
--- Day changed Fri Nov 28 2008
bkeroHell, Lumbergh fucked her.04:40
-!- jihaaad changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: fags07:31
bkero:) http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/neil_gershenfeld_on_fab_labs.html07:53
jihaaadas your attorney, i advise you to FUCK OFF09:11
wrldpci'm going to need a lot of legal advice before this thing's over09:33
wrldpcmoney doesn't grow on trees yet does it?09:33
fennonly if you are an orange farmer09:33
wrldpci wonder if you could modify the DNA of a green leafy tree to the point where it literally would leaf dollar bills.09:34
wrldpcgood point, fenn.09:34
fennoh, damn. it was david carne, not david cary16:34
bkerokanzure: ping22:39
jihaaadbkero: pong23:01
bkerojihaaad: You're kanzure?23:08
jihaaadI am, yes.23:08
jihaaadThat, or I'm the resident irritable scientist23:08
kanzurehomeybit: Relink the ustream thingy?23:14
kanzurehomeOne of the issues with the brilliant plan of using origami over thanksgiving feasts to entertain the family is that you have to be damned sure that you can actually fold crease patterns. 23:15
* kanzurehome looks at his pile of wadded up paper23:15
kanzurehomegene: The spiral will be exported in a vtk file format, so theoretically there should be a program that converts VTK to something that a DirectX-based 3D viewer app uses. There might even be an implementation of VTK for DirectX.23:16
genehacherHey Kanzure guess what cost $450?23:31
genehacherif you guess MEA you guess right23:32
genehacheryou have to navigate around the site to the MEAs sales page23:33
genehacheroops I'm sorry MEAs really cost $8023:33
genehacherit's $450 for the recording chamber23:34

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