
--- Day changed Thu Oct 16 2008
kanzureCollis is fun. He fits right in with the openmanufacturing crowd.00:28
drazakI don't know how into openmanufacturing I am00:50
drazakI think there's a place for it00:50
drazakbut I think there's a place for commercial manufacturing00:50
kanzureOne sec. Two distinctions to make.00:50
kanzuredrazak: Re: 'improvement', our conversation from the other day, what do you think of the concept of 'self-creation'? Creation as in, making, doing, becoming, manufacturing, building.00:50
drazakI thin people should do more ofthat00:51
drazakbut we can't make cand create everything ourselves00:51
kanzureSecondly, commercial as in what -- money? Why money, why not rubies? Why not {insert some silly concept here}? There's some ideas floating around on that mailing list about 'post-scarcity economics' -- agalmics and such. Have you read the algamics essay?00:51
kanzuredrazak: If people aren't making everything, then who is? God?00:51
drazakno, I haven't00:51
kanzuredrazak: 00:52
drazakkanzure: I meant, people should make more of their own stuff for themselves00:52
kanzureWhat did you say previously that would make me think you didn't mean that?00:53
drazakbut there still has to be a unified commercial infrastructure, IE some guy making money off us, as it creates some ammount of quality assurance00:53
kanzureHow do you know that?00:53
drazakI don't know how assured my quality is if some people aren't making money off it00:53
drazakwhat's their motive?00:53
fennmy experience is that items made outside of the money-based industries are inferior00:53
kanzurefenn: That's a pretty bad mistake to make there.00:54
fennfreudian slip :P00:54
fennoh well, i couldnt make a laser printer in my garage if i tried00:54
fennthat's the real problem00:54
kanzureTo what extent of 'make' though? Are you going to make the toner cartridge?00:54
kanzureBecause it's basically some sort of laser dongle that activates the toner on a roller in a certain pattern, and then it rolls on to the page or some such00:55
drazakI meant anything00:55
drazakbut whatever00:55
kanzure"I don't know how assured my quality is if some people aren't making money off of it [anything]" <- That?00:56
drazakmy views are insubstatial in the greater world, as they're similar to others views00:56
fennkanzure: make all the parts that wouldnt exist if there were no commercial entity manufacturing laser printers00:56
drazakno, I meant we should start making things for ouselves, but I don't necessarily mean stuff like /toner cartridges/ I meant clothes and essentials00:57
fennwhy clothes and not toner cartridges?00:57
kanzureclothing or the written word? Hrm.00:57
kanzurewritten word *on* clothing!00:57
kanzureproblem solved?00:57
drazaktoner cartridges are a luxury00:57
fenne-ink jacket00:57
drazakkanzure: pen and paper, etc00:57
fenndrazak: clothes are a luxury00:58
kanzureYou tell me when you get done transcribing tonight's TCP headers by hand..00:58
drazakyou're not printing TCP headers either00:58
fenndrazak: a large human population is a luxury, maybe we should just let everyone die and have only people living in tropics00:58
drazakfenn: not inthis odern day, clothes are considered essential00:59
fennsome people consider a cellphone to be essential00:59
fennpersonally, i couldn't imagine life without a pocket knife, but sometimes i have to make do00:59
drazakclothing, food, shelter, water, and tools to help gain the others01:00
drazakare the essentials :)01:00
fennwhat about air?01:00
fennwhat about love, purpose, freedom?01:00
drazakI'm talking about physical needs01:01
kanzure"Oh, no thank you. Freedom for me."01:01
drazakmaybe I'm being too serious, and you're not01:01
fennwhen people start telling me that clothing and shelter are essentials, i get suspicious01:01
drazakbecause I definitely want to spend a buffalo winter01:01
drazakwithout shelter01:02
drazakno fricking thank you01:02
fennkanzure: "land" just means, there is some promise that nobody is going to come and kill you just for existing01:02
kanzurefenn: right01:02
fenndrazak: i like gupta's list of things that will kill people on opentoolbox01:03
drazakno idea what that is01:03
drazakhonestly, I'm just here for the biochemistry01:04
kanzureFrom openmanufacturing?01:04
fennremove all the causes of death, are your "essentials" met?01:04
kanzurebtw, I just posted to openmanufacturing about some biochem bootstrapping of some of those efforts (in response to Collis)01:04
fennits buried in this pdf somewhere, basically "overheating, hypothermia, illness, malnutrition, injury"01:04
kanzureoh wait.01:05
drazakkanzure: link?01:05
fenn(the pdf: http://media.theopentoolbox.com/3_The_Open_Toolbox_for_Domestic_Disaster_Response_03102008_draft.pdf)01:06
kanzureGah. I did something very stupid. I took a dose of Adderall at 19:30.01:11
fennyou FOOL!01:12
fennnow you are going to just have to do homework for the next 5 hours straight01:12
drazakI'm about to fall asleep01:13
fenni have a long boring night ahead of me01:13
fennorbital LOX mining? how would that even work?01:15
kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/LEO_Atmospheric_Gas_Harvester_final___John_Wilkes.doc01:17
kanzureHrm. Let me convert that.01:19
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/LEO_Atmospheric_Gas_Harvester_final___John_Wilkes.html 01:20
fennkword does a pretty decent job of displaying .doc files in the browser, but i cant figure out how to save them01:22
kanzureHah! Pay processing is day-of. Cool.01:30
fennumumum wtf is he talking about propeller airplanes and balloons for?01:34
fenndipping into the atmosphere as low as it could, and coming to a near stop. Here it would either hover or move very slowly as it gathered and processed the air. After filling its oxygen tanks and ejecting waste gases such as nitrogen, the craft would use boosters to reach orbit01:35
fennthat's so retarded01:35
fennthey should fill the scoop with a region of charged particles that are lighter than oxygen, so during a collision it tends to slow the oxygen down rather than speed it up01:50
kanzureplease reply about retardedness on the mailing list too01:51
fennit was just annoying that he even mentioned it because it's so far removed from anything that might actually work01:52
fennits like mentioning giant luna moths as a possible mode of transport to the moon01:53
kanzureDidn't Asimov do that one already?01:57
fenndoctor doolittle01:58
kanzureI've never been so terribly far off. Gah.01:58
kanzureBtw, I've come up with the 'better format' (conceptually), but I want to confirm with the doc before I do something stupid, so this will occur sometime tomorrow01:59
kanzureI took the 'sockets' idea and ran with it, so there's a number of 'sockets' that each part has, in the TCP/IP socket stack sense, not in the sense of actual sockets (the ones that are more related to manufacturing than TCP/IP sockets)02:00
kanzureerm. anyway.02:00
fennlemme finish reading it02:00
fenni'm not convinced about the silicon nanoparticles02:01
fennit seems like possibly one could use a series of giant turbomolecular pumps02:01
fennto slow the molecules down gradually so they dont bounce out02:02
fennor not so giant, if the maw is a cone02:02
fennthe centrifugal stress is higher with a smaller fan diameter though02:02
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/school/buildingbrains/ Dumped some more HTML notes.02:03
kanzureLatest stuff has been actual neurobiology .. i.e., dealing with oscilloscopes and leak channels and dendritic "action potentials" (equivalents of, at least).02:03
fennpeople still use oscilloscopes for neurology?02:04
kanzureActually I was surprised to hear him mentioning something like "no" for that question .. I figured oscilloscopes were as universal as the soldering iron, but as it turns out there's some other device they may be using these days. I'll follow up on this.02:04
fennoscilloscope is only really good for repeating signals or a single spike02:06
fennmore than that and its hard to display on a little screen :)02:06
fennso people use data acquisition cards which are basically the same thing, but hooked to a computer02:06
kanzure? I always assumed that it was what people did anyway.02:07
kanzureData collection and analysis and such .. no way you're really going to get much from that 4x4 screen of an oscilloscope.02:07
kanzure(for their statistics packages)02:07
fennwell the word "oscilloscope" has become much less defined than it was before digital electronics came around02:08
* kanzure laughs at his calculus homework. :-( Why the hell am I doing polar coordinate conversion calculations? Don't I have partial differentiable manifolds to swear at??02:08
kanzure'multivariable calculus'. humph.02:08
fennthere is sort of a flaw in their business plan02:14
fennif you have a functioning electrodynamic tether, you dont need to use oxygen on orbit for most of their refuel scenarios02:15
fennthere's a lot of extraneous info in that paper, it could be shortened to like 1 page and a drawing02:40
fennthanks for showing me that. i think it's more useful as a way to get nitrogen and hydrogen for lunar colonies02:44
kanzureStory time.03:49
kanzureI was very annoyed today.03:49
kanzureSome of the bioreactor guys were talking with me about the latest plan to use liquid nitrogen to pop the algae.03:50
kanzureI thought that it was interesting, but remembered that I was looking into liquid nitrogen generation techniques and found it very energetically inefficient back for scramjets and so on. I know, a different application, but it was still something ridiculous in the amount of energy it takes to get it cold.03:50
kanzureBut instead of going to look at the numbers they laughed :-) and mentioned that "oh, that's probably encoded in the cost of the liquid nitrogen supply".03:51
willPower__what fools.03:55
-!- willPower__ is now known as willPow3r03:55
kanzurewillPow3r: "It's cheap, so it must be right!"03:56
willPow3rslavery was cheap. was the cost of putting the slaves onto the ships encoded in the supply?03:57
kanzureWhat I also see happening is that they are eager to get any lipid extracted at all without regard for the efficiencies in how much energy goes in and out. I don't care how much lipid you get out .. without making sure of your accounting, you could be doing more harm than good.03:58
kanzureOf course, in economic terms, that's irrelevant -- because nobody's actually paying you to be ecologically truthful or whatever you want to call it03:58
kanzurebecause it's mostly a human perception issue03:58
kanzureYay science03:59
willPow3rif we were using biofuels to compress the nitrogen, the cost of supply would be significantly more03:59
fennooo kanzure rediscovers economics :)04:11
fennenergy balance04:12
fennelectricity is so amazingly cheap people don't realize it04:12
kanzureNo, I was questioning the re-discovers.04:12
fennthe cost of energy _is_ encoded in the liquid nitrogen you buy at the store (so to speak)04:13
kanzure'cost of'04:13
kanzureSure, it pays their bills, if that's what you mean,04:13
kanzurebut it doesn't mean that the economy is some global energy usage routing mechanism04:13
fenni mean the difficulty to make liquid nitrogen on an industrial scale04:13
fennah but it is04:13
fennwe dig gold out of the ground instead of dumping electricity into particle accelerators to transmute lead04:14
kanzureEconomics 101: materials, resources, energy are always the hax0rs to 'economics'.04:14
fennbecause the electricity is too expensive04:14
kanzureI wonder why gene continues to ignore me.04:15
kanzureHe keeps showing up with various ideas for the latest and greatest and then is on to the next thing04:15
kanzureI suggest to him some mechanisms of design and verification-of-functionality but it doesn't seem to matter to him04:16
kanzureI wonder what the point of idea-searching is, if you don't do anything but leave the ideas where you found them ?04:16
fennyouthful exhuberance04:16
willPow3rwhat is he trying to accomplish/build?04:16
fenni do the same thing.. it's hard to get to know anything if you just narrowly focus on one tiny sliver of specialization04:16
kanzurereplicators - via ad hoc methodology - which is exactly what we're not so into around these parts ..04:16
kanzureyeah, I do the same thing as well04:16
kanzureBut I try not to be destructive I guess.04:17
willPow3rvon neumann?04:17
kanzureDon't know how to explain it.04:17
fennsorta reminds me of the attempts to treat cancer with the latest magic bullet04:17
kanzureIn this case tonight it's the reactor04:17
kanzureyes fenn..04:17
fennthe reactor is a magic bullet?04:18
kanzureNah, he came somehow to the idea of toroidal vortices, so I recommended some surface rendering and modeling in the CFD simulators, but he's pretty significantly ignoring that04:18
fennthose are pretty cool, yep04:18
kanzureHell, I even linked him to the code base to start from to hack out some OpenGL and quickly render the different concavities in the surfaces to different whirlpools and such from jet streams;04:19
fennshow him focusfusion.org04:19
kanzureAt this point it probably sounds like I'm just annoyed for being ignored but that's not quite it either.04:20
kanzureWhat gets me is that in the end his method is what happens anyway in most projects ..04:20
kanzurerandomly stumbling into ideas and running with them.04:20
fennthere was some kid (ten or so) who kept asking "what if ..." and then i'd patiently consider his scenario and explain the consequences but by the time i was done explaining he was bored and on to the next "what if" scenario04:21
fennit's not fun being treated as a computer04:21
willPow3rfenn, you need to learn how to make science sound more interesting.04:22
kanzureInterestingly, though, isn't the "random stumble" one method of search for improvements? "Simulated annealing". I 04:22
willPow3ri hope that kid doesn't go on to become a business major04:22
fennwillPow3r: it wasnt science it was crap like "what if we had purple skin"04:22
kanzurewillPow3r: Nah, this is a general property of some people.04:22
kanzureI don't know if it's outgrown or what ..04:22
kanzureIt's .. alarming.04:22
willPow3rindeed, i see it as a form of losing faith in humanity04:22
fennit's hard to get excited about something if you dont see it as a magic bullet04:23
kanzureIsn't the trick to be the magic bullet?04:23
fennuh, there are no magic bullets04:23
kanzureOh right. ;-)04:23
ybitnow i know what it's like be ignored04:24
* ybit is the magic bullet04:24
kanzureybit: Hm?04:24
fennthe trick is to find synergy between non-magic bullets04:24
kanzuresure sure04:24
fennlike miniaturized electronics acts synergistically with computers04:24
kanzurebut if you look for that trick, isn't that the magic bullet ?04:24
kanzureYay ontological bullshitting.04:24
fennmagic = how much use you get out of it04:24
kanzurewell done04:25
fennit helps to be grounded :)04:25
willPow3rbusiness is kind of a default major. so to not be able to find something more interesting than business is like saying "im capable of something that, more or less, equates to nothing"04:25
* fenn is watching richard feynman on youtube04:25
kanzuresome quotes that have been floating around in my head today04:25
kanzure"I don't want to take this any further for now. It is just that I have developed an allergy to the reflexive assumption that local truths can be safely applied to global considerations. There is not even a way to get evidence as to whether they can or cannot." 04:25
kanzureAh, fenn's being pumped up with Feynman. No wonder.04:25
kanzurefenn: I liked Feynman's video on "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out". 04:25
fennthat's what i'm watching04:25
kanzureI think I've read everything by Feynman except Surely You're Joking, Six Lectures, and his comp sci lectures.04:26
kanzureincluding everything by Carl.04:26
fennno such thing as 'global'04:26
fenneverything is a special case04:27
fennunless you want to run a universe simulator04:27
fennwhich is equivalent to a time machine in principle04:27
fennand even then you have to run an infinite number of possible universes04:28
kanzureincreasingly coherent over increasing context04:28
fennjust because you want it to be that way doesn't make it so04:28
kanzureSorry, was just reciting Jefisms.04:28
kanzureNo, that's the same thing as talking about synergies of nonmagicbullets.04:29
fennthe essence of bureaucratic injustice is to apply "globally coherent" rules to specific situations04:29
kanzureglobally coherent would seem to imply local incoherence04:29
fennwhat is 'coherent' supposed to mean btw?04:30
kanzurethus no coherence ..04:30
fenni've got this picture of random static zooming out to flat gray04:30
kanzureI don't want to go into this at the moment, but basically it's a Jefism, it's his way of talking about these things, and he does present a persistent development of these ideas on the mailing lists, but it doesn't matter that much04:30
kanzureJef: hmmm, i would picture an intricate fractal pattern becoming increasingly disorganized and fading out to the edges04:32
kanzure'random static is by definition incoherent'04:32
fenna fractal would remain equally ordered/chaotic at all length scales04:33
kanzure"Yes, but the kind of fractals found throughout nature show only approximate self-simlarity at various scales, evidene of nature's tendency to preserve and re-use patterns that work."04:35
fenndunno what that's in reference to04:36
kanzure"And the fading out is not in nature but due to the observer's limit of vision."04:36
kanzuremaybe I can get him in here so that I don't have to play conduit..04:37
fennlol feynman "but those are mysteries i want to investigate without knowing the answer to them'04:46
ybitkanzure, have you checked into getting a fablab any further?04:49
ybit(for your uni.)04:49
fennwhy isnt any university working on making low cost fablab tools?04:50
kanzureNo. At this point it's my understanding that I just need to write out the checks to get the equipment.04:50
fennthere's no reason these fablab's can't produce most of the pieces required to build their own tools04:51
fennfor example milling circuit boards for stepper drivers on a cnc mill04:51
fennand there's no investigation into building motors from scratch on the same equipment04:53
fennto reduce the number of external inputs04:53
fennthen you just stockpile external inputs like power transistors, microcontrollers, copper wire04:54
fennhopefully that gets enough economies of scale to make it worth doing in the first place, rather than outsourcing04:54
fennwould also like to see more small-scale recycling research04:56
ybitquote: 05:31
ybitFor each Fab Lab, MIT05:31
ybitpays for equipment, and the host country provides the location for the05:31
ybitlab. 05:31
ybitif only it was :%s/country/university 05:32
fennpersonally i think they should supply it on a floating sea platform05:33
fennanchored at the border of the 200 mile EEZ of course05:33
kanzurefenn: if you don't believe in magic bullets then how can you possibly believe in intelligence.06:15
kanzureew. weird question has been posted to the openmanufacturing mailing list.06:37
fennintelligence isnt a magic bullet either. look where it's gotten us pathetic humans07:21
kanzureand yet people would say that's because humans /aren't/ intelligent07:23
kanzureI'm pretty sure I've caught you.07:23
kanzuredon't you have to grant me three wishes now or something?07:24
fennyou can have me lucky charms, but you'll never get me gold!07:24
fennone definition of intelligence is "the ability to solve problems with limited resources"07:25
fennso, perhaps we just aren't intelligent enough, which is equivalent to saying we don't have enough resources07:27
kanzure"guns don't solve problems, people solve problems" insert vague reference to our previous talk about magic bullets or something07:28
kanzurebut don't bother because I'm technically not thinking at the moment07:28
* fenn returns to watching macross plus07:31
kanzurebuh! lucky.07:31
kanzurewhich one?07:31
fennum, the movie07:45
fennwith "sharon apple" aka gabriela robin07:45
kanzurehttp://brainsway.com/ - deep brain TMS. " Deep TMS uses a unique, patented coil design to produce directed electromagnetic fields that can induce excitation or inhibition of neurons deep inside the brain." 08:10
kanzurehttp://www.neuronetics.com/ - TMS to treat depression.08:10
kanzure' f                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Three-Dimensional Distributio08:10
kanzureyep, numerical optimization of coil design08:13
kanzure'Hesed coil'08:15
kanzurebah, simulations with Mathematica ..08:16
kanzure'the head was modeled as a spherical homogenous volume conductor with a radius of 7 cm'08:17
kanzureEaton 1992 Eaton H. Electric field induced in a spherical volume conductor from arbitrary coils: application to magnetic stimulation and MEG.08:20
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/Eaton - Electric field induced in a spherical volume conductor from arbitrary coils: application to magnetic stimulation and MEG.pdf08:22
kanzureLine integrals.08:24
kanzureSteve and I were discussing some possibilities of a field programmable coil arrays for transcranial magnetic stimulation this morning. More just an issue of choosing which parts of the coils to activate to generate a particular electric field shape for the stimulation of a particular region of the brain, and I suspect it would have something to do with the instantiation of dipole moments.12:54
nshthe head is now a spherical homogenous conductor, yo13:43
nshwhen you're plan is to fuck around with strong magnetic fields in the damn brain, you might want to sharpen your level of approximation 13:43
kanzure_1_Hrm. The laptop is off again.16:58
kanzure_1_hplusmagazine has been published. Have not read it.17:34
kanzure_1_Michel sent out an email about 'VOICED'. My immediate reaction was "Woah. Awesome! I gotta forward this to Dr. Campbell." 17:39
kanzure_1_Second reaction, after forwarding it to Dr. Campbell was, "Oh shit, *we're* VOICED."17:39
ybit_schoolkanzure_ didn't you find a site which lists where natural materials can be found/mined?17:50
ybit_schoolor if someone else did, speak up please :)17:51
ybit_schoolmapsofworld.com 17:53
ybit_schoolhm, need something better... oh yeah, i know17:53
kanzure_1_ybit_school: Yes, I did.17:53
kanzure_1_Should be small.17:53
ybit_schoolthat's it17:53
ybit_schooli remember looking through that site while in nashville17:54
kanzure_1_VOICED =~ Virtual Organization for Innovative Conceptual Engineering Design17:54
ybit_schoolhttp://www.mindat.org/min-2358.html is showing a different location of lead from http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-mineral-map.htm17:59
ybit_schoolmapsoftheworld shows lead in south america, but it doesn't show oil in brazil18:02
kanzure_1_That magazine .. it's just a walking piece of commercialism.18:03
ybit_schooltheoretically, all machines are open-hardware, is it possible for a city such as Sao Paulo to become self-sufficient? Trade is needed for access to minerals they don't have, right? I'm having a difficulty seeing how such a city could be self-sufficient without rockets and robots mining some extraterrestrial body18:20
UtopiahG1MLBrazil have Oil they have the Petrobras company which is one of their top firm despite its kind of special status (private/public own)18:22
ybit_schoolright, so.. a country which is insufficient in natural resources18:23
UtopiahG1MLehh... like all countries basically?18:23
UtopiahG1MLwhat's your point/question?18:24
ybit_schoolno point18:25
UtopiahG1MLare you woman?18:25
ybit_schoolthe question is doesn't a country/city need to trade?18:25
ybit_schoolhaha, no18:25
UtopiahG1MLok, just checking because women tend to do that, discussing without having a point18:25
ybit_school'm not discussing, mostly asking18:26
UtopiahG1MLwell if a system lack resources it needs to get them by trade of force yes18:26
ybit_schooli would like to for a city to be self-sufficient and still have decent technolgy without needing to trade, but just not seeing how it's possible without trade18:27
bkeroWhat would they have to trade for?18:27
UtopiahG1MLhave you check the NASA experiments regarding self-sustainability of an isolated system that includes human beings?18:28
ybit_schoolUtopiahG1ML: no18:28
ybit_schoolbkero: minerals of course18:28
UtopiahG1MLI can't remember the name but they sponsored such experiments18:28
ybit_schoolhttp://www.mapsofworld.com/world-mineral-map.htm -- you can see that not all countries have the same resources18:28
bkeroDepends on what standard of living you want.18:29
bkeroWhat do you need minerals for?18:29
ybit_schoolwell, i'm aiming for a high standard of living in this theoretical world18:29
ybit_schoolto create the open-machines18:30
ybit_schoolexplain please18:32
ybit_schooli know what it is, just not understanding wher you three are going with it :)18:34
bkeroDon't mind me, I'm just reiterating.18:34
ybit_schoolsteel, glass, titanium, and Lead zirconate titanate == edm machine18:34
ybit_schooland just for glass: sand, trona, lime, albite, orthoclase, dolomite, borax18:35
bkeroYou can use sugar for glass instead of sand.18:35
bkeroHollywood does it all the time to make more breakable glass.18:36
bkeroYou can also eat it. :)18:36
ybit_schoolno thanks :)18:36
ybit_schooli suppose trade is necessary. so what is the impact of open-sourcing the hardware design? probably a lower cost of goods for most people, more and quicker innovation; and for some countries, a greater independence.18:45
ybit_schoolwell, i'm off18:58
bkerokanzure_1_: ping20:01
fennybit: no, you don't need trade, but cities are mostly sited near bodies of water or other features that promote trade. rarely do you see a large city on mineral rich areas or good soil20:03
fennkanzure_1_: who is VOICED? (yes i've read the email) (and whats up with the annoying all caps)20:04
fenn(sounds like a "transhumanist engineers come out of the closet" organization)20:05
-!- splicer_sleeping is now known as splicer20:34
fennwho is "Humanity+"?20:35
fenn"we have rebranded our organization Humanity+"  but they dont say what they were before20:35
fennoh, it's WTA, blah20:38
splicerlooks a bit oprah to me20:47
splicerwasn't kanz one of the webmasters there?20:47
splicerheh... the swedish chapter there still links to my forum20:49
bkeroLaptop is sold.20:51
ybitcongrats bkero21:16
fennThe Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by Divine Providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. That is why I am your king!21:34
fenni need to learn how to pull off a stunt like that and have people believe it21:35
bkeroWatch the Upright Citizens Brigade.21:37
xp_prghi all!21:49
fennhah. RU Sirius cc's any correspondence to his lawyer by default. what's this world coming to21:59
fennsigh.. do i have to write a standard essay debunking the various "essentials" for human life?22:03
fenneveryone seems to have a different idea about what's "essential"22:04
splicer"Strange women lying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government"22:20
kanzure_"Humanity+" is WTA, yes. And we all hate them for this.22:34
kanzure_Re: open hardware / efficiency22:34
kanzure_Will get back to this after I get sleep. I have a test from 7 to 9 tonight, so sleep isn't coming soon. :/22:34
fennwho is "VOICED"?22:35
fennRobert Stone  Daniel McAdams  University of Missouri-Rolla ?22:36
fennhmm Matthew Campbell sounds familiar22:36
fenni guess thats him http://www.me.utexas.edu/~campbell/index.htm22:37
* fenn grumbles about academics22:39
fennfor $82k you'd think they could at least make a webpage22:40
kanzure_82k whats?22:40
kanzure_Yes, Robert Stone and such.22:40
fenn$82k NSF grant award22:41
fennfor ... something22:41
kanzure_okay, so as it turns out, other universities have their reverse engineering classes secretly inserting data into the repository entry app22:42
kanzure_as it turns out, campbell and I both hate it now22:42
fennoh, boxes with arrows22:42
kanzure_soo I've sold him on the ajax interface22:42
fennhow original22:42
kanzure_I prefer CLI always; but if we want to make sure we're getting the data /we/ want ..22:43
kanzure_apparently the MST/Stone-group people aren't really using the repository for anything22:43
kanzure_I mean, if they are, the data's fucking ridiculous22:43
kanzure_(so yes, I now consider it mostly useless)22:43
fennso the idea is just 'put up a server and have multiple universities contribute to it'?22:45
kanzure_"The idea"? 22:45
kanzure_That's not VOICED, to my knowledge.22:45
fennwell all i have to go on is this poster: http://www.engr.psu.edu/ideasLab/projects/VOICEDPoster.pdf22:46
kanzure_I have three or four printed pages somewhere22:46
kanzure_He printed out the VOICED proposal for me, at least a few pages, since I was eager to go over it a month ago22:47
kanzure_I'll dig it out Real Soon.22:47
fennwell, if it's not terribly interesting then nevermind22:47
kanzure_oh, it was, it wasn't anything surprising but it was interesting and nice to see.22:47
fenni was sorta confused because it sounded a lot like SKDB and i thought maybe i was participating in some shadowy organization without knowing it22:48
kanzure_That may well be the case for both of us ..22:48
kanzure_or not. Anyway, a lot of the things going on here sound like SKDB, and that's why I'm there in the first place.22:49
kanzure_Although Michel bringing it up 22:49
kanzure_is a very interesting find.22:49
fenni wonder how he even foudn it22:49
kanzure_I should become Michel.22:49
fennoh right, Franz Nahrada22:49
kanzure_is he at a uni?22:50
fennomg fucking patrick anderson is a broken record22:50
kanzure_uh oh.22:51
* kanzure_ checks.22:51
fennFabbers may seem amazing, but they will not solve the problems we face. We have always had slow-motion, self-reproducing Fabbers that require only land (surface area), soil, water, sun and the rotting material of previous such Fabbers22:51
kanzure_Not easily programmed.22:52
kanzure_Cite my summer research in intersection of manufacturing+computation in the biological realm of this stuffs.22:52
fenni like this "Software developers are the Buddhist monks of tomorrow, but the general population has not understood yet that feeding them provides abundance."22:54
* fenn notes that his kitchen is devoid of food22:54
kanzure_I dislike Christian's semantic mediawiki focus.22:59
* bkero notes that he's still at work and his kitchen is completely bursting with foods.22:59
kanzure_This is openvirgle all over again.22:59
kanzure_Does anybody want to dump all the reasons from the openvirgle mailing list to openmanufacturing? Seriously ..23:06
fennthe reasons?23:06
fenni like the name better than 'openvirgle' at least :)23:06
fennthere's at least a connotation of making stuff23:07
fenneven if all we do is rant about politics23:07
fennre: semantic mediawiki, i guess my eyes glazed over when i saw that, dont remember reading it at all23:08
kanzure_reasons re: semantic mediawiki = nothanks, that's what I meant23:09
kanzure_there's quite literally a handful of emails that specifically write it all out23:09
fenni see23:09
kanzure_also the fact that wikis are just crappy RCSes, etc.23:09
fennbut with the all important Web Interface23:09
kanzure_Buddhists monks don't need no damned Web Interface TM.23:10
kanzure_(TM was a "Technical Machine" in the pokemon games.)23:10
fennjesus christ, christian siefkes wrote a 155 page book on peer production23:12
kanzure_Oh good god23:14
kanzure_512 203 050723:14
fennthere's a whole lot of theory out there for what little is actually going on23:14
kanzure_Internet connectivity shutdown23:14
kanzure_"account being on suspension"23:15
fennum, that sucks23:15
fennsee you at the library :P23:15
kanzure_Redundant lines, my friend.23:15
fennoh, they're only shutting down one of your illegal pirate hacker tor nodes?23:16
kanzure_"Forgot your username or password? Click here." "THANK YOU, YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD HAS BEEN EMAILED TO YOU."23:19
* kanzure_ goes to eat some hybrid orbitals23:19
willPow3rmmm, orbitals. i prefer the sp3 type myself23:55

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