
--- Day changed Fri Nov 14 2008
fennwhat graduate program would ADL be associated with?00:47
fenni'm guessing either ECE - Manufacturing systems engineering; operations research & industrial eng; or mechanical engineering 00:49
kanzure_Not industrial, as it turns out.00:52
kanzure_Industrial and operations is upstairs.00:52
kanzure_Manufacturing systems, hrm.00:53
kanzure_well, ADL is within the MAD lab, "Manufacturing and Design"00:53
kanzure_uhm. http://www.me.utexas.edu/ should have something.00:53
fennManufacturing Systems Engineering00:54
fennThis area emphasizes the application of computers, information sciences, and information systems to the development of equipment and software systems for manufacturing.00:54
fennmad lab website looks like it hasnt been touched in 5 years00:55
kanzure_it's been a decade prolly.00:55
kanzure_um, mechanical is a safe bet.00:55
kanzure_I haven't figured out what the MSE stuff is (in terms of people/labs) yet00:56
kanzure_maybe it's the same people. don't know.00:56
kanzure_ah, it no longer exists anyway.00:57
fenntoo bad00:57
fenni wonder if they are going to make me take calculus again00:58
kanzure_Did you fail it?>00:58
fennno, but i've forgotten all of it00:59
fennfrom sheer disuse00:59
kanzure_Doesn't sheer require calculus?00:59
kanzure_or am I thinking of shear?00:59
fenni'm sure lots of engineering crap requires calculus, but it's totally irrelevant for what i want to do00:59
fennsince i'm not doing engineering per se, more like meta-engineering01:00
fennand besides, that's what computers are for01:00
kanzure_the multivariable calc grad/TA-dude basically just uses mathematica most of the time, except when lecturing/teaching/helping evidently.01:01
fennof course, why would you do it by hand01:01
fenni dont do long division by hand either01:01
kanzure_because you're in a class :(01:01
kanzure_actually I think they have graduate curriculums on the site.01:03
fenni dont see that anywhere01:04
fennlooks like the other MS's are just plain ME01:05
kanzure_yes, but there's "subspecializations" thingies.01:06
fenni dont even want to be a grad student, this is stupid01:06
fenni just want someone to pay me to work on skdb01:06
fennhow hard is that01:06
kanzure_if there's a way to be on the payroll without being enrolled as a student, I'd be the first one to sign up01:07
kanzure_it's worth investigating. 01:11
kanzure_every lab seems to have their nonstudent person. in Ellington's lab it was Zack, in ACTlab it's just people hanging out, etc.01:12
fennit would really simplify things and allow me to begin immediately01:12
fenninstead of waiting until.. august?01:12
kanzure_for what?01:12
fenni might be dead by august ffs!01:12
fennfor the academic year to start01:12
fennlooks like there is no engineering GRE, yay!01:14
kanzure_some of the grad students talk about 'quals'.01:14
kanzure_that might be for phd stuff though01:15
fenni think that's like finals01:15
fennah, quals is required before you start your dissertation (whatever that is)01:16
fennjesus christ why is everyone talking about the venus project01:44
kanzure_it's not even that good.01:45
kanzure_So it was funny today when I showed campbell approppedia01:45
kanzure_and then when we went into his office for a few seconds to check his machine for something,01:45
kanzure_in the corner it popped up, somebody emailed him "you have to check out appropedia"01:45
kanzure_he hadn't heard of it before I told him about it 01:45
fennwho was it?01:45
kanzure_I don't know. Didn't catch it.01:45
fennyour tachikoma agent?01:46
kanzure_No, she was at home watching porn. :(01:46
fennlazy robots01:46
* fenn glares around the room with x-ray-laser-eyes01:47
kanzure_GITS ref?01:47
fennbot-on-bot violence01:47
fenni dont think i can keep up with paul's emails01:48
kanzure_He may be more of a Markov bot than me.01:49
fennthey're essay-length but unlike eric hunting they're mostly recycled material01:49
kanzure_He has specific sections in his emails that repeat.01:49
kanzure_Don't know how he keeps track of the recyclable elements.01:50
kanzure_It would be fun to write a Paul email imitator app.01:50
kanzure_it would be easy to write a few regexps to extract those recyclables, and then just generate emails based off of input keywords of a message01:50
kanzure_I'm certain this would work.01:50
fennor you could run a paragraph-length markov bot on his website or a collection of previous posts01:50
kanzure_is that equivalent?01:51
fennless work, more diversity01:51
fennunless you mean to use the regexp to keep quotes intact01:51
fenn(he uses lots of quotes)01:51
kanzure_yeah, I was thinking I'd just look for links01:52
kanzure_since he usually has quotes nearby01:52
fennok that's enough gossip.. perhaps i'll go spend the last of my money on ice cream01:52
fennborrowed money doesnt count in my book01:53
fennand i'm having some bank issues so i cant get at it anyway01:53
kanzure_bank vanish?01:53
fennthey are just being unreasonably slow01:53
fenni was trying to close my account, but the transfer is taking forever. they'll probably be closed for the weekend by the time it finishes01:54
genehey Kanzure want to get into the business of selling GMOs?03:27
kanzure_Why do you ask?03:27
genehow else would we get money to do research03:28
geneon biohacking03:28
kanzure_Don't worry about the money.03:28
kanzure_I have that covered.03:28
genewhile at the same time making a useful gene more accessible to the general public03:29
geneoh yeah03:29
kanzure_I was going to write some inventory software to manage inventories of plasmids in biobrick labs for accessibility. It would allow people to order plasmids.03:29
geneyou aren't for profit03:30
genefrom grocery stores?03:30
kanzure_No, from people who have plasmids.03:30
genebtw, anyway to hide a gene in an organism's genome where it sits unused and easily cleaved with RE's03:31
kanzure_What do you mean by hide?03:31
geneEaster egg03:31
genebio easter egg03:31
kanzure_Do you mean not expressed?03:31
kanzure_That's genetic regulatory networks stuff.03:32
kanzure_Not a matter of where to place it.03:32
kanzure_So you put something like a lac operon in front of it.03:32
kanzure_And a few primers and so on.03:32
geneuh huh03:32
geneI'm saying sell a GMO with unexpressed plasmids in it03:33
genethat the FDA won't find03:33
geneso what does it take to modify the avian genome03:34
genepretty much the same as modding mammalian genome right?03:35
kanzure_It's just DNA..03:35
drazakkanzure_: how do you do rapid gel electroporesis? eg. a couple hours from sample+pcr+gel?03:35
kanzure_Uh? It was always a couple hours.03:36
kanzure_Are you using some ridiculously lengthy method?03:36
fennlotsa volts, a fan to cool off the gel03:36
genewhat're you trying to do drazak?03:36
kanzure_crank up teh volts :)03:36
fennslower gels have better resolution03:36
genedon't you mean current?03:36
fennsame thing03:36
fenngel is a fixed resistance03:36
fennyou're going after current per unit cross sectional area03:37
drazakkanzure_: ah ok, I had been given poor info than, sorry03:38
kanzure_The FDA doesn't sequence genomes.03:38
kanzure_drazak: Maybe. What source?03:38
kanzure_gene: So you wouldn't have to hide it.03:38
drazakkanzure_: a teacher :P03:38
kanzure_drazak: Ah, the worst.03:38
kanzure_gene: Besides, you could just, you know, avoid the FDA.03:38
fennyou could just keep it in a freezer03:39
genenot if you want to sell it here03:39
kanzure_Sell it?03:39
genein the US03:39
genesell it03:39
kanzure_If you start selling it, I start replicating it for free03:39
geneI know03:39
genebut investors don't know that03:39
fennwhat are you selling exactly?03:39
genesomething that could be rendered irreproducible03:40
fennfat chance03:40
kanzure_  ?03:40
fennRIAA and MPAA failed, with hundreds of millions of $ invested03:40
geneto avoid environmental contamination03:40
genepeople will still buy it03:40
geneeven if it's free03:41
fennso why not sell insurance03:41
genethey sell plants and animals03:41
fennor newspapers03:41
fennor linux distro's :)03:41
genecan you distribute useful plasmids via a newspaper?03:42
kanzure_What do you consider useful to be?03:42
fennerm uh you're being deliberately obtuse03:42
fenni'm saying your business plan sucks03:42
gene1. easy to seperate out03:42
gene2. useful for gene modification operations( restriction enzymes,heat tolerant polymerases and such)03:43
fennyou can find these plasmids in any bio lab, the problem is not availability but rather artificial restrictions like patents03:44
kanzure_and MTAs.03:44
genethat's why I want to hide them in the genome of thing I am selling03:44
fennmail transfer agent? :)03:44
kanzure_fenn: material transfer agreements. see my recent (~past 2 weeks) rants on inventory for plasmid mailing stuff, software thingies.03:44
fennrants where?03:45
geneMechanical Tyrant Agency?03:45
fennis this like "i promise not to give my lab supplies to terrorists"03:45
kanzure_Material Transfer Agreements are required by universities before you can send biological agents.03:45
kanzure_biological agents by mail.03:45
fennoo e. coli and taq polymerase.. scary03:45
kanzure_right, it's bullshit stuff.03:46
fennsomeone could put e. coli in a bomb and contaminate the water supply!03:46
fennor a welder03:46
fennor likes to make his socks really bright white03:47
genea welder is on gnomegland pecurity's watch list03:47
geneyou know what I mean03:48
genedon't type it03:48
kanzure_You're just acting paranoid because you think it's cool to be paranoid though.03:48
fennmost paranoid people are that way03:49
fennat least the ones that talk about it03:49
* fenn mutters something about "security culture"03:49
geneanyway I've considered making potassium perchlorate before03:50
fennback when i was a terrorist... we had training workshops on how to avoid the fbi, but they were very straightforward and more about knowing the extent of the law than undertaking unreasonable technical solutions03:50
geneI wish I could know my rank on the terror watchlist03:51
fennyou could ask03:51
fenni think it would be a fun game to play03:51
fennkinda like "chicken"03:51
geneactually it would be more like an RPG03:52
fennno, a mixed reality media03:52
fenncrap. whatever that ilovebees thing was called03:53
generead about how to making bombs increase probability of being terrorist by 10 point03:53
genewonder what they look for anyway03:53
geneso how about blowing up the whitehouse03:54
geneyou know the inflatable one03:54
geneit's been in it's box ever since I bought it03:54
fennno no, i live in the whitehouse, you can blow up the shack out back though03:55
genethis topic isn't useful03:58
fennfine, be that way03:59
kanzure_Why does he leave?03:59
kanzure_So what?04:00
kanzure_Oh right, firefox can't be on for more than 20 minutes ;-)04:00
fenndo you think campbell would be interested in this? http://fennetic.net/cadwiki/index.php?FrontPage#vb206cb304:01
* kanzure_ types in the url ..04:02
kanzure_is the anchor important?04:02
fennit's notes to myself on features i'd want in a cad-ish/skdb-ish application (before i came up with the idea of a technology distribution)04:02
fennthe anchor is "goal oriented flow"04:02
fennjust go to fennetic.net/cadwiki04:03
fennfeel free to read the rest though04:04
kanzure_user interface and data struct stuff to bottom.04:05
kanzure_yeah, okay, linking me to that anchor makes more sense.04:05
kanzure_I'm trying to figure out how to best convey the style that he tends to like. Talking search algorithms is good.04:10
kanzure_Goals / user preference modeling is supposedly what I'm presently doing, which I guess I can make up some strange connections to goalism04:10
fennit's not really about goals, that was just sort of a buzzword/placeholder04:11
kanzure_it's about 'requirements' no?04:11
fennsufficiently vague requirements04:12
fennnot specified to the last detail like in a drafting program04:12
fennanyway the point is to build all this optimization stuff into the cad program and run the optimizations in the background/on the server automatically, so you dont waste time switching around between tools04:14
kanzure_right, I'm coding something up like that at the moment.04:15
fennlisp interpreter has a neat feature where you start typing in a statement and it is already evaluating it, so when you press return the answer comes back instantly04:15
fennoh well, this is "in the ballpark" at least04:16
kanzure_sort of. I'm trying to figure you out a home run.04:16
kanzure_oh, talking about hierarchical bayesian networks/probability would score some points btw.04:16
kanzure_if you happen to actually know that area :/04:17
fennwell, not really04:17
fenni dont see what bayesian networks have to do with process planning?04:18
kanzure_no biggie, it was just a one-off comment he made to me recently.04:18
kanzure_me either.04:18
fennits not like you can just make up data04:18
kanzure_It's hard for me to figure out the "what's next" for ADL because once you have the giant cad system, and the toolchain from the tree search to the 3D modeling software and so on, that's about it for that sort of toolchain, plus or minus improvements/bugfixes..04:20
fenn"Generalizations of Bayesian networks that can represent and solve decision problems under uncertainty are called influence diagrams." this sounds vaguely related04:20
fennbut i think he just has a hard-on for graphs :)04:21
kanzure_also significant invested time in his codebase.04:21
fennhm yeah and i dont really get what it's supposed to do04:22
kanzure_have you played around with it?04:22
kanzure_graphsynth, I mean.04:22
fennonly the design repo stuff04:22
kanzure_it compiles on linux, but it has some errors, though mostly works.04:22
kanzure_so what the software does is take the substitution rules, given lefthand sides and righthand sides, and then goes through your given graph and keeps track of the number of different ways that the substitution could be applied, and then executes that replacement04:23
fennwith mono? (linux)04:23
kanzure_actually the website is rather informative for each of the sections, it just doesn't help to explain the GUI04:23
kanzure_One student has been writing a DLL extension to graphsynth for gear optimization. He has a set of substitution rules that take a user's "requirements" (in the form of a 'function structure' graph) and by various substitutions (+additions sometimes) there's this overall gear system, and then sprinkle in the optimization, and in the end it's a .gxml file that supposedly I'm reading in to glxgears.04:25
kanzure_there's like four guys in the lab, for what it's worth.04:26
geneare you pondering what I am pondering?04:28
* fenn grumbles about the lack of a readme04:28
kanzure_gene: That's like my supermetal app.04:28
genewhat's supermetal?04:29
geneis harder than dragonforce?04:29
geneso what does it do?04:30
fennoh this was on johnny quest (cyberspace version)04:30
kanzure_Given a set of primitives, allows you to randomly generate shapes and then do cool things with them. Export to 3D file format, for instance.04:31
kanzure_See the screenshot.04:31
fennthey dug up a bunch of smashed pieces of a statue, scanned them in, and then let the computer assemble the 3d models04:31
genewait a minute really?04:32
genejust like in snow crash?04:32
kanzure_It's a common scene in investigative TV shows.04:32
kanzure_"Broken bottle! But it's okay, we can painstakingly reconstruct it and extract fingerprints!"04:32
kanzure_or in the latest Batman, given sharpnel => reconstruct the original bullet.04:33
genehow does supermetal do that?04:33
fennthese crime scene scenarios are rather close to what we need to do with magical-engineering-app04:33
geneyou are pondering what I am pondering then04:33
kanzure_Supermetal is going in the opposite direction, but you just reverse things around and do collision detection and some quick math for checking whether or not basic constraints are satisfied.04:33
kanzure_fenn: ?04:34
fennkanzure_: interfaces04:34
fennmcmaster catalog = smashed pieces04:34
fennedges of glass = product specifications04:34
geneso supermetal breaks a part into pieces?04:34
fenncombine them into something useful04:34
kanzure_gene: No, supermetal assembles from primitives.04:34
geneassembles what?04:34
generandom stuff?04:35
kanzure_All stuff.04:35
fennicosahedrons from the looks of it04:35
kanzure_Say there's N possible primitives.04:35
kanzure_and P set of points per primitive.04:35
kanzure_Then you can loop through each one and make the graph.04:35
kanzure_Now, to rate them, and score the constructions, you do some mathy thingies. Like whether or not you like there to be GIANT GAPING HOLES in the structures.04:36
genedid you make it yourself?04:36
fenngiant gaping holes can be good or bad or not matter04:36
kanzure_Supermetal? yeah04:36
kanzure_fenn: that's user-dependento f course.04:36
geneand the gui04:36
genefor it04:36
kanzure_There is no GUI except the 3D visualization.04:36
genewhich is in?04:37
geneis it in04:37
fennbut kanzure_ how do you generalize the concept of "giant gaping holes", and how many of these descriptors are there?04:37
kanzure_a computer04:37
kanzure_fenn: plugins.04:37
kanzure_plugins for new varchecks etc.04:38
fennvarcheck = what?04:38
kanzure_distance between points/edges for instance?04:38
geneI have know idea what u r talking about04:38
fennso varcheck is just a function04:39
kanzure_What did you think I was talking about?04:39
fenngene: please limit the drooling idiot abbreviations04:39
fennkanzure_: would you say this is basically a genetic algorithm?04:40
fennvarcheck ~= fitness function04:40
geneyou made a GA kanzure?04:41
fennunless you mean to calculate every possibility04:41
kanzure_varcheck =~ scoring function.04:41
genehow does it score it?04:41
kanzure_The scoring function is not yet implemented because I don't care.04:41
kanzure_It doesn't because I haven't implemented any of the checks.04:41
genehow do your gene's work04:41
fennuh oh, did i say a naughty word?04:41
kanzure_I guess if you wanted to you could check the distance between tips of objects on it.04:41
geneso it's not really a GA?04:42
kanzure_I didn't say it was a GA.04:42
kanzure_It could be a GA though if you wanted.04:42
kanzure_The genes would be the sequence of primitives or whatever.04:42
geneI don't get what it does04:42
* fenn feels like this is going nowhere04:42
kanzure_There's a set of N primitives; you assemble it by saying primitives #1, 34141, 341, 5, 1, 39, 39404:43
kanzure_So the genes for that one would be that list of primitives04:43
kanzure_It's slightly more involved than that though because I implemented points of tangency04:43
genewhat's input what's output?04:43
kanzure_input: number of 'nodes' of the graph or whatever. 04:44
kanzure_output: 3D object.04:44
genecan it convert graphs to real objects04:48
genelike from the ADL?04:48
kanzure_Yep. I'd have to write a gxml -> a data format thingy for the app but that's ok. That's just file format conversion stuffs.04:49
fennthe design repo doesnt contain any 3d data04:49
fennso you'd have a bunch of spheres stuck together to represent a camera, i guess04:49
kanzure_hold on a sec.04:50
fennunless i'm missing something?04:50
kanzure_So, the gxml data is the graph stuff. Like those 'CFGs' (component function graphs) that I generated with graphviz04:50
kanzure_(grxml is the substitution rule stuff)04:50
kanzure_The design repo, and all of those .repo files, do not contain gxml. :(04:50
kanzure_They have files within them though, that's why I was so annoyed last month.04:50
fenngxml describes what?04:50
kanzure_a graph.04:51
fenna graph that represents what04:51
kanzure_It either describes a 'function structure' (black box) or 'CFG'04:51
kanzure_CFG would be like "axe -> hammer"04:51
geneso how would you make that meat slice gun real?04:51
kanzure_Hold on.04:51
kanzure_Some of the .repo files do not have those images, some do, etc.04:51
fenni'm not interested in images04:52
kanzure_Some have 'CDD' (ConceptDraw files). Some have 'functionCAD' files. But CDD is proprietary and not easily converted to anything usable, as we know.04:52
kanzure_Also, the database sucks; there's no way to extract the 'function structure' information about the connectivity.04:52
kanzure_Specifically, a subfunction of an 'artifact' (which is kinda like in the CFG layer)04:52
kanzure_points to another artifact; not to a 'port' on that artifact (like what subfunction the other artifact has that is relevant)04:52
fennunfortunate, that04:53
kanzure_So you see stuff like "laserpointer -> table" but not that it's the solid interface that matters, or not that it's the laser-pointing part.04:53
genecan't you figure out things like component is wedge, gear, bearing, or plane or such?04:53
kanzure_yeah, so it's basically somewhat unusable data04:53
geneuh wow04:53
kanzure_the design repo doesn't contain 3D information, that's correct04:53
genematlab represents a missile guidance system as a graph04:54
geneand a car as a graph04:54
kanzure_yeah, electronics is very commonly a graph04:54
fenncontrol system, not the actual "how to build it" info04:54
kanzure_"Function structures" are popular.04:54
kanzure_right, the 'how to build it' info is something lacking in this stuff. 04:54
fenndiagrams (graphs) for control systems is the only way to do it04:55
kanzure_conversion to gcode and such is one way, but I want the origami assembly folding stuff too.. anyway.04:55
kanzure_as for the meat slice gun thingy,04:55
geneyou know knives are simple machines04:55
kanzure_It's very easy to make it real *if* the individual parts have 3D representations in the repo04:55
genethe first machines made by man were knives04:55
fennso are rocks04:55
fennand sticks04:56
kanzure_and dung.04:56
fennand hooting noises04:56
kanzure_Is it a monkey?04:56
* fenn bangs on chest (visual state indicator)04:56
genewhy not use all that ADL stuff to make stone age 3d structures04:57
generome wasn't built in a day04:57
fennthis is why i'm interested in "love"04:57
geneI don't know what you mean04:57
fenngraph grammars for building primited 3d structures04:58
fenn(oh did i mention they're virtual?)04:58
fennyuck IDE's :)04:59
kanzure_It's all IDEs. :(05:00
fennso i have monodevelop and the source, what do i do?05:01
kanzure_fenn: you could pitch campbell my automated reverse engineering of the patent db stuff.05:01
kanzure_fenn: Alt+P + enter should build it.05:01
fenni dont think that's feasible or valuable05:01
fenni think i need to open a file first05:01
kanzure_oh, open up the sln file05:02
kanzure_GraphSynth.sln somewhere.05:02
fennyeah i did that and nothing happened05:02
kanzure_try the .suo ?05:02
fennprobably not liking being run over ssh/X05:02
kanzure_where.. are you?05:03
fennoh i see my screen is too small05:03
geneA = [1 2; 3 4];05:04
fennAssembly '/home/fenn/sandbox/GraphSynth.v.1.9.src/GraphSynthFiles/Representation/bin/Debug/Representation.dll' doesn't have an entry point.05:04
genethis isn't matlab05:04
kanzure_fenn: try building the whole project05:04
kanzure_fenn: and then run the Application_UI_thingy05:05
geneyou still have that john doe account kanzure?05:07
geneguess I'll have to download ubuntu my self then05:07
geneso that's why the server went down?05:07
genethat sucks05:08
geneis it still down?05:08
genedid you get throttled?05:08
kanzure_Go check?05:08
kanzure_I don't know about the throttling. That's a new bug to me.05:08
kanzure_fenn: Load up something from the input/ dir, then apply one of the things in the rules/ dir. Then you should get some stuff.05:09
genePonder this: there will come a day when there will be no betas05:10
fenni have nfc what i am doing05:10
kanzure_is it doing anything?05:10
fennit opened an xml file in firefox :(05:11
kanzure_how did that happen?05:11
fenni did file -> open swirlsomething.gxml05:11
kanzure_and then *bam* firefox?05:11
fenndoesnt help that half the stuff is off the screen05:12
kanzure_you can resize the window.05:12
fennno, there's a minimum pane size05:12
kanzure_there's a menu item that lets you resort the nodes in the graph, if you see any graph. 05:12
fenni got rid of all the toolbars and now i can see one line of shell output05:13
kanzure_I don't know why it opens firefox. Do you have some weird file clicker setup?05:13
kanzure_shell output? 05:13
kanzure_Did you get graphsynth running?05:13
fenni am still at step 1: http://fennetic.net/pub/irc/monocrap.png05:15
kanzure_yeah, I'm surprised opening up the sln file didn't work05:16
kanzure_when you installed monodevelop do you think it installed the compilers?05:17
kanzure_sln is weird. on the left in that list of directories I don't see the one that starts with the word 'Application'05:17
fennmonodevelop installed like 50 packages (100MB or so)05:17
fennit better fucking have installed some compilers05:17
kanzure_okay. good bet that it was there.05:17
fenn"solution" means "binary" more or less?05:19
fennthere's a lot of terminology i've never seen before05:19
fenni guess bytecode would be more appropriate05:21
kanzure_bleh? I don't remember seeing that option.05:21
kanzure_Try restarting monodevelop. The sln file is the project file and should be openable.05:26
fennwhen i open the sln it just acts like i opened the .suo05:28
kanzure_is there other GraphSynth.<something> files?05:28
kanzure_what's the full dir path that you find the sln in?05:29
kanzure_Same for me.05:29
* fenn googles on "doesn't have an entry point."05:30
kanzure_it means that you're trying to run the wrong thing.05:30
kanzure_the "Application_Search_UI" thing is what you want to run.05:30
kanzure_but it's for some reason not included in your left-hand list thingy in that screenshot..05:31
fennbecause the files tab is selected05:31
fennit's there in the solutions tab05:31
kanzure_oh good. try selecting it and right click and go to run or something like that.05:31
kanzure_also, if you go into GraphSynthFiles/the one that isn't rules or input or output/Release/bin/GraphSynth.exe05:32
kanzure_or whatever it is. just go see if there's a full exe.05:32
fennaha it worked05:32
fennright click on App_search_UI05:33
* fenn makes train derailment noises05:34
fennwow that was only like twenty seconds05:35
kanzure_did it give an exception about XML and input or output?05:35
fennUnhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object05:35
kanzure_you might have to replace "\\" in the files with "/" via the 'search 'tab. It's one of those windows-things.05:35
fennit opened the file fine05:35
kanzure_but then crashed?05:35
fennall the nodes were clumped together so i tried to pick them apart05:35
fennthen it crashed05:36
kanzure_I fixed this earlier today.05:36
kanzure_basically the problem is that the node name is null.05:36
kanzure_so there's a part of the system that reads in the nodes or something. 05:37
kanzure_it will be in the XmlIO files 05:37
kanzure_you want to do something like if(!(some var.Length==0) in front of a for loop that checks for arc names.05:37
kanzure_yay for being terribly vague. 05:37
kanzure_oh, it's in loadXml in the designGraphXmlIO.cs file.05:38
fennis there a way to kill just the app when it's misbehaving and not monodevelop?05:38
kanzure_it should be executing it separately, so killall -9 graphsynth should work (check ps -A or top)05:39
kanzure_but I've never had problems, I can always just close it via the 'x' button on the window.05:39
fenni should have been able to figure that out05:40
fennproblem is "about graphsynth" has no 'x' button05:40
kanzure_yes, well,05:40
kanzure_on KDE what I do about that is I send it to another desktop05:40
fennhmm then it drags me with it to that desktop05:41
kanzure_can you go back?05:41
fenni can send it to the bottom of the stack but then the pulldown menus dont work in the app05:42
kanzure_can you send it to another desktop, get pulled, and the ngo back to the other desktop? :/05:42
fenner... yes sometimes05:43
fenni didnt have this problem the first time (when it wanted to create a config file)05:43
fennthere's a text input box on "about graphsynth" that wants my attention05:43
kanzure_text input? I haven't noticed that.05:44
kanzure_you know what, this whole 'about' thing should be disableableble.05:44
kanzure_I haven't bothered figuring out how yet.05:44
fennforeach (arc a in arcs)05:45
fennis that the right place to put if(!(some var.Length==0)05:45
kanzure_below it05:46
kanzure_it should be looking for a.name 05:46
kanzure_is that true?05:46
kanzure_the reason why a.To.name and a.From.name fails is because the From and/or To object is not instantiated.05:46
kanzure_so, a good check is whether or not a.To && a.From == null or not..05:47
* fenn clucks disapprovingly05:50
fennlook before you leap coding05:52
kanzure_I'm not looking at the code at the moment, but I seem to recall something about look-ahead in the graph05:52
kanzure_is that what you mean?05:52
fennno, i'm referring to the "if some var == null" scattered throughout every function05:53
kanzure_is it already there?05:53
fenni'm not sure.. still figuring out what this stuff does05:54
fennwhat kind of IDE doesnt have code folding05:54
kanzure_a bad one.05:54
kanzure_kwrite does.05:54
* kanzure_ quickly learned kwrite's f11 05:55
bkerofenn: xcode :(05:56
* fenn opens the damn file in kate05:56
fennah much better05:56
geneI just thought of something that needs to be made06:18
genea program that scans forums for conspiracy theories and debunks them when it finds them06:19
bkeroI believe snopes has that covered06:19
fennany decent conspiracy theory can't be debunked06:19
geneI know06:20
genebut automically looks up snopes06:20
fennheh so i finally get the damn thing to compile and it still crashes06:20
genecars compile yet they still crash06:20
geneany way06:21
bkeroI think an autotroll would be pretty amusing06:21
geneI am trying to figure out how to make a program to troll a forum so I don't have to06:21
geneyes it would06:21
geneit would generate epic lulz06:22
genenow what would be really epic06:22
geneif you start generating a whole bunch of random garbage in a UFO forum06:22
fennbkero: if an autotroll trolls in the forest and nobody is around to hear, is it a troll?06:22
geneand see if they believe it06:23
genethere already is an autotroll06:25
genebut it doesn't autotroll forums06:28
geneit's so easy07:46
willPow3rdark chocolate m&ms are fucking gross08:30
willPow3rdont ever eat these disgusting nuggets of nastiness.08:31
geneI hear clone meat is tasty09:04
geneyou should try it09:04
kanzure_gene - Stop claiming you learn new things and then not explaining.10:57
kanzure_fenn: why is paul still going on about his triples?11:03
kanzure_"Remember, if immortality is outlawed then only outlaws will be immortal."11:10
kanzure_haha, classroom emailing lists suck. "Last night, one of my friends attempted suicide, so if somebody could take notes for me today that would be great. Thanks. I'm going to hang out with the others that were there. See ya." 12:21
kanzure_fenn: Did you ever send it to me?13:25
kanzure_How did Bram Moolenaar get his name on the vim startup screen?14:13
kanzure_I thought vim was some horrible monstrosity of a few hundred contributors.14:14
UtopiahGHMLIntelligence in Wikipedia16:03
UtopiahGHMLby googletechtalks16:03
UtopiahGHMLI can't access it, anybody else can? it was supposed to be the last video posted :/16:03
fennkanzure_: no, i didnt know what to write16:07
kanzure__fenn: the cad stuff is fine to write about. you'll get bonus points if you mention investigating the graphsynth codebase or something I guess.17:01
kanzure__New neurophysiology notes. http://heybryan.org/school/buildingbrains/?C=M;O=D17:05
kanzure__fenn: for paul's licensing BS, http://groups.google.com/group/gnu.misc.discuss/browse_thread/thread/df4b4363d544f766?pli=1 , how about just a "casting" command to "cast" a package with a certain license. I guess a synonymous word would be 'signing', but whatever.17:14
kanzure__castlicense -lLGPL my.deb17:14
fenn"a 17:22
kanzure__This was the idea of metatags on pages anyway..17:22
fenn user contributing an extension to a GPL'd work" is either contributing under GPL or violating the terms of the license, so it's their problem17:22
fennthe squeak "wah. ignore" strategy seems like the wrong way to go17:23
kanzure__all configure-make-makeinstall packages have a LICENSE file anyway. These are usually copies verbatim, so if Paul's so concerned then he should just do a diff/compare match and write a few notes with a markup language.17:24
kanzure__fenn: hm?17:24
kanzure__That the squeak community said ignore?17:24
fenni guess17:24
kanzure__http://home.comcast.net/~arid_shadow/interface.png <- Paul's still linking to this. I don't think he understands.17:26
kanzure__"Human Readable Text" getting the largest input field and a CAD file thingy for uploading .. it's odd, he seems to know technical details, but then he goes off promoting this sort of thing.17:27
kanzure__only so much you can do with another implementation of Wikipedia ..17:27
kanzure__(I know, I know, "but semantic mediawiki allows querying!" (yes, only if you know the ontology beforehand, which you don't. That's why you need to smash a few layers together.)17:28
fenni hate paul's license management scenario17:30
fennit's like DRM coming from your grandmother17:30
kanzure__Paul gets very offensive with licenses. To the point where I think he's bullying me/SKDB/ADL almost.17:30
kanzure__"Oh, you're not hip with GPL flashing over the place. You're evil until that's fixed."17:30
fennunfortunately that's the way it is17:30
kanzure__http://susaro.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/draft_consciousness_rpwl.pdf <- "Hard problem of consciousness solved", says Richard Loosemore. The abstract is all that matters, it's just some ontological dodging.17:31
kanzure__fenn: Not true. I am living proof that Paul is false.17:31
fennbeing a license nazi from the start is much less effort overall than realizing you goofed three years later and have to delete half your work17:32
fennwhen you're investigating large numbers of libraries and software to integrate, tracking down the license information is a big chore17:33
fennso yes, you should have a big red GPL stamp on the front page17:34
fenn(if that's true)17:34
fenn(which it isn't, in your case)17:34
kanzure__And yet here I am, with content in the repositories (granted, bad content (in the sense that the data sucks anyway)). Maybe Paul's theory is that it was the grace of God that got me this far, and not my copy button.17:35
fennno, he's saying you will get bit in the ass if you continue with this methodology17:36
fennsharing books on your server is one thing.. building a career on illegal information is a dumb idea17:36
fennor maybe that's what i'm saying17:37
fennpaul is saying he doesnt want to deal with it if it's "tainted"17:37
fennit sucks that we have "evil by default" as the de-facto standard17:39
fenni wonder if skdb/wahtever shouldn't have a human readable field, just to train people to not use it17:39
kanzure__what do you mean by that?17:40
kanzure__Where does human input come into play then? just wondering what you're talking about.17:40
fennif it looks like a wiki, people are going to assume it's a wiki and then just ignore "all that complicated metadata stuff"17:41
fennand then we end up with appropedia and no metadata17:41
kanzure__before /me forgets, I should get Hod Lipson's robot work to do robot ecologies for unstable mining operations, i.e. evolving robots that build better versions for the bad mining conditions.17:43
kanzure__so I'm wondering what actual data we're supposed to have.17:47
kanzure__Graph interconnectivity is relatively useless because of (1) how incredibly intense port connecting information from part to part would have to be, and (2) how we don't have that.17:48
fennmany product datasheets have Real Interface Specifications(tm)17:48
fennespecially if they come from a huge multinational corporation17:48
fennmost consumer crap doesnt come with a datasheet though17:49
fennso, electronics components in general are pretty good about this17:50
fennthere's probably even a digital format already somewhere that i dont know about17:50
fennthen there's stuff like NEMA17:50
fennfor electrical stuff like motors and electrical outlets17:51
kanzure__Yes, the electronics industry is pretty good about this.17:51
fennbecause they have to design complex things17:51
kanzure__Verilog/RTL/VHLI stuff is a good example of good design thingies.17:51
kanzure__VHLI is wrong.17:51
kanzure__What am I thinking of?17:51
fenni'm not really sure that's the same realm17:52
fennthose are more like "network topology" descriptions17:52
kanzure__Algebraic languages for descriptions of the logic to be implemented17:52
fennthere's no actual geometry or real physical units17:52
kanzure__It was my understanding that at some point they have to convert to that sort of in-house understanding for how they are going to implement, say, a transistor17:52
fenn~= CAM17:53
kanzure__and then they go off to the computational physics gurus in the university 17:53
kanzure__and they figure out how transistors work with various constraints, then take that information into account, avoid overlap scenarios, etc.17:53
kanzure__But that's because of the very specific research of the physicists.17:54
fennnot unless they are developing a transistor technology17:54
fennmost chips are 90% computer generated from design rules17:54
kanzure__Where do you think those rules come from? The vacuum?17:54
fennwith humans to tweak the layout, like on a circuit board17:54
fenni'm saying they dont have to write new rules every time17:54
fenn"Sorry, but I didn't know the patient needed heart  medication because I could not access a copy of the patient medication  records since the hospital DRM system payment account was temporarily  overdrawn." all too true17:56
fennhaha "Our current  copyright system is now in some ways like the American South before the  Civil War where black people (or now "creative works") were often  assumed to be a runaway slave unless they had their papers of freedom  with them17:59
kanzure__"minimum autodesign-capacity sufficiency: can the system sufficiently design the means to keep a small family (man, woman, pet and/or child) alive?"17:59
kanzure__fenn: That's not Paul, is it?18:00
fennyes and he goes on for another page or so in that vein18:01
kanzure__oops, I must have not clicked 'read more'18:01
kanzure__Is this on squeak? it failed to load for me18:02
fennnear the bottom18:02
* kanzure__ read it.]18:04
kanzure__Paul fails to provide me a meta-meta-meta-infinity license license license manager.18:05
fennnot necessary18:06
kanzure__just like licenses.18:06
fennlicense manager could bootstrap just as well as apt-get can bootstrap18:06
kanzure__if you're worried about licenses, I guess you should bring it up with the chmod people.18:07
fenni would certainly like to stop paying rent on this house i live in, for which the parasite who "owns" it reciprocates nothing18:07
fennbut then i would have to worry about dudes with guns coming, and having to schlepp all my stuff around18:08
fennanyway the point is for use as a *tool* not a cantankerous burden that you have to deal with18:09
fennthe legal system is enough of a burden as is18:09
fennthe tool is for avoiding unforseen obstacles, and reducing the amount of effort for investigating beforehand18:09
kanzure__this is boring.18:11
fennwhy should i support unptnt?18:11
fennthey look like double-alpha-secret capitalists to me18:11
kanzure__I figure if they end up having anything of value, they might slap up the AJAX-graph-stuff and feed us data.18:12
kanzure__I'm supposed to be doing some 'preference modeling of what a designer wants to see'. 18:12
fennwe dont need any more crap data18:12
kanzure__and this requires a lot of data.18:12
fennwtf is preference modeling18:12
kanzure__no, this isn't for crap data, this is for user input on what they like / don't like in terms of designs that they see18:12
kanzure__well, "I hate this graph. Show me another!"18:12
kanzure__"yessir. how about something practically the same?" "off with your head!"18:13
fennyou can do that with randomly generated or GA generated graphs18:13
kanzure__guess what I'm doing.18:13
fenni had this program for the mac plus called "blind watchmaker"18:13
fennwhich was essentially that18:13
kanzure__the substitution rules are randomly generated at the moment. so I have 2.9 GB of 1,000,000 rules (I know, stupid)18:13
kanzure__stupid format too, all XMLy and lots of overhead18:13
fennyou could "evolve" weird animals/plants or whatever (they were just IFS fractals i think)18:13
kanzure__*it's stupid18:14
kanzure__on the fly uncompression of the whole thing when you scan through the directory of rules to apply to a certain graph?18:14
kanzure__decompression. whatever.18:14
kanzure__That sounds even more computationally intense.18:14
fennwell, why are you using 1000000 rules?18:15
kanzure__because I wanted to emphasize that they were randomly generated18:15
fenndude, read NKS18:15
kanzure__we have a set of 150 useful rules that the last undergrad made.18:15
fennyou dont need a lot of rules18:15
kanzure__cellular automata don't do full recursion of the graphs fwiw.18:16
fennhe has a chapter on substitution systems18:16
fenneven a section on substitution networks18:16
kanzure__oh, okay. that's a good excuse for me to finally read NKS.18:16
fennbut the point is that the same characteristics appear in the system's behavior as with other simple sets of rules18:17
fennand also that more complex sets of rules dont yield more complex behavior18:17
kanzure__well the idea is also to try to figure out what to map user preferences to, so if you have only 10 axiomatic rules, that might not be enough to figure out what the user likes, whereas the larger rules which are found in patterns in reverse engineered systems and such, might be the "points in conceptual space" or whatever, that mathematically would be good matches and thus make for the things that you should push to the top of the queue for18:19
kanzure__gah, that's long-winded.18:19
fenn"push to the top of the queue for..." cutoff18:19
fennoh that was the end18:20
kanzure__"substitutions to make next"18:20
kanzure__was the end.18:20
kanzure__(in quotes too)18:20
fennoh well, i still dont get the whole substitution system concept anyway18:20
kanzure__Do you want to?18:21
fennwell i hope it actually contains value...18:21
kanzure__did graphsynth start working?18:21
fennit crashes a lot18:21
kanzure__the way the graph substitutions work is that you're given basically a "dot file" for all practical purposes, and you have your substitution rule that looks for a certain subgraph in user provided input; given a match, the "right hand side" of the substitution rule is employed, thus replacing the subgraph with the 'implementation graph' (CFG)18:22
kanzure__so if you see "import -> channel -> export" and you have a rule for "channel" to translate that to "GIANT METAL PIPE", then that's a valid branch to follow in the tree. Then you have "import -> GIANT METAL PIPE -> export"18:22
kanzure__and the only things left to change are input-> and ->export, the CFG part being 'untouchable'.18:23
fennwhat is this subgraph supposed to look like?18:23
kanzure__(unless there's a rule that manipulates CFGs too)18:23
kanzure__well, that's what the substitution rule file contains.18:23
kanzure__the left hand side has the subgraph to look for18:23
kanzure__and if it matches the user input, or current graph in the tree of possibilities, then you know you have a match and a possible way to do yet another branch18:24
fennwhat about multiple possible solutions?18:24
kanzure__those are accounted for, yeah18:25
fenn"accounted for"?18:25
kanzure__so if you see that it applies twice in the graph, then those are two branches to follow18:25
fennand you follow all the branches?18:25
fennseems computationally intractable18:25
kanzure__graphsynth currently "takes the user's hand down a path", so it's stochastic, one-off.18:26
* fenn grumbles about ghost diagrams18:26
kanzure__my approach was "do the computationally intractable thingy, until you get input from the user (asynchronous) telling you to stop going down a particular type of path, unless you've exhausted options, in which case you should just consider the user to be wrong/incorrect/inconsistent in his preferences"18:26
kanzure__fenn: grumbling about them to campbell would be fine methinks18:26
fenni'm still stuck with figuring out how to translate this paradigm into my own thoughts re: skdb18:27
fennit seems like a subgraph is an interface, and a rule is when two parts are connected, but i'm not sure18:29
kanzure__oh, that would be a neat way to do it, but unfortunately not.18:30
kanzure__okay, so the translation is that a 'graph' represents some system, like electrical circuits, 18:31
kanzure__and the 'substitution rules' would be generated from valid ways of recognizing nodes on the graph (components I guess) and then offering possible ways of reconnecting them18:31
fennbut if each node represents only a specific component, it would be very inflexible18:31
fennits like black boxing18:31
kanzure__yes, it is like blackboxing.18:31
fennpoop on that18:31
kanzure__turtles, remember? :-/18:32
fennits drafting18:32
kanzure__Not even drafting.18:32
fennyeah at least drafting conveys knowledge18:32
fennwhy is everyone doing it wrong18:33
fennfuck earth18:33
kanzure__we need you!18:33
kanzure__but really, it's obvious that there's more that could be done here.18:34
fenna NEMA 34 motor mount has four 3/8-16 tapped holes in a 3 inch square18:34
fennwhat is the basic unit in the graph, the NEMA34, or each of the bolt holes?18:34
fennand a square, and a 3 inch dimension18:35
fenni'm thinking the subgraph should be (square x 3/8-16 x 3")18:35
fennand who gives a fuck what it's called18:35
fennand if you only have M8 bolts, then you can fix the rule to allow a size range instead of just that specific thread size18:36
fennyou should be able to generalize it down to however many turtles you wish18:38
fenni mean the motor could be welded on, or duct taped on, or held in place with a rabid bulldog18:39
kanzure__the basic unit is the NMEA3418:40
kanzure__in the current setup.18:40
fennit's not a specific motor though, right?18:41
fennso i could pick any nema34 motor from various manufacturers18:41
kanzure__at the moment it's based off of labels (although more parameters could be added I guess)18:43
kanzure__so if your 'rule set' has a rule that is specific to a specific motor, then yes it is?18:43
UtopiahGHMLcan someone access the video of http://www.researchchannel.org/prog/displayevent.aspx?rID=27626&fID=345 ?18:44
fennUtopiahGHML: i'm going to guess no18:44
fennbut i'll try, JUST FOR YOU18:44
UtopiahGHMLfenn: you are going to make me blush :-#18:45
fennUtopiahGHML: there is no video for that talk, hence the green freedesktop-ish logo18:51
* kanzure__ goes off to chem.18:52
UtopiahGHML"Runtime:00:56:30" so how could there be no video? it has also been published on YouTube but removed right after it (Ive seen it on the RSS feed)18:54
fennmaybe the dreaded copyright beast attacked in the night18:54
fennwon't someone save us from this monster!18:55
fenninteresting series though, like TED18:55
UtopiahGHMLyep, and the SEED ones too and the VideoLectures.net too18:55
fennvideolectures.net is just droning MIT professors :)18:56
fennanyway did i mention i hate video18:57
kanzure__Screw chem. I'm too hooked on 'golly', the CA visualizer.18:57
UtopiahGHMLthey are just feaking lazy I asked for an RSS feeds years ago and they said "yeah yeah yeah we are working on it"...18:57
fennyou need an Autoverse simulator!18:58
fennoh, you never read permutation city18:59
fennautoverse = CA universe simulator that approximates real-world chemistry18:59
kanzure__fenn: but, if it means anything to you, the gear stuff can be exported to schematics/drafting for final results.19:05
kanzure__(since I have the 3D model anyway)19:05
fenn= "let a human figure it out"19:05
fennoh well its better than nothing19:05
kanzure__ok, ok, also an export to gcode if emc has its end held up.19:06
kanzure__*if it holds up its end19:06
fennyou cant really cut gears with a milling machine19:06
fennyou have to make a special cutter and then spin things at certain rates and positioned at various angles relative to each other19:06
fennit would be possible to do on a milling machine, but you cant just trace the outline with an endmill19:07
fennunless they're big fisher-price gears19:07
xp_prgkanzure__ any progress?19:09
kanzure__No. I've been doing other things.19:12
xp_prgok just wondering19:12
kanzure__fenn: best if you send the email sooner rather than later, since directional pushes away from sloppy graphs might be possible.. maybe.19:18
* kanzure__ sits around wondering what to do. watches CA.19:18
kanzure__Actually, I know what to do, I'm just not doing it.19:19
marcelkanzure find a girl to fuck!19:19
kanzure__basically diagnostics on the traversal algorithms for finding "placed" graphs within the trees that I want to see if the software will want to show me upfront19:21
kanzure__but the fundamental formatting issues still have to be addressed. I mean, it stores some of the useful information but not quite "all of it", but to prove this I'd have to have "all", which I don't, because the format doesn't have "it" (supposedly)19:21
kanzure__Boy this is confusing. :)19:21
kanzure__http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/making_open_hardware_possible?page=0%2C1 more licensing crap19:28
fennit's important to understand that article19:47
kanzure__http://heybryan.org/shots/2008-11-14_emachineshop.png <- Lookie.19:48
kanzure__I understand all of this licensing stuff, but that doesn't mean I want to.19:49
fenni feel the same way about cryptography19:49
kanzure__So I like how they have that link to matweb.19:51
kanzure__in the screenshot.19:52
kanzure__Material window.19:53
kanzure__Upper right.19:53
kanzure__They seem to be using their own proprietary 3D part representation.19:53
kanzure__dot "ems"19:53
fennrather useless link19:53
fenncan you click on the material names and see specifications?19:54
kanzure__right, what guarantee that they have the same exact materials inhouse?19:54
kanzure__no, only those numbers on that display there19:54
kanzure__but the "Compatible with .." message changes, which I like.19:54
fennoh, i guess there are more numbers and stuff if you scroll19:54
fenneh.. stainless is "compatible" with milling but it's a lot harder to do19:55
fennwhat is VR cost?19:55
kanzure__I don't know. /me moves back to that computer19:56
kanzure__variable relative cost19:56
fennderr.. is that like, dollars weighted for inflation or something?19:57
fennhey that's not your gear19:58
fennits a demo file19:58
kanzure__it's like relative material cost I guess.. "this is generally cheaper" ? I don't know.19:58
kanzure__this is just some commercial stuff from http://emachineshop.com/19:58
kanzure__I wonder where they are getting their material pricing information.20:00
fenntheir metal supplier probably20:00
fenni wonder how well emachineshop scales20:01
fennand data interoperability seems like a huge issue20:02
fennoh "simple just use our software from start to finish"20:03
fenn2.5D only20:03
kanzure__nope, 3D visualization was in my screenshot20:08
kanzure__they claim 100,000 units is an ok order20:08
kanzure__maybe they're using onlinemetals.com heh'20:08
fennwhat was the "deal" with onlinemetals you were talking about?20:09
kanzure__they want a backend for XML price quoting and order placement20:09
fennuh, writing software for them isnt much of a deal :(20:10
kanzure__it is if I get to use it :)20:10
kanzure__I mean, an open interface 20:10
kanzure__for purchasing metals and such.20:10
kanzure__'The so-called "Free Dog" organization ( Freeedaug ) meets in the Boston area and discusses gEDA and related topics.'20:12
fenngEDA certainly toots its horn20:15
kanzure__as it should.20:16
fenntoo bad it sucks :*20:16
kanzure__I've used it like, twice.20:16
kanzure__so I'm not remembering how it sucks.20:16
fennits about as bad as any EDA software i suppose20:16
kanzure__hm. so ngspice apparently takes a circuit and generates a simulator for that specific circuit.20:20
kanzure__which is the "each component brings some equations to the table" approach or something20:20
fenni wouldnt say "generates a simulator"20:20
fennit's nodal analysis (aka "lumped circuit model")20:21
kanzure__"The Spice Library. It takes a circuit description and builds a simulator from it." /ng-spice-rework-17/src/spicelib/20:21
fennit's pretty good as far as simulators go though20:22
fenncant do digital electronics though20:22
kanzure__oh really?20:22
kanzure__that's odd. why?20:22
fenntoo complex20:22
fennand you dont have the specs anyway20:22
kanzure__wtf, no results on sf.net for 'mechanical'20:23
kanzure__oh, but what about parts libraries?20:23
kanzure__and what's complex about it? 20:23
kanzure__I used to run a simulator back in high school for electronics20:23
kanzure__it was some commercial software package of course20:23
fennthere are some projects to integrate digital 'black boxes' into a spice-ish environment, for example qucs or ktechlab20:23
fennhmm maybe not qucs20:24
fennnot gpsim20:25
fennit's a hard problem20:25
fennthis appears to do mixed signals; 20:26
kanzure__I thought it would just be this messy hierarchical PDE (for a given circuit of some system)20:26
kanzure__well, not for digital circuits20:26
kanzure__what is the simulation supposed to do? timestep simulation?20:26
fennvs PDE? i dont know20:27
fenn"Variable time step in Simulation"20:27
fennlots of simulators there20:28
kanzure__apt-cache show model-builder, <- what's going on there? hm.20:29
fennlooks more or less like gnuplot20:31
* kanzure__ grabs half a GB of simulators in apt20:31
kanzure__five minutes to go. not bad.20:31
fenni like ktechlab, it's easy for beginners20:33
fennand since you should never trust a simulator anyway, that's about as far as it needs to go20:33
kanzure__come to think of it, why do I have rules at the moment20:43
kanzure__if they are randomly generated anyway, just say everything can connect to everything else,20:43
kanzure__then just keep track of what connected things were a /bad/ idea.20:43
kanzure__basically the same result ..20:43
fennmost of them will be a bad idea20:44
kanzure__'Automatic reconstruction of 3D solid objects from 2D orthographic views'21:00
* fenn is skeptical21:03
fenngod i hate doing self promotion21:50
fennit just sounds so cheesy21:51
fenn"And probably most important, I'm passionate about creating a new paradigm of personal and 21:51
fennopen manufacturing"21:51
UtopiahGHMLfenn: what about the very cheesy "democratizing innovation"? eventually referring to work from Erik Von Hippel22:13
geneyou there kanzure?22:17
fennUtopiahGHML: i dont care about "democratizing" i care about empowering individuals22:22
fennthe more empowered individuals the better22:22
UtopiahGHMLand work from Von Hippel isn't about that?22:24
fenni guess that is what he is saying22:24
fenni havent read it22:24
fennto me, "democracy" means majority rule22:24
UtopiahGHML(even empowering those http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-7625142738072469708 ?)22:28
kanzure_fenn: there's a certain amount of self-promotion that is legit and a certain amount that is bad-legit, like "most importantly I'm passionate .." <- (probably) bad. 23:12
kanzure_I should send you teh email I sent Campbell23:13
kanzure_fenn: Sent. His response was "When are you coming by?"23:18
kanzure_so he's somewhat more of a phone guy I guess.23:19
fenndid you already get and forward the email i just sent?23:24
kanzure_I didn't get.23:24
kanzure_when did you send?23:24
fenni'm confused, you just sent me an example? your own introductory email to campbell23:25
kanzure_ah, just got it23:25
kanzure_yeah, that's what I sent to him23:25
fennso " fenn: Sent." was in response to what?23:25
fennis he still at the lab?23:26
kanzure_fenn: Sent was in respone to my "I should send you .."23:27
kanzure_He's probably not, I sometimes catch him leaving and it's consistently at five.23:28
kanzure_in fact, all of my professors tend to leave at five.23:28
kanzure_So anyway, two things stuck out at me23:28
kanzure_first of all, campbell is like a comp sci guy somehow randomly in mechanical engineering, you see papers all out on his desk and they're from "European Journal of Graphical Network Theory" and so on :-p23:29
fennyes i gathered that much23:29
kanzure_so when you emphasize "get something done", you should also throw in something that says "applied algorithms are cool"23:29
kanzure_or something :p23:29
fennbut that's totally false23:30
kanzure_tree traversal is an algorithm.23:30
fennbut it's a trivial part of the whole system23:30
fenn"for loops are super neato"23:30
fennwell, yeah, for loops are necessary for an automated engineering system, i guess23:31
fennunless you use lisp23:31
kanzure_I know, they are trivial, but 23:31
kanzure_so you need to sprinkle in some graduate-level goodness I guess, 23:32
kanzure_worshiping algorithms might not be the way to do it23:32
fennyeah i wasnt feeling very inspired when i wrote that23:32
fennso it's just a glorified resume really23:32
fenni never took any comp-sci classes, or engineering classes23:33
fennso i have no idea what's "graduate level" in those fields23:33
kanzure_I guess I haven't either, and the ones that I have taken (AP comp sci, me302) have been jokes23:33
kanzure_bad jokes :(23:33
fennhowever i do know what is used in reality and what works23:33
fennso i dont see spouting off various tree traversal algorithms as being the right thing to do23:34
kanzure_that's fine.23:34
kanzure_oh, at the very end of the message is maybe the place to put "I have a bachelors degree." or a giant indicator saying "This is that graduate student you are looking for"23:35
kanzure_I know it's in your resume, but whatever.23:35
fennhaha but there's the catch23:35
kanzure_you don't?23:36
kanzure_oh that's right, you dropped didn't you?23:36
fennif i mention "graduate student" that files me immediately into the "i want to be a grad student" category23:36
fennno, i have a degree23:36
kanzure_okay, then indicate that you could do "full time" (whatever that is)23:36
kanzure_emphasis on VOICED is good .. a one-off link to the p2pfoundation.net blog post about it and quoting the paragraph, the one that talks about it, and then saying something like "I WANT TO DO THIS / kinda doing it anyway unless I have to go do manual labor."23:41
kanzure_anyway, besides that I think it's ok23:41
kanzure_we could do this a few ways. I could double check and see if he's most definitely looking for a full time person to work on the project, or you could just dump the email to him out of the blue.23:42
fennwhat else are they doing besides voiced and design repo?23:45
kanzure_some stuff on preference modeling, trying to figure out how to get the best thing out of the possibility space of designs, the gear stuff, sheet metal folding rules for graphsynth23:46
fennhuh. graphsynth does sheet metal?23:47
kanzure_it's just the substitution rules, so if you come up with a set of rules for a given domain, yes23:47
fennhave you actually talked to him about skdb?23:50
kanzure_so while he knows a bit about it, he's more interested in just doing stuff with the repository data more than anything, and since that data doesn't exist, there's not much that we can do with it23:52
kanzure_so, if there was to be some sort of good file format already available with more usable variables, I could totally push that23:52
kanzure_but all that we have is content of the format that graphsynth takes up, which leads to playing around with search trees more than anything else.23:52
fennwhere did the data come from? (who entered it)23:53
fenn(and what were they thinking!!!)23:53
fennProduct armadillo armor was added to the repository.23:54
kanzure_so we've talked with them, as I've mentioned, about possibly redoing the repository database format or whatever to capture the information that campbell is interested in (like the way that artifacts solve functions etc.)23:54
fennProduct puffer fish was added to the repository.23:55
fennProduct two component regulatory system was added to the repository.23:55
kanzure_is this recent?23:55
kanzure_note that the repository stuff is GPL'ed :) so that's good. not the data though.23:55
fennits not hard to write a data entry form23:55
kanzure_right, and their form sucks because you can get away with fucking up the db23:56
fennit takes a while to get good measurements of real world stuff though23:56
fenni would probably just make new data23:56
fenninstead of trying to save the design repo stuff23:56
kanzure_you might want to mention that in the email, if it's not too crowded.23:57
fennno, i dont want to tell him how all his stuff sucks in the intro email23:57
kanzure_probably a good idea.23:57
fennso, on a tangent23:58
fennwhat do you think about having a virtual environment to play with virtual artifacts in?23:58
fennlike the "love" environment23:58
kanzure_if you say the word 'simulator' in the email, or mention how you worship Hod Lipson (do you?), that is bonus points23:59
kanzure_love environment? I'm not familiar with that.23:59
fennhod lipson has a lot of cool stuff, ya23:59
fennhe also suffers from academic head-up-the-assness23:59
fennoh well23:59
fennlove = quelsolaar.com23:59
kanzure_hod is a friend of campbell, just for the record23:59
* kanzure_ checks23:59

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