
--- Day changed Mon Nov 03 2008
kanzure_Ok. Not quite what I was talking about.00:29
kanzure_What shape has 12 faces but only 20 points?00:49
-!- draz|bread is now known as drazak02:35
kanzure_Hm. That's odd. In some medical procedures they just drill straight into the skull through the scalp without pealing it back. 02:35
kanzure_Gah, wasn't capturing the return variable of my Super Special Function and have been wondering what's so wrong with it for the past, oh, hour.03:28
kanzure_Aw. But now I have to recalculate the meshing for subtractive manipulations. Actually, the python script isn't really that great with the rendering because of its instance on quads or something. Up close things start getting blitted on top of each other when they shouldn't be, etc.03:39
kanzure_I think Meredith has taken my role on diybio.03:51
kanzure_Maybe I should implement some other shape, huh?04:02
proctokanzure_: what lib are you using for the 3d?05:35
kanzure_pygame apparently05:35
kanzure_probably has an opengl backend05:35
proctohehe, that's exactly what I'm using, too05:36
* procto is prototyping a ZUI05:36
kanzure_Zeus User Interface?05:37
kanzure_Have you tried Xanadu's zooming features?05:37
proctothere are nearly no good zui's that aren't prototypes05:37
proctoI think so05:37
proctoit's been years since I checked it out05:37
kanzure_Besides Xanadu, there was one other interface I once used that was zooming.05:37
kanzure_This was a typing game of some sort or another.05:38
kanzure_Hrm, actually, it was a pointing-typing game.05:38
kanzure_You would point at the letters popping up on the screen and construct a word.05:38
proctobasically, I'm creating a general framework for distributing objects on a visual field05:38
kanzure_of course, they were all arranged in the same pattern as they came up on the screen05:39
proctoand providing 2.5 dimensions of navigation based on mereological relationships05:39
proctouhm... what things are contained in other things05:39
proctothink of it as a counterpart to ontology05:40
proctoontology is what things there are, mereology is how they are arranged.05:40
kanzure_I've been wanting a zooming interface to grammatical sentence constructions and narrative support.05:41
kanzure_or zooming for gdmap :)05:41
proctoI wrote a treemap tool for morgan stanely a few months back05:41
kanzure_for who?05:41
proctomorgan stanely prime brokerage05:42
proctothat sorta stuff is big in financials05:44
proctothough they are generally conservative05:44
proctoanything that lets them process more data05:45
kanzure_procto: What protocols are they using these days for financial information transfer?05:45
proctohahaha oh god05:46
proctoso many different ones05:46
kanzure_FIX? EDI?05:46
proctogod no EDI05:46
proctoI want everyone who does EDI to die05:46
kanzure_Well, then what are they up to?05:46
proctoI dealth with a whole bunch of proprietary protocols05:47
proctoand also things like RIXML05:47
kanzure_RIXML? That's a new one for me.05:47
proctobut yeah, the bigger the firm, the more proprietary "standards" they use05:48
kanzure_procto: You've heard me ranting about wanting to wire up to querying protocols for price quoting and so on with various companies/suppliers, yes?05:49
kanzure_well that's basically it heh'05:49
proctoI ma really really glad to not have to deal with those05:49
proctostandards like FIX and the various EDI ones make me want to cry05:50
kanzure_I'm working on linking up my design stuff to product ordering stuff05:50
kanzure_http://dhcp-84-253.me.utexas.edu/graph/graph-easy/ <-- this is translated into a specific design (of implementations), and then various materials and instructions, then *click*05:50
proctoI recommend looking to see if there's an RDF-based standard. Then you can easily work up some GRDDL definitions and the like05:51
kanzure_Mmm. I've been looking around for a while. The big issue is that even if companies have all of this implemented, it's all "closed" in that they want businesses of their size to strike up a deal before interfacing with the internet.05:51
kanzure_*over the net05:51
kanzure_Hi ybit.05:53
proctoso you want a robust ontology05:53
proctoand then an interface layer that lets you adapt to whatever standard a given company uses05:54
kanzure_ebXML allows for "ontology discovering" to some extent.05:54
proctobecause mostly they won't give you the time of day05:54
ybitoi kanzure_05:54
kanzure_yeah, they have CPP/CPA for discovering what WSDL services they offer05:54
kanzure_searchda.com or something, uh, a WSDL search engine05:54
kanzure_Seekda. Anyway.05:57
kanzure_procto: There's a chance that onlinemetals.com is willing to let me work my magic on their servers. 05:57
gene_hey kanzure you there?06:25
gene_lol guess not06:37
UtopiahGHMLfaceface : what about proposing the degree to http://www.peer2peeruniversity.org/ ?09:24
willPow3rwindows 7 is on usenet. /me downloads.10:09
UtopiahGHMLwhat for10:09
willPow3rbecause i have a serious infection on my main winblowz machine and need to do a reinstall anyway10:10
willPow3rand it seems vista was an intermediate upgrade anyway, since 7 is looking to be a major upgrade10:10
UtopiahGHMLwhat are the new functionnalities?10:11
willPow3rits a lot more internet-based10:12
UtopiahGHMLit has a browser?10:12
willPow3rheh  i woudn't call IE a browser10:13
UtopiahGHMLso what does it mean to be more "internet-based"?10:13
willPow3ri mean like more network-focused10:13
willPow3rlike file synch, live services, etc10:13
willPow3ri used to be pretty skeptical of it all10:13
willPow3rbut to be honest, it's looking like its a lot more useful than it once was10:14
willPow3rpaint got an upgrade too.10:15
UtopiahGHMLI think Ill just stick to Firefox for now10:17
willPow3reven my gf uses firefox. so you don't have to be some total comp geek to use it10:28
UtopiahGHMLthat's my FF http://lh4.ggpht.com/_PLYWU2YPXG0/SQ2pZTbFLzI/AAAAAAAABss/nnoMAD6rg90/s720/current_browsing.JPG10:32
willPow3rpretty elaboratre10:35
willPow3rseedea looks neat, i'll have to look into that10:35
willPow3ri figured you'd be using linux though10:36
UtopiahGHMLwell I should since Im using only FOSS but last time I had a problem with multi-head display so ... Im just using XP now10:36
willPow3rwith ubuntu 7.10 its pretty straightforward.10:38
UtopiahGHMLI have a slackware installed but... rebooting outch, I already have difficulties restarting FF so :-x10:38
UtopiahGHMLI should work on a cross system ~ folder though, if possible a remote one to mount10:39
UtopiahGHMLso that basically I could use Linux/Windows/PenDriveboot from anywhere and still have my tools ready.10:39
willPow3rhave you tried the IFS drives program for windows that lets you mount linux shares?10:40
willPow3ror linux partitions10:40
willPow3ralso, in linux, ntfs-3g can mount ntfs partitions no problem, read & write fully supported10:41
UtopiahGHMLI used it a while ago but now, now, if I have to spend some time on tweaking and configuring, it would be to not be HD dependant anymore.10:41
UtopiahGHML(using my online software more and more is already going in that direction)10:42
willPow3ryeah. i had a fantastic idea to help people move their lives more online, but a friend wouldn't help implement it10:44
UtopiahGHMLI like fantastic ideas, please tell me more :)10:44
fennit's simple, we simply remove your brain from your head, attach electrodes, and set it in a little jar on a rack in some data center10:55
UtopiahGHMLcan't we just upload the circuitery?10:58
maraineinput the brain inside an humanlike robot instead...that would upset less people10:59
UtopiahGHMLa ghost in the shell11:01
maraineinof course the life support for the brain thing might not be easy...afaik we can't even make a decent artificial heart11:01
fennidea from http://marshallbrain.com/discard1.htm11:07
fennand of course robocop :)11:09
maraineini haven't finished reading it11:10
maraineinbut how will these posthumans have sex?11:10
fenn"quite well, thank you" :)11:11
UtopiahGHMLmarainein: what do you mean?11:12
maraineini was assuming they'd be put into robot bodies...but that's not what's being proposed11:18
marainein"The Brain Storage Facility will throw your biological body in an incinerator. You will discard your biological body quite happily, and it will not seem like a loss at all. It will be a relief."11:18
UtopiahGHMLand what's the problem with sex then?11:18
maraineinso it will be VR all the way11:18
maraineinnone, really11:19
maraineinexcept that there will have to be robots anyway11:19
maraineinto take car of things in the real world11:19
UtopiahGHMLyou know why you want and like sex?11:19
fennyou experience reality through a narrow slice of spinal cord and optic nerves anyway11:19
UtopiahGHMLhormons and culture.11:19
UtopiahGHMLwithout hormons from your old biological body11:19
maraineinand the olfactory system, i bet11:19
fennit's not like it's less real because it's coming from a camera a thousand miles away instead of three inches11:20
UtopiahGHMLculture will be the only drive thus being VR or not, no problem 11:20
maraineinhmm...no hormones except what comes out of the brain11:21
fennsmokers would never be able to do it :)11:21
maraineinno, i think any life support system for the brain would include them, at least as an option11:21
fennadrenaline addicts and dont even know it11:21
UtopiahGHMLbtw if anybody knows a good study that would correlate opoid/opioid derivatives or naturaly generated to creativity, Id be curious to read it11:23
UtopiahGHML(maybe endorphins, enkephalins, dynorphins, and endomorphins)11:24
UtopiahGHML(eventually sth on "creativity orgasms" and the release of endogenous opioid and their potential addictions)11:26
fennanyone read "i will fear no evil"?11:26
UtopiahGHML"This is a brain function that is is helped along by an increase in endorphin levels and an increase in blood flow to the brain." right but I want papers on this, not just chit-chat 11:32
facefaceUtopiahGHML, papers on what topic again?11:33
UtopiahGHMLpossible correlation between endorphin (endogenous opioid) and creativity11:34
UtopiahGHML(and consequently a possible addiction to creative activities)11:34
fennthe addictionization of all activities11:35
fenni'm addicted to light, water, food, breathing...11:35
facefaceJazz and substance abuse: road to creative genius or pathway to premature death. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17964650?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum11:36
UtopiahGHMLbut I don't think need higher doses 11:36
* nsh frowns at UtopiahGHML11:36
maraineini'd really like to get rid of sleep11:36
fenni enjoy dreaming, but 12 hours a day is too much11:37
maraineini don't mind the occasional dream, but being unconscious disturbs me11:37
UtopiahGHMLfaceface: update the wiki page btw11:38
UtopiahGHMLs/update/updated/ sry11:39
facefaceThe impact of electronic media on mental and somatic children's health ?11:39
facefaceUtopiahGHML, cool11:39
nshmarainein, the vast majority of you is unconscious11:39
facefaceCyber-sex as twilight zone between virtual reality and virtual fantasy: creative play space or destructive addiction?11:39
willPow3rfaceface, creative addiction11:59
facefacewillPow3r, pubmed12:00
willPow3rindeed it is12:05
facefaceI heard a proposal that we should direct all our efforts into intelligence enhancing drugs (for the feedback effect).12:08
willPow3rthe unfortunate part of that proposal is that we wont know if its a good idea or not until we try it12:12
willPow3ron a very large scale12:12
kanzure_Can we claim a work as copyrighted if we have its md5 hash?12:13
kanzure_instead of the actual work?12:13
* kanzure_ is thinking of the md5 bitbanging crowd on rizon.net. They generate all possible inputs to the md5 generator up to some size.12:14
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: Are you aware of p2pfoundation.net? And have you told Michel of peer2peeruniversity.org?12:14
fennsince an md5 is not a "creative work" i'd guess no12:15
fenn(you cant copyright a number)12:15
fenn(yes i know computer programs are numbers)12:15
kanzure_faceface: Re: all into intelligence enhancing drugs for the feedback effect, the drugs are one way, but there's some other options to be investigating. Uh, ultrasound. *cough*12:18
facefacekanzure_, I see12:20
facefacekanzure_, did you see the rainbow tables pdf I posted?12:20
kanzure_Woah. The tv-box-news-thingy has this all down to exact numbers. "Under McCain, you will save xyz money per week on entertainment.12:20
kanzure_faceface: No. You best email me the link: kanzure@gmail.com12:20
facefaceanyone keep logs that far back?12:21
kanzure_me :)12:21
kanzure_oh wait12:21
kanzure_so yes, I do have the logs12:21
facefacesorry, I don't think I do12:21
facefaceI got an email though12:21
kanzure_Anywho, http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Sustained_attention12:22
kanzure_That was my attempt at mapping out which parts of the brain would be useful to 'enhance' if we're looking for some stupid correlate of 'intelligence'.12:23
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/thinking.html (from the other direction)12:23
kanzure_These pages are some ranting-style notes on brainal augmentation stuffs.12:23
facefaceyeah, thats part of the debate, somtimes its focus, othertiems its creativity12:24
kanzure_At one point I was writing some software in http://heybryan.org/books/mousebrain/ to display the human cortex gene expression information so that I could find molecular correlates to the information on http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Sustained_attention 12:24
facefaceseen mouse atlas?12:24
facefaceI guess so12:24
kanzure_Yes, I have it in /books/mousebrain/12:24
fenn-==><Spaceship XML>      <br>     <br>      12:28
kanzure_fenn: catch my spaceship xml link?12:29
kanzure_and where did I recently talk about spaceship xml anyway?12:29
fenni guess that should be <pew>    <pew>12:30
kanzure_in a moderately appropriate list? that's a new one12:30
kanzure_metal generator is working12:30
kanzure_I'm not doing subtraction yet, but supposedly that's easy.12:31
fennuh, you might want to check your assumption12:31
kanzure_I don't know why I wrote this.12:32
kanzure_It's not like it's very useful. So what, you can generate a million stupid shapes of things that would fail even a toddler's tests-for-usability.12:34
UtopiahGHML13:14 < kanzure_> UtopiahGHML: Are you aware of p2pfoundation.net? And have you told Michel of peer2peeruniversity.org?12:45
UtopiahGHMLI updated the wiki page with P2PU link few hours ago12:46
UtopiahGHMLIMHO contacting him without having a clean page to show first is risky12:48
UtopiahGHMLwe need to show some work, some value to bring, I don't like empty promises.12:49
kanzure_fenn: If this point is further out than that poit, then *gasp*13:05
kanzure_where one point is a boundary point, I mean, and one side of it is to be conserved13:05
kanzure_Recomputing the mesh when chunks are taken out of objects is a matter of keeping the original object boundaries, slicing off the "tip" inserted into the other object, and then giving those points/faces to the object it's cutting into, removing the original surface, with a pattern at the "hole" equivalent to the cross section at the intersection13:08
* kanzure_ goes down to eat.13:08
UtopiahGHMLwhat's the website for shared dataset? it's been posted here a while ago13:08
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: http://theinfo.org/ ?13:08
UtopiahGHMLthank you kanzure_ 13:08
facefaceUtopiahGHML, clean page - right13:52
-!- boogles_ is now known as boogles17:22
kanzure__Hi boogles.17:23
booglesHey there.17:24
bkeroDas boogles17:25
booglesDie booglen17:25
bkeroboogles is a pants roll17:25
booglesI'm in ur pants trollin ur zippers17:25
bkeroboogles: You want to come over and play with mah EEG?17:25
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 15 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 15 normal]17:25
booglesWill I have to shave my head?17:25
bkeroDo you want to shave your head?17:25
bkeroWe are coming into winter.17:26
booglesNot particularly.17:26
kanzure__bkero: *I* want to come over and play with the EEG.17:26
bkerokanzure__: Get on the first flight to Oreogn.17:26
booglesWaitaminute, you're back?17:26
bkeroHaha, no.17:27
bkeroYes, get on the first flight to Oregon and I'll meet you in January. ;P17:27
booglesStep 1 complete.17:28
bkerokanzure__: You can order one prebuilt from a gentleman in England.  That's what I did.17:29
bkeroIt's the price of components plus $100 assembly.17:29
bkeroI still needed to source electrodes in from Canada.17:29
UtopiahGHMLcheaper than Emotiv/Neurosky?17:30
bkero$400 total17:30
bkero$350 plus $50 shipping over the drink.17:31
booglesSo the Emotiv is real?17:31
booglesNot some internet fabrication?17:31
booglesHm.... *extremely tempted to reserve one*17:32
* boogles gets paycheck17:33
UtopiahGHMLSDK http://emotiv.com/corporate/1_0/1_1.htm17:33
bkeroIt's for a 2 channel, which should get me X-axis, Y-axis, and a single 'click'17:33
bkeroUtopiahGHML: Can i buy an emotiv anywhere?17:34
booglesIs their SDK only for Windows?17:34
UtopiahGHMLbkero: dunno if you are in the BayArea but they are located in SF17:35
bkeroI used to be located in the bay area.17:35
UtopiahGHMLI don't have on myself so I can't tell17:35
bkeroShould I go knock on their door and ask if I can have one?17:35
booglesPerhaps I will e-mail themz17:35
kanzure__Everybody in the world has been talking with them.17:35
booglesAnd/or develop a linux port17:35
kanzure__I would be surprised if they reply to your emailings.17:35
kanzure__Best to just start hacking one.17:35
booglesWorth a shot tho17:35
booglesWith the hardware?17:35
* kanzure__ doesn't like the emotiv people because of the lies in the media. "READS YER MINDZ!"17:36
UtopiahGHMLtry http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=9489703974 maybe17:36
UtopiahGHMLyep their marketing is... just wrong17:36
bkerokanzure__: I've seen their speil.  I think I can do it better. :)17:36
kanzure__A better speil?17:36
bkeroA better cursor control implementation.17:36
kanzure__I think all of us here could.17:36
booglesToo bad you lack means of production. :/17:37
kanzure__Does the emotiv headset come with an optional HUD?17:37
boogleszomg that'd be amazing17:37
kanzure__boogles: Bah with means of production.17:37
bkeroHUDs don't work. :/  They fuck with your eyesight a lot.17:37
kanzure__bkero: Not when you can flip it up like sunglasses.17:37
booglesDirect optic nerve projection++17:37
bkeroI had a HUD on sunglasses17:37
kanzure__boogles: Implementation?17:37
kanzure__bkero: No, I don't mean those.17:37
boogleslol No idea17:38
kanzure__bkero: I mean the cyborg-eyecam style stuff. ;-)17:38
bkeroEven with those17:38
bkeroI've seen some attempts17:38
* boogles classes17:38
bkeroThe problem is that your mind-eye tries to place it as an object in your field of vision, and that doesn't work.17:38
kanzure__Even when they are pulled back, and out of your line/sector of sight, how does it fail?17:38
kanzure__Neurosky sounds like a bad Russian name.17:38
bkeroSince it has no depth, and cannot be placed in a 3d plane, your brain doesn't know WTF17:38
bkeroAnybody want to help me beat them to market? :)17:39
kanzure__Who? Emotiv?17:39
UtopiahGHMLthink it's partly SouthKorean based, at least one of their main scientist was from their AFAIR17:39
bkeroHow long has emotiv been pimping itself with nothing to show for it?17:39
kanzure__They still aren't showing?17:39
bkeroWhere can I buy one?17:39
kanzure__I don't know, I hate the product already, so I avoid it.17:39
kanzure__Two variables extracted from the skull .. woop-de-do.17:41
kanzure__So, I can actually start to fund some projects around here if anyone is interested.17:43
UtopiahGHMLthing is, producing an EEG product is nice but having something more effective than today *super* cheap keyboard+mouse+speech_recognition is... way hard17:44
kanzure__I wish I could force people to read the logs.17:45
kanzure__All of them.17:45
UtopiahGHMLdreaming of kanzure's_work >> who_ever_brain or even better kanzure's_work > who_ever_brain?17:51
kanzure__Okay. I have a nasty problem. I have to run a graph-intersection algorithm on a potentially ridiculously large number of graphs (1,000 to 755,000). This will take forever unless I stream it. And I also have to let the user see a representative sample.17:51
kanzure__UtopiahGHML: What's the who_ever_brain variable?17:51
kanzure__ >> is fine, though17:51
kanzure__no need for >'ing it17:51
kanzure__http://ajaxpatterns.org/HTTP_Streaming <- Huh.17:54
UtopiahGHMLbuild an array of PS3 and let it's compute the graph with matrices17:54
bkeroJust use some video cards :P17:59
UtopiahGHMLHMPP (Hybrid Multicore Parallel Programming)18:01
kanzure__First I'll just have it stream out a list of matches, ajax-js-clear the list after 20 entries (or pop it at 20 or whatever), then go from there.18:01
kanzure__File xyz matches with n nodes.18:01
kanzure__Why did I make a dir with a million files in it?18:01
kanzure__3 GB of graphs.18:02
UtopiahGHMLhope the result will be useful18:02
UtopiahGHMLkanzure__: used Comet before?18:04
kanzure__I haven't heard of it.18:04
UtopiahGHMLwell, best explanation Ive seen so far : http://www.freeliberator.com/comet/18:04
gene_you there kanzure?18:06
kanzure__gene_: Yes.18:06
kanzure__This is O(n^2) for a million graphs. This is a terrible idea.18:06
kanzure__Thanks UtopiahGHML .18:07
gene_so you want to see a presentation on neuroscience and the law?18:07
UtopiahGHMLlol, like is it legal to hack a brain thanks to neuroscience :D18:08
gene_they might go into the legality of cognitive enhancement18:08
kanzure__Financial trading should not be done via AJAX _ever_.18:08
kanzure__gene_: I'll look, but I won't agree with it.18:08
gene_want to crash it?18:08
kanzure__Crash what?18:08
gene_the presentation18:08
gene_it's in carothers18:08
gene_where I am18:08
kanzure__Oh, you don't have the file?18:08
kanzure__No, it's not worth it.18:09
kanzure__UtopiahGHML: I don't think they know what they are saying there. They claim that they don't use a polling model, but in truth TCP/IP stacks act as interrupts a.k.a polls.18:09
UtopiahGHMLI wonder how Comet/Server push/HTTP streaming works behind proxies/firewall/nat/etc though....18:10
kanzure__Yeah, streaming rarely works behind proxies.18:10
kanzure__Configuration of the proxies determines how long until the stream is closed, so.18:10
kanzure__*until the streams are closed, so.18:10
UtopiahGHMLguess it could be possible to degrade to a more classical query mode then though.18:10
UtopiahGHMLif (no data receive for an amount of time) then query the server;18:11
kanzure__http://perl.plover.com/Stream/stream.html <- Yay somebody understands infinite lists in programming.18:14
UtopiahGHMLwell recursion and lazy evaluating in Haskell have been managing infinite structures for a while18:17
kanzure__http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SP/SPARKS/whisper_1_2.pl <- CPAN doesn't have HTTP streaming support?18:26
kanzure__Have to do it via socketing it myself.18:26
kanzure__Ah, it's $| = 1. 18:43
kanzure__http://webwait.com/ <- Please please please somebody find me "SATA2 wait". Then we can show wyh this new fangled 'web' thing is such a bad ide.a20:33
kanzure__http://ajaxpatterns.org/Periodic_Refresh <-- Why would a factory be using AJAX to display their floorplan?20:34
kanzure__I am terribly confused. Everything is all Dr. Seuss on me.20:34
fennbecause factories move machinery around depending on what they're making20:52
fennit's like using miniature paper models, but more difficult20:53
kanzure__Click "MAKE" and then click "Make the impossible possible" and be amazed.20:54
UtopiahGHMLhttp://www.eatliver.com/i.php?n=3656 , how it can help.20:54
proctokanzure__: uh... looking at the "goal story" it's clear why they're using ajax. it's because it needs an updating information display...20:54
proctokanzure__: seems fairly obvious to me. what's the confusion?20:54
* kanzure__ is looking at a non-ajax, non-browser updating interface at the moment20:55
kanzure__What's *your* confusion?20:55
* kanzure__ goes off to a meeting20:55
bkeroTwo more hours until I get to kill more super mutants.20:57
fennin soviet russia, super mutants kill you!20:57
fennbkero: is that some sort of fallout 3 reference?21:00
bkerofenn: Yes21:00
bkeroI'm caught in a serious fallout 3 grip.21:00
fennwell it could be worse i guess21:01
bkeroI could be mainlining heroin into my penis.21:01
* procto is excited to play the mirror's edge demo21:02
proctogonna do it sunday21:02
kanzure__http://function2.device.mst.edu/download/ <- 1.4 GB in 10 minutes. Yay networks.22:50
kanzure__port 16080  ?22:50
willPow3r1.4 GB in 10 mins isnt that fast by usenet standards23:22
willPow3rwell, nm23:22
willPow3rit is fast.23:22
willPow3ri gave up on bittorrent because i can't stand anything less than 1 MB/sec download. and that comes out to be... *crunches some numbers* ... 60 MB/min23:25
kanzure__You can spend a few months torrenting the large gigabyte collections.23:26
kanzure__Now imagine trying to torrent my /books/nature_extremedump/23:26
kanzure__It has something like an 8 MB directory index itself.23:26
willPow3ryou'd be better off printing it out and sending it by pony express.23:27
kanzure__That's what I'm doing.23:28
kanzure__Boston Fab Lab sent me a 1 TB hdd.23:28
willPow3rthat mobile one?23:28
kanzure__What do you mean?23:28
kanzure__The 1 TB hdd is "mobile" in the sense that it is mailable, yes.23:28
willPow3rthe mobile fab lab.23:28
willPow3rnot the hdd23:29
kanzure__The one with firm feet in the ground.23:29
willPow3rthey sent you a hard drive to upload your docs then send back fedex-style?23:30
willPow3rwhats the url to your books dump anyway23:31
kanzure__Yes, they sent me a physical hdd.23:36
kanzure__They ordered something brand-spanking new for me.23:36
willPow3ri bet you feel special.23:37
kanzure__I dooo.23:37
willPow3ri got a polo shirt from a company once.23:38
kanzure__http://dhcp-84-253.me.utexas.edu/graph/graph-easy/ <-- Hit the "MAKE" button and then the button that isn't "cancel". Be amazed!23:38
willPow3rcant read the buttons23:40
willPow3rfirefox 323:40
kanzure__Up at the top, right?23:40
* kanzure__ leaves23:41
willPow3rproviding screenshot23:42
kanzure-Oh, so it did work23:57
kanzure-Yeah, I know, it doesn't display the bottom two buttons.23:57

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