
--- Day changed Wed Oct 08 2008
fennchina is pretty darn industrialized if you ask me00:01
kanzurehttp://www.cs.utexas.edu/~porter/ "our research focuses on explanation generation"00:20
kanzure"could you explain?"00:20
kanzure"if I could, I wouldn't have a job"00:20
ybitnice to have that on campus00:21
ybitUtopiahGHML: i see what you mean now00:41
ybitconcerning where biotech or anything related may be n brazil00:42
ybitdamn the "i" key00:42
ybitit's a terribly rough graph of where the money is going for public education in each country00:48
kanzurehuh, six million emails were sent to the presidential debate nonsense01:01
kanzurewonder how they sorted through that01:01
kanzurethey probably didn't.01:01
kanzurewhere'd I recently see Collis' name?01:07
kanzureah, nevermind01:08
kanzure"I posit that the service economy is actually hiding the fact that the majority of people in the west are now unemployable in any productive sense. That the economy is structured such that we can still consume massive amounts of products, while contributing nothing of substance, is probably what underlies the current financial crisis, and implies deep sustained crisis."01:25
kanzureaka people are useless.01:26
kanzureI'm sure we could convert them into food01:41
kanzureas president, or evil genius overlord, I propose all people get a solyency license, good for 2 pounds of their own flesh redeemable at the butchery.01:42
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mining#Mining_industry 'An event at a mine which causes death or bodily injury to an individual not at the mine at the time the event occurs.' what? 01:47
kanzuretelekenetic rocks?01:47
bkeroHm.  How difficult would it be to build a centrifuge?02:30
kanzure_ROPE + KNOT + BUCKET AT END. SWING.02:33
bkeroI was thinking cone + soldering iron + bolt + elecric motor02:34
kanzure_Supermassive electric motor? pleeease please please?02:35
willPow3rget one of those that people put on electric motorcycles02:38
geneanyone watch the debate?02:45
willPow3rwhat debate02:45
bkeroI did.03:19
bkeroYou don't need a massive electric motor for a centriuge.03:19
bkeroYou can use a rather tiny motor for it.03:19
kanzure_you do for a massive centrifuge.03:19
bkeroI've got a $60 motor on ebay.  It could spin a centrifuge the size of a small room.03:20
kanzure_What mass is this small room?03:20
bkeroThe masses in vials that go in centrifuges are usually negligable.03:21
kanzure_They were talking about large nuclear warheads. Presumably the core materials would be the size of the original nukes, I'm guessing.03:21
bkeroOr whatever you're spinning03:21
kanzure_That's far more than vials.03:21
bkeroWho was talking about it?d03:22
bkeroOh, you mean the debates.03:22
kanzure_Presidential debates.03:22
bkeroYea, you could set something like that up for a couple hundred dollars.03:22
willPow3rwhat the hell is a "presidential debate"03:22
kanzure_I don't care about the price, we were talking about the ratio between size of the motor and the mass of the object to be spun.03:22
kanzure_willPow3r: A load of shit. Ignore it.03:22
willPow3rthats what i thought. thanks for thinking for me kanzure_ 03:23
kanzure_No problem.03:23
kanzure_Seriously, that's an hour of my life that I want back.03:23
kanzure_I could have been doing something more productive .. like watching House.03:23
bkeroSize doesn't have much to do with it.  Wattage, advancing of the brushes, and RPM are the right criterions.03:23
bkeroCriteria, whatever03:24
bkeroThey were referring to separating uranium out of things by using a centrifuge, right?03:25
kanzure_I'm not entirely sure.03:25
kanzure_Does it worry you too that neither of us know what they were talking about?03:25
bkeroThey're politicians.  You can't expect them to know what they're talking about.03:26
kanzure_Maybe it was just lab terminology they've picked up before.03:26
bkeroThey appoint other people who appoint others who might have taken a class in that in community college03:26
emlynhey there05:15
bkeroGood evening.05:22
* mindspillage waves05:22
ybithi gene05:36
ybitand goodnight to all05:36
-!- mindspillage is now known as mind|wandering06:43
facefaceI emailed GeneArt, but they seem to be on to me07:56
facefacei.e. fuck off you nozy bastard07:57
kanzuregrr, where are my glasses?14:17
kanzureif they end up being on my face again I'm going to be so pissed.14:18
fennuranium comes in two isotopes, 235 and 238. you centrifuge solutions of uranium salts to separate the isotopes14:19
fennbecause one is heavier and denser14:19
bkeroMaking some high grade uranium?15:15
bkerofaceface: company or institution?  This man, Gunnar, has a rather narrow mind.  Knowledge background?  WHERE DID YOU GO TO SCHOOL SON, LETS SEE HOW SMART YOU ARE15:16
facefacebkero, ?15:23
facefaceoh yeah15:23
facefaceyeah... and lets see which company you work for!!!15:23
faceface(but he has my number)15:24
bkeroI wonder how he would react if you said you were on your own.15:24
bkeroThis guy is giving a talk today at GOogle.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prusiner15:26
xp_prghi all!17:37
xp_prganyone here?17:41
xp_prghi gene!17:41
xp_prghow are you today?17:41
genefine why do you ask?17:41
xp_prgcuz I am new to this room and excited to be here :>17:42
geneoh yeah17:42
kanzure___ok, I need to run out, but could somebody link drop to the git repository, link drop to biobricks.zip, link drop to matweb.zip and newparts.zip or the small 600 KB part repository? There's some coding that has to be done that xp_prg might be interested in17:42
geneyou want to build a validator17:42
* kanzure___ runs17:42
xp_prgkanzure___ awsome I am here to help!17:42
geneShoot I don't know17:42
genebut hey why use biobricks17:43
xp_prghelp to know the specifications of the desired script/program please17:43
genewhen you can use the NCBI protein database17:43
geneand use parts from working replicators17:44
xp_prggene share your wonderful knowledge with me :>17:44
xp_prgI have studied synthetic biology intently17:44
geneI know some but not that much17:44
xp_prgwell share with me what you know :>17:44
genetype in whatever protein, dna sequence, paper, or function into search17:45
geneand it will bring up many things17:46
fennsome links17:47
fenni dunno about the rest17:51
fenngene: screw home depot, why not just dig around in a junkyard and get parts from working machines?17:52
genewhat do you mean?17:54
geneyou mean like sequence organisms to steal their dna?17:54
fennthat's basically what you just said "why use biobricks when there's NCBI pdb"17:55
fenni wouldnt call it stealing though, unless you're a patent troll17:55
geneor you could go gene mining17:56
genego search caves and stuff for billion dollar bacteria17:56
fennwhy bother17:56
geneDo you know what taq polymerase is?17:57
fennit's like going to the moon to get raw materials to build your shed17:57
geneit's one of the best damn polymerases out there17:57
geneit made PCR practical17:57
genebefore taq17:57
fennyes and soon the patent will expire17:57
fennand we will have a taq biobrick17:57
geneyou had to add polymerase after going through a thermal cycle17:57
genepolymerases are expensive17:58
genethis made PCR astronomically expensive17:58
fennbullshit.. it's bloodsucking patent lawyers that made them expensive17:58
fennpolymerases grow in sludge, on trees17:58
fenni've purified proteins, it's not that hard17:58
fennespecially recombinant proteins17:59
geneyou need a lot of VERY FUCKING PURE polymerase for old PCR17:59
genePCR can amplify the DNA from a piece of paper that has been breathed on18:00
geneso you don't want contamination18:01
geneso someone gets the bright idea of using a polymerase from a microbe that lives in hot springs 18:01
genein yellowstone18:01
geneand made lots of money18:01
geneso much now18:01
genethat yellowstone doesn't let you take free samples anymore18:02
geneso do you know how to purify taq?18:02
xp_prggene I wish I understood what your saying :(18:03
geneDNA polymerase is a protein that copies DNA18:03
genepolymerase chain reaction  or PCR18:03
geneis a technique for amplifying sequences of DNA18:04
fennhe's just being contrary about biobricks, that's all18:04
xp_prgit creates copies of certain sequences of DNA or the entire DNA?18:04
geneentire DNA18:04
fennit falls off after a couple thousand kbase18:04
xp_prgand how did tag polymerase help?18:04
xp_prgfenn falls off?18:05
fennit can withstand high temperatures you need to separate the strands of dna for PCR18:05
genetaq polymerase made PCR a lot cheaper18:05
fennfalls off the strand of DNA18:05
fennand stops copying18:05
geneyou don't have to add new polymerase every cycle for the 100s of cycles that PCR goes through18:05
xp_prgwhy does it take high temperatures to seperate stands of dna for PCR?18:06
xp_prgstands = strands?18:06
fennthat's how it works18:06
geneI have no idea ask a chemist18:06
xp_prgour bodies seperate strands of dna all the time and not at high temperatures right?18:06
genewith unzipping proteins18:07
xp_prganyway so tag polymerase can do it at the high temperature without denaturing?18:07
fennthey only separate a tiny length of dna18:07
fennfor pcr you need to separate the whole molecule18:07
genethat's what taq is good for18:07
geneit comes from Thermus aquaticus which can survive at up to 80 deg c18:09
xp_prgnice man!18:09
fennso xp what do you do?18:10
nshretrobseletes vista, mostly18:10
fennthought that was 2k18:11
bkeroWhat's XP?  Vista?  2k?  What are all these things?18:11
bkeroAre you guys taking about software or something nerdy like that?18:11
fennbkero: voodoo curses18:12
bkeroEw.  I wouldn't want anything like that.18:12
fennme either18:12
bkeroSo are they just to punish people or something?18:12
genewhat vista18:13
fennthe are sort of like succubi that control the people who succumb to them18:13
geneI run it, I can't stop running it18:13
fennand then spread to family members and co-workers like a plague18:13
xp_prgI am a software engineer18:13
xp_prgBSCE, MSCS, and MB A18:13
fennyes but what do you _do_18:14
xp_prgweb development with python, postgres, javascript, html etc... right now18:14
fennever worked with django?18:14
xp_prgno not yet18:14
genecan you reverse engineer code with lots and lots of goto statements?18:15
fennone thing i'd like is a "thing" that is sort of a combination of wiki, cad DB, and git repo18:15
fenni was looking at django for building it18:15
xp_prggene reverse engineer it how, if you have the goto statements do you not have the code?18:16
geneit was a figurative question18:16
fennthe only reverse engineering we do around here is file formats18:16
fennwell, and some pesky javascript18:17
genegenetic code tends to have lots of "goto" statements18:17
geneif you could call them that18:17
fenni wouldnt call it that18:17
geneI am not that familiar with programming18:18
fenn"spaghetti code" is definitely applicable however18:18
fenn(biobricks are much better in this sense of course)18:19
* nsh makes nondescript noises18:23
xp_prghi nsh :>18:24
nshi'm trying to figure out how to make this university webmail save sent messages18:26
nshwhy the fuck would it have a sent messages folder but not save them by default?!18:26
fennwhy are you using webmail?18:29
nshcouldn't be bothered to set up a mail client 18:39
nshbeen waiting for a new external so i can backup my data and install a decent OS18:39
nsh"Mendelsohn et al.’s study is important because it demonstrates that hypnotic suggestions influence brain activity, not just behavior and experience." --http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=hypnosis-memory-brain&print=true18:40
nshwtf is that shit!?18:40
nshhow the fuck do you influence behavior and experience without influencing brain activity!?18:40
nshthey need to not let idiots write for scientific american18:40
nsh(next sentence: "Hypnotic effects are real!")18:41
fenni guess someone didnt get the memo back in 192018:45
* nsh smiles18:46
xp_prgso can anyone tell me more synthetic biology stuff that will help me to make my program etc.. ?18:52
kanzure_xp_prg: fenn already mentioned it to you19:14
kanzure_you seem to have ignored him.19:14
xp_prgyou mean the pcr stuff?19:19
fennwell, not really. the biohack.sf.net is mostly technical "how to" info, but he wants more theoretical overview i think19:19
fennalso it's 500MB download :{19:19
fennxp_prg: i guess wikipedia is a good place to start19:20
xp_prgI don't beleive I have concrete requirements for the scripts you want me to create, can anyone be specific?19:20
fenni dont know what scripts you're talking about19:21
kanzurefenn: ikiwiki + git + package/repo analysis stuff19:21
kanzurei guess19:21
kanzureyou were mentioning it above19:21
kanzure(2008-10-08 13:19:09) fenn: one thing i'd like is a "thing" that is sort of a combination of wiki, cad DB, and git repo19:22
kanzure(2008-10-08 13:19:24) fenn: i was looking at django for building it19:22
fennwell, it's sorta dependent on the skdb file format19:22
kanzure(and I was also looking at django - I have some logs of talking with ##django and ##python people about it, and they suggested django wasn't really fit for this yet)19:22
xp_prgkanzure are you bryan bishop?19:22
kanzureyes, this is true19:22
kanzurexp_prg:  yes19:22
kanzurefor the moment we can laugh at the dot repo file format19:22
kanzurethere's obvious improvements to be made there, no?19:22
kanzurelike it hardly allows for multiple connections between artifacts and other cyclic or acyclic graphs :(19:23
fennor quantitative descriptions of 'flows'19:23
fenni hate the whole flow concept anyway19:23
kanzureI just had a query that I was using today19:23
kanzureit turned out that the 'flows' table in the mysql db was not filled in19:23
kanzurebecause of a typo in my perl script that was processing my 'all.repo' file19:24
xp_prgkanzure I am still not clear exactly what you want me to work on, can you possibly give me a small project to get started, on, the one you just mentioned seems immense19:24
kanzure(all.repo is really just the 600 KB newrepo.zip thingy cat * > all.repo )19:24
xp_prgI want to work up to the immense projects as I go :>19:24
fennxp_prg: we've been using ikiwiki to provide a web frontend for git, but ikiwiki kinda sucks in general19:24
kanzureikiwiki is hitting pretty close to the mark though :)19:24
fennso it'd be nice to have some script that updates a git repo via wiki-ish interface19:24
kanzurek, I need to run again19:25
kanzurewas just back for a few seconds.19:25
xp_prgkanzure so can you tell me what you want me to code please?19:26
fennfor example i might edit a text file from the web, save it, then edit a local copy in my text editor and push that to the git repo, and the edit should show up on the web interface19:26
fenn(actually i'd have to merge the edit somehow)19:26
fenndo you see what we're going at?19:26
xp_prgyou want me to assist with a wiki front end for git?19:27
fennthis way i can easily fork the whole wiki19:27
xp_prgI hate to say it but that doesn't interest me, I want to do synthetic biology type code like with bio perl etc...19:27
kanzurebut don't make it sound so crude. it has direct applications to the synthetic biology project19:27
kanzurehow do you think it's NOT for the synthetic biology stuff?19:27
kanzurewould you rather do the synthetic biology circuit creator ajax frontend?19:27
kanzurethat has to link up to the ikiwiki+git repo interface stuff though19:27
xp_prgwhat is ikiwiki written in?19:28
fennas long as it can push to a git repo it doesnt matter if the wiki stuff is done yet19:28
fennikiwiki is perl and uses markdown format (no way to switch wiki formatting or use other file types)19:28
xp_prgnice so it is perl!19:28
kanzurethere's even repo files already made19:30
kanzureincluding biobrick files too19:30
kanzureso there's some starting material to work from19:30
kanzureinsert link here to the graph-easy or graph-demo link from the bloodgate link or something as an example of what it might look like19:30
kanzureor fenn's mockup screenshot19:30
fennhonestly if you arent already familiar with bioinformatics, the biobrick stuff will just be confusing19:31
xp_prgfenn I am familiar with biobrick stuff19:31
fennbut you dont even know how PCR works19:31
xp_prgthey are polypeptide sequences that do novel things inside of a cell19:31
xp_prgactually I do, just needed a refresher was all19:32
fennlol @ my mockup: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/skdb-mockup/select-icon.png http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/skdb-mockup/select-edge.png19:33
fennis that the 'ajax circuit creator'?19:34
xp_prgcool fenn!19:35
* bkero just sat through a tech talk from this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prusiner19:36
xp_prgfeen can you give me a simple use case scenario I can work on for the ajax circuit creator please?19:42
xp_prgfenn do you have a perference for the ajax libraries, such as jquery, dojo, scriptaculous etc... ?19:46
fennno i generally hate java equally in all its incarnations19:47
xp_prgajax uses javascript fenn :>19:47
fennyes i am aware of that19:47
xp_prgunless you want me to write in flash which is not opensource nor free19:47
fennand java is preferable to flash19:47
xp_prgso I have to use javascript and I would prefer to use one of the ajax toolkits that are opensource/free, which one would you like me to use?19:48
xp_prgmy preference initially is jquery19:48
fennok, i'm pretty ignorant of java libraries so whatever you think is best19:48
xp_prgok, fenn, may I ask what you do etc... ?19:49
fenni whine on the internet19:49
xp_prgI would like to get a better feel for who my project manager/knowledge expert is :>19:49
fenni'm dismayed at the primitive state of industrial technology and working on my own to fix it19:50
xp_prgwhat do you do for a living?19:50
fennwith various open source cad and robotics projects19:50
fenni'm trying to figure that out right now :)19:50
fenni've done some linux sysadmin stuff in the past but it's bad for my mental health19:51
xp_prgso you don't have a job currently?19:51
fennand there's not much in the way of employment around here except for university teaching and restaurants19:52
fennno, i'm thinking about working at the local coop grocery19:52
xp_prgwell that is cool, I don't care, just wondering :)19:52
xp_prghow old are you fenn?19:52
xp_prgdo you have a degree?19:52
fennyes, BS microbiology at indiana university19:52
xp_prgcool man19:52
fennbut they didnt teach me what i wanted to know :(19:52
xp_prgI know the feeling for sure19:53
xp_prgfenn, can you please help me to know where to start a wiki for my project?19:53
fenni dont understand the question?19:53
fennyou want web hosting?19:53
xp_prgwell, don't we have a wiki page for the project somewhere?19:53
fenni'd say make a new wiki page and link to it from here: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Skdb19:55
xp_prgwhere do we make the wiki page exactly?19:55
fenna page with the name as your project19:55
xp_prgwhat shall we call the project I am working on wiki notation?19:56
fennhow bout 'biobench'19:57
fennBioBench if you prefer camel case :)19:57
xp_prgfenn go ahead and make it :>19:57
fennmake a wiki page for you?19:58
xp_prgso we can get started :>19:58
xp_prgI don't know where to place it on that big big page19:58
fennthat page needs split up anyway19:58
fennok bullet point Connect the pieces... http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Societal_engineering_knowledge_database#Getting_started20:01
proctoxp_prg: I forget, you're william heath, right?20:01
proctoxp_prg: also, how do you get "tim" out of "william"? is it your middle name?20:02
xp_prgno it is a nick name20:02
procto<-- Mike K20:02
proctonot to sound prejudiced, but nicknames aren't usually completely ordinary names20:02
proctoI believe you, but is there a circumstance/story?20:02
proctoyou know, like, someone might be nicknamed "limpy"20:03
proctousually though, people aren't nicknamed "stephen"20:03
xp_prgcool man!20:03
proctoI'm just curious :>20:03
xp_prgprocto what do you do?20:05
xp_prgfenn did you make the wiki page yet?20:05
fennyep just click on biobench20:06
fennan uncreated wiki page will just prompt you to add some content20:06
xp_prgawsome fenn!20:08
xp_prgfenn, one last thing I really, really need your help with, a simple use case scenario I can try to implement using biobench20:08
bkeroxp_prg: write it using openlazlo20:09
xp_prgopenlazlo is what exactly, php?20:09
bkeroIt's own language20:09
bkerofenn: Hey man, are you still in IN?20:09
fenn yes20:10
proctoxp_prg: for work or in general?20:10
xp_prgall of the above :>20:10
proctoxp_prg: I'm a software engineer, working in the hedge fund industry. I'm also finishing up my undergrad degrees in linguistics and computer science20:11
fennxp_prg: i'm probably not the best person to ask about bio circuit stuff.. that's more of kanzure's area20:11
xp_prgnice procto20:11
xp_prgkanzure you here?20:11
bkerofenn: What city?20:14
bkeroxp_prg: openlazlo is a programming language that generates flash output20:14
xp_prgwow really?20:14
xp_prgthat sounds cool20:14
fennbkero: bloomington20:15
xp_prgis it free and opensource?20:15
bkeroWe use it for the huge monitor systems at work20:15
bkerofenn: I know the guy who runs the huge supercomputer up there.20:15
bkeroDo you want me to ask him if he has any positions available?20:15
fenni probably know him too :)20:15
bkeroCorey Shields20:15
fennhmm nope20:15
bkeroApparently he's pretty high up20:15
bkeroHe used to be my boss at the OSU Open Source Lab.20:15
bkeroHe graduated from IU, and went back there for work.20:15
fenni wonder if they'd want a scruffy hacker like me20:16
fennalrighty then20:16
fennyes please put in a word for me20:16
bkeroCorey's the guy who would come in at 2AM after all the servers are down, carrying a 6 pack of red bull and start DigitallyImported20:16
bkeroHe's on freenode. :P20:16
fenni have a sort of resume thingy around here tailored for computer jobs20:16
bkerofenn: He msg you?20:18
bkero http://www.indiana.edu/~uitshr/services/jobs/IUBhourly.html20:18
bkeroAre you hot shit at databaess? :P20:19
fennuh, i can use the mysql command line :)20:20
fenni know what "select" does20:20
fennhe didnt msg20:20
bkeroI don't think that's going to be enough20:20
bkeroI guess he just wanted to point you at that.20:20
fenn$8.75 and a commitment for 1 year? why bother20:22
fennat least the grocery store gives me free food20:22
bkeroSo you don't have to work at a grocery store. :P20:23
fennhow am i supposed to be 'hot shit' at databases when everyone wants an "experienced senior database developer"20:23
bkeroGain experience outside of work?20:24
fenndatabases are so stupid and simple, so why does experience matter so much20:25
bkeroIt's not designing the database that's the problem.  It's making relational table structures and writing an application around them.20:26
fennexperience is much more important with programming languages because there are vast numbers of application specific libraries to get acquainted with20:26
fenndatabase is just tables and more tables20:27
fenndid you know the US spends $750 billion on education?20:28
fennthat's more than the military budget20:28
bkeroThat doesn't sound right.20:29
fenni was surprised too20:29
bkeroMilitary spending is roughly half of our federal budget20:29
bkeroIt can't be more20:29
fennmilitary budget is about $650B including the iraq war20:30
fennhere is my source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:2005education_spending.PNG20:33
fennapparently americans spend a lot of money: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:2005military_spending.PNG20:34
bkeroSeems the budget 2009 numbers are $515.4 billion military20:34
bkero2004 education was $827 billion20:35
fennthey usually leave off the iraq war addition for some reason20:35
fennmaybe it will be over by then eh? :)20:36
fennanyway not a huge dent in the beast20:36
xp_prgwhere is kanzure?20:36
fennprobably in class20:36
bkeroiraq is $10 billion per week20:37
bkerofenn: Are you still in school?20:37
fenni was just wondering why IU pays their employees so badly20:38
bkeroDon't want to work for a lab?20:38
bkeroIf you feel like moving to montana I could get you a job in a university pharmsci lab.20:38
bkeroBecause those are student jobs :P20:38
fenni feel like moving to iceland or thailand20:39
fennbut i dont really have that planned out yet20:39
fennso, montana is a bit of a step backward20:39
fenncold, uncultured20:39
bkeroIn what ways?20:40
bkeroThe only time I've heard somebody calling something uncultured was some of these snobs in New York calling everything outside of New York uncultured.20:40
fennmontana is mainly based on ranching20:41
fennany sort of movement towards automation, vegetarianism, or liberal politics, generally goes against what ranchers believe in20:41
bkeroI didn't say rural montana.20:42
fennfeel free to correct me20:42
bkerohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missoula liberal bastion20:42
fennwe have the same problem in indiana, more or less20:42
fennfurthermore, the cold environment makes it difficult to live, encouraging monogamy and conservative politics20:43
fennwhy is missoula liberal do you think?20:43
bkeroI grew up there20:43
bkeroJeannette Rankin's politics.  She's got a small nonprofit there that lobbies against city hall.  There's also a well respected liberal arts college, and a relatively large amount of people.20:44
fennthere are these islands of liberality, austin, bloomington, missoula20:45
fenni havent really figured out why they exist20:45
xp_prgfenn what is your name for the wiki?20:45
bkeroPopulation fluxuates up to around 120,000 when school is in session.20:45
fennxp_prg: i didnt log in20:45
bkerofenn: Try ann arbor.  I've researched it, and realy want to visit.20:45
xp_prgno I need it for the participants area20:45
fennminneapolis is another one20:45
xp_prgWhat is your name?20:46
fennmy legal name?20:46
fennmay i ask why?20:47
bkeroSir Bender Bending Rodriguez20:47
fennok, it's a start20:49
bkeroMy name is Bender Karma Ego Rodriguez Orange20:50
fennno relation :)20:50
fennwe're 47th cousins20:50
xp_prgfenn can you please add your name to it?20:51
fenni'm suspicious when someone wants to put my name on their project20:51
xp_prgI don't care, its ok if you don't want to :>20:51
fenni have enough unfinished projects as is20:51
bkeroajax spice?20:52
fennspice is an electrical circuit simulator20:52
xp_prgpretty much bkero :>20:52
bkeroHave you ever used spice?20:52
xp_prgyes in my undergrad20:52
fenni thought it was command line, or batch oriented or something20:52
fenni.e. no interface20:52
xp_prgajax != command line20:52
bkeroSPICE is a giant application for circuit design20:53
bkeroOr else it's a standard that applications model around20:53
kanzure___hm. I think I know a good first step. maybe I'll write a quick black box diagram generator. dynamic generator, at least, something in php to export to the dot/dia library routines, since the database is otherwise kind of difficult to understand properly at the moment.20:58
xp_prgKanzure did you see my project wiki?!20:59
kanzure___procto: scriptalicous works ok for javascript/ajax crap21:00
xp_prgkanzure___ do you like my wiki page?21:00
kanzure___use case scenario: a user has a project that he wants to make out of biobricks. so the circuit creator app has to let him draw up a black box, it has to fill in the gaps and connect how things are going to connect, and then it has to fill in with actual parts from the biobrick repository.21:01
kanzure___which is given on the server21:01
fennthat's a rather vague use case21:01
xp_prgya I need a real use case, like a real project but extremely simple for the first one etc...21:01
kanzure___you have the files.21:02
kanzure___it's a drop down menu more or less21:02
kanzure___or a list of things to select from21:02
kanzure___drawn from reading the on-server directory of possible parts or components that they can select from21:03
kanzure___*ideally* it shows them all possible components that satisfy some given constraints ... like 'it needs to be given xyz' and then all parts that match 'takes xyz input' will be turned up in the list21:03
kanzure___the user would then proceed to select something from the list, and that should be added to the circuit21:03
xp_prgkanzure___ I wish we had a blog to put these ideas in, or this channel logged?21:04
kanzure___channel is logged21:04
xp_prgkanzure___ what your describing is ideal for prolog on the back end21:05
kanzure___no it's not.21:05
xp_prgwhy not?21:05
kanzure___because you wanted to do the frontend.21:05
xp_prgoh ok, right, but it will required back end invocations for the different steps your talking about21:06
xp_prgI don't think you want all data existing in javascript do you?21:06
xp_prgajax by definition communicates with the server21:06
kanzure___but I'm not about to do the backend in prolog21:07
xp_prgwhy not?! ;)21:08
xp_prgwell it will use ajax json, so the back end can be implemented in any way since it is loosley coupled :)21:09
xp_prgkanzure___ what is your preference on the back end?  ruby on rails or something?21:12
kanzure___no, I'll do some perl, it's okay21:20
xp_prgkanzure___ you going to use catalyst or jifty?21:21
fennhey we could even have multiple constrain engines as long as the file format is well specified21:21
kanzure___I haven't heard of catalyst/jifty yet21:22
kanzure___why in the all.repo file is there the subfunction element that has inputartifact and outputartifact?21:22
kanzure___I ask because the subfunction element is a child to the artifact element21:23
kanzure___the inputartifact and outputartifact variables are properties to the subfunction element.21:23
kanzure___this doesn't really make much sense to me. since I'm figuring which variables to select for in the db to make the black box generator. kinda important.21:23
kanzure___it'd make sense if the subfunction inputartifact was its parent 'artifact' element in the XML, that would make (some) sense, but the fact that the inputartifact ID is not its parent ID is cause for concern21:24
fennwhois cshields21:27
kanzure___in fact, in one case, look at the subfunctions with SubInputArtifact='counter wheel' .. it's not until a few products down in the all.repo file do you see an artifact with the name 'counter wheel'21:27
kanzure___so that 'counter wheel' artifact isn't even in the friggin' product21:27
kanzure___what's going on?21:27
fennwhere is this all.repo file?21:29
kanzure___oh wait, I'm wrong. yay. the 'counter wheel' is in fact in the same 'system'/product. yay. 21:30
fenncounter wheel is a subfunction of the camera.repo21:30
kanzure___don't need subfunction .. apparently there is an artifact with property ArtifactName="counter wheel" in that same system / that single file, so it's a moot point now21:31
kanzure___panic attack over.21:31
kanzure___all.repo is uh, nonexistent21:31
kanzure___just do cat *.repo > all.repo21:31
kanzure___only with the repo files from prettyrepo.zip21:32
kanzure___don't bother with the massivei mage files21:32
kanzure___*massive image files21:32
xp_prgcheck this out kanzure____ this is kind of what I envision for the interface etc...21:32
kanzure___okay, that's one lab meeting down21:32
kanzure___another one to go21:32
kanzure___xp_prg: ask fenn. I trust him on this one ..21:32
kanzure___I'll be back21:32
fenncounter wheel is also an artifact21:32
fennlol dont try to pass the buck21:33
ybitbkero: what did stanley prusiner speak about?21:34
fennxp_prg: the problem is that electrical components are all easily classified and you can use symbols and a small set of parameters to describe them 21:35
xp_prgkanzure___ I need a concrete use case scenario please!!!!!21:35
fennxp_prg: ok here's a use scenario, you want to hook up an environmental toxin sensor to a firefly luciferase gene21:35
fennbut also you want it to NOT light up when in the presence of some other chemical, and you also want a 'test' mode so it lights up in the presence of your test chemical21:36
fennthis is an e. coli cell with a plasmid in it probably21:36
fennmake sense?21:37
xp_prgya but is that the simplest use case scenario you can come up with, that sounds extremely complex :(21:37
fennwell i don't want it to just be a->b21:37
xp_prgwhy not for the first scenario?21:38
xp_prgthe first scenario is extremely simple for now21:38
fennbecause that's too easy and you won't be thinking about it right21:38
xp_prgthen it gets more complex21:38
fennwe dont want notepad21:38
xp_prgfenn can you please document the use case senario on the wiki page you want me to implement?21:38
fenngod this is starting to sound like work21:39
xp_prgfenn well I need you to at document it :)21:39
xp_prgat least21:40
xp_prgfenn did you document it?21:44
fennno i am slow (i hate mediawiki because it is so slow to use)21:44
xp_prgwell red1 can you assist?21:45
xp_prgred1 can you add the scenario 1 requirements to the projec tpage wiki?21:45
red1scenario 1.. ?21:45
red1i m watching the youtube... to get a slice of spice or whatever u guys do :>21:46
xp_prgred1 please reformat that21:47
red1to what?21:47
xp_prgsome that is not looking like a chat script copy/paste :)21:47
xp_prgfenn can you please elaborate on what he gui will look like to implement scenario I?21:48
xp_prghe - the21:48
red1it looks fine... for a start21:48
red1thats how all things start as21:48
red1a little dot21:49
red1then dots21:49
red1then  u join the dots21:49
red1then u paint areas21:49
red1bio as in biology huh?21:51
red1creating life somewhere along the way?21:51
xp_prgok red1 check it out now!21:52
red1what does those PNG images mean? Select edge..21:53
red1frantically looking anywhere... armed with mouse here21:54
xp_prgdon't know, need Fenn to explain21:55
xp_prgred1 updated wiki re-check if you want :>21:57
fennsigh.. merge21:58
xp_prgred1 can you put a link to the bio bricks project on that page?21:58
fennanother reason i hate mediawiki21:58
xp_prgfenn, can you pretty please tell me more about the user interface navigation you would expect to solve scenario I ?21:59
red1hi fenn ..  i dont know what to hate... they re just tools, but they get better... when i am older :>22:01
fennxp_prg: http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/BioBench22:01
xp_prgsweet dude!!!22:01
fennnevermind that we just contaminated our well with e. coli22:03
xp_prgfenn I like your ideas for the interface!22:05
xp_prgjust out of curiousity, what should be the output in your opinion, is there a standard like dna sequence into a cell file type?22:06
fennthis would call some compiler targeting DNA, and using biobricks "source code"22:07
fennthere's a couple standard DNA file formats, FASTA for example22:08
fennbut that's a sequencing format, not a oligo request format22:08
xp_prgfenn so some where in the interface is like a compile button right?  What is the output of that action specifically?  A file right?22:09
fennhmm actually i think biobricks does standard recombinant dna stuff.. sigh22:09
* fenn feels like he's stuck in the stone age22:09
fennso it's not so straightforward, you have to specify how to mix vials of liquid and shake them etc22:09
fennhonestly i have no idea what the output is22:10
xp_prgfenn can you please tell how the file should look in this scenario I?22:10
fennbut it's not a DNA sequence22:10
ybitseems that while i was napping, me mum attempted to use this comp. did bkero respond?22:11
fennprobably some special purpose language that hasn't been invented yet22:11
fennybit: no22:11
* ybit is needed at a b-day party, bbl22:11
ybitk thx22:11
xp_prgwell its a specification for a lab right?  It will have 1 ecoli cell, the tranlucent dna sequence in the plasmid starting at a certain area of the dna rigt?22:11
fennyeah but there's a lot of other crap that needs to be hooked up in the right order22:12
xp_prglike what?22:12
fennlike promoters and binding sites22:12
fennum, i forget how sensor proteins are supposed to work22:13
fennthis is the standard example sensor system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lac_operon22:14
bkeroybit: I didn't respond.  Prusiner talked about how he identified prions, and used their presence as an assay for finding diseases like alzheimers.22:15
bkeroand kreutzfeldt-jakobs disease22:15
xp_prgfenn check out the wiki page now22:16
xp_prgunder output specifically22:16
xp_prgwell I have to go to lunch, feel free to add/change the wiki page!22:17
xp_prgI think we have enough now to at least start the prototype!22:18
xp_prgI would love it if you could spell out exactly where I am to get the info I need22:18
xp_prgred1 feel free to pretty up the page too :>22:19
-!- xp_prg is now known as xp_lunch22:19
red1will do that.. if every1 agrees... if not just revert22:19
red1just edited.. so pls refresh before proceeding22:23
xp_lunchnice red1!23:02
xp_lunchfenn you here?23:02
red1i still have no idea what u re doing here xp_lunch  :>23:03
-!- xp_lunch is now known as xp_prg23:03
xp_prgbuilding cells that do novel things23:03
red1i do like DNA stuff toh... NDR = nano... dna .. robotics23:03
red1as  in DNA engineering?23:03
xp_prgyes but more then DNA engineering, DNA engineering with a purpose23:04
xp_prgthe DNA is put in the cell and actually funtions and does things!23:05
fenndoesnt all DNA engineering have a purpose?23:06
xp_prgI guess so fenn :>23:06
xp_prgbut some are for drugs etc...23:06
xp_prgthis is for cells and to do specific things inside of cells etc...23:06
fennthe idea here is a "design compiler" so you dont have to bother with the gritty details over and over again23:06
xp_prgfenn I need your help, help me to understand exactly where I will pull the info to display etc...23:06
xp_prgdo I get it from biobricks.zip?23:07
fennum, i think so23:07
fennthere are multiple places that host the biobricks db i think23:07
xp_prgso you know know exactly where I get the info?23:07
red1so what u mean is that this DNA purpose is specific to be progammable at a componentised level?23:07
xp_prgyes red123:07
red1woooo .. far out!23:08
red1DNA machine23:08
xp_prgit basically turns a cell into a computer23:08
fennDNA engineering is only a small subset of the whole project though23:08
red1ok ok.. should i go on my knees and bow? :D just joking!23:08
fennthere's all the rest of engineering too23:08
xp_prgfenn I am hurting over here, I can't even begin to code this without knowing where to pull the info23:08
red1now i get it.. biobricks23:09
red1fenn: be patient with xp_prg .. he is like that in our #adempiere ... only at first.. when he grasp it, he becomes one of our supermen23:09
red1thats why i always help him out whenever i can23:10
* xp_prg bows in honor to red123:10
red1in return for his favours23:10
fennxp_prg: i think this is where you can access biobricks API http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/biobricks/notes.txt23:10
xp_prgred1 can you add that to the wiki?23:10
red1xp_prg will definitely do a movie on this soon, i can tell :P23:10
xp_prgindeed I will :>23:10
red1i will revisit later.. i got to finish my rounds...23:11
red1helping a hand cannot be intrusive u know23:11
red1its a little a day..23:11
red1but tell me... is this biobricks thingy dealing with real as in real life cells?23:12
kanzurehi all23:12
red1or just virtual ones?23:12
fennright now it's in test tubes23:12
kanzurered1: hey there23:12
kanzurelet me read the log23:12
fennreal test tubes23:12
red1hola kanzure 23:12
fenngetting the DNA into a cell is sort of a pain you see23:12
red1ah .. bioinformatics... heard of that before23:13
red1now i am getting it23:13
xp_prgkanzure please help me, I am almost finished with my first scenario spec!23:13
xp_prgI need to know how to get the information now23:14
fennbioinformatics is just database mongering really23:14
red1its the tremendous computing power needed in such projects23:14
xp_prgkanzure can you help me to flesh that out?23:14
xp_prgcheck this out!23:14
kanzurexp_prg: you get the info you need from the biobricks repository that fenn has linked to.23:15
xp_prgkanzure but does it have an api, how do I interface with it?23:15
kanzureyou have to make up the api23:16
kanzurethis is why the biobrick people suck23:16
kanzureyou have to go look at the files and determine an api for yourself23:16
xp_prgso I have to use web screen scraping?23:16
red1i would like to be the first to make an API in such a cool project :>23:17
kanzurethe files are already on the server23:17
kanzurered1: I suggest you wait a few minutes then23:17
xp_prgplease explain the format of these files23:17
red1talking from a person who neve did any23:17
kanzurered1: xp_prg is taking a small chunk of a broader project23:17
kanzurered1: so the API in general is about the parts repository .. not biobricks. but anyway. xp_prg first.23:17
red1xp_prg: firstly... what draws u here? U havent told me yet23:17
kanzurexp_prg: I do not know the format of the files, that's what you'll have to do23:17
xp_prgkanzure can you at least identify the files needed for this first scenario?23:18
kanzurered1: we do crazy things here like do-it-yourself free open source automated manufacturing, kinematic self-replicating machines, ass kicking, brain augmentation, transhuman projects, O'Neill stuff, etc.23:18
* fenn hasnt seen any ass kicking yet23:18
kanzurexp_prg: it's in the biobricks.zip file. the 'lac operon' that fenn linked to should be on http://partsregistry.org/ which is a web interface to biobricks.zip23:18
* kanzure kicks fenn's ass23:18
xp_prgred1 what draws me here is the potential to do computation biologically instead of with silicon23:19
red1yeah .. i seen your previous work... hmm .. was it AI?23:19
xp_prgkanzure can you at least give me some links on the web interface to bio bricks where the info I need is?23:19
red1oh yes YAP23:19
kanzureshit, you guys, have you not even listened to me about how you're not going to be able to do computation with DNA much?23:19
kanzureI was in a lab over the summer exploring that topic23:20
red1what will be their application for our business app , xp_prg ?23:20
xp_prgno kanzure23:20
kanzuresilicon is going to be faster23:20
kanzurethe only thing that biology is good at computing is *generative* designs/structures/building-shit23:20
kanzurexp_prg: http://partsregistry.org/ I already told you. 23:20
xp_prgkanzure the brain is still superior to silicon based computers though :>23:20
kanzureand biobricks.zip has the actual files.23:20
kanzurexp_prg: what for?23:20
kanzurexp_prg: in what sense is it superior, I mean23:20
xp_prgkanzure yes but where on partsregistry.org?23:20
fenncomputers just have crappy software imho23:20
kanzurexp_prg: look around and click23:20
xp_prgevery way23:20
kanzurexp_prg: what are those ways?23:20
kanzuredon't you dare tell me something like 'intelligence'23:21
kanzureI'll just hit you23:21
red1xp_prg: the challenge is to emulate the brain... not just awe at it23:21
xp_prgfault tolerance, speed, contextual understanding23:21
red1its part of the human syndrome23:21
xp_prgpower consumption23:21
kanzurered1: that's one of the projects I'm doing23:21
red1we replicate what we grasp.. (again thru the brain)23:21
kanzurered1: emulation of the cerebellum23:21
kanzurered1: the simulation works faster than the real deal in the lab :)23:21
red1things like the holographic brain... now we can say that its all sensory23:22
red1so i believe that one day we can do just that23:22
red1and move on and on from there23:22
red1if ppl are drawn to this, there is a reason23:22
kanzureholographic brain is bs23:22
kanzureback to work.23:22
red1that bs gave me some new angle23:23
red1among others23:23
kanzureconceptual leapstone? perhaps23:24
kanzurebut anyway, the brain is the brain23:24
fennmemories are distributed throughout the brain, is that bs?23:24
xp_prgkanzure how does biobricks.zip tell me this:23:24
xp_prgThere's an error: luciferase must be inside the cell for this to work, so we select location from luciferase's context menu and drag it to the cell icon. This makes a green link showing a satisfied constraint.23:24
red1always amazed by it, the LHC, universe... bla bla23:24
xp_prghow do I know the constraints?23:25
kanzurexp_prg: it doesn't. this is another reason why the biobricks people suck.23:25
fennwe have no chicken, we have no eggs23:25
red1but we have both23:25
xp_prgso how am I going to find out the constraints man?!23:25
fennwe have several piles of shit23:25
red1and plants grow well on them23:26
xp_prgfenn are the constraints in that pile somewhere?23:26
fennnot really23:26
xp_prgfenn well how can they be known?23:26
fennthey are in vague human-readable text that assumes you know what you're doing23:26
fenni.e. incomplete specs23:27
fennthis is a large part of why i'm not following the biobricks thing too closely23:27
xp_prgwell I guess we can define them as we go23:27
kanzureor not. just work with what there is in the files already.23:27
kanzureeverything else - well - you get to yell at the biobricks people for that later23:27
fennno, you have to do physical experiments to get these parameters23:27
kanzurethis is in part why I was sitting on the biobricks standardization team for a while23:27
kanzureI was talking with them originally about all of this23:27
kanzuretrying to get them to define constraints between parts and so on23:28
kanzureand they kind of ignored me it seems23:28
kanzureepigenetic effects too23:28
red1yep stds is the way to go , first23:28
xp_prgkanzure one more question please, what is the output of the compile phase exactly?23:28
xp_prgplease look at the output area23:28
kanzurexp_prg: two things23:28
xp_prgon the wiki23:28
kanzurexp_prg: first is a strand of DNA representing the plasmid23:28
kanzuresequence, yes23:29
kanzuresecondly, simultaneously,23:29
kanzureI'd also really really like a sort of 'project file format' -- a 'part file format' that represents the aggregation of sub components23:29
kanzureso in other words23:29
kanzurea 'part file' is kind of like a 'tar' file23:29
kanzureexcept with a standard file inside that has metadata information23:29
kanzureincluding, but not limited to:23:29
kanzurefile format version23:29
xp_prgkanzure I need help understanding these project files formats, I assume we should store in xml format?23:29
kanzurexp_prg: well, you could do XML I guess23:30
fennand all relevant biobrick info23:30
fennBUT that's not the output of the compiler, it's the input23:30
xp_prgkanzure can you please, please, please, give me the output xml file you would expect for scenario I?23:30
xp_prgit would greatly assist me23:30
kanzurefenn is correct -- the biobricks must be within that 'tar' too .... actually, just a *reference* to those biobricks (by their ID number)23:30
fennsequence doesn't get you anywhere because we don't have a magic DNA writing machine23:30
kanzureXML output is just all of the variables that you have23:30
kanzureit's a serialization of the information of the design compiler23:31
fenninstead we have to get vials of dna snippets from a freezer and mix and match them and ligate and shake and purify and amplify until we are satisfied23:31
xp_prgkanzure but can you please make the output file for scenario I that has been presented on the wiki?23:31
xp_prgthat would greatly, greatly assist me23:31
kanzure_hold on.23:31
kanzure_is my server on?23:31
kanzureHrm. Okay. There it goes. The output section you have isn't very detailed. You should include the need for referencing specific biobricks via their ID number and so on. If you do use XML output, then you should write up a DTD in the end (when you're sure you have everything done) so that we know what data you are aggregating.23:33
red1i always say - who is stopping u? *sniggers*23:33
xp_prgkanzure cool, can you actually make the file?23:34
kanzurexp_prg: Me?23:34
xp_prgit would help me greatly yes23:34
kanzurexp_prg: No, I don't have your specs yet.23:34
xp_prgyes you do they are on the wiki page23:34
xp_prgit is fenn's scenario I23:34
fennSOMEBODY has to have the spec!!123:34
kanzuresomebody set us up the spec23:34
kanzurexp_prg: yeah I'm reading that23:34
kanzureokay, here's another scenario I guess23:34
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/genetic-circuits.html at the bottom - the image.23:35
kanzureand the sequence above it.23:35
kanzureideally the sequence would have metadata with my authoring information, a description (either written by me or generated from a combination of the bricks used in its construction)23:35
xp_prgkanzure cool, can you please put that on the wiki page as Scenario II?23:35
fennoxytocin seems like perhaps a rather foolish thing to play around with23:36
fennyou might find yourself signing lots of contracts without reading them23:36
kanzurefenn: who said it was for me ?23:37
xp_prgkanzure are you putting the scenario II on the wiki you just mentioned?23:37
kanzurexp_prg: anyway, that's an example of sequence output I guess, but it's not the metadata too.23:37
kanzurehold on..23:37
kanzurerawr I hate mediawiki23:37
fennworse is better23:38
fennat least usemod never made it to number one23:39
* kanzure was using usemod wiki meatball thingy for a while23:39
kanzureI added it to the page, xp_prg23:39
kanzuremaybe that's what they call their usemod wiki about usemod wiki23:40
xp_prgkanzure can you please supply the actual output xml file you expect for that scenario, it would help me greatly?23:41
kanzure_nope. the design ajax interface thingy will have a lot of variables that it plays around with. the final output is the entire dump of everything really. so remember, the output file has to have the metadata about what the project is, who made it, those descriptions etc, as well as pointers to the files that were used to make it overall -- such as the connectivity of the biobricks or something .. but you can't just make a graph theoretic entry appli23:42
kanzure_lication because the whole synthetic biology thing is more nuanced than that23:42
kanzure_those nuancies are what need to be captured.23:42
xp_prgkanzure_ this is not the project file, it is the output file23:43
kanzure_the project file has output files within it, yes?23:43
xp_prgthe ouput file has a generic format does it not?23:43
kanzure_so are you talking about a plasmid format?23:43
kanzure_a way to express a plasmid?23:43
xp_prgkanzure_ no not necessarily, the compile phase creates an output file if you get my meaning23:43
kanzure_like a DNA sequence or something? This is what BLAST is for23:43
kanzure_Dan - faceface - if he's around - would have some good ideas here23:43
xp_prg1 e-coli cell23:43
xp_prgtranslucent dna sequence23:43
xp_prgpromoter and binding sites23:43
xp_prgspecify how to mix vials of liquid and shake them etc23:43
kanzure_I think BLAST or FASTFA or something does this23:43
kanzure_fenn was talking about this earlier methinks?23:44
xp_prgI am talking about what actually gets output when the compilation phase occurs23:44
kanzure_now I'm confused.23:44
xp_prgok have you ever made a program?23:44
fenni think he means  the 'mix and shake' recipe23:44
xp_prgyou make source code, then you compile it23:44
kanzure_xp_prg: all the time. 23:44
fennso we have two output files, the recipe and the sequence23:45
xp_prgthe source code is different then the compiled version23:45
xp_prghelp me to understand the compiled version23:45
kanzure_I thought that's what I was talking about23:45
fennthe recipe cites various physical resources such as test tubes full of dna23:45
xp_prgno you were talking about the source code I thought23:45
kanzure_how does BLAST sequence format not answer that question for the 'transluenct DNA sequence' for example?23:45
kanzure_fenn's certainly on to something too23:45
kanzure_the physical recipe is a huge part that I've been neglecting23:46
xp_prgwell it does, but that is not the only thing output23:46
fennthis is analogous to CAD design (sequence) and gcode + shop drawing + material specifications (recipe)23:46
fennand i think the program to go fro design to recipe is beyond the scope of an ajax interface23:47
xp_prgfenn I don't23:47
fennso let's just stick with getting the sequence for now23:47
kanzure_the recipe is an important aspect, but it comes later sort of23:47
xp_prgwe need input and output files23:47
kanzure_xp_prg: yes we do need input and output23:48
kanzure_the recipe for making a synthetic biology structure, for the end-user, is not in this scope23:48
fennthere's the temptation to say 'look a sequence!' and call it finished23:48
xp_prgkanzure please help me to define in real xml terms what the input and output files should be23:48
kanzure_god we've been going over this for 20 minutes23:49
kanzure_what part of 'author data' and 'descriptions of the biobricks' is not clear?23:49
xp_prgok fine, I will just do it, and you can fix it later23:49
xp_prgno worries :>23:49
kanzure_okay then23:49
fennthat's the spirit23:49
kanzure_what's your understanding of the input and output now?23:49
xp_prgwell the input is a specification of bio brik parts connected together in a particular cell etc... -> compile -> output is cell, dna seqence, promoter and binding regions23:50
kanzure_so do you know how to connect different biobricks together23:51
kanzure_so that's what I was working on last23:51
kanzure_there's some notes in there I think23:51
kanzure_there's also a folder in that directory23:51
kanzure_that has 'categories' of biobricks23:51
fennmost of that is just how to download the files23:51
kanzure_on the partsregistry.org site, there's some 'main categories' from which you can find more biobricks23:51
kanzure_now, the biobrick people don't tell you how to connect the types23:52
kanzure_ah thank you fenn23:52
kanzure_yes, that's the right subdirectory23:52
kanzure_I was going to have a list of all biobricks within each category23:52
xp_prgkanzure_ so do you like my description of input and output files for now?23:52
kanzure_hold on, I'm describing something important23:52
kanzure_anyway, the list of biobricks for each 'type'23:52
kanzure_this allows there to be a certain connectivity between each type of biobrick23:52
fennit would be nice if there were a formal grammar for connecting types23:52
kanzure_the important part is that you have to make up this grammar23:53
kanzure_there's some basic biological principles that we can assume23:53
fenn(this requires intimate knowledge of molecular bio)23:53
kanzure_like I think one of those categories is for promoters23:53
kanzure_yeha, it does require some intimate knowledge23:53
kanzure_anyway, yeah, so that connectivity is what the ajax interface is creating23:53
kanzure_given the grammar that fenn is talking about.23:53
kanzure_which allows for certain connectivities.23:54
kanzure_or whatever.23:54
fennbut we dont have the grammar23:54
kanzure_right now I think we're working mostly with linear biobrick constructions.23:54
kanzure_so 23:54
kanzure_we randomly generate it23:54
kanzure_and then we let somebody yell at us later23:54
kanzure_and give it something more specific in the same general format.23:54
xp_prgwell a grammer validates sequences which I think is appropriate in this case23:54
kanzure_what the fuck?23:54
kanzure_sort of.23:54
xp_prglike you have a grammar for compilers of programs with key words etc...23:55
fennthe grammar insures a working design mostly23:55
kanzure_fenn: woah, he took your 'design compiler' literally. cool.23:55
fennit represents physical processes occuring along the dna23:55
kanzure_yeha, so sort of23:55
fennthink 'paper tape reader'23:56
xp_prgfenn right23:56
xp_prgso I believe we will have 2 phases as well:  syntax checker, then binding of sequences to leaf nodes of the syntax tree etc...23:57
xp_prgdoes that make sense?23:57
fennkanzure_: this broadened my definition of "grammar" somewhat: http://www.contextfreeart.org/gallery/view.php?by=michael23:58
kanzure_me likes.23:59
kanzure_xp_prg: yep23:59
kanzure_looks ok.23:59

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