
--- Day changed Mon Dec 01 2008
fennwho's keeping who out of jobs?00:23
kanzure"the new master race"00:24
fennoh i see00:26
fenni really dont think genetics should be a part of "transhumanism" until we can actually do something useful00:27
kanzuretranshumanism is too vague, what are you talking about?00:27
fenntil then it's just medicine00:27
fennafter all, eugenics isn't really going to help anyone who's already been born00:29
kanzurethat's a nice counter argument to set people straight.00:29
fennfree gene surgery for anyone that wants it!00:30
fennmy problem with arguments against eugenics is you can say pretty much the same thing about cars or organic food or college education00:35
kanzuremeh, the issue IMHO is that WTA is giving out material that makes people think it's about eugenics and government politics00:36
fenni dont mind communist utopia dreamers, and we really "should" all have access to these things too00:36
kanzurewhen in reality the idea is personal enhancement, as personal as my computer's configuration00:36
fennWTA just wants to take over the world00:37
fennone donation at a time :P00:37
kanzurehow much pain have they caused me over the years by now00:38
kanzure"lots" ?00:38
fennmillions of dollars worth of emotional damage i'd say00:38
kanzuresign here: --> ________________________00:38
* fenn re-caps sharpie00:39
fennboth parents gone, i'm eating vegan food, and money in my pocket. i declare this a successful thanksgiving00:40
kanzure_http://www.ualberta.ca/~cwant/blender/stl.py   for face in mesh.faces:00:40
kanzure_if mesh.vertices[face[3]]:00:40
kanzure_didn't know STL was so simple00:41
fennthat's the point after all00:41
fennclockwise/ccw lets you know which is inside or outside (i think)00:41
kanzurebleh, I said I'd have this done by tomorrow, it's supposed to be simpler than this00:43
kanzurewhat's so hard about giving a program a list of points and then spitting out a 3D file format that is universally globally loved and accepted by everything00:44
fennwell? 00:44
fennhmm. two hours and two gigs of swap later, and acrobat isnt done converting this djvu->ps file00:50
kanzurewee, zip -R papers.zip papers/ is the wrong way to do it. zip -r is for recursion.00:50
fenni hate pdf as much as the next guy, but what is the point of djvu?00:50
* kanzure is the next guy evidently.00:51
fennhuh. origami has the same vertex-to-vertex requirement as STL01:00
kanzureremember me talking about unfolding 3D objects earlier today?01:01
kanzurein ASCII STL files, what's facet normal n_i, n_j, n_k supposed to be?01:10
kanzurethe n coords in particular, what do these represent?01:10
kanzure_'In both ASCII and binary versions of STL, the facet normal should be a unit vector pointing outwards from the solid object. In most software this may be set to (0,0,0) and the software will automatically calculate a normal based on the order of the triangle vertices using the 'right hand rule'. '01:12
fenni,j,k are vector coordinates like x,y,z01:16
fennfacet normal is the vector perpendicular to the plane of the triangle01:17
kanzureyes yes, wikipedia has schooled me.01:17
Ghost`Vegan food! Awesome01:19
Ghost`I wish i had the money to get organic too01:19
fenneggplant stew. i added caraway seeds though, which were totally not what i thought they would taste like01:23
Ghost`let me translate those names, justa sec =)01:26
Ghost`hmm.. sounds nice..01:28
Ghost`caraway seeds (just a sec)01:29
Ghost`ahh nice01:31
Ghost`my father likes caraway a lot01:31
fenni do too, usually, but these were very bitter01:31
Ghost`oh.. just thought to clarify something i said earlier, might have been misunderstood..01:37
Ghost`I said I only started downloading movies and series, etc, because the really important (for me anyway) I already did... besides wikipedia, and a more comprehensive dictionary (ies)01:37
fennit is often the case that there are no intermediate states -- no subsets of the creases -- that can be folded together, which would form the individual steps. For such a model, the only way to assemble the model is to precrease all of the creases, then gently coerce them all to come together at once with a minimum of bodging.01:46
kanzureI knew it! ..  I was feeling kind of cheaty when I was precreasing my superdog origami shape yesterday01:49
fennkanzure: http://chosetec.darkclan.net/origami/ironman/01:51
fennthat guy has some totally awesome origami01:51
* kanzure is listening to the Iron Man 2008 soundtrack at the moment01:54
kanzureI like the title: "The long term effect of an MIT education"01:55
kanzure*origami brain*01:55
kanzurehm, what's that gimp tool that takes an image and converts it into an outline form?02:01
fennit's part of inkscape (and imho works better if you use it in inkscape)02:03
Ghost` I like the title: "The long term effect of an MIT education"02:23
Ghost`LOL.. this is the title for what?02:23
kanzureLook at the link.02:29
kanzurethe origami/brain/ link that fenn gave02:29
kanzurefenn: ! I finally got STL output, load it up into blender and I see a damn cube. why do I see a damn cube.02:30
fennare your normals the wrong way?02:32
kanzureit said my normals may be 0 0 002:32
-!- genehacher is now known as gene02:35
kanzureviewstl correctly counts the number of polygons02:40
kanzurebut doesn't show anything.02:40
fenntry changing the order you write the vertices02:40
genewhat are you doing?02:42
kanzuregenerating an STL file02:43
genewhy are you using STLs?02:43
kanzurebecause VTKs were taking too long02:43
kanzure spiralgen isn't really spiralgen though, it's more like "make one cross section"02:43
genedid you make a model of a spiral?02:44
kanzuregene: the issue at the moment is that even though I'm making an STL file, blender & viewstl doesn't show it02:44
geneuse art of illusion02:44
genethere's a thing on the Reprap website on how to view STLs02:45
kanzurewhy wouldn't blender show it though02:45
kanzureI suspect it's my generator that is somewhat wrong02:45
kanzureblender just loads up a whole friggin' cube02:45
genebecause blender got fucked up02:45
kanzureand that's not what I'm displaying02:45
kanzure*what I'm generating02:45
kanzurewhy did you write it in Processing?02:46
kanzureand does it have STL/3DS/X/VTK output?02:46
kanzureIt has to be in a format that openfoam's mesher is going to be able to use02:46
geneit should draw a spiral02:46
kanzurefor CFD.02:47
genebecause I've been playing around with processing02:47
kanzurecan't just have a pretty picture :/02:47
genesomeone found out how to CFD in processing02:47
kanzuresure, if you write your own PDE solver02:47
fennsomeone found out how to fold animals from uncut pieces of paper..02:47
geneit isn't optimized so openFoam makes sense02:47
kanzurefenn: still oogling?02:48
fennno, i'm done02:48
fennuh, what?02:49
kanzureeyeing, I guess02:49
fennwell, i feel like i understand how it works now at least02:49
fenni can look at a crease pattern and see how to translate it into 3d 02:50
fenni still think it's a total waste of time02:50
* kanzure wants a program to fold crease patterns into shapes.02:50
kanzurefor what use?02:50
fennfor making paper models02:50
genethere's a program that already does that02:51
kanzureyeah, we're talking about it.02:51
fenntreemaker doesnt show you the 3d end result02:51
fenn(does it?)02:51
kanzurewebEOS shows you a 2D end result02:51
genein fact there's a program that can figure out how to fold stuff using cells02:51
kanzuretreemaker has a 2D view as well, but it sucks02:51
kanzuregene: why not just tell us the program02:51
genebecause I don't remember the program02:52
geneit was in Seed02:52
genefound it02:52
kanzureyeah, the MIT amorphous computing group 02:53
kanzurethere was no download though02:54
genenow if we could only grow cell sheets as strong as paper02:55
fenncells can grow though, unlike paper02:55
fennso you can make a sphere with no creases02:55
genenow what does it take to grow wood in a dish02:57
fennheh vat-grown lumber02:57
fennplywood would work better i think02:58
fennor rolled tubes02:59
kanzureokay, I'm going to go eat, then read through a few thousand pages of Hofstadter, and simultaneously somehow come up with the super big ADL presentation I'm doing tomorrow03:03
kanzureyay deadlines03:03
kanzure"I love the wooshing sound they make"03:03
bkerokanzure: Have you read An Eternal Golden Braid?03:09
fennthat's the assignment03:10
bkeroIt's painful03:10
bkeroI've read the first few chapters and did some of the exercises03:10
drazakdo you guys know of any researcher sin buffalo?03:14
drazakI live in buffalo, and I'm trying to get in some place and clean glassware and stuff03:24
kanzureVOICED guys in buffalo03:24
kanzureah, wrong type of lab my friend03:24
drazakanything biochemical/medical whatever03:25
kanzure<-- can read fast when he's physically  coerced into doing it.03:34
Ghost`hofstadter really have those many pages?!03:36
percenthey, fags03:57
percentwhat's up?03:57
percentyou guys busy being GAY?03:57
percentI'm having problems with ARCING in my VACUUM FURNACE03:57
percentand all the PHD students are too DUMB to realize it has JACK SHIT to do with the fucking VACUUM03:57
percentI literally had two phd students argue with me for ten minutes, insisting that the pressure readout was in torr, not mmHg03:59
percentthey would not listen to me when i told them that they were the same thing03:59
kanzurenext time I'll be sure to open the file04:10
kanzurebecause "0 1 0" for every vertex point is obviously wrong.04:10
percentkanzure: Are all phd students stupid04:15
kanzureYes, except for the one that did phdcomics. He was secretly the smart one.04:22
kanzure_http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=1093 oh god it's true.04:30
kanzureHrm, why don't we have a proper transhuman webcomic yet04:41
kanzureit'd be ridiculously easy to do04:41
kanzurea few panels about mainchar's crazy idea, last two panels about the consequences04:41
kanzureI used to run a webcomic involving characters that I had met online04:42
kanzureit ran for ~20 strips04:42
kanzurehm, when I use CADpart.py in /usr/share/vtk/Rendering/Python/, it shows a triangle going through a rectangle04:52
genethis reminds me of how mistreated our sonicator is kanzure05:14
geneit has fucking pits in it05:14
-!- percent is now known as jihaaad05:43
bkeroIf I had a nickel for every time I've heard that.09:14
willPow3ryou'd have a nickel?09:14
bkeroI'd have enough nickels to make a bag of realistic proportions to teabag you with.09:15
willPow3rfortunately, it doesn't require many nickels to do that09:16
drazakthat percent dude, maybe someone should tell me that torr=mmhg12:19
kanzurefenn: zip stopped at 2.1 GB for the zip file.13:37
kanzurefenn: Any ideas on how to tell zip to stagger the zipping process so that when the file size limit is reached, it starts a new file to archive in?13:37
kanzureand it was getting about 6% compression on each file13:37
kanzure_http://brain-game.sf.net/ http://neocortex.sf.net/ hierarchical bayesian memory-prediction-framework re: Jeff Hawkins13:44
kanzure_I wish I had a neat name like Vernon Mountcastle13:44
kanzureHeh. Sending in a book review an hour before the deadline and the professor replies within 2 minutes .. yeah.14:28
Utopiahsomeone know a script to visualize the genesis of a wikipedia page? adding/removing/re-organizing information in a fast animation (javascript/flash or even a generated video) with indicators (like stability of a specific sentence, tags, etc...) ?15:04
Utopiah(sth like http://www.research.ibm.com/visual/projects.html but thanks to which we can directly see the article evolve till its current state)15:20
geneyou there kanzure18:58

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