
--- Day changed Sat Oct 11 2008
kanzure_oh god00:01
kanzure_I'm going to hate myself for this00:01
kanzure_but it occurs to me that branding openmanufacturing with a play on "MADE IN AMERICA" might be worth pursuing.00:02
kanzure_"MADE WITH AMERICA" perhaps.00:03
kanzure_not sure if this is just fear mongering by a wild man ranting, but evidently there's no vertical PCB manufacturer left in the US00:08
drazakyou ought o be able to use the DMD buffers for electrophorisis and PCRs right?01:00
fennwhat's a DMD buffer?01:08
fennam i reading this right? optimal dNTP concentration in the reaction = 6000 mM01:09
fenn6M is like, fuming acid01:09
fennfuming nucleic acid lol01:09
fenni'd just use the standard buffer01:11
drazakthe standard buffer doesn't have as good a resolution01:12
fennno, that gel is just overexposed or maybe they put too much PCR product in01:13
drazakit looks like they were exposed the same01:14
drazakand, from my photography knowledge01:14
drazakthat's not overexposure01:14
fennbut the standard buffer has 1.6x as much in it01:14
fennanyway, _my_ gels never looked like that, and i never used a "DMD" buffer whatever that is01:15
drazakI might just use the standard one then01:15
drazakIt's cheaper01:15
drazakand the parts are easier to find01:15
fennprobably because it uses 30x less dNTP's01:15
fennmercaptoethanol is stinky too01:16
drazakit's hard to find01:16
fenni bet all lab chemicals are hard to find01:16
kanzure_unless you have deep university pocket books01:17
fenndrazak: what are you some kind of terrorist? making drugs?01:17
* fenn pokes drazak aggresively01:17
drazakfenn: not... really01:17
kanzure_fenn: you don't remember drazak?01:17
drazakI'm into biochem01:17
fennits just the standard routine, americans cant fathom someone doing chemistry for any reason other than bombs or drugs (probably because that's all anyone makes in america any more)01:18
drazakbombs are definitely not my style01:18
kanzure_uh oh, I must not be in a good mood, I'm returning to procurement issues again.01:18
kanzure_apparently Dow leechfeeds all of their chemicals from other manufacturers in a few cases01:19
kanzure_their hydrocarbons come from bioreactor byproducts01:19
kanzure_but not really leeching since evidently they pay for these industrial byproducts01:19
fennif you can't use byproducts in other processes you have to dispose of them == $$$01:19
kanzure_I'm sure they have giant plants somewhere in europe or something01:19
kanzure_I wonder if there's a mindat.org but for manufacturing and supply chains.01:20
kanzure_mindat is for minerals, how about something for the other layers of the ecosystem01:20
kanzure_nah, that's an ebay thingy01:20
kanzure_whatever happened to my thomasnet rip?01:20
* kanzure_ wonders if it's still running01:21
fenni guarantee you won't find a giant flow diagram of all the materials and products in the world01:21
fennmany companies work very hard to keep that info secret01:21
fennbleh.. resume resume01:22
drazakkanzure_: oh hey, you mentioned that you had some other stufd about PCR and gel electrophorisis than what's in the old zip I grabbed, I haven't grabbed from get yet01:23
kanzure_drazak: Few more moments.01:26
kanzure_fenn: gah, I should have remembered how much I hate patrick01:27
kanzure_"Dammit man! I'm not talking about information, I'm talking about physical reality!" - patrick on openmanufacturing01:27
kanzure_as if physical reality wasn't information01:27
kanzure_what the fuck is wrong with that guy?01:27
drazakpatrick who01:27
kanzure_hell if I know01:27
fennomg web forms, when will i learn01:29
fennnever write something in a web form you dont have backed up elsewhere01:29
kanzure_resume? :/01:29
kanzure_"I sit around all day complaining about what yer doin' wrong with the internets"01:29
fennit never quite has the same ring when you write it the second time01:30
kanzure_(or maybe that's me)01:30
fennwhere's my internet bitching award?01:30
kanzure_you sir do not deserve the internet bitching award01:30
fenni need to put it on my resume!01:30
kanzure_that's something you'd send if you were applying to replace Roland01:30
kanzure_that's his name, right? xkcdguy01:30
fenngo and acquaint thine self with the annals of our bastard operator from hell01:32
kanzure_god I want to punch patrick01:38
kanzure_it's like he assumes 'designs' are just bits and bytes01:38
kanzure_in reality, good designs correlate map to territory01:38
fennSTEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD before you add a drop in the bucket of internet flamedom01:41
fennhe has a point though, men with guns jealously guard 99% of the resources out there01:42
fennor something like that01:42
* kanzure_ had to go down to get laundry01:43
fenni managed to regurgitate my resume, so it's all good01:43
bkerofenn: 'eh?01:43
kanzure_so, the thing I don't like about patrick's approach is that he's a secret front for futiity01:43
fenni really hate this stuff though, it feels like doing taxes01:43
kanzure_"well, since we can't get anything, guess we just have to do this socially"01:43
bkeroxkcd guy is randal munroe01:44
fenn"socially" != socialism01:44
kanzure_or, rather, I should say that he's imposing his bullshit about money and economics on to something that doesn't need it01:44
drazakxkcd guy is awesome01:44
kanzure_fenn: I don't care if it != socialism01:44
fenni'm just sick of ranting about communism on that list01:44
fennand ranting about libertarianism on sifter, while i'm bitching01:44
kanzure_I wasn't aware of rants about communism01:44
kanzure_you're on sifter?01:44
fenni lurk01:44
kanzure_did I point you to sifter?01:45
kanzure_gee, I'm good01:45
fennheh i had name-drop you to get in :|01:45
kanzure_I would be wary of anywhere that doesn't let me in unless I had to mention my name01:46
fennyeah and i mentioned that01:46
fennhalf-seriously accusing them of being a secret cabal of masonists or whatever01:46
fennmasonites? haha01:47
kanzure_anyway, what I was going to reply to patrick with (until kmail crashed (nick of time?)), 01:47
kanzure_was that a good 'design' would reach all the way from me to the materials and back again01:47
kanzure_that's a good design - he suggests that I say "we just eat CAD files"01:47
kanzure_but he's missing the point of technology.01:47
fennof course you design for what you have01:48
fennhis point is that we dont really have anything01:48
kanzure_if he wants to install Capitalism 2.0 or his Socialism 2.0 (I don't know what he's pushing, but whatever it is, it's bullshit)01:48
kanzure_then let him install that.01:48
kanzure_well, of course we don't have anything, it's because people like him keep complaining about Those Damn Capitalists. 01:48
kanzure_classic Somebody Else's Problem Field.01:48
kanzure_ok. maybe not so much of a classic example.01:49
kanzure_Alright. I'm calming down. Don't care that much about these guys anyway .. they are not architects.01:50
drazaknot to be greedy or anything, but does that mean you can grab me those links now?01:51
* kanzure_ glances at opera and sees BOFH open.01:51
fenn"it's not illegal to look for job applicants with high IQ, but if you actually ask an applicant their IQ, that fact can be used against you in a discrimination suit." is this for real?03:26
kanzure_people ask iq? 03:26
kanzure_This is like a flashback to California. They were .. obsessed with their IQs. Trying to prove that they weren't doomed because of their IQ variables.03:27
geneyou there?04:26
geneor whatever your nick is now?04:26
geneyou're right about HF04:28
bkeroSelling laptop05:11
geneis opera more secure than firefox?05:12
bkeroHeh heh05:13
geneI think my parents are hacking me05:14
-!- nsh- is now known as nsh08:43
ybitbkero: you're selling your new dell laptop so soon?12:46
ybit"[05:11] <bkero> Selling laptop"12:46
bkeroybit: No, selling macbook15:31
* ybit wants it16:35
* ybit wants it16:35
ybitor just an msi wind16:36
ybitor asus eeepc 16:36
ybitweirdest thing, almost every house in the neighborhood is havng a yardsale, so it's like a flea-market outside16:37
ybitspeaking of, i now have an extra keyboard and 2 mice16:39
ybitfor free of course, i like to bargan *evil smile*16:40
ybitdamn the "i" on this keyboard16:40
fenndamn your i's!16:42
kanzure_Sudden outbreak of awesome by Jason on the diybio mailing list.19:45
ybit[ kanzure_ ] are you referring to "Bio Bench project wiki request for comments and additions"19:48
ybitthere were a wealth of links presented19:48
kanzure_for the record19:54
kanzure_http://www.genocad.org/ which seems to be what we were thinking of19:55
kanzure_http://pobol.org/ for RDF export of biobricks repository19:55
kanzure_(with Google Group link and svn link)19:55
kanzure_wonder if they have SBML compatability.19:56
kanzure_Hey, I have an idea.20:22
ybitpobol and bricklet are old, but i hadn't seen genocad and http://openwetware.org/wiki/Computational_Tools20:22
kanzure_Abandoned mines. 20:23
kanzure_Abandoned mines are ridiculously safe when you don't use humans.20:23
kanzure_Plus they serve as proof-of-concept.20:23
kanzure_bkero: Was your tank try when you added your biofuel?20:28
kanzure_It would be interesting to use biofuels to power a robotic army for automated abandoned mine mining tasks .. use the remaining left over materials for cargo-container delivery.20:40
kanzure_(delivery to open source projects, no less)20:40
kanzure_http://tin.er.usgs.gov/mrds/mrds.zip 30 MB of possibly interesting information. I have a few more minutes on the download until I get to peak.20:42
kanzure_Yay I'm actually motivated to work on the bioreactor.20:44
willPow3rkanzure_, what kind of bioreactor?20:48
kanzure_10,000 gallon photobioreactor + an unknown lipid extraction methodology as of yet.20:49
kanzure_Multi growth scheduling.20:49
willPow3runk lipid extraction method? what are you looking at?20:50
* kanzure_ looks for his list.20:50
kanzure_Acid/solvent extraction, sonification, high pressure lysing, electromechanical pressure, supercritical method w/ flogas, microwave, enzymatic lyses, liquid nitrogen. 20:52
willPow3rthose tend to be rather limited in their efficacy20:52
kanzure_I haven't ran the numbers yet.20:52
kanzure_Anything I should add to the list?20:52
willPow3ri went to a lecture here @ UCSD on the subject of growing algae (biomass) in a photobioreactor for conversion to biofuel20:54
willPow3rand the topic of lipid extraction was talked about20:55
willPow3rtrying to find the link20:55
kanzure_Really lipid extraction is the big issue.20:55
kanzure_photobioreactors, meh; algae *will* grow20:55
kanzure_(yes, though, getting awesome growth is always, well, awesome)20:55
kanzure_But these things are built for growth. ;-)20:55
willPow3rBrian Gregory Mitchell20:56
kanzure_"numerical modeling of yield optimization" yep20:58
kanzure_Sounds like my kind of guy.20:58
kanzure_Scripps Photobiology Group20:58
willPow3ryou should ask him out on a date20:59
willPow3rget a couple drinks in him20:59
kanzure_"absorption cross section" <-- Probably falls off with the square of distance.20:59
willPow3ryea, i was just looking @ that20:59
kanzure_That's an interesting way to model it. But. Lipid extraction modeling is more important at this point.21:00
kanzure_Part of the problem is that the algae we have been cultivating have this nasty hard membrane.21:00
willPow3rand breaking down that membrane requires lots of energy21:01
willPow3rso its similar to the hydrogen fuel cell problem21:01
kanzure_Gah, it's been a while since I've remembered what the hydrogen fuel cell problem is. I seem to recall it was something about efficient storage. 21:02
willPow3rwhat percentage of fuel extraction is possible using current top manufacturing techniques?21:13
kanzure_Refinery efficiencies?21:15
kanzure_Usually you don't care much about that since your energy input is zilch .. it's all stored petrochemicals from a bajillion years ago.21:16
kanzure_Although I'm sure they do care anyway.21:16
fennthermal depolymerization21:21
ybiti like this article: http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Wikiversity:Free_education_and_free_school%3F21:28
ybithttp://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Category:Wikiversity as well21:29
ybitwrong channel21:31
kanzure_yay I'm so happy21:31
ybitwhat happened?21:32
kanzure_http://fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-185682.html algOS - oil from algae, open source21:32
kanzure_Narsi Santhanam narsi@esource.in21:33
willPow3ri've seen this before21:33
kanzure_They have nothing21:33
kanzure_Screw this shit. I could write a simulator faster than it'd take Narsi to reply ..21:34
kanzure_ .. or the microcontroller code for operating a reactor.21:34
ybit "Since they are not part of the human food chain at present, ..." oi, i eat spirulina21:35
kanzure_So I'm still not finding much in the way of studies of lipid extraction techniques from algae. 21:35
kanzure_One source is suggesting electromagnetic extraction.21:35
kanzure_which I guess is my 'microwave' that I listed above21:36
kanzure_(electromagnetic extraction got me curious because of the link on the page to algOS)21:36
kanzure_Dj Polarny - Sylwek Dp Megamix 2004 isn't terrible.22:12
kanzure_Hrm. Narsi is an interesting fellow.22:18
kanzure_http://esource.in/ 22:18
willPow3ri hate ice cream trucks.22:26
drazakkanzure_: those links were mostly all just gelling, not really PCR22:30
kanzure_One moment.22:33
kanzure_New batch of links.22:34
kanzure_The sciam link would be a good start.22:35
drazakright, I have that printed out22:35
drazakthe sciam link22:36
drazakthat is22:36
kanzure_I don't know if it ha s content, but the how-2-diy link claims to have videos22:36
kanzure_You should be able to buy a cheap thermocycler if you really need it, something using the Pierett process; the reagents are an unsolved mystery as far as I know. Are you needing links to commercial suppliers?22:37
kanzure_They usually come in 'kits'. 22:38
kanzure_(I know this because labmates fight over the kits all the time. :-))22:38
drazakI'm going to make my own buffer22:39
drazakbut yeah, some links to commercial suppliers would be nice22:39
drazakthere's a link to making a thermoscycler, which I had planned to do to start22:39
kanzure_I'll ask my bio buddies for their favorite kits. 22:40
kanzure_This would be a good question to pose to the diybio.org mailing list though. "Hi, give me teh kits."22:40
kanzure_willPow3r, fenn - for lipid extraction, what about killing the algae via having 'dead tanks'? Remove all nutrients, remove all light sources, let it sit for some amount of time. Once it's all dead biomass, apply low-scale extraction process - sonification, acid-solvent extraction, then typical transesterification techniques to get to the goods.22:44
kanzure_Hard to select for algae that dies quickly, though.22:44
willPow3rthe problem is breaking down cellulose at a high rate22:48
willPow3rdead algae doesn't make that process any easier22:48
willPow3rnot only that, some algae actually excrete the desired products22:51
kanzure_Not this stuff. But names?22:51
kanzure_Huh. Google search very lucrative.22:53
kanzure_Largest algae collection in the world right here on campus, and with full access.22:55
kanzure_wtf, I started pidgin 30 minutes ago22:57
drazakI think I have 83 tabs in firefox22:57
kanzure_Firefox will crash soon :)22:58
kanzure_bkero was doing 18022:58
kanzure_I keep trying to tell him that opera does 300 no sweat.22:58
drazakmy laptop has 2 gig of memory22:58
willPow3ri've lost too much information by having that many tabs22:58
kanzure_I wish that mattered.22:58
kanzure_willPow3r: crashes?22:58
kanzure_yay session restore hacked into autosave22:58
kanzure_(you don't want it to restore, just to autosave)22:59
willPow3rlike when my gf watches the hills22:59
kanzure_((why repeat what fucked you up?)22:59
willPow3rand inevitably does not reopen last session22:59
willPow3rcraig venter is amazingly boring23:01
* kanzure_ has a venter number of 2. in terms of faces.23:01
willPow3rwatching a lecture he gave on genomic advances23:01
kanzure_And it's boring?23:02
willPow3ri ran out of adhd meds23:02
willPow3rso i'm relying on no-doz alone23:02
willPow3rglue coas23:06
willPow3ri guess hes not that boring.23:09
kanzure_Botryococcus doesn't grow all that quickly. I'm looking around to see if its hydrocarbon secretion complexes have been sequenced.23:10
willPow3rthats what she said23:11
kanzure_I can't imagine hydrocarbon secretion to be efficient for rapidly replicating critters.23:15
kanzure_I can't imagine hydrocarbon secretion to be efficient for rapidly replicating critters.23:16
willPow3rthen alter genetic sequence for thin cell wall23:17
kanzure_Ideally the amount of genetic modification should be minimized.23:18
kanzure" Thiruvananthapuram (IANS): Weather permitting, Chandrayaan 1, India's first mission to the moon, will lift off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh Oct 22, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)"23:18
fennpffffff BUY A THERMOCYCLER??!!!!23:21
kanzureSuch magic! the heat, but then the cold!23:22
willPow3rsounds like something billy mays could handle23:22
kanzureI very much want to go to Odessa, Florida so that I can go into _his_ home and yell at Billy Mays to buy my products.23:23
fennwho is this person that breaks into your house to harass you?23:23
willPow3rthat would be one of the most amazing acts every23:24
kanzurefenn: television. it's another realm. ignore.23:24
fennoh i havent seen one of those in years23:24
willPow3rs/y/ /23:25
fenndo they still make them?23:25
kanzurebilly mays? nah23:25
fenni think it would be neat to have a tag cloud of statistically improbable phrases being automatically generated from an irc chat23:27
kanzure_It would be neat in general to have the backend machinery for Amazon's "statistically improbable phrases" in general ..23:28
fennthen it could scroll by on a big LED sign23:28
kanzure_such as?23:28
willPow3rspam email subjects represent a similar phenomenon23:28
fennthe red dot matrix character array23:28
kanzure_fenn: no, what sort of crap are you expecting to see scroll by ?23:28
fennthe phrases23:29
kanzure_to be honest, irc has a lot of statistic improbabilities23:29
kanzure_like any of the guys getting women.23:29
willPow3rnot in the field of metabolic engineering23:29
kanzure_http://pubget.com/ and http://pubget.org/mobile23:30
* ybit likey23:30
kanzure_You're welcome.23:30
ybithai, arigatou23:31
ybitsi, gracias23:31
willPow3rno worky23:31
kanzure_willPow3r: try the .com23:31
kanzure_http://pubmedcentral.gov/ is beautiful in general. 23:32
drazakkanzure_: did you ever say the links to some commercial suppliers?23:32
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/projects/autoscholar/ has had a link to pubget for a few months now, ybit23:32
kanzure_drazak: Friends have not replied yet.23:32
drazakwhat about for general stuff?23:32
kanzureinvitrogen, carolina biologic supply, IDT, 23:33
kanzureoh wait, I think there's a list in the git repo23:34
kanzure'Good list of vendors.html"23:34
kanzureBlah, nevermind.23:35
kanzureOh wait. Yep. Vendors.23:35
kanzureBioSupplyNet - 2700 biotech companies, Ambion, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Beckman Coulter, Beckman Coulter Liquid Handlers (Biomek/Multimek), Bio-Rad, Brinkman Instruments, Corning Labware & Equipment, Epicentre, Fisher, Gelman, Glen Research, ICN, IDT (Integrated DNA Technologies), Invitrogen, Kimble Kontes, Life Technologies (GIBCO BRL), MidWest, MJ Research, Molecular Dynamics, Nalge Nunc, NEB, Operon, Perkin Elmer, PerSeptive Biosystems, Pierce, 23:37
kanzure Operon, Promega, Qiagen, Shimadzu, Sigma Aldrich, Stratagene, VWR 23:37
kanzure_I remember we were using Ambion kits. 23:37
fennbetween sigma aldrich and invitrogen you can get just about everything23:39
fennperkin elmer has equipment but you cant afford it23:39
kanzurefunny, that's what sigma aldrich's asking price is23:39
fenni figured they were just all unreasonably expensive23:40
kanzureactually, I take that back, I'm glad sigma aldrich at least posts their prices on their site23:41
drazakkanzure_: where can I get primers and such?23:42
kanzureYou can order them commercially, or you could order a sequence to be synthesized by our friends at http://e-oligos.com/ for $0.35/bp23:43
drazakbp or kp?23:44
kanzurehttp://www.primerfox.com/ <-- tool for primer generation23:44
kanzureyeah ..23:44
drazakbecause I saw a place doing it for like 45c/kbp23:44
drazakhold on23:44
kanzureI've heard of Korean labs doing it dirt cheap23:44
kanzureAwesome. Thanks.23:47
drazakfor up to 3kbp23:47
kanzure_http://mrgene.com/synbio looks like they're at the hong kong conference23:50
fennit just says 49 cents up to 3kb23:51
kanzure_http://genscript.com/ does $0.55/bp ..23:51
kanzure_up to 50kbp. yay.23:52
fennwhat's the error rate?23:52
kanzure_they guarantee 100% match... hrm.23:53
fennhow the heck do they make a 50kbp sequence?23:53
fennFor non-complex gene sequences up to 3 kb, we offer discount rates of as low as $0.55/bp (EUR0.40/bp).23:54
kanzure_ah, only $0.55/bp for up to 3 kbp23:54
kanzure_ heh23:54
fennis there a wikipedia page with this info?23:55
fennsomeone please fire the person who came up with that23:57
willPow3ri thought you just came up w/ it23:57
kanzure_willPow3r: check the link ..23:57
kanzure_or don't23:57
kanzure_it's useless.23:57
willPow3rindeed it is23:58

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