kanzurethe person taking care of steve, Amy04:06
kanzureAmy was in college, she was in college twice04:06
kanzurethe first time around she became "ill"04:06
kanzurein the autistic sort of way04:06
kanzureshe literally stayed in bed and didn't move for a few months04:06
kanzureshe might not be the most qualified person to take care of him of course, but she seems to be doing ok now04:06
kanzuresteve's so much fun.04:07
kanzurein the sense that I think he could match the 2 hours of staring with 16 hours of staring or something04:07
fennthis guy saul griffith seems to get a ton of shit done04:08
kanzuresaul works down the hall from our CBA contact, or something04:08
fennand still be interesting and cool and stuff04:08
fennbleh, i dont want to gush about saul griffith04:08
proctoah, I met griffith's HowToons partner a few weeks ago04:08
kanzurefenn: have you tried speed?04:08
proctoI'd recommend modafinil over speed04:09
fennno, should I? what is speed exactly anyway, and why is it illegal in some forms and legal in other?04:09
proctomodafinil has nearly no side effects04:09
kanzureI'm on adderall XR for what it's worth, it's some d-amphetamines which is a form of speed04:09
kanzurespeed is illegal mostly because methamphetamine is addictive and usually laced with shit04:09
fenni'm not convinced it solves anything, honestly04:09
fennname one project you've completed in the last month04:10
proctoamphetamines have more "physiological" effects04:10
kanzurefenn: schedule optimizer04:10
proctoso hence, I recommend modafinil04:10
proctoit gives focus and definition04:10
kanzureare you looking for "results" like "project completion" ?04:10
proctowithout affecting your perceptions04:10
kanzurethat's down the dark side o the force04:10
fenndoes nsh do modafinil too?04:11
kanzurensh might be naturally extropic or whatever you want to call it04:11
fennkanzure: i'm looking for results like, "ah, that was a good day" at least once a week04:11
fennnot, "gee what did i do this year anyway"04:11
proctomodafinil is basically "anti boredom"04:11
kanzureprocto: fenn could be stimulated by a leaf for a few hours on end04:12
kanzureit's not quite the same thing as flat out boredom methinks04:12
fennthat sounds vaguely sexual04:12
kanzurenot in that way04:12
proctowell, I'm sure that can be arranged too04:12
kanzureanyway, the boredom that children complain about is kind of the same thing, kind of not04:12
fennits not boredom, its like i'm turned around inside and pushing against myself04:13
kanzureis it the same as when I'm on/off my medication? 04:13
kanzurei.e., when I revoke my thinking license for the night04:13
fenni dont know, what's the difference?04:13
kanzureyou guys haven't noticed?04:13
fennsometimes you spew massive quantities of links and sometimes you just talk04:13
kanzureHeh, "the two modes of Bryan". No, that's not it.04:14
kanzureit's usually when I start to forget everything that I was thinking about earlier in the day04:14
kanzuretalking in circles or trying to remember how to solve a particularly ridiculous semantic problem04:14
kanzureit's also the part of the day when I start wandering around pacing trying to figure out what to do04:15
fenni chalked that up to the whole feynman "get a bunch of things bumping around in your head" phase04:15
kanzureyou'd think that after all of these years that I'd have some mechanism constructed to prevent these situations of "what to do what to do" pacing periods, but I've slowly come to the realization that the medication actually helps to solve that problem sort of04:16
kanzureI mean, I could think of a million ways to solve that problem04:16
kanzurei.e., todo lists04:16
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/todo.html <- massive todo lists04:16
kanzurebut as it turns out, those only work when, surprise, I'm on adderall04:16
fennyes i would call "what to do what to do" boredom, and that's not a problem for me usually04:17
kanzureso you know what to do, all that's left is actually doing it, and you don't want to go do these things?04:17
fennvery easily pacified with a dose of wikipedia :\04:17
kanzurerandom surfing doesn't count04:17
* kanzure hasn't learned to randomly surf when I hit these points of his days04:17
kanzuremaybe this is a good thing ;-)04:17
fennt0day i read about "cargo cults"04:18
kanzurecargo cults?04:18
* kanzure goes to --04:18
kanzureah, you're sly.04:18
fennin vanuatu they airdropped all sorts of cargo during WWII for the american soldiers04:18
fennthere came about a religion whereby through imitating american soldiers one could attract the cargo, which came from ancestor spirits of course04:19
proctonot just vanuatu04:19
proctothey're still quite big in papua new guinea04:19
fennso they built mock airstrips and radios out of coconuts and bamboo04:19
fennyes, this is a general phenomenon, extending way beyond just islanders04:19
proctothey are especially common in countries with english-based creoles04:19
proctohence vanuatu, where they speak bislama, and papua new guinea, where they speak Tok Pisin04:19
fennoften extending to consumer psychology, corporate culture, and religion in general04:20
proctoit's the confusion of correlation for causation04:20
proctoit's a very very general bias04:20
proctothat's evolved into us, for increased fitness :)04:20
fennyay bayesian integrators!04:20
fennthen i tacked over to 'guns germs and steel' which is about why the europeans had all the technology in the first place, and from there to the lost mystical science of Geography, which is the basis for me wanting to move to Iceland04:22
kanzure#wrongplanet.chat/2008-05-08.223020-0500CDT.txt:(2008-05-09 00:25:10) Superkuh: I mean to say that I have no motivation to do anything and am fine with it. ;)04:23
kanzureHe has learned the secret! Stone him!04:23
fennfling poo!04:23
kanzureof all things? why poo?04:24
ybitoh how i miss it04:24
ybiti get it in a month 04:24
fennkanzure: it's a very.. primate.. thing04:24
kanzurebut the stones04:24
kanzurethe mass.04:24
ybithaven't been on modafinil since finding this channel04:24
fennlet's compromise with pretified dinosaur dump04:24
ybitthe todo lists do indeed get completed04:24
kanzureybit: And are the days good days?04:25
ybiti had a massiver turnaround04:25
ybitchanged my major04:25
ybitmoved to a new city04:25
fennafter taking modafinil?04:25
kanzurethat's some powerful superdrug :p04:25
fennhey it could happen04:25
kanzurewill it teleport me off this rock?04:25
fennno, you need salvia divinorum for that04:26
kanzurethat's still not illegal?04:26
ybitwas working with a friend on something similar to yacy, met phreedom and we discussed freefab intensely.. then it ran out... and i was in a bigger city, and became depressed and moved back home04:26
kanzureI know somebody I was living with in palo alto had tried it before04:26
kanzuremichael, namely04:26
kanzureworld's going to end and all that?04:27
fenni'm sort of concerned about taking mood altering drugs and having my personality completely wiped out/unrecognizable04:27
fennkanzure: anissimov?04:27
kanzurefenn: yeah04:27
kanzurefenn: yeah to both.04:27
kanzureIt's not so much personality wipe out as it is transhuman upgrade I guess04:28
ybitit was a combination of a girlfriend's death, lots of marijuana, antidepressants, and eventually modafinil that led me to where i am now04:28
fenni'm confused, you're both saying 1) depression 2) modafinil... happy 3) no modafinil depressed again, right?04:28
kanzureI'm not saying any depression04:28
ybiti was just thinking that i do need it because my memory feels shot without it04:29
fennwhat do you mean "depressed? worlds going to end and all that?" then?04:29
ybitand i'm so much slower at performing tasks04:29
kanzurefenn: ybit mentioned depression04:29
kanzurefenn: so I was wondering what he meant by depression.04:29
kanzuremy dad thought I had depression04:29
kanzurebefore he learned about asperger's04:30
kanzureand then it was like a saint had touched his shoulders as he began to understand04:30
kanzurethis was after he kicked me out of the house04:30
fennoh, it's very hard to categorize depression, i think its a bad bit of folk psychology04:30
ybitthough modafinil also may be used depression possibly04:30
ybiti did have depression04:30
fennnot helped by megapharm corp ssri market04:30
ybityou probably have a point04:31
fennlol kanzure people often become much more tolerable when you dont have to live with them04:31
ybitnot sure when i became bipolar though, it was recently diagnosed04:31
fennkanzure: did anissimov say how modafinil affected his life?04:32
* ybit guesses the religious experience04:32
kanzurefenn: he was doing salvia for a while04:32
fenni think he would be excommunicated if he claimed having a religious experience04:32
kanzurenot modafinil04:32
fennoh, ok, total crossed signals then04:33
kanzureyou also crossed signals on the depression bit04:33
ybitmy friend is supposed to send me a paper he wrote during college showing the correlation between religious children and mental disorders04:33
kanzurecorrelation between religious children and ..04:33
kanzurewas it good statistics, i.e. adjusting for the relative size of religious v. nonreligious children?04:33
ybiteh, mania04:34
kanzureby 'religious' I suppose I mean religious parents, i.e. even parents that are first-generation atheists.04:34
kanzureor agnostics.04:34
ybitgood question, haven't seen it yet04:34
kanzureanyway, that's a hard study to do correctly04:34
kanzure(correct in the statistical sort of way)04:34
ybitah wait, it was kids in cults04:34
ybitreligious cults04:34
ybitwhich is also hard to specify04:35
kanzurefenn: oh wait, that kuhquote is out of context04:35
kanzurehis next message was04:35
kanzure#wrongplanet.chat/2008-05-08.223020-0500CDT.txt:(2008-05-09 00:26:43) Superkuh: JoeLlama: Today I made a magetic stirrer for yeast cultures for making beer.04:35
kanzureso surely that day doesn't count.04:35
ybitkanzure, did Mind say he would interview you another time since you two weren't able to do it today?04:36
kanzureuhm, I think he said yes04:37
fenngood old videophones dont transcribe so well04:38
fennhonestly, how do all those blind genius _cope_?04:38
kanzureeuclid etc.?04:38
kanzurefenn: ever read erdos' biography?04:38
kanzure"The Man Who Loved Only Numbers"04:38
fennwas he blind?04:38
kanzureno, but hold on04:38
kanzureone day his good friend bet him to not take his amphetamine for an entire month04:39
kanzureand see if his ideas would still flow and work and so on04:39
kanzureand so, Erdos, having the ego that he did, took the bet04:39
kanzure(for something like $10 or something? it was the 1970s)04:39
kanzureanyway, 04:39
kanzurehe commented that he would wake up and his ideas simply wouldn't flow04:39
ybitare you using konversation as your chat client now? [kanzure]04:39
kanzureand he would just stare at the paper for many hours04:39
kanzureybit: no, I'm using pidgin04:40
kanzureso once the bet was over he took the damn money and went back on the meds04:40
fennoften there is a U+FEFF character at the beginning of the line04:40
kanzuremy line?04:40
fennits some kind of unicode byte order verifier04:40
kanzureare my lines bad?04:40
fennsupposed to be a space but shows up as a dotted square in xterm, but otherwise no problem at all04:41
kanzureI sometimes see it in pidgin for weird reasons04:41
fennso, er, how are amphetamines different from other vasodilators?04:41
fennlike, say, caffiene04:42
kanzurecaffeine seems to have the exact opposite effect on me04:42
kanzurenamely sleepiness04:42
fenngrragg fscking caffiene fucked up my spelling04:43
fennthe person, not the chemical04:43
kanzureare you seeing people?04:43
kanzurein particular, mr.caffiene04:44
fennseeing people? as in, romantically? (no)04:44
fennits that his nick is intentionally spelled wrong and i've typed it so many times i spell the word wrong now04:45
kanzureas in, schizophrenic visions of mr.caffiene04:45
kanzureoh, it's a person on irc?04:45
* kanzure didn't know04:45
kanzurecould have been somebody from the history books04:45
kanzurethat's what I was thinkig.04:45
fenni lost the spelling bee because of the ie ei thing04:45
fenni spelled it 'protien'04:45
fennperfectly logical of course, but worng04:46
fennthey werent very big on etymology04:46
fennspelling is useless without etymology anyway04:47
fennotherwise just use the IPA04:47
fennor bastard alphabets like katakana04:47
* kanzure wanted to learn katakana, thinking it was the japanese's mandarin english fix04:48
kanzurebut that has multiple things wrong with it04:48
kanzurenamely, mandarin is chinese, not a chinese-to-english fix04:48
fennconfused mandarin with pidgin?04:48
kanzureI thought pidgin was some islander language04:49
ybitfenn, what do you use to scan your books? 04:49
fennpidgin is simplified english used by many island cultures04:49
fennand chinese04:49
fennor something04:49
kanzurethere's a text-fix for chinese, is what I mean04:49
kanzurethere's a text fix for japanese, I know that much04:49
fennoh, like guo biao?04:49
kanzurewe see it all the time on lyrics sites04:49
kanzureguo biao? maybe.04:49
kanzureromanification sounds closer04:49
kanzureso probably, yes.04:49
fennromaji is japanese written with roman characters, like 'konichi wa'04:49
fennactually it should be konnichi wa04:50
ybiteven though to type it out it's "kon'nichiha"04:50
fennyou can type wa right?04:50
kanzureI thought so.04:51
* kanzure knows a little. :)04:51
ybit????? = kon'ichiha  ????? = kon'nichiwa04:51
fenndammit xterm is supposed to understand unicode so why doesnt that work04:51
kanzureworks in pidgin04:52
fennworks when i paste into another xterm04:52
fennprobly some screen nonsense04:52
kanzurecharlie wants me to start a local transhuman group04:53
fennDO EET04:53
* ybit needs a book scanner and binding machines04:53
ybitand um, scanning*04:53
* kanzure needs an automated page flipping mechanism and webcam04:53
fennbook scanner, ok, why binding?04:54
* kanzure doesn't actually need a webcam04:54
ybitso i can bind the pages of the paper i print 04:54
fenn5MP camera works pretty well for digitizing text (OCR)04:54
kanzureocr hardly works last I tried it04:54
fennybit: but why would you print books if you're trying to get rid of them by digitizing them?04:54
kanzurewith the google tools04:54
fenngoogle has ocr tools?04:55
kanzurein their code repository04:55
kanzuretheir 'official' ocr projects 04:55
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/projects/autoscholar/ the image has a reference to the name of the ocr project04:55
Nofaris_kanzure is an aspie?04:55
fenni used some adobe thingy in 2002-2003 and it worked pretty well (typewriter font)04:55
fennkanzure wishes he were an aspie04:56
Nofaris_I kind of do as well04:56
Nofaris_give me an excuse.04:56
ybiti'm not trying to get rid of the books, i simply borrow them from libraries, scan them, and when i'm ready to read, print them out. i prefer regular books when reading for long periods, otherwise i get distracted on a computer ("oooh buttons, let's play")04:56
fennthose damned newtypes get all the glory04:56
ybitthough, if i can find a decent ebook reader maybe, i might not print them out04:57
fennybit: why not just get them from library when ready to read them?04:57
ybitthe olpc would do such a thing04:57
kanzureNofaris_: I'm technically diagnosed as ADHD, and fenn's observation is more or less correct.04:57
ybitor i could do that, and if i remember a line or a phrase, search for it after scanning04:58
ybitsuppose that makes sense04:58
fennybit: http://positron.org/projects/A51/04:58
fennunfortunately the evil corporate empires of Amazon and Sony have prohibited such coolness from ever arriving at your doorstep04:59
kanzurenow charlie wants to name my transhuman group04:59
fennpinky and the bryan04:59
fennmaybe that's too cult-of-bryan05:00
ybitfenn: http://spectrum.ieee.org/sep08/676505:02
ybitwould prefer one of those05:02
ybitthe tft display looks too much like a typical display on mobile devices05:02
kanzurefenn: I don't want a cult-of-bryan .. I'm already bryan, I want more/better.05:03
fennybit: it's not a typical tft lcd, it's e-ink man!05:03
fennelectric paper05:03
fennlatex microspheres coated with polarized black ink on one side05:03
fennturn off the power and nothing happens05:04
fennreflects ambient light05:04
kanzureso, names?05:05
kanzureI would rather have no name, of course05:05
kanzurebut this makes it hard to talk about things05:05
fennplastic logic's big thing is flexible transistors05:05
fennthey partnered with e-ink for obvious reasons05:05
ybit"all hail __ group"05:05
kanzure"We're all individuals!" "I'm not!"05:06
kanzure"Yes! We're _all_ individuals."05:06
ybiteh, forgive the mispelling05:06
ybitdon't beat me please05:06
fennis this the jewish peoples liberation front?05:07
ybitfuck no!05:07
kanzurepiss off, we're the people's front of judiah05:07
ybitor that05:07
kanzurepeople's front? I thought we were the popular front05:07
kanzurehe's over there05:07
kanzurethose men are gods.05:07
fennthe other day i saw "excalibur"05:08
fennsuddenly it all made sense05:08
fennits a terrible king arthur movie05:08
fennall completely serious of course05:08
fennbut every scene i expect them to break out into some monty python skit05:08
fenn"WHAT is the purpose of the Grail?"05:09
kanzurehow about05:09
fenn"WHO does the Grail serve?"05:09
kanzure'transhuman commons' ?05:09
kanzureThat's sufficiently vague, right?05:09
fennthe word "transhuman" sucks05:09
kanzure'people's augmentation front' would be cool too05:09
fennFront of Augmenting People!05:10
fennsorry, bad acronym pun05:10
fennoops did i kill it05:11
kanzureI probably need to do a recursive acronym or risk being slain by the gnu hurds05:11
ybitfenn: thanks for the A51 link, there are some interesting projects there05:11
fenni think it probably looks not quite as cool close up, due to the way laser cutters work05:12
* ybit gets some sleep before his Spanish lesson in the morning05:12
ybitunaffiliated with the university of course05:12
fennbuona notte05:12
* ybit waves goodnight05:12
fenni mean, buenos nachos05:12
ybitbuenas noches*05:13
kanzurebuenas? really?05:13
kanzurenot buenos?05:13
fennnoche is feminine05:13
kanzuremakes sense.05:14
fenni guess05:14
kanzurewell, which would you prefer, you see05:14
fennthe whole concept of gendered nouns always seemed a bit silly to me05:14
kanzure'synthetic commons'05:14
kanzurehow about that?05:14
fennlike, is a fire truck male or female?05:14
fennwell, it depends if it has a hose or not!05:14
kanzurerosa is red, so it's female05:14
fennel camion, la camioneta05:15
fenntruck and pickup, respectively05:15
fennafter learning spanish, english-speakers' misuse of the subjunctive tense started to annoy me05:16
kanzure'synthetic commons'05:16
kanzurefirst result is Kaitlin Thaney05:17
kanzureif you remember, I met Kaitlin up in California05:17
fenni am male after all05:18
kanzuregood, good05:18
fenndescribing a 'commons' as 'anything the king doesnt want' seems rather medieval05:21
fennit doesnt really capture the essence of "this thing we are building together"05:23
kanzurethat group is still rather mysterious to me05:23
kanzuremaybe I'm just inheriting typical woman-mystique subroutines or something05:23
fennwhat group?05:24
kanzurethe creative commons people05:24
kanzureshe was being flown around 10,000 miles in 8 days to speak at something like a bajillion conferences05:24
kanzureeverybody was floored when she started citing her itinerary05:24
kanzureCBA tells me that "the creative commons is like google except less ambitious"05:25
fenner, where does that money come from?05:25
kanzurebut they're fairly damn ambitious05:25
kanzurethat's what I want to know.05:25
fenndoes it all just go into publicity?05:25
kanzurenot really05:25
kanzureif you'll remember, ybit's find of neurocommons and their Google Moupse project05:25
kanzureis an example05:25
kanzureturns out Alan, who ybit and I have spoken with, is Kaitlin's coworker etc.05:25
fenni know PLoS is mostly funded by NSF05:26
kanzurewhenever the creative commons shows up somewhere, in person, it always seems like they're working on "something big"05:27
kanzurebut they never quite say what or how they're going about it05:27
fennbecause their strategy is the reprap 'throw it into the wild an see what happens'05:27
fenni guess05:27
kanzuredon't you have an addiction to cc music or something?05:28
fennthey always seemed like a competitor because of the whole 'which license should i choose, creative commons or GNU-*" thing05:28
fennno, i dont go out of my way to observe copyright law, unless it's computer code related05:28
kanzure"they're like google but not .. because they only want everything to be free"05:28
fennbut they watered down their name with "a license for everybody" even slaving capitalist scum05:29
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/art/ <-- Since I haven't uploaded my art collection in a while.05:31
fennits just a bunch of squares circles and triangles!05:32
kanzuredon't you mock me.05:32
fennis this markram? http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/art/tools3.jpg05:32
fennor is that some silly paint smeared on canvas stuff05:33
* fenn has a suspicion this is just all the images kanzure has downloaded05:35
kanzureunfortuantely it's not.05:35
kanzureto the second.05:35
kanzureto the first, I seem to recall it being smeared, but mentioned on or near a page of markram05:35
fenni added to my bookmarks: http://fenn.freeshell.net/bookmarks.html05:36
* fenn doubts anyone cares05:36
kanzureunknown host05:36
kanzureadded what to your bookmarks?05:36
fennan extra year's worth of crap05:37
* fenn yawns05:37
kanzurecan you give me the adr instead?05:37
fennit's not an extensive catalog like your monstrosity, just things i find interesting05:37
kanzurethe internet archive is ran by aspies.05:38
kanzureor more severe autists. I haven't figured that one out yet05:38
fennit goes with the job i think (librarian)05:39
fennhow could it be any other way?05:39
fenntry this http://fenn.freeshell.org/bookmarks-09-20-08.adr05:39
kanzurestupid piece of crap05:40
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/art2/ more (27 MB more ..)05:40
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/art/art2/ more (27 MB more ..)05:40
* fenn sets to downloading05:41
kanzureyou really want to?05:42
* fenn shrugs05:42
kanzureeasy to delete I guess05:42
fenngqview is so fast it's like flipping through a book05:42
kanzureI just use kde's image viewer05:42
kanzureeasy left/right arrow functionality05:42
fennor kuickshow05:43
fennyou mean EYE OF GNOME?05:44
kanzureI should have noticed that it's gtk05:45
kanzureit's not like this blends in with the qt stuff05:45
fennnothing wrong with gtk, its the gnome that bothers me05:45
kanzurewhat? why?05:46
kanzuream I mixing stuff when I'm not supposed to be?05:46
fennthe 5000 multiply dependent packages that all install a bunch of cartoony crap even though i just wanted a spreadsheet app05:46
fenngnome in itself isnt too bad (if you dont know any other way)05:47
fennbut i try to keep my system free of the infestation05:47
fenni like to know what every package does05:48
kanzureso either you're a minimalist or you just like to overload yourself05:50
maraineinhey, have you guys seen this talk?: http://www.vimeo.com/142741905:51
marainein(it's a proposal to destroy lipofuscin with lasers)05:51
kanzureNot quite yet.05:52
fennkanzure: think of it as LysoSENS for computers :)05:52
kanzureI'm totally blanking out on lipofuscin. /me hits Google Scholar05:52
maraineinthe stuff that lysosens is gonna target05:52
fennis there a way to download vimeo clips without registering?05:52
maraineininside lysosomes05:52
maraineini don't remember registering05:53
fenni mean download, not just view in a browser with a flash plugin that doesnt really work right05:53
kanzurefenn: I wish I knew all man pages for all packages installed.05:53
maraineinI don't know05:53
* fenn just reads the abstract on the page05:54
kanzureapt-get show blah?05:55
fennlipofuscin stuff05:55
fennhmm 1/10 full power explodes worms05:57
maraineinthe lipofuscin in old worms absorbs it05:58
maraineinand they explode05:58
maraineinbut young worms don't05:58
bkerokanzure: My lain dir?05:58
kanzuremeep, yes05:58
maraineinthe laser will only penetrate about an inch through tissue at the wavelength they want, so an obvious problem is how to get it inside a human06:00
fennstick it up yer ass06:00
kanzuregood news! it's a supository06:01
fenndo different organs accumulate lipofuscin at different rates?06:02
maraineini think non dividing tissue has higher levels than dividing tissue06:03
fennbrain, retina, and (other internal organs)06:04
fennnot sure i want an unfocused laser pulse in my eye06:04
fennand brain surgery sucks in general06:05
maraineinapparently it's already been done06:05
marainein"Ophthalmology research has shown that pulsed lasers selectively destroy aged Retinal Pigment Epithelial (RPE) cells that are loaded with lipofuscin, allowing new lipofuscin-free cells to repopulate the RPE, effectively rejuvenating the tissue."06:05
maraineinas i understand it, the lipofuscin has a different absorbance spectrum to normal body molecules, which is why a laser on that wavelength will target it only, and not damage anything else06:09
Nofaris_So awesome06:11
fennlipofuscin is sort of purplish brown06:13
fennretinal pigments in general have a different absorbance spectrum to normal body molecules06:15
kanzure'(2008-09-21 02:03:52) maradydd: i'm going to need some controller logic for this electroporator, and i like the idea of building something that i can solder together and then forget about, rather than doing it all in software'07:01
kanzurefrom over in #diybio07:01
kanzurejust because you're all lazy07:02
kanzureexcept ybit, bkero, and procto07:02
kanzure'In a New York Times interview in April 1969, Alden Whitman asked writer Vladimir Nabokov: "How do you rank yourself among writers (living) and of the immediate past?" Nabokov answered: "I often think there should exist a special typographical sign for a smile -- some sort of concave mark, a supine round bracket, which I would now like to trace in reply to your question."'07:06
kanzureFahlman is never ,ever going to be known for anything else.07:07
kanzurePoor guy.07:07
kanzure'Fahlman received his bachelor's degree and master's degree in 1973 from MIT, and his Ph.D. from MIT in 1977. His thesis advisors were Drs Gerald Sussman and Marvin Minsky.'07:08
kanzureI knew it. Minsky's been trying to do ai with :-) alone.07:08
kanzurefrom Tony's end of the world08:03
kanzureclick north arrow on the street viewer08:03
kanzureyou weren't hit by a hurricane11:00
kanzureso what's your excuse? 11:00
nshfriends visited from the uk11:00
kanzurekind of boring.11:00
nshalso, no internet in my new squat^Wflat11:00
nshrelatively :-)11:00
nshany developments?11:09
kanzurewe've been making bets on your (lack of?) use of drugs11:10
nshhow's fat's the pot? 11:13
* nsh chuckles at own wit11:13
kanzureit's a exponential plot11:17
* nsh smiles11:18
nshno drugs of late11:18
ybitfenn, my "fast video download" add-on in firefox lets me easily download from most video sites, including vim16:08
willPow3rybit: link16:08
ybit"[00:56] <kanzure> good news! it's a supository" :P16:09
ybitwillPow3r: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/359016:15
ybitthere are bound to be similar or even better add-ons16:15
ybitkanzure, i like your art16:16
ybitwhat did you use?16:16
ybit..to make them16:17
ybitaside from artisitc inspiration :P what were the tools used?16:17
kanzureybit: I stole all of it.18:27
* ybit didn't read that part of the convo18:32
ybitwonder why i'm so lazy that i don't want to type conversation18:32
kanzureyou don't want to type?18:33
kanzurehm, the site isn't loading for me in firefox18:35
kanzureWhy do torrents take a dive in speed when the tracker announces?19:25
spookactdiving in speed is the #1 feature of the bittorrent protocol19:33
fennkanzure: do you know anyone from "team prometheus" from n-prize competition?20:16
fennrocket stuff20:17
kanzurenone of that rings a bell20:19
kanzurenanosat competition? /me remembers there being the cubesat competitions, and the pingpong sat competitions, but not nanoset20:19
fennsome dude from austin wanted to use emc2 to control his rocket20:20
kanzureOh, this was something from the UK. Yes, I remember seeing it, even posting it on the blog20:20
kanzuredid you point him in my direction? there's some people here I can point him towards20:20
fennno, this was yesterday, i'm just skimming the logs20:21
fenni wonder why the upper limit on payload mass is 20g20:23
kanzure"The N-Prize is a challenge to launch an impossibly small satellite into orbit on a ludicrously small budget, for a pitifully small cash prize."20:23
kanzure"Are we serious? <click to load page ...> Yes."20:23
fennEntrants are responsible for everything, organisers are responsible for nothing.20:24
kanzureanyway, we have an experimental rocket group here that does some cubesat stuff, or nanosat or something20:24
willPow3rthese [x]-prizes are a lame attempt to get science to go the direction they want it to go20:24
kanzureincluding ham radio operations on the 12th floor of the aerospace building20:24
fennwillPow3r: so?20:25
fennwillPow3r: got a better idea?20:25
kanzurewillPow3r: many would argue that it "spurs innovation!"20:25
willPow3rit does, but they need to dangle a larger piece of cheese20:25
kanzure$30 million isn't large enough?20:25
kanzureGoogle Lunar X Prize20:25
fennnot even close20:25
fennapollo cost $50 billion or so20:26
willPow3rnot if you can make billions from such an invention20:26
willPow3ror process20:26
fennnot sure how much lunaya cost20:26
kanzurehere's my plan right now20:26
kanzureor rather, here's what I'm thinking20:26
fenner, lunokhod20:27
kanzureGoogle Maps (or anything else equivalent) backend + mindat.org's mining information and suppliers20:27
kanzureautomated procurement with mail delivery to/from these places, as already occurs of course, just in a "web 2.0" friendly framework (whatever that means)20:27
kanzuredesign/planning system to help you download yer rocket, get the parts, get the space you need to assemble it, blah blah blah20:27
kanzurecommunity collaborative platforms already exist for instance20:27
kanzurethen you can do some p2p sharing of specific, discrete tasks on the assembly line .. generated from the design files or some such20:28
kanzureno proof that it will assemble correctly of course, just look at NASA's terrible failure with the metric system on occassion20:28
kanzureclosing a few of these gaps should help things along I'd think20:28
fennso, uh, how do you make sure it actually gets to orbit?20:28
kanzureI was talking in generalities20:29
kanzurerocket is one use of the system20:29
kanzuretracking of rocket is a hard problem like always, no?20:29
kanzurethe experimental rockets lab here is piggybacking on some other satellites IIRC20:29
kanzure(the group is like 10 undergrads and a graduate advisor or something)20:29
kanzurepiggybacking/bootstrapping is no shame20:30
kanzurehow hard would it be to launch a truly freenode in orbit?20:30
kanzureI mean, what's the cost of most of these comm sats anyway?20:30
fenndepends what it does20:30
kanzureafter launch, it's just maintaining ground communication facilities right?20:30
fennoften the sat costs much more than the launcher20:30
kanzuresure, the launchers are "off the lot" stuff that costs a few million IIRC20:31
kanzureI'm not well versed in those logistics20:31
fennsomething like $10M for a decent size launch20:31
fennyou cant exactly buy a small rocket20:31
fennalso, you're leasing their ground facilities like tracking and comms20:32
kanzurewhat about comms for a commsat after it's launched?20:32
kanzurejust a giant dish somewhere?20:32
kanzurein a few hours - 'Find out the latest MitoSENS news and discuss recent progress with Methuselah Foundation researcher Mark Hamlainen. This is the line of SENS research that received the huge donation from Peter Theil. The Sunday Evening Update is the only place you can get and in-depth interview with a cutting edge aging researchers such as Mark Hamalainen.'20:33
kanzure(only because I'm still sitting in the channel. I lost interest in the stream a few months ago.)20:33
fenncutting edge aging research is not all that exciting20:33
fennits not like it will suddenly change everything overnight20:34
fennmaybe some patent race20:34
* kanzure still wants the long tail of bloggers (etc.) to have anti-aging research kits 20:34
kanzureeven if it's a $500 biochem kit that lets them permutate through a few tests that have to be done on some variables, splitting up the work like torrent trackers split up downloading 20:35
kanzureor other work partioning algorithms20:35
kanzureanyway. I think that the framework I've kicking around might be useful. I don't know though. if you get everything into a package to the point where people just have to press a button and follow the cookies, is it going to work? meh20:37
fennseems like it would cost more than just doing it in a central location20:38
kanzurethat's a very minor peanuts excuse20:40
kanzurefine then, centralize it20:40
kanzurewhat do I care?20:40
kanzurethe point is that it needs to be something that others can pick up and work on if it fizzles out20:41
kanzurei.e., keep a dir on a server somewhere20:41
fenneverything should be like that, imho20:41
fenntoo bad humans are such greedy bastards20:41
kanzuregimme gimme gimme20:42
fennhmm so their strategy is to launch a light gas gun into suborbital trajectory, then fire a barium/titanium cylinder horizontally at 16000 ft/sec20:42
fennit's a pretty good idea i think20:43
fennteam prometheus20:44
kanzurearbitrary selecion of barium and titanium?20:44
kanzurehow'd that happen?20:44
fennbarium so it will burn bright green on re-entry20:44
fenntitanium is strong at high temperatures and lightweight20:45
kanzurehttp://meg.web.psi.ch/subprojects/calorimeter/prototype.html calorimeter output21:05
kanzureerm, not output21:06
kanzuremore like index21:06
kanzurexenon photon detector actually21:06
kanzure"What's the difference between national defense against biowarfare and a national health care system?"21:15
marcel_inusethe first one primary saves solders?21:51
kanzureblah, of course they would do that22:38
kanzuresession timeouts on the matweb downloads22:38
kanzureI had (most of) the indices downloaded, was going to go fetch all of the rest of the search pages22:38
kanzureerm, of the category pages I mean22:38
kanzurebut the session timed out of course22:39
kanzure"error, you haven't used this server in over 24 hours, please come back to me"22:39
kanzureWhat does '15135dd30619457f902229b03619841a' look like?23:24
fennan md5 sum23:25
kanzureI've been talking with the md5crackb0t on rizon, that's no md5 sum23:26
kanzuregoogling around for some 'hash code identification charts' but they don't exist23:26
fennwhy do you say it's not an md5?23:27
fennanyway, some kind of 128 bit code represented as hex characters23:27
kanzureThe hash bot doesn't find a match in its superlarge db23:28
fenndoesn't find a match? so what23:28
kanzurewell, I'm trying to figure something functional out obviously23:28
kanzurematweb is making this kind of annoying23:29
fennthere's 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 possible different 128 bit codes..23:29
kanzureI mean, it's not enough for them to have a hash for each and every page or whatever23:29
kanzurebut on top of this23:29
kanzurethey also want you to get a new hash for changing the size of your view or something23:29
kanzureand when I duplicate it, after sitting and waiting in wireshark and extracting the POST etc., it still doesn't really work for the 200 results per page that I want23:29
fennof course, that way you can just send the hash for an entire session state23:29
kanzureit would be better if I could do 50,000 results per page,23:30
fennthen they look up that hash in their table of clients and serve the page it's associated with23:30
kanzurebut they seem to limit at n=20023:30
kanzurebut I can't even duplicate /that/ with wget23:30
kanzureonce I get that, it would be nice to get 50k23:30
kanzureyeah, I know23:30
kanzurepeculiar :)23:59

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