
--- Day changed Wed Oct 01 2008
ybit59394 == "IMPROVEMENT IN REGULATORS FOR WATCHES" ?? heh, srsly though, what patent was that?00:23
kanzure_wait, what?00:24
kanzure_I think I'm up to 60k now, not 59394 :)00:24
ybit"[08:09] <kanzure_> 59394"00:25
ybitmight have misunderstood what you meant00:25
kanzure_No, I've been being a parrot for the matweb steal00:31
kanzure_60778 at the moment.00:31
kanzure_god it's slow.00:31
ybittor, right00:35
kanzurehttp://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/09/30/2122205 guess who made slashdot?00:35
kanzurefreer :)00:35
kanzurewhere's freer anyway?00:36
ybitand willpow3r00:37
ybithave a few questions for him concerning his u11000:38
* ybit is getting another lappy soon00:38
kanzure_ wmii is really fun, I have to admit.00:41
kanzurehm .. joseph's showing up in other spheres. http://jetpress.org/v19/jackson.htm00:50
ybithttp://wearables.unisa.edu.au/arquake/ http://wearables.unisa.edu.au/arquake/videos/index.html01:48
ybiti think arquake was given attention on some tech news outlet once01:48
kanzureBSTS = bank of the superior temporal sulcus, CAC = caudal anterior cingulate cortex, CMF = caudal middle frontal cortex, CUN = cuneus, ENT = entorhinal cortex, FP = frontal pole, FUS = fusiform gyrus, IP = inferior parietal cortex, IT = inferior temporal cortex, ISTC = isthmus of the cingulate cortex, LOCC = lateral occipital cortex, LOF = lateral orbitofrontal cortex, LING = lingual gyrus, MOF = medial orbitofrontal cortex, MT = middle temporal corte02:18
kanzurehttp://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/ "FreeSurfer is a set of automated tools for reconstruction of the brain's cortical surface from structural MRI data, and overlay of functional MRI data onto the reconstructed surface."02:30
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/brainregions.html 02:31
ybit"MIThril, the next generation research platform for context aware wearable computing. "02:34
kanzure_context aware my ass.02:36
percent_if any of us ever become really close friends and then you decide you hate me and never want to speak with me again and then don't02:40
percent_for four years02:41
percent_don't thereafter contact me and ask for help wit da haxin da yahoo account plz02:41
percent_God, I hate that.02:41
bkeroI'm a haxin.03:01
* ybit wants a price for all the materials listed: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=ps980ejSIf-3DeoBkURvDZQ03:24
ybitthat's Bill of Materials file for http://wiki.opengraphics.org./tiki-index.php03:25
kanzure_what's on the page?03:25
kanzure_hm, the server is lagging with keb input03:25
bkeroybit: watcha makin'?03:27
ybita graphics card perhaps :P03:28
bkeroWith 256mb ram?03:28
bkeroybit: Did you design this yourself, or get plans for it somewhere?03:29
ybitthat's from opengraphics.org03:30
ybitlinked below the sheet03:30
bkeroI want it to do xvmc03:30
genesimple self-replicating automaton: sand03:46
-!- percent_ is now known as aa_aa03:57
-!- aa_aa is now known as perchlorent03:59
-!- perchlorent is now known as jihad04:01
geneperchlorent lol04:04
geneprobably put you on a watch list for that name04:04
-!- jihad is now known as k0mrade04:05
genedo you actually own said compound?04:05
-!- k0mrade is now known as floater04:06
fennthere's no information transferred from dune to dune04:21
genethere is, but very little04:30
geneit's replication, but it's not really useful for anything04:30
fennnot any more of a replicator than a flame or a bubble04:30
genehow can bubbles replicate?04:31
fennsplit them in half :)04:31
genethey don't grow though04:31
fennso what04:31
genebarchans grow04:31
fennbubbles grow if you add air04:31
fennor if the gas is evolving from the liquid04:31
kanzure_so do barchans, if you add wind04:32
geneenergy input04:32
geneyou have to have an energy input04:32
kanzure_fenn: this isn't working04:32
fennwhat isn't working?04:32
kanzure_you're giving him a counter example04:32
fennlogic and reason?04:32
kanzure_so it seems.04:32
fennmaybe i should just fling poo instead04:32
geneas I said barchans aren't useful for the type of replication we want to do04:33
kanzure_type of?04:33
kanzure_what are the differences in the types?04:33
genewe want have a replicating system that is complex enough to do something neat after it has replicated a number of times04:34
fenni dont think there are any types04:34
-!- floater is now known as persent04:35
geneclose enough04:35
genethere also isn't any wind/gravity/large plane of sand in space(excluding planets and solar wind)04:36
geneso you can't use them to contact aliens04:37
-!- persent is now known as jihaaad04:37
genejihaaad are you a chemist?04:37
fennthere are nebulae and various plasmas that could contain such formations04:38
jihaaadI'm a nanoscientist, we do everything, don't we?04:38
jihaaadI do a little chemistry, some physics, you know how it is.04:38
fenni'd say that covers just about everything04:38
genedo you know how to make one of these: http://www.islandone.org/MMSG/aasm/AASM53.html#f51604:39
fennlunar manufacturing facility - why that's simply child's play04:39
genenot really04:40
geneit's harder than it looks04:40
fenni set one up in the kid's sandbox for fun04:40
fennwas hard to find the HF acid though04:40
geneyou had trouble finding HF?04:40
geneyou can make HF quite easily using those canned air things04:40
geneheat up the gas going out of em, and condense the HF out04:41
fennwell alrighty then04:41
genegood luck keeping it from eating your lungs though04:41
jihaaadyou had best stay the hell away from HF04:42
jihaaadI don't need to tell you why, either04:42
jihaaadI'll make you a deal, so you don't kill yourself, eh?04:42
* fenn notes spun basalt on the list of manufactured products04:42
jihaaadYou want an oxide layer stripped from something, mail it to me.04:42
jihaaadI'll do it.04:42
geneMy highschool chemistry teacher used to tell us about his CRAZY fluorine chemist colleague04:43
fenni really ought to read ksrm one of these days04:43
jihaaadgene: ?04:43
geneyou should04:43
fennwell, months04:43
jihaaadI once walked into what I thought was a poor of hf04:43
jihaaadon the floor04:43
jihaaadi'm pretty fucking stupid 04:43
fennwhy was there a pool of HF on the floor?04:43
geneso your shoe didn't catch fire?04:43
jihaaadit wasn't hf04:44
jihaaadbut it was a leak from the acid cabinet04:44
jihaaadFor the record, if you have hf exposure, one of the first signs is a very sour taste in your mouth.04:44
fennsounds like a bad idea either way04:44
fennthat's the first sign of any kind of acid exposure?04:44
jihaaadYour arms will start to prickle a bit, too.04:44
jihaaadhf specifically04:44
geneand soapy hands are a sign you've picked up a strong base04:44
jihaaadthe two to watch the hell out for in any electronics fab facility are HF (sour taste/smell) and soot (nickel carbonyl). 04:45
geneand the base is making soap from your body fats04:45
fennwhat is nickel carbonyl used for?04:45
jihaaadOooh, I'm adding that to the list of incredibly unpleasant ways to die in the lab04:45
geneyeah heard Nickel Carbonyl04:45
gene'is a bad one04:45
jihaaadfenn: It can be used instead of Ga+ ions in a focused ion beam04:45
genefucks up your hemoglobin04:45
jihaaadWhich, may I add, I have access to.04:45
jihaaadAlong with a scanning electron microscope.04:46
jihaaadWhich DOES make me better than you.04:46
fennah, sorta like carbon monoxide04:46
* jihaaad turns up nose.04:46
geneoh yeah, watch out for almond smells too04:46
genethat's cyanide04:46
geneWe learned that the hard way in chemistry04:47
geneSo, Jihaaad what's the easiest way to make microchips?04:47
kanzure_1) Download all relevant patents and literatures.04:48
kanzure_2) List all relevant machines known to mankind that have ever been used to make microchips.04:48
jihaaadI'm not so great at photo-litho04:48
jihaaadWhat sort of chip?04:48
kanzure_3) Assemble a list of all physical mines and locations for the materials. Also list out all possible manufacturers/suppliers. 04:48
jihaaadIf you want to do a big ol chip, you need optical litho04:48
jihaaadfor a really small, one-off IC04:49
jihaaadyou can do ebeam litho04:49
jihaaadYou can even use an SEM to do it :D04:49
kanzure_4) Acquire the materials by literally hunting down the responsible parties. Assemble.04:49
kanzure_5) Make 'microchips'. Not the food.04:49
jihaaad6) tell kanzure he's gay04:49
fenn7) profit!04:49
kanzure_jihaaad: tell your mom that I04:50
kanzure_meh, you know how it goes04:50
kanzure_everyone else does.04:50
fennlike a bat out of hell04:50
jihaaadMan, this place was way too professional before I got here04:51
fennso microoptical displays were about $2500 at the time they discontinued04:51
jihaaadnow you're finally acting like the scumbags you all are04:52
genechips for 10M computer04:52
jihaaadmakes me feel all worm and fuzzy04:52
genean old unit of measurement04:52
gene3.2*10^8 bits04:52
fennno that's "m"04:52
geneIt might be some prefix of words 04:53
fenngene: mind providing some reference information? i've never heard of this04:53
genecomputational requirements for an automated mining robot04:53
fennguess it was before 8 bit became standard as the byte04:54
fennsince 8 was just the instruction size04:55
fennor something like that04:55
fennand he's assuming 32 bit words04:55
genealthough, given today's current technology it might be better to go with something a bit meatier04:55
genethe mining robots need to have binocular vision04:55
geneso it probably means they intended them to move real slowly04:56
fenndoesn't say anything about speed, only memory capacity04:57
jihaaadAll my robots are very manly.04:58
jihaaadI usually put truck nuts on them.04:58
fennand bull horns04:58
jihaaadeven my nano-devices have balls04:59
fennintroduced the bill on Tuesday under the pretext of safety, claiming that replicas of genitalia could distract drivers, causing accidents.05:00
genethe lunar factory takes a year to replicate05:00
genepretty good considering it's the size of a city 05:00
geneor small town05:00
geneand that we humans take 9 months to replicate05:01
kanzure_what do you mean it takes a year to replicate? nobody's hashed out all of the tech05:02
kanzure_otherwise I'd have my "implement it now" button05:02
geneit's an estimate05:02
jihaaadI suddenly felt the immensely powerful urge to punch gene in the face.05:02
jihaaadI don't even dislike him.05:02
jihaaadIt was just a really intense and abrupt feeling.05:02
fennthere there, it happens to us all the time, don't feel bad05:03
geneNASA likes to do estimates05:03
geneyou know so they can convince congress05:04
fenn1 year is totally arbitrary05:05
geneit is 05:05
geneI personally believe that the hardest part of building a replicator is building something to assemble the parts05:06
fennso i had this idea to take an oled linear array and reflect it off a vibrating mirror like the old private eye/virtual boy display05:07
genevirtual boy05:07
kanzure_virtual boy was a visor, no?05:07
kanzure_private eye was monocular :)05:07
fenneww "Jul 30, 2007 ... Osram GmbH will cease production of OLED-based displays and close the related fab"05:08
fennvirtual boy was just atrocious engineering05:08
fennthe display technology was fine05:08
kanzure_was that the only guy doing organic LEDs?05:08
fennthey were the only ones selling them...05:08
genenot so much atrocious engineering as overhype05:09
genewell you know what this means05:09
kanzure_I wonder why so many people were getting excited about organic LEDs then05:09
kanzure_if it was just all marketing for one company05:09
* kanzure_ suspects this happens often.05:09
fennbecause they are really cool looking05:09
geneflexable displays05:09
fennit's not just marketing05:09
kanzure_oh, I'm sure they are cool05:09
genethat look like stuff out Bladerunner05:10
kanzure_my perl script for working with the xml files kind of blew up today05:10
genefile transfer not working?05:11
kanzure_the data::dumper failed me or something when I was working with XML::Simple.05:11
kanzure_no, all of the files are available now05:11
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/repo.tgz <-- there you go, gene05:11
geneI don't know perl05:11
jihaaadi have a chem question05:11
jihaaadanyone want to help me?05:12
genepurifying hydrogen peroxide?05:12
genemaking perchlorate?05:12
kanzure_gene: that link isn't perl05:12
kanzure_it's an archive. kind of like zip.05:12
jihaaadI have 16.25g of Al (.602 mol), and 8.28g of Br2 (.052 mol). The balanced stoichiometric equation is 2Al + 3Br2 --> Al2Br6. How much product forms? I know the limiting reactant is Br2, but how can I calculate the mass of the product from that?05:12
fennneed masses of al and br05:13
fennper mol05:13
genecalculate the number of moles05:13
geneof each component then work from their05:13
fennso aluminum is 26.981539 amu, times 6.02e23 =  0.026971942 kg/mol05:14
jihaaadAl2Br6= 533.36 g/mol05:15
jihaaadI like chemistry, though, don't get me wrong05:15
jihaaadthis is optional hw, not even on the test05:15
jihaaadJust an easy course.05:16
geneI am a freshman05:16
jihaaadThis question is really simple, I'm embarassed for not getting it05:16
genethat's what google is for05:16
jihaaadAnyone know what I'm missing?05:17
fenn* .052/6 = .23357g al + 0.52mol*br05:17
jihaaadfenn: explain05:18
fenni'm not done yet05:18
jihaaadI don't get it.05:18
fennoh crap i missed a 2 somewhere05:18
fenn.052 mol of br2 right? not br05:18
jihaaadI got it05:19
jihaaadIt was .01705:19
fenn.017 what05:19
jihaaad.017 mol/Al2Br605:19
jihaaadyou should have divided by 305:19
jihaaadnot 605:19
jihaaadoriginal reactant was br205:19
fenni wish gnu units could handle arbitrary symbols05:20
fenn(without hacking the conf files)05:20
fennunits aluminum Definition: 26.98153905:21
jihaaadopen source software is gay05:21
geneyou did not just say that05:21
jihaaadoh yes i did05:21
jihaaadand i'll say it again too05:21
kanzure_gene: you're on Windows ..05:21
geneI am 05:21
geneBut I use open office05:21
jihaaadsee, you hate open source software05:21
geneSo I'm not that evil05:21
jihaaadI have a VERY good reason to hate open source software05:22
fennopen office is gay05:22
fenn(by deduction of course)05:22
jihaaadthe reason is...05:22
jihaaadI use Gentoo05:22
jihaaadnot just Gentoo05:22
jihaaadbut Gentoo Hardened05:22
jihaaadcuz im paranoiddd05:22
fennyou're not making any sense05:23
fennsnap out of it man!05:23
jihaaadUsing Gentoo will make you hate open source software05:23
gene4096 bit key for the win05:23
jihaaadI also do happen to think open source software is kind of pointless. 05:23
jihaaadI mean...it's all open source.05:23
fennthe source is just out there..05:23
jihaaadJust not in the convenient, give-it-to-me-now format that people expect it in05:23
fennanyone can see it!05:23
jihaaadit's in assembly05:24
kanzure_not convenient?05:24
jihaaaddisassemble it, you dongs05:24
kanzure_how inconvenient is "apt-get install omg my softwares" ?05:24
fennjihaaad: the whole universe is open source then, because it's all out there05:24
kanzure_Wasn't that RMS?05:24
jihaaadkanzure: what is this apt you speak of05:24
fennincluding your precious precious encrypted data05:25
kanzure_jihaaad: your synaptic, I think05:25
kanzure_or yum05:25
kanzure_what does gentoo have for repositories?05:25
fennemerge, sorta05:25
kanzure_ah right05:25
fennexcept it's more of a pain in the ass and you have to wait around while stuff compiles05:25
kanzure_do you get to pre configure upfront?05:25
fennthough we could have some kind of world wide ccache/distcc going on05:26
jihaaadi'm portage, baby05:26
jihaaadcompile it alllllll yourself05:26
jihaaadyou kids today dont even roll your own kernels05:26
fennso your machine generates the hash for your particular source tree and configuration, then you compile it and upload the result to anyone with the same config/src05:26
jihaaadraise your hands if you've even seen menuconfig 05:26
fennkernels are stupid05:26
jihaaadYOU TAKE THAT BACK05:27
jihaaadTAKE IT BACK FENN05:27
fennuserspace ftw05:27
geneKernals are on corn05:27
jihaaadya YA YA05:27
genethat is how much I know about software05:27
jihaaadarent you guyz like biohaxors or somethin05:27
geneyeah genes!=softwares05:28
* fenn looks at gene funny05:28
fennsure about that?05:28
jihaaadoh yes they are05:28
jihaaadYou're closer to an assembly coder than most.05:28
geneDo you know what a goto statement is?05:29
fennthere's no equivalent of a kernel in a cell, since everything is happening all at once (parallel) so no time slicing05:29
geneand why programmers aren't supposed to use it05:29
jihaaadgene: Myth.05:29
jihaaadDjikstra was an asshole.05:29
jihaaadDon't listen to him.05:29
jihaaad"Goto considered harmful"?05:29
jihaaadyeah, if you're a dweeb and scared to code in x86, maybe05:30
fennit's the functional programming equivalent of OOP madness05:30
jihaaadYou more or less HAVE to use goto in asm05:30
fennbut x86 has nothing to do with it05:30
jihaaadyes it does05:30
jihaaadx86 instruction set05:30
fennnuh wai05:30
jihaaadyuh huh05:30
geneit's not harmful it just makes i hard for other people add stuff to your code was what my computer teacher told us05:30
jihaaadI'm an assembly coder, nobody gives a flying fuck what I do05:31
fenncoding in asm is a waste of time these days05:31
jihaaadfenn: wrong05:31
jihaaadyou try backdooring a tcp stack without it.05:31
fennx86 is a bunch of crap05:31
jihaaadYou do realize I'm a black hat, right?05:31
genepromotors are "almost" like goto statements I believe05:31
fennstep up to a real processor architecture like ARM05:31
fennthe only reason anyone learned asm was to hack closed source software05:32
fennbut we dont have to do that anymore05:32
kanzure_fenn: he's talking about injecting assembly to go trolling through tcp stacks.05:32
fennyes i know05:32
kanzure_just making sure.05:33
jihaaadfenn: uh05:33
jihaaadwe don't?05:33
jihaaadyes we do05:33
jihaaadYOU find a buffer overflow without it05:33
-!- gene is now known as ihavenoideawhaty05:33
jihaaadYou're not getting it05:33
kanzure_gene needs to become a programmer05:33
jihaaadi am not doing this for legal or legit reasons05:33
jihaaadi am a bad, mean, malicious hacker05:33
fennooo scarey05:34
jihaaadi would gladly write rootkits05:34
jihaaadthat sort of thing05:34
kanzure_you keep telling yourself that05:34
ihavenoideawhatythat's why I am taking a programming class Kanzure05:34
kanzure_classes suck.05:34
jihaaadoh ya05:34
fenni just dont see the point i guess05:34
ihavenoideawhatygo poison some DNS jihaaad05:34
jihaaadwanna talk about your security mr. someone is trying to csrf me05:34
-!- ihavenoideawhaty is now known as gene05:34
jihaaadI'll do a lot worse than poison DNS05:34
jihaaadI'll have sex05:34
jihaaadwith your mom05:34
kanzure_you'll hook him up to OpenDNS? ;-)05:35
genecould you get 80kgs of americium delivered to my house?05:35
fennopening a smoke detector factory?05:35
geneyes, that's the reason05:36
genethat is the reason05:36
kanzure_gene wants to walk around with an 80 kg radioactive battery pack for his laptop05:36
fennso nice to see the entrepreneuring spirit making a comeback05:36
fennpfwa why not just carry around 80kg of li-ion batts05:36
fennor a tank of gasoline and genset05:36
gene80kgs of americium is enough to make so much more than an atomic battery05:37
fennenlighten us o radioactive one05:37
geneyou could make an atomic bomb with 80 kgs of americium05:37
jihaaadgene: do not ask about that online05:37
kanzure_check the mindat zip file05:38
geneit is not possible to build an atomic bomb with americium05:38
jihaaadDo not ask about things like that when you're not encrypted05:38
jihaaadamericium = dirty bomb shit05:38
kanzure_Oh please.05:38
geneI don't think there is enough americium in the world in one place to do such a thing05:38
kanzure_I've been unencrpyted for decades, and you have little idea what shit I've been pulling off.05:38
genejihaaad I shall heed your warning05:38
genemaybe we should start using one time pad encryption05:39
geneit is uncrackable 05:39
kanzure_what the hell for ?05:39
geneit is uncrackable05:39
kanzure_why do you need encryption?05:39
jihaaadyes :D05:39
kanzure_what do you have to hide?05:39
kanzure_and from who?05:39
geneno matter the amount of computation power NSA has 05:40
jihaaadkanzure: ...05:40
genethey will never crack one time pad05:40
jihaaadgene: My girlfriend thought it was really funny to write me a letter with a one time pad05:40
geneyou ever read cryptomoicon?05:40
jihaaadI need to.05:40
geneyou know what van eeck phreaking is?05:40
* fenn snorez05:41
geneyou can do it with LCDs05:41
fennthey can read your mind man05:41
genethey can't read my mind05:41
fennbut you can stop it with a tinfoil hat05:41
geneI'm wearing a tinfoil hat05:41
geneactually a copper gauze hay05:42
fennno it has to be a special design purchased from fennetic security industries05:42
geneOH NO!05:42
geneI shall have to unload lot's of money into your company to buy your useless product to protect me from government brain control rays05:43
genethere are some pseudoscience things I can't believe people actually bought05:43
genepotassium DIFUCKINGCHROMATE supplements05:44
fenneeck :)05:44
fennhow do you pronounce that anyway05:44
kanzure_the 'fucking' is silent05:44
genepeople ate something more toxic than lead to 'improve' their health05:45
genethis was in the 1990s05:45
genenot 185005:45
fennhttp://www.ka7oei.com/oled_pelorus4l.jpg http://www.ka7oei.com/oled_pelorus2_l.jpg05:49
fennseem to remember that being smaller, oh well05:49
genewhat's that?05:49
geneoh OLEDs05:50
genetoo bad they don't make those anymore05:50
fennfor "doppler DF" tracking, whatever that means05:51
genehow simple is it to do?05:51
fenni think its something like radar05:51
fennanyway it was the oled display i was interested in05:52
genecould you do it with vacuum tubes?05:52
kanzure_the part repository specfies what different parts and subcomponents transfer to one another - matter/energy/etc. For two metal solids/plates that are next to one another, maybe it could be said it supports solid stability as the material/energy to the overall structure. 05:53
kanzure_'stability' being a distributed property of the system of parts05:53
* kanzure_ crashes05:53
geneWell, I'm goggling out05:54
fennPursuant to secret Presidential Order 17196 all personal computers manufactured since September 11, 2001 contain an embedded thermite detonation device. Repeated attempts to access restricted areas could result in a self destruct command being transmitted to your computer. 11:54
kanzurerestricated areas of what, hard drives?12:14
kanzureAlso, what if you're just going to work ?12:14
kanzureHas anyone here done any linear programming before?12:43
kanzureanything about quadtrees and multidimensional spatial data processing, i.e. O(n^2) (or better?) directional access to members of the spatial dimensions near some node in the space?12:43
* ybit waves goodbye15:49
* bkero waves back.15:50
bkeroI found a place to live. 8)15:50
bkeroAlso, I want to be in New Jersey tonight.15:50
bkeroFuck that sounds awful.15:50
kanzure___fenn: 17:14
kanzure___instead of 400 bajillion megabytes,17:14
kanzure___it's now 600 KB.17:14
fennah nice, i already downloaded the 300mb one though17:15
kanzure___yeah that was my evil plan all along :)17:15
kanzure___anyway, I've figured out a few perl/xml scripts to play with the nonsense. doesn't really do anything.17:17
kanzure___this is really the sort of thing that belongs in a mysql database17:17
kanzure___then I'd separate the subfunctions from their components (or whatever this stupid ontology is) and show mix-and-match nonsense (ignoring actual interfacing issues, 'course)17:18
kanzure___http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/repo/latest_script_output.txt <- 1.2 MB output file. Lists subfunctions and the various flows between different components, erm, sort of. 17:37
kanzure___It's not all that specific in the details of the flows at the moment, but that seems to be a turtlelayeraddition issue17:37
fenngasp readable text17:39
fenndid we ever figure out what they were trying to do with the flow connections? (function matrix)17:40
kanzure___my best guess is that it's like a metaphor for 17:41
kanzure___oh crap, I just realized that the txt file is basically yaml :p17:41
kanzure___anyway, a metaphor for "your PDF app doesn't take HTML as input"17:41
kanzure___so if you were automatically designing scripts or something, you wouldn't be stupid and have an HTML-only app take PDF, blah blah blah17:42
fennor at least what i wish yaml would accept17:42
kanzure___same thing with parts. I think.17:42
kanzure___did you run it through a quick loader script or something?17:42
kanzure___http://heybryan.org/docs/ should have an old py file that's supposed to load/check yaml17:42
kanzure___or something.17:42
fennno, its just last time i messed with yaml it was a pain in the ass17:43
fenn'yer doin it wrong' more or less17:43
kanzure___but, as for the 'function matrix', no clue. the output on their server basically shows that their function matrices are useless.17:43
kanzure___information content = 0 :(17:43
fennit's just 1's along the diagonal basically?17:44
kanzure___did you look? that's exactly what it is.17:45
fennso all we need to do is multiply the inverse of the function matrix of a gun and a cigarette and we'll get a magical machine that makes happy bunnies and flowers17:45
kanzure___even when you select multiple (all!) of the products in their db17:45
kanzure___that could be arranged ;)17:45
kanzure___off to chem. next thingy is db table structure. then queries to show that the subfunctions/flows are cross-referenceable to an appropriate extent.17:47
pkare you there?18:44
pkor anyone for that matter18:44
fennno, i'm not here, i'm asleep18:50
pkdo you know of any evidence that shows that children get dopamine rewards from doing what they think their parents consider "good"?18:50
pkwelcome back19:05
kanzure___pk: somewhat.19:45
kanzure___http://web.archive.org/web/*/reciprocality.org/ might have some information, but not heavily referenced19:45
kanzure___I also don't understand how you can call it a 'dopamine reward' .. it's only a 'reward' in the folk psych sense, that doesn't explain what's actually going on19:46
kanzure___as for the db. I think I'll just throw any element into the db in its own table with its own unique id. then, all children in their own tables will say that their parentID is that object/superset. is this an ok db design?19:47
facefacefacedid you know cloning is dead?20:00
facefacefacelong live cloning!20:01
facefacefaceI'm just catching up on some reading20:01
facefacefacedid you know the technology exists right now to grow a new you?20:01
facefacefaceright this very day!20:01
facefacefaceIt got me excited again, even though I already knew about it... somehow the implications hadn't sunk in20:01
facefacefaceforget cloning! Lets clone!20:02
facefacefacewhat do you think would happen if you grafted a second brain on to your own?20:03
facefacefaceDo you think I could grow another arm? I could type 3 times as fast!20:03
facefaceface(not sure how that would work exactly...)20:04
facefacefacenext time you need a new liver, demand your own!20:04
facefacefacegot a rare brain disease? let us grow some of it in a dish and see whats up...20:04
facefacefaceall from a pin prick20:04
facefacefaceI don't know how this has excaped the media attention... seems the 'good' stem cells are some how under the radar of the general public20:05
UtopiahGHML« corticogenèse in vitro » (Nature 17th of20:05
facefacefaceevolutionary computational dynamics = jim crutchfield20:06
facefacefaceyou were talking like one of his 'evolutiobnary agents'20:06
facefacefaceadaptive modelling agents20:06
facefacefacewell.. take care20:06
kanzure___fenn - http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/repo/table_structures.txt is my proposal. there's a few spots where I am a bit hazy atm.20:07
kanzure___okay, so there's a lot of redundancy in this data set20:45
kanzure___that being said, what's the lesser evil?20:45
kanzure___do I want to check for duplicates as I add them, or just prune the db later?20:45
kanzure___adding duplicates means that I have cross-references all over the place and that would be a pain to prune.20:47
kanzure___guess I'll just do a search for pre-existing qualifying matches before I add anything into the db. yikes.20:48
kanzure___blah. overhead walking times just to get the foods. /me puts off the perl-mysql interface nonsense.20:50
kanzureit turns out that it's hard toget deep enough into the torrenting community to actually release data23:17
kanzurethere's no "click here to rapidshare" (not rapidshare, but "rapidly share")23:18
kanzurehttp://filesharefreak.com/2008/04/27/private-tracker-irc-channel-index/ guess this might do it.23:20
pkso, bryan, what on this site are you referring to?23:31
kanzurethe list.23:32

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