
--- Day changed Sun Oct 05 2008
* fenn smells something vaguely like food00:02
bkeroIt's your own searing flesh. ;)00:33
-!- gene is now known as turtlesalltheway00:49
fennprobably my cornea. too much informational radiation00:51
turtlesallthewayfenn grow a new one i a petri dish01:00
turtlesallthewaythis is a biohacking forum01:00
turtlesallthewayso extract some cells from your eye and put em in nutrient dish01:01
fenni did that with a chicken once01:03
fenncan't say as though it meant anything01:03
superturtleI still think it could work with 'abandoning ship' from time to time.01:22
superturtleyou can't make everybody leave the titanic, but at least the ones who do won't die01:22
superturtle(well, they at least have a chance of not dying)01:23
* superturtle still doesn't understand why it's commonly held that everybody who remained on the titanic died. It's not like you can't just float off of the top of the deck like everybody else who jumped into lifeboats .. (ignoring the freezing water -- people could carry each other and such)01:23
facefacefacesuperturtle, wasn't there some crazy undertow?01:26
facefacefacethe lead ship dragging a column of water down with it?01:26
facefacefacegrowing eyes eh?01:26
facefacefacethat really reminds me of 'biohacking' - if we go over to biometrics, its isn't too much effort for someone to clone your eye01:27
superturtletissue engineering is still somewhat an issue. I haven't entirely figured that out.01:27
facefacefaces/clone/grow from a skin tissue using a matrix/01:27
facefacefaceyeah, but in the next 5 years it'll be a doddle01:28
facefacefacesuperturtle, you working on this?01:28
-!- superturtle is now known as kanzure_01:28
facefacefacehave you seen the 'artificial bladder' stuff that exists?01:28
kanzure_Last one I saw was a 3D sphere with cells printed all over it.01:28
facefacefacebtw, it wont work for biohacking, identical twins don't have the same eye scan.01:28
facefacefacethe neat thing is the recreation of the laminar structure01:29
facefacefacegreat for studying cancer invasion01:29
facefacefacehow do they feed that thing btw?01:29
proctoas far as biometric security, its security ceiling is really quite low01:29
kanzure_I thought it was only a thin layer of cells, so just dip it in a nutrient medium, no?01:30
kanzure_not dip, sorry -- keep in01:30
facefacefacekanzure_, and I guess you've seen the 'support matrix' stuff for shaping organs extra... what is a fancy word for body?01:30
proctountil we introduce you don't need to clone an eye, just cut it out of the person01:30
proctothe only way to fix biometrics is create system where it's hard to find out whose eye needs to be cut out01:30
facefacefaceprocto, cloning is more 'sci-fi'01:30
proctoheh, sule01:31
kanzure_PCR is scifi?01:31
facefacefacekanzure_, the model I saw had several layers of the bladder on a support 01:31
kanzure_Yeah, something like that.01:31
* procto has no idea what you're talking about ,btw01:31
kanzure_I don't either.01:31
kanzure_I think we're talking about scaffolds for organ growth.01:31
facefacefacebiohacking in the 'strict' sense01:32
facefacefacedid you read that paper about identification from a DNA using SNPs?01:32
proctohacking using biology?01:32
facefacefaceyou can take a DNA sample from a crime scene, and using SNPs generate a highly significant match to an individual, even if their DNA contributes only 100th of the sample01:33
facefacefacethis puts people at the scene of a crime. 01:33
facefacefacenow for the KGB / CIA / MI5 this is a problem.01:33
proctofacefaceface: can you link to that paper?01:33
facefacefacecan't have hard evidence of spys ... lemmy look01:33
kanzure_Hm. Come to think of it, there's no protocol for SNP analysis in the biohacking toolkit facefaceface. Would you be so kind as to find and add something into the repository?01:34
facefacefaceso the spy in question wears a DNA-cologne, made up of primers designed to 'subvert' the standard forensic DNA amplification protocol01:34
facefacefacenow that's hacking ;-)01:34
facefacefaceprocto, http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pgen.100016701:36
facefacefacekanzure_, all I know are the 'genotyping chips' from affy01:36
facefacefaceyeah, or 'naffy' as a person from illumina called them01:37
facefacefacekanzure_, there is a bunch of stuff about identifying SNPs from next gen...01:37
kanzure_in vitro embryo selection?01:38
facefacefacekanzure_, I'll send you a booklet you might be interested in... I't 'll have some usefull links01:38
facefacefaceplease let me know if you can read that PDF01:39
facefaceface(the one in your email)01:39
facefacefacesomeone told me that it was 'corupted'01:39
kanzure_blah, why can't I launch xpdf from this machine on my other machine01:39
kanzure_I'll look (eventually)01:39
facefacefacekanzure_, I'll hopefully get recordings of the lectures to go with that booklet.01:40
facefacefaceright now I am off to bed. (sorry for avoiding your BioHacking request).01:40
turtlesallthewayyou can't clone an eye01:41
turtlesallthewaybut you can grow a new cornea01:41
turtlesallthewayhowever you have to take a chunk of cornea out01:42
percent_what's up, FAGS02:13
turtlesallthewaynot much man02:24
turtlesallthewaywe need to be thinking simpler02:27
turtlesallthewayin other words02:28
turtlesallthewayinstead of nuts and bolts02:28
turtlesallthewaywe need things that interlock like puzzle pieces02:29
kanzure_nuts and bolts are like puzzle pieces.02:29
turtlesallthewaybut they are hard puzzle pieces02:29
turtlesallthewaysomething along the lines of that02:30
turtlesallthewayit vastly simplifies assembly02:30
turtlesallthewayno need for jigs, machine vision, or fancy stuff like that02:30
turtlesallthewaysee figure 3.8002:32
turtlesallthewayit's an interesting method for universal circuitry02:33
kanzure_I am still not convinced that ad-hoc design will generate a self-replicating design.02:34
kanzure_So far it hasn't worked for anything else .. and besides, increasingly more functional integration might be the method, requiring a systematic recompilation method anyway.02:36
kanzure_not random fandom of patents ..02:36
percent_hey FAGS02:38
percent_what are you up to besides being GAY02:39
percent_does anyone her like NANOWIRES, because you're all GAY02:39
percent_kanzure: I don't like your idea of brute-forcing or genetic-algorithming the solution to a replicator02:39
percent_I think it's GAY02:39
percent_like YOU02:39
percent_hey gene you FAG02:39
percent_everyone in here is GAY02:40
percent_i'm sure you'll fit right in02:40
geneexcept for me02:40
percent_no you're also gay02:40
-!- gene is now known as turtlesalltheway02:42
turtlesallthewayguess everyone left02:45
turtlesallthewayso kanzure, do you think you can automatically design 3d interlocking pieces02:46
kanzure_Sounds feasible. 02:46
kanzure_How many cuts on the interlocks?02:46
turtlesallthewayand see how well they stick to each other02:47
turtlesallthewayas in, you push two part together and they stick together02:47
turtlesallthewaylike lego bricks02:47
turtlesallthewayexcept better02:47
kanzure_I'm not familiar with the mechanical characteristics of stickage.02:48
turtlesallthewaypieces interlock and stay interlocked02:48
kanzure_That doesn't help.02:49
kanzure_It's easy to have a 3D block of material and algorithmically cut it up into different pieces so that there are little inserters and little receptors for the inserters or something, but that doesn't tell me whether or not a hunk of metal of it will 'interlock'.02:50
turtlesallthewaywell it's easy to make interlocking pieces in 2d02:52
kanzure_Do you mean interlock in the same way that a flimsy 2D puzzle does?02:52
turtlesallthewayI am having trouble putting my concept into words02:53
turtlesallthewayso I have a program on my calculator02:53
kanzure_In the case of a screw interlocking with a block of metal, I suspect there's some variables like rotational tension or something going into it.02:53
kanzure_You'll get better at it.02:53
turtlesallthewayso what it does is draw a random connecting pattern02:54
kanzure_Does that guarantee that they interlock?02:54
turtlesallthewayit does this by moving a "pen" across the screen02:54
turtlesallthewaywhen the pen hits the bottom of the screen02:54
kanzure_Don't bother with that - the algorithm for drawing it is easy.02:54
turtlesallthewayit moves to the top of the screen02:54
turtlesallthewaywhen it moves to the left of the screen02:55
turtlesallthewayit moves to the right of the screen02:55
turtlesallthewaydo you see what I mean now?02:55
kanzure_See what? You've only described the property of when x=x_max, x is reset to zero. That doesn't tell me how to guarantee that a part 'interlocks'.02:56
turtlesallthewaythis program moves a pen over the surface in a defined pattern02:57
turtlesallthewaydo you have a ti-83 or above calculator?03:00
kanzure_Fine, make a linked list where each object in the list is a vector expressing magnitude and direction. Then you just randomly generate variables within confines that don't allow them to intersect each other, and close the object at some point. Then you do an inverse or some function like that to generate the complement of that shape. 03:00
kanzure_Does that guarantee the characteristic of interlocking, though?03:00
turtlesallthewaywhy not deform a cube?03:02
kanzure_That's possible too. But it doesn't answer my question.03:03
turtlesallthewaycut on the bottom results in anti-cut on the top03:03
turtlesallthewaybut it might not interlock very well03:03
turtlesallthewayso use a genetic algorithm03:03
kanzure_You asked me about interlocking components, but you keep avoiding the issue .. why?03:04
turtlesallthewayif the components cannot be seperated by force x03:04
turtlesallthewaythen they interlock03:04
kanzure_How is separation by force determined?03:05
turtlesallthewayrepel parts from each other03:06
kanzure_Yes, but what keeps them together in the first place? And you're not allowed to be circular.03:06
turtlesallthewaythe other part03:07
turtlesallthewayor maybe just glue03:07
kanzure_I thought we were talking about interlocking components, not glues in between.03:07
turtlesallthewayscrew it, let's just design the parts ourselves03:09
kanzure_What parts?03:09
turtlesalltheway1. interlocking electrical circuit components03:10
turtlesalltheway2. interlocking positioning rails03:10
kanzure_A screw is a simple machine used to translate torque into linear .. apparently its interlocking analysis is called "holding power".03:11
turtlesallthewayso you want to know what holds screws to the thing being screwed?03:11
turtlesallthewaythe threads03:12
kanzure_wtf, I typoed :( s/toruqe into linear/torque force into linear force/03:12
kanzure_No, I don't want to know what holds screws together, I want to know what holds wedges and interlocking components in place under strain.03:13
turtlesallthewayother parts of course03:14
kanzure_No, that's what's applying the forces in the first place. 03:15
turtlesallthewayI cannot figure out what you are asking03:16
kanzureBolt stress detector => http://www.google.com/patents?hl=en&lr=&vid=USPAT3969713&id=E_g5AAAAEBAJ&oi=fnd&dq=%22preload%22+screws+-bone+stress+OR+tension+OR+compression+-orthopedic03:21
turtlesallthewayare you looking for an algorithm to generate interlocking parts?03:21
kanzure_No. That's easy.03:21
kanzure_The question is whether or not they will, actually, when tested, interlock.03:22
kanzure_The path stuff is simple peanuts.03:22
turtlesallthewaybut the first question that needs to be answered is can a cellular automaton type self-repper actually replicate03:23
kanzure_For instance: you can cut a sheet of metal with a laser (because you want to use a laser) in some zig-zag direction down the centerline. You take the two parts and they will not 'interlock' together really. 03:23
kanzure_What the hell are you talking about?03:23
kanzure_I thought we were talking about an interlocking component generator.03:23
turtlesallthewayfor a self-replicating machine03:24
kanzure_What's wrong with the SKDB approach?03:24
turtlesallthewayI don't think anything is wrong with it03:25
kanzure_you must think something is wrong with it if you're still going for ad-hoc design strategies.03:25
turtlesallthewayI think if you build everything out of discrete components03:25
turtlesallthewayblocks, wireblocks, motorblocks as opposed to screws, wire, pipe03:26
kanzure_I think you don't know what ad hoc means.03:27
turtlesallthewayindividually machined components03:27
kanzure_Ad hoc means to "give up on a consistency and just carry on with the current chaos".03:27
turtlesallthewayno this is to make it easier for SKDB03:28
kanzure_what is 'this'03:28
turtlesallthewayusing  block components, that can perform multiple functions as opposed to machined components that can perform one function03:29
kanzure_Why'd you assume it wouldn't include block components?03:29
turtlesallthewayI am saying dike out machined components03:30
turtlesallthewayor unique components03:30
kanzure_Do you mean to say to make that a closer left-hand-branch on the tree?03:31
turtlesallthewaybut the question is, can a bunch of block replicate?03:32
kanzure_that's what SKDB answers.03:32
turtlesallthewaythe moses replicator could self assemble03:33
turtlesallthewayto some degree03:33
turtlesallthewaybut it couldn't fabricate it's own parts03:33
turtlesallthewayso the question is how do we get it to fabricate it's own parts03:39
kanzure_That's why we do dependency checks on the manufacturing processes, parts and components, such that we find the subgraphs in the pot of soup ..03:40
turtlesallthewayhow again03:41
kanzure_how much are you asking 'how' .. i.e., from what point do you need me to start explaining03:41
turtlesallthewaydo you determine if an aluminum ore processor can be part of a replicating machine03:41
kanzure_Not individually.03:42
kanzure_Instead, you have all sorts of ore processors in the database/repository too.03:42
turtlesallthewaydo they network to other parts or what?03:42
kanzure_And you go searching from every single part to see if it can be connected to a part that connects to a part that .. connects to a part that makes that same ore processor.03:42
kanzure_Every part has an input and output, yes.03:42
turtlesallthewayso you have to put in parts to see if they replicate03:43
turtlesallthewaySKDB can't give you guidelines on what parts to use03:44
kanzure_Please rephrase.03:45
turtlesallthewayyou have to put a replicator design into SKDB to see if it replicates?03:46
kanzure_(But you could (and you should)).03:46
kanzure_What you do is you put in individual parts.03:46
kanzure_You let SKDB show you which parts can be interconnected to make replicators.03:46
turtlesallthewayand it tells you which ones to use?03:46
kanzure_It may even tell you multiple options.03:47
turtlesallthewayso how do we see if Charles Michael Collin's replicator replicates03:50
kanzure_What are the parts?03:50
turtlesallthewayhere's some source03:51
turtlesallthewayhere's a patent03:51
kanzure_What are the parts?03:51
turtlesallthewaythat's all there is03:51
kanzure_Then how the hell do I know?03:51
turtlesallthewayI don't know03:53
turtlesallthewayno one except Charles Michael Collins knows03:53
kanzure_Doesn't really help. :(03:53
turtlesallthewayhere's the homepage03:53
turtlesallthewayI know03:53
turtlesallthewayI swear there were like some diagrams in that patent 03:55
turtlesallthewaybut now they are gone03:55
turtlesallthewaythere's a diagram there03:59
turtlesallthewaytry emailing Collins03:59
turtlesallthewaydang it04:01
turtlesallthewayI am having trouble getting my tv tuner to work 04:01
geneI'm back04:22
kanzurehttp://materialica.com/ 11th International Trade Fair for Materials Applications, Surface Technology and Product Engineering " the leading trade fair for material supply,"06:00
geneanyone there?06:14
kanzure_gene: yes.06:21
genewhere do you post the log files for this?06:24
kanzure_I don't post them regularly.06:25
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/ should have a 'logs.zip' file.06:26
kanzure_And if not, then maybe http://heybryan.org/docs/06:26
genecan you search it on google?06:26
kanzure_You can try. I'm pretty sure it's not on Google.06:26
geneI found all the parts for that replicator06:27
genethat needs to be tested06:27
genethat is about all information on it06:28
genemaybe you can figure out how it work06:30
geneall I know is that it uses a hot knife to cut modular pieces06:30
genethen there is something with wires06:30
genethere is something called a dabber06:32
geneI can't figure out how it works06:32
geneok, now the patent seems very weird06:37
gene"mimicking lattice structure and chemical content of substances, create transponders to mimic energies or fields"06:38
UtopiahGHMLanybody played with OpenCalais?06:41
genewhat's opencalais?06:41
UtopiahGHMLweb service to analyze your text and produce meta-data to use with semantic engines (or just have html annotations)06:45
facefacefaceUtopiahGHML, ?12:52
facefacefacewhere is your website again?12:53
facefacefaceyo nsh 12:54
facefacefacedo you know the url of UtopiahGHML 'smart idea' wiki?12:54
nshoh 12:59
* nsh checks logs12:59
nsh04[16:58] <UtopiahGHML> nsh: http://seedea.free.fr/wiki/index.php?n=Content.Seedealiveprogresses13:01
facefacefaceseedea thanks13:01
facefacefacewhy dosn't google recognise 'me' as a valid email address?13:02
facefacefacedo we have a bot?13:03
facefaceface2003 - 13?13:03
facefacefaceI need more words for OMFG13:07
* nsh smiles13:32
facefacefaceOK, I added some words to this seedea thing...13:41
facefacefacePlease for your feedback (Added 'Abstract')13:41
facefacefacehere is the important bit... "This phenomenal technological revolution promises to revolutionize almost every field of biology and health care. However, these advances in molecular biology have created a new bottleneck in the scientific discovery pipeline. Namely, the cost of data storage."13:42
facefacefacefenn, can you add words about how cool DNA is for data storage?13:53
* nsh is dubious14:10
nshhow fast can you see read/write to dna14:10
nshsolid state storage capacity/price is growing with a pretty high exponent14:11
* nsh frowns14:13
nshwhy isn't all this data collected somewhere centrally...14:13
nsh(regarding growth patterns, etc.)14:13
nshit should be possible to plot anything against anything easily14:13
nshusing community-sourced data14:14
nshsomeone needs to whip the internet a little 14:14
kanzurensh: there's a few sites that do that14:26
kanzurebut the problem is that everybody gets that idea14:26
kanzureand then their sources are nonintegratable because they keep it all on their little islands14:26
kanzureAs it turns out, this was my summer project14:26
kanzurein the areas of technological exponential growth, computing, storage pricing, manufacturing, etc., we had probability distributes within some ranges to sometimes hit points that Kurzweil or other assholes say are true14:27
kanzureis the server accessible?14:32
* nsh eats breakfast, thinks14:48
nshhttp://www.storagesearch.com/ssd-ram-flash%20pricing.html interesting14:56
fennhmm blu-ray 200GB disk is making my argument for DNA data storage less compelling15:01
kanzure_do we have blu-ray burners yet?15:01
fenni dont know anyone with a blu-ray anything15:02
kanzure_me either :(15:02
fennwhere's my holographic memory cube15:05
fennanyone know what's up with the price difference in flash SSD's? $12k vs $400 between brands15:08
nshwouldn't imagine it's for any different reason than all other price-range distribution15:10
nshpeople charge what people pay15:10
fenni must say this looks quite reasonable: http://www.mwave.com/mwave/Skusearch_v2.asp?scriteria=BA2534615:12
fennfroogle is pretty good for this sort of thing15:14
fenni feel like a super human shopper already :P15:15
kanzurehah, froogle still exists?15:15
fennof course. it's when you click on 'shopping' from google's front page15:15
kanzure_slow download.15:24
fenni wouldnt really call it "micro" so much as "mini"15:25
kanzure_200k rpm?15:26
kanzure_(from the abstract)15:26
fennthat seems... unlikely15:26
fennwith that big ol' pulley and timing belt15:26
kanzure_what's the rpm on airplanes?15:27
fennah, it's 20k15:27
fennmust have been a typo15:27
fennairplanes usually around 30-50k, but some turbines go up to 100krpm15:27
fenn(small ones)15:27
kanzure_yeah, so, 200k heh'15:28
fennat 1million weird things start to happen15:28
fenni want a micro factory :(15:29
kanzure_enlighten me about the size of the machined objects.15:30
kanzure_I'm guessing you could just feed a larger object through it or something15:30
kanzure_and take a hell of a long time for (relatively) 'big' stuff15:30
kanzure_'direct die mold machining'15:31
kanzure_oh, fig 7 shows feeding shoots15:31
kanzure_what's with the random flag?15:31
fennok so i'd rather have something capable of 10cm x 10cm15:34
fennbut the whole fits-in-a-suitcase idea is nice15:34
kanzure_"what the hell are you going to do, machine yourself a weapon while on the airplane?" yay15:35
fennok so it's 200k rpm after all15:36
fenni'd machine myself an airplane while on the airplane15:36
kanzure_"fuck this shit, that wing is totally wrong. here. lemme fix."15:36
fennthen i'd fly it around the cabin and pester the stewardesses15:36
fenni wonder how long until you have to board the airplane in your underwear15:37
fennthat might be.. interesting15:37
kanzure_depends on your destination15:37
fennwow the millfeeds at 50mm/s15:39
kanzure_these numbers sound all wrong though15:39
kanzure_I mean, 200k rpm, what have you done, welded the thing to the ground?15:39
fennit says it machined that logo in 120 seconds15:39
kanzure_http://www.pmrc.gatech.edu/ISFA/ symposium on flexible automation. 15:43
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/manufacturing/Development%20of%20desktop%20machining%20microfactory.pdf is one of the references mentioned in the PDF you linked.15:43
kanzure_hm, what's that fig 1 board called? Eric mentioned it to me once.15:43
kanzure_"it's used in everything"15:43
kanzure_for prototyping and mounting. L-something?15:44
fennoptical breadboard15:44
kanzure_k, I agree, but I'm thinking of something else that I can't name now. :(15:45
kanzure_surely these guys have some CAD/design files for this minifactory.15:45
fennsurely you're joking mister bishop15:46
kanzure_they just throw random shit together?15:46
fennthere probably is, but i doubt it's either accurate or complete15:46
fennand most likely scattered over five hard drives that are buried in the lab somewhere15:47
fennin a format you can't read, probably containing mostly japanese strings15:47
fennbut go ahead and ask, maybe you'll get lucky15:48
fennugh please stop linking to patents15:53
kanzurehttp://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=BoqYILA2HuEC&oi=fnd&pg=PA531&dq=%22miniature+manufacturing%22+&ots=neaTYL9MmO&sig=Yz0DTYuX3VvlOKSfsJyAigN5vjU     "Concurrent Design of a Manufacturing System Utilizing a Microfactory" by Mishima15:55
fennyay viewing limits15:58
kanzure_"This paper documents our efforts to develop a scalable network infrastructure for distributed automation (minifactory)"16:01
kanzure_huh. "industrial field networks". commercial versions: http://profibus.com/ http://controlnet.org/ http://worldfip.org/16:02
* fenn yawns16:02
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_eProcurement good god what happened here16:27
kanzurewtf, who is this "Nikola Stojanovic" person? weren't we recently mentioning him?16:38
kanzure'New Rosettanet Engineering Information Management Standard allows automated communication of design specifications'   http://www.rosettanet.org/cms/sites/RosettaNet/RosettaNet.pdf   16:45
kanzurehelloo data :) http://members.rosettanet.org/dnn_rose/TradingPartnerDirectory/TradingPartnerDirectorySearch/tabid/294/Default.aspx16:47
kanzurehttp://code.google.com/p/ebware/ open source business gateway (inactive, no downloads)17:03
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: you can use seedea.org is easier to remember17:20
ybitno hope for my hard drive19:50
ybitputting live iso on usb drive19:51
* kanzure has learned the joys of links2 -g19:51
ybitexcept when viewing flash sites? :)19:52
kanzureflash is for the weak! etc.19:52
kanzurejust use a flash script downloader thingy. I wonder if there's a libsvga mplayer variant.19:52
ybitman, i missed the cali. diybio live stream :|19:52
* ybit won't have another computer for a couple of months :|19:52
kanzuresomebody recommended a .com for youtube stream capturing stuff the other day19:52
kanzureybit: how many do you have?19:52
ybitone laptop, one desktop19:53
ybitmight be able to get the desktop working though..19:53
ybitanyone watch or dump the stream from the diybio meeting?19:57
kanzureNope, but I did go to the URL that was provided. I was hoping it would be looping. Wrong.19:57
ybitkanzure, what was the link about turtles you sent on friday afternoon?20:20
kanzureirrelevant methinks20:20
kanzureyou really want it?20:20
ybitheh, i never read it, just wondering what it was20:20
kanzurewow, I'm amazed at how little people can say about EDIFACT, TRADCOMS, SEDAS, VDA, ODETTE, ANASI X.12, ebXML, RosettaNet, PIPS, AS2, B2B, etc. with so many words. 22:38
kanzurein the past hour of browsing around the net with my lil' browser I haven't seen any actual implementation notes or anything that might qualify as "not bullshit"22:39
* nsh has no idea what any of those are22:39
nshso i assume they're all entirely useless articles of techbunkum 22:39
kanzureheh heh. fenn's monkey: http://sap.ittoolbox.com/documents/popular-q-and-a/sap-mm-interview-questions-358622:49
kanzurensh: I'm pretty sure it's articles22:49
* nsh smiles22:55
nshfor some reason i got the idea that the two senses had different spellings22:55
kanzurethese people are doing business transactions in the $billion's over stuff like FTP,23:03
kanzureand then spending hundreds of thousands on programmers to write fancy ftp clients for their fancy "business integration platforms" .. uh, ftp directories23:04
kanzurebut for all of this work, there's no standard like "robots.txt" on their servers23:05
kanzurethough ports 4080, 9999, 5110, 2131, and 5555 might work for some 'stuff'23:06
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Business_Language 'UBL is another currently being adopted by Scandinavian governments as a legally required standard for sending invoices to governments, and was enforced in February 2005 that all invoices to the Danish government must be sent in an electronic format.' or I guess this points to http://legalxml.org/23:58

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