
--- Day changed Fri Nov 21 2008
fenni'm not sure whether to root for the pirates or not00:22
fennthey should just launder the oil instead of trying to ransom it00:23
nsh-no, they should wire the oil up to a bomb00:34
nsh-that explodes if the tanker goes below00:34
nsh-(*dum dum dum*)00:34
nsh-4 knots00:34
nsh-it's be incredibly prolonged suspense00:34
kanzuredoesn't it travel at 3?00:34
nsh-makes it more of a challenge00:35
fennnsh-: i guess then they'd have to ramp the tanker off the edge of the world00:36
kanzureI wonder why they don't just bother stealing the tanker itself.00:40
kanzurethey obviously have some of the weapons they need, 00:40
kanzureand it's a great source of metals00:40
kanzurethey could then go steal twice as many tankers00:40
fennpirates dont build ships00:41
fennand besides, it's full of oil00:41
fennwhere are they going to put all that oil00:41
fennif they need metals they steal ships carrying metal00:41
kanzureno, I don't think they should build ships00:42
kanzurethey should steal them ..00:42
kanzurethat's what pirates do..00:42
kanzureand then use the ships to steal more ships, no?00:42
kanzureoh well.00:42
fennpresumably this generates money at some point00:43
kanzure+post on orions_arm about "forced transapience". 01:18
kanzurefenn, the naysayer is back02:00
kanzure"I'm not saying it's not possible, I'm saying it would not be optimal / efficient given the set of tools available to average hobbyist or DIYer today. Maybe I misunderstand - do you have an example of what would be a consistent way to describe a design and/or a manufacturing process?"02:00
kanzurethe example, I have02:01
kanzurebut the average hobbyist surely has some baseline set of tools02:01
kanzurehands to fold origami,02:01
kanzuretools in a shed, or friends with tools to make more tools, etc.02:01
kanzureit's actually a friendly naysayer, I don't really mind him that much02:16
fennif all you have are hands, even plain text english isnt the best way to describe something02:17
kanzuresay, do you have any gait issues?02:18
fennreference eric hunting rant about flat pack furniture and gundam toys02:18
fenni wonder why i can't remember the name of the company that makes flat pack furniture02:18
fennstarts with an I02:18
fennwhat gait issues in particular?02:19
fenni dont particularly enjoy walking long distances, most people seem to walk too fast too02:19
kanzurejust wondering, motor abnormalities02:20
fennIkea, hah.. i kept thinking  "Ikeda" (japanese last name)02:21
fenni've been accused of sneaking around on tiptoes on multiple occasions02:22
kanzurestealing cookies?02:22
fennalso accused of "posing" whatever that means02:22
fennnothing i could call a "defect" though02:23
kanzurehttp://geneoracle.com/ add to list of http://e-oligos.com/ http://mrgene.com/02:49
kanzuregeneoracle claims up to 1 KB/day02:49
kanzureHuh. House uses ultrasound at 100 kHz to make a little kid have alien hallucinations. But this on the brain-surface.02:53
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/DNA_synthesizer#Other_stuff added a list at the bottom .. 02:55
* kanzure wants a failblog02:59
kanzureNo, wait. A Fail Lab. 02:59
kanzureWe study teh fails.02:59
geneyou can't watch Haruhi on Hulu fenn04:51
genelol piracy05:50
genepiracy of lols05:50
kanzure_Alright, so we get it, it used to be a bomb bunker; but isn't the fog in the working spaces a little much?09:08
kanzure_Also, what's with publishing the schematic of the building?09:08
kanzureHi Aulere.09:16
AulereHi Kanzure09:23
UtopiahGHMLwho brought up the subject of stigmergic collaboration few days ago?09:36
fennpaul fernhout09:37
UtopiahGHMLknow what made him think about it?09:38
fennthese interlocking containers are neat - wish they came in more sizes than (18mm)^3 and 3x long09:38
fennoops, link: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.458009:39
fennUtopiahGHML: nope, he's into a lot of cool stuff though09:39
UtopiahGHMLok, thank you fenn 09:40
UtopiahGHML(wtf mind42 just drop my entire map or what...)09:53
UtopiahGHML(it saved it 4 times or more, published it and now it's empty wtf)09:54
UtopiahGHMLoh they have revisions, thank you oh great Flying Spaghetti Monster10:00
fennweb-based services ftw, i guess10:14
fennof course i'd rather have the file too10:14
UtopiahGHMLregarding web-based services I will soon start an AGPL server so if you have suggestion or ideas, Im all ears10:18
UtopiahGHMLbasically I dont want to have to rely on Google or other service providers, have my data stuck, not knowing what is going on, etc10:19
UtopiahGHMLand of course be able to plug in and out my data in all different ways10:19
UtopiahGHMLwhich is difficult with limited vendors API and not really in the FOSS spirit10:19
UtopiahGHMLanybody can relate to today Dilbert's cartoon? ;) http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2008-11-21/10:28
UtopiahGHML(using AJAX based tools with Vimperator and ClearForst Gnosis with Firefox starts to be pretty cumbersome)10:47
UtopiahGHMLEurekster just got eaten by Google with "Google wiki" or what?11:37
fennoptical finger mouse, for mobile computing: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.269512:28
fennhas a nice "borg" look to it, i say12:30
fennhmm apparently it has to be really close to the surface to work.. nevermind12:32
kanzureI'm so pathetic. The main thing keeping me from wearables these days is the plastic structure for a head mount.12:43
UtopiahGHMLwhen you say wearables you mind things like Emotiv/NeuroSky EEG headset?12:45
UtopiahGHML\you mean\12:45
kanzureUtopiahGHML: If you want something useful to do, go make me a Semantic Search Facilitator that keeps track and manages Google search sessions with what is basically a frame on the side of the window keeping track of recent searches and suggested mutations via filtering through WordNet.12:45
kanzureUtopiahGHML: No, those do not count.12:46
kanzureUtopiahGHML: I'm actually talking about the cyborg monocular head mounts.12:46
UtopiahGHMLthings on that direction http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/cyberpunked-living/socan-you-make-me-a-cyborg/ ?12:47
kanzureYawn, we've been talking about removing eyes since the dawn of man when it comes to transhumanism.12:48
UtopiahGHMLkanzure: regarind your desired "Semantic Search Facilitator" do you mean sth like http://www.exalead.fr12:48
kanzureI even suggested it to my gf, but she couldn't see it through. har har har.12:48
kanzureUtopiahGHML: No.12:49
UtopiahGHMLyou've tride their "narrow your search" pannel already12:49
kanzureI'm not interested in "narrow your search".12:50
kanzureArgh, you also haven't been listening to me I take it?12:50
kanzurewhy do I bother ranting if nobody's going to listen12:50
UtopiahGHMLfunny that you repeat this sentence several time with different person12:51
kanzureIt's not funny! It's terribly, terribly sad :-(12:51
UtopiahGHMLwell, communication is a difficult process but once again if you don't smile at adversity your life will probably suck12:52
kanzurethis has nothing to do with communication being difficult, and more to do with you not reading your backlogs or something.12:53
UtopiahGHMLright, I should know the whole history of this channel since it exists12:53
UtopiahGHMLI should also know the whole history of humanity12:53
UtopiahGHMLand the university12:53
kanzureideally :) but I'm pretty sure I've talked about it since you've been showing up12:53
UtopiahGHMLand the universe12:54
UtopiahGHMLthing is, I didn't make it (yet)12:54
kanzure make what ??12:54
UtopiahGHMLgather and understood the whole backlog of the universe12:54
kanzureI've still mentioned it numerous times since you've started showing up though.12:55
UtopiahGHMLand if you didn't it's in the log or the wiki Im sure12:57
UtopiahGHMLanyway if Exalead doesn't make it you can try http://www.altsearchengines.com/ they have plenty of alternatives12:58
UtopiahGHMLId personnaly just make a greasemonkey script to call wordnet API or whatever but that would only work with FF without modif12:58
kanzureI'm not interested in alternative search engines, wtf man.12:58
kanzureUtopiahGHML: yeah, exactly12:58
kanzurealso, greasemonkey does work with opera fwiw12:59
kanzuregreasemonkey userscripts, I mean12:59
UtopiahGHML(eventually using OpenCalais.com API too)13:03
UtopiahGHMLand I was suggestion altsearchengines.com because maybe one of those are actually already providing this kind of services13:04
kanzureDon't care, want my own.13:05
kanzureAre you going to make it or not ? You seemed like you were probing for things to do.13:06
UtopiahGHML(could also use DBpedia.org and redirections from wikipedia to refine I guess)13:06
UtopiahGHMLwell thank you for the proposition but Im already behind schedule13:07
kanzureUtopiahGHML: Have you ever used phpmyadmin?13:47
kanzureThere's this feature where you can select rows of results with your mouse. There's an onmouseover effect that changes the color of the tables, and if you click you select them (onmousedown). Simple enough.13:47
kanzureI'm wondering why gmail still hasn't implemented this.13:47
kanzureIt's hardly a huge change.13:47
kanzureHuh. Opera 9.6 finally keeps track of bookmark-creation-date when you add to the bookmark manager via drag-and-drop. Yay.13:51
kanzure_http://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&client=opera&rls=en&hs=rhW&q=mrgene+e-oligos&btnG=Search <- Aw. The results are me.13:56
kanzure_"And when man keyed the queries to the mighty search engines of the information age, what he found was his own face staring back at himself."13:57
kanzure_http://pni.unibe.ch/MailList.htm TMS mailing list from the "international society for tms"14:14
kanzure_http://pni.unibe.ch/Chip.htm "EMG amplifier"14:16
kanzure_http://www.sourcetool.com/ hm.14:40
kanzure_from http://www.tradecomet.com/14:40
kanzure_from http://searchenginewatch.com/355229614:40
kanzure_"The first speaker was Michael Doyle, vice president business development for TradeComet and the former VP Business Development of Thomas B2B, a division of Thomas Publishing Co."14:40
kanzure_"Doyle talked about "new directions in B2B search." He said, "Company product specification data needs to be published in indexable formats" that meet standards like the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC). This would "allow companies to include themselves in a standard index if they adopt general standards" or use software tools to classify their products, he added."14:40
kanzure_Too bad they just have a directory of companies that fit UNSPSC.14:41
* kanzure_ leaves.14:42
kanzure_overlaying seekda on that might be cool though.14:42
-!- Matt- is now known as Maattt15:59
MaatttWho are all these people?16:00
-!- Maattt_ is now known as Maattt16:54
kanzureHi Maattt.17:05
MaatttWhoa, you could have used my real name :)17:06
MaatttClass is over?17:06
kanzureIt's tab completion. Maa<tab> ==> Maattt 17:07
MaatttHa, cool.17:08
MaatttWas that a class only for super advanced people?17:08
MaatttCause everything went over my head :/17:08
kanzureIt goes over everyone's head actually.17:08
kanzureToday was just about different regions of the brain involved in figuring out from which direction a sound comes from as an example of some circuitry in the brai.17:09
kanzureWhich I guess kind of sucks since it wasn't about simulations :-).17:09
MaatttI was reading the first lecture that you typed up, about strong AI. It was very interesting.17:09
MaatttI think it's interesting how you actually type 'um' whenever the professor says it.17:10
kanzureHeh. Yeah, it's also kind of useless at the same time.17:10
kanzureStrong AI is a big topic around here (sometimes).17:10
kanzureHave you heard of things like 'the singularity' ?17:10
MaatttOf course. Machines self improve and self replicate to the point of overcoming anything humans can make!17:11
kanzureSomething like that.17:12
kanzureSo I've been invited to a meetup group for these topics, it's a transhuman/cryopreservation group in Austin, 17:12
kanzurecalled CryoFeast, a thanksgiving feast on December 717:13
kanzureThey want me to bring some UT students other than myself :-)17:13
kanzureThere's at least two others who are somewhat interested in attending17:13
MaatttDo you think I'd know what they're talking about?17:13
kanzureIt's all sorts of topics. Alcor ( http://alcor.org/ - and student discounts) and other various topics .. it's social more than technical at this point17:14
MaatttOh okay cool, I'll be glad to come.17:14
kanzurehttp://maxmore.com/ and http://natasha.cc/ are the hosts :-)17:14
MaatttIs December 7 after Thanksgiving break?17:14
kanzureisn't it?17:15
Maatttjust checking :P17:15
Maatttlol, messing with the emoticons17:15
MaatttThat's a guy with a hat.17:16
kanzureMaattt: Have you ever seen http://orionsarm.com/ ?17:21
MaatttChecking it out now.17:25
MaatttWhoa, that's crazy. It's like an entire server full of fanfic :D17:26
MaatttI'm going somewhere. How do I change my status?17:42
MaatttOh, got it17:42
xp_prghi all!18:04
-!- Maattt_ is now known as Maattt19:09
-!- Maattt_ is now known as Maattt19:25
kanzureHey Maattt.21:17
kanzureOh, that was two hours ago.21:17
kanzure_I guess he's the IBM side of the Blue Brain project.21:56
kanzure_http://www.bambam131.com/artofboolean.htm Spaceship models, schematics in jpg form not easy to see22:41
kanzure_but otherwise interesting22:42
kanzure_for instance,22:42
kanzure_http://www.metafilter.com/44422/Spaceship-renderings-and-I-dont-mean-melted-fat is where I got that from22:43
kanzure_http://origami.joyfulnoisewebdesign.com/index.php?starts_with=e origami model database (references only)22:44
fennorigami database sucks23:21
fennit doesnt even have any content, just references to dead trees23:22
fennphysicsforums guy's process SUCKS23:24
kanzureWhat if that's really how he did it?23:30
fennthat is how they do it23:30
kanzureand if it worked too?23:30
fennit doesnt mean i have to like it23:30
kanzurebut somehow it "works out in the end"23:30
kanzureand people don't seem to mind.23:30
kanzureI mean, the people that matter23:30
fennif you consider our broken, bland, backwards world "works out in the end"23:31
kanzurethat get to influence how to make projects happen23:31
kanzuregood point.23:31
kanzureMaybe it's all a scam, all that "profit"23:31
fennit is23:31
kanzure(being serious)23:31
kanzurebut then why do they claim their projects successful?23:31
kanzuremaybe we need a new success metric23:31
kanzureor none at all23:31
kanzureideally none :)23:32
fennfenn's (correct) design procedure:23:34
fennstart out with a vaguely defined goal, and lots of extra features23:34
fennlook around to see what's available23:34
fennthrow a bunch of crap in a room with three engineers and a coffee maker, and lock the door for a week23:35
kanzure_holy crap I've been using the wrong terminology re: MEAs23:35
kanzure_found via http://www.technologyreview.com/biomedicine/21699/23:36
fennthat's good news23:37
kanzureoh wait23:38
kanzurethis is just intercranial EEG23:38
kanzurewith macro-size electrodes23:38
kanzureIn the article they talk of a foldable mesh of electrodes that could be pushed through a tiny drilled hole, and then unfold within the skull, and stick to the brain with some wetness bonding agent23:40
kanzurebut 23:41
fennhow do they get it back out?23:41
kanzurethey go fishing I guess23:41
kanzureI also don't understand if they close up the hole, how would this be made to be wireless?23:41
fennwith purpletooth technology23:42
kanzureGoogle isn't being helpful23:42
fennjust some ultra-specialized implant chip23:43
kanzurethat's unfortunate.23:43
kanzureI mean, it's not easy to make those by hand23:43
fennit's not easy to make anything by hand23:43
kanzurein fact I'm not even sure how anybody ever convinced CyberNetics (or whatever the company is) to tool their semiconductor line for MEAs23:43
kanzureit's the one that does the Ohio MEA, the one with an 10x10 or 100x100 electrode array23:43
fennwhy do they need special semiconductors for that?23:44
kanzuremaybe this was just me making stuff up, that's quite possible23:44
kanzureI thought they were rolling these off the production line with the electrodes23:44
kanzureso they were manufacturing these using some etching process, but maybe not?23:44
kanzureguess I should go back and read the 'materials and methods' sections..23:45
kanzure_http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/neuro/32-channel%20microelectrode%20120%20mm.pdf <- this one just shows a drive connector thingy on a PCB wired up to the end of the electrode tips23:49
kanzure"100 1.5-mm electrodes spaced at 400-micron intervals"23:50
fennwell this is interesting; open source electric racecar (another project of vik olliver): 23:51
kanzureI wonder what the sponsorship on that thing will be.23:52
fennwell seeing how it's built i'd guess they already have sponsors23:53
kanzure"Look! We be green, we be sponsoring open source car."23:53
kanzurePaul's reply in "The Open Enterprise" might be his Markov debug log23:57
kanzuretake a look -- that's clearly a copy and pate 23:57

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