
--- Day changed Sun Nov 09 2008
kanzure_A few weeks ago I was playing around with some US govt maps of material resources for North America. I was hoping to overlay this information with the mindat.org rip. It now occurs to me that since this is going to be terrible anyway, it might as well also include a surfraw-like interface to raw materials. 00:29
willPow3rkanzure_, i just found ArcGIS in my garage. http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/00:39
willPow3ryou might find it useful00:39
willPow3ri havent had the chance to play with it yet but it looks pretty neat00:43
kanzure_Huh. http://www.autistics.org/library/inertia.html <- Another good one.00:58
xp_prgI added a kinetic law, math and parameters to my sbml!01:11
kanzure_You already had that.01:13
xp_prgno I didn't01:13
xp_prgI had a rate law01:13
kanzure_Ah, okay.01:14
fennkanzure_: the links on inertia are impressive01:27
fenni even used the same word, "mental inertia"01:27
* UtopiahGHML did too and thought about cognitive gravity, as in being stuck with a popular thinking model, etc01:28
kanzure_Yes, these models of 'cognitive gravity' have been mentioned by a few other sources as well. If I had my old ADR file, I'd link UtopiahGHML over to the one specifically about 'gravity' and 'the mind' (it was a crank-site, but whatever, these are all analogies anyway).01:36
kanzure_Yes, these models of 'cognitive gravity' have been mentioned by a few other sources as well. If I had my old ADR file, I'd link UtopiahGHML over to the one specifically about 'gravity' and 'the mind' (it was a crank-site, but whatever, these are all analogies anyway).01:37
-!- Utopiah is now known as UtopiahGHML01:38
fennusually when the term inertia is used as an analogy, people are talking about group dynamics and how focused a group is on a task01:38
fennoh well. lots of phenomena are similar mathematically.. electrical inductance for example01:39
kanzure_fenn: Do you remember my ranting about the idea for the 'sustained attention setup' from a while back? I was sort of hoping that it would lead to the development of a mental inertia monitor, or mental acceleraometer (neurobiofeedback), and the gas pedal would be stimulants, either chemical, magnetic, sonic, or in the information interface before the eyes.01:39
kanzure_erm, the chemcials wouldn't be the pedal, they would be what is released by the activation of the pedal01:40
fennyes, but i thought you were trying to increase your inertia, which didnt seem desirable, so i didnt pay too much attention01:40
fenn(insert vision of bryan surrounded by pizza boxes and computer monitors)01:40
kanzure_oops, is my web cam on?01:40
kanzure_So a distinction between accelerating the focus on a specific task, versus decreasing inertia and the 'resistance to movement/action'01:41
kanzure_I suppose there is a difference. A wearable, portable system might allow for the second, where half of the problem would be the 'mental acceleraometer' and another half an inertial-decrementor.01:42
fennoften my problem is with little things, and so having a mechanism to accelerate focus on that task would get the task done but there would be problems because i'd still be focused on it even though it is complete01:42
kanzure_are these little things predictable01:42
fennresponding to an email for example01:43
kanzure_obvious solution would be to have a way to select a 'program' on the eyepiece to have a set 'chemical schedule' for that (which would be great)01:43
fenni often spend hours on what should be a three liner01:43
kanzure_bleh, emailing could be done in block scheduling of the day-calendar if you were guaranteed some neurobiofeedback that would allow it to actually get done (this hypothetical imagined system)01:44
fennplease explain "neurobiofeedback"01:44
kanzure_randomly replying to email throughout the day would still be an issue.01:44
kanzure_neurobiofeedback is the concept of having some way to measure variables that have some value in predicting attention, focus, movement, or these other issues, and then ways to influence the outcome or functioning of the brain through some input method01:45
fennfortunately email has the characteristic that all i have to do is press "send" and it's not possible to retract the message and write some more01:45
kanzure_There's no guarantee that any 'real' variables can be found, but on the other hand I've heard of people doing weird things with neurobiofeedback, heart rate control being a simple example (IVF + heart rate monitoring - I think some drugs have some sort of immediate affect on heart rate for instance)01:46
kanzure_or sometimes people finding ways to trigger a decrement or increment in heart rate through some weird thought-pattern that eventually becomes a 'learned skill' or something01:47
* fenn glances at the empty container of chocolate01:47
kanzure_as an 'addiction', or have you found it serves some use?01:47
fennincrease/decrease heartrate is easy enough, but not exactly reliable01:48
fennchocolate is more or less an addiction i suppose01:48
kanzure_right, so with neuropsychopharmaceuticals I'd guess that there might be a useful possibility space somewhere. or with rTMS/ultrasonics.01:48
kanzure_I was scarequoting 'addiction' because there's some hardcore addiction physiology out there, and then there's chocolate / insert-your-chocolate-here.01:49
fennguh.. parse error01:49
UtopiahGHMLhttp://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=968605 http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=1703925201:49
UtopiahGHMLIs cacao a psychotropic drug ? Psychopathological study of self-labeled << chocolate addicts >> Reinforcing effects of caffeine and theobromine as found in chocolate01:50
kanzure_uhm, nevermind on that addiction thing. I don't think it's quite the same as, say, the mechanisms of nicotine addiction01:50
fenn"insert-your-chocolate-here" is poking fun at "addicted to creativity" scare stories right?01:50
UtopiahGHMLsame mechanism01:50
kanzure_No, I haven't heard those stories.01:50
fenni forget who was saying djikstra never had a chance because he didnt have any prior warning about computer addiction :)01:51
UtopiahGHMLand some can be engeneous01:51
fennUtopiahGHML: of course caffeine is addictive, do we really need "psychopathological studies" on it?01:51
kanzure_Ah, no, I'm not poking fun at psychotropic addicts. There are 'casual users' I guess, which is close, but now I don't really care.01:51
UtopiahGHMLfenn: it's because of those "of course" that we need study, ESPECIALLY on addictive topics!01:52
kanzure_fenn: probably the economics of caffeine factor into the motivations for studying it even more01:52
fennhaha my roomate goes through a $10 bag of coffee in two days01:52
fennshe buys coffee instead of food01:52
fennit's kind of sad really01:53
kanzure_I knew somebody in high school who would do 10 cups a day. Wake at six am, sleep at 4 am. She would just read all night long, do stuff here and there, try to not be bored.01:53
UtopiahGHMLstill alive?01:53
kanzure_Crazy environmentalist chick. She got me hooked on some Sonata Artica.01:53
kanzure_Sonata Arctica.01:54
kanzure_"I don't come online only once a few weeks because I want to conserve energy." Carpooling (which isn't terrible, but the etiology is), etc.01:54
fennthe quote refers to internet addiction?01:55
kanzure_No, that's what she said to me when I asked why she's online so rarely despite being awake practically always.01:55
UtopiahGHMLif she wants to conserve energy she should suicide... her reasoning lacks coherence.01:56
kanzure_Right, she was using the same origin reasoning as why she doesn't leave a compute ron.01:56
fennah "dont ... because i want to conserve energy" made it sound like there was some other reason01:56
fennsuch people need to use a calculator01:56
UtopiahGHMLor an abacus.01:57
kanzure_Yeah, so I should figure out if she's still alive. 01:57
fennyour morning shower uses a month's worth of computer time01:57
kanzure_Heh, abacus :)01:57
* fenn looks accusingly at UtopiahGHML's space heater01:57
UtopiahGHMLfenn: see, here my car-miles-scale would be useful!01:57
fennyes, if there were a meaningful way of keeping track of energy, not just in terms of joules or whatever, but the "opportunity cost" of that particular form of energy01:58
fennfor example coal is less valuable than smooth 3.3V DC01:58
UtopiahGHMLwell it has to be just accurate enough to make your point ;)01:58
kanzure_Anyway, on the inertia page the author mentions "there is no cure", but on the same page the author also mentions that 'depression might be a cofactor', so I sort of doubt the 1996 author was able, or willing, or looking into pharmaceuticals at all. Or at aspects of the brain and neurons that might be responsible.01:59
fenndepression tends to reduce your willpower02:00
fenni dont know enough about neuroanatomy to connect that with the pharmaceutical paradigm though02:00
kanzure_I'm pretty sure I'm not depressed. But I could be wrong.02:01
fennand willpower is needed for start/stop or "acceleration"02:01
kanzure_Half of the people that diagnose depression seem to have depression themselves, and then it's this weird fuckfest of projection.02:01
UtopiahGHMLAlways look at the bright side of life02:01
kanzure_Before you draw your terminal breathe.02:01
fennkanzure_: most people in industrial nations have depression :\02:02
fenni think it's the food02:02
UtopiahGHMLI think it's the lack of philosophy.02:02
UtopiahGHMLand sport02:03
fennugh.. please pick a different word02:03
UtopiahGHMLand... healthy lifestile02:03
fennphilosophy == wanking02:03
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: http://heybryan.org/projects/openpay/widget.php?projectID=1 has the same youtube vid I think02:03
UtopiahGHMLfenn: is that a philosophical statement?02:03
fennit's an opinion02:04
kanzure_I do, unfortunately, have family history of depression. 02:04
UtopiahGHMLme too02:04
fennUtopiahGHML: i think what you mean is "purpose" not "philosophy"02:04
kanzure_But I'm hardly like the family member with the depression. Oh, there was also another on the other side of the tree, but that was confounded with alcoholism. 02:04
* fenn doesnt know anything about his extended family02:05
UtopiahGHMLfenn: if you mean what I think I don't have to do it myself then, Im saving energy too, nice.02:05
kanzure_fenn: Don't they blurt it out at you uncontrollably?02:05
kanzure_Family histories, I mean.02:06
fennmy parents + brother + i were never very close to aunts + uncles + grandparents, partly because of physical distance (spread across entire US) and partly religious/atheist/child-abuse in my parents past02:06
fennor something like that02:07
kanzure_There's significant distance between me and extended family, but that didn't stop them from showing up at every damned holiday.02:07
fennso, i didnt go to my grandpa's funeral because it was like.. why should i travel across country for some guy i dont even know?02:07
kanzure_Michigan to Texas. You'd think you could find an excuse with the 9 states in between, but apparently not.02:07
kanzure_fenn: One day in 2007 I found that my grandmother's AIM handle had been signed on for three days. I made a few jokes with some buddies about this and how peculiar it was, even with my father who laughed too, "Geeze, maybe she died." 02:09
kanzure_Turns out she did.02:09
fennweird huh02:09
kanzure_My father and I both basically said "Huh." And moved on.02:09
kanzure_(Ok, not him. He actually flew up to arrange stuff.)02:10
fenni'm sure i've mentioned the "internet obituary aggregator" before02:10
fennwell, on many occasions people will just disappear with no explanation for years at a time02:10
fennit just rankles me that i dont even know if they're dead or not02:10
fennso there could be some way to automatically notify you if people you know have died02:11
fennalso you could maintain anonymity with some kind of public key infrastructure02:11
kanzure_People disappear from my 'realm' all the time. It's like missing an online buddy. One day they don't sign on. It's the same way with people in person for me.02:11
kanzure_Or one day they don't show up at the same place .. in class. "Has so-and-so died?"02:12
fennin a physically co-located relationship, you can often get the information from people in the same area02:12
fennbut not so on the net02:12
kanzure_Before I lose inertia on the neurofeedback system stuff once again, hoping for "the all important variables" on a first prototype (like with rTMS with very specific targetted regions of the brain), is a bad strategy. Same with "magic bullet" pharmaceuticals. Same with the stuff on humancortex.html; 02:13
kanzure_Something simpler is needed but that would be effective. Something that wouldn't rely on hardcore variables but give the same results. 02:14
fennand, unlike physical posessions, information artifacts such as web pages or software projects never get properly redistributed02:14
kanzure_Oh, I think I just described something impossible. Nevermind.02:14
kanzure_fenn: Tony is big into that particular subset of the problem.02:14
kanzure_He's been noticing that all of his friends are either dead, dying, or in the process of transitioning from missing or sick to 'officially dead', and is wondering wtf to do about all of the wonderful projects.02:15
fennapparently it's much easier to become a monk or whatever the fuck it is that people do, than to say "hey people take care of this thing i worked on for years ok?:02:15
fennof course the proper way of dealing with this is to not be a single point of failure in the first place, but somehow this idea hasn't been sufficiently impressed on the minds of the populace02:16
kanzure_Enki's priming stuff (xsublim work) is something I'm sure he'd like to have others keep around, but at the same time it hardly does the neurofeedback stuff that ideally it represents.02:16
fennbut it's not easy anyway, (non spof) so that's why there should be alternatives02:16
* kanzure_ is still a giant SPOF02:16
kanzure_"We take dead projects."02:17
gene_bring out yer dead!02:17
fenngene's approach is the right one02:17
kanzure_Tony submitted a youtube video over to Google for their prize thingy, and it was about archives and active community centers for dying projects of that sort.02:17
gene_uh kanzure02:17
kanzure_fenn: Agreed there.02:17
UtopiahGHMLnight guys02:18
gene_I might try making the filter in the cafeteria02:18
fenni think sourceforge has saved a large number of projects from death in obscurity after the lead coder lost interest02:18
gene_those biodegradable straws can be thermoformed02:18
kanzure_gene_: You already mentioned that on gchat. Just tell me your method instead of the padding.02:18
kanzure_Thermoformed into shapes?02:19
gene_put straw in hot water02:19
fennstraw = PLA?02:19
gene_you guessed it fenn02:19
kanzure_See. I knew you'd like my straw recommendation :)02:19
fennhow do you make a filter from PLA?02:19
* kanzure_ notes that he didn't know that gene_ would.02:19
gene_it is a bit hard though because the straws02:19
kanzure_fenn: He's still on about the membraneless filter in a spiral shape.02:20
fenngene_: do you know what a hilsch vortex tube is?02:20
gene_don't actually melt until 140 deg f02:20
fennis this the same mechanism?02:20
gene_it's exactly that fenn02:20
gene_and not that at the same time02:20
fennok, close enuf02:21
fenni did some of that back in my paranoid youth :)02:21
gene_so the straws have shape memory02:21
fennORME traps02:21
gene_and return to shape ARG02:21
gene_what the fuck is an ORME trap?02:22
gene_don't tell me it's one of those orgonne box things02:22
fennmight i suggest using PVC and PVC glue, or acrylic and acrylic glue..02:22
fennno, not related to orgone, but similar fringe 'invisible all around us' stuff02:22
fennso some people have hypothesized they are the same thing02:23
gene_I almost bought into that02:23
fenni'm still not convinced either way, actually02:23
gene_I used to frequent amasci.com02:23
gene_a lot02:23
fennit makes perfect sense from a physics standpoint02:24
fennand i got some weird results from tap water and magnets, so..02:24
fennso if your algae starts to levitate, it's your filter method :)02:24
gene_fenn I am afraid you must be brainwipped02:25
fennoh and joe cell is probably the same thing02:25
gene_don't worry you won't feel a thing02:25
fennplease put me to work in a secret gov't lab!02:25
gene_or at least you won't remember the pain02:25
fenni will scrub the clone tanks, promise02:26
fennsigh.. i wish02:26
gene_owning a clone farm is a level 10 international ethical offense02:27
fennreality is probably just so embarrasing they never admit to spending $10b on cat-controlled cruise missiles02:27
gene_why would we02:27
gene_they are quite effective02:27
fennun-jammable electronics02:27
kanzure_Is that some sort of defective microprocessor, "cat"?02:27
fennit meows and has fur02:27
fennalso they were using homing pigeons and petunias02:27
fenner, rhododendron02:28
gene_that's how cat 5 cables were really developed02:28
fennh2g2 has infiltrated my brain02:28
* kanzure_ pats his h2g2 bible sitting on the shelf02:28
gene_DON'T PANIC02:29
gene_I am debating whether I should put all of wikipedia on my 4 gig  DS flashcart02:29
* kanzure_ was once making a "panic button" for his computer setup.02:29
kanzure_gene_: Wikipedia, in its entirety, is more like 160 GB.02:29
gene_and putting a big red button on it labeled don't panic02:29
gene_you can get a version for ipod that is about 4 gigs02:30
kanzure_When the panic button was activated, all of my work would be inserted into JPEG porn files in the comments section and as minute obscurities using some algorithm that I presently forget the name of, and then uploaded to p2p networks, hard drives subsequently wiped, plus an asterisk phone line hookup for remote control via cell phone. How's that for paranoia.02:31
fenni believe that's the method al-qaeda uses02:31
gene_not very paranoid02:31
gene_if your really paranoid02:32
gene_you build you PC in a rocket02:32
fenna rocket? what about the lasers?02:32
gene_so that it shoots off into space, the ocean, or switzerland02:32
fennor all three02:33
gene_or have an acid sprayer in your harddrive02:33
fenni like patrick stewart's periodic chinese character sign-in method, in that one movie.. sigh02:33
kanzure_1024-bit RCA encryption with a one-time keypad handed to Adolf Hitler, box physically located under Mount St. Hellen, surrounded by 50 ft of concrete in every direction and an array of UPS and generators that could power a small city for a decade; yes, yes, paranoia always knows its better.02:33
kanzure_*Mt. St. Hellen02:34
gene_uh Kanzure02:34
gene_you didn't clone Hitler did you?02:34
kanzure_I only cloned Jesus.02:34
gene_don't ever do that02:35
kanzure_Oh please.02:35
gene_and especially don't ever revive his brain in that cryopreservation facility in the amazon02:35
fenni thought it was located on the dark side of the moon02:35
kanzure_First, whether or not the clone of Hitler would grow up to be the same Adolf we all know and love is a hard enough task of its own; secondly, whether or not there already exists an Adolf of equal or greater magnitude is unknown too.02:35
gene_that's just where the nazi moon base is02:36
kanzure_Blah. If anyone wonders why my sentences suck so much, it's because in irssi I lose track of what I wrote previously, I'm going somewhere with this, let me send it first to see what I'm saying. ;-)02:37
gene_so Kanzure02:37
nshwhat happened to "no philosophy"?02:37
gene_would a fully automatic catapult be cooler than a semiautomatic catapult that launches a bunch of projectiles at once?02:38
kanzure_nsh: re: Hitler? I am pretty sure gene_'s comment about not reviving Hitler was philosophically motivated. Blame him, blame him!02:38
kanzure_gene_: Fully automatic catapult, with reloading and all? Would definitely be more awesome.02:38
gene_it's the reloading part that is hard02:39
kanzure_However, if by some strange chance we can make it so that kids have to do lots of ridiculous manual labor to load the pigs, then that's another option worth investigating.02:39
gene_especially with our ammo02:39
kanzure_Something cryptic, like solving a decoder ring mystery followed by chasing Lucky down a trail or something retarded. 02:39
fenneven better if it worked both ways, like a rotovator.. oh wait! that's why i wanted to go to grad school... *cough*02:39
fenntether catapult02:39
gene_nope won't work02:39
fennpicks up bags of moon dust and flings it into orbit02:40
gene_my projectile02:40
gene_is plastic pigs02:40
fennthen uses the momentum gained to decelerate an incoming payload02:40
fennperhaps you've heard of a trebuchet? this is similar in concept but going at mach 1502:41
gene_I can't think of a way to load one pig at a time02:41
fennand 100km long02:41
gene_without jams02:41
kanzure_gene_: Just go into the library and fetch a book of schematics/drawings.02:41
kanzure_I actually haven't seen these books before, but I suspect they exist.02:41
fennput the pigs in standardized containers such as a 5 gal bucket02:41
fennthen eject the "shells" after launching02:41
kanzure_fenn: No, different context.02:41
gene_i've already tried Kmodl02:41
kanzure_fenn: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/me302/project/02:42
fenni cant read any of those files02:42
kanzure_fenn: It's the ME302 reverse engineering project and gene_'s subsequent redesign.02:42
kanzure_fenn: There should be a JPG or PNG there or something that shows a picture of it.02:42
gene_which is going to kickass thank you very much02:42
fennsomething wrong with the jpg02:43
fennyou actually have a class on reverse engineering?02:43
gene_believe it!02:43
fenni must say that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard02:43
kanzure_fenn: I just added another JPG file in there. Try that.02:44
gene_I know it is02:44
gene_I am just a program02:44
kanzure_fenn: yep.02:44
kanzure_first mechanical engineering course is on drawing stuff by hand and reverse engineering.02:44
fennso instead of teaching you concepts and causing you to form problem solving abilities, they feed you dogma and reward imitation?02:45
kanzure_and the reverse engineering is really just a single team project, not anything really intense (other than the drawing stuff by hand)02:45
gene_but since I hate dogma02:45
* fenn mumbles something about taiwan02:45
gene_and have free access to a 3d printer02:46
kanzure_that's why I have so much crap in http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/me302/ :-/02:46
fennpff 3d printer02:46
fennare you going to 3d print a catapult?02:46
gene_I am making(hopefully) a fully automatic catapult02:46
gene_yeah, why not?02:46
fenndon't you think it's a bit large?02:47
kanzure_fenn: The idea is for us to model the part into STL files and to email it to the instructor so that he can push it into the queue for the printer02:47
kanzure_fenn: see the JPG I just added to the dir,02:47
kanzure_it's not that large.02:47
gene_ok bye02:47
fennstill downloading02:47
fennor something02:47
kanzure_yeah it's large.02:48
kanzure_oh crap, abort. You don't like large images, that's right.02:48
fenni can handle a 1.6MB jpeg02:48
fennbut your upload is like 2kB/s02:48
fennits the 16000 pixel .png's that screw things up02:49
kanzure_I have my other box wired up at the moment02:49
kanzure_my down from kernel.org is like 2 KB/sec too..02:49
kanzure_6000 bytes, my mistake02:50
kanzure_Okay. Should be better now.02:50
kanzure_fenn: And now? 02:52
kanzure_I dhclient'ed myself.02:52
fenner, how am i supposed to be testing? i'm just re-downloading the file02:53
kanzure_well supposedly it's a function of how much you complain02:53
gene_you don't have a very good machine library kanzure02:53
kanzure_also, supposedly you haven't finished the download because it was at 2 kb/sec02:53
gene_though it is cool02:54
kanzure_gene_: What are you talking about?02:54
kanzure_Machine library?02:54
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/ <- that stuff?02:54
fennre-partially-downloading then02:54
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/sldpart_archive/ <- Has some rips of large websites.02:55
gene_using kmodl02:56
kanzure_Is this just an image gallery, or is there some sort of XML or data set?02:58
fenni believe they had some kind of kinematic description language02:59
gene_it has movies and cad models02:59
gene_all I care about02:59
kanzure_gene_: At some point you are going to fail because one cannot manually process all information.03:00
kanzure_Just saying.03:00
kanzure_Modeling information *is* important ;-)03:00
kanzure_Kinematic description language. Excellent.03:01
gene_I am designing something ok03:01
kanzure_Are you asking me if I'm okay?03:01
fenni wonder if i made up the memory that they had a description language03:03
kanzure_It shouldn't be hard to do it. It looks like they have narrowed it down to "200 fundamental motions".03:03
fennit certainly seems like a straightforward sort of thing03:03
kanzure_or 200 fundamental mechanisms or whatever03:03
fennwho cares about mechanisms03:03
kanzure_Well, excuse me, I don't mean to say that03:03
fennthat's like "200 fundamental prime numbers"03:04
kanzure_I don't mean to say they have the 'axioms'03:04
kanzure_wait, what?03:04
kanzure_I'm fairly certain it's a bit more complicated than just a single unit repeated over and over again in different ways03:04
kanzure_I'd be happy if it's not.03:04
fenni mean mechanisms can be factored and refactored03:04
fennand there are unique mechanisms that are so complex that nobody has bothered to build them03:04
gene_I do03:04
gene_name one fenn?03:05
fennand so listing the unfactorable mechanisms is an endless task03:05
kanzure_fenn: Are these .. cross-turtle layer structures? I don't know how to convey this.03:05
fenndefine "these"03:05
kanzure_and cross-layer would be unfactorable03:05
fennhmm. kmoddl is just about chunks of solids moving around in various patterns03:06
fennnothing terribly cross disciplinary about that03:06
fennunless you make a mechanical computer or something03:06
gene_I've seen one03:06
gene_the diff engine03:07
kanzure_I mean to say that if there's not a single repeating element that makes up all of the elements in their library, then they have been visited by the Complexity Fairy.03:07
gene_I don't care03:07
kanzure_gene_: I'm talking with fenn.03:07
fennwhy a single repeating element?03:07
gene_I just want to figure out how to reload plastic pigs into catapult03:07
kanzure_gene_: (just suggesting why you probably don't care)03:07
fenna spring is not a bearing?03:07
gene_it can be03:08
kanzure_fenn: yes, so if it boils down to a set of principle mathematical equations for the motions03:08
gene_but i don't recommend it03:08
kanzure_then there we go. Otherwise it's mysterious and odd. 03:08
kanzure_in the bad sort of way.03:08
kanzure_A spring can be easily mathematically modeled :), and I don't recall barings actually03:08
fennuh. hrmm. i know stewart platforms (hexapods) are usually solved iterative/numerically, but i dont know if there exists an analytical solution or not03:09
kanzure_This would be a good example of graphsynth/that-set-of-work because if given a set of elements, even just equations, that can be put together to make a certain type of physically moving system, then 03:09
kanzure_cariographical descriptions can be matched to the underlying 'genomes'03:09
fennsure, a kinematic network03:09
gene_there exist weird solutions03:10
kanzure_gene_: Yep, always, in graphsynth there's weird solutions. A meat slicer crossed with a bazooka.03:10
kanzure_fenn: Coriographical?03:10
kanzure_kinematical is better.03:10
fennah. choreography03:10
kanzure_choreographical. Yes. Anywho, I've heard of kinematic networks before. I had forgotten about them. Have I just stumbled upon them again and have repeated work by accident? :(03:11
fennchoreography is more related to swarming behaviors/synchronization03:11
gene_a meat slice bazooka?03:11
gene_I want to see that03:11
gene_input meat03:12
kanzure_gene_: Shortly the system will also be generating (crude) 3D models.03:12
gene_output high velocity sandwiches03:12
kanzure_By 'crude' I mean that sometimes the system won't know how exactly to make the shapes fit together without some patch work algorithms (which makes it 'impure' but whatever - I'm ok with that)03:12
fenngene_: some kid in my high school stole a go-kart, removed the safety cage, then took a high speed joyride down a bike path. unfortunately for him the path was closed (it was night time) and there was a steel cable across the path, and he was sliced into bits.03:13
kanzure_fenn: To what extent was he sliced?03:13
kanzure_A single cable, so only two bits, yes?03:13
kanzure_I suppose I'd have to know his body orientation and the cable orientation.03:14
fennwell, i dont know the details of course, but supposedly he was beheaded03:14
kanzure_This wasn't some parents' attempt to keep you indoors?03:14
kanzure_"LIttle Jimmy was beheaded last week doing that, you know." etc.03:14
fenni heard about it a couple years after i graduated, apparently my friend had a grudge against him because he stole his stereo and smashed up his car's windshield03:15
fennnice guy eh03:15
kanzure_fenn: Can kinematic networks be linked to the resulting motions that they produce? I mean, given a network diagram of different movements, does it follow the overall motion that will be generated?03:15
fennuh. "does it follow" meaning "can you predict"?03:16
fennsounds like a math proof03:17
kanzure_Are these just force diagrams?03:17
* kanzure_ is visually impaired at the moment.03:17
fennno, rigid kinematics are ideal objects, they dont flex or break03:17
fennmakes the math easy03:17
fenni guess a force diagram is a superset of kinematics03:18
fennso, i was trying to come up with a kinematics description language for EMC so you didnt have to hand-code it every time03:21
fennapparently OROCOS tried this but ended up doing custom code for each family in the end (they only made cartesian and robot arms though)03:22
gene_I know03:23
gene_what cartesian is03:23
fennthen what are you asking03:23
fenn"cartesian kinematics" means linear movements on perpendicular axes03:23
fennas opposed to something weird like a stewart platform or a robot arm03:24
fennhowever as soon as you add rotary joints it gets complicated03:24
fennwe will need kinematics description language/compiler in order to effectively use nanobots, and maybe even just for skdb-type "will this work" questions03:27
kanzure_this is a different type of "will this work" question though, sort of03:28
kanzure_first type of "will this work" is just making sure the turtles are friendly with one another on the same layers of abstraction and such03:28
kanzure_but also "will this work" in the sense of evaluating a given circuit/design for common stuff. uh, energy, usefulness, and apparently also overall kinematics03:29
kanzure_these things probably can't be unified so I'm sure this will be a fairly lengthy make script as usual.03:29
fenncant be unified, why not?03:29
kanzure_as in they aren't all the same thing03:29
kanzure_i.e., ideally it'd be nice to be able to just include those factors in the rules beforehand, instead of checking your work after you've made a design or something03:30
fennmany of the same concepts apply to different engineering disciplines03:30
gene_I built something weird fenn03:30
kanzure_no doubt.03:30
gene_a polar printer03:30
fennie. efficiency, performance, requirements, MTBF, yadda03:31
gene_somewhat far from keyboard at moment03:31
gene_ignore ramblings plz03:31
fenngene_: what happens to theta as you cross over the centerline?03:31
fenn"gimbal lock" is a kinematic singularity03:31
gene_it goes to zero03:31
fennand plays hell with robot control software03:31
fenngene_: it doesn't go to zero, it assumes every value03:32
gene_that isn't the hard part though03:32
gene_the hard part is maintaining the same vel03:32
gene_it doesn't03:32
gene_it never does03:32
fennuh huh03:32
gene_it goes 36103:32
gene_and over03:33
fennwhat if it's on the other side of the line03:33
gene_if it gets to high03:33
gene_I'm still trying to make it do lines03:34
fennah, well, dont give up03:34
gene_then r is negative03:34
gene_my printer is miles away from my current location 03:34
gene_and in a cartesian configuration03:34
xp_prghow do I convert a string to double?03:36
fenn(double) "foo"03:36
fenner, wait, what language?03:36
xp_prgoh oops wrong channel03:36
fennno such thing as a double in python03:36
fennuse int("foo") or float("foo")03:37
xp_prgkanzure__ I just made interactive script to add species to sbml file, want to see the script?03:40
kanzure_As alyways, yes. Do you think my answer is going to change?03:41
xp_prgdon't know, its not complete so was wondering if it would irritate to you see it at this point03:41
gene_sweet, add deinococcus radiodurans03:42
kanzure_gene_: That's not what he's doing.03:42
kanzure_'species' are not species.03:42
kanzure_Think of it like 'chemical species'.03:43
kanzure_Just because it uses the word species doesn't mean they run around and stuff. yeah03:43
kanzure_confusing/stupid terminology anyway03:43
gene_every word needs an address03:43
gene_ipv6 or something03:43
xp_prgok sent it!03:44
kanzure_If you have a technical infrastructure, why send words when you can just use the ISA?03:44
kanzure_*use the ISA directly?03:44
fennyou mean API?03:44
kanzure_gene_ brought up the concept of using ipv6 for the mapping of words to locations,03:45
kanzure_No, I mean ISA because it means some bit address => to some function.03:45
xp_prgkanzure__ what do you think?03:45
kanzure_APIs are built on top of ISAs (and a lot of other things in between)03:45
kanzure_xp_prg: I don't receive email this quickly. 03:45
fenninstruction set architecture is an API for the chip03:46
fennit doesnt make sense for things that dont use 'instructions' though03:46
fenni think i see what you're getting at though, break the ambiguity of words by referring to a specific definition03:47
gene_more of derailed conversation03:47
kanzure_apt-get -> you get software and function, not Shakespeare.03:47
kanzure_xp_prg: Ok. I saw it.03:48
xp_prgwhat do you think man?!03:48
xp_prgis that how you wanted it?03:48
fenn"people might intellectually know the next step in a task but have a much easier time starting it if someone tells them"03:50
fenni must have quit my sysadmin job because of the constant "little thing" support requests03:52
bkeroThat's why you get a flunkie.03:54
gene_did you name your boxen?03:54
bkeroHis name is gilbert03:54
gene_mine is U-23503:55
bkeroWait, what box?03:55
gene_my box03:55
gene_that I am using03:55
bkeroYou mean do I name my boxen?03:55
bkeroYea, I have daedalus, maetel, mach, omni, echelon, xanadu, shangrila03:55
xp_prgkanzure_ dude you going to answer me or what?03:55
kanzure_xp_prg: Get back to work.03:56
fennbkero: maetel from "adieu 999"?03:56
xp_prgis it along the lines of what your looking for though?03:56
kanzure_xp_prg: I don't care about the input, just get all of the fields included that were in interface1,2,3.php. The input stuff is not bad.03:56
gene_those words i typed were random03:56
fenni guess there arent any other maetel's03:57
bkerofenn: Heh yea03:57
* bkero nerds03:57
gene_adieu 99903:58
gene_what is that?03:58
fennthat was a sweet anime, though i never understood wtf was with the train03:58
gene_thought so03:58
gene_train in space03:58
bkeroAdieu Galaxy Express 99903:58
fennsort of like a dream03:58
gene_that's more than I need to know03:58
fenna dream where you're riding a train falling into a black hole03:58
bkeroWhich is a sequal to Galaxy Express 99903:58
gene_I am not a big fan of physically in accurate anime03:58
gene_especially this steampunk one I saw the other day03:59
bkeroWhich is a modern(ish) movie made from an anime series from 197803:59
fennoh i'm thinking of the 1978 one04:00
gene_the guns on the ships would have generated a torque on them causing them to spin04:00
fennwhere the machine civilization's dirty secret is their power pills are soylent green04:00
bkeroSame thing04:00
bkeroTHe movies are condensed tv series04:00
gene_bad physics04:01
kanzure_Heh. I remember the opening to Adieu Galaxy Express 999.04:01
gene_train should be spining04:01
bkeroOh my http://epii.info/anime/2008%20Katsucon/Galaxy%20Express%20999%20-%20Maetel.jpg04:02
fennbad physics is probably why i didnt like the original gundam04:02
bkeroGiant robots is why I didn't like gundam04:03
gene_it is a bit more accurate04:03
gene_but still bad nonetheless04:03
fennbkero: what's wrong with giant robots?04:03
gene_they are nuclear powered04:04
fennfusion powered i believe04:04
gene_and probably have sufficient strength to weight ratio04:04
bkeroDunno, always seemed rather lame04:04
bkeroI guess I watched voltron as a kid, and now it's just silly04:04
gene_you seen LoGH?04:04
fennlater gundam series tried to fix the science up so it made sense04:05
gene_legend of galatic heroes?04:05
bkeroI'm still a big fan of Eva though. 8)04:05
bkeroEva doesn't have any robots :/04:05
fennbkero: there is a good reason for humanoid military robots, which is that humans can pilot them as second nature04:05
gene_'s wrong with giant biorobots04:06
* kanzure_ avoids a rant about mechas not being robots.04:06
bkeroNo mecha's in eva either :P04:06
kanzure_"Mobile Suite Gundam". Not "Mobile Robot". :-/04:06
* kanzure_ runs before he rants.04:06
gene_and a giant underground geofront with walls made of protein04:06
fennno? i havent seen it, what are the girls in skin-tight rubber suits for then?04:07
bkerogene_: They found the geofront, replicated it.  Walls made of protein?  Where?04:07
gene_protein wall04:07
bkeroThat's fanfiction04:08
gene_I couldn't tell04:08
bkeroYea dude04:09
bkeroreally bad fanfiction04:09
fennkanzure_: gundam suits have autopilot and limited AI, does this not make them robots?04:10
gene_see pribnow box04:10
fennthey shouldnt be called suits anyway, since they have a cockpit and are controlled with joysticks04:11
fenncontrast with say, GUGES04:11
fenner, landmates04:11
kanzure_Clearly the naming could be better when classifying animes and so on.04:11
kanzure_I'm sure the Wikipedia contributors have solved it somewhat.04:12
bkerogene_: It's a small room with protein-covered walls04:12
kanzure_this is the INTERNET and this SHIT is *IMPORTANT*04:12
fenngene build me a small efficient simple reliable inexpensive proportional hydraulic valve04:13
gene_the internet is serious business04:13
fennif we dont do it, who will?04:13
gene_please select payment type04:13
gene_I am sorry, but this unit doesn't accept fictional currencies04:14
bkeroI won't really debate anime nomeclature with you folks, but I would suggest sitting through the action-y 13 first Evangelion episodes, and really enjoy the last ones.04:14
kanzure_I didn't like Evangelion as much as I would have liked to enjoy it.04:14
gene_they should never have tried to expand evangelion04:14
kanzure_fenn: gene is still "for profit". :(04:15
bkeroThey did some lame spinoff04:15
bkeroI really enjoyed End of Evangelion though.04:15
gene_I watched the first of the end of evangelion04:15
gene_and then stopped04:15
bkeroThere's a second end of evangelion?04:15
gene_you know what happens in the beginning of the end of evangelion04:15
bkeroIt's definitely wtfworthy04:16
gene_yes it is04:16
bkeroI like wtfworthies.04:16
bkeroWhich would explain why my other favorites are Lain and Haibane Renmei04:16
gene_so what do you want your valve to be made out of?04:17
fenna commodity04:17
gene_you have chosen: solid fluorine is this correct?04:18
fennapparently you dont understand the meaning of 'commodity'04:18
fennlet's try a buzzword: COTS04:18
bkeroCommidity has a definite meaning04:19
fennthe more common the better04:19
fennthe more standardized the better04:19
gene_bulk diamond has automatically been chosen04:19
fennpfff.. engineering students04:19
gene_due to failure to specify cost ceiling04:20
bkeroDid you guys see the tequila synthetic diamonds?04:20
fenni already have a design, i'm just pissed that i have to make up something so simple on my own04:20
gene_you actually need a valve?04:20
gene_for a car?04:20
fenntequila on the rocks04:20
fenngene_: for a fucking robot you moron04:21
gene_that changes things then04:21
gene_what sort of robot?04:21
fennwell, starting out with limb replacement prosthetics, moving on to service androids and exoskeletons04:22
bkeroUse a sphincter? :)04:22
gene_small, medium, or large?04:22
fennbkero: the problem in a nutshell is going from low-power electrical signal to a hydraulic flow04:22
fennin a confined space04:22
fennpreferably inline with the supply tube04:23
gene_sphincters don't work to well at high pressures04:23
bkeroYou're looking for a biological valve?04:24
gene_well since it's for an exoskeleton I might have to do this for free04:24
fennso, for an android, valve should have a cross sectional area of at least 50% of the supply line while not being much larger than the supply line diameter04:24
fennbkero: not biological04:25
gene_proportional control valve?04:25
fennor something that can be used for proportional control with enough software04:25
gene_I don't think a proportional valve will work04:26
fennvalves are much tricker than transistors because the fluid has inertia04:26
bkeroWhat kind of pressure are you talking about?  I use bleeder valves with servos for around 40psi04:26
bkeroActually around 120psi in my air compressor04:26
gene_9001 psi04:26
fennbleeder valves with servos? what does that look like?04:26
gene_23000 psi what oil pipelines run at04:27
fennpressure doesnt have to be so high, 120 might be enough04:27
bkeroLike http://i21.ebayimg.com/07/s/000/77/47/c83d_1.JPG04:27
fennhydraulics is because air is compressible and sucks for making controlled movements04:27
bkeroWhat you want is called a 'boost controller' if you're going for automotive components.04:28
fennwhat is the black cylinder? looks like an allen head screw04:28
gene_fenn you might want to learn about microcompressors04:28
bkeroSome comes with allans04:28
bkeroSome come with knobs04:28
gene_really damn small compressors04:29
bkeroJust google image search 'manual boost controller'04:29
fennwtf does this have to do with going from electronic to hydraulic signal?04:29
bkeroIt's a valve.04:30
bkeroWeren't you wanting an electronically controllable valve?04:30
fennbut there's no electrical parts...04:30
bkeroA controllable valve :P04:31
gene_I got it04:44
gene_I figured out the reloading mechanism04:44
gene_or the loading mechanism04:45
gene_it's going to be hard to reload though04:46
gene_but nevertheless04:47
gene_it could have a sucess rate of 70%04:48
gene_success rate  estimated by brainsense tm04:51
fenn*cough* evolutionary bias *cough*04:51
gene_though I come from a long line of engineers that can trace our lineage back to the greek automata makers05:03
gene_just kidding05:04
fennnow if this aint the damnedest05:08
fennThere is a subgroup of autistic people who get along in life by imitating non-autistic people. Imitation can become a habit. When they learn that they are autistic, or when they start becoming more identified with being autistic, they can almost reflexively throw up another facade: That of imitating themselves to the point of self-caricature, or imitating other autistic people in a fairly superficial way the same way as they05:08
kanzure_Do they tend to imitate other animals instead of other people?05:09
fenni do05:10
kanzure_First time I read that I was a little confused, I was skimming past that on the page. I thought it said something about neurotypical -> facade05:10
kanzure_not autie -> NT-facade -> autie-facade-psychosis-layer05:10
fennshe's saying autistic people imitate whoever they identify with05:11
gene_imitation is the sincerest form of flattery isn't it?05:11
fenn(not surprising considering this is how human society works)05:11
gene_and who really cares about social interaction anyway?05:12
fenni do, it's an important part of getting things done05:12
gene_aren't we all a bit autistic05:12
gene_getting what done?05:12
fennyou know, stuff05:12
* fenn points at the moon05:13
gene_wait a minute05:13
gene_that's a sign of autism05:14
kanzure_The moon?05:14
gene_wanting to do something but not doing it?05:14
gene_oh crap05:14
fenn<- not a doctor05:14
kanzure_It's not in the DSM, but.05:14
fennalso, autismism seems to be an internet fad lately.. i dunno how this affects things05:15
kanzure_The internet is made on the backs of autists anyway.05:15
fenn"Autistic people can be very much creatures of habit, literally needing objects to stay in the same locations and routines to happen the same way every time in order to function. There is nothing necessarily wrong with this; it is similar to how blind people frequently need things to stay in the same spot in a room so they can find them."05:17
fennsometimes i walk around in the dark because it feels better..05:17
fennknowing where everything is05:17
kanzure_fenn: She was practically running a MOO/MUD in her nogan.05:18
kanzure_Not quite multi-user I guess.05:18
fennor maybe just, having to turn on lights all the time is pointless when you know where everything is05:19
gene_so is this where brain stimulation comes in?05:19
kanzure_gene_: Yes and no. Mostly no.05:19
fenngene_: in my understanding the rTMS stuff swamps long range neural communication to approximate an autistic brain05:20
gene_hopefully I can find me some memes to make me more productive05:20
* fenn thinks gene_ is a filthy memehole05:21
kanzure_There are also other uses of rTMS of course.05:21
fennkanzure_: like what?05:21
gene_unfortunately I am05:21
gene_but I do make my own memes05:21
kanzure_rTMS does more than allow for the approximation of autistic brains.05:21
gene_for example05:22
kanzure_Have I shown you the "Meme Trainers" short story?05:22
fennthe church of flying bacon05:22
kanzure_fenn: That was more a group random number/name generator effect.05:22
gene_have you ever launched a meme?05:22
gene_I tried to launch one the other day05:22
kanzure_You refer to the viral internet type?05:23
gene_to crash the phone networks05:23
fennsilly human, you can't create a meme05:23
gene_I can05:23
fennyou just think you can05:23
gene_you should see my paper virus05:23
gene_it's a replicator made from paper05:23
gene_I know05:23
fennsounds oh so scary05:23
gene_probably is the case05:23
fenneveryone call 1-800-ilovebees05:24
fennheh meme trainers is actually sort of based on the plot of macross05:25
kanzure_Do I have it on my server? I forget.05:25
kanzure_Yep. Neat.05:26
kanzure_gene_: There you go.05:26
fennyou know your organization system sucks when you have to google search your own server05:26
kanzure_Nah, I tried /docs/ first.05:27
gene_what the fuck05:30
gene_memetrainers is messed up05:30
gene_the whole thing05:31
fennhah battle angel alita in 191005:33
gene_I don't get it05:34
gene_my mind is going05:34
kanzure_It's fiction.05:35
gene_no that 1910 part05:35
fennalita = a cyborg with powered two-wheel roller skates05:35
fenn1910 is a year05:35
gene_I am not that 'cultured' so to say05:36
fenni cant seem to find any pictures on this dang fangled internet05:36
gene_well I have to goggle out05:36
fennah finally a decent pic http://xuxu.fr/data/note/gunnm-motorball.jpg05:39
fennrawr of course it wont load.. http://www.cannonspike.com/CamFan/miscellaneous/gally-cammy/motorball-alita.gif05:40
kanzure_"Coping with the inertia of task paralysis"05:42
fenndont mock my manga obsession05:42
fennwhy is it that good ideas almost invariably get totally screwed up in the translation from book to film?05:43
kanzure_Heh, the author of that "Coping with .." article knows the power of surface space for keeping things on top.05:44
fennhaha "autism hypochondria"05:45
kanzure_The rest of the article is crap.05:46
kanzure_"I must move myself. Yes. Movement is the secret. The universe moves as I move. As I move, so I move the universe."05:49
kanzure_Zindell threw that in as one of the final revelations in the Neverness saga.05:49
gene_toobad power skates are illegal05:50
kanzure_Danlo wi Soli Ringess becomes paralyzed underneath the Eternal Computer, controlled by evil mastermind Hanuman and his plan to convert the galaxies into computronium for his simulations of a "better reality".05:51
kanzure_"The longest journey begins with the first step, unless you can fly." "The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Oops, circles.05:53
* fenn has bicycles on his feet, your argument is irrelevant05:54
gene_it would be much better if we converted the whole galaxy to computorium05:56
gene_admit it05:56
gene_what about custom made planets05:59
gene_with cheesecakes the size of cities05:59
kanzure_Terraforming, megascale engineering, artificial planets aren't the same thing -- they're not cancerous attempts at wiping the galaxy.05:59
gene_well then there are plenty of other galaxies we could use06:00
kanzure_Cancer wouldn't be limited to a single galaxy by the nature of cancer.06:00
gene_i mean06:01
kanzure_Hm. Now that I'm making some money perhaps I'll seek out David's tutoring. 06:02
gene_you build all the terraformed planets in teh galaxies you don't convert to computorium06:02
fennunless you happen to be living in a galaxy that got converted to computronium 06:04
fennin which case you are no longer alive as a physical entity06:04
gene_what if you agreed to it06:04
fennwhat if you didn't agree to it06:04
kanzure_This isn't about ethics of agreement or anything. That's not my point.06:04
gene_then your galaxy doesn't get converted06:04
fennwhose galaxy is it anyway?06:04
kanzure_Ownership isn't the issue either.06:05
gene_what is06:05
kanzure_Rather it's an understanding that reality is the most optimal way of "doing things". By this I mean that it would take more than the galaxies to simulate the very same galaxies.06:05
fenndepends what you want to do06:05
fenngalaxies are very good at simulating galaxies...06:06
fennbut not so good for factoring numbers06:06
kanzure_Humans seem to be factoring numbers, fenn.06:06
kanzure_humans -> subset of a galaxy06:06
gene_well yeah06:06
fennhumans suck at factoring numbers06:06
fennthe fact that we can do it at all is amazing06:07
gene_but you can do so much more with computorium than galaxies06:07
kanzure_You can't do the galaxies.06:07
kanzure_The galaxies were doing the galaxies, and all of the possibilities and physical phenomena therein.06:07
fennoh come off it06:07
kanzure_Then a spec of dust should be able to predict the entirety of all of the galaxies and give you the ultimate 'cheats' or whatever. 06:10
kanzure_That brings up so much crap :-/06:10
fennsure, all you need is to equip your speck of computronium with a FTL drive06:11
fennthis effectively turns it into a time machine, giving it infinite computational power06:11
fennactually it might work if you had an infinite amount of energy -> 1.0*C06:12
fennbut the universe isnt quite infinite so it doesnt need to be infinite06:13
fennanyway, if you think the universe is "efficient" at being a universe, that's fine06:13
fennit doesnt have any bearing on what "should" be done06:13
kanzure_Bullshit, go live in your "Second Life" resort and I'll still be here as the angry sysadmin supporting your stupid fantasies about the way reality "should" be.06:14
kanzure_No matter how deep you go into the simulation, you're not subplanting(? overwriting) the substrate. Despite Egan's "Permutation City" (or so I hear - this is from a friend, not from me reading it)06:15
* fenn happens to side with the carter-zimmermans06:16
fennnot fanatically so06:16
fennoops wrong egan book06:17
kanzure_Remember Orwell? It's like a boot smashing into your face over and over again. "Yes, of course this is the one true reality. Of course, of course there couldn't be another way."06:17
fenncarter-zimmerman clade believed that man's true purpose was to understand the cosmos06:17
fenndespite this, they lived as software in a VR environment because it was most efficient/secure/free etc06:18
kanzure_"Preserve memory above all." or some such.06:18
kanzure_I don't doubt that .. 06:19
kanzure_but VR is still context-dependent on the substrates in which it was running on06:19
kanzure_Look, just living in a VR doesn't make the fundamental reality vanish or anything ;-)06:19
fennsure, i'm not arguing that at all06:19
kanzure_and the fact that you converted an entire galaxy into planets for "your" simulation06:19
fennis wrong?06:19
fennthe planets are there, they're real06:20
kanzure_um, sorry, into computronium, not planets06:20
fennit might be boring to an outsider06:20
fennit might appear as a threat to "god's will" because obviously god wanted plasma filaments and black holes06:21
kanzure_No, it's not that either.06:21
fennit might appear as a threat to sentient life who are stuck in a particular location for some reason06:22
kanzure_It is a mistake to confuse histories.06:22
fenni dont follow that06:22
kanzure_I'm having trouble at the moment, but perhaps 'facade' covers it. 06:26
kanzure_I used to have a good line for this situation, but I'm tired and hungry :/06:26
fennit's turtles all the way down, dude06:28
gene_what's a good magazine capacity kanzure?07:41
gene_guess you aren't nocturnal like I am07:43
kanzure_I've been having somesleeping problems recently. It'll be fixed soon.08:08
bkerothe fuck?  http://xanadu.meetup.com/1/08:35
UtopiahGHMLvisual for biobricks : http://www.artadox.com/nathan-sawaya-the-art-of-the-brick/13:51
kanzure_Have any of us ranted about brain stimulation via infrared LEDs?14:57
kanzure_I'm wondering if it's just something that I've forgotten about.14:58
kanzure_I've received an email from an individual who's telling me it's the most important thing he's come across. 14:58
UtopiahGHMLdid he try it?14:59
UtopiahGHMLIs it a good sign? :P14:59
kanzure_bavariancyclistsneurohackingdivision <- Fuck.15:22
kanzure_I'll have to send them an introduction sometime later today. (I guess before I finish the reply to Michel re: OS space stuff)15:26
kanzure_Hrm. I don't have an overall index to all of the 'work' I've done re: brain stuff. I'd imagine a few links are in order to the /books/mousebrain/ dir, the /books/Biology/neuro/ dir, /~bbishop/docs/open-rtms/ dir, bookmark dump, log dump from this channel, and uhh, some other things.15:31
kanzure_my brain visualizer15:31
UtopiahGHMLyou need to remap all the content, like you do within your non-internet brain15:32
kanzure_re-mapping sucks. Half the time you forget that you remapped at all.15:32
UtopiahGHMLthat's one of the most demanding task for me15:32
kanzure_Refactoring, also, sucks.15:32
UtopiahGHMLrewiring a network properly :/15:32
kanzure_"properly" bleh15:33
kanzure_I'll probably just save the email to the website anyway and that's the "refactoring".15:33
kanzure_(more like a consolidation)15:33
UtopiahGHMLluckily the semantic web tools will solve all the problem of the world.15:33
kanzure_What are you smoking?15:34
UtopiahGHMLwant some?15:34
UtopiahGHMLYes we can!15:34
kanzure_ nsh: For context, Utopiah over here just admitted he thinks that the 'semantic web' will solve all of the problems of the world. :/15:34
UtopiahGHMLYes we can!15:35
* nsh makes nondescript noises15:35
kanzure_"The economy, my dear, is just a system. Not a deity."18:52
UtopiahGHMLYes we can!19:22
kanzure_Are you trying to be funny or are you aware that you're being stupid?19:23
UtopiahGHMLYou are not a believer in the new world president19:24
UtopiahGHMLhe'll change everything!19:24
kanzure_New World president?19:24
UtopiahGHMLyou know that "Yes we can" Change and stuff like that was Obama campain motto, right?19:25
kanzure_But why repeat political bullshit in here?19:25
UtopiahGHMLbecause irony and cinism is a form of humor appreciated by many19:25
UtopiahGHML(for those who get it at least).19:26
UtopiahGHMLguess it can be less funny when you're actually in the US.19:29
kanzure_"Our sun has gone out. We can make a new one with our lava fusion cauldron and three sun seeds, but they keep burning out before we can ge tthem in the pot." Ack.. brain .. hurt.19:30
UtopiahGHMLkanzure_: if you want to make witty comment or even constructive critics Id appreciate some on http://seedea.free.fr/persowiki/index.php?n=Content.CognitiveDevelopmentFailure19:37
kanzure_I'm not on a box with a browser at the moment. If you email it to me, you more guarantee that I'll eventually follow the link.19:37
UtopiahGHMLmaybe you could have a page where we could paste you links, like a page on your wiki or sth19:38
kanzure_Sure, go ahead.19:38
UtopiahGHMLhmmm I can't find your wiki on heybryan19:40
UtopiahGHML(WoW Obama http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_XJseql2u5l0/SRSm9CLnzPI/AAAAAAAADGc/yE-L3wN5xOU/s1600-h/obama_wow.jpg )19:55
UtopiahGHMLis there a webpage that evaluate tranhumanist projects?19:56
UtopiahGHMLthe most promising one, the fastest, etc...19:56
UtopiahGHMLeventually based on sth like InTrade19:56
kanzure_We're kind of it, UtopiahGHML .19:57
fennhaha based on intrade19:57
UtopiahGHMLok, what's the url of the result?19:57
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Roadmap was an attempt to track all of it.19:57
kanzure_intrade is what?19:57
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: The Roadmap wiki page. But that's old. :-/ You can try to clean it up I guess.19:57
fennUtopiahGHML: i'll sell you some stock in molecular nanotech19:57
UtopiahGHMLmarket base system19:57
UtopiahGHMLand you can see the impact on each news with the valuation19:58
kanzure_oh please.19:58
kanzure_Everybody has one of those.19:58
UtopiahGHMLok, so where is the up-to-date H+ project listing?19:59
kanzure_I thought I had a list of projects on the Roadmap page.19:59
UtopiahGHML(doesn't have to be some trendy scoreboard)19:59
fennso, what is the value of this *opinion* anyway?19:59
kanzure_fenn: well, a full listing of "related stuff" is always nice I guess20:00
fennof course, but it takes a lot of work20:00
* kanzure_ glances at his bookmarks20:00
UtopiahGHMLfenn: well explained arguments would be better than opinion, especially if you don't know the field of the project20:00
kanzure_the majority of it is *not* cross-referenced.20:00
fennUtopiahGHML:  i dont think the human race is at that level of knowledge modeling yet20:01
fennunless you just mean a bunch of text20:01
fennwhich is already out there anyway20:01
fennsee daviddarling.info for example20:01
kanzure_Btw, that same somebody that emailed me earlier today re: infrared LEDs for brain stimulation is also offering somebody who wants to help us build an rTMS setup.20:02
kanzure_Supposedly he knews the electronics for it.20:02
fennme is skeptical20:03
kanzure_The yahoo! group actually looks rather interesting.20:03
fenn"oh sure its just discharging a capacitor" is what most people think20:03
fennbut there's a lot of high frequency high power signal stuff you have to worry about20:03
fennwhat's with the name anyway?20:04
fenngroup not found20:04
fenngoogle useless20:04
fennoop spoke too soon http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bavariancyclistneurohackers/20:05
fennkanzure_: what sort of box doesnt have a browser?20:05
kanzure_They had a lot of .doc files in their file dir on the yahoo group thingy, 20:14
kanzure_oh uh20:14
kanzure_I'm still playing retarded and am not running under screen20:14
kanzure_ and I don't want to have to go hunting through me logs20:14
kanzure_Any idea on copying a line in vim? I'm trying to use wvHtml blah.doc blah.html, but I have this big list of doc files20:15
kanzure_I was hoping wvHtml *.doc would work, but it needs to have the second parameter, the name of the output file20:15
kanzure_oh, nevermind :)20:18
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/neuro/html/ <- stuff from that yahoo group20:24
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/neuro/html/ <- Proper.20:24
kanzure_Hm, the electrode document is a good one.20:28
kanzure_I mean the DIY_CES one.20:28
kanzure_Yay, Ed's mentioned in these documents. Not sure how worth it these docs were though.. kinda simple stuff here and there.20:31
kanzure_ Eric Hunting just posted about "closed loop living". Geeze, sounds almost familiar.21:09
gene_Kanzure running into trouble on the cartridge advancing mechanism got any ideas?23:47
kanzure_What trouble in paritcular?23:47
kanzure_Why cartridges? It would be easy to have a funnel to push pigs down into the trough.23:48
kanzure_(with a pushing mechanism)23:48
gene_it wouldn't23:48
gene_the cartridge has boxes that contain each pig23:49
kanzure_If you insist.23:49
gene_a piston pushes the pig out of the cartridge and into the catapult lever arm23:49
gene_please describe your mechanism23:49
gene_a funnel is apt to jamming23:50
gene_but might work23:50
kanzure_Yes, it would be prone to jamming, it's a simplification.23:51
gene_maybe 23:51
gene_it also might take up less space than a cartridge23:51
gene_you know what would be really cool?23:52
gene_if we made it TOTALLY automated 23:53
gene_where it not only launches pigs23:53
gene_but makes them23:53
gene_from raw materials23:53
gene_but that's complicated...23:53
kanzure_Cellular bootstrapping is not something yet accomplished.23:53
kanzure_While cells can repair their membranes, we don't have a Urey-like experiment that can boostrap membranes and cells.23:54
gene_I'm thinking something more along the lines of an injection molding machine23:54
gene_input plastic--->???---->output hot high velocity plastic pigs23:55
kanzure_Attach the ME dept's selective laser sintering machine perhaps?23:55
gene_damn those things have a high res23:56
gene_I was talking to someone who works with them, they were contemplating printing somemthing to fit in their locket23:57
kanzure_How about we go fetch a picture of Billy Wood and model his likeness and print out a pig with his face to launch in a demo of the pig launcher product?23:58
gene_for the cartridge advancing mechanism I am thinking something like those click-click pen23:58
gene_I did get 3d scanned you know23:58
gene_but I don't want to print myself out23:58
kanzure_OpenCP + a photograph or a quick video will work to get Billy's face.23:59

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