
--- Day changed Mon Sep 22 2008
kanzureWhere's my login link?00:00
kanzurea number :)00:03
kanzuregoes up to 8092000:05
kanzurewhich seems to be a material called 'rswtest rswtest rswtest' (a polyethylene, no less)00:05
kanzureyay, I'm so happy00:09
kanzureI've never seen a site with such divergent subdomains00:09
kanzureone's using numeric identifiers, another's using plaintext, another's using MD5, what's going on there?00:09
kanzurethey have rate limiting00:10
fennbetter get some proxies00:10
kanzurethey rate limited me after about 100 pages00:11
kanzureso for 80,000 pages, I need 800 proxies00:11
kanzurewhere am I going to get 800 bots?00:11
fennyou dont need 800?00:11
kanzureisn't that peanuts or something in the russian financial information realm?00:12
kanzurewell, I guess, if I can change each of their IP's a few times00:12
fennrate limiting doesnt mean they just cut you off does it?00:12
kanzurethey just cut *me* off00:12
kanzureI don't know what their rate limit is. hrm. have to figure that out00:12
kanzure'Your IP Address has been restricted due to excessive use. The problem may be compounded when an IP address may be shared by many people in a company or through an internet service provider. We apologize for any inconvenience. Registered and Premiums users are allowed a higher hit limit. If you are a registered or premium user, and you are accessing MatWeb as an anonymous user (not logged in), try logging on, and see if that fixes this problem. If you00:14
kanzurelogging in does not fix of course00:14
kanzureip ban site-wide.00:15
fennhow many pages are there? 80k?00:16
fennno ideas00:17
kanzurerate limit of 10 sec per page would lead to a total download time of 9 days00:17
kanzureI guess it's worth it.00:17
kanzureif I split up the queue would you be willing to do a part?00:20
kanzureI'm so lazy.00:43
willPow3reverybodys like that today00:44
kanzurewhy's that?00:46
kanzurewillPow3r: how about you choose a packet to do? :)00:49
willPow3rwhats going on?00:49
willPow3rin 7 words or less00:49
willPow3rtoo lazy to read more00:49
kanzureclick link, click link where not taken00:50
willPow3rok need link00:50
willPow3rwhere do i start?00:51
willPow3rfuck, i'm on vista. no cygwin. need to get out old laptop for linux brb00:52
kanzurehah :)00:52
willPow3ri need a 5th monitor00:53
kanzureof course the 'email back' method is flawed01:02
kanzuresince it's a 2.3 GB data set01:02
kanzurehey, you think they block Google?01:02
kanzureguess so01:03
kanzurebut doesn't block the Wayback Machine.01:03
ybit" 06:03 kanzure : markhamalainen: There's a few people doing STM DNA sequencing for dirt cheap, that's an avenue I've been looking into. " i don't think he ever responded, i think it was due to my dumb question01:03
kanzureYou didn't say a dumb question.01:03
ybitin the ustream chat01:03
kanzureDid you?01:03
ybitwell, it wasn't dumb, but it got in the way of him responding to you i think01:04
kanzurehttp://zachtronics.emala.net/pivot/entry.php?id=18 manufactoid game01:13
kanzurethey block at n=100, no matter how long you wait between downloads01:23
willPow3r_kanzure, what was the link to that project you're working on?01:35
kanzurewillPow3r_: Which project?01:37
kanzurethere are many :)01:37
willPow3r_you had a bunch of chunks of data to process or something01:39
kanzureThey block you after you download 100 of them01:39
kanzureso I'm still thinking about how to do this.01:39
willPow3r_use a dynamic ip01:39
kanzurewillPow3r_: I've never figured out how ot use tor01:40
kanzureany hints?01:40
kanzureI mean, I've never had my introduction to tor01:40
willPow3r_basically it bounces all of your network traffic through a bunch of relay servers first01:41
willPow3r_making your ip basically irrelevant and untraceable01:41
willPow3r_matweb is blocking your ip i would assume01:41
kanzureoh, I know what it /is/ but not how to use it or where to download stuffs :)01:41
willPow3r_oh right01:42
willPow3r_do you have to log in to their site to d/l?01:42
willPow3r__forgot i had vista set as my network bridge01:45
willPow3r__since they're blocking your ip, you just need to anonymize it and they wont be able to track your usage01:47
kanzurebut how?01:47
fennset your http proxy to one of these IP's? http://proxy.org/tor.shtml01:53
kanzureWill it always give me a new Ip on each page reload ?01:53
fennFile: ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc  http_proxy=
fennexport http_proxy HTTP_PROXY01:54
kanzurefenn: what does setting HTTP_PROXY in bash do?01:54
kanzureis that a global variable that wget allows?01:54
fennoddly enough there's no mention of it in the wget man page01:55
willPow3r__HTTP_PROXY is followed only by certain programs01:56
fennbut it does mention *_proxy environment variables01:56
willPow3r__most don't use it01:56
fennis it possible to copyright data? like numbers and such01:58
fenni know the RIAA has made a mockery of copyright but still01:58
kanzurelawyers can very easily say yes IIRC01:59
fennbut it's not like they just made the data from scratch, they got it from somewhere02:00
kanzurecompanies/manufacturers sending them data sheets02:00
kanzurethey will argue that they put the effort into typing it into their format02:00
fennbig deal, aggregation doesn't mean you own the semantic content02:01
fenni guess i'm not helping02:01
willPow3r__you're using wget to retrieve the datasets?02:02
willPow3r__need to tunnel downloads through tor02:03
kanzureSo how do I use a different IP each time ?02:04
kanzureor each 100 downloads at least02:04
willPow3r__since wget is restarted for each d/l02:04
willPow3r__it should have a different one for each d/l02:04
kanzureeven with proxdy = ?02:05
fennyou can check to see if it's working by wgetting from your own server and checking the logs?02:06
kanzuregood idea02:06
willPow3r__tor uses servers on the internet to randomize your ip02:16
willPow3r__doing it from your own machine probably wont work02:16
kanzurehm, I'm filling out a resume builder on the university's website02:17
kanzurethey want me to list 'accomplishments'02:17
kanzurehave I done world domination yet?02:17
willPow3r__thats not until tomorrow night, pinky02:18
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/resume/2008-09-21_resume.pdf Any more bullshitting that I've missed?02:21
kanzureoh god02:32
kanzurewhat does a failing LCD look like?02:32
willPow3r__horizontal or vertical lines of solid colors02:32
kanzurethis looked like a flashback to microprocessor schematics02:33
kanzurethe ones that are so dense that it looks like you're viewing a memory dump in color02:33
fennsnow crash02:33
fenn= corrupted video mem02:34
willPow3r__wget uses port 80 right?02:43
kanzurecould use whatever it wants02:44
kanzurebut HTTP servers usually are on port 80 :)02:44
willPow3r__i assume matweb is port 8002:45
fennsheesh, had to go 5 pages deep in google image search: http://flickr.com/photos/48889110751%40N01/2393980402:48
fenn(a snow crash)02:48
kanzurewillPow3r__: yes02:49
kanzurefenn: yeah, except less colorful :)02:49
kanzureflickering every second as if it was trying to refresh, but it was just going back to the same thingy02:49
kanzureshut the lid a few times, ALT+F2'ed over to something else, went back and all was okay02:50
kanzureokay, done bullshitting the resume for now I guess02:51
kanzureweird, man wget randomly drops off when talking about environmental variables for proxies03:03
kanzureHm, the proxies don't connect03:17
kanzureokay, so tor is pretty slow :)03:53
kanzurecrap, it's not randomizing03:58
kanzurehttp://cuil.com/ has been slamming my servers04:04
willPow3r__tor isn't working?04:17
willPow3r__what is this data for? some kind of autoengineering program?04:20
kanzurea nonexistant program of course04:26
* kanzure is working on that particular problem04:26
kanzuretor is working now, seems to be randomizing too04:26
kanzurewait, yeah, it's not randomizing04:26
willPow3r__does it only switch the ip when the tor proxy restarts?04:28
kanzureno, it seems to switch randomly04:28
kanzurefor instance, two successive wgets have the same ip04:29
kanzureyet, it's clearly not the one I started with when I tested earlier04:29
kanzurewhat do I do with http://proxy.org/tor.shtml ?04:30
kanzuremaybe firefox's switchproxy is using a mechanism I could steal04:31
kanzurewait, no, switchproxy doesn't do it04:32
fennwouldnt this be nice: http://russnelson.com/dmca-hacking.html08:03
kanzurehttp://www.lulu.com/content/182342 China's upcoming problems, in the form of a short sf book or something12:35
kanzurehaven't actually looked at it, but I scoped it off of the wta-talk mailing list12:35
kanzureI've asked #tor, and I've been googling around, nobody seems to know how to force tor/privoxy to change IPs. 12:36
kanzureforcing a reload doesn't do the trick either12:36
kanzure__Hi all.16:10
user1oi kanzure__16:10
-!- user1 is now known as ybit16:11
-!- ybit is now known as ybit-school16:11
kanzure__Does anyone ever forget from which terminal they are typing?16:11
kanzure__I think this counts as school. Not sure.16:11
kanzure__Take a look at the signal NEWNYM request.16:12
kanzure__There's a port that tor sits on waiting for commands?16:12
kanzure__Isn't that a bad idea? Anyone? procto? ;-)16:12
kanzure__How to force a new identity: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55805116:17
kanzure__Also, http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Bioreactors - added a link that Charlie scoped for the design of bioreactors with strands of fiber optic cables16:17
kanzure__Not sure if that's the best way to distribute the photons over the surface area for the algaes and so on16:17
ybit-schoolwhat's wrong with the php script?16:19
ybit-schoolseems fine16:19
kanzure__php script isn't the problem16:19
kanzure__Say you have an open port16:19
kanzure__on which you're allowing people to send commands to the tor daemon16:19
kanzure__generally this is not a good idea for any sort of program16:20
kanzure__but more worrisome would be something like tor16:20
ybit-schooli see16:21
kanzure__anywho, I think telnet | "AUTHENTICATE\nsignal NEWNYM\nquit" should do the trick16:22
kanzure__erm, telnet 905116:22
* kanzure__ had to bitbang his way to find his laptop's ip address .. it was only a few numbers off from his server :)16:22
ybit-school"and you can download the zip file to get everything at once. This way, you don't have to individually click each one. " going soft on everyone, aye? :) (by not making them learn wget or similar)16:22
kanzure__not yet quite in a position to be making such godly demands on people :p16:23
kanzure__"linux! gasp!"16:23
kanzure__aren't people in a university environment supposed to know linux? why am I sitting on an XP machine?16:24
* ybit-school too is on an xp machine unfortunately :|16:24
ybit-schoolare you sshing into your computer?16:25
kanzure__sshing into a few things16:25
kanzure__I think I might be on my server right now16:26
kanzure__not sure, I am also very likely on my other machine in the dorm16:26
kanzure__maybe I'm on the korea box16:26
* kanzure__ feels like he's playing endgame:singularity16:26
kanzure__Anybody know what to send to the commandport to figure out which ip tor is currently masking you as?17:13
kanzure__instead of me ruthlessly bashing whatismyip.org or my own server for such a purpose ..17:13
kanzure__reason why is that I'm trying to see why matweb immediately blocks my tor usage17:14
kanzure__How would it know to immediately block that ip? That's incredibly unlikely.17:16
kanzure__(yes, I've switched the user agent)17:16
kanzure__yeah, so when I run the script on over my server, the ip address is changing17:20
kanzure__meaning all of these random tor IP's are already blocked? wtf?17:20
kanzure__Aha. Okay. There we go.17:23
kanzure__Weird scripting stuff going on there.17:23
kanzure__(yes, I edited the bashrc files.)17:23
kanzure__at one point I thought that the script might not be working because the script was chowned by bryan but for some reason I'm going around as root, so maybe the script would execute with bryan's permissions on /bin/bash17:24
kanzure__apparently that wasn't it.17:24
kanzure__weird, it's randomy blocking me17:38
kanzure__#67 blocked, #68 good, #69 good, #70 blocked, ..17:38
kanzure__Am I really hitting IPs that are blocked? Need to stop it at one where it's blocked and test I guess.17:39
kanzure__does anyone remember how to stop wget from following 302s?17:45
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/school/Calculus/2007-11-13.html <--- The sentence "Z0mg! We're going to crash into the wall of text!" comes to mind. This is generally what lectures are sounding like for me these days. Everybody speaks ambiguously and there's no formal ontology to digest really. Solutions?19:58
fennshow up to school with an introdus gun and start firing logic implants into peoples' brains19:59
kanzuremathml/latex doesn't really do what needs to be done20:03
kanzurevideo capture is the best you can do if you're lazy20:03
kanzurebut then why attend?20:03
kanzureof course, you have to attend to get the video20:03
kanzurebut then you have to devote some amount of time in some godforsaken cryptic proportion to the realtime video to decrypt their pathetic excuse of 'formal' education20:04
kanzureit's kind of like the pencil markup complaint20:05
kanzurehard to distinguish the 'here is your equation' and then the 'now we have scribbled on it' states20:05
kanzurewhile also distinguishing equations, theorems, epistemiological approaches to their activities, etc., which is all densely packed into very, very bad english20:05
kanzureof course the typical case is to just only catch some of the stuff and not all, that's not for me20:06
kanzureI wonder if it would be possible to throw up mathml + latex + ocw + some more eyerolling metamarkup to represent the notes/annotations that people should be making20:06
kanzurethen it would be much, much easier20:06
kanzurebecause you could even write little bots/assistant-agents to guide students in their recording of the material of what to take away20:07
kanzurehm, that ocw dataset for lectures / knowledge could be seeded by metamath.org if they have that in some computationally readable format20:14
kanzurewhere are my ancient theorem solvers anyway?20:14
kanzure(not mine, actually)20:14
willPow3r__kanzure, according to the tor website, the ip address is changed every 10 minutes21:57
spookacttor? someone planning on hacking the planet?21:59
kanzurespookact: Something like that.22:41
kanzurefree registration22:44
kanzurehm, Google is speaking tomorrow23:01
kanzureapparently a Tech Talk23:01
kanzuremonroe_l@whatever bounced23:03
fennthat wasn't an email23:05
fennalso see http://sites.google.com/site/teamprometheusnprize/ if you want to be demotivated23:06
kanzureholy shit23:08
kanzureflashback to the 199823:08
kanzure*to 199823:08
kanzureall sites used to be like that23:08
willPow3r__angelfire tripod and geocities, yep23:08
kanzureoh man :)23:08
kanzurethe holy trinity23:09
fennit was made with google automatic page creation stuffs23:09
kanzurethere was also homestead and maxpages23:09
* kanzure was deeply entrinched in the bullshit23:09
willPow3r__nostalgia indeed23:09
kanzureI was a "master hacker" for using angelfire23:09
kanzureanybody who knew HTML was a *god*23:09
kanzurethere was this whole knowledge economy kind of developed around the idea23:10
kanzuresomehow I had to do favors just to get slanted text with a blinking background23:10
willPow3r__everybody else was using primitive WYSIWYG editors23:10
kanzurewell, I was too23:10
kanzureI was like. 10 :)23:10
willPow3r__that inevitably made everything look like myspace23:10
willPow3r__i was in high school23:11
willPow3r__so *you* were the official master hacker?23:13
fennyou knew all the 1337 tricks for editing URL's23:13
kanzurestfu n00b etc.23:13
kanzurehad an era of that too.23:13
fennsometimes i wonder if it's a good thing that i lost all my old computer data23:14
kanzureit is :)23:14
fenndamn zip disks23:14
kanzureit's nice to still have online buddies from 2001 though23:14
willPow3r__i still have a hotmail email from 199623:15
fenn1996 eh23:15
* fenn pulls random date out of pants23:15
fenn1824, beat that!23:15
kanzureyou had a date in your pants?23:16
fennpocket pussy23:16
fenni saw it on "8mm"23:16
willPow3r__the fleshlight is the new thing23:16
willPow3r__pocket pussies are a thing of the past23:17
kanzureweren't we worrying a while back about entry points for kids these days?23:17
fennentry points?23:17
fennlike, how to start your hacking career at age 12?23:17
kanzuresort of23:17
kanzureexcept not necessarily all into "leet hax0ring" and such23:17
fennthe sad truth is that you'll get sent to guantanamo bay for hacking into the local school district23:18
* kanzure hides the stolen db of rosters on his hdd23:18
* kanzure should plug that data into google maps for kicks. 23:18
kanzureit had addresses, phone numbers, everything23:18
willPow3r__you should put it on classmates.com23:19
kanzureThe annoying ad site?23:19
kanzurethey do something other than ads? really?23:19
willPow3r__i'm pretty sure they provide some sort of service23:20
willPow3r__to the technically illiterate23:20
fennin exchange for all your personal data they'll give you the privelege of viewing PM's people have sent you23:21
fenni'm amazed at the price variations in sex toys23:22
willPow3r__i thought you had to give them money too23:22
fennoh, maybe23:22
kanzureanyway, entry points23:25
kanzureI'm not really talking about any real hacking23:25
kanzurebut I do mean getting kids hooked on bits and bytes23:25
kanzuresteady information diet of some sort.23:25
fennExtend your penis a solid 1.5? with this unbelievably lifelike Cyberskin sleeve. Comes with Climax Personal Lubricant and Cyberskin Renew ? to keep your sleeve in top condition.... 23:25
kanzureisn't that what circumcision removes?23:26
kanzureso wouldn't that be redundant for whatever percentage of the population etc.23:26
kanzureguess not 1.523:26
fennit appears to be a very thick condom, like half an inch thick23:26
kanzurewhat are you uh doing ?23:26
willPow3r__ /b/ is bad for your health23:27
kanzureit's true23:27
kanzurethe #tor goons tell me that I want to trace my tor route to get the destination ip 23:28
fenni love how the sex toy page has this ad banner with disney characters that says "anything's possible. keep thinking." 23:29
willPow3r__disneyland is the happiest place on earth. even for paedophiles.23:29
kanzureare we talking about classmates.com ?23:29
kanzureor /b/ ?23:30
willPow3r__lol   fenn: STAY AWAY FROM /b/!!23:30
fennhow did /b/ come up?23:30
willPow3r__you started talking about sex toys. so it was assumed you were about to get your fap on23:31
willPow3r__but anyway. entry points23:31
kanzurelet's not mix these two together23:32
willPow3r__kanzure, why do you need to run a tracert when you can just hit whatismyip.com23:40
willPow3r__should be the same23:40
kanzureit's not a tracert that I need to run, there's some internal variable I think23:40
kanzurehitting a website takes longer23:40
kanzureI'd like to minimize the number of hits because I'm already going to be stressing things23:40
kanzureman I miss 4chan, it's "FAIL GTFO" then "spontaneously insightful genius posts to clear up everything with humanity, but unfortunately it's off the queue once you realize it" 23:45
kanzureoh crap. :) Anyway, back to work.23:45
kanzureoh, balloon launch. good.23:52
kanzurefenn's http://sites.google.com/site/teamprometheusnprize/ link23:53

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