
--- Day changed Sun Oct 26 2008
kanzure_ I wonder why this is taking so long to compile.00:14
kanzure_Hi world.00:16
wrldpchey bryan.00:17
wrldpcbryan, do you game?00:18
kanzure_Anything in particular?00:18
kanzure_Nah, I haven't played an MMORPG in years.00:19
wrldpcplay Go?  any history with game design?00:20
kanzure_Lots of history with game design.00:20
kanzure_Love affair with game design.00:20
wrldpc:D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_board_game00:20
kanzure_Ah, it's hanging on the perl compile.00:33
wrldpcI am cultivating my programming ability.01:30
kanzure_Are you?01:43
wrldpcVery .. slowly.01:51
wrldpcI am, by and large, uninitiated into such pursuits.01:52
kanzure_You're initiating only now?01:53
wrldpcLOL no.01:54
kanzure_Then why did you just say that you aren't initiated?01:54
wrldpcI took a Pascal class in high school LOL ... Basic in elementary .. hahaha ... 01:54
kanzure_You took classes?01:54
kanzure_I don't think classes count.01:55
wrldpcit's all personal pursuit?01:55
kanzure_Yes, but no, there's some sort of reality distortion field caused by 'formal education'.01:59
bkeroLearn yourself a haskell for great good.02:00
wrldpci agree, bryan.02:01
wrldpc"zencat: Women can go thru cubic stacks of money, especially with the princess complex" LOL!02:05
wrldpchey splicer02:13
wrldpcHow does haskell set me up for perl?  they seem functionally equivalent.02:14
kanzure_Haskell equivalent to perl?02:14
kanzure_Advantages of perl include http://perlmonks.org/ and http://cpan.org/ and http://slashdot.org/ .. what does haskell have? Atoms?02:15
bkeroperl is kind of functional02:16
bkeroHaskell is a functional language.  Perl is mostly procedural.02:16
kanzure_I don't know if he was referring to it in formal terms.02:16
bkeroIf you've ever written object-oriented perl you'd know what I'm talking about.02:16
bkeroI'm learning haskell so I can write better perl. :)02:17
wrldpcthank you.02:17
wrldpcwho programs the programmers?02:17
kanzure_"I am programmer, program, and that which is programed."02:18
wrldpcI hate myself.02:18
kanzure_Re: metaprogrammers, see Metacoders.mp302:18
kanzure_wrldpc: ?02:18
bkerobkero has not been recorded in quote.02:18
kanzure_bkero: Pardon?02:19
wrldpcI can't fit these blocks into the holes!!!  ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh02:19
kanzure_Was there a bkero quote that I should have on therE?02:20
bkeroOf course02:20
bkeroI'm great.02:21
Splicerhi wrldpc.. sorry for the lag02:30
Splicerhehe.. not here any more I see02:30
bkeroOf course we are.02:42
wrldpcThey're arguing about cars in #electronics.02:47
wrldpcI'm like, "none of these cars can even hover."02:47
bkeroDo you know anything about electronics and programming?02:48
bkeroI'm looking to get the contents of a register from my chipset.02:48
bkeroI have a memory offset for the register, but I can't find out where the memory region of the chipset begins.02:49
fennis there a datasheet for the chip?02:51
fennshould be several hundred pages of dry technical detail02:52
bkeroLooked it over02:52
fenncelldesigner.org looks pretty cool, why dont we just use that02:53
SplicerInteresting licence: http://celldesigner.org/license.txt03:02
SplicerIt looks like a very cool piece of software though03:03
bkeroWarning:  Shitty license alert.03:15
wrldpc_What's a name of clear fluid that is highly acidic?03:16
fennwrldpc_: "acid"03:18
fennthey're mostly clear03:18
wrldpc_fenn you're so trite ;-)03:19
fennhydrochloric, acetic, sulfuric03:19
kanzure_fenn: I wouldn't mind stealing the methods in their source.03:22
gene_hasn't been tried yet03:24
gene_wonder if it works03:24
gene_HOLY CRAP03:24
gene_screw biobricks03:25
gene_let's play with amoebas03:25
fennwhat does slime mould have to do with biobricks?03:25
gene_it looks like they got some sort of circuit??03:26
* fenn waves hands frantically03:26
fennso does every other lifeform03:26
gene_I guess neither you or I understands the paper03:27
Splicer"A few years ago a Hungarian team showed that slime mold was able to find the shortest way through a maze."03:28
SplicerI think I want to try with snot03:28
gene_amoeba are fairly smart03:30
gene_maybe more so than your snot03:30
kanzure_What the hell is smart?03:33
SplicerI wonder what use an amoeba in the wild would have of remebering intervals03:33
kanzure_Argh. VH1classic ad for "help us cure autism" sponsored by KISS .. grumble grumble03:33
kanzure_I was going to complain about something else, but then I got distracted with circuit handwaving.03:35
Splicer(I thought Jenny McCarthy had already cured autism)03:38
kanzure_Who now?03:38
SplicerShe used to be in playboy I think03:38
Splicer..married to Jim Carrey03:38
kanzure_Anybody know about Cloud Cult?03:45
SplicerCloud Cult-Chemicals Collide: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMskKuG6Vsc03:50
fenni dont see what is so amazing about marcin's 4 page word doc04:27
kanzure_"open source ecology" mention on openmanufacturing?04:27
kanzure_me either. I just ignored it.04:29
kanzure_it looked like a money request04:34
fennit's "gimme $20k and i'll give you a fork() button"04:37
fennin this case the process you're forking is "how to make the tools to make a brick press"04:38
kanzure_if it forks down to the root, and he has evidence of this, then that's grounds for starting a discussion of course04:38
fennhe doesnt have a working design yet(?)04:38
kanzure_sounds like a pre-emptive hostage scenario04:38
fennrational street performer protocol, sloppily executed04:39
fennhey, how big is books/bio?04:58
* kanzure_ checks05:03
kanzure_3.8 GB05:04
drazakkanzure_: can you send me the rest of the chem books, when you get a chance? and probably the bio books?05:07
kanzure_drazak: http://heybryan.org/books/chem/05:07
kanzure_drazak: http://heybryan.org/books/bio/05:07
kanzure_How do I symlink a dir? Regular ln never works for this.05:10
drazakln -s05:10
kanzure_ah, ln -s05:10
drazakalthough, iirc05:10
kanzure_drazak's answer doesn't count because of alt-switching-lag.05:10
drazakapache doesn't recognize symblinks all the time05:11
drazakI had issues with it a coupla times05:11
drazakok, I'm going to rape your upload later tonight05:14
fennyou need Options FollowSymLinks in the directory with the symlink05:15
fenneveryone gang-bang kanzure's server!05:15
drazakfenn: yeah05:19
drazakfenn: it decides to work without that sometimes05:19
kanzure_fenn: yes, I have FollowSymLinks turned on05:28
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/ now has an index. small slice of the goods.05:29
kanzure_ybit: http://heybryan.org/books/05:36
* kanzure_ is fixing the SPOF issue.05:36
ybithi kanzure05:37
ybitthat's a new link to me, thanks05:38
kanzure_It's not quite everything. Feedback welcome .. I cna go dig around for Other Stuff.05:41
gene_anyone know a cheap photoresist?05:53
gene_and where to get a lot of copper coated polymide?05:53
kanzure_Added some more to the directory index. Have fun.05:54
drazakgene_: if you're making circuit boards, glossypaper+laserprinter is almost as good as photoresis, and cheaper05:56
wrldpc_Awesome!  You have fusionanomaly .. is this updated anymore?06:03
kanzure_I suspect atomjack is dead.06:04
kanzure_He never replies to emails, and his site doesn't appear to be updated.06:04
wrldpc_Did Aubrey ever answer your question about Sci-Fi?06:04
kanzure_Scuse me?06:04
kanzure_Oh, no.06:05
kanzure_The Damien Broderick thing.06:05
wrldpc_nd.  My interactions with him .. aye yea06:05
wrldpc_My interactions with him went from cool to clipt ... if that's even a word.06:06
wrldpc_Which it's not.06:06
kanzure_I don't grep.06:09
drazakkanzure_: the word is grok06:10
kanzure_grep as in parse06:10
kanzure_grok != parse06:10
wrldpc_He was very GTTFP I could be in the lab right now, in fact, I probably am.06:12
kanzure_Even more added.06:20
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/fakemon/ heh'06:32
UtopiahGHMLgene_ (damn he's offline) : "real" mini-tachikoma here : http://www.akihabaranews.com/en/news-15646-Put+a+Tachikoma+on+Your+Desk!.html07:29
UtopiahGHMLit would actually rock to have it like + as a widget + as a website assistant :D07:29
UtopiahGHML(well this one doens't move though...)07:32
fennholy gigabooks batman!08:56
kanzure_fenn: Sadly does not include gigabooks.13:21
kanzure_Hi amaruk .13:21
kanzure_Hah. Well now.14:05
kanzure_Turns out I already did the work.14:05
UtopiahGHMLThe PeerVM project is an ongoing effort at the ACIS Laboratory at University of Florida,Gainesville which brings together the recent advances in the fields of Peer-to-Peerrouting technologies,Virtualization and Grid technologies in an attempt to build a Planetary Scale Distributed, Self-Configurable, and Decentralized Virtual Infrastructure.19:43
kanzure_Me is back.21:27
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: Interesting.21:27
kanzure_Grumble grumble. Fight Freiza and Comic Book Guy or write email to grandmother about "Life, the universe and everything".21:28

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