
--- Day changed Thu Oct 30 2008
kanzure_Huh. Google's pushing Obama.00:12
xp_prgyou like Obama kanzure_ ?00:17
kanzure_I'm just saying that Google is pushing Obama.00:17
kanzure_Particularly Schmidt.00:17
splicerSeen from the outside it seems he got the biggest push from the brain trust that chose palin for VP.  00:53
ybitre: olympus mobile eye-trek :: did a quick patent search for olymps just now... http://www.google.com/patents?id=VlF7AAAAEBAJ -- seems to be for cameras; http://www.google.com/patents?id=VlF7AAAAEBAJ -- possibly related, can't tell, maybe someone could look at it further; 02:07
ybithttp://www.google.com/patents?id=MoB_AAAAEBAJ&dq=olympus&as_drrb_ap=b&as_minm_ap=1&as_miny_ap=2005&as_maxm_ap=10&as_maxy_ap=2008&as_drrb_is=b&as_minm_is=1&as_miny_is=2005&as_maxm_is=10&as_maxy_is=2008 -- seems to be an older model but still related; http://www.google.com/patents?id=tFuBAAAAEBAJ -- "information display system"; http://www.google.com/patents?id=6nCBAAAAEBAJ -- figure someone can archive this for the diyer that experiences this some day02:07
ybitthe "seems to be related" patent mentions making the device 1/6 its original size, search for "sixth"02:09
ybits/"seems to be related"/"possibly related, can't tell maybe..."02:10
kanzure_Can anyone explain why people take so much time to think of what they're saying when they are in front of a camera? The ridiculous amount of pauses. 02:13
NofarisBecause they didn't practice enough beforehand02:32
NofarisAlternately, they could be fighting their nervousness02:32
* Nofaris hates being in front of cameras02:32
* willPow3r is comfortable in front of cameras, but only when i'm not wearing any clothes03:05
gene_new brain interfacing method developed03:52
gene_er... what I meant to say was that a new NON-INVASIVE brain interfacing method has been developed03:53
ybitwho has read engines of creation all the way through?03:57
ybitor intends to03:58
gene_heard of it not read it03:59
willPow3ri'm probably going to read the first 2 chapters then extrapolate03:59
ybitit doesn't matter so much, i'll talk about whatever i read in here anyway regardless03:59
willPow3rlike i did with singularity is near03:59
gene_oh and by the way did I tell you guys that a new non-invasive neural interface was developed?04:00
willPow3rgene_, 8 mins ago04:01
kanzure_Which one?04:01
kanzure_I don't do links at the moment, you'll have to tell us.04:02
gene_it uses ultrasound04:03
gene_that goes through your skull04:04
kanzure_Can you get me the PLOS link?04:05
proctowillPow3r: as long as your extrapolations follow a strict exponential curve you'll be fine04:06
proctothat's a straight line on a log scale04:06
* procto pees in a straight line04:07
proctoon a log scale04:07
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/Ultrasound_brain.pdf got it.04:07
willPow3rmy extrapolations follow an s-curve04:07
* procto tried to think of a jung joke but couldn't04:09
gene_I think I found the researchers facebook page though04:09
kanzure_Anyway, ultrasound is a big 'diy' thing.04:09
kanzure_gene_: Their individual pages? That's not hard .. just type in their names and search for ARIZONA.04:10
gene_I just found a guy on google who has the same name as one of the researchers04:10
gene_oh yeah and someone got e.coli to blink04:11
gene_like a clock04:11
kanzure_What frequency?04:11
kanzure_Over a period of hours, that's easy, just an oscillation circuit.04:11
gene_its in nature I can't look it up04:11
gene_doesn't say04:12
gene_it says it is precise though04:12
kanzure_Not news.04:12
willPow3rthat kind of reminds me of that device in star trek that bones used to heal that one polish dude in the movie where they steal the whales04:27
willPow3rthe ultrasound thing04:28
kanzure_Weird, there's an article out there talking about how Tom Cruise bought a sonogram and how evil it is to buy your sonography machine.04:37
wrldpcmy friend troy used lithotriptor in a rap once.05:16
willPow3r_is it just me or does jim gates seem like a womanizer or child molester05:56
wrldpcsylvester gates?05:58
willPow3r_the superstring theorist05:58
willPow3r_yes thats him05:59
willPow3r_he's in total white-man mode in his video series "superstring theory" but i can see his dark side come out every now and then06:01
willPow3r_just an observation. he's an extremely intelligent guy. i'm not racist06:03
willPow3r_just ethnocentric06:03
Nofariswhite-man mode?06:07
willPow3r_this conversation is impossible to embark upon without sounding like a total racist.06:09
NofarisThat's fine06:09
NofarisI won't consider you racist06:09
NofarisI want to understand what you mean06:10
NofarisWhat makes you sound racist is if you don't explain "White-man mode"06:10
willPow3r_when black people interface with other black people, they have a certain conversational mode they use06:10
willPow3r_its generally a much more communal method of communication06:10
willPow3r_with many people engaging in said activity at the same time, with lots of laughter, loudness, etc06:11
willPow3r_but when black people talk to white people, they "switch" modes and talk one person at a time, more quietly06:12
willPow3r_and with a noticeably wider vocabulary06:12
willPow3r_at least, wider from a white person's perspective06:12
willPow3r_i have a few black friends who admit this behavior06:13
willPow3r_its a very interesting phenomenon, but i think it's little-understood due to the stigmatizing effects of race-specific research06:13
willPow3r_so thats what i mean by "white-man mode"06:14
willPow3r_i can see his black-man mode come out every once in a while in the videos06:15
willPow3r_and its so funny because it totally betrays his portrayal of himself06:15
xp_prg2kanzure you here?06:38
xp_prg2I made my first python libsbml program!07:09
-!- xp_prg2 is now known as xp_bed07:16
fennbreaking news: ultrasound machines cause lefthandedness!!!07:43
fennTom Cruise is so gonna have a lefty07:43
fennwith a middle tooth07:43
fennhttp://www.youhaventlived.com/qblog/2005/QBlog030605B.html  <- middle tooth07:44
fenn"anyone conducting ultrasound testing without a medical prescription from a physician is breaking the law." guess we ought to ramp up the war on dolphins07:47
willPow3ri cant believe that dolphins would so blatantly break the law like that07:57
fennthey dont have fishing permits either07:59
wrldpcwar on dolphins08:18
wrldpcdamn those porpoises.08:19
fennpromiscuous permitless porpoises!08:20
fennmaybe we could infect their culture with internet memes08:20
wrldpcremember jones from johnny mnemonic?08:47
wrldpcor those dolphin bastards from the illuminatus trilogy?08:47
fennhmm non-24-hour circadian sleep disorder "has most often been reported in blind people." i wonder if it's due to lack of sunlight or my "tunnel vision"09:53
UtopiahGHMLPlantes connect?es et robots fleurs http://www.internetactu.net/2008/10/28/plantes-connectees-et-robots-fleurs/10:00
fennThese results indicate that a low melatonin level, caused by a primary deficit in ASMT (gene) activity, is a risk factor for ASD. (autistic spectrum disorder)11:34
fennbah sample size of 311:36
fennthere should be a statistical significance number stamped in bold red at the top of every science journal article11:37
kanzure_I wonder how these things get published.11:39
fennok their sample size was 250 but they only found 3 people with the defective gene11:41
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/graph/xp_prg_sbmlTest.py 11:43
fennthink you saved that file wrong11:46
fennwheee. so what does that do?11:49
fenni mean, now you have a reaction model, but what's it for?11:49
fennit would plot a line with slope 0.511:50
kanzure_Fixed sbml_notes_2.txt ..11:50
kanzure_The "I wanna make a quick buck off of you-guyz's hard work" newbie on diybio pisses me off.12:38
kanzure_I can relate to being broke and being in college, but that's where I draw the line ..12:39
* kanzure_ leaves12:54
UtopiahGHMLhttp://www.chrisharrison.net/projects/scratchinput/index.html awesome12:58
fenndamn i was hoping they would triangulate the signal to find x,y coordinates of the fingernail13:14
UtopiahGHMLyep but I was hoping something more precise13:15
UtopiahGHMLbut also this is so simple13:15
UtopiahGHMLyet pratical13:15
UtopiahGHMLunlike something potentially enormous that never works13:15
UtopiahGHMLplus... Im sure it's open so you can improve it :D13:16
fenni'm not convinced it's useful even with position coords13:17
UtopiahGHMLit's a natural interface13:17
fennbut is it any better than, say, an accelerometer?13:17
UtopiahGHMLit's neither better or worse, it just opens new possibilities13:19
UtopiahGHMLhttp://www.snpedia.com/index.php/User:Lilly_Mendel weird13:30
UtopiahGHML# rs363039(C;C) increased performance IQ13:30
UtopiahGHML# rs363050(A;G) 3+ IQ points 13:30
UtopiahGHMLsounds like a video game13:31
fenni wonder how much of that has a basis in reality13:34
fenni could never make up my mind whether to be a thief or a mage13:36
fennA previously-married woman heads to bed for the first time with her new beau, and to his surprise, she admits to being a virgin. When he wonders why, she says, "Well, I was married to a genome biologist, and every night, he just sat in bed and talked about how great our sex life would be someday."13:55
xp_prgkanzure you here?17:07
UtopiahGHML(gosh, no coffee for 24h I was going to die)17:08
xp_prgI made my first libsbml python script!17:14
xp_prgwhere kanzure!!!17:15
bkeroNew ubuntu is out for you ubuntards17:15
xp_prgwow cool, what are the differences?17:15
UtopiahGHMLxp_prg: stop looking for validation, just to your best and improve :)17:16
xp_prgI don't look for validation, my work speaks for itself :>17:16
bkeroI dunno17:17
bkeroI don't touch that stuff17:17
xp_prgbkero what do you like?17:17
bkeroRolling releases17:17
xp_prgwaht distro?17:18
xp_prgI have not seen the rolling release approach work well, I wish it did :(17:18
bkeroWhat hasn't worked well about it?17:18
UtopiahGHMLbkero: does Gentoo offer a way to install it over the Internet with the last packages?17:19
bkeroUtopiahGHML: Gentoo has always installed over the internet.17:19
xp_prgwell upgrading breaks things, debian lives in the stoneage17:19
xp_prgcan't get new packages17:19
bkeroDebian lived in the stone age.  Unstable is pretty good now.17:19
xp_prggentoo is so complex words don't describe how difficult it is to manage and work with17:19
bkeroGentoo isn't so complex.  I manage 300 gentoo machines at work :)17:20
UtopiahGHMLxp_prg: Linux distro are only as complex as how little you know about GNU/Linux17:20
bkeroInstead of 'apt-get install gnome', you 'emerge gnome'.  Instead of 'apt-get remove gnome' you 'emerge --unmerge gnome'.17:20
xp_prgbkero is it truely easy to work with, I heard just configuring like the hardware is insane17:21
bkeroTo 'apt-get update', you 'emerge --sync'.  To get a specific version of bash, you can 'emerge =app-shells/bash-3.2_p33'17:21
xp_prgUtopiahGHML I have the utmost respect for gentoo users, its a massive undertaking17:22
bkeroYou can use genkernel, and have a huge modularized kernel like every other release does.  Or you can 'emerge vanilla-sources' or 'emerge gentoo-sources', then 'cd /usr/src/linux' and 'make menuconfig'.  Select your hardware from a list, then save it, and 'make && make install'17:22
xp_prgbkero what about configuring the hardware?17:22
UtopiahGHMLxp_prg: spend one weekend installing Linux From Scratch alias LFS then all the distro will look easy after that and IMHO it wrothes the trouble since you learn a lot17:22
xp_prgUtophiahGHML I lack the patience, when I want to get something done in like 20 minutes, I turn to ubuntu, sad but true17:23
bkeroGentoo also supports binary packages.17:23
UtopiahGHMLxp_prg: type uto[tab] faster ;)17:23
xp_prgbkero what about configuring hardware?17:23
bkeroI don't understand.17:23
bkeroYou mean like setting your IP?17:24
xp_prgis it automatic?17:24
bkeroDefine 'hardware'.17:24
xp_prgno like configuring drivers for video cards, network cards, things like that17:24
UtopiahGHMLif you don't have crazy hardware the Linux kernel supports it so it's distro intedependant17:24
kanzure__"Fetched 20 MB in 10 seconds." <-- I never want to leave this place.17:24
bkeroemerge xf86-video-(intel|radeonhd|nvidia) for video17:24
kanzure__Yes, xp_prg, I am here.17:25
xp_prgkanzure did you see I made an sbml file with python last night!17:25
bkeroNew X pretty much configures itself.  Wireless is kind of a pain in the ass.17:25
kanzure__xp_prg: It's on the server.17:25
UtopiahGHMLbkero: configure itself configure itself... wanted to have multiple screen with my ATI in my X31 it didn't reallt configured itself :-x17:26
xp_prgkanzure__ ok, so tell me what you want me to do now, give me more tasks17:26
bkeroUtopiahGHML: For multiple screens, just use xrandr17:27
xp_prgkanzure__ did you get to run it?17:27
kanzure__xp_prg: I don't know why you didn't bother to just make it do the whole thing.17:27
kanzure__I mean, you were writing in the file anyway at the time ..17:28
kanzure__what's two or three more lines, anyway?17:28
xp_prgthe whole thing?17:28
xp_prgwhat is the whole thing?17:28
UtopiahGHMLis there any Lisp/Haskell/Functionnal_language mapping for biobricks?17:29
xp_prgpython is a functional language17:29
UtopiahGHMLguess one could generate some Python with Lisp, true17:29
xp_prgkanzure__ ?17:29
fennpython _can_be_ functional in about the same way as lisp _can_be_ object oriented17:31
xp_prgkanzure__ what is the script missing that you want it to do?17:32
UtopiahGHMLI don't know Python well enough to agree or disagree so Ill trust you17:32
xp_prgpython is your friend, supports lambda functions, introspection etc...17:33
UtopiahGHMLwell thing is, it seems to be more and more popular on the web, like a lot of API provide python hooks by default so Im starting to consider it more and more seriously17:35
xp_prgya I think it is popular, especially because of its easy of use17:35
xp_prgits like visual basic for linux but with advanced features17:36
UtopiahGHMLthat doesn't sound appealing at all now ;)17:36
* fenn resents comparison with VB17:36
xp_prgwell it is not as hard as c++ or java17:36
fennyou dont have to type a lot of meaningless bullshit to get the job done17:37
fennand you dont have to read it either17:37
fennbut it is a "real" programming language17:37
xp_prgkanzure_ dude, I did what you said, you don't want to tell me more about what you want in the python script?17:37
UtopiahGHMLis manipulating the code itself with code easy?17:37
fennuh, there is an eval() but it's discouraged17:38
xp_prgI haven't done a whole lot of that, but lamda anonymous functions are supported17:38
fennthere's lots of try: except: stuff17:38
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: please title+link not just one or the other :/17:39
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: please title+link not just one or the other :/17:39
facefaceThe evolution of language -- PNAS17:40
UtopiahGHMLthank you17:40
facefaceThe emergence of language was a defining moment in the evolution of modern humans. It was an innovation that changed radically the character of human society. Here, we provide an approach to language evolution based on evolutionary game theory.17:40
UtopiahGHML(you could eventually have bind to share link in IRC, faster)17:40
xp_prgwhy is kanzure__ ignoring me when I have done what he has asked?17:41
facefacexp_prg, he secretly hates you :(17:42
facefaceonly joking!17:42
facefacedon't know... 17:42
facefacelets all shout at kanzure__ 17:42
xp_prgwell, that is uncool17:42
fennxp_prg: i think it's because you turned out to be a windows monkey17:42
xp_prgI love linux!17:42
facefacexp_prg, how much do you love it?17:46
facefaceprove it to us!!!17:46
facefacemount that disk!!!17:46
fenngrep it all night long17:47
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: don't askk him to take a naked picture of him with Tux, please.17:47
* xp_prg disrobes17:48
* bkero wretches.17:49
* xp_prg stands by his linux box17:49
xp_prgtake the picture you fool!17:49
kanzure__xp_prg: I don't really want to give you more tasks because you don't seem to understand. Your python script is a step in the right direction, but I had to do it anyway before you got it to me, so it was untimely and after beating into your head (or trying to) one too many times. :-/17:50
xp_prgok your loss17:51
kanzure__fenn: I've been noticing how quick VB runs on Windows. They must have a lot of extra optimization tricks there.17:51
kanzure__My loss?17:51
bkeroLike undocumented APIs17:51
kanzure__bkero: I have yet to spot a whole in MSDN. But then again I'm not looking.17:51
bkerokanzure__: IE has been found to be using undocumented API calls to speed starting time.17:53
fennhehe 'IsNot' operator patented17:53
bkeroThey patented a NOT gate?17:53
fennor tried to at least17:54
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/repo/rules/ <- I have no idea if these will work with graphsynth or not. Maybe.17:56
kanzure__They're not too interesting yet.17:56
fenni need to learn how to write unit tests some day18:00
kanzure__when I do rapid coding I sometimes write unit tests, but they aren't "formal"18:01
kanzure__also, they don't plug into make files or anything, so it's even worse than informal18:01
fenni guess i just have trouble with the concept since i'm more "bottom up" programmer18:02
kanzure__I've never really needed to use a unit test I guess18:02
kanzure__"all journeys start with a first step" s/journey/program/ s/step/line/18:03
fennall programs start with <vasodilator of choice>18:03
fennand plenty of silence18:04
xp_prgis there an api to lookup the dna sequence for a specific bio brick?18:04
fennoik.. "Note: while the gender ratio in computing as a whole is about six to one, the ratio in open source is closer to 200:1"18:06
fennhunted to extinction indeed18:07
fennUtopiahGHML: this has been recommended by various people: http://diveintopython.org/toc/index.html18:08
fennhmm it doesnt say anything about generators18:09
fennhuh i learned a new python introspection method: dir()19:29
fennreturns list of attributes19:30
kanzure__attributes of a dir?19:36
fennattributes of a python object19:37
fennor class or module or whatever19:37
fennhelp() is better suited to humans of course19:38
kanzure__now I feel silly having gone to the api docs19:49
kanzure__Given a random graph, what's the average connectivity? The probability of a certain vertex having a certain number of connections.20:00
fenndepends on the graph20:00
fennhow you define "random graph"20:01
kanzure__right, like the saturation measure20:01
kanzure__I'm not quite sure20:01
kanzure__I'm randomly generating a graph20:01
kanzure__and am wondering how to make it look 'natural'20:01
kanzure__as if I haven't been randomly generating them20:01
kanzure__50/50 probability of a node having an arc? That doesn't sound right.20:02
fennarc = degenerate graph?20:02
kanzure__arc = edge20:02
fennanyway i think the number of connections should follow a 1/x distribution20:03
kanzure__arc = degenerate linux though. :/20:03
fennerf its past bedtime20:03
kanzure__how can you tell?20:03
fennnumber of nodes with n edges = 1/n20:03
fenntimes total20:04
fennsmall world network20:05
fennall nodes should eventually be reachable from all other nodes20:07
kanzure__http://search.cpan.org/dist/Math-TrulyRandom/TrulyRandom.pod <- I'm insulted.20:16
kanzure__fenn: If you had to be forced to select an item from a defined set, and this was on a web page, how would you want to do it? Something other than a SELECT element perhaps?20:52
-!- Nofaris is now known as Nofairs21:12
kanzure__http://www.contextfreeart.org/gallery/view.php?id=1399 <-- They have to be cheating.21:14
willPow3rso halloween is failing to restore consumer confidence.21:23
willPow3rso much for that 5x5 hex21:23
willPow3rto bring it back21:23
kanzure__What's "consumer confidence"?21:27
kanzure__That their products are really, truly their products?21:27
willPow3rin their ability to spend money they don't have21:27
kanzure__I thought people excelled at that?21:28
willPow3ronly when they see that everybody else feels confident, as shown by the consumer confidence index21:29
xp_prgppk you back yet?21:47
kanzure__willPow3r: Isn't that a dangerous feedback loop?21:52
kanzure__fenn: Weren't you the one who was showing me contextfreeart.org?22:24
UtopiahGHMLif that's not a proof that the universe is fractal...22:30
kanzure__"New and improved"22:42
kanzure__MAKE button doesn't do anything except fail.22:42
kanzure__(But note the other modifications.)22:42
kanzure__"Make" will eventually show you the intersection between the graph that you have drawn, of various functions and whatnot, and that of the "solutions" to those 'black boxes' already in the database.22:45
ybitkanzure_ saw the moontank page, very interesting23:26
kanzure_Only just now? :) It's quite old.23:26
ybitaside from an attempt to preserve humans bio culture on earth, what's the point in a moonbase?23:26
ybityeah, i saw it a few days ago, but it has my mind atm :)23:27
kanzure_Months old, I mean.23:27
kanzure_There are many competing concepts of moonbases.23:27
ybiti know, i see the dates23:27
kanzure_Everything from "That's no moon, that's a space station." to "mining facilities".23:27
kanzure_and to "well, we have a flag, at least, right? Right? Oh, that's a conspiracy too?"23:28
ybitugh, i just realized a few ideas which answered my question. unfortunately, i have an astro dork meeting. cheers23:30
kanzure_"My father was a type of he-man, working on the atomic bomb project at day, sleeping with Marilyn Monroe at night. And selling secrets to the Russians over lunch." - Dr. Frink.23:40
splicersounds like a guy who lived life to the fullest23:41
kanzure_You know Fink?23:42
kanzure_I suppose that's Professor Fink, not doctor.23:42

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