
--- Day changed Sat Dec 13 2008
geneKanzure you there?00:29
kanzure_"Instant AutoCAD drawings - automatically!"00:48
kanzure_"ERP to CAD" (enterprise resource planning)00:48
kanzure_note their oldschool-style form on that page for changing the parameters in a file00:48
kanzure_haha :)00:48
kanzure_"Our customers have created designs that include up to 3000 variables or in one case, 20,000 production drawings for NC (numerical control) use.  Multiple page drawings are possible also with Synthesis.  Use your existing configuration software or have us create an interface for you."00:49
kanzure_anyway, that's kind of odd that they bothered to do that in that style00:49
kanzure_http://www.bruno.postle.net/neatstuff/draft/ <-- guy using some yaml for splitting up large CAD files. except he doesn't have much.00:53
kanzure_"line-oriented data" <- hrm, I don't know if this is sufficient to describe everything00:53
kanzure_http://xspace.sourceforge.net/wiki/ "There is a Free and Open Geometry Data Standard wiki collecting together related information."00:54
kanzure_There useed to be a #cadfs apparently.00:54
kanzure_http://groups.google.com/group/open_cad_format/browse_thread/thread/23eac91d71b0e64e 01:02
kanzure_huh, nice to see Eric Wilhelm showing up01:02
genemaybe he wants to integrate it into instructables01:22
kanzurewell he's mentioned in the description of the group because of his CPAN contributions, so..01:23
geneinstant autocad software+ online patent database = win?01:24
kanzurewin what01:25
genewin is win01:25
genewin is a concept01:26
genebtw do you have any papers related to mitigating the effects of sleep deprevation01:26
kanzureactually, 01:28
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/neuro/ search for 'sleep' or 'deprivation'01:28
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Biology/ do the same search here too01:28
kanzureI think I have at least something on that ..01:28
geneI might be too sleep deprived to read those papers01:29
genebtw it's perilunarion01:35
geneas in the moon is at perigee01:35
ybitgrr, terrible link02:56
kanzurethe paper's on my server fwiw02:56
ybitoh :)02:56
kanzurethe one that starts with 'reconstruction' I think.02:56
kanzureor just sort by date.02:56
ybitnice to know, because i can't read much japanese02:56
ybitthe source was a link to a jap site02:56
kanzurethe publication was in english02:56
* kanzure is looking for autocad/solidworks/proe vba documentation02:57
kanzureapi reverse engineering :-/02:57
kanzure<-- is lame.02:57
kanzureHahaha. chm files! behold!03:00
kanzureyep, there we go03:05
kanzurehttp://objectarx.com/ gives downloads for the api to autocad03:05
kanzureand in particular I'm looking at the chm files in the doc/ dir via kchmviewer03:05
genethis might make a good screen saver04:54
kanzure_uh, criteria for inclusion anyone?22:33
kanzure_seriously how many of us have been in that situation.22:33
kanzure_and thought "hey, I should go check wiktionary!"22:33
UtopiahGHMLCloudSH.com is a command line interface to the web. It has many features of a traditional command line and many new features to take advantage of the web. cf http://www.cloudsh.com/home/tour.castle23:11
kanzure_interesting, my website is still referenced there23:19
kanzure_UtopiahGHML: if that's not a WSDL/OWL interface, I'll be sad23:20
kanzure_web scraping is very unstable.23:20

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